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|Date of Scene=2023/11/04
|Date of Scene=2023/11/04
|Synopsis=The Culture Festival takes a twist when Sailor Eclipse attacks Grade 9 Class C's Test of Courage! Usagi Tsukino has been akumatized - and with the power to turn people into toys, she's having a ''great'' time! A cohort of heroes steps up to save the day - but they aren't able to prevent her from fleeing the scene with Naru Osaka. How could they? It was Hematite who spirited her away.
|Synopsis=The Culture Festival takes a twist when Sailor Eclipse attacks Grade 9 Class C's Test of Courage! Usagi Tsukino has been akumatized - and with the power to turn people into toys, she's having a ''great'' time! A cohort of heroes steps up to save the day - but they aren't able to prevent her from fleeing the scene with Naru Osaka. How could they? It was Hematite who spirited her away.
|Cast of Characters=43,59,71,27,38,150,47,45,55
|Cast of Characters=43,59,71,27,38,150,47,45,55

Revision as of 06:54, 3 November 2023

Lunar Eclipse
Date of Scene: 04 November 2023
Location: Classrooms
Synopsis: The Culture Festival takes a twist when Sailor Eclipse attacks Grade 9 Class C's Test of Courage! Usagi Tsukino has been akumatized - and with the power to turn people into toys, she's having a great time! A cohort of heroes steps up to save the day - but they aren't able to prevent her from fleeing the scene with Naru Osaka. How could they? It was Hematite who spirited her away.
Cast of Characters: Usagi Tsukino, Naru Osaka, Cho Konishi, Minako Aino, Mamoru Chiba, Adrien Agreste, Nanoha Takamachi, Makoto Kino, Coco Kiumi
Tinyplot: Lunar Eclipse

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Today is the day! The day that Radiant Heart Academy's school body has been waiting for! After weeks of work, of class reps guilting innocent students into labor, of posters and reminders and clubs hounding after students, it's finally all come together, in one glorious weekend!

It's Saturday, and students are lined up with booths outside, and guiding visitors to their classrooms, their booths, their set ups and dreams and everything they've put into all of this. For one class, that everything is a Test of Courage: a scary tour through the maze built inside their classroom! Spider webs, paper spiders, plastic spiders, and other creepy crawlies line the exit, and on the inside, a mist machine sets a chill, eerie environment. A high pitched SCREAM rends the silence before a zombie starts limping towards the new entrant!

It's a recording, as those who take the test multiple times will find out - a recording taken of one particular student who hates all of this. Anyone wandering around will probably hear that scream, and come to investigate. All the signs for a test of courage will take any urgency out of it.

And if that's not enough of a reason to check it out, the people running away in abject terror probably are! Anyone walking through the classroom halls will see the small crowd of people running away from Grade 9 Class C - the sponsor of this oh-so-frightening test of courage.

Naru Osaka has posed:
That recorded scream is oh so very very familiar. Naru has been hearing it for days.. weeks at this point. She hadn't actually realized that her classmates had recorded The Scream, but Naru honestly isn't even a little bit surprised. She is part of Grade 9 Class C, but just on her way back to the classroom after picking up some more papertowels.

Naru is expecting people to be milling around, heading for the classroom and the Test of Courage.. not running away.

Naru sighs. It's a longsuffering sigh. When in doubt, run towards The Scream. She hurries to go see what's gone wrong /this time/.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi was, welllll... alas, she didn't truly know WHAT her class was doing for the festival. At least, not traditionally. Of course she DID know... But she was more focused on the paperwork than anything else. As a member of the student council, festivals like these were INCREDIBLY important and making sure everything was going on point was very important.

Annnnd there was a scream. She started towards it, then paused, glanced down and... Oh. Class C. Test of courage. Annnd everyone... running...... away... "Please don't run in the halls!" she called out to them as she walked against the grain, lightly flipping through it. "That was a really good scream, heh, haven't seen a test of courage have that many runners since... uhhhh... since..."

And then she looked up, just a few feet from the door. "Uhhhhhh... ever... actually..." she mumbled. Ehhhh... How... bad could it be? Obviously it was just... things going... a bit too couragy, right? She peeped into the room. "Hello? Konishi, from the student council? Is everything okay?"

Oh this was soooo going to go poorly. She had that feeling going down her spine... but she'd feel like an idiot if she henshined for a test of courage and it was nothing.

Minako Aino has posed:
Halloween, a chance for mischief, a chance for fun...a chance for Minako to enjoy herself. Of course, one might think it strange given that she'd spent much of the last couple of years as a costumed heroine, but it seemed Minako truely found some fun in this little celebration.

Of course, it wouldn't do for a champion of love, beauty and justice to be some horrific zombie, so Minako had was dressed in a cute black sweater dress, a little pair of fangs in her mouth and her usual ribbon replaced with a cute little skull barette to one side and some makeup to complete the 'cutie vamp' look.

She might not be part of this particular torment, this particular mischief, but the scream indeed caught the ear of the girl who was almost certainly in the midst of texting Rei. Maybe she'd actually manage to succeed in getting the miko to dress up, maybe not, but the thought is vanished as she starts to briskly make her way towards the source. Still it was Halloween...but she just had to be sure!

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
Just passing that hallway is enough to make tenth grader Darien Shields nearly lose his mind: he knows that scream, and he books it, that's terror--

He books it against a sea of people who are also terrified, but he doesn't see a very important pair of odango atop a blonde head in the fleeing crowd, but at least he can see over most of their heads. "Usagi? Usako!" he calls, not sorry when he elbows someone who pushes him, but then at least he sees Naru's red hair, and he aims for where she's going.

(He's been a little too busy with real monsters to pay any attention to the fake ones.)

Adrien Agreste has posed:
There were so many costumes that someone could dress up in, but 'dressing in costume' wasn't really something that had caught on mainstream in Japan yet. Nor had it caught on in France which is why it didn't even occur to Adrien to get a costume until the absolute last minute. He'd already used the tux and devil mask at the ball, so tonight he was just wearing the vest, shirt, and slacks so that he was more of a handsome devil as opposed to an actual devil. There's two little red dots on his neck from someone's borrowed lipstick so that he could claim to be bitten by a vampire.

It's what you do last minute for a quick costume.

He was just on his way to check out some of the other classrooms activities when the scream goes off causing him to wince. "Ah, guess they managed to get that recorded in spite of Usagi not wanting to." He lifts a hand to rub one ear only to pause when there's MORE screams. And running. Lots of running. This didn't seem good.

Much like Naru he turns to run for that area only to come upon those trying to flee. "Oh, hey, wait what's going on!?" This was NOT part of the test he'd seen the class prepping for.

When he spots Naru he reaches out to touch her arm just to make her aware he's there as they both head forward. "Hey wait let's stick together and find out what's going on," he suggests as he then tries to use his taller height to work against any further students. Much as he could. He wasn't super muscular after all.

