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Date of Scene: 06 September 2023
Location: Plot Room 1
Synopsis: Sunbreaker decides to have a little talk with Naru. Totally friendly. Not at all dangerous. But things might get a teensy bit out of control... Luckily, Kyouka can help, right?
Cast of Characters: Naru Osaka, Hinoiri Kirara, Kyouka Inai

Naru Osaka has posed:
School hasn't been back in session for all that long and the weather still says 'summer' not 'autumn'. Classes are done for the day, and while there are probably places Naru should be, she's taking a moment.

Okay, she's going for coffee that isn't school coffee. It's not even particularly fancy coffee, but it's her favourite coffee shop, not actually THAT far from school, but just far enough that it feels like getting away.

Naru has her coffee in hand, still in her school uniform, and she has paused on the sidewalk outside the coffeeshop to take a sip.


It might still be summer, but Naru is a weirdo who drinks hot coffee all year round, and today is not exception. Burnt tongues and all.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker had been... following Naru for a while. Subtly, at least. It had been driving her mad. This girl had some magic, obviously. How else could Sailor Moon have beaten her? Her own ego refused that she had been beaten by one mage and one non-mage working together. Two on one was fine. But two on one when one of them had no magic? NO.

So obviously Naru didn't just have magic... she had support magic. Sunbreaker felt so stupid for missing the obvious. Her magic was weak, therefore she played the 'role' of being 'helpless' while aiding her friends. DUH!

So it was while she was stopped... that an arm wrapped around her shoulders. And when she looked over, she'd see an all too familiar face. And have a finger pushed to her lips. "Ah, ah. Don't scream. I just want to have a little talk with you. Nobody has to get hurt unless you make me hurt them. Sound fair?" she asked with a small smile. "This'll just take a minute and then you're free to go."

Naru would also feel... something... rub against her leg. And if she looked, she'd see two glowing golden eyes staring up at her from a strange... misty... dark... thing?

"Don't mind her, that's just my familiar. She won't bite unless I tell her to."

Naru Osaka has posed:
The feeling of an arm around her shoulders makes Naru startle and tense, but she doesn't actually seem like she's about to scream. She turns and considers the girl who is suddenly very much in her personal space.

"Hi." Naru greets, with a bit of a breath, let out slowly.

Naru glances down at the misty dark thing at her ankles, and she actually smiles just a little. It might be all misty and dark and glowy, but the darn thing is kinda cute.

Her attention goes back to Sunbreaker. "I don't think you ever shared a name."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker gave Naru a small, almost friendly smile. The girl was calm. She could respect that. She didn't buckle under the pressure. Most rookies did, so this girl was certainly something else. Special, in a way. Not as special as HER, mind.

However, the comment on not sharing her name made her frown. "I didn't? Huh. My apologies, how rude of me. Sunbreaker, she who will shatter the sun, personal student to the raiser of the sun and moon, ruler of all Kirakirafantastica that matters, greatest mage in two dimensions with only one exception, personal protege of Sora herself. The honor is all yours," Sunbreaker said, almost sounding apologetic. After all, how could she deny Naru the honor of knowing her name? She then started to guide her away.

"Now, let's get somewhere away from... well, people. I think the last thing you'd want is some sparkle skirt to try and get hurt because of little ol' you, now would you?" she asked with a rather mean smirk. She was just being polite. After all, this was just a nice little talk. "Now... I'm sure, with that big ol' brain of yours you're probably wondering what it is I could possibly want with lil ol' you, hmmm?"

There was a low growl from her familiar. "Shush, Dazuru," Sunbreaker snapped. "I just want to know something about Sailor Moon... particularly... what did you do in our last little confrontation? That spell you used?" she asked in a playful, harmless, definitely 'this could go so poorly for you if you don't give me what I want' tone of hers.

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Sunbreaker. I'd say it's a pleasure to meet you, but I'll reserve that for other times." Naru comemnts as she is guided away from too many extra humans. She's less concerned with mahou coming to join her, and more aspiring to keep other mundanes from getting caught in crossfire.

"And Dazuru." Naru is polite enough, or possibly stalling enough, to include a greeting for the familiar as well.

"I mean.. you did tell me you wanted to talk." Naru points out as they 'stroll'. "I thought it might be about the weather, a common topic of conversation. Possibly about coffee." She lifts her mug in illustration of said coffee.

