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From Radiant Heart MUSH

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[[File:EquineHinoiri.jpg|thumb|alt=Equine Hinoiri|Hinoiri in Kirakirafantastica]]
[[File:EquineDT.jpg|thumb|alt=Equine Double Trouble|Double Trouble in Kirakirafantastica]]
[[File:EquineTaka.jpg|thumb|alt=Equine Takashi|Takashi in Kirakirafantastica]]
[[File:DarkEquineTaka.jpg|thumb|alt='Dark Energy' Equine Taka|'Dark Energy' Takashi in Kirakirafantastica]]
|Poses=:'''{{#var:131|Hinoiri Kirara (131)}} has posed:'''<br>Hinoiri Kirara was as ready as she'd ever be. She had her arms crossed, leaning against a tree. She'd sent the message of where the other two needed to meet her. 'One big job, one opportunity. Grand theft Kirakirafantastica. Magic relics, tools, weapons, the whole shebang. You in?'<br><br>There were only two people she could depend on for this.<br><br>Double Trouble, the chameleon. Her magic was all about being anybody she needed to be... for the right price. In KKF, surely that would travel over. She'd be the one who could get them through any door they couldn't normally.<br><br>Riventon, the tactician. While he wasn't as smart as her, he understood technology and magic in a way she, admittedly, different. His melding of the two made him a powerful asset and he was always quick on his feet. Not to mention he had power of his own. Despite what she'd admit, he knew dark energy in a way only someone born with it could use.<br><br>Then there was her. Hinoiri Kirara, better known as Sunbreaker. The inside mare. She knew KKF's defenses inside and out, she knew where to go, how to get there and, most of all? She knew what to steal. No, they wouldn't be going into the castle... they'd be hitting the barracks. Get around the guards and boom, artifact city. In and out, a few hours flat.<br><br>A little away from ehre there was a small, shimmering portal that spread out into a grassy plain. Near it was a slightly open box of donuts with the name 'Pastry Patty's' on the front. But there wasn't a 'Pastry Patty's' in Tokyo... or was there?<br><br>The donuts, however... were magic. Just. Like. Her. While they didn't burn away the dark energy, they were strange, cartoonish and *positively heavenly*. They tasted like you'd expect a cartoon donut to taste. And this? This was just the first haul of the night. All she needed...<br><br>Was her crew.<br> <br>
|Poses=:'''{{#var:131|Hinoiri Kirara (131)}} has posed:'''<br>Hinoiri Kirara was as ready as she'd ever be. She had her arms crossed, leaning against a tree. She'd sent the message of where the other two needed to meet her. 'One big job, one opportunity. Grand theft Kirakirafantastica. Magic relics, tools, weapons, the whole shebang. You in?'<br><br>There were only two people she could depend on for this.<br><br>Double Trouble, the chameleon. Her magic was all about being anybody she needed to be... for the right price. In KKF, surely that would travel over. She'd be the one who could get them through any door they couldn't normally.<br><br>Riventon, the tactician. While he wasn't as smart as her, he understood technology and magic in a way she, admittedly, different. His melding of the two made him a powerful asset and he was always quick on his feet. Not to mention he had power of his own. Despite what she'd admit, he knew dark energy in a way only someone born with it could use.<br><br>Then there was her. Hinoiri Kirara, better known as Sunbreaker. The inside mare. She knew KKF's defenses inside and out, she knew where to go, how to get there and, most of all? She knew what to steal. No, they wouldn't be going into the castle... they'd be hitting the barracks. Get around the guards and boom, artifact city. In and out, a few hours flat.<br><br>A little away from ehre there was a small, shimmering portal that spread out into a grassy plain. Near it was a slightly open box of donuts with the name 'Pastry Patty's' on the front. But there wasn't a 'Pastry Patty's' in Tokyo... or was there?<br><br>The donuts, however... were magic. Just. Like. Her. While they didn't burn away the dark energy, they were strange, cartoonish and *positively heavenly*. They tasted like you'd expect a cartoon donut to taste. And this? This was just the first haul of the night. All she needed...<br><br>Was her crew.<br> <br>
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:'''{{#var:40|Takashi Agera (40)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There were justifiable reasons for Takashi Agera AKA Riventon to not get caught up in Sunbreaker's current scheme. He was busy dealing with paperwork from a promotion, he was worried about Hotaru and Hematite and Fate all for different reasons. He had experiments to do and research to run. And yet, here he is, henshin'd up and ready anyways.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Because when it comes right down to it, the offered opprotunity - an extradimensional heist of untold magic that was unknowable, inconceivable in this world, the chance to see another plane, the chancee to see if Hinoiri's assertions about herself were correct... all of the things were what you'd offer if you did want Riventon to join up.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It wasn't that he didn't believe Hinoiri could have come from a world of talking magic quadrupeds, it was just that she looked 100% normal human. Whereas say, Catra or Wolfrun, obviously came from some other, fantastic world. But he didn't know what to expect. He'd have to actually ''wince'' let Sunbreaker take the lead here. It was her world.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;To Riventon's credit when the human size bipedal lizard walks up and grabs a donut, it doesn't phase him and he just grabs a donut as well. "Ah, classic heist ru-oh damn this ''is'' good. Anyways classic heist rules, bring in a bunch of people that don't know each other?" he says. "At least I'm assuming the giant lizard is with you and not just a passer-by."<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:40|Takashi Agera (40)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There were justifiable reasons for Takashi Agera AKA Riventon to not get caught up in Sunbreaker's current scheme. He was busy dealing with paperwork from a promotion, he was worried about Hotaru and Hematite and Fate all for different reasons. He had experiments to do and research to run. And yet, here he is, henshin'd up and ready anyways.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Because when it comes right down to it, the offered opprotunity - an extradimensional heist of untold magic that was unknowable, inconceivable in this world, the chance to see another plane, the chancee to see if Hinoiri's assertions about herself were correct... all of the things were what you'd offer if you did want Riventon to join up.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It wasn't that he didn't believe Hinoiri could have come from a world of talking magic quadrupeds, it was just that she looked 100% normal human. Whereas say, Catra or Wolfrun, obviously came from some other, fantastic world. But he didn't know what to expect. He'd have to actually ''wince'' let Sunbreaker take the lead here. It was her world.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;To Riventon's credit when the human size bipedal lizard walks up and grabs a donut, it doesn't phase him and he just grabs a donut as well. "Ah, classic heist ru-oh damn this ''is'' good. Anyways classic heist rules, bring in a bunch of people that don't know each other?" he says. "At least I'm assuming the giant lizard is with you and not just a passer-by."<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:131|Hinoiri Kirara (131)}} has posed:'''<br>Hinoiri Kirara just nodded to Dee. "I know, right?! I told you! This is what I've been bitching about this whole time! None of these pastry shops can compare to a Pastry Patty original," she said, before tossing the last bit into her mouth, chewing down and swallowing.<br><br>"And yup. Riventon, this is Double Trouble. Double Trouble, this is Riventon. They're a shapeshifter, from another world and a good fr-- co-- ... It's complicated," she said, just a hint of red in her cheeks. "They're trustworthy, let's leave it at that. Dee, this is Riventon, he may not look like much but he's probably the closest thing this world has to someone *actually* competent at magic. And this... is the portal," she said, motioning to it. "It lets out just a bit away from the castle, in the forest. Good news, from there I'll be able to teleport us to an old side entrance the students often used to sneak in and out from the walls. I've done some testing, the portal itself is closing and re-opening, but each time it does it shorter. I'd say we have.... two, maybe three hours before it closes again. Shorter after that. So the goal is get in, get out, haul what we can. The good news is it's the Summer Solstace over there. Big day, everypony is celebrating. So guards will be lax, defenses low and the treasure ripe for the plucking. But, we're on a time crunch so come on through! Grab another donut if you like, though."<br><br>... She grabbed one. She missed these. She then walked through... the portal rippeling, but they didn't see her on the other side.<br><br>Until they stepped through. At which point they'd see her. Except she was, i nfact, a bright orange unicorn. With fiery hair and oh my gosh she was telling the truth.<br><br>... Except, it was night time. The sun wasn't up at all, only a big, white, empty moon overhead.<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:131|Hinoiri Kirara (131)}} has posed:'''<br>[[File:EquineHinoiri.png|thumb|alt=Equine Hinoiri|Hinoiri in Kirakirafantastica]]Hinoiri Kirara just nodded to Dee. "I know, right?! I told you! This is what I've been bitching about this whole time! None of these pastry shops can compare to a Pastry Patty original," she said, before tossing the last bit into her mouth, chewing down and swallowing.