Reference Material

From Radiant Heart MUSH
Reference Material
Date of Cutscene: 09 May 2024
Location: Via Text
Synopsis: Ami is doing research into some new thoughts she's having, and texts Mamoru for his opinion.
Cast of Characters: 122 38

(PHONE) Ami Mizuno texts: Sorry to bother you but I was hoping I could ask for your insight on a topic.

(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: oh you're never a bother! what's up?

(PHONE) Ami Mizuno texts: Do you think I would make a good girlfriend?

(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: ... i think you'd be good at literally anything you decided to put your effort to. that one, though, it depends on who for.

(PHONE) Ami Mizuno texts: Well I'm not very good with boys. I like them! I just get very nervous and I'm not sure how to deal with them. I really ought to talk to Tadase-kun as it is. I don't really think there's anything there.

(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: maybe you're just not into boys. have you considered girls?

(PHONE) Ami Mizuno texts: That is what I'm considering. (PHONE) Ami Mizuno texts: I think maybe it's more I'm into the person though.

(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: i think there's a reason you're the senshi of wisdom (PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: you're also not obligated to date anyone.

(PHONE) Ami Mizuno texts: I know. I think I'd like to kiss someone though.

(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: ask usagi if you can kiss her :D be honest about why

(PHONE) Ami Mizuno texts: That's who I'm considering. So that would be okay with you?

(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: sure! as long as it's okay with her, of course

(PHONE) Ami Mizuno texts: Of course. I don't think I'd want to kiss someone that doesn't want to. That would be creepy. (PHONE) Ami Mizuno texts: Thank you for talking, Mamoru. I'll ask Zoi the best way to kiss someone. You're too tall for reference.

(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: wheeze (PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: you are very welcome 🤣 }}