The shake of her head even has a touch of apology to it when Naru mmms softly. "I'm sorry, Sunbreaker. I can't tell you that."

Sure it /sounds/ like she's just holding out information, but is it really withholding information when Naru hasn't a clue whatsoever?

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker gave a shrug. Eh. She could understand. It wasn't always pleasant running into someone who was your better in every conceivable way. At least, in Sunbreaker's mind that's how she took it. Not offended at all. Dazuru made a light humming sound. "Dazuru says hi," Sunbreaker said.

"Well, the weather may be related. Coffee is okay, but not realllllly the topic of the morning." She led Naru off the road and into a small, slightly... not too dirty alleyway. "Very well. Let's play. Why can't you tell me? Is it because you're scared? Because it only works on stupid girls with terrible hair cuts? Is it because someone will hurt you if you tell? Because I sure as tartarus will if you don't," Sunbreaker said.

"You almost had me fooled, you know. I thought you really were just a nobody. Helpless. Weak. Pathetic. Not worth my time... annoying. But you kept interfering. Playing the damsel in distress. But all the time you were feeding her power, weren't you? A pathetic distraction to make me miss what was truly going on."

Naru Osaka has posed:
Ahh, back alleys. All sorts of things, savoury and unsavoury happen in back alleys.

"I don't think I can claim that I'm too scared to talk to you." Naru points out, her calm not breaking at all. There's a gentle smile. "I'm perfectly happy to talk to you, but I am also unwilling to share /that/ with you."

Naru opens her hands, one still holding her coffee. "I mean.. I am just a nobody. I am just here getting coffee. I'm happy to talk about what's really going on, about the things in your head. They weren't a lot of fun, and I bet they sucked to live through."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker was the unsavoury thing! And her arm tightened over Naru's shoulder when she was denied. "Oh, don't play that game with me, Naru-chan. I know a nobody when I see them. But everyone else there? Were passing out. You came at me with a mop. The moment I'm about to destroy you, suddenly Sailor Useless Rock gets this big beam of pain? A likely story," she said before giving her another squeeze. This time a very, very, very tight one. Her hand gripping her and the flames on her body, once carefully managed so as to not touch Naru, were starting to just geeeeently tingle against her.

"And what exactly do you mean by 'things in my head'? All I want to know is exactly what kind of pathetic spell you were using to give that idiot that kind of power? Either tell me..." She flicked a finger up in front of her face, a black flame on the tip. "Or I'm going to show you just how much things can *suck* to live through..." And they were getting deeper and deeper into that alleyway. Away from people.

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Still a nobody, even if a nobody who is pretty adept at staying awake." Naru isn't wholly sure that's a feature all of the time, but here we are.

Naru tenses again at that squeeze, it's involuntary really. Oh and she was training with Hannh and everything still aches, just a little bit. A little bit more when Sunbreaker squeezes.

"I'm sorry, Sunbreaker, but you shared." Naru's voice is gently apologetic. "You shared a lot of hurt and feelings and scenarios that one only really gains by experience. Perhaps you didn't mean to, but you did."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker growled and then shoved Naru back against the wall. One arm over her shoulder with enough force to make it echo a bit down the alley. It was a good thing nobody was her or they... might get hurt.

"Listen here, Naru-chan. Let me make this clear. You can talk all you want, play all the little games you want... but you're going to tell me what I want to know..."

She leaned in, her eyes turning black. "Or you are going to feel a lot more than that bit of dark energy I pumped into you. Last. Chance. For the record? I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm not the one hurting here. But you certainly are about to be. You have until the count of three to give me something or I *take* something. One."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Ooof." Naru is slammed against the wall, and if she wasn't sore before, she certainly is now.

"You, Sunbreaker-chan, are destined for disappointment." Naru points out. One has to give the mundane credit, she does not break especially easily. "You are hurting too, you are just happily ignoring that fact."

Finally, Naru is apsiring to break free of that grasp that is holding her down. To push away, wriggle free and make a run for it. She's not magical, but she is pretty strong for a mundane, especially one of her size.

Naru also has few illusions about a pissed off Sunbreaker and her by herself, even if she manages to wriggle free. She calls out. "Inai-sensei, help!"

