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From Radiant Heart MUSH

(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/09/02 |Location=Dorms #1 |Synopsis=Hinoiri comes back to her dorm room to rest off the beating she got from Sailor Moon. Fortunately, her room...")
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|Synopsis=Hinoiri comes back to her dorm room to rest off the beating she got from Sailor Moon. Fortunately, her roommate, Dianora, is there to help provide a caring ear and a pint of ice cream. Such a sweet little thing.
|Synopsis=Hinoiri comes back to her dorm room to rest off the beating she got from Sailor Moon. Fortunately, her roommate, Dianora, is there to help provide a caring ear and a pint of ice cream. Such a sweet little thing.
|Cast of Characters=131,163
|Cast of Characters=131,163
|Tinyplot=Dangerous Orbits

Latest revision as of 19:41, 13 September 2023

Bruises and bruisemarks
Date of Scene: 02 September 2023
Location: Dorms #1
Synopsis: Hinoiri comes back to her dorm room to rest off the beating she got from Sailor Moon. Fortunately, her roommate, Dianora, is there to help provide a caring ear and a pint of ice cream. Such a sweet little thing.
Cast of Characters: Hinoiri Kirara, Double Trouble
Tinyplot: Dangerous Orbits

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara slowly, very slowly, made her way out of her room. She'd arrived with a thump... but that was why she kept the door locked. She'd then been quiet for a while. Primarily because she had cried a bit, because ow. Then? Then she'd finally wiped off any tears, looked in a mirror to make sure it wasn't obvious, and limped her way out of her room.

She looked like hell. But she DIDN'T look like she'd cried. She just looked like hell. Slowly making her way to the shower. Ow. Ow. Owwww. Tossing her jacket off, the bruise on her back pretty visible. Did she get hit by a truck? Damn. If she passed Dianora, she'd give the girl a little grunt. "Is there anything to eat that's sweet and not meat?" Then just walking into the bathroom. Owwwwwww. Cold shower. That'd help. Ow ow ow.

Double Trouble has posed:
"I spent the last of my furnishing allowance on a freezer full of ice cream," Dianora says, sitting on the ridiculous heart-shaped loveseat-ottoman she brought into the space. Sure enough. There's an entire pink freezer full of ice cream pints. So many flavors. "I just got all the flavors, since I could."

She watches as Hinoiri goes into the bathroom and then waits patiently. When she comes back out, Dianora's there just outside the door waiting. "Onee-chan, you look like you got into a fight. What happened?"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara nodded. Sometimes this little barrel of sunshine had her advantages. Having a room mate who was *willing* to be 'oh so helpful and useful' had its advantages. She was in there a loooooong time. Eventually, however, the door opened and Sunset stood there, wrapped in a towel. "Anyone else here?" she'd ask.

Once she was told they were alone, she sighed. "Good. Go get me a bath robe or something. You're too adorable not to have something that's oversized, poofy and gag-me pink. I'll put up with the pink for now." Limp. Limp. Limp. Collapse on the love-seat with a groan.

"So, lil miss Sailor nobody-cares-about-the-moon apparently got a new attack. Bullshit twilight flashbang. She charges up a carriage and then RAMS it up your backside before slamming you into a wall. Apparently that Naru girl also DOES have some magic. It seems to be a 'amplify whoever is trying to beat my face in' magic. Can you get me a bowl of... I don't even care. Something with chocolate, crunchy bits and fruit. No meat." She didn't know if they put meat in ice cream here and she didn't want to find out.

Double Trouble has posed:
Dianora Lagorio gets a spoon from where they're kept and entire pint of ice cream from the freezer. "Here. Just eat the whole pint. You've clearly earned it," she says. It's Ben & Jerry's Chocolatey Love A-fair. Chocolate ice cream with salted caramel swirls, caramel chunks and sea salt fudge chunks. She climbs up onto the love seat and holds out the spoon and pint for Hinoiri to take. But also she's right up in Hinoiri's bubble there on the loveseat.

"So this was all from one of those sparkleskirts?" She looks impressed. Then she pauses. "Naru? Why does that name sound familiar? Who is she?"

She just looks at Hinoiri for a moment, and then realizes she forgot something. She climbs back down off the loveseat and disappears into her room for a minute, emerging with a ridiculous, fluffy, bright pink bathrobe. She tosses it over the end of the loveseat, then climbs back to where they were sitting before. "What were you doing that this all came up?"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara quickly loses the towel, dons the bath robe. It was fine, neither of them were human. Then laid back down, gingerly, and took the ice cream. "I may have to re-evaluate the whole pink bundle of joy thing you got going on. Annoying as tartarus, but having someone who can get you stuff after a day like this isn't so bad," she, grudgingly, admitted. Before stuffing a spoonful of ice cream into her mouth. Ahhhhh. That was nice.