<br><br>"And yup. Riventon, this is Double Trouble. Double Trouble, this is Riventon. They're a shapeshifter, from another world and a good fr-- co-- ... It's complicated," she said, just a hint of red in her cheeks. "They're trustworthy, let's leave it at that. Dee, this is Riventon, he may not look like much but he's probably the closest thing this world has to someone *actually* competent at magic. And this... is the portal," she said, motioning to it. "It lets out just a bit away from the castle, in the forest. Good news, from there I'll be able to teleport us to an old side entrance the students often used to sneak in and out from the walls. I've done some testing, the portal itself is closing and re-opening, but each time it does it shorter. I'd say we have.... two, maybe three hours before it closes again. Shorter after that. So the goal is get in, get out, haul what we can. The good news is it's the Summer Solstace over there. Big day, everypony is celebrating. So guards will be lax, defenses low and the treasure ripe for the plucking. But, we're on a time crunch so come on through! Grab another donut if you like, though."<br><br>... She grabbed one. She missed these. She then walked through... the portal rippeling, but they didn't see her on the other side.<br><br>Until they stepped through. At which point they'd see her. Except she was, i nfact, a bright orange unicorn. With fiery hair and oh my gosh she was telling the truth.<br><br>... Except, it was night time. The sun wasn't up at all, only a big, white, empty moon overhead.<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:40|Takashi Agera (40)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Riventon shrugs as DT is introduced. He reaches over and grabs a second donut because hell yeah. "Do -not- let La Crima taste one of these." he notes. "Donuts are all that make her happy and these offworld ones might ruin ours for her." he advises.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "I almost asked about bringing Mami, but there was some sort of schedule trouble with that." Shapeshifter. That was neat. Potentially useful later. Not a set of skills he had easy access to. "Long as Double here doesn't get us caught or anything, it's cool." Or fight Riventon for loot but he figured Sunbreaker would be more likely.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He looked at the swirling gateway. Alright, no big deal, just a portal to another world, like the Dusk Zone or Pure Illusion or anywhere else. And then he did the not smart thing - he just jumped in all at once.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Which meant on the other side, in the moonlight of that other world, he landed on two hooves. And this body was not meant for bipedal walking - luckily he fell forward insttead of backwards, onto his other... hooves.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He could recognize Sunbreaker from the hair, but what the hell was going on?!<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;At least humans occasionally cralwed or walked on four legs so this was kinda like that but... he sttarted turning around in circles, trying to figure out what in any deity that would listen's name is going on here, managing to on some level keep himself from yelling out, but there's a low muffled "aaaAAAaaaAAAh" as the panic does continue.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;But as Hinoiri would see when she turned to look, Riventon - Takashi, now - did not come over as a pony. That'd be too easy. "AaaaAAAAAaaawhatisthis?!" he shouted, lifting a hoof and putting it in front of him to look at his purple skinned body, and then to touch the mane of light blue hair around his neck. He tilted his head back to look at his tail. "What the hell kind of pony's tail is this?" he says, his voice an almost stressed whisper, bright green eyes looking around in panic, before they settled on the space between them, cross-eyes looking as the hoof tapped the bridge of his nose.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"Scales?! I have SCALES?!" he stress-whispered before the hoof tapped something above that. "I *have a 'horn' why do I have a 'horn and scales' Hinoiri?!" Slowly some of it was putting itself together - Hinoiri came to his world as an equine, he must have come to her world as something more fitting too. But what the hell kind of pony had a scales, mane, and horn. "Your world makes 'no sense'! How am I supposed to help you with this and learn a body at the same time?!" he asks. And then he holds out his hoof and... nothing happens. "...and how come I can't feel any Dark Energy ''anywhere''?!"<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:40|Takashi Agera (40)}} has posed:'''<br>[[File:EquineTaka.png|thumb|alt=Equine Takashi|Takashi in Kirakirafantastica]]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Riventon shrugs as DT is introduced. He reaches over and grabs a second donut because hell yeah. "Do -not- let La Crima taste one of these." he notes. "Donuts are all that make her happy and these offworld ones might ruin ours for her." he advises.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "I almost asked about bringing Mami, but there was some sort of schedule trouble with that." Shapeshifter. That was neat. Potentially useful later. Not a set of skills he had easy access to. "Long as Double here doesn't get us caught or anything, it's cool." Or fight Riventon for loot but he figured Sunbreaker would be more likely.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He looked at the swirling gateway. Alright, no big deal, just a portal to another world, like the Dusk Zone or Pure Illusion or anywhere else. And then he did the not smart thing - he just jumped in all at once.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Which meant on the other side, in the moonlight of that other world, he landed on two hooves. And this body was not meant for bipedal walking - luckily he fell forward insttead of backwards, onto his other... hooves.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;He could recognize Sunbreaker from the hair, but what the hell was going on?!<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;At least humans occasionally cralwed or walked on four legs so this was kinda like that but... he sttarted turning around in circles, trying to figure out what in any deity that would listen's name is going on here, managing to on some level keep himself from yelling out, but there's a low muffled "aaaAAAaaaAAAh" as the panic does continue.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;But as Hinoiri would see when she turned to look, Riventon - Takashi, now - did not come over as a pony. That'd be too easy. "AaaaAAAAAaaawhatisthis?!" he shouted, lifting a hoof and putting it in front of him to look at his purple skinned body, and then to touch the mane of light blue hair around his neck. He tilted his head back to look at his tail. "What the hell kind of pony's tail is this?" he says, his voice an almost stressed whisper, bright green eyes looking around in panic, before they settled on the space between them, cross-eyes looking as the hoof tapped the bridge of his nose.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"Scales?! I have SCALES?!" he stress-whispered before the hoof tapped something above that. "I *have a 'horn' why do I have a 'horn and scales' Hinoiri?!" Slowly some of it was putting itself together - Hinoiri came to his world as an equine, he must have come to her world as something more fitting too. But what the hell kind of pony had a scales, mane, and horn. "Your world makes 'no sense'! How am I supposed to help you with this and learn a body at the same time?!" he asks. And then he holds out his hoof and... nothing happens. "...and how come I can't feel any Dark Energy ''anywhere''?!"<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:163|Double Trouble (163)}} has posed:'''<br>Double Trouble looks at Riventon skeptically as he approaches. ''This nerd'' is coming along? It's Hinoiri's heist, and she's vouching for him, but...well...Double Trouble has their doubts. "It's Double Trouble," they say. "If that's too many syllables, just say Dee. Calling me just ''Double'' sounds ridiculous. Just listen to yourself saying it." They roll their eyes and grab another donut, stepping through the portal like it's a routine occurrence. This is just another Tuesday.<br><br>But of course, they do not emerge on the other side with as much grace. Not knowing what to expect, they have just as much trouble as Takashi going from bi- to quadripedal walking. Even for somebody who shapeshifts, the unexpected change throws them off.<br><br>So they kick their back hooves out behind them, unintentionally hurtling straight toward the poor, unstable, newly scaly pony right next to them.<br><br>"Scales?! I've got ''wings''," and sure enough they do. They look oddly pony-shaped, but not quite right. Their fur is a bit rough. The wrong texture. More like that of a fuzzy ''insect'' than a mammal. Their tail whips around, segmented and chitinous. They wiggle their backside a little and then giggle.<br><br>Then ''poof'' they look just like a pony. Green with a yellow mane, and quite handsome at that. "There, that's more like it."<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:163|Double Trouble (163)}} has posed:'''<br>[[File:EquineDT.png|thumb|alt=Equine Double Trouble|Double Trouble in Kirakirafantastica]]Double Trouble looks at Riventon skeptically as he approaches. ''This nerd'' is coming along? It's Hinoiri's heist, and she's vouching for him, but...well...Double Trouble has their doubts. "It's Double Trouble," they say. "If that's too many syllables, just say Dee. Calling me just ''Double'' sounds ridiculous. Just listen to yourself saying it." They roll their eyes and grab another donut, stepping through the portal like it's a routine occurrence. This is just another Tuesday.<br><br>But of course, they do not emerge on the other side with as much grace. Not knowing what to expect, they have just as much trouble as Takashi going from bi- to quadripedal walking. Even for somebody who shapeshifts, the unexpected change throws them off.<br><br>So they kick their back hooves out behind them, unintentionally hurtling straight toward the poor, unstable, newly scaly pony right next to them.<br><br>"Scales?! I've got ''wings''," and sure enough they do. They look oddly pony-shaped, but not quite right. Their fur is a bit rough. The wrong texture. More like that of a fuzzy ''insect'' than a mammal. Their tail whips around, segmented and chitinous. They wiggle their backside a little and then giggle.<br><br>Then ''poof'' they look just like a pony. Green with a yellow mane, and quite handsome at that. "There, that's more like it."<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:131|Hinoiri Kirara (131)}} has posed:'''<br>Hinoiri Kirara was staring... just... just staring. Her mouth hanging open... the donut in her mouth starting to fall...