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    Immediately as Naru calls out for help, there's a presence behind Sunbreaker. There was nobody in this alleyway, but suddenly, there's definitely someone behind her, a shadow falling across her back at the same moment that presence manifests. A moment later, a finger taps her on the shoulder, and a laconic voice drawls, "Excuse me, miss."

    Should Sunbreaker turn around, or even just turn her head, she'll see Kyouka Inai standing in the alleyway behind her- only, it's not Kyouka Inai, it's Stellar, because she's in henshin. A white and gold ankle-length coat over a black top and leggings and white boots, shocking red hair, and a lopsided grin. And her left arm is in a medical sling, tucked tight to her chest. But she doesn't say anything else. She just straight up punches Sunbreaker in the face.

    It's not a magical punch. There's no magic in the attack at all, which means that it probably does little to no actual damage to the Dark Energy-infused Sunbreaker. But Stellar knows how to punch. And a decade-plus of training with polearms means she's got the muscles to knock a man twice her size on his ass. Of course, that's a man twice her size without magic. She's not hoping to knock Sunbreaker out or anything. She's just hoping to surprise her enough that she lets go of Naru.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker stared at her. She only heard one thing. Destined. To be a disappointment. Destined to disappoint. Just a disappointment.





She was a... And the fire was rising. Singing Naru. The familiar hissing, swirling around. Not biting... yet. She-- The physical touch was a surprise. She turned. "WHAT?" she snapped.

And was sucker punched. She was more shocked than hurt by it, but it did manage to make her take a step back in confusion, freeing Naru for the moment... She stared at the pair of them, a hand lifting to her cheek. Had... Naru...

Oh, this just reinforced her belief. Whoever that girl was... Another friend of Naru's, it seemed. She snapped her fingers and her familiar darted off, the creature growing, blocking Naru's way...

While Sunbreaker's eyes focused on Stellar. "And who, exactly, are you? And why, exactly, shouldn't I just... wow. Are you... actually facing me? Sunbreaker? While wounded? Do you lot underestimate me THAT much? Do you really think I'm THAT weak?!" Then she held up her right hand and formed a spear of dark flames. "I've HAD it with playing these GAMES!" And then she hurled it. Right at Naru's backside. It wasn't a full strength one, it wouldn't vaporize her.

It'd likely just leave her with massive, agonizing dark energy burns and maim her a little bit if it hit her. So that was... good? Right?

"You know, I'm not even mad. I mean, I should be. But I think I managed to loop around right back to just annoyed. Oh. And I am very annoyed and I have decided I am going to teach you why I. Don't. Lose. Your little trick, Naru-chan, isn't going to work this time. Because it's not one on two this time. I brought backup as well..." she said, her fires only growing. Oh, she was lying. She was FURIOUS.

Naru Osaka has posed:
The guilt at calling Stellar when she's still injured will kick in later, for the moment, it's a big step that Naru acknowledges that she's is a world of 'ruh roh'.

Naru doesn't take a lot of time to think about it all, she's momentarily free and she attempts to make a break for it, at least out of grabbing range. Ideally out of all sorts of range, and trusting that Stelllar can manufacture her own way out.

Except there's a spear coming at her, and Naru ducks and rolls to avoid it, not quite getting away, not if she would like to remain unvapourized.

Thes spear just barely grazes her leg, leaving that promised burn and prompting a yelp of pain and there's not a lot of running away happening on that leg.

"Someone other than Dazuru?" Naru asks through gritted teeth. Yep, that certainly stings.

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    Stellar keeps her cocky grin on her face as asked who she is. "Just a concerned citizen." She glances down at the broken arm. "Oh, this? Don't worry about it. I've faced badder kids than you with worse. Weakness has nothing to do with it. I just don't like seeing some punk picking on students of mine, especially ones who aren't capable of fighting back. You know what that's called? Fighting someone who can't fight back? Bullying. Being a big coward. So how about you just-"

    This was all intended to keep Sunbreaker's attention on herself while Naru makes a run for it, of course, but she breaks off her taunting when it becomes apparent this isn't going to work. She isn't fast enough to get between Naru and the spear of energy, but Naru luckily is nimble enough to dodge it on her own- mostly.

