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From Radiant Heart MUSH

(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2024/02/10 |Location=Pikarigaoaka Ward |Synopsis=Adora, bleeding out and fueled by a horrid mixture of Dark and Eternian energy, is found by some h...")
m (Changing date to backdate to match Adora's other scene with Catra.)
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|Date of Scene=2024/02/10
|Date of Scene=2024/02/02
|Location=Pikarigaoaka Ward
|Location=Pikarigaoaka Ward
|Synopsis=Adora, bleeding out and fueled by a horrid mixture of Dark and Eternian energy, is found by some helpful, good people (And Hinoiri). But can they save her from herself at this point?
|Synopsis=Adora, bleeding out and fueled by a horrid mixture of Dark and Eternian energy, is found by some helpful, good people (And Hinoiri). But can they save her from herself at this point?

Revision as of 23:56, 10 February 2024

Something Is Wrong With Her
Date of Scene: 02 February 2024
Location: Pikarigaoaka Ward
Synopsis: Adora, bleeding out and fueled by a horrid mixture of Dark and Eternian energy, is found by some helpful, good people (And Hinoiri). But can they save her from herself at this point?
Cast of Characters: Adora Rainbowfist, Hinoiri Kirara, Adrien Agreste, Niji Dasshu, 25

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
It's been one hell of a night. It's past midnight when Adora finishes her dreadful encounter with a certain feline, and now she's trying her best to get home. However, it isn't working out very well for her. When She-Ra had the girl pinned against the wall, she was too angry to realize she was literally choking the life out of her, and Catra had responded in panic. Now that she was shifted back to Adora, the blood was really starting to flow. She was too tired to become She-Ra again properly.

A pair of tight jeans tucked into steel-toed boots already set her style apart from her usual, and the black and red flannel fit her normal style. Under it, though, a Nirvana shirt had been cut into one that ended much higher then normal, showing off her athletic tummy. Her hair, almost always up, is down and falls just past her shoulders.

Also, long claw marks rum all over her ribs, with another on her tummy, and both of her arms are clawed up from wrist to elbow. There is an insane amount of blood, and Adora is as pale as a fish. The blood trail is easy to follow if somebody finds it. She's made little progress in her trek back to the school, and she ends up slumping down on a bus bench on a very empty side street.

"F-f**k. That damned pussycat..." She raises a shakey hand to look down at it, and then herself. "I could kill her right now..."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara was out with Adrien, her hands in her pockets, listening to his woes. Why?

... Because she was worried about Adora. She TOLD Catra not to do it, so of course she did it. It wasn't like when she told Takashi not to do something, she actually wanted Catra to LISTEN to her!

Sure, maybe it was silly to think she'd, somehow, miraculously come across Catra but... hey. She saw Adrien heading out, decided to join him. Cause why not? It was near Obsidian, too. And Adrien's dad worked there, probably why he'd been in the area.

"So... what's this about your friend? The designer one, right? She's got some pretty good skills..."

Then she glanced at the ground and... paled. "Is... is that... blood?" she asked, motioning towards a trail of it...

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste had attempted a visit. His father was too busy, though, but it was worth a shot. He hadn't really seen him in person in awhile. It wasn't atypical of his father to drown himself in work so he did tend to worry about him a bit, even if he was enjoying the relative freedom that not having a constant overseer lent him. Running into Hinoiri was just a surprise.

He walks beside her with his own hands tucked far more leisurely into the pocket of his jacket to ward off what chill there was currently. "Oh she's very creative and skilled. I'm just worried about her. I..." He pauses with a little shake of his head. "I mean it's mostly a rumor but someone told me they saw her crying the other day over some guy. She hasn't mentioned anything to me about it. I guess it's a girl thing?" He hazards a guess, cautiously, about that particular topic. "I get that. So if you see her could you just see how she's doing?"

The concern for his friend was foremost on his mind at the moment now that he'd already attempted to visit his father. It was almost a welcome distraction from his own mixed emotions on the matter. Before he can say more though, his head jerks up to blink at Hinoiri's remark. "What?" Quickly he looks back to the ground scanning with his green eyes. "... I think you're right. Maybe we should find the police."

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Niji was walking out alone, with an aluminum baseball bat in her hand, which she was periodically throwing up into the air and catching it. With her swagger and her style and that hair it would be easy to think she was a brightly colored deliquent. But the bat was used in the protection of Tokyo, defending those who couldn't see the magic around them, rather than used for bashing mailboxes or causing mischef (except that one time a mailbox had turned into a youma).

    She's walking down a nearby alley, trying to see what her gem was on about. Or maybe she just really wanted to fight. But she could swear occasionally she'd catch a glimpse of it flickering. And yet, she'd been up and down the length of Juuban Ward and was now in Pikarigaoaka, and hadn't seen anything really worth getting riled up about. Sure, there was that one imp-sized youma she launched over the horizon, but it hadn't yet grown up into a threat (and now it never would, to be fair.)

    She, of course, ends up crossing the same path and Hinoiri and Adrien are, coming upon them as they discus the trail.