Nanoha Takamachi has posed:
Nanoha Takamachi is dressed up as a vampire! a spooky one in a dollar store suit and cape and plastic fangs and Yuuno, the ferret has on tiny bat wings on a harness and looks less than pleased about this, but one would think a ferret would be anyways but Yuuno looks more displeased than usually he does.

When a bunch of kids run by terrified running by and Nanoha blinks. "Wow. That must be really scary..." says the girl as she notices people approaching the room.

"I'm going to see how scary..." she says, determined!

Yuuno seems unsure about this. On one hand, those kids kind look a little too terrified and he senses something inside. "Nanoha-chan. I don't like this. Something's inside." he whispers to her.

Makoto Kino has posed:
The Scream carries with impressive reverberation down the halls of the school building. It's enough to draw Makoto away from browsing another booth to see what's going on, craning her head a little to see over her fellow students. The sight of the prominent handmade signage and spooky decorations announcing the Test of Courage almost eases her concerns, except--

People are running. Too many people running away, and a select handful rusing towards. Slipping a hand into her skirt pocket to make sure the Jupiter Pen is still there, she pushes her way against the current of fleeing students toward the source of the chaos. It doesn't take her long to orient onto the other noticeably tall figure headed the same way, and with a bit of judicious jostling and dodging she falls in near Darien, helping break a path through the crowd. "What's going on? Where's Usagi-chan?"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco is attracted by the Usagi's chilling scream, speeding down the hallways to check what is going on with the blonde girl, despite her ears cursing against her for bringing herself closer to that piercing noise.

If that noise hadn't been enough to alarm her, the frightened people running in the opposite direction certainly are. They can't have so many easily scared people in this school, can they? That sends even more chills down her spine. What is going on with that test of courage?

She spots Cho trying to keep order in the hallways, but the students are too scared to pay attention to her. "Hey, Cho", Coco speeds up to her, contributing to breaking the "no running" rule, "what is going on here? It can't be normal so many people are running away even from a test of courage, right?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Interspersed among the panicked runners are those carrying - toys. Stuffed animals, wooden toy soldiers, and even traditional Okiagari-koboshi, those lovely little roly-poly papier-mache toys that always come back to standing upright. Some are carried by panicked students. Many more were just abandoned in the hall - easily a dozen dropped and abandoned toys.

Grade 9 Class C's doorway is dark, empty, beckoning one to enter the classroom - there are fearful little whimpers coming from inside, occasionally punctuated by a sharp cry and then a squeak of dispelling air. The mist machine that had been set up earlier is off, leaving the room chill and damp.

Cho peeped her head into the classroom, so Cho is the only one to see pops of gold and pink light, little bursts from deep within the room. And she's the only to see, within the darkness, the origin of those lights - flashes of silver and black, illuminated in brief spurts by those lights.

By the time everyone else has managed to line up in the hall, there's more than just light though - there's a figure standing in the doorway too, mere inches from Cho.

"Oh? Are more people here to play with me?"

She's instantly recognizable to all of them - and yet - there's something wrong, too. A lot wrong, actually. Those warm blue eyes are darker now, and they drag across faces, dismissing some, locking onto others, wanting. Her bright blond hair and odango are both missing - this girl's hair shines silver as moonspun silk, curling gently around her ears. A silver sailor's cap rests on her head at a jaunty angle - and a silver shirt, no sleeves, with a sloppy black bow extending from her black sailor collar, drapes down her chest. There's a bright pink bunny emblem at the center of that sloppy ribbon. She wears a pair of long black fall-front pants, with six buttons - suns eclipsed by the cratered moon. There's an okiagari-koboshi in her arms, and she drops it carelessly when she sees the gathered crowd.

"Hi everyone! I'm so glad to see you all! This awful test of courage wasjust a mess, you know? But we're all having so much more fun."

The toy she's dropped is painted with a Radiant Heart Academy Uniform. It's face is set in a bright smile - but it's inching away from her. Rocking.

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Hey Adrien." Naru turns as she feels the touch to her arm and then spots a whole lot of others she knows on the way to the classroom as well.

Naru frowns a little at all sorts of people fleeing carrying toys. There was no /toys/ as part of the classroom set up. "I have a bad feeling..." She notes to Adrien and everyone else who is nearby before Sailor Eclipse is standing in the doorway.

Her gaze drops to the toy that falls, and then is trying to rock away and then back up to.. well the current version of her bestie.

"Ah yeah.. we have a problem." Naru notes, wholly redundantly. Her voice lifts as she reaches to drag Adrien a little closer to come up to stand next to Darien. "What are we playing.. er.. Moon?"

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi blinked a few times and... "Huh," she said. "I'm... honestly not sure, Coco-chan," she said. "I mean, sometimes." She peered in a little more before glancing back for a moment. "It--" Annnnd now there was Sailor Eclipse. Right there. IN HER FACED! Cho JERKED and then... "Ahem. Right. Yes," she said before leaning back to Coco and whispering into her ear. "Go henshin. Trouble."

Then sat up straight and did... the dumb thing. She stepped into the room. "Right, this is Grade 9, Class C, right?" she asked, glancing down at the toy and... Making sure not to step on it. "Usagi-chan, right? Love the outfit. Very cute. Here, can you hold this?" she asked, before pulling out a form and holding it out. "So is the test of courage not going to be the subject today? Can you tell me what the target of your class today will be? I need to make sure everything is filled out properly..." And as she talked, she tried to move into the class and around Sailor Eclipse, to make her focus on her... and put her back to the door.

So people could get HELP! Paperwork, go! "Are the toys part of this? Can you tell me about them? And who is your current class president?" And then offered Sailor Eclipse ANOTHER piece of paper.

Minako Aino has posed:
A bit further away, a bit away from poor Usagi, Minako Aino had already made her best promise to herself not to smother her charge, but it also did mean she wasn't present to scold those fellow students.

Arriving between the others at the sight, Mamoru, Matoko and Naru all faces she knew.

"What is going..." she begins to speak only for the color to drain out of her face at the sight of the Akuma-Usagi.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
It's amazing how quickly the crowd thins out when they're suddenly toys. Adrien feels a sinking suspicion grow in his stomach as they all watch Sailor Eclipse come out to play. Naru very easily tugs him closer to Darien and Makoto as he steps along with them.

It does take him a second or two to parse just what was going on, exactly. By the time they're nearer to Darien he's realized who it is. "Usagi?" Rude of him to use just her first name without honorific but this was a but of a special situation. A quick breath is drawn in, his eyes dropping to Naru, then back to Usagi.

"She's been Akumatized."

It's said with a quiet matter-of-fact knowledge but those near to him will likely hear even if they don't understand the term. Whatever was going on, he knew someting about it.

Adrien's tongue darts out to wet his lips a single time before he starts to slowly step back and away. "I need to... excuse me..." Maybe Naru would understand if he just bolted for another classroom.

