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Guan Yu? No, me!
Date of Scene: 09 July 2023
Location: Four Clover Mall
Synopsis: The Deadbeats have tried to erase the history of Guan Yu, turning the noble hero into a villain. However, with the help of other magical girls, and one less magical but still tough girl, she manages to purify the Upbeat and fix one of history's heroes! And get her first sticker!
Cast of Characters: Aki Kurosawa, Runealy Waldia, Makoto Kino, Nanoha Takamachi, Coco Kiumi, Cho Konishi, Kyouko Sakura

Cho Konishi has posed:
It was a nice, warm day. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the release of a special three kingdoms toy had been going quite well!

At least, at first. Unfortunately, one boy had come up and when he asked for his toy, the attendants said... all of them were gone? What? As the boy had cried, a lady all in white had come up behind him and knelt down, whispering in his ear...

Moments later a massive, armored figure had appeared. A recreation of Guan Yu! Except, he had dark armor, spoke of the rights of the strong, how the weak should be stomped on, destroyed. Abandoned.

Cure Wukong had arrived on the scene, of course... which brought us to now. Namely, Cure Wukong flying through the air, Guan Yu's Green Dragon Crescent Blade having sent her flying back, slamming into one of the pillars in the mall. She left a small dent in it, before crumbling to the ground.

"Power is all that matters!" the dark Guan Yu yelled, laughing. "And you, little monkey, have none!"

"O-owwww..." Cure Wukong said before trying to sit up, only to collapse again. Welp. This was... going... well... All things considered.

Runealy Waldia has posed:
    Rune had been largely unaware of this. She noticed the crowd, but excited talk about which Tiger General would win in a fight or how Liu Bei could have triumphed over Cao Cao if he had paid better attention to Zhuge Liang's advice is completely undecipherable to the alien princess. She stuck to checking out other toys, ones with more generic themes.

However, one of this world's 'gods of war' suddenly using a polearm to attack someone... that is enough to get - and keep - her attention. "Wh...?!" Rune stares, baffled by what she sees. "Where did they even arrive from?!" She is pretty sure she would have noticed someone as distinct as 'Guan Yu' in the crowd, even from a distance.

Regardless, Guan Yu is yelling. Rune does likewise: "Summoning Princess' Tiara!" Jeweled headwear appears in one hand, audibly humming with energy. "The Line of Succession..." She passes it to her other hand, which brings it to her forehead in the same motion. "Transform!"

A flash of red light engulfs her, and when it fades Rune stands in full magical dress. The only change from normal is that she is holding a smaller, red-tipped wand instead of her usual one.

She rushes to get closer to the fight, while shouting to Guan Yu: "You are mostly correct! Power matters a great deal... but there is also the matter of how and why you use it!"

Aki Kurosawa has posed:
Aki Kurosawa was in the mall today to work on a somber task, namely seeing if the mall would put missing notices up about her sister on the various electronic noticeboards in the mall for her sister. They agreed. A fee was worked out, she had the notices on a small zip drive. Escaping the offices in back was fast and she walked along towards the toy store when she looked up and--

Isn't that the Cure from the other day when they fought that 'Scorn' person? It is and- she's having a time of things. She blinks and draws out her Pretty Change Mirror....!

Cure Tide quickly jumps into the scene as she steps up from behind the rubble and in front of Cure Wukong. "HEY BIG DUMB AND TANKY. YOU MESS WITH HER YOU MESS WITH ME! THE JOY THAT RIPPLES ACROSS THE OCEAN! CURE TIDE!" she bellows.

Kyouko Sakura has posed:
This isn't supposed to be a day for fighting. At least, that's what Kyouko is feeling as she makes her way through the mall with her small bag of three new rhythm games (bought with stolen money) (for a Switch also bought with stolen money) from the game store. All she wanted to do was get some games and leave. Well...and grab a snack at the food court. Which is where she is when she hears the chaos filtering down from the vicinity of the toy store.