    "Hey Kirara-san, what's u-..." she doesn't even finish the two-letter word before the same sight catches her eye. "That's... a lot of blood." she agrees. "If someone's losing this much there's not going to be time to get proper authorities, it's us or nothing." she judges, quickly. "C'mon!" she says, not one to discuss when there's a need for action; she's already running in the direction of the trail.

Molly Skyline (25) has posed:
Molly got on the wrong bus.

The teenager had been out at the arcade, and on the way home (after staying out much, much later than she ought to have) she just... misread the bus numbers (easy to do when Japanese is not yout first language) and has found herself somewhere she didn't really plan on being. That being here. Wherever here is, exactly.

Starcrash immediately advised her to just fly home, naturally, but that'd be cheating. Can't use magic to solve absolutely all of your problems, afterall, there'll be plenty of things to fight and she'll need magic for that. So she's just out for a walk, with her nose burried in her cellphone as she tries to work out the best set of bus routes to actually get home.

She doesn't notice the trail of blood; she comes down the sidewalk from the opposite direction, walking towards Adora, and in her temporary oblivion almost walks into the girl.

"Oh! Sorry." She pauses, and ahems, then repeats the apology in Japanese instead of English. "Didn't mean to -- Oh my god, you're covered in blood! What happened?! Do you need help?" Already, she's fumbling with her phone to get to the call screen so she can dial the emergency line. "Let me get you some help! You should sit down!"

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
Adora leans against the side of the three-sided glass encasement for the bus stop, staring out at the empty street. No cars are passing. She can hear the late night life of the city in the distance, but that's slowly becoming more of a droning hum, with the slow doki-doki of her heart amid it all. One arm is in her lap, the other dangling off the bench. She's having trouble moving. Catra wouldn't have cut this deep if Adora wasn't literally killing her, but Adora can't think that clearly right now. All she can feel is a confusing, but intense welling of emoptions. She's angry, and bitter, and sad. Normally those things are hidden under smiles and laughs and the sound of her cheeering other heroes on, but the bizarre, crackling internal mixture of Eternian and Dark Energy drowns the usual smiles.

She remembers things as she sits there. Applesauce. She found Catra in an Applesauce box. She was small and scared and dirty, and it took little Adora days of visits and food left out to finally lure her out. But after that she'd convinced Shadow Weaver to take her in...and the two had been inseperable for so, so long. Hell, Catra slept at the foot of her bed every single night. She tried to get her to climb up beside her, especially on the colder nights, but the girl seemed comfortable down there. It was close to Adora, but far enough from her that Catra could still feel safe from...whatever was going on inside her and between them.

She remembers Prime's ship, next. Catra speaking with Prime's words, leaving marks on her back that would grow into another set of scars Adora would become accustomed to seeing in the bathroom mirror. Catra falling. Adora leaping after her. It was one of the most important moments in the girl's life and Catra...this Catra...had never lived it. She weakly balls a bloody hand into a fist. "You stupid f**king cat. I'm trying to h-help you. I'm going to beat the hell o-out of those idiots at Obsidian...tear...tear that place down b-brick by b-brick until...until you see it..."

And then Molly appears, almost bumping into the bench she's sitting on. "Whu?," is about all she can manage, staring up at her. She looks weak but...there's something in her eyes. Incredible, simmering anger.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara at least was listening about Marinette. She couldn't imagine what had the girl so upset... However, 'it's a girl thing' made him glare. "I think it's a 'person' thing. Or do you think boys don't get upset over people?" she asked, cocking an eye. Yeah, poor choice of words, that. "But I'll keep an eye on her when I see her."

But, for now... the blood had her worried. Damn it, Catra. Despite herself she mentally prayed that the idiot wasn't DEAD. Adora wasn't in her right mind and Catra had NO idea what she was dealing with! IDIOT! I mean, sure, it maybe WASN'T related to her, but... but Hinoiri suspected it was.

And then Niji! "Hey Dasshu-san," Hinoiri said. "I... was actually thinking the same thing. Maybe it's nothing, we'll look like fools if we call the police out for that. Come on, let's go."

She followed behind Niji, trusting Adrien to follow. And she... was nowhere near as fast as Niji.

However, she had an advantage. Namely, when she turned the corner, saw the blood... and saw Adora.

And then saw Molly near the girl. Heh. The girl she'd scared. Who would--

Wait. No. Adora. DARK energy. Lots of blood loss. Those wounds. It was--

There was a moment of panic. She yelled out, before she could stop herself. "Look out!" she yelled to Molly.

After all, she caused this... She knew just how dangerous Adora was right now.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste does pause to hold his hands up at Hinoiri's anger at that. "That's not what I meant at all," he assures looking a bit startled that it was the leap of logic she jumped to. "I meant that she hasn't tried talking to me about it, so I thought maybe she would feel more comfortable opening up to another girl." Ah, he had kind of put his foot in his mouth at that one. "Sorry," he adds sounding quite sincere.

Even though it's quick there was the more pressing matter of... Blood. He's already fishing his phone out of his pocket apparently intending to dial the police as he suggested when Niji turns up, and Hinoiri starts off after her.

"Ah, wait! It could be dangerous!" The phone is still in hand as he starts to jog after them. His gaze flits down to the messenger bag at his side, and he flips open the flap. "Plagg! We might need to change," he hisses in a quiet whisper. "Get ready in case."

