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|Synopsis=Following her latest performance at the Penguin Park's fundraising festival, Coco is approached by a foreign talent agent looking to expand her business into Japan's idol scene. Coco, finding the offer almost too good to be true, agrees wholeheartedly, and is invited to spread the offer to friends of hers that might have an eye on the idol life.
|Synopsis=Following her latest performance at the Penguin Park's fundraising festival, Coco is approached by a foreign talent agent looking to expand her business into Japan's idol scene. Coco, finding the offer almost too good to be true, agrees wholeheartedly, and is invited to spread the offer to friends of hers that might have an eye on the idol life.
|Cast of Characters=2,55
|Cast of Characters=2,55
|Tinyplot=Yurari Dream Chronicles

Latest revision as of 00:19, 29 April 2024

Yurari Dream Chronicles -- Catch A Rising Star!
Date of Scene: 27 April 2024
Location: Penguin Park - Animal Kingdom
Synopsis: Following her latest performance at the Penguin Park's fundraising festival, Coco is approached by a foreign talent agent looking to expand her business into Japan's idol scene. Coco, finding the offer almost too good to be true, agrees wholeheartedly, and is invited to spread the offer to friends of hers that might have an eye on the idol life.
Cast of Characters: 2, Coco Kiumi
Tinyplot: Yurari Dream Chronicles

Maya Panchal (2) has posed:
The Penguin Park Animal Kingdom had been organizing for its latest round of fundraising. And of course, as a known 'local celebrity,' Coco had been contacted to see if she'd be willing to lend her voice to the proceedings.

She was, of course, one of many singers signed up to perform over a three-day festival, but she was lucky enough to land a prime slot; early evening on Saturday, still early enough for younger visitors to catch her set, but late enough for the lighting and stage effects to add *punch.*

And a crowd had gathered, indeed, for who can truly resist the pull of a mermaid's song?

Coco Kiumi has posed:
When Coco had started this out last July, she didn't expect rumours to spread enough that she would start getting contacted over it. After all, the main reason she'd chosen to do that was because the more usual methods of contributing to a charity were out of her reach, with the South Pacific kingdom still in the process of being rebuilt (that, and she lives for singing, but that was more of a pleasant side benefit). So that's how it became a thing that stuck, even when life had more or less gotten back in order.

Today she is pleased to see that things are proceeding regularly, with her singing mesmerising the crowd's hearts and spreading joy and cheer. Between the applauses that tended to come when she hit those brief pauses between one song and another and the pleasant atmosphere, this was always an event to be remembered for everyone involved, and rare were the cases where people left the premises without any kind of donations, at least for those that could had a stipend that allowed that particular use of money.

Still smiling fondly to herself while reminishing fondly of those in the audience that started swaying in lieu of a more proper dancing that would have happened had this been the venue for it, Coco steps away from the mic, leaving space to the singer next on the list, a wave of encouragement by the mermaid for the upcoming set.

Maya Panchal (2) has posed:
"You looked like you were having fun up there," says a voice behind Coco, in obviously foreign and heavily accented -- but at least understandable -- Japanese. Its owner, when Coco turns, is a short, slightly plump woman with dark skin and darker hair, done up in a businesslike bun to go with a cream-and gray business suit. Her smile is genuine, and light up her kind eyes as she dips her head in an approximation of a bow.

"May I ask, what's your favorite thing about performing on stage? Call it curiosity, if you like."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco was half-tuning out the murmurs of the crowd that was now showing appreciation for the next singer, so it takes her a second to realise the woman is talking to her. Turning around and walking back the few steps she took after that realisation, she looks at her interlocutor, noting her businesslike appearance first. 'One of the one of the organisers? I don't remember her', the blonde girl thinks, dashing that first impression and responding in kind to the friendly smile she has been greeted with.

"Oh, yes, I was", Coco replies joyfully, her voice letting a bit of that surprise to seep through. She may not be sure about the woman's intentions, but she is quick to be on good terms towards the businesswoman, with the warm approach she is adopting towards her. "Singing is really my passion: pouring my heart in it and letting the songs guide my emotions outwards is what enriches the notes of my voice each time. And in these cases" - she nods towards the stage - "it's especially powerful noticing seeing my emotions mingle and act in unison with that of the people that come to listen to me."

Maya Panchal (2) has posed:
"I see, I see," the woman murmurs, clasping her hands in front of her for a moment. "There is an energy on stage that's hard to find anywhere else, isn't there? You perform *for* people, but during the best shows, the audience takes what you've given, and gives it *back,* pushing you to give even more in reply... Ah... it's a lovely feeling, isn't it?"

Shaking herself out of her reverie, she clears her throat. "...I'm sorry, here I am making you listen to me wax poetic, and I still haven't introduced myself." Bowing from the waist, when she straightens, she holds out a business card for Coco to take. "Maya Panchal, Shine PR. You won't have heard of us, but I've had my eye on you for some months, now."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
There was no indication Coco is minding Maya's 'poetic waxing', as she put it, and she certainly finds herself in agreement with the way the dark-haired woman summarised the situation. On the stage, her performance is for people, and she can't deny it has its own way to energise her. She nods in assertive agreement before bowing too and taking the card.

