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From Radiant Heart MUSH

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Revision as of 05:12, 8 March 2024

Rainbow Crystals 5: Mermadness of the Blue Crystal!
Date of Scene: 07 March 2024
Location: Penguin Park
Synopsis: The blue rainbow crystal shows up at the island shrine in Penguin Park, just in time for Hanon of the South Atlantic Ocean to become transformed into the youma Rikoukeidar! Luckily, Coco, Yuuto, Hinote, Mamoru, Usagi, Ami, and Makoto are all on hand to help her out!
Cast of Characters: Usagi Tsukino, Coco Kiumi, Yuuto Shiraishi, Mamoru Chiba, Hinote Kagari, Amanda Faust, Ami Mizuno, Makoto Kino
Tinyplot: Rainbow Crystals

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Penguin Park is more than just a playground, and on days like today, that shines clearly. Pikarigaoka's urban cultural park surrounds a large pond, and the island shrine at the center is a popular location, the traffic on the bridge often heavy. Locals and tourists alike enjoy the zoo, museums, and park. Recently, the park had even hosted a celebration of Hinamatsuri (Doll's Festival), and preparations were getting underway for the Cherry Blossom Festival, just ten days away. Many of the cherry blossom trees around the park are in a state of tsubomi - the buds are notable, but have not yet bloomed.

Today is one of the warmer days of winter, a sure sign that the coming spring would be a time of warmer weather, and a light breeze carries through the park.

At the small island shrine, once one passes through the torii gate and has cleansed themselves at the wash basin, sits the offering box, the wooden slats and golden characters carefully tended. Around the shrine are plenty of worn-but-lovingly tended statues. There's a glimmer of rich blue caught in the slats of the offering box; perhaps someone's offering failed to fall through?

On the other side of the bridge, Usagi Tsukino has laid out a blanket under a tree and is sprawled on her back, looking up at the sky through the branches. She's wearing a long sleeved pink shirt as a testament to the weather, and a black miniskirt, pink leggings and white tennis shoes (neatly lined up on the side of the blanket), and is cozy on this warm(er) winter's day.

"It won't be long now, Mamochan! The cherry blossoms are sure to bloom any day now. We'll have to come back when they do." They have a picnic basket with them, stocked with snacks of all sorts, and a couple of thermos' of hot tea to keep them warm. They've been trying for more lowkey dates, since at least if those get ruined, they haven't wasted an entire outing, and this one is going perfectly so far.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"It's ok, Hanon, Tokyo isn't quite so dangerous." Coco is chatting with a blue-haired girl with brown eyes that looks a bit younger than her while they are walking towards the center of the park. The small island shrine isn't too far by now.

"But Sara appeared here and tried to kidnap Taro-chan, didn't she? And the Dark Lovers haven't been inactive either. Moreover, what's this about the guy with you?" the bluenette pouts while she looks at Yuuto.

"Come on, Hanon, don't look at him like that, stop driving him away", Coco reprimands her.

"Yes, but why do you have a boyfriend already? I want one too. When will Taro-chan acknowledge me?", the bluenette sighs, deflated. "Anyway, Yuuto-san, was it? You better be treating Coco well", the bluenette tells him all of a sudden.

"He is, very much so, thanks, but we are happily together. And you should aim at a healthy relationship instead of making Taro-sensei feel awkward. Nagisa for example. He has totally fallen head over heels for you, and he is so cute", the yellow mermaid winks at her friend.

"That rude pipsqueak? Even if he likes me, he should get some manners, and moreover, he is too short to be my type. I think the shrine here should give me some luck, that's what the tarots told me."

That's clearly not something Coco is buying, and by the barely concealed smirk on her face it is all but clear that she is expecting things to go very differently for her fellow mermaid.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
And that is how this meeting has gone so far. Coco was introducing Yuuto to her fellow mermaids and friends, the all-important introduction of the boyfriend. And Yuuto so far, has endured it all pretty well. There's several blinks in succession when Hanon comes after him and he puts up his hands a little.

"I-I'm pretty sure I've done okay!" he asks, a wide-eyed look to Coco that relaxes when she steps up for him. So far, he has stayed out of the talk of relationships.

But he totally latches onto going to the shrine. "You know, that's a great idea! We can all go to the shrine, do the thing and maybe get something to eat afterwards?" he asks curiously. Hopefully.

Because maybe some food in Hanon's mouth will get her to be quiet for a few moments so Yuuto can rally and regather his thoughts.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
Also on the blanket, Mamoru's sprawled on his side with his head propped up on one hand, watching Usagi with a little smile. His shoes are still on, since his tall self means he's level with Usagi but his feet are on the stubby yellow winter grass. He himself is wearing a white buttondown with an argyle sweatervest underneath his black leather jacket, jeans, and dress shoes; his glasses are off, held haphazardly by an arm in the hand that's propping his head.