He rounds the corner himself a few feet behind HInoiri just as he hears her call out a warning about--"Adora?" He recognized her. It was hard not to recognize a tall girl like her, especially when he'd also seen her transformed and after while HE was transformed once. It was months ago though.

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Niji is dashing down the street, baseball bat trailing behind her in her hand as she follows that. The longer the trail gets the more worried Niji gets. She starts to wonder if there would even be a person at the end of it, and not some large escaped creature.

    And in the end, as she sees the girl sitting on the bench, she's partially right about that. "Adora?" she says, dropping the pretense of politeness in the moment of seeing her friend like that. "Adora oh gods what happened to you?" she says, the metal bat clunking noisily to the ground as she drops it and attempts to get closer to her.

    Niji gets close but then takes a step back when she sees that flare of anger in Adora's eyes. And then she realizes what she's bleeding from. Claw marks. Zero guesses as to who's claws they were.

    "Oh gods did the cat-lady do this to you?" You'd think Catra wasn't a hard name to remember, but Niji really didn't file her very highly in her mental cabinet. "We need to get you an ambulance." Niji starts scrambling for her phone.

    And during this, she says something she probably shouldn't. "Seriously, you need to stay away from that girl!"

Molly Skyline (25) has posed:
There are suddenly a lot of things happening all at once. Adora looks -- as far as Molly can tell -- like a girl who's just taken a stroll through the tiger enclosure at the zoo, and been treated like lunch for her troubles. And then, someone with the wildest hair ever shows up and starts talking like she knows who Adora is (which is more than Molly's got right now), and says something about a 'cat-lady', which either means these people are way too committed to their LARPing or they're in the know about, y'know, magic and such.

And then Hinoiri appears, with Adrien. The former being someone that Molly *almost* recognizes. The voice sounds familiar. But, she can't quite place it.

Of course, she's yelling 'look out' to her, so immediately Molly just assumes that there's a car coming and she jumps all the way into the busshelter, just in case. Getting run over by a car would be far too ignominious of a way to, y'know, lose all her hit points.

Dungeons and Dragons nerd to the end, this one.

"I-- look out?! For what? I thought there was a car coming, don't scare me like that!" She kind of stands back as Niji takes up some of the space -- also that hair is truly amazing -- and uhms, "I already have my phone in hand," she points out, already going about dialing the emergency line. "Is there a big cat on the loose? Should we be calling animal control services or... whatever... you call them here in Japan..." She ahems softly. "I've got some water in my backpack if you'd like it," she adds, choosing not to notice Adora's apparent stage of anger. Probably she's just in shock.

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
Adora is glaring up at Molly and struggling to her feet when the others begin to arrive. A girl as hurt as herself shouldn't be able to stand, but it's amazing what that Dark Energy/Eternian cocktail mixture can do, on top of Adora already being a prime specimen of 'HOW DID SHE DO THAT?!' Molly is about to get the brunt of her current frustration when everyone else arrives, and she slowly turns to look at the others. She reaches up to brush hair behind her ear, leaving a trail of blood on her cheek and ear. She's about to say something when Niji says what she says.

How can she move so fast? Well, she does, stumbling at the girl who had once fought by her side against Catra, and she moves to grab the front of Niji's shirt, getting that blood all over the place.

"Excuse me?!", she roars. "She's the only person in this dirty, stinking city that matters to me, you b**ch! And she has a name and you KNOW IT!"

She roars those last words. Her eyes are wrong. They're all wrong. There's a flicker of something behind those baby blues, which are oddly dilated, like when someone experiences a heightened state. She has completely turned her back on Molly for the moment, and barely registers Adrien or Hinoiri at first. All of that anger is focused securely on her friend Niji for the moment.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara would, at least, nod to the comment about talking to another girl. That made sense. Adrien was falling behind, so that wasn't much of an issue.

What was an issue was that Niji was saying the absolute WORST things in the world. And there was so much blood and... She'd been there. Did she need to henshin? Was Niji going to be okay?


Molly's misunderstanding about her 'look out' was equally as frustrating. Damn it, when she says 'Look out' it means 'Look out'! Couldn't any of you people listen?!

On the upside, Adora hadn't drawn that sword of hers or anything. So, small miracles.

"Hey Adora..." Hinoiri said cautiously. Slooooowly moving forward. Holding her hands up. "You, uhhhh... look like you've been having a tough night. Girl... issues? Wanna talk about it?" She was going to try and stay out of reach, at least...

"Wanna go get a donut or something? Maybe... talk it out? There's a really good frozen yogurt shop near here..."

Damn it. None of them realized just how much danger they were in. All they saw was a giant body builder with anger issues BUT SHE WAS SO MUCH WORSE RIGHT NOW! "Maybe... get you some bandages for that? Is... uhhhh... all that blood yours?"

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Niji makes a startled noise as she's grabbed by Adora. And maybe she should be scared. Certainly, maybe she should shut up. Maybe let the other girls diplomacy her out of this mess. But Niji isn't Geode Girl Run Away, or Geode Girl Good Ideas either.