She finishes her takoyaki and pockets the video games...just in case she has to transform. It might be a witch, after all. That'd be useful. She can always make use of more grief seeds. Then she makes her way to the sound of chaos.

The battle is well underway by the time she gets there, and she's already scowling in disappointment at the obvious realization that this is no witch. She's about ready to duck out and let the other magical girls handle it when she sees Cure Wukong. "Oh, it's that idiot."

She lingers at the scene for now, pulling out a pack of Pocky to munch on as she considers whether to do anything about it. She really shouldn't. She should just turn and walk away. Yet here she stands, watching with a frown on her face as she eats her snack.

Makoto Kino has posed:
Makoto was merely in the wrong place at the wrong time. She was just out at the mall picking up a couple things on the weekend. Just an ordinary kind of thing, the kind ordinary people do.

Then the day became anything but ordinary.

A massive dark armored figure, a magical girl, and a crazy fight going on. She's not one to hide if she can help it, and since the magical girls are fighting, she's out trying to help get the kids in the area OUT of the area.

The tall brunette sprints through the area, trying to not be in the way of the fighting. She gestures to some of the kids. "Come on! We have to get out of here!"

Nanoha Takamachi has posed:
Nanoha Takamachi was here for the big toy launch but, aww they we're out. She's only gotten back a small bit when she hears commotion behind her and looks backwards and gawks!

"Raising Heart, setup!" she calls out!..

Nanoha Takamachi appears in her barrier jacket and the first thing she does is fire off a shoot barret towards the armored figure, trying to get it's attention.

"Just because... people are strong, doesn't mean--- they should be bullies..." she says, holding Raising Heart to her body.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Taking a break from work, Coco is walking down a street, just window shopping to pass the time. The weather was nice overall, though she opted to send the otters back to the sea to let them cool off, making sure to thank them for their constant perlustration. Nothing had turned up so far, and she saw they were starting to get quite tired despite their lack of complaints. 'I shouldn't have let it come to that point. I need to stop getting laser-focused on my mission.'

Part of what influenced the decision was it promising to be a fairly calm day. 'I thought that too soon', she realises, as a loud crash reverberates through the air. Looking at its source, Coco is quite surprised to see the girl that was fighting Cherry Spear the other day. Quickly going into a side alley, she starts transforming, her pearl quickly forming into her E-Pitch microphone and her idol getup rapidly taking shape around her. Hurrying back out, she moves towards the crash zone. "Are you ok? Here, let me help you back up", she tells her, offering an extended hand.

Cho Konishi has posed:
The princess? That made Guan Yu turn towards her, only to let out a chuckle at her words. "How? Why? There is no better reason to use it than for your own glory! Your own authority! Your own might! Nothing else matters than being the greatest! Downbeats!" he yelled before lifting his blade into the air.

Flakes of bone seemed flow down from above, solidifying into bones which then, in a flash, became soldiers of the three kingdoms. Forming a shield wall, with spears out, they charged at the Red Princess and Nanoha!

Guan Yu, however, had turned his focus to Cure Tide. "Ah! The bonds of brotherhood, is it?" he asked with a laugh. "Pathetic, useless things! Your brothers will only get in the way of your own glory! They stand in your way!" Well, first of all... rude. Also. Sisters. "Let me show you what those bonds truly mean!" With those words, his horse materialized under him and he charged at her, his blade raised up.... aiming to bring it down AT her, the blade glowing with dark energy.

Wukong, meanwhile... was very ow. But hey, reinforcements were nice. It meant she could take a moment to-- NO! Focus! And then... there was a hand. She looked up at it for a moment before a wide grinned formed on her lips. "T-thanks!" She reached out and took the hand, letting the other girl help her up... Only for her eyes to go wide.

"Do not... interefere..." a voice said, her voice cold and raspy. A moment before a strange, faceless woman in white appeared behind Wukong. she waved her hand and a wave of dark energy spilled for, sending her crashing forward at Coco.