He reaches for the basket and fishes around in it until he comes up with something that, under its plastic wrapping, feels like taiyaki. "We'll have to take a selfie with sakura petals floating down around us and send it everywhere like a couple of insufferable teenagers in love," he says, unwrapping the pastry fish one-handed.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari is having himself a relaxing day. The other day, he punched Sunbreaker in the face so hard she spun around three times and dropped like a sack of potatoes. That made him feel okay. It was also the first time he transformed. Ever. And that was strange.

Tracy was hovering next to him as he sat on the bench. He was texting his dad, who was out of the country on an acting gig as he walked around the park. He walks past Usagi and Mamoru on a date. Oh, Mamoru, he gives a wave over to him and Usagi, but otherwise doesn't interrupt the date. That's rude, and he isn't that oblivious.

He takes a picture of the budding cherry trees for dad, and presses send on his phone as he stands up.

"Hey kid, what's the tree thing all about?" he asks, floating up to the buds and examining them with the magnifying glass as the tiny detective chara examines them. "Oh." goes Hinote. "We celebrate the trees flowering. It's like a celebration of life. Kind of a thing." he says.

He'll walk over to the tree and look up. "They're gonna bloom soon." he says.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Oh right Hinamatsuri is a thing. Amy never really paid it much mind before, but... Huh. She certainly felt some Feelings passing the celebration before, raising her interest in the park momentarily, and now the park is getting ready for another celebration.

    She's passing by on a walk when she decides to go through the park, and spies a number of familiar faces here. She herself is still wearing the red sweatshirt and skirt... they're warm and soft!

    She waves and smiles to the couples, and starts to step towards them, but hesitates. Are they here on dates? Maybe she should let them be...

    Does that boy have a detective chara? Like those ones Madoka has. And Tadase.

    She walks over out of curiousity. "Don't see that every day..."

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Not far away from the shrine, and the lovebirds currently seated out on a picnic blanket, there's a decent bit of bushes between the nearly blooming sakura trees. It's not the most ideal spot for viewing the cherry trees but it was an ideal spot for watching *others* view the cherry trees while managing to remain hidden.


Ami has lain out a blanket of her own which she kneels down on rather than risk the skirt she wears being ruined by the ground. A pair of binoculars are raised up to peek over at Mamoru and Usagi, and more importantly all around them.

"I feel a little guilty following them," she has to admit while the binoculars are lowered. "I know it's because they always seem to have some kind of a battle when they try to go out, but it seems like it's going well. Maybe we ought to leave them alone for the rest of the date?"

Makoto Kino has posed:
Also in the bushes, sitting on a corner of Ami's blanket, Makoto offers over an anpan half wrapped in paper towel and smiles. "It's not like we're pestering them," she says, bright-eyed. "We're just making sure nobody else pesters them. Because things keep on happening, and they deserve a nice date without getting crashed by youma for once."

Makoto is unrepentant, clearly, about following Usagi and Mamoru on their date. Then again, she's not the one with the binoculars.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Completely oblivious to the pair of spies in the bushes, Usagi also reaches into the basket, pulling out a wrapped onigiri. There's a pink stick on the bottom, to let her know this one has a shrimp and mayonaise filling - jackpot! That one is one of her favorites! (They are all her favorites. They are delicious.)

"Of course we will! We're the most insufferable teenagers in love." She says it with no shame, and in fact a great deal of excitement. Ha! No one will beat her and Mamochan in a battle of earnest and sincerely obnoxious displays of love!

A few people walk by - Hinote, the boy from Grade 8 with the detective Chara and Amy, namely, but neither approaches, so Usagi is happy to throw them a wave and turn onto her side so she can look at Mamochan instead."

A sigh of happiness. This day has been going perfectly.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Yes, that sounds fantastic!" Coco exclaims at Yuuto's proposal and linking her arm with his before turning to Hanon. "There are lots of lovely places to eat at here, Hanon. I am sure you will enjoy it very much!"

"Yes, I must admit that does sound nice", Hanon nods, turning back towards Yuuto. "Good thinking, Yuuto-san. What place would you suggest? You live here, right?", she asks with a much softer tone, clearly expecting the recommendation of a local.

By now they are not too far from the shrine, and Hanon starts rummaging through her purse for a votive offering. "By the way, Hanon, I am surprised you chose to come here instead of Awami Shrine", Coco points out.

"Yes, I felt that one had to reserved for a more propitious occasion, like when the festival is already underway", the blue mermaid exclaims. She is about to put the offering inside the box when that blue glimmer catches her attention.

"Hey, look Coco, a jewel is stuck there", Hanon points out quickly getting it out and opening her shell locket. "Look, look, it's the same colour as my pearl even, I already feel luckier!", Hanon says, putting the sphere next to the jewel she found.

The jewel emits a thunderous release of dark energy outwards just then, causing Hanon to grimace as the pearl falls to her feet with a spasm of her hand.