    So even though Adora is easily capable of picking up the shorter girl by her shirt, one handed, Niji just looks back into Adora's eyes - hate filled and messed up as they are. "Maybe wherever you came from you can solve everything with your fists, Adora. But that's not how it works here. No matter how bad you want it to be." It takes her a moment of her own anger at what Adora said to pick up on the things that are going on.

    "You're not yourself, are you? Something's happened to you. Beyond just being used as a scratching post. You need help. We're here to help you. But the first step is letting go of me and not trying to fight the people who are actually here to help you. But if you are gonna try to pick a fight with me, could you do it when you don't look like you've just been through an angry, furry blender? It's just gonna prove you have a limited amount of blood when you pass out." she says, her eyes determined.

    "Or you could like, NOT fight the person who tried to introduce you to this world and who went to the mall with you and bought you a cell phone which, by the way, you could use to text me more often." she adds.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste hangs back where he'd come to a halt staring at the mess that was about to unfold. Moreso when Adora leaps at the girl who had been speaking to her starting to shout out loud. THAT was not at all what he expected. Given the trail of blood they'd been following led to Adora though--Maybe she wasn't in her right mind currently.

"I'll uh, I'll go get the police!" He blurts out hefting his phone up, and backpedaling away only to turn and dash away from them all. At least 'Adrien' was out of the way now with a decent excuse. There was nothing he could do to break that up easily as it was. Hinoiri seemed to be trying her best, and the girl with the baseball bat he wasn't so sure about.

His dash skids to a halt as soon as he rounds the corner away from the group into an alley where he skids to a stop. Just in case he tucks himself behind a dumpster to help hide further. Not the best smelling, but it worked. Honestly it was a lot cleaner than the alley's in France.

"Plagg, claws out!"

The transformation is quick, and not as flashy as some, so there's little chance of others seeing. A few moments after 'Adrien' had left a feline figure descends from the sky to land on the top of the bus stop shelter Adora had been under moments ago.

Jauntily leaning forward on his staff, Cat Noir peers down at the kerfluffle below. "You don't seem to be fe-line well tonight. Maybe you should consider a cat nap?" He practically purrs out.

Molly Skyline (25) has posed:
"Woah woah, hold on, hold on!" Molly just kind of gets forced back out of the shelter as Adora stands up and advances on Niji like she's actually going to take the wild-haired girl to the cleaners the old fashioned way. "Hey now, c'mon, let's settle down, yeah?" She gives up on calling the authorities; it's unlikely they'll have much, y'know, authority here.

So instead she steps forwards once again, all while ignoring Starcrash speaking in her ear and warning her that she should call for backup. Y'know, like the last time she ignored said warning. Which turned out great. So great.

"Come on, we're here to help you," she says in as soothing a tone as she can, and steps around beside Adora, to put one hand on the bigger girl's arm and try to coax her into letting go of Niji. "We can talk about this, maybe?" She gestures towards the approaching Hinoiri, "Like she said, get a donut?" She pauses, looking at Adora's size, "Maybe... two?"

Her eyes dart upwards to where Cat Noir is, perched on the shelter, and her expression says 'Not helping' as plain as day, but what's she gonna do? Call him out about it? Not right this minute.

"I don't think we've been introduced," she adds, looking back to Adora and Niji. "I'm Molly. Please to meet you both." She hopes.

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
"M-most of it," growls Adora. "Some of it...is probably Catra's. But she d-deserved it...," she manages in her wounded state. A few tears qwell up in her eyes when she says that. She doesn't take her gaze off of Niji as she says it, though.

Her eyes narrow as she listens to Niji, that grip on her shirt tightening as she stares down at her. But in the end she releases it, leaving a string of red fingers on her collar, and she tries to take a step back. The step turns into a stumble, though, and she almost slams into Hinoiri before she catches herself and leans against the glass wall of the bus stop.

"Goes both ways. You could text me, too," she grunts, still sounding angry, but so, so tired. "And I'm fine. Mabye I'm just d-done...holding everything in." She thinks she's telling the truth, but she isn't, of course. Only Hinoiri knows why, though. She growls a mumbled response to Adrien about calling the police, but then he's gone. She glances at Hinoiri. "You're not...involved in this." Oh, if only she knew. "I'm tough. If you...want to help someone...head about eight blocks that way. There's a stupid girl who might...have a broken nose and...a lot of issues who needs it a lot more then I do." No, she needs help, both physical and spiritual, right now. And then Molly's hand is on her arm, and the girl can feel her athletic arm tense at the touch. "Try your game somewhere else, girl. I've...g-got a girlfriend."

And then there is Cat Noir. She pulls away from the others to stare up at him for a long moment. She simply stares. And then, suddenly, the bloodied girl steps towards the bus stop and lifts a boot to kick the corner of the structure as hard as she can. The glass shatters and the entire thing topples in a loud, resounding crash, with him on top.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a small nod to Adrien. Good. Yes. Call for medical help or something. Please.

Though, surprise of surprises? Adora didn't pummel the shit out of Niji. Which, frankly, she deserved. Seriously. Who just... talks to ANGRY ADORA?! like that? When Adora started t o stumble back, well... she gave a less than dignified squeak and held up her arms. If Adora fell on her, no ifs, ands or buts about it. She was going down. This ride wasn't big enough to hold up that mountain. But, fortunately, Adora caught her balance.