It seemed there were enough of them here that Guan Yu was being warranted... backup.

Fortunately for them, Makoto's efforts were quickly bearing relief. As more people were being evacuated, the energy they could drain was being reduced as well, which was why the general had to get involved in the first place. And why there were only the two waves of downbeats.

Makoto Kino has posed:
Makoto is glad to see she's helping get people out of here. SO many magical girls!! How did she get into this mess? New woman is just making things worse, she's sure. Since most of the kids are out of the immediate area, Makoto grabs the heaviest of the fallen toys that are in the area. "You're the one interfering!" she tells the woman in white. "Just get out of here!" And she whips the toy at the woman's head as fast and as hard as she can.

Yep, the reincarnated Sailor Jupiter, who doesn't yet know she can henshin, just attacked the badguy with a toy. It's that kind of day.

Runealy Waldia has posed:
    "You speak truth, yet once again leave out context! There is no higher glory than being great enough to bring safety to all! I... hnn?!" The Red Princess' comments are cut off when Guan Yu finishes summoning a small army, and their charge makes it hard for her to continue debating him and the Red Hare he rode in on.

Their shield wall would make a tempting target for her usual highly 'explosive' attacks, but that is the problem - they are explosive. In an area where people like Makoto are helping evacuate others. While Makoto seems to be making good progress, for the time being Rune is not comfortable being that indiscriminate with her attacks.

This forces her to begin backpedaling, wand aimed to fire thin sparkling red beams at the oncoming shield-wall force. She tries to aim around the shields, but some shots simply will hit there and the effort spent trying to sneak shots past their guard is slowing down her offense some.

For now though, it's the best she can do - discriminating shots on single targets while retreating backward into the main areas of the mall, hoping to get clear of the crowds in the meantime.

Aki Kurosawa has posed:
Cure Tide lifts her arm back and screams "YIIAAAHHHHH." to meet the blade with her own fist... only to severely underestimate how far back she'd be flung by the rushing horse assault, sent backwards skidding on her feet and into a informational display about the mall, taking it out. She manages to not fall through this, but she's further away now. She forms her wings and jumps forward, speeding forth with force!

She's trying to flying kick her way into the armored figure as she screams. "TIDE DOUBLE KICK!" as water force builds up along her legs.

Also, did that girl just throw a toy at the obvious dark general, woah. That took so cahones right there.

Nanoha Takamachi has posed:
Nanoha Takamachi eeps! as skeletal soldiers form from the bones and she frowns a little. She floats backwards, not having a lot of 'flying room' inside a building like this, but she draws back Raising Heart. "Cannon mode..." she commands.

Raising heart shifts to a more bombardment focused node as she starts shooting lasers from Raising Heart's tip, while shoot barretts from in mass and she starts launching them at the encroaching downbeats.

Kyouko Sakura has posed:
The frown on Kyouko's face gets deeper as the woman in white steps in to interfere and sends Cure Wukong tumbling into Coco. "Ugh," she mutters declaratively. Then she ducks into a nearby storefront that's been emptied of people thanks to the fight. There's a flash of red from inside--

--and the Kyouko who emerges a minute later from that store (some extra snacks she grabbed off the racks in one hand, already open and half-eaten) is a red-clad magical girl, spear in her free hand. "Hey, monkey nerd!" she calls to Wukong. "If you're gonna fight, you gotta learn how to handle multiple opponents! There's no honor in this crap!" And then she's flinging the spear in at the faceless woman; it turns snake-like and segmented in midair, aiming to wrap around her and immobilize her.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
As the faceless woman's energy pushes Cure Wukong into Coco, she does her best to catch the Pretty Cure, though she nearly loses her E-Pitch in the process. Luckily the microphone gets pushed just next to her foot. It doesn't seem to do her much good though, since the faceless woman is still focusing her attention on them, all to ready to block her attempts to reach it. Just then, a familiar spear user enters her field of vision. "Cherry Spear!", she calls out with relief, in disbelief at being helping by her. As the red warrior start fighting with her enchanted spear, Coco moves to recover her E-Pitch with a groan, not letting go of Cure Wukong in the meanwhile. Secured her source of power, she shifts her body next to her. "Wait just one second, I will patch you up", she tells the girl, not checking whether she has actually heard her or not. Stumbling to her feet, she declares "Pichi Pichi Voice Live Start!"