Nanoha Takamachi has posed:
Nanoha Takamachi stops when Yuuno mentions he senses something. Oh. So there's something actually going on!? As people run past, Nanoha Takamachi raises her hand, and calls out. "Raising Heart, Set up!"

< Get Set! > goes Raising Heart, and she transforms... directly in the hallway in front of everyone (and Madokami).

Gripping Raising Heart in it's staff form she peeks around the door frame as Naru notes there's a problem. Okay. Yuuno, still in his bat harness, while Nanoha's now in her barrier jacket, hunches a little like a scared animal. "Nanoha..."


< I'M ON IT, MASTER! > says Raising Heart, as it casts a barrier---however useful that'll be for now. At the very least, it'll protect the actual school from being wrecked if this turns violent.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
As he's telling Makoto, "I don't know, and I think she's in--" and jogging to a stop behind Naru and Adrien and Cho, Sailor Eclipse pokes her head out and Darien just... stops. And blinks. He can probably be caught craning his neck to see if she fit all that hair under a wig or if it's behind her??? And then Adrien's voice says something he doesn't get, and he reaches for Adrien's shoulder and asks sharply, "What?" but his hand closes on nothing.

Cho's putting her back to the door, and Mamoru shakes his head frustratedly. "You guys don't-- Usagi wouldn't hurt anyone. Usa--"

He takes a breath, and reaches out a hand, over or past everyone else, as much as he can. "I'll play," he offers.

Makoto Kino has posed:
"Usagi-chan..." Makoto breathes it out, at once bewildered and, at the same time, feeling her heart sink in terrible understanding. What could be behind this, Mako has no idea - but she knows it isn't right.

She's close enough to hear something of what Adrien said, as well, but she has no more chance to ask than anyone else. As Darien steps forward, joining Cho in trying to occupy Sailor Eclipse's attention, Makoto steps back and closes her hand around her transformation pen. "I'll be right back." It's the softest of murmurs, one that perhaps nobody will hear.

Then she's hurrying away, barely even taking notice of Nanoha's transformation right there in the hall outside as she bolts for the nearest corner to duck around and get something akin to out of sight.

"Jupiter Power - MAKE UP!"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
There's Cho-chan, right there in front of her, jumping back and away as if she were scared of something - as if there could be anything scary here, in her world! The world she was making, that was all fun and games and nothing scary, ever! And she was asking so many boring questions - Sailor Eclipse takes the paper, sure, but she drops it right after. Gasp! Littering!

The further Cho inches into the room, the more toys she'll see, in the dim area of light where the hallway lights filter through. There's no... people in here. And the paper spiders, the tombs, every bit of scary and spooky content - has been turned to something shining and colorful, teddy bears and stars and glittering trails.

Cho can slink into the room. Sailor Eclipse isn't paying her any attention, not with much more interesting people right in front of her. For one thing, there's Naru, right there, looking at her with the most wary little look. "Naru-chan! We're redecorating. This whole Culture Festival... it's a bad idea. Look what it brought us!" Sailor Eclipse's bright smile vanishes into a scowl for a moment - her wanting eyes sharpen as she stares at Naru. "We can have real fun now."

And then there's a flash of energy - there's a little vampire transforming into a warrior right there in front of her, and a barrier goes up. Sailor Eclipse's face tightens into a frown - her toys, all lining the hall, flicker, as though they want to vanish - but they don't. They stay right there.

And then there's her Darien, her Mamoru, right there, offering to play with her, and Sailor Eclipse happily skips over to him, not taking his hand but throwing herself into his arms. "Darikun!! Ah, you're here too, I'm so glad!"

She hugs him tight - lifting him right off his feet for a moment.

"Everyone was so mean! But now they're soooo nice! I'm having a way better time! You want to see?"

She snaps her fingers. Class C lights up with pink and blue light, floating to the ceiling. Poor Cho will see them first - wriggling, squirming, moving toys, inching across the floor, some crowding by the windows, others trying to reach the door, some just quivering. They all start to glow, and float through the door. "Let's play catch."

And she launches the squirming, living toys at everyone, letting them rain down.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
The mermaid princess gets startled just as anyone when Cho is put face to face with Sailor Eclipse, more importantly because that's recognizably Usagi. This is her third time assisting a similar phenomenon, so she recognises what is going on with Usagi, and Cho's callout helps her focus on what is happening here and now.

Worry for Cho who is confronting Usagi like that grips her heart in a vice, and she goes forward with her transformation like her classmate suggested. At the cry of "Yellow Pearl Voice!", the pearl in her shell locket responds to her will, starting to shine with a yellow light.

A kaleidoscope of colours covers Coco's clothes as those change into her yellow gloves and boots with flowy extensions, as well as a yellow blouse with a yellow skirt, while her pearl expands into her trusty E-Pitch microphone, its blue shape settling comfily into her hand, the jewel nestled safely in the head's center.

The Live Stage makes her appearance around her, the soundtrack of Legend of Mermaid resonating in the hallway.

Pichi Pichi Voice, Live Start!" Coco starts singing, the purifying music narrating the blissful adventure of the seven seas.

Naru Osaka has posed:
Naru looks up at Adrien as he identifies what's gong on immediately and she nods. "How about you go get help." Which she is fully aware will be him in just a moment, but facades are facades and she's willing to help him keep his.

And then she's turning back to Usagi and her smile is bright. "You've made it so much prettier in here!" She agrees as she moves fully into the room, looking around as it becomes less spooky and more a pastel disco in here.

Only to promptly get hit in the face with a stuffie that she is utterly not going to think about who it might be. She dodges a little better the next few toys that come her way, hands up to try and catch them and set them down gently around her rather than just bat them away.

Minako Aino has posed:
Makoto was fleeing, along with some of the others...but she was the only one who Venus might know for sure headed to a 'henshin-ing'.

Rushing, running, Minako wanted to transform sure...but broken toys ment broken people and she simply didn't have time!

Time to put some of that vollyball talent to use as she dived to try and catch the transformed classmates hurled into the air and hoping not to end up one herself!

"Usagi! Snap out of it!" she yells, but soothing the errant Sailor Eclipse was very much going to be very much in the hands of Mamarou!

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi was... was not having a good time here. Was not, in fact, liking this at all. She'd always found tests of courage a bit... off. But having a girl who was obviously possessed just.... change everything like this? It was not good.

And then there was a field of no collateral damage. Her eyes lit up and... Coco, Adrien, some other people. Eh. They were all pretty good people, probably. So they--

"CATCH?!" she asked. Oh. Oh no. There was...

She dropped her clipboard and yanked out her compact and pen,drawing on it. "Historic Legacy, Pretty Cure!" she called out.

In a flash, the short girl with mildly long hair... was gone. In her place was a (very slightly taller) girl with a golden tiara with two massive feathers pointing up over her eyebrows and pink flowing hair that went so far down it practically touched the ground. Her boots were knee high and red, while her dress was pink with black tiger stripes across it. Around her neck she had a yellow handkerchief tied, with a large pink one wrapped around her waist, over a... monkey's tail. Over her wrists she wore black armguards with pink metal plates over the front of her arms.