    At this point Stellar does interpose herself, moving to put herself between Sunbreaker and Naru. Bright, golden energy shot-through with tiny red arcs of lightning springs to life around the forearm of the good arm, which she raises in front of herself, her cocky grin replaced with a scowl. "Why don't you attack someone who's actually a threat to you? Leave the kid alone. Or are you too scared to face somebody who might actually hurt you?"

    It's all talk of course. But she's trying to buy time to let Naru reach the end of the alleyway. She could grab the girl and teleport her away, but taking her eyes off of Sunbreaker to do so right now would be an obvious mistake she isn't about to make.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker narrowed her eyes on Naru. Her wounded leg was... she could deal with that. Obviously the girl needed to run faster. Dazuru circled around her, but didn't bite. The strange shadowy eel/lizard thing just keeping an eye on her so she couldn't try and flee the alleyway.

Sunbreaker, instead, turned her eyes towards Stellar. "I didn't ask you to get involved, girl. I didn't ask *her* to get involved. In fact, I told her to get out of my way. Because I was busy. And you know what happened?" she asked. "She ignored me. so I'm going to find out what exactly it is that she did. Then it's never going to happen again. As for you..." She started walking towards her, lifting a hand up to her cheek. "... I'm guessing that's the equivalent of a duel challenge slap? But don't flatter yourself, none of you girls have ever been a threat to me." Sunbreaker said. "Fine. I'll deal with you, first. You're wounded... so go on. I'll even give you a free shot," she offered.

"But then I'm going to put you in the ground. So you better make it count." It wasn't the first time she'd offered that to someone and, frankly, it was more of a sign of her over confidence than anything. Still... The glow on that arm made her suspect whatever this girl was going to do was... big. Powerful. And if it was... she wanted to see it get done. So she could be one step closer to understanding this world's magic.

Naru Osaka has posed:
Running faster hadn't really been a problem per se, the dodging was really the challenge. That is where she needs to work on things.

Naru pulls herself to her feet, gingerly testing to see if she can put weight on the injured leg as Sunbreaker is distracted with Stellar. The leg is not /really/ happy about the plan, but she doesn't collapse immediately, so she attempts to limp quietly away. Watching Dazuru as she does. She is quite well aware that Stellar is providing an excellent distraction, and she's trying to make good use of it.

Surely the familiar will just let her quietly slip by, right? She was polite!

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    "Who are you calling girl, ass?" Stellar snaps back at Sunbreaker as the dark-energy wreathed assailant walks towards her. "I was playing this game while you were still playing with dollies. So how about you go back to that and leave the kid alone? She's no threat to you, and like I said, beating up on people who can't fight back makes you seem really. Pathetic." She stresses the last word, her lip curling up into a sneer.

    She's offered a free shot, but for some reason she doesn't take it, even as Sunbreaker draws closer to her. That golden glow continues to crackle around her upraised forearm, little crackles of orange-red lightning running over it, but she doesn't do anything with it, just holds it between herself and Sunbreaker like a... well, like a shield.

    She doesn't look back at Naru. She hopes the girl knows well enough what to do, and she doesn't want to draw attention to her getting away.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker just kept advancing, her eyes narrowed on the other woman. Oh. Oh. OH! So this bitch didn't think she was worth it either?! "I've never played with dolls," she said coldly. Eyes narrowed. She finally was an inch or so from Kyouka when she stopped. Narrowed her eyes a little. Then glanced past her towards Naru.

The familiar didn't bite her... but it would swish its tail to knock her feet out from under her when she passed.

"So then... child," Sunbreaker said. "Let me tell you a little story. For my fourth year final project, do you know what I did?" she asked, before holding up her left hand. A small ball of fire forming in it. "Back home, I was a tiny bit of an over achiever. I wanted to make something hotter than the sun itself. I mean, yes, even I know at the time it was ridiculous. Even my teachers said no, I might hurt someone. So instead I set my goals a little smaller." That ball was... humming, now.

"I was planning to burn the unburnable. Break the unbreakable. I was still young. Naive. They said it couldn't be done. But you know what? I really *was* an over achiever. And you, little one, have finally managed to push me on my last nerve! Con-grat-u-fucking-lations! So if you won't show me your best... I'll show you mine," she growled, her eyes narrowed. The ball now humming like a fire cracker, sparkling...