The familiar Live Stage takes shape as she does that, the orb of light surrounding both her and Cure Wukong. With the preparations out of the way, she start singing, the magical energy reverberating through the mall, going to heal Cure Wukong and hopefully hinder their enemies.

"Star Light!
If you gather more light,
you can surely change this world.
Even the depths of the dark seas lie in the wind ahead, but
if you never... let go of my hand

Our dreams can begin in a super live concert!
On a stage of light and shadows.
With our super songs, we"ll convey our love
and give everyone a little bit of courage... in this song of love!"

Cho Konishi has posed:
The lady in white had been rearing to follow u her assault, a hand of darkness raised u... Only to sto when suddenly a lastic mech toy bounces off her head. Slowly, her head turns in... a manner that the human body should NEVER do. Then she smiles, a dark, creey, slasher smile. It wouldn't be so bad if her eyes weren't solid white. c#CDD9BF"I see... yes. You'll do..."

She ran at Makoto...

And then left her body. It was like the spirit vacated, for a half second Makoto could see what it was, a strange spirit wearing a white cloak. Without a face... and leaving a woman behind.

Wukong's eyes went wide when she saw the spear come at them. "Cherryspear, don--" Only for the words to stop in her throat when the spear split into pieces. The spirit didn't expect that either. The magical spear bound around her and her host, slamming them back together a moment later.

She struggled to break free of it, thrashing left and right, only stopping when suddenly that song filled the air.

The orb of light washed over her and Wukong. She turned to the air, her eyes narrowing before she soke. c#CDD9BF"Your history... will be erased... monkey..." she said before turning her head back. A black mist seemed to flow out of her mouth, up into the air before vanishing into a strange rift. What was left trapped in Kyouko's spear was an older woman, who collapsed unconscious.

Cure Wukong grinned as she felt her energy restored. "Oh YES! That's what I'm talking about! Time for the counter attack!" she yelled, pumping her fists into the air. "And thanks for the advice, Cherryspear! I'll do better next time, I promise!" she yelled up at her. She then turned and leaped off the ground, surging towards the shield wall heading towards Red Princess... "Let's... I don't have a good pun here!" she admitted, before grabbing the toothpick behind her ear and growing it back to the size of her staff. She smashed it against the wall as she passed, shattering the shields in the center...

Combined with the shots the princess had managed to get in through the wall, it left a hole big enough for her to unleash directly into the shield wall.

On top of that, Nanoha's assaults were also making quite a bit of damage on her shield wall, the artillery mage managing to slowly burst through her own shields, making the shield wall looser with each blow, until one of the downbeats finally tripped, making the left side collapse and leaving her an opening as well...

However, despite the turning of the tides(ha!), Guan Yu had yet to notice. He brought his polearm up, blocking the kick, though the general was sent skidding back along the ground by the assault, finally flying off his horse and flipping through the air. "Safety? HA! You speak like that pathetic fool, Liu Bei! Why should I have cared for the safety of anyone but myself? Power for others is a waste!" he yelled, before stopping. Rather than charging at Tide again... he turned towards Coco. "What did I just tell you, fool?! Die in your weakness!" he yelled, leaping at her, swinging his blade at her next, wreathed in dark energy.

Aki Kurosawa has posed:
Cure Tide isn't good at shielding, else she'd summon a shield to help protect Coco, but she can't easily. So instead, she leaps into the air and spins her LovePrebrace. "I dunno what this nonsense is but you just sound like the Phantom Empire, I bet you think love and justice are just illusions, too." she says bluntly as she then draws her arm back and fires off a blast of cold water, keeping up the assault as she doesn't get charged, trying to erode that armor down and add damage as Wukong gets her energy back up.