She didn't even call out her normal tagline, instead YANKING a handful of hair out and throwing it into the air. They popped and suddenly... A LOT OF CURE WUKONGS!

Full on diving to catch the toys. NO NO NO NO NO! "Don't throw the toys! Toys are like dreams and--"

In her desire to catch a toy, she fell over a desk and there was a loud clatter... her words cut off by the ensuing face plant. A moment later she called out. "I'm okay!"

For once, the clones were ACTUALLY DOING THEIR JOB! Hallaleuyah, it was a halloween miracle.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste feels immediately guilty as he heard Darien's voice behind him asking what was going on. He's already gone though having ducked into one of the other doors in the hallway which, as luck would have it, led right smack dab into... The janitor closet. He's been in worse places. A few toys smack into the door behind him having gotten out of sight just in time.

"This is not how I wanted to spend tonight. Though the same goes for Usagi I imagine," Adrien utters to Plagg as he flies out of his bag to hover in front of Adrien's face.

"TELL me about it!" Plagg bemoans. "This entire holiday is about candy--Which isn't my thing but I heard some of them mention deep fried cheese on a stick? I was sooo looking forward to that!"

"Not the time. Plagg, Claws Out!"

A few moments later there's another costumed figure out in the hall. Cat Noir leans with his back against a wall lazily, legs crossed at his ankles while he idly twirls his staff between the fingers of one hand.

"Hey, there, Sailor Bunny! Not to interrupt your PDA with your handsome guy, but you wouldn't happen to be looking for me, would you?" Maybe he could lead her away from all these students... You know, until he becomes aware of the whole forcefield around them.

Nanoha Takamachi has posed:
With the barrier setup, folks don't need to worry about damaging the school. Or random civilians wandering in. So with that done, she whews and then opens her eyes.

So Nanoha Takamachi runs into the room to finally take suit of the situation!

"Wait, weren't you the girl who didn't like the ca---"

Then it's raining toys before she could say 'carrot cake' and she starts getting buried in toys, along with Yuuno, and she 'ows' and starts dodging the raining toys as she looks up and...

T..there's a handsome catboy.

Nanoha is temporarily transfixed as it rains toys around her and one of Wukong's clones has to catch a toy aiming for her head. +_+

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
Darien catches! Sailor Eclipse, and hugs her back with a helpless little laugh when she literally lifts him off his feet. At least she's still her, is all he can think, whatever 'akumatized' is, whatever this terribly bright cheer is, whatever she's--

Toys. They're toys. When she lets go and turns, snaps her fingers, he sees them all too, and honestly, this is... she wouldn't hurt anyone, not really. She's still Usagi. So given how her class has been treating her, this is honestly kind of funny. He clamps his hand over his mouth for a second, and then she's throwing toy-ified people! Well. He catches the tsumtsum tossed in his direction, and tosses it back-- then catches a roly-poly, and sets it down.

"I don't want to break any of your toys," he calls to Sailor Eclipse, and then there's Cure Wukong transforming right in front of him, and he literally facepalms. "Are none of you careful with your identities?"

And then YO, HOLD THE PHONE, "Hey, what are you doing, catboy??" That's... ah damn that's an irritated boyfriend face.

Makoto Kino has posed:
"Okay," comes Sailor Jupiter's authoritative voice as she strides into view of the shenanigans-in-progress. A stray roly-poly comes winging her way; she catches it one-handed, not missing a beat. "Absolutely no jealous slapfighting, guys. We have bigger problems right now."

She sets the roly-poly aside on the nearest safe surface, before focusing her attention back onto Sailor Eclipse. "These... they're our classmates, aren't they? Isn't that going a little too far?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"They're toys," Sailor Eclipse says dismissively, "And not even very cute ones! We could always get more."

There's a Mamoru in her arms, and he's very warm and snuggly and smiling at her, and why does she care about much else? Especially all the transformations happening all around, and the people thoroughly and purposefully distracted by everything she has going on just to distract them.

But then - well. Then. There's him.

"Are you... Cat Noir?" She cocks her head, and her smile drops, her face serene as she studies him. "You're not as cute as my Darikun. But I am looking to get you! Once I have your miraculous, I'll be able to play forever! And ever and ever and ever etcetera etcetera!"

She raises her hand and it glows hot pink. A roly-poly toy jumps to her hand, and it is decidedly unhappy about it, given how it rocks and rolls in her grip.

"Cat Noir, and all the rest of you gloomy gusses, and Darikun and Naru-chan and Minako-chan and Jupiter-chan, I'm Sailor Eclipse! The fun loving, toy-making girl who will destroy everything scary and mean about the world! Who needs screams when you can laugh, right?"

And she clenches her squeezes that roly-poly toy in her hands and it glows bright pink and the smiling painted face contorts, before it cries - "Tsukino-chan, I'm sorry!" - before she releases it. The toy goes back to rocking.

She's still smiling. "Junpei-kun, he was a real jerk. No fun at all! But, I'll trade him to you, if you give me your miraculous! I can turn all these fun toys back, whenever I want! I dunno why anyone would want to go back, but I mean, you guys all seem real uptight about it!"

And she twists her head to look at Jupiter, and says, "Of course they are! But I don't think it's too far at all. They weren't any fun - and now they're so much fun. I don't really want to fight you guys! I just want the kittycat's Miraculous, and to have all the fun in the world."

There's a tense, eerie moment where she just smiles at them all, not saying a word, clearly expectant, and then she bursts out laughing, clapping a hand to her forehead that rocks her silver sailor cap.

"I can't believe I forgot! I don't just want those things - I want that, and a piece of cake, and most importantly, I want Naru-chan too! I can't have fun without my bestie! You guys understand how it is, right? Sometimes a girl just wants her boyfriend and her best friend and to get a little revenge on everyone who was a big, awful, stupid jerk for a whole three weeks all for a dumb Culture Festival that no one will even remember next year!"

Not that she's mad about it or anything.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi was... was actually doing pretty good. Whew. Her clones were even--

"Hey, are you new here?" One of them asked Noir.

... Actually quite a few of them had stopped to stare, faces a little red and--

"Oh come ON!" Wukong yelled. "You FINALLY listen for the first time ever and THEN GET DISTRACTED BY A CUTE BOY?! I am NOT this hormonal!" she yelled before throwing a pencil sharpener at one that wasn't holding a toy. It poofed into a hair. At least it seemed to get the others back to DOING THEIR JOBS!

"And I am normally very careful with my identity but there's a field of no collateral damage and so everyone here is magic and probably good and also I can't live with it on my conscious if someone dies and I was too busy protecting my identity to help them, okay?!"

Okay so she was a bit yelly because stress! Events like this were ALWAYS stressful for student council members. "We didn't file ANY of the paperwork for this, you know, I still have like eight more classes to check!"