"Technically? Two. So, I get there and I figure 'Eh, I got some time' and decide to steal energy from this jewel store. Seemed fitting, you know?" she said before holding up her left hand and flashing a crystalized energy gem, before making it disappear to whereever she stored them. "Not two seconds later and who shows up? A sparkle skirt. Just... one of them. Calls herself Sailor Moon. Here I am, Sunbreaker. And they throw a *moon* at me. You know, back home? We had fables and stuff about the moon. About how it got jealous of the sun since the sun was like. Better and all, you know? And this girl thinks she can take me, right? Oh, and let me tell you about this hair. Two giant yellow ropes. APPARENTLY it's a thing here. You'll see it when I introduce you to Usagi, she has the same thing. Heh. She was there, actually. Usagi, I mean. I had to step over her energy drained body at one point while I was trouncing this Sailor Moon's flank."

Another bite of ice cream. At least she swallowed BEFORE talking again. "There I am, kicking her flank, and Naru comes up behind me. She's this girl who I thought WASN'T magical. Hits me with a Sora damned MOP and throws off my aim. And then she KEEPS! DOING IT! I warn her, she keeps doing it! I'm THIS close to just... snapping her neck. I finally grab her, right? Am planning to blast her to ash..."

"And then Sailor Bullcrap throws a Sora damn podium or some shit at me!" she snaps. "Can you BELIEVE that crap?!" Waving the spoon around angrily as she spoke. "I drop Naru, turn back to her and am about to BLAST her to kingdom come. And then when my back is turned, NARU tackles me! Like. Not effectively. I moved like three inches. But fine. I decided to just give her a *real* taste of dark energy if she wanted it so bad. And you know what happens then? Sailor Lasso over there decides to HIT ME WITH A STUPID TWILIGHT FLASHBANG! I finally just got fed up and left!" she snapped, before stuffing her face full of ice cream angrily.

Double Trouble has posed:
Dianora sits there and listens, her green eyes wide. This is all so much valuable information. But the most important detail that stands out is that Hinoiri really needs to work on their villainy.

"Well, no wonder you got beat so badly," Dianora says, finally. "You didn't _plan_. If you don't have a strategy, then any princess can just come along and, well," she gestures toward Hinoiri. Do that.

"Next time, set the stage so that you can deliver a performance _they'll_ never forget. Collect your energy in a venue where you'll have an advantage fighting," she advises. It seems so weird for sage combat advice to be coming from such a smol, cute girl. And yet here they are.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara sighed and gave a nod. "Yeah, yeah. Normally I do plan. But this was supposed to just be a quick smash and grab. It would have been fine... but then there was just one of them and I would have trounced her," Hinoiri muttered before stuffing more ice cream in her mouth.

"So when there was just one, I got cocky. Then I got mad. Then, bam, next thing I know, this. So I went with the original plan of just leaving. Damn it," Hinoiri said before sitting up and letting out a low hiss of pain. "I really should just plan things better. But that's not entirely the point. My goal is to, ow, learn. Develop. Figure out how this magic works. Really get my hooves messy. Then use that information to plan what I'll do to Sora when I get back home."

Double Trouble has posed:
"The Professor's daughter was so vague about how she goes about doing that. Maybe you can explain it better, since you're so well-versed in magic, onee-chan," Dianora says, so sweetly. The Professor? Professor Tomoe? "I need to figure out how to get some _reserves_ built up. Maybe you can help me."

She looks at Hinoiri with her eyes wide and her smile bright for several seconds before blinking and looking away. "How are you going to get back home, then?"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara sighed and then gave a shrug. "I just... do it. So I just use the dark energy to tap into the magic I've been studying for years. I could teach you, probably, but it could take weeks just to explain the basics to you. And I'm a genius when it comes to magic, so it might take you longer." No offense, though she doesn't say it. Instead stuffing another bit of ice cream in her mouth.

"Alternatively, rent a youma from them. The energy we get tends to be what we buy things with in the Obsidian black market they got going on. They usually can collect the energy. A lot is lost when the sparkle skirts get involved. It's why I'm trying to get a better idea of how to make the youma without expending so much energy, so I can do it more efficiently to continue my own research."