"What was that!?", Hanon exclaims before the energy that was released falls back towards her, enveloping her in its dark mass.

"Hanon!", Coco exclaims, recognising the similar phenomenon from what happened to Cho. Just then Hanon's figure changes shape and becomes much taller, the dark energy being absorbed within.

"I am not that silly girl dreaming of boyfriends that don't suit her, I am Rikoukeidar!" the woman exclaims before taking a step forward... and stopping as her foot falls onto Hanon's pearl.

"Oh", she exclaims pleased, picking it up. "This looks like a pearl of some power. It will serve Queen Metallia very well", Rikoukeidar exclaims, materialising a big flask and putting it inside, where it starts shining of a brilliant blue.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari smiles at the wave as Amy walks over and he lowers his phone. It's not cool to be rude and text at the same time as talking to someone and he says. "Oh. You can see him." he says. "Yeah. That's Tracy." he says. Tracy gives a wave of his magnifying glass down at Amy as he hovers back downwards. "Hey, kid." says Tracy.

Then there's a monster. And Tracy cringes.

"It was a terrible chill in the air. Power made my spine tingle with inquisitive fear. There was a youma afoot." narrates Tracy loudly.

Hinote looks at Amy. "Oh look at the time, gotta go---" he says as he speeds away. Tracy following along as he disappears behind an electrical service box.

"How'd it'd go again?" he mutters to himself as he makes the handsigns from last night again, a motion of unlocking something. "My Heart: Unlock!" goes Hinote Kagari, transforming in a bright light and merging with Tracy as he enters his egg, turning into Pulp Noir.

Pulp Noir looks like a guy in a suit, flowing trenchcoat, with a fedora and domino mask, going for a sort of masked detective look.

He grabs the brim of his hat and hurries back towards the youma, coming to a stop as he says.

"So I don't think that belongs to you." says Pulp Noir. "So why don't you drop it." he asks.

Hey it worked once before.

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami Mizuno reaches over to accept the anpan from her friend with a very pleased smile flashing over her. It was such a treat to get something Makoto had cooked! At least she certainly assumes it was cooked by her. "Thank you, Mako-chan! I was just thinking I was feeling a bit hungry." It had absolutely nothing to do with watching Usagi and Mamoru start eating, clearly. Since her hand is busy with the anpan she gestures to the binoculars in case Makoto wanted to have a turn at them.

A quick bite of the anpan is taken as she sighs indulgently. "This is so good, Mako-chan!"

"And you're right, they do deserve a good day out. I'm glad it's going smoothly--" Ah. Wait. She just jinxed it didn't she?

The explosion of dark energy from the nearby shrine sends a shiver up her spine. The rest of the anpan is stuffed into her mouth so her hands are free completely as she gets to her feet. "Looks like we're needed after all!" A quick flick of her wrist lets her fingers dip into the little unseen space pocket that houses her transformation pen only to twirl it between her fingers as she raises it high.

"Mercury Power, Make up!"

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
There are waves! Mamoru returns them cheerfully.

That explosion of dark energy comes right when the black-haired tenth-grader has a mouthful of anko-filled pastry, though, and he briefly looks so mad because the timing is so very, very rude! Just for that, he takes the time to re-wrap his taiyaki (with the bite out of it) while he chews, and put it back in the basket as he rolls himself up to one knee, offering Usagi a hand up.

He swallows.

His other hand is in his pocket.

"It's like clockwork," he says wryly to her, taking out his pocketwatch and holding it up. "Earth Prism Power, MAKE UP!"

Somewhere within the lightshow, he finally stands up, and my goodness his cape's being especially dramatic today! It billows out behind him in the breeze, and fully three quarters of his attention is still on Usagi. "Let's," he suggests with a grin as the sparkles fade, "continue to treat this as part of our date. After you, fair maiden~"

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
"Yeah, there's actually a shrine in this very park!" Yuuto is so glad for the subject change as he leads away to the small island shrine. "I'm surprised you didn't know about it, Coco-chan." he admits, "I'm sure you'll enjoy it Hanon-san." That added onto as the young man leads the way.

It's while he's getting the supplies for them to make their donations and wishes that Hanon finds the strange blue stone. And that's when it all goes south. As Hanon's transformation into Rikoukeidar begins, his fist look is to find out where Coco is - once he sees that she's safe, his attention returns to Rikoukeidar - even transformed, he's not going to make it to the Pearl on time, but his effort at the moment is going to be support Coco and try to help her friend.

"Hanon! You need to put that down, it's terrible luck and is soooo not going to help you find a boyfriend!" he calls out, and knowing that won't go well, he grabs his watch and turns it.

"Steam Sentinel Propel!, Evil's Time IS UP!"

Transforming into the Steam Sentinel, Yuuto pops his wheels out, drawing his twin blasters. Skating backwards, he's raising the pair of them up to draw a bead on the creature. "On your lead!" he calls out to Coco.