<br><br>Though she saved it with a hoof, catching it and taking a bite. She struggled to process this.<br><br>Riventon. Oh. Riventon was the first one she needed to process. A curved horn. The swirling mane. That glorious tail. Oh dear heavens he was hot. Err, she meant, he was a kirin. But also hot. Oh wow she just found another thing she found hot. A kirin. Okay. Yup. That was. Wow.<br><br>She didn't get time to process this fully before Dee came tumbling through and... and what the FUDGE were they?! They had... chitin. They had INSECT wings. They--<br><br>And then they poofed into a pony.<br><br>J-just like she suspected. Yup. They could shapeshift. Just like back home. They...<br><br>"Well... uhhhh. Riventon. You're a kirin. I... guess congratulations. Not the most, uhhhh, powerful of magic users. But.... rare. Incredibly rare. Isolated, even. I've never actually met one face to face, but Sora has met with them on occasion. As for you, Dee?"<br><br>"... I have no bucking clue. I've never *seen* whatever you are. But... you... can change your form, so uhhhh... that... that's useful."<br><br>Oh no they were both capable of being hot.<br><br>"As for dark energy? Yeah, remember how my amulet and magic book just burned you? Dark energy doesn't exist here. It's burned out. I came through the portal first though, so don't worry. I knew you two wouldn't get hurt. I did warn you I was a unicorn, though. Not sure... why you're a kirin, though. Or a... whatever... that... was? Bug... pony... thing? A... butterfly pony? Maybe? I... I've got nothing."<br><br>Worst of all, though? The ENTIRE time she talked? She was holding that donut in her hoof. Like there were fingers. She even took a bite out of it, as if it was BEING HELD. But it wasn't being held. It just... stayed there. Like magic. "Let me know whenever you two feel good to go. I can tell from experience the first few minutes can be a bit rough, learning how an entirely *new* body works. Luckily, you two have someone to help you out as we go."<br><br>... Yes, maybe that was a bit of a way for her to say 'Praise me, for I am amazing, I know.'<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:131|Hinoiri Kirara (131)}} has posed:'''<br>Hinoiri Kirara was staring... just... just staring. Her mouth hanging open... the donut in her mouth starting to fall...<br><br>Though she saved it with a hoof, catching it and taking a bite. She struggled to process this.<br><br>Riventon. Oh. Riventon was the first one she needed to process. A curved horn. The swirling mane. That glorious tail. Oh dear heavens he was hot. Err, she meant, he was a kirin. But also hot. Oh wow she just found another thing she found hot. A kirin. Okay. Yup. That was. Wow.<br><br>She didn't get time to process this fully before Dee came tumbling through and... and what the FUDGE were they?! They had... chitin. They had INSECT wings. They--<br><br>And then they poofed into a pony.<br><br>J-just like she suspected. Yup. They could shapeshift. Just like back home. They...<br><br>"Well... uhhhh. Riventon. You're a kirin. I... guess congratulations. Not the most, uhhhh, powerful of magic users. But.... rare. Incredibly rare. Isolated, even. I've never actually met one face to face, but Sora has met with them on occasion. As for you, Dee?"<br><br>"... I have no bucking clue. I've never *seen* whatever you are. But... you... can change your form, so uhhhh... that... that's useful."<br><br>Oh no they were both capable of being hot.<br><br>"As for dark energy? Yeah, remember how my amulet and magic book just burned you? Dark energy doesn't exist here. It's burned out. I came through the portal first though, so don't worry. I knew you two wouldn't get hurt. I did warn you I was a unicorn, though. Not sure... why you're a kirin, though. Or a... whatever... that... was? Bug... pony... thing? A... butterfly pony? Maybe? I... I've got nothing."<br><br>Worst of all, though? The ENTIRE time she talked? She was holding that donut in her hoof. Like there were fingers. She even took a bite out of it, as if it was BEING HELD. But it wasn't being held. It just... stayed there. Like magic. "Let me know whenever you two feel good to go. I can tell from experience the first few minutes can be a bit rough, learning how an entirely *new* body works. Luckily, you two have someone to help you out as we go."<br><br>... Yes, maybe that was a bit of a way for her to say 'Praise me, for I am amazing, I know.'<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:40|Takashi Agera (40)}} has posed:'''<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Riventon *almost* gets a face full of insectoid... hoof? Is it hooves when they're an insect? As it is the back of DT's feet almost take his head off but instead just brush his nose? Snout? Whatever.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"Watch it, that's dangerous!" Takashi calls. "I think." He finally, carefully took a few proding steps. "Okay, it's just like walking on hands and feet. If I... had not fingers or toes." This is, appropriately enough, the point where he looks over and sees Hinoiri with the donut attached to her hoof. "So what, are they like sticky or..." he begins, reaching out to grab a flower off the ground, which he has 'zero' problem with. It just uproots.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"What the actual hell is with this place 'how do you live like this' I've been here five seconds and NOTHING makes any 'sense'." Riventon shouts, throwing the poor innocent uprooted flower down. This is, roughly, when he catches on fire.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Not because he's under attack, but all of the tufts of hair on his body flare blue and red and he actually has fangs for his mouth and black skin with glowing white eyes. "I hate this place." he says, radiating warmth but not actually igniting the area. Nothing about a glowing shadow equine is precisely -subtle- though. It's not really good 'heist' camo. He catches sight of his tail and once again is pacing around in a circle like an animal. "What the heck? Why am I all jet-black now." then he pauses. "Hah! This stupid place. I brought Dark Energy in anyways." he says, not knowing any better.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"Well, now I feel a lot more confident." he says. There's just the whole... on bright fire... thing. "We can go whenever, I'll learn as I go. Also I hate your world and there had better be a death ray or a necronomicon or an infinite nacho machine we're about to steal."<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:40|Takashi Agera (40)}} has posed:'''<br>[[File:DarkEquineTaka.png|thumb|alt='Dark Energy' Equine Taka|'Dark Energy' Takashi in Kirakirafantastica]]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Riventon *almost* gets a face full of insectoid... hoof? Is it hooves when they're an insect? As it is the back of DT's feet almost take his head off but instead just brush his nose? Snout? Whatever.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"Watch it, that's dangerous!" Takashi calls. "I think." He finally, carefully took a few proding steps. "Okay, it's just like walking on hands and feet. If I... had not fingers or toes." This is, appropriately enough, the point where he looks over and sees Hinoiri with the donut attached to her hoof. "So what, are they like sticky or..." he begins, reaching out to grab a flower off the ground, which he has 'zero' problem with. It just uproots.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"What the actual hell is with this place 'how do you live like this' I've been here five seconds and NOTHING makes any 'sense'." Riventon shouts, throwing the poor innocent uprooted flower down. This is, roughly, when he catches on fire.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Not because he's under attack, but all of the tufts of hair on his body flare blue and red and he actually has fangs for his mouth and black skin with glowing white eyes. "I hate this place." he says, radiating warmth but not actually igniting the area. Nothing about a glowing shadow equine is precisely -subtle- though. It's not really good 'heist' camo. He catches sight of his tail and once again is pacing around in a circle like an animal. "What the heck? Why am I all jet-black now." then he pauses. "Hah! This stupid place. I brought Dark Energy in anyways." he says, not knowing any better.<br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"Well, now I feel a lot more confident." he says. There's just the whole... on bright fire... thing. "We can go whenever, I'll learn as I go. Also I hate your world and there had better be a death ray or a necronomicon or an infinite nacho machine we're about to steal."<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:163|Double Trouble (163)}} has posed:'''<br>It didn't actually take Double Trouble long at all to adapt. It's not as if they haven't walked on all fours before. The transition was simply ''unexpected''. They do ''not'' apologize for kicking Takashi. It was a reflex. They couldn't help it. And in any case, they've got it under control now.<br><br>They canter around in a circle and come to a stop next to Hinoiri. "I'm ''Double Trouble'' and that's all that matters, darling," they say and shake their head causing their glorious yellow mane to flip over their neck to the other side. Not only can they make themselves hot, but they know how to ''act the part''.<br><br>Turning to look at Takashi, they say, deadpan. "Don't worry about ''me'' getting us caught, Lite Brite. Maybe you can extinguish those flames?"<br> <br>
:'''{{#var:163|Double Trouble (163)}} has posed:'''<br>It didn't actually take Double Trouble long at all to adapt. It's not as if they haven't walked on all fours before. The transition was simply ''unexpected''. They do ''not'' apologize for kicking Takashi. It was a reflex. They couldn't help it. And in any case, they've got it under control now.<br><br>They canter around in a circle and come to a stop next to Hinoiri. "I'm ''Double Trouble'' and that's all that matters, darling," they say and shake their head causing their glorious yellow mane to flip over their neck to the other side. Not only can they make themselves hot, but they know how to ''act the part''.<br><br>Turning to look at Takashi, they say, deadpan. "Don't worry about ''me'' getting us caught, Lite Brite. Maybe you can extinguish those flames?"<br> <br>