And oh my gosh there was... a cat girl. Boy? "Wait, there's a cat boy now? Oh for--"

And she went wide eyed when Adora turned towards him. Oh, she knew what was about to happen. And Molly was... really close to the area. She lunged forward, grabbed Molly's arm...

And yanked her back. Mere moments before Adora kicked it down. Yup. About what she expected. What was it the humans said?! What'd they call it?!

"I... I think she's on the drugs! The... ummmm... she's on the reefers madness or something!"

... So she wasn't up to date on all the lingo.

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    "I think it's more like something ELSE got into you..." Niji says, when Adora says she's done holding everything in. She wasn't the most savvy magical girl when it came to Actual Magical Girl things, like corruption and pretty much anything that wasn't 'hit it with the bat and/or annoy it to death' but she had seen regular people turn into youma, and well... The way Adora is talking, how her eyes are? It gave her a bit of a shock and memory to times like it."

    "Nobody is 'I just left a blood trail a football field long, but I'll somehow magically recover even though it hasn't stopped yet' tough, Adora." Niji says, looking down at the blood on her shirt. "You need help. Professional help." Of both the mental and magical kind, in addition to someone to put her back together.

    Hinoiri says she's on drugs, and Niji shoots her a look, but then softens. "Yerah, maybe it's something like that." Niji says.

    "Catboy! Not now!" Niji says, and she's about to throw something at him (where's a tomato when you need one) but then Adora destroys a bus stop.

    "Okay Adora, now that you've destroyed public property - and I do not mean the catboy, that was fine - can we please get you looked at? If you're gonna rampage you should not do it while also bleeding like this. You're gonna be real heavy to cart to Mitakihara General Hospital if you can't walk there."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Cat Noir lifts a hand to place clawed fingertips to his chest indignantly while giving Hinoiri a mock hurt look. "We aren't *that* rare! I just don't get out much. I'm more of a house cat," He quips just as Adora starts to come toward the bus stop to kick it into oblivion. Very much so.

Thankfully he was apparently very lithe, very fast, and very acrobatic. Back flipping off of it, gaining a bit more space away from Adora and the others, he lands on his feet as cats often do. The staff he carries is slung over the back of his shoulders with his hands raised up to just casually hang over it like he were walking home from school rather than facing off against an angry and injured Adora.

"Seriously though, jokes aside, are you okay? We could take you somewhere to get you fixed up. That looks pretty clawful there." Okay mostly serious.

Molly Skyline (25) has posed:
Molly is pulled backwards, resulting in one of the clumsiest moments of her entire life. Well, just of this week, really, but it feels more like the former as she almost steps off the curb, flails, and tries to grab the bus shelter to steady herself. Which, would work ordinarily, but the shelter is smashed right off its moorings just as that happen.

Now Starcrash really does want her to call for backup.

"I-- whaddaya do that-- nevermind," she expresses, mostly to Hinoiri. "And I still have no idea who any of you people are," she adds as a mumbled complaint. It really is seeming like a bit of a minor point right at the moment though. "I'm pretty sure you need..." She once again trails off. This Adora seemed more than capable of undocking a bus shelter from Planet Earth, does she really need help? Not only that but she seems exraordinarily pissed off. Well, maybe the claw marks have something to do with it.

"Look, uhm, you're pretty tore up, are you sure there isn't a monster or something we're needing to go deal with?" she asks, patiently, and from a little ways out of reach.

Molly glances back and forth between the various parties, and uhms to Hinoiri, the one who pulled her back out of the way, "Thanks, by the way. I'm Molly. Can I please have it be a pleasure to meet *someone*?"

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
"I'M FINE! I'M ADORA! I'M THE PRINCESS OF POWER! I HAVE TO BE FINE, RIGHT?!" Okay, good job shouting your magical girl title on the street, but there's nobody 'normal' around, anyways. Not that she knows anything about Molly, though, or that Hinoiri is magical. She leans down and scoops up the remains of the actual bench and turns, tossing it across the street. It lands with a metal-scraping crash. "NO TEARS FOR THE HERO! SUCK IT UP AND LET YOUR TRUE LOVE BE CORRUPTED BY THE IDIOTS WHO ARE JUST USING HER, RIGHT?! STAND TALL AND FIGHT EVIL, RIGHT?! SMILE FOR MORALE, PRINCESS! YOU NEED TO BE STRONG, -PRINCESS-!" She says the last Princess with a huge amount of venom.

She tears another large piece of metal out of the pile and turns, hurling it in the direction of the gathered Molly, Hinoiri and Niji.

She turns a bloody hand towards Cat Noir then and points. "Also, your puns F**KING SUCK!"

The blonde teenager is practically roaring now, but there's further paleness to her face. She almost teeters but then widens her stance and firmly places her boots, the broken glass making a terrible sound on the asphalt beneath them. It doesn't seem like she's even hearing everyone implore her for help, or if she does it's just getting twisted by her ignited emotions. Molly's words have her attention turn in her direction. Ruh roh.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara groans and tries not to make a snarky comment about how the catboy wasn't public property. Then... "Wait, we're not going to have to carry her, are you? And yes, cat boy, you may want to be rare tonight! We do not need a house cat, we need a... medical... cat..." Okay, so she was not on her a-game. But in her defense, Adora was KIND OF SCARY!