Makoto Kino has posed:
Makoto heaves a gigantic, aggrieved sigh as dark energy floods out from the shrine and Rikoukeidar emerges. "We're not going to be able to head this one off, are we?" she asks, rhetorically, and stuffs what's left of her own half-nommed anpan into her mouth in a mirror of Ami's maneuver, freeing her hands for her Jupiter pen.

"Jupiter Power, Make Up!"

A burst of energy later, Sailor Jupiter pops up out of the bushes in towering indignation, shedding leaves in all directions from the force of her movement. "How dare you put down other people's dreams of romance?" she demands of the youma, advancing with long-legged strides. "Soldier of Thunder and Courage, Sailor Jupiter--" one hand flicks her ponytail back over her shoulder, before she plants her fist solidly into her palm. "I'm gonna leave you numb with regret!"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"How dare you..." Coco grimaces. "How dare you youma come after another one of my friends", Coco glares at Rikoukeidar. "Cho wasn't enough, you had to go after Hanon too. You will regret this!"

The shell locket opens as she brings her hands around it in a curved x to channel the melodious magic of the seven seas is. "Yellow Pearl Voice!" she angrily declares, the pearl in her shell locket responding to her will and starting to shine with a yellow light.

A kaleidoscope of colours covers Coco's clothes as those change into her yellow gloves and boots with flowy extensions, as well as a yellow blouse with a yellow skirt, while her pearl expands into her trusty E-Pitch microphone, its blue shape settling comfily into her hand, the jewel nestled safely in the head's center.

"Legend of Mermaid: Pichi Pichi Voice, Live Start!", Coco exclaims, her purifying voice singing of a nostalgic melody, with stars that like pearls start releasing a wondrous light, a miracle filled adventure like the kind mother wishes everyone in her heart.

"What a hideous song, why don't you quit it!" Rikoukeidar grimaces in pain as she points her flask at Coco. "Hip Flask Sparkles!" the green woman declares, the sparkles shining out at Coco. Coco barely has the time to harden the Live Stage as the attack almost hits her.

"What a protective boyfriend are you", Rikoukeidar smirks mockingly at Propel. "See if you can defend yourself from this!", Rikoukeidar yells, throwing a small flask at Propel. It is going to cover him with big amoebas on impact.

"I don't think so, boy", Rikoukeidar exclaims to Purple Noir, but I do have something for you. "Hip Flask Jellyfish!" she says, a water jet shaped like a jellyfish's tendril getting out of it. It is going to sting quite a lot on impact.

When Sailor Mercury approaches, Rikoukeidar snarls. "How many more of you are there going to be!? Hip Flash Sparkles!" Small incandescent orbs of light are flying towards Mercury.

"That girl is just silly and if you want to talk about numbing, take this! Hip Flask Jellyfish!" One more stinging water tendril is striking towards Jupiter.

"And if we are talking of romance, I think I shall do those two a favour in getting them stuck near to each other!", Rikoukeidar says, throwing amoeba flasks to Tuxedo and Usagi.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
"Yellow Voice was taking care of herself well before I met her!" Propel responds as he adjusts his speed. He's not fleeing from being close, instead trying to take advantage the terrain, his blasters firing on the flask as it's thrown at him. The lasers are colorful as they race upwards, shattering the flask before it gets close to him.

But he's realizing from here on the ground, things are tight. How to get higher? His attention turns to where Yellow Voice is performing - her song is always so inspiring to him, and he starts to skate towards her.

As he gets close, he starts to prepare for a jump -- onto the platform. "Permission to come aboard??" he calls out to her as he makes the leap. Landing on the hard light platform, he slides to a stop, turning to be next to the mermaid and his eyes glance over to her. "Hi." he quickly says, a small blush and a smile.

Back on task, Yuuto! His attention returns forward, holding the blaster in one hand. "But we work better together!" he calls up to the transformed Hanon.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Usagi stares in disbelief at the erupting dark energy, and the youma she can distantly see acrosst he bridge. She wishes she couldn't actually believe it. "So unfair!"

She stuffs the entire onigiri into her mouth, rather than wrap up her snack. Clutching her broach, she calls out her transformation command.

"Mooof Pwism Poweh, Mape Uff!!"

Nothing happens. She chews with great indignation and force, marching across the bridge with Tuxedo Kamen.

"Moon Prism Power, Make Up!"

A burst of light and red ribbons later, Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Kamen are at the scene, facing the monster too. She throws up a hand, ready to make a justice speech -" You - Jupiter-chan? Mercury-chan?"

Said speech falters as she realizes she and Tuxedo Kamen aren't the first Senshi on the battleground. Huh? Where did they come from?!

No really, where did they come from?! Sailor Moon's righteous indignation falters at the realization of an even more righteous source of indignation. "You guys weren't here because of us, right?!"

