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{{Log Header
{{Log Header
|Date of Scene=2023/09/20
|Date of Scene=2023/09/20
|Location=Dorms #2
|Location=Tsukino-Osaka Dorm
|Synopsis=Adrien stops by Naru and Usagi's room with fresh espresso and good advice. Conversation ensues.
|Synopsis=Adrien stops by Naru and Usagi's room with fresh espresso and good advice. Conversation ensues.
|Cast of Characters=59,150
|Cast of Characters=59,150

Latest revision as of 18:40, 3 November 2023

Espresso delivery!
Date of Scene: 20 September 2023
Location: Tsukino-Osaka Dorm
Synopsis: Adrien stops by Naru and Usagi's room with fresh espresso and good advice. Conversation ensues.
Cast of Characters: Naru Osaka, Adrien Agreste

(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: Sooooo.. I've heard a rumour.
(PHONE) Adrien Agreste texts: Rumor? What rumor?
(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: Okay, teasing that one out a whole bunch would be a ton of fun. But I'm feeling generous. :) A rumour about your dorm room.
(PHONE) Adrien Agreste texts: Ah, this is either about my roommate, or my espresso machine then!
(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: I dont think I know who your roommate is, or at least have forgotten in the thinking about your espresso machine.
(PHONE) Adrien Agreste texts: Then I would have to admit that rumor is very true. It saves me from having to go off campus for a good drink in the morning before class.
(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: Mornings aren't so bad, I'm already off campus to go for a run anyhow.
(PHONE) Adrien Agreste texts: Does that mean I shouldn't offer to make you a drink, too?
(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: If you ever have an espresso shot that would just go to /waste/. I mean, I'd be glad to help you out with it.
(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: Who is your roommate anyhow?
(PHONE) Adrien Agreste texts: Chrono Harlaown. He was a late transfer student so just joined a bit ago.
(PHONE) Adrien Agreste texts: I think he came from a military school. He's a nice guy though.
(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: Haven't met him yet. At least he's nice. That's something. I'd find it weird to have a roommate I didn't already know.
(PHONE) Adrien Agreste texts: It's a bit of an experience, but I'm always open to making new friends. He's pretty fond of coffee too, and I've been teaching him how to play Mario Kart.
(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: Yeah. I'm generally pretty down with meeting new people. I feel as though I am letting down my 'teen' status by not playing much Mario Kart.
(PHONE) Adrien Agreste texts: You're welcome to join us sometime. I've got a full four controller set up. It's a way for me to still hang with some of my Paris friends by playing online, too.
(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: No laughing at me when I completely suck at it.
(PHONE) Adrien Agreste texts: I would never.
(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: And speaking of things I suck at.. if you've never thrown knives, you totally should try it. It was so much fun, even sucked at it immensely.
(PHONE) Adrien Agreste texts: I've tried ninja stars before, and used to have a dart board. Never knives. That could be fun.
(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: Ninja stars also sound like fun. Darts are too little, but would solve the 'omg, I need more arm day in my workouts' that came after a while of throwing knives.
(PHONE) Adrien Agreste texts: A lot of things can help with hand-eye coordination though. Even playing a piano.
(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: Hand eye coordination wasn't toooo bad.. I mean, I need to practice a bazillion more times, but I wasn't a hazard to bystanders, just inconsistent.
(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: But dear gods, they got /heavy/ sooner than they should have. Runners have pathetic noodle arms. I am a runner.
(PHONE) Adrien Agreste texts: It'll get better!
(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: <bunny with sagging arm .gif>
(PHONE) Adrien Agreste texts: lol It can't be that bad!
(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: It felt like it!
(PHONE) Adrien Agreste texts: Rest up a few days then try again. It'll get better. It'll also help with your staff and sword work.
(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: 'Rest'.. what's that? Never heard of it.
(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: I did get some enforced rest time after my unplanned time away.
(PHONE) Adrien Agreste texts: I heard you were gone awhile. Is everything all right?
(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: Yeah, I'm pretty much back to normal now. I was pretty drained when I returned though, so rest was a thing. I even had to <gasp> miss some workouts.
(PHONE) Adrien Agreste texts: Back to normal? Were you sick?
(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: The time away took a lot out of me, so I needed some recovery time when I got back.
(PHONE) Adrien Agreste texts: Oh! Oh. I'm sorry to hear that. Let me know if I can do anything to help.
(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: Thanks, but I'm pretty much back to a-ok now. I appreciate the offer though. Now I'm back to classes and workouts and throwing knives 'til my arms ache.
(PHONE) Adrien Agreste texts: Sounds like you might still need a little boost. Of espresso perhaps.
(PHONE) Adrien Agreste texts: With or without cream?
(PHONE) Naru Osaka texts: See the aforementioned gif for how hard it will be to twist my arm. Either! I usually take cream with most coffee, but espresso I'm fine either way.