"Good! Hey uh."

"So is this YOUR problem this time?" she asks Wukong. "Because I don't think this looks like one of mine." she says. "Not that I'm complaining." she adds as she side eyes a little.

"Because this guys just another chump I bet. HEAR THAT CHUMP!?" she calls out as she keeps up her blast stream of water.

Kyouko Sakura has posed:
Somehow, after all that...Kyouko has no idea she just potentially prevented a lot of trouble for Makoto. She barely registers the other girl smacking the mysterious woman with a toy. She's too busy getting mad...that Cure Wukong thanked her. "Don't waste your time with gratitude, stupid!" she retorts, finishing off her latest pre-battle snacks, balling up the wrappers, and chucking them...actually, right into the nearest trashcan. She's fallen enough into good-girl mode to not litter at the moment, but don't remind her of that later.

She retracts her spear from around the random old lady, because honestly, having a random old lady entangled in her spear is not a good look for her. Or anyone. She finishes this just in time to see the evil Guan Yu swinging his blade at the annoying singing girl. So, not even thinking, she dashes in front of her and calls up a wall of interlocked crimson spears in front of both of them. Between that and Cure Tide's actions, hopefully it'll be enough to block the blow.

Nanoha Takamachi has posed:
Nanoha Takamachi blasts through the downbeats as she smiles a little, and beams. Excellent. She then calls out. "Come on Raising Heart, gimme...a... um..."

"Targeting vector on the big guy..." Raising Heart complies and shifts a little bit longer as she grips a pistol grip on the end of Raising Heart now and aims downwards.


c+ink< Divine c+ink>

She then calls out louder. "Buster!"

c+ink< Buster! c+ink>

A large blast of energy lancing out through the air towards the big armored figure.

The blast is big enough it probably also eviscerates any new shield wall downbeats in the way too, anyways.

Runealy Waldia has posed:
    The Red Princess glances up, momentarily puzzled by the singing she hears in the distance - and the sudden appearance of a stage that seems to explain it to some extent. "A song, mid-battle? Fascinating...!" Any further praise or curiosity about Yellow Pearl Voice's efforts will have to wait, however.

Wukong apologizes for a lack of puns, and The Red Princess is quick to play it down: "I hardly object! Wordplay in the middle of a battle can be deadly... yet your assistance is welcome!"

Then Guan Yu mocks her. It works, albeit perhaps not in the way he expected. Her eyes lid, lowering. "I have not even the slightest idea who Liu Bei is... but if you hold them in such contempt, then I probably cannot even begin to equal them. However...!" Her voice gives way to a sharp gasp, as everyone's efforts have made several openings in the shield wall. There is still enough of an 'army' in the way that the Red Princess can only have a battle of words with Guan Yu - she must focus on the downbeats first.

Stowing her smaller wand back inside her dress' bow, the princess retrieves her main wand instead, tensing as she aims at the shield wall's midst. "...There!" Her wand launches its large green orb into the group, then grows another orb and fires this as well. Each one will, if they strike, 'explode' with concussive force spraying emerald magic-sparkles through the area!

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco is about to stop singing to try dodge Guan Yu's movement when she sees the general going to launch an assault towards her, but Cure Tide and Kyouko's timely intervention allow her to keep singing, not giving any stop to her song. She makes a mental note to thank them for the assistance later.

Star Light!
If you believe in yourself more
You should surely be able to change your future.
In this frozen world, despite being alone at dawn
and having a small body, you won"t lose.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Explosions tore through their ranks, followed by one really, really, REALLY big explosion. Guan Yu was struck in the back, water corroding his equipment as he charged forward, unheeding the danger...

Only for a wall of spears to appear between him and her, cutting into them. His damaged spear is unable to cut through, though. "Pathetic! Like ants flocking together, do you believe you can defeat-- GAHHHHHH!"