And... and now she wanted someone's miraculous and... She had no idea what that was. It-- WAIT! When she was a... monkey... thing. She wanted it, didn't she? Oh gosh. Ohhhh...

"Usagi-chan you're being a real JERK right now!" She was too frazzled by her clones and the desperate attempts to catch to justice speech right now. "Someone else justice speech at her GAH!" As she dove for another toy, baseball sliding and hitting a book case.

"G-got it..." she said blearily.

Minako Aino has posed:
Untransformed, an armful of transformed classmates and the one person she'd normally call on to do the healing thing was currently the actual problem! And to think Artemis had told her that things would get easier once they found the other Senshi. This was decidedly -not- easier!

Had they caught them all? Effort three-times (plus clones) times over should hopefully be enough, but she couldn't really fight Sailor Eclipse right now. Then again, could she fight her at all? It -was- still Usagi.

No Sailor Moon, no Rei to do some sort of spooky exorcisim thing...if it wasn't for a certain familier green thunder Senshi she'd feel completely alone even with the appearance of the flirtatious Catboy that would almost certainly have held Minako's attention more if she wasn't almost comically running around in a panic to try and get the toy-people clear of immediate danger.

Naru Osaka has posed:
"I mean.. Junpei /can/ be kinda mean." Naru mumurs quietly, mostly to herself as she catches more and more toys. Or tries at least.

Naru bends to set a stuffie down on a desk as she side eyes the flirty Chat Noir. "Fancy meeting you here, Cheeky Kitty. I'm going to guess that giving up your Miraculous is a spectacularly bad idea."

"This feels just a smidge extreme for classroom pranks." Naru points out to Sailor Eclipse as she moves closer and closer to the 'happy' couple. "Although I can certainly get behind cake.. how about we all go out for some cake and stop throwing our classmates, hmm?"

Nanoha Takamachi has posed:
Nanoha Takamachi never had a secret identity to begin with. She's just..

Nanoha Takamachi.

She gives a determined look as the handsome catboy quickly leaves her purview of attention, and looks back to 'Sailor Eclipse'. "I can give you a cake...!" she says, dramatically. Raising Heart's pistol grip suddenly 'chonks' from the side of Raising Heart as she grips it and huffs.

"Carrot Cake!" she splutters out as she fires off a barrage of shot barrets, balls of energy that lance off into lasers towards Sailor Eclipse!

She may be trying to make herself a target. This may be a bad idea.

But maybe it'll give everyone else a chance to do something besides just talk.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco's song reverberates around the hallways and this time it manifests as an invigorating effect for all her companions, working against their fatigue and aches, if any. The mermaid princess then looks at Usagi, who was still venting what happened to her.

"Hey, Usagi, I get these have been stressful weeks for you, but surely your close friends didn't treat you the same way, right? Please, consider focusing on the positive things, and ignore those bullies. It will be all over soon, so please spend time with your friends, and besides, I am sure the student council will try to help with the big injustice you had to face." She hopes Cho will back her up on the last thing, at least.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
"Distracting, my Dear Dari!" Cat Noir responds only to push away from the lean on the wall. There was a lot going on suddenly with a lot of eyes on him. From Nanoha to a few of the other magical types, and ... and a lot of little Wukonglings?

"Our bestest Bunny here has been taken over by one of Hawkmoths' Akuma. He exchanges power for trying to get our Miraculous... Which is--" Naru speaks up though, and her aises a clawed finger to tap to his nose while flashing her a wink.

"But if I find out your Akumatized Object and DESTROY it, then everyone will go back to normal, anyway!" Why, oh why did he raise his voice and emphasize those words? With a pointed glance cast toward Naru and Darien? Well they WERE the ones closest to Sailor Eclipse who might be able to help figure out what it was. He hopes. He wasn't really certain what it could be so far, and for the moment he's... Well he's suggesting, "I get wanting to play and have fun though, but how can you do that without all your friends? Why don't you turn these kids back so they can enjoy your happy new world with you instead of just punishing them? I mean, that's what mean adults do, punish kids."

The idea to get her to change them back is forgotten entirely when Nanoha lets go with her Carrot Cake attack that actually makes HIM jump and run with a skidding step down the hall. "Hoookay I think colateral damage is going to require that we play a new game! How about tag? You're it!"

Makoto Kino has posed:
Thank goodness for Cat Noir. Sailor Jupiter had been, momentarily, at a bit of a loss - up against a monster, there'd be no question of what to do, but how in the world is she supposed to fight Usagi? But here's Cat Noir, announcing to all and sundry just what needs to be done to fix this situation.

Jupiter's never been one to hesitate once she has a plan of action before her.

"Got it," she says, with a quick and decisive nod, lifting both hands to spread palms-up to either side of her. "Sorry, Usagi-chan - I'll try not to make this too rough. Flower Hurricane!"

As she calls out those last two words, a wind kicks up around her, whirling within the confined space. Deep pink roses bloom in the cradle of each hand and scatter their into the air, adding an even greater confusion of perfume and tumbling petals.

And Sailor Jupiter strides forward through it, heading straight for Sailor Eclipse.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"Adrien said they recorded her scream to use in this thing, don't you think that's a little excessive?" Darien says, huffing as he's told to leave the jealous boyfriend slapfights for later. U G H. "I mean--"

No one will find out what he means, because there's way too much going on for him to continue -- not least of which is him actually getting the message; he nods firmly to Cat Noir, especially since Usagi said he was prettier than Cat Noir so that's okay now (it has come to this). Mission acknowledged.

And then there's LASERS, and Flower Hurricane, which are both probably truly called for, but you know what, Dark Energy Boy is a little stressed and Nanoha is shooting at Usagi, and Darien's in motion, just--

...sidestepping in front of Sailor Eclipse to tank those lasers despite not, you know, having his magic cape on him. Oh he's gonna get yelled at.

First he's going to do the yelling though. "NNGHAAH!" is more or less the sound that comes out of his mouth as he jerks, then staggers back a little, squinting through Flower Hurricane with a defiant look at Nanoha and Sailor Jupiter, even as his hands go to his chest and dark energy blooms small and swift beneath his hands.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
That monkey girl... there are so many of that Monkey Girl! She's running around, catching all those toys that Minako-chan and Naru-chan and everyone else weren't catching, and sure these toys wouldn't break just because they were dropped (she just thinks it's a little funny, watching everyone run around like chickens with their heads cut off), but it was ruining the game for one person to get all the points.

"Hey, that's not very fun, Cho-chan," Sailor Eclipse scolds, and she's not in Darien's arms anymore - she's standing right next to one of Cure Wukong's copies, a ball of gold light in her palm, and she presses that light to the center of Cure Wukong's back -

Squeak! A monkey plush falls to the ground.

And then she's beside another clone, pressing pink light to it's chest -

Squeak! A clattering monkey toy bashes symbals together, trying to crawl over her foot.

