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Latest revision as of 05:36, 3 November 2023

In which Sunbreaker decides that Naru Osaka has magical powers, and attempts to examine their nature. Possibly by eliciting them where they do not yet actually exist. Naru's friends and allies take a lot of exception.


Title Date Scene Summary
Sun vs Moon August 31st, 2023 An effort to recover a lost skirt turns into a battle for Usagi and Naru when Sunbreaker enters the scene! The fires of hate can't beat the power of two good friends!
Bruises and bruisemarks September 2nd, 2023 Hinoiri comes back to her dorm room to rest off the beating she got from Sailor Moon. Fortunately, her roommate, Dianora, is there to help provide a caring ear and a pint of ice cream. Such a sweet little thing.
Texts: Black Flame and Brain Weasels September 5th, 2023 Naru checks in with Kazuo after her first encounter with Sunbreaker. Her reward for survival might possibly be free blackmail material.
Narubreaker September 6th, 2023 Sunbreaker decides to have a little talk with Naru. Totally friendly. Not at all dangerous. But things might get a teensy bit out of control... Luckily, Kyouka can help, right?
Texting: Naru Needs Help 1 September 6th, 2023 Following Scene 376 and during scenes 380 and 382, Usagi Tsukino texts Chiyo Sakai for help. She gets a promise of support and a lead.
Texting: Naru Needs Help 2 September 6th, 2023 Following Scene 376 and between scenes 380 and 382, Usagi Tsukino texts Wako Agemaki for help.
Texts: Kidnapping O'Clock September 6th, 2023 Following Scene 376 and between scenes 380 and 382, Hematite texts Riventon for help. Riventon texts Sunbreaker for answers.
Fights We Didn't Start September 7th, 2023 Usagi and Darien arrive at Kyouka's office to learn the details of Naru's kidnapping by Sunbreaker.
Snapping One, Two, Where Are You September 7th, 2023 Following Scenes 376 and 380, Hematite, Sailor Moon, and Nephrite put their heads together to try and find Naru. Well, they try to, anyway. Hematite's the only one getting useful information so far. Also including: booster seats, tears, and Nephrite's surprisingly masterful craftsmenship.
How it started... September 7th, 2023 Naru wakes up. Sunbreaker TOTALLY has all of this under control. Totally. Yup. Definitely.
An accomplice September 7th, 2023 Hinoiri... has to ask for help. Even if she tries to deny it, rationalize it and accept it. Still... she gets it.
Pretend midnight visitors September 7th, 2023 La Crima comes to visit Sunbreaker and finds a drained Naru instead. Conversation ensues!
Texts: technically i only agreed not to get set on fire September 7th, 2023 In which Kazuo checking in with Naru's roommate after Naru misses their morning run prompts an entire cascade of Things, ranging from Usagiflail to Bad Ideas to everything basically hating everything to discussion of Murder Missions (and yet Hannah does not actually appear in this log!) to Kazuo getting handed almost all of the things he was carefully trying to duck having stored in his head. (Strong language, mostly between Kazuo and Kyouka.)
Written In The Stars (First Take) September 8th, 2023 Nephrite and Kyouka team up to search for Naru Osaka and her captor. Takes place a couple hours after Scene 382.
Written In The Stars (Second Take) September 8th, 2023 Takes place following scenes 382 and 389. Special Agent Nephrite and Lady Wears Sunglasses At Night continue their search for the missing Naru Osaka, narrowing down the possibilities...
Crying bunny and uncomfortable unicorn September 8th, 2023 Hinoiri runs into Usagi, grieving over the disappearance of Naru. She... offers some advice and tries to cheer her up. Not that she was responsible for any of these hurts or anything. Nope. Not at all.
Preparing to Take the Stage September 8th, 2023 Double Trouble arrives at the secret mountain cabin where Hinoiri has Naru stashed. They've got one conversation to learn enough about Naru to pretend to be her, so they're honest and appeal to Naru's better nature. They find her to be surprisingly cooperative with the plan. It almost makes them feel _bad_ about how they have to leave her at the end.
Texts: Ghost Writer September 8th, 2023 A ghost is used to pass along messages.
Checking In, News Gained September 9th, 2023 Following Naru's kidnapping, CHiyo Sakai comes to check in on Usagi and Luna. Partway through, a few texts change the mood: there's hope for Naru yet.
Texts: i dont need you to validate my morality September 10th, 2023 Kyouka texts Darien about Nephrite being an alright dude
Definitely Not Naru September 11th, 2023 Double Trouble shows up at Naru's & Usagi's room for their debut performance as Naru Osaka. It does not go well. What kind of girl has a pre-determined test for if their roommate is an impostor?!
How it's going September 11th, 2023 Not well. Not well at all.
Sailorphone September 11th, 2023 Pyrite needs to meet with Sailor Moon because she has an IDEA.
So We Go Forward September 11th, 2023 After Double Trouble impersonates Naru and before Pyrite asks to meet Sailor Moon, there is comfort and reassurance in the middle of the night.
Texts: I understand. September 11th, 2023 Hook me up with the Moon, bro. Prelude to scene 406.
How It Ended September 12th, 2023 Sailor Moon gathers her friends together to launch a rescue for Naru! Unfortunately, things won't always be as simple as they may hope. Can the power of love, friendship and a warehouse filled with sparkles save the day? Hopefully! Tune in to find out!
Helping (and asking for same) September 12th, 2023 Kyouka and Hematite watch Naru's rescue from afar and offer advice via comms. Jadeite arrives later and has a heart-to-heart with Hematite after Kyouka departs.
Written In The Stars (Third Take) September 12th, 2023 After the end of scene 410 and concurrently with scene 411. A destined meeting beneath the stars.

Manual Logs, in Order




























