Texting with Bow and Sayaka: White Day

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Texting with Bow and Sayaka: White Day
Date of Scene: 10 March 2024
Location: Texts
Synopsis: Bow texts Sayaka to ask what 'White Day' is. She explains it to him, and makes sure he knows he's off the hook to buy her a gift this year. But he better be prepared next year!
Cast of Characters: Bow, Sayaka Miki

<PHONE> A text from Bow: I have a question!

<PHONE> You text Bow: Sure, shoot!

<PHONE> A text from Bow: I never miss, you know.

<PHONE> You text Bow: Haha.

<PHONE> You text Bow: For real, you can ask, though.

<PHONE> A text from Bow: :picture outside a store advertising 'WHITE DAY SALE' in huge letters. 14/03: ??

<PHONE> You text Bow: Are you asking what's White Day?

<PHONE> A text from Bow: Yes.

<PHONE> A text from Bow: Is it a day where everyone wears White? Is it about someone named White? Is it that we only eat White things?

<PHONE> You text Bow: None of those. White Day is an occurrence tied to Valentine's Day, which occurs a month earlier.

<PHONE> A text from Bow: I wasn't here a month ago.

<PHONE> A text from Bow: What's Valentine's Day?

<PHONE> A text from Sayaka Miki: On Valentine's Day, girls give people they hold affection for chocolate, usually handmade.

<PHONE> A text from Bow: Ooooh. Now I'm sad I missed that.

<PHONE> You text Bow: The affection can be for family, friends or people you like.

<PHONE> You text Bow: Then on White day, those who received a gift reciprocate.

<PHONE> You text Bow: Unlike Valentine, the gift can be anything, not just chocolate.

<PHONE> You text Bow: We can take part in it next year 🙂

<PHONE> A text from Bow: So... I do not need to do anything for this, then?

<PHONE> You text Bow: Not for now. Next year though, prepare for some delicious chocolate!

<PHONE> A text from Bow: Okay! Thanks for letting me know.

<PHONE> You text Bow: Of course!

<PHONE> A text from Bow: Talk to you later! I hope your day is going well.

<PHONE> You text Bow: It is! Hope yours is too.

<PHONE> A text from Bow: Always better when I hear from you.