Texts: Dormmates and Chillax

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Texts: Dormmates and Chillax
Date of Scene: 03 November 2023
Location: Texts
Synopsis: Out of the blue, Hinoiri contacts Sayaka. An awkward proposal... Does she want a date?
Cast of Characters: Sayaka Miki, Hinoiri Kirara

(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Hey. Do you play an instrument?
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: Yes, I play the piano.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: What about it?
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Oh, grabbing some things. Surprise for later. What's up? How goes the stabbing?
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: Ah, a surprise, really?
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: I will look forward to it.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: Thanks.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Mmmmhm. I figure we're still dating since like. You didn't leave the restaurant in tears or threaten to stab me like a witch. I figure I'll swing by your room later sometime and we can chillax. Chillax is the phrase here, right?
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: I would never stab you over a date that didn't work out, senpai!
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: Our first date was lovely, and I really appreciate what you did.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Made you try a new udon place?
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: The food was good too, but I think you said things that were important for me to hear.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: I appreciate how thoughtful you have been, and if I had actually left it in tears, it wouldn't have been because I found the date a disappointment.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Ahhhh. Yeah. Well, you're cool, Sayaka-chan. You did a pretty nice thing for someone else. Let yourself have fun now and again.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: I would be absolutely open to... chillax together. And the stabbing is going well. Ula helped me and other magical girls save a woman from almost losing her Heart like it risked to happen to me.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Her heart? Wait, who's Ula? Wait, you mean one of those stupid gun things? Ugh. I got shot with one of them, they hurt like hell.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: Ah, Ula is a flying mini-mermaid I saved from a Labyrinth.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: You too? I am really happy you turned out ok. In my case it was a girl who is trying to recover her emotions or something. In the woman's case it was some guy who looks like a scientist. Any of that rings a bell?
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: Ula told me she scratched the guy like crazy to recover the Heart from him.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: I slashed into their car and the other magical girls contributed at damaging it too, so I doubt they liked the experience. At the end of it, the driver was ready to start a fight personally unless scientist dude teleported her away.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: ... You found a mini-mermaid? And ha. Sounds funny. XD Oh gosh, you stabbed their car? THAT'S my girl! And, honestly? I don't remember much about it when it happened to me. One moment I'm walking, next moment, bam, it hurts and I'm on the ground.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: :3
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: Ula.jpeg
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: That's her.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Ha! She looks cute. XD
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Hey. Take a picture of your dorm room for me real quick, will ya? And do you have a roommate?
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: I am glad you are well now. It was a similar experience for me too, so I get it. At least I hope you didn't get the rain for it.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: dormroom.jpeg
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: Yes, I do have a roommate.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: But I don't see her much if you are worried about her getting in the way.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Nah, just wanted to be sure I wouldn't be like, causing a problem if I came by. Your roomie anyone I know?
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: I would have to know who you know for that, but she is called Ayanna.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Oh, gotcha. No idea who that is.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: ... Okay, please tell me. Does Ula have a tiny cell phone? Cause that would be adorable.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: It would be!
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: She doesn't have one however.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: A shame. How uhhh... how's the witch thing going? You got enough of your... thingies?
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: How is your dorm room?
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: Got like 1 and a half, I think?
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: It should be a while until I actually need another.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Yeah. Was originally going to be by myself, but then the twerp made puppy eyes at the assigner and got me stuck with her. Still, as roommates go she's not so bad.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: You get along well then :3
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Yeah, but don't ever tell her that. I'd never hear the end of it. :P
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: My lips are sealed.