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From Radiant Heart MUSH

(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/09/04 |Location=Obsidian Tower - Board Room |Synopsis='''CW: Child Assault.''''. Fate reports to Precia after the events of the piece of the A...")
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|Date of Scene=2023/09/04
|Date of Scene=2023/09/04
|Location=Obsidian Tower - Board Room
|Location=Obsidian Tower - Board Room
|Synopsis='''CW: Child Assault.''''. Fate reports to Precia after the events of the piece of the Artha crashing out of dimensional space and Hanzo trying to sneak in to gain info about her and Riventon. There are. Corrections.
|Synopsis='''CW: Child Assault.'''. Fate reports to Precia after the events of the piece of the Artha crashing out of dimensional space and Hanzo trying to sneak in to gain info about her and Riventon. There are. Corrections.
|Cast of Characters=48,78
|Cast of Characters=48,78

Latest revision as of 22:20, 15 September 2023

AAR- After Action Reporting
Date of Scene: 04 September 2023
Location: Obsidian Tower - Board Room
Synopsis: CW: Child Assault.. Fate reports to Precia after the events of the piece of the Artha crashing out of dimensional space and Hanzo trying to sneak in to gain info about her and Riventon. There are. Corrections.
Cast of Characters: Fate Testarossa, Precia Testarossa

Fate Testarossa has posed:
    Fate awoke in a fairly miserable state. Between injuries sustained thanks to Chrono Harlaown of the TSAB, back at the Arthra crash, followed almost immediately afterwards by her clash with the mysterious unnamed device user that had been snooping around Obsidian tower in search of data on Riventon and her mother... Fate ached all over. But instructions were very clear.
    As soon as she woke up she was given a simple message from an intern.
    'Your mother requests your presence. As soon as possible.'
    A surge of quiet hope flares in Fate's chest; certainly her mother was calling her to praise her for her efforts in securing valuable assets in the Arthra and fending off that spy.
    Arf looks dubious as Fate leaves her faithful Familiar's side to head to the tower's board room where she was told her mother was waiting.

Precia Testarossa has posed:
Precia Testarossa was waiting with her back turned towards the window. When the door was open, she would turn back towards Fate and look at her directly. The girl looked like she'd been in a few altercations. No matter. That was what she existed for. "Fate." she said. "What did you manage to acquire from the Artha?" she finally asks. "I was overseeing you personally. What did you do about. That girl?" she asks as she taps her device, in it's pointer form in her other hand.

"Finally. It seems you've been in another altercation? Have you seen medical about it yet?" she asks. She was unaware of the specifics, but looked questioning at Fate, expecting her to expound about her questions and answer the unasked ones without too much prompting.

"Well." she said. More like a statement than a question.

Fate Testarossa has posed:
    Indeed, Fate had gotten herself in another fight almost immediately after the incident with the Artha. But the girl is silent for just a beat when Precia opens up with wanting to know what she had obtained from the wreckage of the Artha. Though scarlet eyes hesitantly flit to the device in Precia's hand, Fate wastes no time. Wasting Precia's time was always a mistake for anyone involved.
    "Bardiche." She prompts, her faithful device, in standby form as a golden gem, replying immediately in kind.
    With a wordless chime, the device neatly releases an array of parts and supplies taken from the TSAB ship, neatly laying them all out in organized rows on the nearby table.
    "That... That was everything, mother." Fate says before pausing. She has to answer about that girl.
    "We both decided that a fight in the current situation would have been... Needless. I wouldn't have been able to gather as much if I was focused on deterring her, mother." She admits before nodding.
    "Yes." She's had her wounds tended to, which she indicates with a gentle nod of her head.

Precia Testarossa has posed:
Precia Testarossa mphs as she looks down at the parts before her, and the strange gem. She'll need to figure out what the gem is later. For the parts, well they are device parts and she is not a device meister. But they might be useful in trade to a device meister she knows of, in the future. But she furrow her eyes.

"That was all you found in that room?" she asks, noting the amount of parts to what she saw when she was watching Fate for those few moments with that.. girl.

"I feel there should be more. Are you hiding parts from me?" she asks. Looking rather disappointed suddenly.

She then waits and asks.