... Oh, right, and she should... let... Molly go now. Slowly, she did. "Err, right. Hinoiri Kirara. I uhhh... go to school with most of these people." Pause. "Not the weirdo in the cat gear. But the other two, I do. They--"

She, however, wasn't in a henshin. Or able to be powered. So when Adora started screaming, she cringed. "H-hey. Just calm down. It's... fine. You're fine. Don't--"

And then the metal was chucked at them. And Hinoiri barely got her arms up in time, shrieking and stumbling back, the sleeves of her jacket torn and some blood across her arms. She fell on her butt, looking down at her sudden gashes, eyes wide with shock. Trying to think of something to say... and... She lost her temper. "You bucking BITCH! How about you just calm your stupid ass up!" she yelled. "Maybe you should learn to suck it up, stop being such a selfish little crybaby and throwing your tantrums! How about you get a little self control for all of us idiots who are trying to help you! No wonder your girlfriend slashed you up like a damn pumpkin! Who'd want to be around such a violent psychopath of power, anyway?!!"

... So yeah, she was a little peeved too.

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Niji turns to Molly with an apologetic expression on her face. "Sorry, Molly. It's kinda awkward to call a situation a 'pleasure' when my friend's over here raging out and bleeding out?" she says, shrugging. "But if you see me in a less crazy circumstance, I'm Niji Dasshu, and it'll be a pleasure then." she says.

    She is unable to resist physically facepalming at Cat Noir's puns, but what can she do? She says silly things in henshin too. "Still, if we could get someone who wanted to help and was magic and isn't a catboy?" she says, with a sigh. "Though I guess the fact that we're all taking this in stride means a lot of us have... other outfits, too." Otherwise the blood and detonating bus stops and everything would scare them off, right? Especially once Adora starts throwing things around. Large, heavy, metal things that Niji has to dodge and then vault over.

    And then Hinoiri says... well, frankly, some of the things Niji wanted to say but actually knew better than to say. So she tries to... defuse it... a little. If she can.

    "Listen, she might be a little harsh but Adora, nobody says you can't cry, nobody says you have to always be tough, and nobody says you need to do it yourself. That's why there's like, so many of us!" she says. "Come on, this isn't you...." she says. "Right now you seem pretty corrupted too."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
"Yeah, I know they suck," Cat Noir responds to Adora while offering her a toothy, cheesey smile none the less. He even risks taking a step forward with both hands lifting in a helpless shrug. "I admit it. They make my partner laugh, though. She tries to take everything on herself too. I don't mind making a fool of myself if I can get her to relax just a bit."

Adora may be yelling but the things she was saying he'd heard before. Seen before. Even experienced in some aspect, but not as much as he'd seen others go through. "You know, Princesses are people too. If you need to take a break, or cry, or... Whatever you need? I get it. And it's *okay* to need that, it doesn't make you weak or powerless-"

Aaaand she's throwing things at people oh no. He was trying to calm her down even if his main attempt at first was 'draw attention to himself so she doesn't go after others.' It doesn't seem like it worked.

"No, don't!"

Maybe it was too late for her to be listening to either of his remarks. It's too late to stop her throwing things, so he just leaps over Adora to land in between her and the others bringing his staff up in a defensive position. "You know if what you need to do right now is fight to let off steam, I get that too. I'm a bit more durable than they are I imagine. Or we could sit and talk?" He adds oh-so-hopefully but in a tone that states he wasn't expecting much.

Risking a quick glance over his shoulder he calls out, "Are you all okay?"

Molly Skyline (25) has posed:
Molly flushes deep red, "Uhh, yeah, I get that," she replies to Niji, "Just... trying to be upbeat I guess, or... yeah I'm bad at this."

Her moment of serious toe-scuffing is interupted by airborn pieces of bus shelter, however, and the purple-haired girl squeaks and dives to the pavement to avoid getting a broken shoulder, rib, arm, or face. As it is she definitely manages to skin her palms a bit, but that's minor compared to the injuries someone else here is currently ignoring.

As Molly stands up, she plucks the jewel out of her single earing, and her outfit transforms into something a bit more... armored, while the jewel turns into a staff. (All with a mental high-five for Cat Noir, for a fellow staff user.) Apparently Molly has come to the same conclusion, that everyone here is magic.

"Hey, can we..." she begins, and then trails off, 'cause that hasn't been working so well. She does move to stand in front of Hinoiri, seeing as how she's in a much more durable state now. "Yeah, I'm okay, I think we're okay," she answers Cat Noir. "Look, uhm, Adora? I think there's some people here who really care about you. They want to help you. Do you think you could just hear them out?"

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
"What the hell did you say to me, you miserable b***h?," Adora asks Hinoiri, her attention flitting to her. It isn't yelled or roared, but there's an intense threat to the careful way she says them. The girl taps the golden bracelet on her arm under her sleeve, and the metal flows and glimmers, soon forming into an enormous sword that looks like something out of a fantasy anime. The tomboy hefts it like nothing. She stalks towards Hinoiri, giving a few swings to the empty air, as if both testing the weight of the blade, and threatening the girl.