As expected, the blast from Red Princess finished scattering the swarms and the few who remained were dispersed by Nanoha's assault. The blast striking Guan Yu in the back, his armor cracking, blade snapping in half and dispersing into dark energy...

And there it was. Her chance. Wukong tossed her staff through the air. It embedded itself, standing up, beind Guan Yu. She leaped to it, landing on one foot. She took a... strange stance.

"72 Earthly Transformations Purification!" she yelled. A moment later, she struck out in five random directions, five different elemental lights forming around her, before she gathered it all up... and sent it flying at him.

It struck the upbeat in the back, washing over him. His black armor and remains of his weapon turning golden and red. He hovered in the air for a moment...

Before disappearing. As he disappeared, the dark energy faded... and Wukong fell on the ground, off the stick. "O-oh my gosh. We did it! WOO! We did it! We actually won one! Hee hee! WOO! Oh! Um, yes! These were one of mi--"

Wuwu then descended from above, landing on Wukong's stomach, balancing on a golden scroll that he had driven into her stomach. "Cure Wukong, I can feel your history being re-written!" he said proudly, before pulling it open... to reveal a... small star sticker on a golden scroll?

Wukong, meanwhile, had rolled onto her side and was clutching her stomach. "W-Wuwu... w-why... owie..."

Aki Kurosawa has posed:
"Don't talk down to Precures...!" she demands of the youma, before Cure Wukong finishes it, and then it's gone and the darkness disappears. She clasps her hands to look back over to the other Pretty Cure and looks confusedly at the whole affair with the scroll...

She thinks a moment and 'ohs!' this must..must be like. Her Precard hunting. She thinks, as she nods without confirming it. Tide can't hunt for them right now. Gully is missing. Haruna is missing. Where is that dumb seagull when you need him to explain things, she thinks.

She hopes they're okay..

She shakes off her thoughts and leans a hand down to Wukong. "Hey. You okay?" she asks.

Runealy Waldia has posed:
    The Red Princess begins to approach the main battle with Guan Yu once the shield wall is cleared out, but by the time she takes aim... Wukong strikes! "Was that a telling blow...?" She wonders aloud, staring at the floating figure. Tension fades when Guan Yu does, however.

Wukong celebrates, and the princess is quick to offer praise: "Indeed! A triumph, as clear as any! It seems the citizenry was evacuated with little harm, the merchant square is intact, and we seem to be..." She trails off as she notices Wukong has just been, basically, tackled.

"...Goodness! I hope that was not too grevious a harm...?"

She looks around the area, taking in who else was involved - her eyes particularly settle on Kyouko, saying nothing but clearly interested in something about 'Cherryspear.'

Nanoha Takamachi has posed:
Nanoha Takamachi nods matter of factly to herself as the armored figure turns to mist and the darkness fades. She asks Raising Heart if it's clear. Raising Heart affirmatives back to her and she lands on her feet and smiles. "We did it together!" she says.

"I'm glad my divine buster helped!" she says. Then she eyes the mess. "Oh.."


"This is a mess! I... I really should had casted a barrier spell! Mouuuuuu..." she laments!

Kyouko Sakura has posed:
The instant the evil Guan Yu is defeated, Kyouko lets the by-now-weakened wall of spears shatter. She's already looking rather sour at herself for putting it up in the first place. She didn't have to protect this other magical girl! (In fact, Coco gets a glare as Kyouko walks away--she doesn't even check to make sure she's okay.) There's definitely no grief seed here...only some kind of stupid star sticker.