Latest revision as of 20:38, 10 December 2023

You daughter of a pony, I'm in!
Date of Scene: 09 December 2023
Location: Kirakirafantastica, Royal Castle
Synopsis: Hinoiri has one final job before she's ready to get to work. She combines the tactician, the chameleon and with her insider knowledge, they form the perfect crew. The time has now come... for grand heist Kirakirafantastica. There's just one question to ask... Are you in?
Cast of Characters: Hinoiri Kirara, Double Trouble, Takashi Agera

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara was as ready as she'd ever be. She had her arms crossed, leaning against a tree. She'd sent the message of where the other two needed to meet her. 'One big job, one opportunity. Grand theft Kirakirafantastica. Magic relics, tools, weapons, the whole shebang. You in?'

There were only two people she could depend on for this.

Double Trouble, the chameleon. Her magic was all about being anybody she needed to be... for the right price. In KKF, surely that would travel over. She'd be the one who could get them through any door they couldn't normally.

Riventon, the tactician. While he wasn't as smart as her, he understood technology and magic in a way she, admittedly, different. His melding of the two made him a powerful asset and he was always quick on his feet. Not to mention he had power of his own. Despite what she'd admit, he knew dark energy in a way only someone born with it could use.

Then there was her. Hinoiri Kirara, better known as Sunbreaker. The inside mare. She knew KKF's defenses inside and out, she knew where to go, how to get there and, most of all? She knew what to steal. No, they wouldn't be going into the castle... they'd be hitting the barracks. Get around the guards and boom, artifact city. In and out, a few hours flat.

A little away from ehre there was a small, shimmering portal that spread out into a grassy plain. Near it was a slightly open box of donuts with the name 'Pastry Patty's' on the front. But there wasn't a 'Pastry Patty's' in Tokyo... or was there?

The donuts, however... were magic. Just. Like. Her. While they didn't burn away the dark energy, they were strange, cartoonish and *positively heavenly*. They tasted like you'd expect a cartoon donut to taste. And this? This was just the first haul of the night. All she needed...

Was her crew.

Double Trouble has posed:
Double Trouble had been hearing about Kirakirafantastica for months. How could they not when their roommate--girlfriend? it's complicated--was always telling them about it. They'd say Hinoiri should come with them to Etheria, but honestly, at this point, they weren't that interested in going back. They wanted to see this place their unicorn was from, so of course they were in.

Besides, heists were always dramatic, and Double Trouble lived for drama.