That, of course, is when the monster decides to attack, throwing jellyfish, sparkles, and weird blobby things around. Gross! Gross, gross, gross!!! Sailor Moon shifts in front of Tuxedo Kamen, making sure that none of the gross amoeba ruins his fancy Tuxedo-ness, and shrieks at the wet squish.

"Oh this is gross! This is gross!!! Tuxedo Kamen help!!!"

Makoto Kino has posed:
Jupiter throws a glance sort of sidelong at Sailor Moon, making not at all a sheepish face. "...of course not!" she replies, none too convincingly. "We were just, um..."

She's saved from having to try to pull out any kind of explanation for their presence as the youma starts throwing danger-filled flasks around like particularly nasty candy. "Mercury!" she calls out, half alarm and half warning, already leaping between her teammate and the flask that was aimed Mercury's way even before it erupts into sparkles. "I don't think so!"

Her hands splay in the air, jagged lines of electricity forking out from her fingers at each of the quick-flying orbs of light.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
Tuxedo Mask is trying his hardest not to laugh at Usagi having the henshin phrase mouth full problem-- all the way on the march with her, unhenshined, he's trying not to laugh--

--and then what?? Flasks being flung at them? He lifts a hand, rose already in it with the intention of shattering the flasks before they reach the two of them, but Usagi steps in front of him and gets covered in...


Mamoru just stares uncomprehendingly for a second, then throws the rose at Rikoukeidar since he had it ready to go and all, then starts peeling the amoebas off of Sailor Moon. His back to the youma, in front of Usagi, is probably the safest they can be right now. Squish. Squish.

"I can't put them in the freshwater pond, they'll die--" he starts, then realizes they're PROBABLY just made of dark energy, but he can't just go dropping dark energy amoebas in the pond either, so one by one he throws them BACK at the youma!

"Here, charge one up, Moon Amoeba Action?" he tries, putting one in Usagi's gloved hand as he gets the rest of them off.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Pulp Noir has never been hit with an attack before. So a jellyfish smacks into his chest and stings him with amazing force. "Ahhhhhh!?" he goes as he buckles over and grips at his chest, pulling off the watery attacker and throws it off, as he stamps down on it with a foot.

He then draws both his water pistols, that look like replica olt .45s from his jacket, and aims at the face of the youma, firing off two powerful jets of water as he sees if the creature can take what it dishes out.

He keeps this up for a good few seconds, firing off shots as he tries to get a little closer to the youma.

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Sailor Mercury runs forward to join Sailor Jupiter in facing the blue youma along with everyone else. Barely does she have time to raise her hand to tap the side of her tiara, summoning her Mercury Visor to better assess the situation, when the attack of sparkles comes her way.

Sailor Jupiter steps in to assist thankfully but it does make her jump back a few steps with a sigh of relief. "Thanks, Jupiter! And we were only trying to help--!" she starts to explain to Sailor Moon questioning them.

Then the next thrown flask erupts into watery jellyfish tendrils going for Jupiter. It's her turn to step in on her friend's behalf.

Sweeping her hand out in front of her she cries out, "Sabao Spray Freezing!"

The spray of bubbles that erupt out impact with the watery tendrils. Rather than create the mist that often helped her allies, the bubbles *crack* like broken ice as they shatter seeking to freeze the watery jellyfish attack.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco nods with a smile at Propel. She is singing, but she is clearly inviting him to come in, especially since she has stopped the repelling effect around the Live Stage, so he is free to come in, and her song gets all the more splendent with Yuuto next to her.

Which of course doesn't look all that well to Rikoikeidar, and especially not when her attacks are blocked by both the Live Stage and Propel's counterstrikes. "So, lovey-dovey, here, a double present for you", she snides. "Hip Flask Jellyfish! Hip Flask Sparkles!"

Jupiter's electricity is quickly able to overpower the sparkles from the flask and goes right ahead at Rikoukeidar, almost hitting the youma if she didn't manage to duck at the last second.

And Mercury's spray freezing does turn the tendril to ice, leaving it to crash on the ground in many big shards of ice that start quickly melting. Rikoukaider barely conceals a look of irritation as she looks at the flawless teamwork, and the burnt wood behind her a reminder of how close she was to get hit. "Quite impressive, you two. Don't mind if I double it, right? Hip Flask Jellyfish x2!" she says with a slight pant, the two tendrils fusing into a bigger one aimed at both.

She is so focused on getting a upperhand on Mercury and Jupiter that she only notices Tuxedo Kamen's and Pulp Noir's attacks when it's definitely too late to dodge. "Hip Flask Wave!", she shouts and a barrier emerges to cover her, but the watery protection fails with all those attacks directed at her, and she is pierced by the rose on the hand while Noir's shots hit her repeatedly on the head, leaving her too dazed to do anything, ironically kept standing by the amoebas that got her legs stuck.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
It's going to take some time before Coco and Yuuto have the teamwork of any of the Sailors, much less that of Tuxedo and Moon, but the pair of them are working together fine. Once he's on the stage, he's checking his charge on his blaster. He's almost got enough to open fire.

