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|Synopsis=Kyouka texts Himeko following their dream conversation.
|Synopsis=Kyouka texts Himeko following their dream conversation.
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Revision as of 01:44, 5 September 2023

Texts: just text me next time plz
Date of Scene: 04 September 2023
Location: Radiant Heart Academy
Synopsis: Kyouka texts Himeko following their dream conversation.
Cast of Characters: Kyouka Inai, Pyrite

(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: hey ghostal
(PHONE) Pyrite texts: Good evening, Kyouka-sensei. Is all well?
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: yeah but hey whats with the dream thing. you have my number can't you just text me next time? it's not that i don't appreciate the input and i don't mind talking with you but there's a lot of stuff in my head and/or my past i'd prefer not to risk getting out
(PHONE) Pyrite texts: I'm sorry. I can't enter your head. My dream spilled, and back then was the only time I knew your location. Unfortunately, I wasn't there back then, so I had to bring the you of now back to back then so we could speak privately.
(PHONE) Pyrite texts: In order to avoid having the discussion on something people could spy on, like a phone.
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: never stops darien. anyway that's fine. although i don't understand why you felt the need to stick this particular macguffin on me.
(PHONE) Pyrite texts: I guess I wanted to reach out to you because you are the only person I know on the other side who is already in-the-know and wouldn't expose me or my family to danger. Maybe because you fought Onii-chan in my territory so I already knew it was a location we both shared a connection in, even if indirectly? I don't know. Dreams and memories get mixed together sometimes.
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: no that's not what i meant. i get all that, and you're right. i do want to help you and your family. its just the... thing you mentioned. im keeping an eye on the situation. but it's not mine to mess with.
(PHONE) Pyrite texts: I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you mean. The... Tokyo thing?
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: no i... look if you don't want to talk about it on the phone there's only so much i can say. we should talk again soon in person. not in my dreams next time, plz
(PHONE) Pyrite texts: Oh, certainly! I would enjoy that. And also, yes, it might be... Prudent. But I apologize again for the burden I've placed upon you. If there is another you feel would be a better fit, I can approach them instead.
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: no... this is about darien, right? about helping him. thats why you came to me. i have stakes in this you can't know about. you were right to come to me. i just want you to understand there's a limit to what i can and can't do right now.
(PHONE) Pyrite texts: Darien-onii-chan, yes. And everyone else. I don't want people getting hurt or dying when they don't have to. Anything you can do is appreciated. If you need help from me, I will also do what I can do.
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: i appreciate that. and believe me, i am working on the problem.
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: oh, himeko-chan. answer a question for me
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: were you ever human?
(PHONE) Pyrite texts: Was I... *.... .... ....* ...What? Am I... Aren't I one now? I know my body is a bit... ...But no I made it recently and...
(PHONE) Pyrite texts: *Ghost BSODing*
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: interesting. look there's nothing wrong with not being human. i'm pretty sure i haven't been strictly human for a while now. but i was just curious. something a cat said to me.
(PHONE) Pyrite texts: I... I don't know. I don't remember everything. There's... Things I can't know yet, because they haven't happened. Or things that happened that it's not time for me to know about. Even... Realizing that... Is something I couldn't have done until recently... I just remember... A long time ago. Fire. Smoke. Darkness. And a blade going through my
(PHONE) Pyrite texts: sorry, I need a moment
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: its not important. to me, i mean. sorry. apparently being human makes you less trustworthy to certain felines.
(PHONE) Pyrite texts: Oh... Not my feline then. Shiro loves me very much, and I love him. Um... Does a fallen kingdom from long ago mean anything to you or your feline friend?
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: calling this feline my friend is a stretch, i think she's rather cross with me at the moment. regardless, i may have some knowledge in that arena, yes.
(PHONE) Pyrite texts: Okay. Then I think that might be relevant to whatever we discussed in the dream. I feel like there was more than what I can remember right now. I just know there was a fallen kingdom and many people dying and... Hungry darkness that wanted to eat the Light. And a mother who was very sad, and a daughter who was stabbed, and...
(PHONE) Pyrite texts: I don't think I'm supposed to remember any of this yet. Things are breaking inside of me, and there's a princess of light waiting to be awakened. I think I might have known her.
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: Please don't break Himeko-chan. You don't need to remember yet if it's too soon. But I'd like to know if you think you were related to that kingdom. When you can remember that. You don't need to answer me right now.
(PHONE) Pyrite texts: Yes. Related is the right word, I think. It's very ambiguous and also specific enough for us to understand the implications. Related is safe. I am... Was... Related to that kingdom.
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: i see. fascinating. or maybe not. it's too early to tell. thank you for answering my question.
(PHONE) Pyrite texts: You're welcome. I'm sorry I couldn't be more specific. I'll probably be discussing this with you in our dream last night now that I know about it, but I don't know the context still. So, apologies if I am mysterious. I, too, am without context.
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: you've given me a lot to think about. i'm sure some of it will be useful.
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: don't worry himeko-chan. i'm pretty sure there's a way out. or back. whichever you prefer.
(PHONE) Pyrite texts: As long as I'm not alone again in the end. I hope you and your cat stay safe.
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: she's not my cat! and safety isn't my natural state. but i'll be fine. watch out for yourself. and darien.