So, they arrived at the designated place at the specified time, looking like themselves. Dianora isn't going on this trip. She would never take part in a heist. She's pure an innocent and always beyond reproach. They stroll right up to the box of donuts and pluck one right out. They take a look at it, and then take a big bite.

"Fuck, Hinoiri," they say, with a mouth full of donut. "You've been holding out on me. Is this what cake from your world tastes like?!"

Takashi Agera has posed:
    There were justifiable reasons for Takashi Agera AKA Riventon to not get caught up in Sunbreaker's current scheme. He was busy dealing with paperwork from a promotion, he was worried about Hotaru and Hematite and Fate all for different reasons. He had experiments to do and research to run. And yet, here he is, henshin'd up and ready anyways.

    Because when it comes right down to it, the offered opprotunity - an extradimensional heist of untold magic that was unknowable, inconceivable in this world, the chance to see another plane, the chancee to see if Hinoiri's assertions about herself were correct... all of the things were what you'd offer if you did want Riventon to join up.

    It wasn't that he didn't believe Hinoiri could have come from a world of talking magic quadrupeds, it was just that she looked 100% normal human. Whereas say, Catra or Wolfrun, obviously came from some other, fantastic world. But he didn't know what to expect. He'd have to actually wince let Sunbreaker take the lead here. It was her world.

    To Riventon's credit when the human size bipedal lizard walks up and grabs a donut, it doesn't phase him and he just grabs a donut as well. "Ah, classic heist ru-oh damn this is good. Anyways classic heist rules, bring in a bunch of people that don't know each other?" he says. "At least I'm assuming the giant lizard is with you and not just a passer-by."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Equine Hinoiri
Hinoiri in Kirakirafantastica
Hinoiri Kirara just nodded to Dee. "I know, right?! I told you! This is what I've been bitching about this whole time! None of these pastry shops can compare to a Pastry Patty original," she said, before tossing the last bit into her mouth, chewing down and swallowing.

"And yup. Riventon, this is Double Trouble. Double Trouble, this is Riventon. They're a shapeshifter, from another world and a good fr-- co-- ... It's complicated," she said, just a hint of red in her cheeks. "They're trustworthy, let's leave it at that. Dee, this is Riventon, he may not look like much but he's probably the closest thing this world has to someone *actually* competent at magic. And this... is the portal," she said, motioning to it. "It lets out just a bit away from the castle, in the forest. Good news, from there I'll be able to teleport us to an old side entrance the students often used to sneak in and out from the walls. I've done some testing, the portal itself is closing and re-opening, but each time it does it shorter. I'd say we have.... two, maybe three hours before it closes again. Shorter after that. So the goal is get in, get out, haul what we can. The good news is it's the Summer Solstace over there. Big day, everypony is celebrating. So guards will be lax, defenses low and the treasure ripe for the plucking. But, we're on a time crunch so come on through! Grab another donut if you like, though."

... She grabbed one. She missed these. She then walked through... the portal rippeling, but they didn't see her on the other side.

Until they stepped through. At which point they'd see her. Except she was, i nfact, a bright orange unicorn. With fiery hair and oh my gosh she was telling the truth.

... Except, it was night time. The sun wasn't up at all, only a big, white, empty moon overhead.

Takashi Agera has posed:
Equine Takashi
Takashi in Kirakirafantastica
    Riventon shrugs as DT is introduced. He reaches over and grabs a second donut because hell yeah. "Do -not- let La Crima taste one of these." he notes. "Donuts are all that make her happy and these offworld ones might ruin ours for her." he advises.

     "I almost asked about bringing Mami, but there was some sort of schedule trouble with that." Shapeshifter. That was neat. Potentially useful later. Not a set of skills he had easy access to. "Long as Double here doesn't get us caught or anything, it's cool." Or fight Riventon for loot but he figured Sunbreaker would be more likely.

    He looked at the swirling gateway. Alright, no big deal, just a portal to another world, like the Dusk Zone or Pure Illusion or anywhere else. And then he did the not smart thing - he just jumped in all at once.

    Which meant on the other side, in the moonlight of that other world, he landed on two hooves. And this body was not meant for bipedal walking - luckily he fell forward insttead of backwards, onto his other... hooves.

    He could recognize Sunbreaker from the hair, but what the hell was going on?!

    At least humans occasionally cralwed or walked on four legs so this was kinda like that but... he sttarted turning around in circles, trying to figure out what in any deity that would listen's name is going on here, managing to on some level keep himself from yelling out, but there's a low muffled "aaaAAAaaaAAAh" as the panic does continue.

    But as Hinoiri would see when she turned to look, Riventon - Takashi, now - did not come over as a pony. That'd be too easy. "AaaaAAAAAaaawhatisthis?!" he shouted, lifting a hoof and putting it in front of him to look at his purple skinned body, and then to touch the mane of light blue hair around his neck. He tilted his head back to look at his tail. "What the hell kind of pony's tail is this?" he says, his voice an almost stressed whisper, bright green eyes looking around in panic, before they settled on the space between them, cross-eyes looking as the hoof tapped the bridge of his nose.

    "Scales?! I have SCALES?!" he stress-whispered before the hoof tapped something above that. "I *have a 'horn' why do I have a 'horn and scales' Hinoiri?!" Slowly some of it was putting itself together - Hinoiri came to his world as an equine, he must have come to her world as something more fitting too. But what the hell kind of pony had a scales, mane, and horn. "Your world makes 'no sense'! How am I supposed to help you with this and learn a body at the same time?!" he asks. And then he holds out his hoof and... nothing happens. "...and how come I can't feel any Dark Energy anywhere?!"

Double Trouble has posed:
Equine Double Trouble
Double Trouble in Kirakirafantastica
Double Trouble looks at Riventon skeptically as he approaches. This nerd is coming along? It's Hinoiri's heist, and she's vouching for him, but...well...Double Trouble has their doubts. "It's Double Trouble," they say. "If that's too many syllables, just say Dee. Calling me just Double sounds ridiculous. Just listen to yourself saying it." They roll their eyes and grab another donut, stepping through the portal like it's a routine occurrence. This is just another Tuesday.

But of course, they do not emerge on the other side with as much grace. Not knowing what to expect, they have just as much trouble as Takashi going from bi- to quadripedal walking. Even for somebody who shapeshifts, the unexpected change throws them off.

So they kick their back hooves out behind them, unintentionally hurtling straight toward the poor, unstable, newly scaly pony right next to them.

"Scales?! I've got wings," and sure enough they do. They look oddly pony-shaped, but not quite right. Their fur is a bit rough. The wrong texture. More like that of a fuzzy insect than a mammal. Their tail whips around, segmented and chitinous. They wiggle their backside a little and then giggle.

Then poof they look just like a pony. Green with a yellow mane, and quite handsome at that. "There, that's more like it."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara was staring... just... just staring. Her mouth hanging open... the donut in her mouth starting to fall...

Though she saved it with a hoof, catching it and taking a bite. She struggled to process this.

Riventon. Oh. Riventon was the first one she needed to process. A curved horn. The swirling mane. That glorious tail. Oh dear heavens he was hot. Err, she meant, he was a kirin. But also hot. Oh wow she just found another thing she found hot. A kirin. Okay. Yup. That was. Wow.

She didn't get time to process this fully before Dee came tumbling through and... and what the FUDGE were they?! They had... chitin. They had INSECT wings. They--

And then they poofed into a pony.

