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|Synopsis=Kyouka texts Darien for information, Darien is annoyed. Film at 11.
|Synopsis=Kyouka texts Darien for information, Darien is annoyed. Film at 11.
|Cast of Characters=53,38
|Cast of Characters=53,38
|Tinyplot=Midnight Tokyo

Latest revision as of 06:53, 15 September 2023

Texts: Midnight Tokyo Ice Cream
Date of Scene: 15 August 2023
Location: Texts
Synopsis: Kyouka texts Darien for information, Darien is annoyed. Film at 11.
Cast of Characters: Kyouka Inai, Mamoru Chiba
Tinyplot: Midnight Tokyo

(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: So what's the 'Midnight Tokyo Project?'
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: Sounds like an ice cream flavor
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: One you hate i understand
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: I hate a lot of ice cream flavors. Like natto, pistachio, and activated charcoal.
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: pistachio is alright.
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: theres no accounting for taste
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: sometimes its just destiny, amirite
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: ice cream? o.O
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: taste. choice. flavor.
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: You're being obtuse in what i can only imagine is an attempt to sound mysterious
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: it's annoying.
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: you're the one who answered my question with an obvious obsfucation
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: I spoke a universal truth
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: anyway it's a shitty grand plan that i have to pretend to like and it won't work and even if it comes close to working there'll be plenty of people ready to curbstomp it so i don't know why you're worried
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: I didn't say I was worried. But it's my job to know things. Like for example.. Jadeite. That name mean anything to you?
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: It's your job to know things, but then, it's also your job to spread things around, especially shit told to you in confidence
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: i don't spread things around. its targetted application. information is pointless if it isnt utilized
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: the point is you can't be trusted to keep your mouth shut, so i'm only going to tell you things i don't care if you apply in a target fashion
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: *targeted
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: i'll tell my sister she can tell you whatever she wants, though :)
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: i have responsibilities to a greater authority than your ego, darien. if you tell me something and i think i can help people by utilizing that information, i'm going to do it, whether or not you ask me to keep it a secret. but nobody ever accused me of subtlety
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: Right, which is why I'm going to be more judicious in what I tell you.
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: just think of me as your personal blue shell
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: You did get the part where I said I'd tell Himeko to tell you whatever, right
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: Because I feel like you're not actually parsing that
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: i did yes, but i'm not sure you appreciate what talking to her is like for someone who isn't you
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: IDK for me it feels like juggling chainsaws on fire. cute chainsaws on cute fire, but still
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: my point is that telling a thirsty woman she can drink as much poisoned tea as she likes is less generous than it may appear
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: What makes you think I'm not poison?
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: i've always been good at judging people
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: wait that came out wrong
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: yes you're very judgemental
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: i've always had a good sense for who is and who isn't a threat
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: you don't read as a threat. that doesn't mean dealing with you isn't dangerous. but it does mean that i'm not writing you off
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: I could lose myself at any point, Inai-san.
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: then you better make sure you have people willing to find you again
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: Doing my best
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: for what it's worth, hurting you isn't on my agenda. quite the opposite, actually. but i've never been great about collateral damage.
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: I know
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: Don't call me Mamoru
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: But it's my name.
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: You can have that for free.
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: I'll guard it with sincerity and respect. That I can promise.
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: Well. Thanks, haha.
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: Sorry that sounded portentous and I wasnt sure what to do with it
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: don't worry about it. trust me when i say i wish i could be completely straight with you. but that wouldnt make anyone happy
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: no offense but i don't think you could be straight if your life depended on it <3
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: wow you really do need to check that ego, friend. not everyone gets a miracle romance
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: wow i meant in general, your old-ness, talk about ego
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: sounding a little defensive there, darien. being pulled in too many directions?
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: what are you even fishing *for* at this point? o.O
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: just seeing what i can stir up.
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: ok
(PHONE) Mamoru Chiba texts: I gotta go make babies cry or whatever, bye
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: so like what, just stand near them
(PHONE) Kyouka Inai texts: ok bye