She strides up to Cure Wukong as she rolls about in pain on the floor. "Listen, monkey nerd, your technique is *terrible*. You gotta stop getting obsessed with just one enemy. Be more aware of your surroundings, stupid! I shouldn't have needed to help out, and you better have some peach cakes for me soon, got it? Anyway, *bye*." And she hurriedly turns away, not wanting to hear any kind of sincere friendly response to her speech, and definitely not wanting to have to help clean up the mess.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
As soon as Cure Wukong dissipates the Youma, Coco stops singing, dissolving the Live Stage and remembering to thank Cure Tide and Cherry Spear. With the latter's glare, she almost reconsiders, ultimately deciding to go thank Cure Tide since Kyouko has made herself busy with talking to Cure Wukong. "Thanks for the assistance", she tells her with a smile. "I would have had to break the song if it wasn't for you. I'm not really used to enemies that reliatate with physical attacks."

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cure Wukong groaned but, slowly, took the hand. Second time she was offered help today. "Y-yeah," she said softly. Wuwu floated up, the scroll disappearing in a small sleight of hands. "I-I think I'm good," she said. "Heh. Last time it went way worst, I almost died for real. Having backup is a lot nicer. And I'm fine, really. Being Cure Wukong means I can take a lot more damage than it might look, heh heh," she said before glancing around at all the destruction... and gulping. "Though... we uhhh... should... probably go and hide. Or... or stuff." She did NOT want to have to pay for this. Not that she could, on her allowance.

However, she glances to Kyouko and, well... she knew the other girl didn't want to hear it. Buuuuut... she felt she was starting to understand her. So she yelled after her. "Thank you, Cherryspear!" she called out. "I'll make sure to make some delicious peach cakes, with this really good new frosting I've been working on, for lunch tomorrow!" she called out to her.

Bribery might not be the most honorable method... but if it worked, she'd take it. She then glanced towards Red Princess, Nanoha and Yellow pearl. "I uhhhh. Don't think I've actually gotten any of your names before. Hi! I'm Cure Wukong! Thank you so much for helping me not die!" she said happily.

Aki Kurosawa has posed:
Cure Tide looks to Coco and smiles. "Don't mention it!" she says as she eyes Cure Wukong. "If you need any help, just call out and If I'm nearby. I'll come. I don't think you got a Cure Line. Do you? I mean. then you can just. Call me." she says.

"I should go. I uh. Have some things to do." she says as she bows apologetically.

"Uhm." she sort of leans over and whispers to Wukong. "Come to Aki Kurosawa's dorm if you ever wanna talk." she says with a wink as she leans back and then runs away.

Well take off quickly to find a place to untransform into and walk away more casually.

That's always better.

Nanoha Takamachi has posed:
Nanoha Takamachi does what she always does. "Oh! Hello I'm Nanoha Takamchi. I came for the toys but....they we're all out." she laments further. She watches Tide leave and waves after the girl, and then looks around. "We should all disperse anyways, before people come asking... hard questions."

Questions like 'where did you again, Nanoha!?' from Arisa. Who is waiting angrily on the otherside of the mall.

Runealy Waldia has posed:
    Before the princess can get a word in, 'Cherryspear' has left. "What a fascinating spear she wielded... I must attempt to meet her and learn more!" A remark to herself.

Then she raises an eye at Coco's comments: "Speaking of that, I have never before witnessed someone sing during a battle... yet it clearly had some effect!" The princess' tone is a mix of curiosity and praise.

Wukong makes introductions, prompting the princess to spin slowly on a heel to face her. "Dying... is one of the worst fates imaginable. Forgive my rudeness in not returning this introduction properly, but for the time being please think of me as 'The Red Princess'. I am very glad that you did not perish, nor did any others. Should any more demons strike, rest assured I will offer what support I can!"

Then she turns on her heel again, facing away from the group. "For now, however... good day." She begins to walk away.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Before telling her Coco doesn't know what a Cure Line is, Cure Tide zips away. 'I guess I will ask her next time if there is one." She smiles towards Cure Wukong. "Nice to officially meet you. The events at the park were kind of hectic, weren't they? You can call me Yellow Pearl Voice, or Yellow Pearl if you want something shorter. The former is actually just what I use to activate my powers. I hope I get to see you around." With that, Coco goes away too, detransforming in a safe place and going back to the dorm.