J-just like she suspected. Yup. They could shapeshift. Just like back home. They...

"Well... uhhhh. Riventon. You're a kirin. I... guess congratulations. Not the most, uhhhh, powerful of magic users. But.... rare. Incredibly rare. Isolated, even. I've never actually met one face to face, but Sora has met with them on occasion. As for you, Dee?"

"... I have no bucking clue. I've never *seen* whatever you are. But... you... can change your form, so uhhhh... that... that's useful."

Oh no they were both capable of being hot.

"As for dark energy? Yeah, remember how my amulet and magic book just burned you? Dark energy doesn't exist here. It's burned out. I came through the portal first though, so don't worry. I knew you two wouldn't get hurt. I did warn you I was a unicorn, though. Not sure... why you're a kirin, though. Or a... whatever... that... was? Bug... pony... thing? A... butterfly pony? Maybe? I... I've got nothing."

Worst of all, though? The ENTIRE time she talked? She was holding that donut in her hoof. Like there were fingers. She even took a bite out of it, as if it was BEING HELD. But it wasn't being held. It just... stayed there. Like magic. "Let me know whenever you two feel good to go. I can tell from experience the first few minutes can be a bit rough, learning how an entirely *new* body works. Luckily, you two have someone to help you out as we go."

... Yes, maybe that was a bit of a way for her to say 'Praise me, for I am amazing, I know.'

Takashi Agera has posed:
'Dark Energy' Equine Taka
'Dark Energy' Takashi in Kirakirafantastica
    Riventon *almost* gets a face full of insectoid... hoof? Is it hooves when they're an insect? As it is the back of DT's feet almost take his head off but instead just brush his nose? Snout? Whatever.

    "Watch it, that's dangerous!" Takashi calls. "I think." He finally, carefully took a few proding steps. "Okay, it's just like walking on hands and feet. If I... had not fingers or toes." This is, appropriately enough, the point where he looks over and sees Hinoiri with the donut attached to her hoof. "So what, are they like sticky or..." he begins, reaching out to grab a flower off the ground, which he has 'zero' problem with. It just uproots.

    "What the actual hell is with this place 'how do you live like this' I've been here five seconds and NOTHING makes any 'sense'." Riventon shouts, throwing the poor innocent uprooted flower down. This is, roughly, when he catches on fire.

    Not because he's under attack, but all of the tufts of hair on his body flare blue and red and he actually has fangs for his mouth and black skin with glowing white eyes. "I hate this place." he says, radiating warmth but not actually igniting the area. Nothing about a glowing shadow equine is precisely -subtle- though. It's not really good 'heist' camo. He catches sight of his tail and once again is pacing around in a circle like an animal. "What the heck? Why am I all jet-black now." then he pauses. "Hah! This stupid place. I brought Dark Energy in anyways." he says, not knowing any better.

    "Well, now I feel a lot more confident." he says. There's just the whole... on bright fire... thing. "We can go whenever, I'll learn as I go. Also I hate your world and there had better be a death ray or a necronomicon or an infinite nacho machine we're about to steal."

Double Trouble has posed:
It didn't actually take Double Trouble long at all to adapt. It's not as if they haven't walked on all fours before. The transition was simply unexpected. They do not apologize for kicking Takashi. It was a reflex. They couldn't help it. And in any case, they've got it under control now.

They canter around in a circle and come to a stop next to Hinoiri. "I'm Double Trouble and that's all that matters, darling," they say and shake their head causing their glorious yellow mane to flip over their neck to the other side. Not only can they make themselves hot, but they know how to act the part.

Turning to look at Takashi, they say, deadpan. "Don't worry about me getting us caught, Lite Brite. Maybe you can extinguish those flames?"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara couldn't help it, she was snickering now. "Wow, this--"

And then he was on fire. Her mouth fall open again.

OH NO HE WAS HOT! WHY WAS HE HOT?! RIVENTON WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE HOT! She stuffed the rest of the donut in her mouth and tried not to think about it. Slow. Deep breaths. Once she was done, swallowed, she nodded. "Right. I mean, magic. It's in the *air* here. It practically hums with magic. Oh, and if you feel a song come upon you, don't worry. Just let it happen. It's pretty common here. Weird as it sounds, it won't interfere with anything. Also, congratulations, Riventon. It looks like you really *are* the closest thing your world had to a 'me'. Your magic is apparently fire. Try to control it. As for the ponynomicon, don't be ridiculous. That's in the library restricted section. Besides, I already read it and while some of the spells were interesting, only one of them were actually useful. Waayyyyyyy too many 'fill the world with undeath' stuff, nothing that wouldn't get you killed too. Right. So, the castle is going to be... packed with guards. First thing we're going to do? Main castle entrance has a massive picture the the Sovereign and some other important figures of state. In particular, the face of the head of the royal guard. We're going to swing in there so Dee can see what she looks like and with her leading us, we should have no trouble with the guards themselves. I'll uhhh... Oh, wait!"

Her horn glowed and a moment later... cloaks dropped from on high. For them to put on. "Kuroba the Clever's summon dramatic cloak! Look, it even blows in the wind dramatically if you stand still with one hoof raised!"

... It did.

Once they were cloaked up, faces hidden... "Okay, get close, we'll go."

And yup. She teleported them. And they were only... a little singed. And when they arrived outside the walls, Hinoiri wobbled just a little bit, having to lean on Dee and rub her horn. "Oh... ohhhh... haven't... done... THAT in a while," she muttered, shaking her head. "Okay, right... uhhhh... where... there!" With a push of a stone, a hole opened in the wall, allowing them to just sneak into the walled city and...

... And after a few minutes they'd likely realize something was... wrong. There were... ponies. Even the occasional guard. But the place seemed almost... EVERYONE was inside. Nobody seemed to be coming out today. Lights could be seen, mumbling, but walking through the palace courtyard was easy. Even the main gate was easy to open. "... I guess the guards have been getting lazy. Sheesh. Well, to our benefit I guess. Come on," she said, motioning them into the main foyeur. Inside... was the portrait. A massive thing, with dozens of ponies, a few other creatures... and Sora, front and center. "The guy in the over frumped hat to her.,.. left is... the... guard... captain........."

It wasn't the person on the left who had her attention. It was the one on the right. A unicorn... one... who looked about Sunbreaker's age. Except purple.

Hinoiri was just staring at her.

... It... it had only been a few months. A few short months...

"Sora... replaced me... already?" she asked. Oof.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    The cloaks didn't seeem to catch on fire either - it seemed mostly visual, the flaming mane and shadow and the glowing white pupil-less eyes. "My world's you? No, this isn't the same kind of fire. It doesn't catch anything on fire." he says. "This is probably just whatever the closest thing to a youma looks like in your world." he observes.

    And then the fire goes out, and he's back to normal.

    "Damnit! I didn't even do anything different. Just when I think this world makes ANY SENSE..." he begins, before going back to the black-fur white-eyes flaming version. "That's better." This process repeats itself a few times before he just groans one last time and then he's back to the normal (more colorful) version. Looking around.