"As for how I get home, well... there's a portal. Somewhere. No, I'm not telling you where. But when I get through it I'm likely going to have half the kingdom there waiting to blast me. Along with Sora. So I need to make sure I'm ready," Hinoiri said with a smirk. "Heh. I bet right now she's still fretting, wondering when I'll come back. I'll bet she has guards posted around the clock to arrest me if I so much as stick my head in. Well, serves her right."

Double Trouble has posed:
Dianora Lagorio sighs. "Yeah. I mean. Maybe I could learn? I can do some magic, although it all seems to require dark energy here. So, I don't know," she says. Then she waves a hand dismissively before setting it down on Hinoiri's shoulder in a familiar sort of way. "But some other time. You've had a day, and I'm not about to ruin it by making you explain every little thing."

She gives a gentle squeeze and then her hand drops away and she eyes the ice cream pint. Why does she not have ice cream? That is a question she cannot answer. Fortunately, she does not have to, because she immediately climbs down off the couch and fetches a pint of her own: Breyer's Mint Chip, along with a spoon. She immediately digs in. "Mm. Thank you for introducing me to ice cream, onee-chan. It's the best."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara nodded. "Thanks. I appreciate it. I can run you through some basics some time, but it likely won't be easy. And probably be a lot harder than the magic you're already doing since, well... you're used to it. Tartarus, for all I know the magic only works for me BECAUSE it is the magic I had back home," she muttered. "But who knows? I'm the best spellcaster this world has, if anyone can teach it, it's me."

She took another bite and then snickered. "Oh yeah. I still can't believe your world didn't have ICE CREAM, that's just terrible. How can a place like that exist?" Hinoiri asked with a roll of her eyes. "Tell you what. Once I go home and rule the world? I'll let you try some of our ice cream. It's even better." Then paused. "Well... better than this. I guess they might have some specialty places that it is fairly good at. Maybe I should explore for that some times," she mumbled before sighing. "Once all these bruises go down. Or until these bruises go away. I've got a whole world of awesome food to share with you, kiddo," she said before reaching out and ruffling her hair. Heh. this was almost... nice.

Then froze. Wait. No. They were NOT friends. COLLEAGUES! That was all. But... then again. Sora would probably be pissed off seeing Hinoiri enjoy someone as terrible as DT. So it could be an acceptable middle ground. "You know, Dee? I still don't do 'friends'. But, as colleagues go, you're not so bad." Little bite of ice cream. "If nothing else, you're entertaining and the pink only annoys me half as much as I thought it would after getting run over by sailor wannabe-a-planet out there. Who knows? When you inevitably try and betray me, maybe I'll only beat you half to death," she said in a teasing tone. She... she didn't ACTUALLY think that Dianora was going to betray her, did she?

Double Trouble has posed:
She would be a fool not to expect an inevitable betrayal. They were colleagues _in the pursuit of evil_. They were using each other. This definitely wasn't a friendship. Nope. Even if it felt nice. It was just work.

She did like headpats, though. Headpats were good. She pouts when Hinoiri stops and takes her hand away.

"Oh don't worry, when I inevitably betray you, onee-chan, you won't stand a chance. So you won't be burdened with the decision of what to do with _me_," Dianora says, sounding so full of concern for Hinoiri.

They continue to eat their ice cream. "Mm. I love this flavor. My mouth feels _and tastes_ cold."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara was... honestly enjoying this. It was refreshing. They both understood where the other stood. She had no qualms, no confusion on if Dianora really cared for her. It was just an act... An act they were both privy too. She didn't have to pretend to be something she wasn't. And Dee only had to pretend to be what they wanted to be.

"I look forward to it, I'm sure it'll be positively spectacular." She had no doubt that Dianora would fail, though. The lizard was good... But Hinoiri was better. Besides. When you became strong enough it didn't matter if the whole world betrayed you. Because you were just so far above it.

She took another bite of her ice creambefore reaching for the remote and turning the TV on. Turning it to something silly and stupid... likely with slapstick comedy with idiots falling down stairs. Eventually, she'd have eaten all her ice cream and reach out... rather than stealing Dianora's ice cream, she just lightly rubbed her hair. "Heh. Like having a puppy you don't have to take for walks," she said in a teasing tone. "Just wait until you get to experience spicy cinnamon. Put it in hot cocoa and your mouth will feel and taste hot," she said. Then paused. "Right. Adding hot cocoa to the list of things to have you try."

But, seriously. Who in the world came from a world WITHOUT candy and sweets? Sure, she understood not having curry, even if she objected to such a place now. But no ICE CREAM? The tartarus?

For now, though, she could just relax, watch stupid television, rub the little brats head and not move anymore so the bruises wouldn't be antagonized.