Naru Osaka has posed:
It's late enough that there's not a lot of people coming and going in the hallways, but after the conversation she just had with Adrien, she reaches up to turn off her desk lamp and closes the notebooks on her desk. And the textbooks. And give them a little bit of a tidy up.

The room is generally tidy enough all things considered. The bunk bed ensures that there's plenty of space in the room, and generally its pretty plain in there. A bar fridge holds a kettle on top, along with coffee accessories to ensure that Naru surives existance, and the shelves are a mix of neat and tidy labelled boxes and baskets and well, more chaotic organization.

Naru gets up from her desk, wandering over to look out the window at the dark campus outside and people wandering around, far below.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Late night coffee delivery wasn't always a thing, but it sounded as if Naru could use a visit. Adrien wasn't sure exactly what happened. He got the gist that *something* did though. At the very least it also gives him an excuse to get out of his own dorm room to visit a friend he hadn't been able to catch up with in awhile.

It's not long after Naru has finished her tidying that a polite knock comes to her door. Adrien stands in the hall with his messenger bag slung over his shoulder and a perhaps obvious thermos tucked into one of the side pockets. Otherwise he's wearing his usual casual clothes: Jeans, t-shirt, and a loose overshirt to keep off a bit of the oncoming chill of Autumn.

When she answers, he greets with a cheery smile and teasing remark of, "Espresso Delivery! Fast and fresh service right to your door!"

Naru Osaka has posed:
The knock comes and Naru moves from the window to open the door. She's also long since ditched the school uniform, but she's settled for leggings and a hoodie. Not exactly dressed for going out, but homework does not require cute skirts.

Naru laughs brightly at the teasing remark. "C'mon in. You know you didn't have to provide coffee delivery at this time of night, right?" She doesn't sound as if she minds overly much, even as she's making sure he knows.

"Usagi isn't home." Naru notes, so that he won't be surprised to not find an extra human there. "I'm not sure where she is actually, possibly off being adorable with Dorien."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste chuckles as he steps inside giving a small shake of his head. "It's not a problem at all! I wanted to get out for a bit anyway so it gave me a good excuse." A quick glance is cast over the room taking it in. It wassn't often he had a chance to check out other dorm rooms after all.

"She's out with Darien? Darien Shields? He's got the room next to mine." A little connection is put together in his mind about these two for later. It didn't really matter at the moment.

"Oh well, one of these days I'm sure I'll get to meet her. More coffee for us?" The thermos is raised with a grin at Naru. He does chuckle a bit sheepishly after a moment. "I won't stay long if you need to study or get ready for bed. I just..." He pauses a moment here with his eyebrows knitting together in thought. "I had a very weird day yesterday and think some company to get my mind off of it would help."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"She and Darien just started dating and they are all heart-eyes at each other. It's utterly adorable." Naru has no malice in her tone, just utterly fond teasing.

"Let me grab a couple of cups." She heads for the tiny coffee area on top of the fridge. "Pull up a seat. I am wholly ready for a break from studying and was caught between not wanting to sit here alone and not really wanting to go out and be social with a ton of other people, so coffee is basically perfect."