    The teleporation doesn't bother him, but he's not the one who had to do it. Mostly, he was following along and looking around. "Wait, this means that the nonsense about your ruler raising and lowering the sun is true? Just like how I don't need fingers to do finger things?" He pauses. "Your world is like a funhouse mirror offshoot of reality." he complains. Eventually they come to the pictures. "I dunno, you all pretty much look the same to me." Takashi admits. "Oh right, the color. Yeah. Different color than you." he says. "Probably just like with Cyprine, really. She got smacked around by some Sparkleskirts and I had a new role by the end of the second day. Probably just wanted to keep up appearances, make it look like she didn't lose anyone at all."

    "Still, 's kinda spooky with nobody around." And then he pauses. "Wait, you said the whatsitnomocon is 'real' here? Are you just messing with me? You know what, forget about it, I don't know what I'd do with it anyways." he admits. Massive armies of the undead aren't his style.

Double Trouble has posed:
The cloaks seemed to solve the problem of stealth. Even glow-in-the-dark Takashi could manage to hide with that on. Double trouble lifted their hoof and posed, the cloak waving in the wind along with their mane. They looked magestic.

The teleportation was different than when they'd done it with Hinoiri back on earth. They could feel the magic. It felt so good to be in a world with magic again. They felt alive. They trotted along beside the other two, looking around, taking in everything.

It was rather odd. "Didn't you say everybody would be out? Why is everything so empty?" They ask as they walk through the courtyard.

Then they get to the painting and they look up at the guard captain in her hat, and poof, they're her. When she speaks it's the right voice, but the words are definitely Double Trouble. "You do realize I need more than just looks to sell this, right? You're giving me less than you did with Naru."

There's a pause to consider as she turns around on the spot, feeling out the new new body. Then she looks at Hinoiri and grins. "What's her favorite punishment to hand out?"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara couldn't help but enjoy watching Riventon struggle. Yes, it was rude. But come on. After the teasing he'd done about learning to text, THIS was ideal. Besides, she'd figured it out after a bit. He got mad, he burst into fire. Sunbreaker did the same. He was like a little evil Sunbreaker and it was *precious*.

Later, she'd enjoy it. For now, though? She ground a hoof into the ground, a little fire popping from the tip of her horn. Slow, deep breath.

"Just... another sign that she is shallow, corrupt and needs to be *replaced*," Hinoiri said before turning to walk away. "And yes? Isn't it real in your world? I mean, it's forbidden and apparently the one who made it was a real jerk. But there's a whole thing about not destroying knowledge and all that here. The forbidden section of the library is a mess, they have a pulley system to make sure nobody gets lost in there." She paused. "Okay, that sounds weird but I'm telling the truth. Also, yes, the sun thing is true too. She lifts it and lowers it, the moon as well."

"... I guess... Sora just isn't here. The solstace is a big deal, the sun being raised. The fact everybody isn't here and the moon is still out likely means she had the grand celebration somewhere across the country. All the rich ponies likely went there, most the poorer ponies are probably waiting for the day when Sora returns. Doesn't matter, though. We'll be long gone by then."

"... Sora wasn't really big on punishments. She mostly just... made you feel like an insignificant failure who-- OH! You mean the captain of the guard. Laps around the castle, upside down. Most of the royal guard were pegasi. I don't know why. But, frankly, most I saw her do was grunt, glare, and motion with her head. I think it was a whole... thing with them. Look imposing, but don't actually do anything."

"... Turns out when your duty is 'guard a being who could destroy you with a flick of her head', not a lot of... actual guarding to do. So long as you look the part, nobody will question us. Just... just come on."

They might notice that every third or fourth step, though... the carpet underhoof singed a little. And Hinoiri was far, far more tense as she led them through the castle. There were pictures, statues, and so much magic. And--

... She detoured a moment by the kitchen, to grab them some pastries. Cupcakes. And they were *heavenly.*

"... Okay, you know what? I was wrong. This is kind of weird. Even the pastry cabinet was unguarded. We should move fast." She started double timing it...

And then, finally, at the end of the hall would be a doorway. With *guards*. Oh dear. A pair of them. Hinoiri moved her cloak over her head and quickly did the same to Riventon.

"Captain?" one of them said when they approached, eyes on Double Trouble. "We didn't think you'd be back so soon!"

... Of course. And now they go straight to asking questions...

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Eventually, playing it back in his head, he'd figured it out... really, having seen Sunbreaker... do anything, and the way he used emotions to fuel and channel his own energies, he's a little annoyed it took him that long. But then again, he's a little annoyed about pretty much everything. Except the cupcake, that's delicious.

    He couldn't shake the feeling that he was some sort of gangly child and he hated it. Something about the movement that still felt like crawling with his hands rather than just having front hooves. On its own having a world that followed different rules wasn't that surprising, but the lack of Dark Energy here from anywhere but whatever emotional transformation he had really bothered him. It asked some questions he'd rather not think about. Well, to hell with it. In his 'normal, correct' body he couldn't survive without it, what did it matter if there was another world where he could? He sure wasn't going to move to this physics-forsaken place where the ruler was in charge of raising and lowering the sun. Unless he was that ruler. Maybe that was partly Hinoiri's game, he thought. Even still... he preferred a world where the basics were controlled by laws and magic was the outlier, rather than the other way around.

    As the guards asked questions, Takashi realized something and had to bite his tongue about it. Right at that moment he realized DT had said something about Naru... she had been involved in all of that, somehow? It just wasn't the time to bring it up. Annoying. So many annoying things and he needed to remain chill... or he was gonna break everyone's cover, if he just darkswapped right here.

    So he tried to shift so he was thinking about something else... trying to sense if the guards had any magic on them, in case the ruse didn't work out... he figured he could at least tackle one of them. Hope for the best, plan for a fight, he supposed. And rely on Hinoiri's magic - which should at least be half as good here as she boasted about.

Double Trouble has posed:
Well that's just what Double Trouble expected. They strut right up to the guards and look at them. Her nostrils flare and she exhales sharply, her ears twitching and her tail swishing. "And yet here I am," she says. "Don't try and think, just let me through."

There's a pause, and then she says, rather sternly, "Or would you like to fly laps?"

Double Trouble rarely does subtle when they're left to improv. They thrive on drama, and so they lean into it. Besides, the Guard Captain has authority, and they can use that to their advantage.

She stamps her hooves impatiently and looks at the guards. "Well?!"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
The guards, meanwhile, were at attention, eyes narrowed... Until... she mentioned flying laps. There was a moment of confusion, but they quickly turned, opening the door before standing aside, saluting with their wings.

It seemed 'best punishment' really had been the correct choice. Once the door closed behind them, Hinoiri let out a sigh of relief. "You know, I was actually readying up for a stunning spell, but frankly that was much more effective. Come on."

She started trotting, and yes it was now 'trotting' and not 'jogging', ahead. Passing a staircase down, instead heading down some hallways before coming to a big metal doorway. She smirked and her horn glowed.

There was a low ding, a moment before... a strange... crystal came out. It sparkled a few times, before becoming covered in little wires and lights. "Uhhh... that's... new..." Hinoiri said before inching forward. She, nervously, put a hoof on one side of it, causing all the lights to go to where her hoof was. She put a hoof on the other side, and the lights kind of split between the two. When she pulled her hooves back, the lights reset. "... Okay, yes, definitely new. Buck..." she muttered. "Uhhhh... gimme... a minute..."

Getting the lights to move was easy enough, but it needed a strange combination, like a magical phone unlock screen...