"This is the first tantrum I've ever given! I complain, sure, but who wouldn't? Who the -hell- do you think you are, talking to me like that?"

The blood is still flowing, and there's a stumble as the blonde stalks towards Hinoiri, looming at her intimidating 5'8". Enormous for a high school girl in Japan, at least. Energy flickers down her blade and for anyone who's seen it before it looks WRONG. That glimmering, incandescent rainbow energy is there, but there's a shadow and intensity to the colors that is unusual...and the light is casting a stark shadow across the ground that was never, ever there before.

"You don't even KNOW me! We've talked like...what...ONCE? I should kick that stupid, bratty look off your face. It's about time -somebody- did." And then Niji is talking at her, and she snarls. There's another stumble in her movements and she tries to raise her sword above her head. "For the honor of-..." And then her arm droops from the blood loss and she can't finish the transformation. That seems to just make the blonde tomboy angrier, though

She brings her blade up again, trying to raise it above her head, but fails again, the tip cutting into the asphalt in a very unnatural way as her arm lowers with a huff. And then Cat Noir is between her and the two pissing her off, and her corrupted blue eyes narrow. "I've already kicked the crap...out of one cat tonight...I guess I could...add another to the list. But you're...a hell of a lot...less kissable." She sneers at that and struggles to bring her sword up into a fighting position, facing him (And thus those standing behind him, too.) "But if you really...want it..."

Molly transforms, and she glances past Cat Noir to take it in. "Hmph. Nobody here really cares. Why should...should they? This isn't even...my home. I'm...I'm so far from home..." Her voice shakes at that, and her knuckles grow whiter as she grips the blade hilt tighter. Is she about to pass out?

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara stared up at that sword. Her breath stopped. And yeah, her rage was doused. She was going to have to henshin. She had to henshin. This was dark energy and people were going to know but maybe they weren't magic they--

And then CAT NOIR was between her and the giant murderess there. "I... I think I'm okay," she said softly.

And then Molly was henshining. And there was a twist. One of the girls trying to protect her was the one she traumatized.

She couldn't move, though. She just stared. She was bleeding. Not much, but she was. That sword...

She could very easily die. If they... knew. She crawled back away from her... Unfortunately, out into the street.

She'd forgotten there were other dangers, too.

And she didn't realize until there was a honk and the truck was almost on her, the lights blinding her and she SHRIEKED, lifting her arms over her head!

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Cat Noir flashes a grin toward the newly henshined Device mage, as well as a wink. "Ah, excellent choice in weapon!" He could appreciate a fellow staff user, too. His attention splits though between everything going on, and his gaze flips back toward Adora as she turns into She-ra.

One ear twitched. Sure it wasn't a *real* ear, really, was it? It looked like another bit of his leather suit, and yet it *twitches* rotating to the side like a cat actually would. There was a noise that caught his attention in spite of all the issues going on. He'd been snuck up on plenty of times, or surprised by things, or .. Or frankly fought in the middle of the day in a busy, crowded city, so he knew to keep an eye out for cars, buses, and random passerbys that might cause trouble or get in trouble.

"I'd rather *not* fight, I *do* care, and I'm not from here either. We don't have to--Oh sure, NOW people want to sword fight." It was so hard to find a decent sparring partner as Adrien these days. Alas.

The ear twitches again. Something was definitely wrong. His green eyes skirt to the side as he realizes what the approaching sounds meant, and where he'd last heard Hinoiri's voice coming from. With a look of horror on his face he whirls and leaps toward the road where she'd wandered. His staff is still in hand and he *stamps* it down as he jumps. It elongates, throwing him further into his jump as he launches at Hinoiri to tackle her around the waist. With a rather graceful, almost ballet-perfect spin in mid-air he flips her around so that he ends up being the one that slams into the concrete sidewalk with her ontop of him.

Groaning beneath her he mutters, "I don't usually pick up girls like this but I thought I'd make an exception in your case."

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Niji isn't in henshin, and more importantly, she's not facing Hinoiri when she slides back away from Adora. She's thinking about the blood from her friend's body, or the look in her eyes, or the red fingerprints on her shirt. "Adora... this isn't how we fight. This is how they fight. This is all... wrapped up in anger, rage. Blind to our own actions. You want to win her back - you'll never do it taking the tactics from the losers." she says, trying to get Adora to ease back. But then Cat Noir moves so fast, in a different way than Loyalty moves fast, but still quick - and saves the girl that Niji last remembered from the game market.

    "Doesn't anybody pay attention around here?!" she yells, though if it's to Hinoiri or the driver, it's not known. "Twice is two times too often for someone to nearly get hit by a truck in front of me, right Ad..." she says as she turns around and finds out she may not have anyone to speak to.

Molly Skyline (25) has posed:
Hinoiri's right about to be run over, and Molly really ought to do something, but she's having one of those slow-motion moments where everything is happening, but she can't find the wherewithal to get her muscles in gear to actually do anything about it. Luckily, Cat Noir has things under control and is more than quick enough to rescue her, which leaves Molly breathing out a sigh of relief.