"Look! I'm sorry that the guy you're crushing on doesn't feel the same about you! And maybe the guy that is crushing on you isn't the one you want! But you'll never know if you stay like this! Calm down, let us get back that crystal, and you can explore your feelings further."

The blasters continue to fire, defending Yellow Voice from the various creatures, even as he bring up an arm to defend himself from a jellyfish, but it manages to send an electrical shock into him.

And with that burst, the Sentinel is shocked, a yell of pain as the stunning blast travels his body, and his blasters both give off a beep of noise: Full Charge!

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
The amoeba are sticky and wet and disgusting and it's only Mamoru clawing at them that has Usagi even a little calm. But the second she's done? The second Mamoru offers up a suggestion?

"Moon Amoeba Action!"

The amoebe is thrown with all the force of a baseball launched by a professional pitcher, Sailor Moon's expression screwed up with anger and disgust. The amoeba glows with cosmic energy and explodes on contact.

"How dare you! That was so gross! Forget repenting, you - you jerk!"

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Pulp Noir gets closer as he keeps up the shots and that's when quickly the guns spin and back into the coat they go as he draws back his hand...

and attempts to sucker punch the creature right in the face with a mean right hook. There's plenty of force behind this, but so close, he's probably an easier target as he tries to take advantage of the currently dazed situation.

"Take a fall, kid." he says.

Makoto Kino has posed:
'Don't mind if I double it, right?'

"Bring it on!" Sailor Jupiter declares boldly. As Sailor Mercury falls back to focus on the readings of her Mercury Computer, Jupiter steps up, braced and ready, both hands alight with crackling, snapping energy.

So of course, the youma attacks with water.

Too late now; Makoto's committed, and there's nothing for it but to see her course of action through. The double-sized tendril of stinging water rushes at her, and Sailor Jupiter lunges to meet it. Fist-first.

This may not be the best idea Sailor Jupiter has ever had.

There's a lot of spray and wild flashing of electricity and a great spitting hiss not unlike an angry cat. Jupiter yelps in pain as she's engulfed by the combination of jellyfish-sting and her own lightning coursing through the watery tendril. "Ow ow ow ow ow--!"

Her already-curly hair is looking distinctly frizzier, after that.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
There's-- there's a second where Tuxedo Mask is wincing because he hit another hand with a rose, and then Usagi actually does Moon Amoeba Action and he can't actually stop himself from laughing.

Ohh, he's laughing. "That was fantastic, Sailor Moon," he chortles, and he's almost laughing too much to do anything else-- but then Jupiter lightning-punches a water tendril and there's an electrical storm right there, and he's not laughing anymore. That's a grimace.

And what's he got? Another rose, which he flings like the lovely dart it is, and then his hand, warm on Sailor Moon's back, glowing gold to buff whatever she decides to attack with next.

"Jupiter, you okay over there?"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Noir's attack hits her right in the fave and Rikoukeidar can only watch as she barely understand what hit her. As frustration bubbles inside of her, she gets back her focus and her hand seeks Noir's wrist from the fist that hit her. If successful she will throw an amoeba flask against the arm she is holding, simultaneously letting go of it.

When confronted with the double attack, Coco's song can only manage to dampen the dark energy contained within them, there is no time to up another repelling barrier, and so while Proper is able to fend off the water tendril, even when weakened, the sparkles gets through to both of them, causing burns to the couple inside the Live Stage, that then pops. It's a good thing that Coco hadn't been floating up high with it.

"Who have you taken me for!?", Rikoukeidar hisses at Propel as the anger from his statement turns her to him. "I am not that girl, and I certainly do not care about some misaimed crush! I am Rikoukeidar, one of the Dark Kingdom's great warriors, and you shall pay me respect."

The fact she is stuck in place makes her much more of a target, and the Moon Amoeba action gets her right in the chest. "Curses, who do you think you are to combine my own attack with yours and turn it against me? Hip Flask Sparkles!" she rants in frustration, incandescent sparkles of light flying towards Usagi.

"Poor girl, has nobody taught you how physics work?" she sneers at Jupiter. "Maybe you can learn something from me. During this fight, of course." She very clearly thinks to have the upper hand here, so she reserves her energies elsewhere.

The rose Tuxedo throws hits Rikoukeidar in the leg this time, and her furious eyes set on him. "Don't you think I am going to let you be for this! Hip Flask Jellyfish!", she exclaims, the tendril heading to strike him.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"How dare you threaten the harmony of a beautiful shrine, and ruin a beautiful date by starting a fight here!"

Sailor Moon spits the words back and grabs her tiara for another attack - there's Tuxedo Kamen's warm, comforting glow, boosting her energy and the Moon Stick is raised, carving a circle in the air.