Naru returns back with tea cups in lieu of espresso cups. Close enough. "What happened yesterday that was super weird? Or would talking about it be worse?"

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste doesn't seem to mind the thought of the pair being gushy at each other. If anything he smile broadly upon hearing it. "That's great for them! Though I imagine it could be hard to watch all the time."

He seems about to say more, but his phone gives a quick ding. It's slid out of his pocket while the cups are gathered, and he reads it over with a quick frown. "Huh. Looks like my roommate is taking some time away too. I think he's having trouble settling in. Hope he's all right." Frowning with concern again he moves to take a seat in one of the comfy chairs with a sigh of relaxation. He'd even slipped his shoes off at the door! He was learning.

The bag is settled beside him on the floor which he turns toward long enough to pull out the thermos. "Oh it's nothing bad. I went to visit a new friend I'd made for dinner, and she had some questions I wasn't expecting."

A slightly amused yet confused look is flashed up toward Naru. "She said she was trying to figure out what people here consider 'hot' and asked if I was. I... I wasn't really sure how to answer that without sticking my foot in my mouth."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"I hope your roommate is alright." Naru concurs after his text message. "Radiant Heart can be a lot if you're not really ready for it all."

A loaded statement if ever there was one, but lightly made.

Naru holds out the cups as she settles in the other chair, letting Adrian pour. "I am super happy for them, it's true. I don't generally mind being in the splash zone of the adorable."

At the admission of what, exactly, the questions were Naru starts to giggle softly. "Oh that's amazing." She starts to laugh even more, struggling to keep the cups from waggling too much as he pours. "Lemme guess.. one of the exchange students."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste reaches for the cups to pour out the steaming contents of the thermos. There was still more should they want refills since the size of the thermos versus the cups was quite different, so he recaps it to keep the heat sealed in for now.

Naru's giggling response causes him to blush deeply as his head dips down slightly. "Yeah. I know she didn't mean anything by it. It was just out of the blue. She had a *lot* of questions. Plus, I am a model, so I know I have fans. *I* think I'm normal, though?""

One of the teacups is slid back over toward Naru in offering with a grin. "Hope you enjoy it. It's an Ethiopian origin blend I found that I've been rather fond of."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"I mean.. you are epic cute. You know that, I know that." Naru is delightfully matter of fact about it. "But having someone /ask/.. oh how amazingly awesomely akward." She lifts her cup in salute. "Never change, Radiant Heart, full of glorious weirdos."

"I mean.. normal is a relative thing." Naru points out. "You don't seem like an axe murderer, nor prone to random kidnappings or anything of the sort, so we'll go with normal enough."

At the description of the coffee, Naru takes a sniff of the brew and there's an appreciative noise. "It smells amazing." She takes a little sip and mmmms happily. "Thank you. This is glorious."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
"W-well-I..." There was no arguing that. He knew he had a pretty face. He just wasn't as brazen about it as his cousin was for instance. Still red-faced he mumbles, "Thanks. Yeah."

The distraction of watching her try the coffee draws his attention away from such an embarassing topic at least. As she investigatively sniffs, and then sips, his smile broadens at her enjoyment of it. "I'm glad you like it. I guess I can be a bit of a coffee snob. It's kind of a thing in Paris, though. Everyone loves their coffee."

Leaning back into his own seat he finally raises his own cup for a sip of his own. An appreciative deep breath is drawn and let out slowly. Sure it was a stimulant but there was something so relaxing about drinking a warm cup now and then.

He does regard Naru with bemusement. "I can assure you I'm not an axe murdering. I have had a few kidnapping attempts when I was younger, though. That's why my father was so insistent I learn to protect myself." He pauses, then adds quietly, "The bodyguard came later."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Clearly I need to visit Paris at some pont." Naru comments as he mentions that its full of coffee snobs. She'll fit right in! She's in no rush to chug through her cup, holding it and appreciating it instead.