The relief is short lived, though, since Adora is still here and still very clearly affected by... something.

"Look, we want to help," she just says, addressing Adora and feeling like a twerp who says the same thing over and over again. "But like, I can't make you. But if you need anyone to talk to, while you're figuring things out, you can probably find me at school, alright? Or else my Moms own the rooftop ramen place and I'm up there a lot." She shrugs her shoulders lightly. "Come up any time, I'll hook you up with some Tonkatsu Ramen." She takes a step back, keeping herself out of sword-range after a quick glance back and forth for more cars. "That goes for you too, Niji-san, and... well everyone else. Maybe a ramen party when everyone feels better?" she offers, looking meaningfully at Adora.

Adora Rainbowfist has posed:
Everything happens very fast. They are arguing and threatening, and folks are transforming into their magical selves. Adora has lost it and is bleeding profusely. And then Hinoiri falls into the street. Does she deserve getting at least a tiny bit hit by a car? Sure. But that's not the point of this story. Adora lowers her sword and takes a few stumbly steps back as the girl falls and the Cat rushes to save her. She turns, and suddenly the sword transforms in a shimmer of that rainbow and golden light...with the tainted portion of the energy bleeding off of it like oil. When the shimmer is done, the sword is replaced with a long, golden rope. She swings it and it wraps about a rooftop above them.

Without another word to Molly as she tries talking to her, and while the others are distracted, the weakened girl gives a yank on it. Suddenly it rappels her upwards, leaving one or two bloody footprints a good twenty feet up, along the wall, before she vanishes over the edge of the roof.

As soon as she rolls to her feet she begins crying from the pain, and also all of these emotions, escalated to insane degrees. They're wrong, though. She isn't corrupt. She's just fed up, right? Unless...did Sunbreaker do something to her? She's the only member of Obsidian she's had ANY contact with, other then Catra, and Catra wouldn't do something like this. Is she to blame for all of this? The girl snarls as she finds a fire escape two roofs over, and begins to slowly descend to an alleyway, hobbling.

Okay, steps for now. 1) Find the things needed to sew herself up. She's done it before. 2) Find Sunbreaker and punch all of the blood out of her body (Or as much as is needed to get her to talk). 3) If she didn't do it, apologize and find Catra. Steps four through infinite all also involve Catra.

Oh, Adora.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara needed to henshin needed to henshin NEEDED TO HENSHIN!

And... and then... She was off to the side. Breathing quickly. Looking down at Cat Noir. Eyes dilated. Hands up and fists together in a weird way (like hooves, but she'd never admit that was what it was).

She opened her mouth, stared at him. Then... "You just saved my life. So I am going to let that one slide and just say thank you." Pause. "... And that I am going to get off you. Just... just as soon as I can move my legs again." They were a little... puddy... right now. "... Seriously, though. Uhhhh. Thanks." She... slowly crawled off him. And then looked and... Adora was gone. She eye twitched. Where... did she say Catra was? Oh shit.

OH SHIT! This was her fault. This was all her fault. Damn it, Catra. Should she go and help her?... Or go home. You know what? Go home. Screw Catra... Maybe? Ughhhhh...

"I... I think I'm going back to school. This has been... this has been a night. Or maybe the nurse. I might need... stitches or... b-bye..." she mumbled. And just gonna... walk. Maybe she'd go try to find Catra in a bit. That or face the existential dread of nearly being skewered and/or almost being isekai'd. Again.

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Niji turns around in time to watch Adora use her sword as a rope to launch herself far away. For a moment she considers henshin-ing and chasing her, but what is she gonna do when she catches up to her, alone? Adora didn't want to talk. She wanted to hurt. She was going to have to get that out of her system with help, and that didn't mean chasing after her tonight.

    And then Hinoiri says she's gonna do the same thing?! "Uh-uh." Niji says, walking over to Hinoiri. "Adora's from some sort of hellishly severe military school or something, she is used to doing dumb stuff on her own, but I'm not going to let you also walk off alone. You're all scraped up." she says, firmly.

    "So unless you have some way to do the same thing she just did and yeet yourself on top of some buildings, you're not going back alone. If you need stiches you need someone to make sure you get back to the nurse. And unlike Adora I'm pretty sure I can haul your skinny butt back if need be." Niji says.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
"No problem. Not sure I can walk right now either," Cat Noir assures Hinoiri. While he may have horrible pun timing he at least knows better than to say 'You're heavy and I'm squished beneath you' to someone shell shocked.

Once she's off and up though he rolls to his feet as well giving a little stretch to release a crack from his back. "Ramen sounds amazing. I'll hae to try that shop sometime. For now?" A glance is offered troward Niji as she approaches to help Hinoiri and he nods thankfully.

"I'm going to see if I can keep an eye on her or at least find that other person she mentioned fighting with." He saw what direction she went at least. Stooping to scoop up his staff, it's flipped around in hand as he rises again and then smacks it into the ground. "Cat you later!"

Thankfully he's off on a large staff-boosted leap at that point so out of Hinoiri's hitting range.