"Moon Healing Escalation!"

Silver beams of light and curling glittery mists strike at the youma, the boosted power of purification sure to rip away a huge chunk of her Dark Energy if it hits.

And then... well... and then she yelps as sparks come flying her way, trying to evade them, but there's no where to -

Whoops yeah there she goes, fallen off the bridge to avoid the attack.

The pond is reasonably deep, but Sailor Moon can swim... doggy paddle style. She does just that, swimming around the bridge to the island, figuring maybe, with everyone else keeping the youma distracted, she'll be able to come around back and purify her...

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
As both Coco and Yuuto are taking damage, there's a moment as the stage pops and the couple falls towards the ground. He lands hard with a soft oof of pain as he feels it in his ankles. He's going to be feeling this later.

And while it doesn't look like that the creature is anywhere near the point of being ready, they need to weaken it more... but if it helps...

Joining both blasters together, he brings up the twin guns, and a charge of power starts to flow through them, even as he moves in front of Yellow Voice. "It doesn't matter where or who... I will protect her." he promises, before he narrows his focus, aiming at the tendrils lashing out and the body.

"PROPEL..... BLAST!" Both guns fire off a massive blast of electrostatic electricity to leaps out in two lances that twist and curl around each other into a single burst, looking to pierce through the creature and punch through to the other side!

Makoto Kino has posed:
"Ugh... I'm fine!" Sailor Jupiter calls back to Tuxedo Mask, from where she's gone down on one knee and has braced herself with a fist against the ground. She's still smoldering a little. "I think I hate this stupid youma, though."

With a heave of effort, she pushes herself back up onto her feet to glare at Rikoukeidar with eyes sharp as green glass. Overhead, thunder rumbles in a suddenly-darkening sky. "Everybody might wanna stay back..." she warns, as the little lightning rod in her tiara begins to spark.

"Since you wanna talk about physics..." Sailor Jupiter reaches up, closing a fist in the air as though grasping for the stormclouds.

"Supreme... THUNDER...!"

The air BOOMS as a bolt of lightning splits the air, racing down from on high toward the youma.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
Fair's fair, and Mamoru knows those roses hurt, and that one's still stuck in Rikoukeidar's hand and she's operating with it still in, and yet Tuxedo Kamen tries to ward off the jellyfish tendril anyway-- but it slides off his cape and stings him anyway! "Ow, OW," he yelps, dancing back and pulling at the tendril with a gloved hand, as Sailor Moon falls off the bridge.

"Why is it always shrines?" he mourns, finally getting the tendril off, his whole arm numb and burning at the same time. Then he light-as-a-feather jumps up on top of the torii and takes longer to aim with his left hand-- but aim he does, and then lets fly a last bright red rose toward the youma's chest. "I'd say tell--" KATHOOM "--the Dark Kingdom that Hematite says hello, but he doesn't, and you're dead!"

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Glop! The Amoeba catches itself on Pulp Noir's hand and he starts shaking it as he frowns. He has two hands though, as he fights his wrist free, and with his other free hand, he pulls out the watergun again and fires off a blast jet of water at the beast.

He can feel the Moon Escalation wash over him, but it does nothing to him, as he isn't a horrible creature of dark energy. He however, steps back, as he tries to get this gunky creature off him, trying to pull and prod at it quickly, in case the monster isn't defeated with Sailor Moon's attack and he can get ready to continue his own attack. Ugh, that punch was still worth it though.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco shakes her head as she recovers from the impact of the burning sparkles. She will have to tell Hanon that, ow, yes, her new attacks work great. But Hanon is still held hostage by these demons, so it's time for her to go down. The bracelet on her wrists starts shining with a white light by Coco's will as a yellow halo starts descending downward from from her head. Her blouse gets adorned by frills, while a ribbon appears on her back and the flowy double-layered fabric of her gloves extends.

The Live Stage forms yet again around Coco and she declares "Time for an Encore! Yellow Pearl Voice!Mother Symphony: Pichi Pichi Voice, Live Start!"

The magical notes swell up in energy and reach with her Super Idol Transformation, giving strength to the tired and moving to burn the dark energy out, talking of taking control of worn-out wishes, a call to give a sad heart the kind mother's lullaby, its seven-pitched melody a call to let everyone know you're fighting with your soul's pride.

The Moon Healing Escalation likewise strikes straight at Rikoukeidar, burning the hurt youma even more even as Moon falls backwards.

The Propel Blast also strikes her straight in the chest, taking out her breathe in the process, and that's before Tuxedo also pierces her there, leaving her with just pained wheezes as she is more out there that here.

And lastly the water blast from Noir's watergun reach her, knocking her backwards as she stares incredulous at being overwhelmes.

All the attacks combined are too much for her to hang on and a "Refresh!" escapes her mouth as her form dissolves for good and Hanon's returns, leaving the pearl and the blue rainbow crystal to fall to the ground.. "What happened?" she replies, lying against the wall to avoid losing her balance.