"I call this one... Dragon-slayer. Over dramatic, I know." And then she'd set it at Kyouka. It... it sparkled? just--

And then it erupted. The force directing directly at the woman, designed to shatter through defenses and send her crashing back into the side of the building with enough force to... well... It was a good thing she had *defense* at least.

Naru Osaka has posed:
There is a spectacular fight going on behind her, and Naru is half trying to listen to keep track of what's being said and really hoping that the posturing is a whole lot of posturing. Cause that all sounds moderate levels of awful with threads of obnoxious levels of awful swirled through.

Naru isn't particularly steady on her feet, that injured leg doesn't really want to support her weight. It really doesn't want to support it when Dazuru swishes his tail at her, and knocks her off balance. Naru teeters as she pauses on one leg, for a little while and she tries to grab onto the wall to keep her from falling.

Forward progress does not happen when you need a wall to stay upright.

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    Stellar is trying so hard not to roll her eyes, and failing. She's totally rolling her eyes, not even once, but repeatedly. "Oh, your little school project?" She sneers. "Get good grades, did you?" She looks at the ball of fire, clearly unimpressed, though she has some sense of the amount of magic going into forming that ball, and it's not insignificant.. but she doesn't show it on her face. She radiates confidence and a lack of fear, even as Sunbreaker goes on talking and pours more power into the little ball of fire.

    When she says she wants to 'break the unbreakable', Stellar barks a little laugh. "Oh yeah? Well, you've just met her. So give me your best shot." She's staring right into Sunbreaker's eyes from that close distance, her own a grey as hard as steel, and it might be imagination, but little sparkles of red light seem to glimmer in their depths. "I am unbreakable. I am your dragon."

    THen the ball detonates with directed force. It's a lot of force. The glow on Stellar's forearm similarly erupts into life, forming a barrier in front of her, a shield of light which blazes with that orange-red lightning racing across its surface. She grits her teeth as the energy of the explosion pushes against the shield, bracing her legs, the fire rushing past her on either side but the shadow of her presence hopefully enough to shield Naru from any effect...

    Until she's forced back. The shield doesn't break, but the pressure of the power against it overwhelms her balance, and Stellar suddenly stumbles, tilting to the side, off-balance, and hits the wall with her injured shoulder, causing her to curse loudly and drop to one knee, the magic shield evaporating, thankfully after the brunt of Sunbreaker's attack has dissipated. But she's on the ground, teeth gritted in pain, and no longer aware of what Sunbreaker or Naru are doing for the briefest moment.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker was... well. Impressed. She was actually HEAVILY impressed. Kyouka was STANDING. She'd have expected the girl to be... She'd, honestly, expected the girl to hit the building so hard it left a crater. Even the ground in front of where her barrier had been now had some pretty deep gouges in it. She took a small step towards her, her own eyes narrowed. Who was she? HOW did anyone have a barrier that could stop HER spell?

Sure, the woman was on her knees, now, but she was CONSCIOUS. That was...

Then she turned towards Naru. Of course. It was *her.* Obviously Naru had enhanced the other girl's shield somehow. Of. Course. Just like always. Play the weak victim...

Fine. If she wanted to play the victim...

Sunbreaker walked towards her and knelt down. "I gave you an out, Naru-chan," she said. Then pushed her palm into the other girl's chest and just didn't even try to be gentle. She drained her energy. Then picked her up by the back of her jacket, glanced towards Kyouka, and in a flare of dark magic... disappeared.

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    Stellar is momentarily blinded by the after-effects of the attack and the pain of her broken arm hitting the wall, and it takes her a moment to be able to see again, to be able to figure out what's happening-

    And by the time she has, Sunbreaker has already walked past her, grabbed Naru, and disappeared.

    Stellar stumbles to her feet, looking around frantically for a moment, then in a flare of intense anger, screams out, "Fuck!" into the empty alleyway... before she also disappears, with a faint sound and a rush of air the only thing to mark her departure.

Naru Osaka has posed:
Naru had almost kept her feeet, almost. Until the reverberations of that detonation shook the alley, and that was just entirely too much for her tenuous relationship with gravity right now. She's down on the ground, on one good knee, the injured leg refusting to play along.

Truth be told, Naru was pretty seriously impressed by Stellar's shield holding agianst /that/.


Naru gasps as there's a hand thrust into her, and then... darkness.