And then she was next to Naru, no lights in her hands at all, just leaning in, eyes focused on her. No need to get next to the happy couple, not when Sailor Eclipse drapes herself over Naru, sighing dramatically, "Naru-chan, don't you get tired of being a good girl? Don't you want to just have fun?"

Pop! Pop! Go the toys she made of Cure Wukong's copies, as they turn back into hairs. Sailor Eclipse scowls, standing up straight. "Well that's no fun at all!"

The rain of toys has ended. They've all been caught, and though Sailor Eclipse could toss them again, where's the fun in that? No, she doesn't want to repeat herself - she just disappears back to Darien's side, as if she'd never been missing. All her appearing and disappearing has taken at most a minute, and she scowls at Cat Noir. "It's no fun to go spilling my secrets! That's not how the game is played!"

Ther's just so much happening, and underscoring all of it is Yellow Pearl Voice, in the worst way. Her singing doesn't sound as sweet as it usually did - it sounded like bees buzzing in her ears, like spiders trying to crawl over her skin, and she was very interested in seeing if she'd be a toy that sticks unlike Cure Wukong's copies, but before she can pursue that thought, Nanoha shouts out an attack - "CARROTS? WHERE?"

But there are no carrots. Only lasers. There are flowers, though. Flowers in a hurricane, moving directly for her, and before she can think things through, Darien is stepping right in front of her. Darien is taking the attack, even though he's not in the uniform that did amazing things for the width of his shoulders, even though he's just a guy right now instead of a Hunkules -

And he yells and falls back and Sailor Eclipse howls in anger and throws herself forward, both hands glowing hot pink. She slaps them down onto Sailor Jupiter's middle, and her whole body glows before she shrinks down into a toy.

She whips around, silver clap flying right off her head as she looks for the other threat - the tiny girl that had lasered her boyfriend.

"This is not fun anymore!"

Makoto Kino has posed:
What Sailor Jupiter intended to do when she reached Sailor Eclipse... well, the world will never know. The Senshi of Thunder is momentarily engulfed in pink light, and then--

--with the sound of a dropped squeaky-toy, a six-inch-tall plushie Jupiter drops to the floor. She bounces a bit, tumbling, stubby toy arms flailing ineffectually. "Oh, come on!"

Her voice has also gotten rather higher-pitched.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Well, apparently trying to talk to Sailor Eclipse does nothing. She can keep singing to keep the others propped up at least. She does not want to hurt Usagi, after all.

And then she turns Cho's clones into toys. Despite not being the real deal, despite her knowing they are not the real deal, a strangled "Cho" comes out of her mouth, the mere sight of that enough to send Coco's worry into overdrive.

"What are you doing to my roommate, Usagi?" she asks pointedly to Sailor Eclipse, the worry overtaking reason. At the behest of her song, a Live Stage appears, and then another, and another, and another, and another, and another. All them aimed at Sailor Eclipse alone, the mermaid shooting them all at the Akumatized schoolmate in rapid succession.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cure Wukong slowly, very, very slowly crawled her way to her feet. Oh. Good. No more toys. Delicately she placed them on the ground before looking up and...

Her clones put theirs down.

"Well, it's not very fun to be thro-- okay, that's a lie. Being thrown is awesome but NOT if you don't want to be thrown and I do not think they want to be thrown. Probably. They can't say so there."

She then scowled when the dark girl yelled at Cat Noir. "Well, the game isn't any fun either if you change the rules or don't ask us if we even want to play!" she snapped, fuming angrily! GAH! And Usagi was such a sweet heart usually. I mean, sure, she'd only met her that one time but she was, generally, a real sweet heart from what she remembered.

Okay, you know what? "Fine! Sailor Eclipse, your turn! Catch!" she yelled, pulling her staff out from behind her ear, glowing it a few feet... and tossing it towards the other girl! Over her!

And if she caught it... it was very, very heavy stick. Meanwhile... another one of the clones grabbed a fake spider... And just threw it at Sailor Eclipse's face!

Nanoha Takamachi has posed:
Nanoha Takamachi had laid down suppressing fire, in hopes someone else, could get in a bigger hit.

Instead, she hits Darien, who tanks a heck of a lot of lasers with what she can only assume is with some form of support.

Yuuno hunches back on Nanoha's shoulder and casts a round shield between her and the suddenly encroaching Sailor Eclipse who's now turned her attention toward's Nanoha.

Nanoha, doesn't back down. Mid-Chidan Magic isn't leathal and she understands this much. "Maybe hurting people isn't supposed to be fun." she says sadly, as she fires off another series of lasers at Sailor Eclipse, as she watches Jupiter turn into a plushie.

O..Oh wait. IS THAT WHAT'S HAPPENING HERE!? Nanoha looks horrified now!

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Oh sweetie." Naru is momentarily draped upon, her arms coming up automatically. "I'm a terrible good girl." It's a surprisingly serious answer to a question that's likely already been forgotten by the time Sailor Eclipse has moved on, back over to Darien.. and..

Naru dodges out of the line of fire that's aimed right at the pair of them. "Darien! Bad idea.." As she watches lasers and flowers and what looks like a whole lot of painful chaos going on /right there/ next to her.

"Well crap." Naru is dodged down low, and not so far from a felt Jupiter and that high pitched lament.

Minako Aino has posed:
"Jupiter!" Minako cries out as her fellow Senshi is...plushyfied. Even -they- were vulnerable to this? That was crap!

A clatter of toys deposited safely as Minako offloads her armload outside and...well, seemingly Minako keeps runnning. Probably to get help, right?

"Venus Power, Make Up!"

It wouldn't be great for everyone to know Sailor V went to this school, but Sailor Venus? Well, who'd really be able to put -that- together, right?

It was moments, long moments for others to struggle before she was charging into the room.

Okay, she heard Jupiter's squeek, that meant she was still concious...maybe she could still zap people? Worth a try, right?

A flurry of motion zipping into the room as the glowing lights of Sailor Venus' chain manifested...and then snared around Chibi-Jupiter's waist to draw her into the arc. "Venus Wink Cute Chain...Jupiter!" she calls, launching a magically infused squishy companion towards Eclipse's face with a totally-not-made-up-attack. Either she'd shock her...or she'd just get hit with a plushy, but it was better than nuking a friend!

"Snap out of it Usagi!"

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Cat Noir spreads his arms in an irreverant shrug as if he were just the biggest cat bastard around. Maybe if he antagonized Sailor Eclipse just a bit she'd ignore the others and--

Oh, no, no he wasn't going to-- "Darien! Naru! NO!"

Worried panic fills Cat Noir's voice when he sees the dark haired student block the attack meant for Sailor Eclipse. From experience he knew that an Akumatized person was rather extra durable, like himself, but Darien? Plain old regular Darien? AND Naru too!

It doesn't help Jupiter is plushie-fied too, but that at least takes care of one attack. Sadly, that might have had the best bet of trying to destroy what was Akumatized.