"You got possessed by a youma. Here take this back", Coco says, handing her pearl after she picks it up.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"Please don't let the gem fall in the water!" Tuxedo Kamen calls out toward Hinote and Yuuto, Coco and Hanon. He trusts everyone here not to hand it off to Obsidian, at the very least, even if he's never met Steam Sentinel Propel. "We're looking for them," he explains, "to form a key that'll unlock the door to my old kingdom! And we can't let them fall into enemy hands..."

...as his own hands reach down, and he half kneels, offering help to Sailor Moon to get out of the water. Or to pull him in, whichever happens first.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Doggy paddling is not the fastest way to get around in the water. Sailor Moon is soaked to the skin by the time lightning strikes, and she shouts, "Go Jupiter-chan! Kick her butt!!"

By the time she finally makes it to shore, there's Tuxedo Kamen, holding his hand out, and she grips, trying not to tug him in while she comes up -

"Tuxedo Kamen! You didn't get hit did you? Jupiter-chan used the big lightning bolt, I heard it -"

And now she's up on her feet, leaning against him, soaking his henshin too as she looks around - unfamiliar girl slumped against the wall, everyone calmer -

"Whooo! We did it! Everyone, whoever gets the crystal, please hand it off to me or Sailor Jupiter or Tuxedo Kamen!"

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
As the blast clears, Yuuto is moving in unison with Coco. As she goes for the mermaid, he moves to intercept the gem in mid-air, before it can spalsh down into the water, a sliding catch as he manages to shift out of wheels and back to feet to slide to a stop.

"Got it!" he calls out, cradling the little blue stone in his hands. He glances over to Coco and gives a fond little smile. "Back in a blitz." he promises, as he moves over to where Tuxedo Kamen is, to offer him the stone. "Here, assume you can take care of this?" he asks, since he asked for it.

There's a bow of his head towards the pair as Moon rejoins. "Here you go!" Stone handed over, he tips his fingers against his goggles. "Steam Sentinel Propel, at your service. Now, if you'll pardon me?"

With that, he's heading back over to help Hanon and Coco.

Makoto Kino has posed:
The Steam Sentinel has the crystal - okay, good. Good. Sailor Jupiter elects to just kind of sit right down where she is on the grass and rub the back of her neck. "Oooh, that sucked. Remind me never to do that again." Who she's talking to is not clear.

As she catches her breath, she watches Tux help Sailor Moon out of the water, and Propel head back to Coco and Hanon after handing off the crystal. "Hope your friend is okay..." She doesn't expect to be heard at this distance, but the good wishes are what she's got, at least for the moment. Soon she'll get back up and see if anything's left to be done. Maybe check in with Usagi and Mamoru, or Ami. Or both. Just... in a minute. She's still kind of smarting from her own carelessness.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Pulp Noir eventually gets free after the blinding flash of a nearby Surpreme Thunder blows up near him and he shakes it off with a series of blinks and frazzledness.

"I'm okay." he says as he walks over to to where Tuxedo Kamen, Sailor Moon and the others are gathering, because he doesn't have a friend here to go back to check.

"Everyone alright?" he asks carefully as he winces a bit, rubbing a finger into his ear.

"Ow." he says suddenly. Now he knows how Tadase felt after all that stuff he did.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
Propping Sailor Moon up, Tuxedo Kamen wraps his cape around her to keep the winter breeze off her soaking wet self. "I'm fine," he tells her affectionately. "I can even feel my arm again--"

And then Propel is handing him the blue crystal, and the black-haired boy in fancy dress quickly and shallowly bows his thanks. "Thank you," he says with genuine gratitude, tucking the crystal away inside his jacket, then lifts his hand in salute. "Will do! If you ever need help, Yellow Pearl Voice knows how to find us!"

Then he smiles a little crookedly at Pulp Noir. "Yes. You sure you're okay? That was a huge zap--"

But then Mamoru's looking back down at Usagi. "You want to go get changed? Ohhh, your hair's all wet, we'll have to have the picnic inside the dorm after you dry off..."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Tuxedo Kamen gets a squeeze (which makes him soaked too, which makes Sailor Moon wince), and then the wind shifts over her and then - cape! Warm cape, protecting her from the wind. She melts a little, smiling warmly.

"Thanks, Kamen-chan~ And oh, thanks! We're okay, I'm glad you are too -" oh he's gone. Usagi giggles a little as Yuuto goes back to Coco and Hanon.

"I'm kind of hoping that if I turn back my regular clothes will still be dry? But my hair might not be..." And she really does have so much hair. The entire length of the blanket would probably be needed to help dry it.

"Alright, let's go back... wait! Mako-chan got hurt, didn't she?"


"Wait a minute... Jupiter-chan! Mercury-chan!"

This is probably a good time for Jupiter to drag Mercury away.