Takashi Agera has posed:
    It turns out Takashi does not need to, in a rapid amount of time, figure out how to brawl as an equine. Though once he was on fire and had those razor sharp jaws and flaming hooves, he liked his chances, he was glad he didn't have to test it. Hinoiri's excitement was visible. And he followed in. Whatever was beyond this metal door, it was more likely to be something Takashi cared about.

    "Let me see." Takashi says, but pretty much snatches it out of Hinoiri's hands. "Okay, I think..." he moves his hands... okay his hooves... around and listens for it. Not with his ears but with that goofy horn of his. It was a lock, so it must have had something like magical 'gates', or at least that was his theory. It didn't explode or anything when they moved it 'wrong' so he thought of it like a safe combination lock.

    And then as he focused, he started to hum... and that humming became actually quietly singing to himself.

    "Open the lock..." "They won't make me stop..." "not much time..." "to make relics mine..." His hooves were moving slightly in tune to the music as he played with it. Occasionally one of the little lights seemed to stay in place.

    "Steal stuff and go" "Before someone shows..." "Return to my own lands..." "where the rules, I understand..." He didn't realize he was singing where anybody could hear it. But that's Kirakirafantastic for you.

Double Trouble has posed:
The Guard Captain Double Trouble snorted and tossed her mane, which didn't work as well with the hat on, but still. It was the gesture that counts. "Of course it was much more effective," they say, as if almost offended that they'd be regarded as anything but the most effective tool in the box.

As long as they were in here they needed to keep to their role, so they remained silent after that. Just following along and looking pretty. You know. For a pony cop. She was content to let the nerds figure this artifact stuff out so long as she could get at least one more cupcake.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara actually paused and glanced to Riventon when he started singing. Then she grinned and glanced to Dee, motioning towards him. Did you seeeee? The music, he had the music in him!

Inside... inside, behind those great, big doors, they were. Rows upon rows of... spears, gems, suits of armor....

The armory. Right into the armory. She'd taken them TO THE ARMORY! And they could likely both feel it. It was magic, a lot of magic. Minor magic, of course. Illusions on the armor, mostly. But she moved past the armor and... there it was. Wands. Amulets, magical gear for unicorns, dragons, more than just stanard issue. Granted, that was behind yet ANOTHER barrier...

That one she broke through using a strange spell that made her eyes glow green for a moment and then caused the purple barrier to kind of... melt away. Into a green puddle before fading. Like the barrier spell had gotten diseased...

"Grab what you can. We won't be going out the main door. Just need a... ah, here we go," Hinoiri said before pulling out a small... it looked like a small hourglass, made of crystal. She then grabbed a silver bag and just began stuffing things into it. Only pausing for a moment to grab a necklace with a 'sun' emblem emblazoned on it.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Takashi literally doesn't notice the fact that he was singing for a few moments. And once he settles the combination lock, he's happy to 'never mention it now or ever'. He is about to complain about the limited level of magic, till they get to the good stuff.

    "What the heck is any of this?" he asks after a moment. Some of it looks like it's not fit for humans (okay a lot of it isn't) and some of it looks like somebody had done a damn good job with cosplay of a fantasy RPG, but he decides he doesn't have the time. "Actually, who cares." he says, finding another sack and starting to just grab shiny things and cram the sack full. It's a raid, not a targeted theft, right? Grab em all and sort em out back in the lab.

    As he's trying to pick the walls and cabinets clean, he pauses. "Did I hear you say you were involved in the Naru debacle, Dee?" Takashi asks. He's actually using DT's preferred name; he's a self-centered jerk, not inconsiderate. "Cause that was a huge mess." and then he pauses. "Crap, how do I -carry- this? I need my feet to walk? Ugh, I hate this body." His eyes flicker white for a moment but he's got his emotions under better control than normal 'for some reason'.

Double Trouble has posed:
If they're not going out the main door, Double Trouble doesn't need to keep wearing the pompous guard pony, and besides, their natural body here seems useful for this. With a quick poof they're back in all their insectoid glory. They snatch a bag and start to fly around the room picking up things. Especially things up high.

"I feel like you're shortselling it. That was a catastrophe more than a debacle," they say as they indiscriminately grab whatever they can. "My darling unicorn here isn't well known for her planning, this heist notwithstanding." And really, it remains to be seen how well she planned this heist. They are not out of the castle yet.

"But yes. I played a small role," they say. But they don't say what. You'd think they'd brag. But no. They like having secrets just a little bit more.

"How are we getting out, darling?" They ask as they alight atop a statue near where Hinoiri is looting. Their bag already bulging with booty. "Because I think I'm ready to go."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara was, frankly, enjoying this. Mostly. All of the loot being gathered up and... well... soon her own bag was filled. Once they were all gathered and closed... and actually another one or two...

She cast one last spell. And the 'bulging bags' seemed to compress. They were now far lighter, not bulging at all and could easily be put over on their hips, one on each side like saddlebags.

Her eye twitched and there was a small spark at the 'catastrophe' mentioning. "I am *amazing* at plans. That wasn't a plan. That was.... things just didn't go the way I intended them, okay? I made a minor mistake. But I learned a lot from it and so that's all that matters."

She then looked all of them over again before nodding. She glanced around, did some tidying, put things back where they belonged, locked it all up and... "Okay, Dee? Take the form of... well, something that's pony-akin. Then we're out."

The moment they were ready... She tossed the hourglass on the ground. It exploded. And it was like they did the last half hour in reverse and in a second. They were, once again, outside the main foyer, with their cloaks, walking away would be a simple success. Time hadn't reversed, though. In fact, they were just as tired and had all of their gear and everything like they had. It was more a... weird magic teleportation?

Still... neat. "So. Important question, before we go home..."

"Pastry Patty's is still open for a few hours. Wanna get a box or two before we go?"

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Takashi had been at least tangentally aware of magic for most of his life, had really understood it in the last few years, and this wasn't even the first alternate dimension he'd sojurned to (that would have been the Dusk Zone). But something about this 'place' this 'magic', this whole 'world' was off and he didn't like it.

    But he couldn't deny what Hinoiri had just done was a neat trick and would be useful if he could replicate it in a less bonkers world.

    "If we're gonna stop let's get the boxes and go. I miss walking. And fingers. And sense."

Double Trouble has posed:
Double Trouble briefly considers turning into Sora but ultimately decides against it. They're trying to be inconspicuous, and that would not be. So instead they take on the same pony shape they had before: a handsome green stallion with a luxurious yellow mane. They lift up their paw so that their cloak and mane flap about in the magical wind.

"Well yes, that's what I'm getting at, darling. Kidnappings should be planned," he says. And then tosses his bags over his back and comes in close so that the teleport magic will work. Because it would suck if he didn't get brought along, or worse, only partially brought along.

But, assuming they actually walk away from the heist. There's no way he's not going to take home some cake. "As long as it's quick. We gotta get out of this place before anybody catches on things have been stolen."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara nodded, giving the pair a small grin. "Of course. It'll be just one last little job before we head out."


Hinoiri and the crew would walk out through the portal, which had closed... but re-opened, right on time like she said it would. Each with a box or more of Pastry Patty's amazing donuts.

And that's it, the perfect heist. One last job. They likely never even knew they were hit.