"And you had a fight today. Did you not?" she asks. "What was that about now?" she asks, gently. "Surely you didn't run into an agreement with that person aswell?" he literarily snorts, as if she's suddenly running agreements with all these other.... people. Problems. Yes. All these other problems. Like that girl. And others, perhaps? But who?

Precia Testarossa has posed:
Precia Testarossa mphs as she looks down at the parts before her, well they are device parts and she is not a device meister. But they might be useful in trade to a device meister she knows of, in the future. In return for favors. But she furrow her eyes.

"That was all you found in that room?" she asks, noting the amount of parts to what she saw when she was watching Fate for those few moments with that.. girl.

"I feel there should be more. Are you hiding parts from me?" she asks. Looking rather disappointed suddenly.

She then waits and asks.

"And you had a fight today. Did you not?" she asks. "What was that about now?" she asks, gently. "Surely you didn't run into an agreement with that person aswell?" he literarily snorts, as if she's suddenly running agreements with all these other.... people. Problems. Yes. All these other problems. Like that girl. And others, perhaps? But who?

Fate Testarossa has posed:
    Fate's throat twitches in a soft, nervous, gulp as Precia goes over the parts. Technically it's not lying to her mother to say that was all she found in that room with that girl. She found the gem in another room entirely after all.
    "Yes... Mother." She says at first. That was all she found. So she claims. Before she thankfully moves on with the conversation.
    "... Yes, mother." She did get in another fight. "Someone from the Arthra crash... They were investigating the tower. Trying to find data on you and Riventon, mother." She explains.
    "I stopped them before they could get any valuable data or information."

Precia Testarossa has posed:
Precia Testarossa gets 'well, technically' lied to. This is a problem for future Fate to worry about if she ever finds out about it. She frowns at the part salvage gained, feeling like she's getting lowballed on it somehow. She'll look into device recordings from Bardiche later to confirm what happened. But later. Once again, this is a problem for future Fate to worry about.

"I see. Someone? Who?" she wonders as she taps the device into her hand.

"Also. Please surrender your device so I can look over records." she says, tapping her device- in it's pointer form- into her hands. Oh no. She's going to 'look', Fate.

She then tsks. "How far did they get?" she asks. "Before you we're able to turn them away?"

Fate Testarossa has posed:
    Indeed it is a problem for future Fate. Though it very much could wind up being a problem for present Fate if she missteps. Nevertheless, she obediently hands over Bardiche when pointedly requested to do so, flinching gently when Precia makes the motion of tapping her device to her palm.
    "I didn't catch his name." She admits. I just know he's another device user and was at the Arthra." She admits before her eyes turn downcast.
    "He had been trying to break into the security system for several hours before I woke up and was able to deter him."
    Four hours. A lot can happen in four hours.

Precia Testarossa has posed:
Precia Testarossa grimaces hard. He'd been trying to break in for that long before ANYONE found him? That's... impressive. And a problem all at one. She begins writing a report in her head to increase security, and that's whoeverelses problem to fix. Not heres. That's grunt work.

She doesn't do grunt work. That's what the girl is for.

"Well, put your device down." she says, motioning. "And I will obtain it's data." she says. "Of the past day and this fight." she says. "I desire to know more of this girl. She calls you by your name like that. With this world's... term of endearment. Why?" she asks.

Fate Testarossa has posed:
    Grunt work is indeed what Fate is for, even if that grunt work involves sending a highly specialized, highly trained, magical super soldier to fend off a simple break in, well. That is, in fact, Fate's duty.
    Slowly, she sets Bardiche down as instructed.
    "She's..." How does Fate put this. It's not a matter of being diplomatic, she simply has to give her assessment of the redheaded, pigtailed, girl.
    "She's no one." Fate says after a brief beat. "A local girl, I think. How she has a device of her own... I don't know, but. She's not a problem." She says, honestly. That girl... Is just some child from a primitive and backwater planet that somehow got her hands on a Device. Her potential is astounding, but there's still a massive divide between her skill level and Fate's. And thus, Fate is very sure of herself when she says what she says next. "She's no one at all. Barely a nuisance..."
    "I know because I'm a Testarossa. And that makes me strong."