"Oh, really?", she exclaims flattered by the attention, but also wondering whether Shine had noticed her surname 'reveal' during the gala event for Princess Dia that wasn't turning up anywhere prior to that. She glances quickly through the details of the agency before setting her attention on Maya again. "It must not be necessary then, but my name is Coco Kiumi, it's very nice to meet you, Panchal-sal. What can I do for you?"

Maya Panchal (2) has posed:
"Honestly?" Maya says, her smile widening into a delighted grin. "It's less a matter of what you can do for me, but, what I -- and Shine -- can do for *you,* Miss Kiumi. You see, a while back we had some... notable success, back home. Enough that I've been able to put into motion a fancy I've had for some time now."

Turning, she sweeps an arm out to encompass the stage, now taken up by the next performer. "I want to branch out, Miss Kiumi. I want to raise up promising young talent, and get their voices heard by a much larger audience. I want to see great potential become great *performers.*"

Letting her arm fall to her side, Maya raises her eyebrows. "I want to break into Japan's idol industry, and I would like to know if you'd be willing to help form a group."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco raises an eyebrow over the the speech she is given by Maya, being unable not to notice that the businesswoman is trying to dress this up as a favour Shine is doing to her, and yet at the same time revealing that they are trying to claim a place in Japan's idol sector. At the same time, she can't deny that she has quite a lot to gain too, being able to pursue her passion even further. Of course, she has her own special audience, or will have once she will go back home, and she enjoys singing to herself too, but that's not grounds to discard the proposal.

Instead Coco spends a minute pondering it, her gaze turning upwards as she thinks, not really seeing the ceiling despite currently looking in that direction. Because the idea entices her. She is going to perform for far more people, investing her passion to a much wider. Isn't that - as Maya put it earlier - lovely? "I am willing", Coco replies, her eyes shining over the idea. "I really want to work for it, and help build this group", she smiles.

Maya Panchal (2) has posed:
"Excellent!" Maya says, her kind smile turning into a wide, beaming -- and, oddly, vaguely familiar -- grin. "Now, while I appreciate you agreeing at simply the pitch, it *is* important that when you come in to sign, you're aware of what you're signing *for.*"

Extracting a folded brochure from her jacket's inner pocket, Maya approaches Coco, unfolding and offering the booklet to her. "And that is... access to choreographers and public-relations people, a small but vicious legal team -- you never know when a problem has to be solved in court -- as well as our agreement in writing that we'll match your earnings in donations to the charities of your choice. Admittedly we're rather proud of that last one... Shine PR was always meant to be an agency interested in leaving the world better than we found it, and most of our talent has diverse, but *extremely passionate* and important causes to support."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco doesn't connect any dots over that smile even if does feel like it's tugging at something in her memory. A mental shrug follows when she decides that she will recall what it is about when she isn't busy hashing out the details of this work offer. She reads intently the brochure that is offered to her, the only noise coming from the paper unfolding. They do present an upstanding image, that's certain, and the attention to detail is to be appreciated too.

"I think you have good reason to be proud of it", Coco replies in praise and support of the direction they have given to Shine PR. "Though, my agreement probably comes as no surprise, given my presence here", she grins in acknowledgement of her statement's obviousness. "But no matter my being blatant. You are clearly used to holding your own, and so this leaflet has only made my conviction stronger. When it comes to me, there are several causes I support, but the ones I really hold onto tightly is the fight against poachers, so my participation would see things move in that direction."

Maya Panchal (2) has posed:
"Absolutely understandable, Miss Kiumi," Maya says, extending a hand. "Then for now, let's consider the rest a formality. You'll find our office's address on the card, and the number is a direct line to my personal assistant. If she can't get me immediately, she'll likely know how to help you."

The older Indian woman nearly sparklles with quiet delight, as Coco makes the depth of her approval quite plain. "Ordinarily we'd ask you to come in to audition, but... Being that you're the first, it's more that we'll want to get a more in-depth feel for your personal style, as you'll be the anchor the group forms around. Also, if you know of any other performers you think would be a good fit? Feel free to let me know, if they'd like to audition, and we'll set up a time and place."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
It sounds like Shine PR already have a good base for their idol group, Coco thinks with a last glance to the papers she has been given. "I will come to your offices very soon, then", Coco confirms to Maya when she brings the mermaid's attention towards that information. "Thank you a lot, you will hear from me very soon, and same goes for my style."

Placing both business card and leaflet with the rest of her stuff, Coco adds. "That sounds all quite good, and I already have some ideas for good additions to the team. I will bring it up with them, and then let you know, hopefully the next time when you will hear me singing, if not via phone. Does it work with you, miss Pachal?", Coco asks, her wide smile and shining eyes betraying the excitement she feels.

Maya Panchal (2) has posed:
"That would be *wonderful,* Miss Kiumi. Sadly I must go, but... I *very* much look forward to the next time we meet, truly. Have a wonderful night!"

With a second bow, the little woman slips into the crowd, managing to lose herself among the festival-goers without terribly much effort. It's mostly a matter of how short she is, for a suit that contrasts that much is easy to spot here and there, but...

A foreign woman has just appeared, and offered Coco a chance at a greater magnitude of celebrity. And not just her, but any friend she has that might be interested.

How often does *that* happen?