"It's too crowded in here! We can all get changed if we're not careful, we should exit stage le--STAGE!"

There were a lot of stages being thrown suddenly too.

"This is not how you defeat an Akuma!" He calls out with a yelp as he dodges forward to try and snag a few of the toys out of harms' way. They WERE people after all!

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
There's... there's a lot going on, here.

Part of Darien's brain, the part that he hates, is cataloguing henshins and attacks even as he's avoiding transforming, himself. He doesn't dare shut his eyes, either, because who knows what the increasingly rowdy mahous will try next-- and besides, that hurts and he doesn't really have time to fix it properly.

And things are being thrown at Usagi, still, but at least they're not lasers or hurricanes, and-- is Jupiter smol??

Darien just stares at plush Jupiter for a second, even as Venus picks her up, and there's a lot of yelling, really. And then MORE LASERS. He's not fast enough this time, but he's also still right next to Sailor Eclipse. Venus has a great point, but-- "Can we just go? Do you want me to do that?" he calls to Usagi, voice unsteady as he crouches down with Naru.

He is unsteady, but he seems to be agreeing with Cat Noir: this is not great.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Before everything turns bad, before Darien is struck, in that moment of time when she draped over Naru - Sailor Eclipse softened for just a moment. She pressed a kiss to Naru's cheek - all warmth and affection. "We'll have so much fun together."

But that was then, the warmth and fun and affection. This is now.

Sailor Eclipse isn't pleased with Sailor Jupiter's toy form. Sure, she was adorable and lovely and pleasingly formed, perfectly soft and cuddly, but she'd attacked her boyfriend. (Never mind that the attack was meant for her. That was infinitely more forgvable.) She's bending over to scoop the plushi-ified Senshi up when Yellow Pearl Voice's strangled well - voice, reaches her ears.

And then the first livestage reaches too, plowing into her with force - Sailor Eclipse gets flattened like a pancake, like a rubberhose cartoon, and little silver plush bunnies start running in circles around her head. She doesn't actually seem particularly hurt - but the next Livestage hits, and the next, and the next, and -

Oh wait. She's actually right behind Yellow Pearl Voice.

"That was cute! Let's try mine, okay?"

A golden ball of light sinks into Yellow Pearl Voice's back, and then with a squeak! Yellow Pearl Voice transforms into a delicately, knitted mermaid, the yellow yarn of her tails made to shine with sparkly golden glitter.

She turns to her next target then. A shield is protecting the little girl who hit her Mamoru, but Sailor Eclipse is confident she can get around that, is sure of it - and then Sailor Plushtiper smacks her right in the face, just as a stick, courtesy of Cure Wukong, flies for her. Plush Jupiter is soft, doesn't really do any damage. The stick is heavy enough that she immediately lurches to the ground, thrown off by it's weight.

"No one was getting hurt at all until you people showed up! Look what you did! You hurt my Darien! You're the ones who might smash these poor toys! You thought I was a bully for throwing them, but you're firing lasers and throwing staged and sticks and Cat Noir get away from them and give me your miraculous!!"

This is because, in all his dodging and ducking, to catch the toys, he'd gotten rather close to her Mamoru, her aching, hurt Mamoru, who is crouching with her darling, dearest Naru. Sailor Eclipse disappears and reappears again, standing tall over her nearest and dearest. She's angry. She's tired. She didn't even get any cake.

Sailor Jupiter and Yellow Pearl Voice are cutesy toys, and she doesn't even want to play with them, because everyone is being such awful jerks. She wants Cat Noir's miraculous. She wants it so she can have the power to stay like this forever. But her Darien is hurt and her Naru is willing to be a bad girl with her and Mako-chan and Mina-chan are not being very fun at all and Cat Noir - well.

Cat Noir was going to have to come after her, eventually, right? If he was soooo concerned about her being akumatized or whatever?

"You're not even worth my time," she tells the Nanoha, scowling at the youngest kid there. This is obviously not true given she was definitely about to attack her earlier, but, shhhhh don't worry about that.

"Dari-kun, I think you could use some ice cream. And Naru-chan could use some coffee. And I still want cake."

She offers him her hand.

And peeks over her shoulder at Cat Noir. "Can we put a pin in that Miraculous theft? It's not that I don't like, kittycat, but my babes come first, and this crowd is not very fun. Call me, okay?"

Makoto Kino has posed:
This has all gotten very out of hand, and it's even more overwhelming when you're six inches tall and kind of wobbly besides.

Plushie Jupiter stays focused on Sailor Eclipse and the vain hope that she can find whatever 'akumatized object' Cat Noir was talking to. She even manages a couple of impotent little hops before Sailor Venus comes in with the assist, snagging her with the Wink Chain and sending her hurtling through the air at Eclipse's face.


Yeah that didn't work out as well as she could have hoped.

She struggles to cling to Usagi, but it's tough when you don't have thumbs... or fingers at all. Once again, Tiny Jupiter bounces against the floor with a comical squeaky noise.

"Aaaagh!" The cry of frustration would have more weight if she didn't currently sound so high-pitched and, well, tiny. "Usagi-chan, stop! We're trying to help!" In frustration, the little plush senshi crosses her stubby arms in front of her and cries out, "Supreme Thunder!"

What flies out is a little felt lightning bolt headed for Sailor Eclipse's ankles. It has about as much charge as an accidental pop of static after shuffling your feet on the carpet.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Cat Noir had an armload of toys by now that he was clutching protectively to his chest, sweeping them out of harms way while the stages plow into Sailor Eclipse. At least until she isn't there anymore. He places the toys down as gently as possible only to sweep them to one side hopefully out of the way with a swing of his staff. Not to ... not to HIT them. Just sort of scoot them along the floor on one go. Toy or not they were people and while he would normally work with Ladybug so that she could just undo all the things that happened while Akumatized, *she wasn't here.* He had to be super careful not to make any permanent damage to anyone, or thing.

Just after he does that he's being yelled at though. He WAS rather near Naru, and Darien, and he stiffens when yelled at blurting instinctively, "I wasn't doing anything!" Okay. Maybe he was just not what she may have thought.

A quick look is cast toward the pair of 'hostages' to give them a single, solemn nod. He'd given them the clue to how to help. Right now Eclipse and them leaving was probably safest for everyone. They were down quite a few mahou, and he couldn't use his full powers here.

"Ah, right, I'll cat-call you later then!" A wink and finger-gun is given in her direction along with a solemn, "You can count on that!"

Then he looks over at Sailor Venus, and Cure Wukong, and Nanoha looking just... Uncertain. "Maybe we should chat," he utters simply while giving a very sympathetic look toward the trying-so-hard Plush-Jupiter.

Minako Aino has posed:
Distraction strikes -had- been Minako's plan, honest. She doesn't just...throw people for fun...probably. The energy chain was lashing around to try and bind Usagi down so they can do that spooky evil spirit removal thing that she'd seen Rei do. Cat Noir's shouting just earns a little noise of frustration.