The warmth of coffee goes beyond thermodynamics, after all.

Naru is thoughtful a moment after that last comment. "So.. how do you get out of kidnapping attempts? Bodyguards aside." She mostly achieves the casual question she's aiming for. Super casual. Sip coffee all casual like. Honest.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
"It's in the wrists mostly," Adrien responds. It might be a joke but it's said very seriously. He did actually know a few things regarding this after all, and one never knew when it might come in handy. Especially for women who usually were targets a lot more than men.

One hand lifts closing into a fist. "If they try to tie you up you're supposed to make fists when they do. It flexes your arms so that they're a bit bigger, which make it looser when tied. You want to try to get your arms out from behind you by sliding your legs beneath you through your arms. Then you can uncover your mouth if it's covered, and use your teeth to tear a notch in the tape. Zipties are another matter but can be broken with a motion--"

He pauses and then grins sheepishly. "Sorry. There's whole classes you can take if you're from a rich or famous family. I really think they'd benefit everyone though. It's generally stay alive, stay awake, try to leave clues if they take you elsewhere. Try to not LET them take you elsewhere. Run if you get the chance. It all depends on the exact scenario."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Mmm." Naru nods at his list of options and appears to be paying close attention. In a 'this is relevant to my interests' way, rather than merely idle curiosity.

Stay awake, stay alive, leave clues.

Naru nods along with each of those and mms softly. "Easier if you're still consicous, but it's a good list." She gestures with her coffee. "I agree, I think they'd benefit everyone. Nothing's ever universal, but it's good things to keep in mind." There's a pause, just a breath of one. "I mean, in the unlikely scenario that it came up."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
"In the best case it wouldn't. It can be a dangerous world at times though, as my father likes to constantly point out." Adrien gives a little sad smile at that.

"I know he worries about me but he really became over protective after my mother went missing." He pauses again, glancing down. "I can't blame him. I just really want to try to have a normal school experience, meet some friends, make some memories." The soft, sad smile lingers breifly. Another sip of the coffee is taken to chase that cold feeling away.

"I'm very lucky he's giving me a chance to do that here at Radiant Heart. It took me forever to convince him to let me attend school in Paris."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"It absolutely can be a dangerous world out there." Naru is in no position to argue that, not even a tiny bit. Especially not right now.

She gives her head a shake and then sips from her coffee again, as if dispelling some of that heavy. "Well, I for one am glad that you convinced him to let you come to school here." Naru smiles.

"I can't promise normal, especially from a French perspective, but I can promise you memories and good friends and excellent coffee." She grins. "As you're providing the coffee, that makes the excellent part easier. Not that my coffee is bad, but this is better."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
"While I may be French, I didn't get to experience much of it myself, so there's nothing wrong with new!" The smile that comes to Adrien is genuine enough, and he lifts his teacup of espresso to salute toward Naru.

"Thank you, Naru. That really does mean a lot to me. I've been very lucky to meet such good friends already."

"And if you ever want to learn some of those techniques I'd be happy to teach you, too. It might help those noodle arms of yours," he teases lightly.

Naru Osaka has posed:
"I'm all in for learning some of those techniques." Naru flashes an easy smile. "I am a bit of a trouble magnet, so more options for getting myself out of the trouble I inevitably end up in are always welcome."

Naru tucks her legs up under her in the chair, settling in comfortably with her tea cup of espresso. "Do you have a wish list of Japanese things you want to see or try while you've got a wee bit of freedom at school? Or should I be thinking of all of the tourist things that are actually kind of worth it to go to."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste perks brightly at the very suggestion. The rest of his espresso is tipped back with a gulp, though he doesn't reach for more. Not yet, there was time yet and it was better to let her have a refill first if she wanted.

"Oh! If you have ideas that would be great! I'd love to find some of those food themed cafes to try too, though. I hear there's one hot pot place that makes jellies the soup into a teddybear shape and it melts as it heats up like a little onsen for it."

The rest of the evening is probably in a similar vein discussing touristy places to visit.