Precia Testarossa has posed:
Precia Testarossa listens to her. She's following along. The girl is just a nobody. From a back water planet. With potential, but no skill to back it up then. She does care about the device, perhaps it can be stolen. She's tapping the device into her palm, and taps Bardiche with the pointer to obtain the data she wants. She'll pull it forcefully if Bardiche does not comply. But why would her device not comply? Reasons, always.

But regardless, something makes her twitch at the end of that statement and her expression changes into a scowl. 'I'm a Testarossa, and that makes me strong'.

The sheer audacity of this girl. To assume such things!? She raises that pointer, and brings it down across the girl in a whap motion. And she continues this. Whipping that pointer down into the girl again. And again. She doesn't say anything during the whole affair. She just whips and whips with the end of that pointer, as she angrily lets all her anger out into it.

"You will not say such things again, girl, do you understand!?" she asks, as she finally stops, resting the pointer to her side, but still so loudly agitated. This girl. a Testarossa. Her Daughter? Never! Not in a millena. She has a daughter! But this... girl. This thing she created. No.

"Do we have an understanding?" she asks, as if what she did was perfectly justified.

Fate Testarossa has posed:
    Bardiche is, as ever, stoic and faithful to his wielder; Precia will likely have to get foreeful with the device later, when she looks into that data. But right now. In this moment, Fate waits. She waits to see what her mother has to say. Will she praise her for her good work? No, that's seeming less and less likely the longer this meeting goes on. If anything, Precia Testarossa is clearly disappointed in her. As she should be. Fate is clearly a bad daughter; not bringing her mother enough from the wreckage, taking too long to respond to a break in and data breach... Fate's eyes cast downwards as she awaits Precia's verdict.
    And Precia's verdict comes. Swift, merciless, brutal, and with unbridled fury.
    The initial strike catches Fate off guard, the girl issues a startled squeak of pain and surprise as the pointer-shaped device belts into her. She flinches from the impact, but then, she understands.
    She has disappointed Precia once again.
    And, ever trying to be the good daughter, she understands... She must be punished.
    It is as the blows come down, striking Fate again and again with all of her mother's anger, that the girl does not shy away from the assault or try to protect herself from it. She lets it come, as Precia's scorn and anger rain down on her, every blow earning as sharper sound of pain than the last.
    Arf... Fate's stalwart Familiar cringes; covering her ears. She had been listening through the door, and soon enough it grows too much for her to bear, as she curls up in a small ball just outside, unable to take it any longer.
    But when the striking stops, Fate is on her hands and knees, sweat beading on her brow, panting for breath. Perhaps, the worst part about this, that she only dimply understands why she's being stricken, and she understands it for all the wrong reasons.
    "H-hah... Ah... Nnngh... Hah..." She stammers, trembling in both pain and fear after the beating.
    "Y-... ... Y-yes... Mother... I... I understand, m-mother."

Precia Testarossa has posed:
Precia has the data. Well whatever Bardiche gave her that counts as data. She'll realize there's holes later. With that will come new beatings, if she ever finds out what really went down. This beating? Entirely over something else.

She lowers her arms and lets loose a tired 'huff' as she starts to cough again into her sleeve. Blood. This time. She frowns and takes a harder, broken breath into her sleeve as she raises her other hand and makes a sweeping motion. "Leave the parts here. I will store them. Perhaps I can trade them to Agera for information or items later." she says. She is not a meister. The boy is.

"Now I command you leave me." she says. She knows Arf is listening. Arf always listens. She doesn't care. What can the pet dog do anyways to her?

"Go." she says with a low, unfriendly, scowl.

Fate Testarossa has posed:
    Slowly, Fate raises her head- just in time to catch her mother's coughing fit- to see the blood that comes away to the woman's sleeve.
    "A-ah... Mother..." She whispers, one hand reaching out. But...
    Things have already changed so much. The gaps in her memory are so strange... To go from remembering Precia as so sweet and gentle and caring... To be... This, now... Sickly, and full of scorn.
    She's ordered to leave...
    It takes her a beat and a few breaths to pick herself up, each strike having only exacerbated her already mounting injuries. She stands.
    "Y-yes, mother..." Whispered obediently as she staggers for the door and sees herself out, where she'll collapse into Arf's arms to be dragged off.