"We can't do anything without hurting here till we can hold her still!"

That was the plan anyway, but noble-boyfriend (and totally not evil) Mamoru was 'helping' by getting in the way and Naru was till in the path. It was just too tricky to lock down Usagi without catching them too.

She wanted to appeal, to tell Usagi they were her friends, that they loved her...but they had to protect their identity.

The fact that she didn't immediately collapse at the cutest thunnderbolt ever is probably only due to the fact she wasn't looking at Jupiter in that moment.

Naru Osaka has posed:
So very much out of hand, and Naru takes just a moment pause at the affection. Most assuredly still Usagi in there.. somewhere. All over the place, actually, just not quite the usual Usagi.

Naru quirks a brow at the notion of being held hostage by her bestie.. which has the promise of coming with a coffee, unlike being kidnapped. Step up, really.

And somewhere quieter, with just the three of them sounds much much more promising for talking Usagi down and figuring out what, exactly, they need to destroy to settle things down. "Let's go get you some cake." She agrees, cause that seems the sanest course of action in the insanity.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco doesn't have time to do anything when Sailor Eclipse tanks all her Live Stages ands shows up behind her, her thoughts still focused on her worries about what the Cho-clones just went thought. Well, next she knows, she got a golden sphere into her back, and the idol has disappeared.

In her place the delicately, knitted mermaid falls to the ground still dismayed. Maybe the sparkly yellow yarn of her tail made will make her more visible to the others in all this confusion?

The high-pitched voice of the mermaid princess has retained a melody to it as she calls out to Cho to be careful despite being in a worse state herself, but it's not like she actually has any mobility to do anything else.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
Must be that the adrenalin is wearing off: there is so much, and Darien takes Usagi's hand, and lurches to his feet with help, then reaches for Naru's hand; he won't henshin until he's got her, and then to hell with it, they can think what they want. He's overwhelmed more than he's hurt, and he is hurt, even if much less badly than he should be.

But. Well. That's explained pretty quickly when he transforms, a line of sparks like self-lighting charcoal traveling quickly from the crown of his head to his toes, leaving a big change, and making certain previously confusing things startlingly clear.

"Guess I'm not careful enough with my ID, either," Hematite says, voice laced with more irony than Pittsburgh. "It'll be okay."

It's hard to say who he's talking to, but it's elementary the very next moment, because the air swallows the three of them and they're gone.

Nanoha Takamachi has posed:
Nanoha Takamachi splutters. "WAIT!" she goes as she throws forward Raising Heart, gripping it firmly.


< DIVINE....! >



Yells out Nanoha as a giant, giganormonus beam of magenta light rockets out from Raising Heart... destroying the floor, leaving a large trail in it's wake and probably, blasting through the wall of the classroom into the other...and the other after that and--- you can see outside now!

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cure Wukong pulled back, staring. Uhhhhh... She... she couldn't...

There were a lot of toys. There were a lot of people. There were a lot of... things. And there were people there hurt. People there who weren't in any shape to escape.

And she was very good at doing a lot of destruction. But she didn't want to do a lot of distraction. So she really only had one more attack left. One that she hoped would be useful. She once mroe started doing the poses, drawing on the five elements... "72 earthly transformations purification!" she called out before sending a big, pink blast of purifying magic at Sailor Eclipse!

Gotta love that precure privilage. Even if she didn't have non-destructive attacks, purification was always the right answer, right?



"Ah man, dodging is cheating!" she yelled...

Then saw the holes that Nanoha had made.

"... That... the field of... no... collateral damage will... will fix that, right?" she asked softly. "Cause... cause I definitely don't have the paperwork for.... for that..."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Cat Noir stares openly when Darien transforms himself. Stares, and when Darie--Hematite states he's not good at keeping his identity either he can only quip, "I guess we all have secrets." It's not much of a rejoinder, but things were getting to the point that it was ... out of hand.

Nanoha's destruction of the floor causes him to leap back looking down, and feeling quite glad he'd gotten the majority of the toys in the area out of the way. He just lands on his feet as cats tend to, and twirls his staff in hand before thonking it down to lean on it like a walking stick.

And he promptly crouches down with his free hand lifting to clap clawed fingers over his face. "Is... Is everyone all right? Mostly? I know many aren't," he begins as his hand falls away again allowing him to peer around with green cat slitted eyes at the destruction, and the mayhem, that had been caused. Sailor Venus and the plush Jupiter earn a pained look. "I'm sorry, I can't undo this. My partner could but I don't know where she is right now."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
The tiny felt lightning paps against Sailor Eclipse's ankle, jolting her with all the power of... static cling. Not a very good showing, but the little felt lightning bolt is very cool, you know? An attachment for your Sailor Jupiter plush!

It only makes Sailor Eclipse scowl down at the little toy. This time she does lean down and pick her up, holding her in surprisingly gentle hands. "I don't want help, Jupiter-chan. I want to play. And you've been a very naughty playmate. Be a good girl, and keep Venus-chan company now, okay?"

And she kisses forehead right atop her little fabric tiara, and then just chucks the little toy right at Sailor Venus.

"Venus-chan, catch! You were a great sport today! Very cute! Totally quick thinking! You're welcome to join one of my games anyday!"

Even evil, she's a fangirl. Even with that chain trying to bind her fast and tight, she's a fan.

"Don't worry! My boyfriend's a big fan of cats!"

And then Darien sheds his normal form for Hematite's more enduring one, and he takes her hand and Naru's and she casts a smile back at them all - and they vanish.

Just before all the attacks hit. Whoops! Good thing the barrier will restore everything, because she didn't even get hit by their attacks.

With Sailor Eclipse gone, there's a ripple through the air - and the toys that had been made from people begin turning back - first Yellow Pearl Voice, then Sailor Jupiter, and then the toys that had been ordinary people start to shake and glow. They'll start turning back soon too.

It seems like Sailor Eclipse's games were never meant to last.

Minako Aino has posed:
Running away?! Crap! In one sense it was important to get them away from those at risk. On the other, she had to save Usagi, had to fix Jupiter (who she was currently trying to scoop up to safety and hold against her chest like one might a small cat) before she frowns and looks back towards Cat Noir.

Sure she was Sailor Venus, but the edge to her gaze was pure Sailor V.

"Well I hope you can explain and run, because I'm going to find her."

Makoto Kino has posed:
"Usagi-chan--" That's as far as Tiny Jupiter gets in her plea before she's smooched on the forehead and sent flying through the air a second time, this time flailing her little plush limbs indignantly the whole way. Fortunately Sailor Venus is quick to snatch her up. "Sorry, Venus," she says, slightly muffled now. At least she didn't smack her teammate in the face.

When Sailor Venus says 'explain and run,' the plush senshi wriggles a bit in her grip, reaching up to tug at the sailor collar of her fuku before she remembers again that she doesn't have fingers right now. "We should hear what he has to say, V-chan. It sounded like he at least knows what's causing this, right?"