Le French Fry Le Nyan Le Burrito Desu (Pyrite)

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Le French Fry Le Nyan Le Burrito Desu (Pyrite)
Date of Cutscene: 01 November 2023
Location: Dorms
Synopsis: Pyrite and Pycatt. No, that's not the cat's name.
Cast of Characters: Pyrite

"Were you aware," Pyrite asked as she lounged on Darien's bed in his dorm, with a book held upside-down above her face, "That there may, at this moment, be languages in this world that are not Japanese?"

For her part, the bakeneko paid no mind and just kept licking her tail.

"I was not aware of this. There are languages, and other countries, and they are called things like French, and English, and Python, and Basic. That last one sounds the easiest. Perhaps you should learn Basic." she continued to narrate to the utterly uncaring calico cat lying next to Pyrite.

Hmmm. It was odd. She felt like this wasn't the right sequence of events. Didn't she have to go try to sleep so she could be woken up for Sailor Eclipse's televised tea party? When did that happen again? Or has it not yet? Well, if she couldn't remember then it probably wasn't important. It would happen when it happened.

"Ah!" she let out as she closed the international cuisine cook book and set it down carefully on the night stand. Then, rolling onto her side, she reached out to pet the bakeneko's fluffy tummy. That thing that most cats (even Shiro!) did not care for. The bakeneko apparently felt otherwise and was just so soft and so fluffy guys, you have no idea. "We need to have special training." she informed the cat.

Mrrreeehhhppp! went the bakeneko as she flicked her head a bit, ears twitching, before turning her gaze on Pyrite.

"Hm! Yes! Special training! We must learn how to combine!" Pyrite affirmed.

Bakeneko just looked at Pyrite from a few different head angles then went back to licking. There was just this little tuft on her side that wouldn't lie down, and she was determined to make it obey.

"Hmmm... Maybe not. You are quite larger than Shiro was..." Hmmmmmm. Ah! A brilliant idea! She rolled off the bed, thumping on the floor, and then rolled under Darien's bed.

Pyrite re-emerged a few minutes later with a black cat hoodie held to her chest while rolling onto the carpet. "We must study the hoodie, and master its secrets." she announced while just levitating up into a standing position like she thinks she's Michael Jackson in that Moonwalker movie. Hey, she could be! There's no law against being Michael!

This time kitty just laid her head down to take a breather and watch Pyrite. Grooming was hard work! The feline's trepidation grew, however, as the military uniform-clad ghost climbed back up onto the bed and started trying to put the hoodie onto her. Cat was not having any of it.

And so, a stand-off began. Eventually, it ended with Pyrite bilocating to catch the bakeneko by surprise, wrapping up the cat in the hoodie like... Like a cat burrito! In so doing, the bakeneko, complaining periodically but not making much effort to escape, became the legendary double-neko! Which is not a thing that exists, but Pyrite thought it sounded cool, so that's settled then! "Cat with a cat hoodie... Hmm... But how shall I combine?" Pyrite laid back down, frowning thoughtfully.

Wasn't she supposed to be somewhere right now? Hmmmm... Her memory had been getting better too, so why was this one thing so foggy... Oh, right!

Pyrite released the bakeneko from the hoodie that the youkai had just been getting comfortable in, put on the hoodie itself, and then let all of it except the ears that poked up from the hood sink into her body. Then she turned into a poor man's Hematite through the power of discount clothing she found in a donation bin, and stepped out of Darien's shadow.

With a chunk of teriyaki chicken in hand, she looked up at him. "The chicken was still edible." As far as anyone else could see, she had a pair of black cat ears poking out of her hair on top. At the mention of cats and things hiding the supernatural, she paused her chewing of the chicken she retrieved off the floor. Looked aside. Folded the ears back down. Swallowed. "Yes." is all she had to say to Coco on that matter.

Then she slipped out of sight, climbed back onto Darien's bed, and handed the bakeneko the rest of the teriyaki chicken. Pyrite left before Koji could come back. The room wasn't going to be unoccupied for much longer, and she had to go be small again so she could be confused and tired when she met Sailor Eclipse. She would also need to steal some fries from Coach Inai at that gathering with Naru-san and Mamoru-Onii-chan. She wanted to see if bakeneko ate fries.

Being a ghost is so much work.