Stern Starks

From Radiant Heart MUSH

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Stern Starks (Scenesys ID: 26)
"Run wild, Morning Star. Turn into a blaze that burns away everything!"
Name: Stern Starks AKA: Material-S
Gender: Female Series: (CC) Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
Origin: Device Mage Grade: 8
Clubs: Computer Club Age: 13
Group Information
Groups N/A


Stern Starks is an exchange student at Radiant Heart Acadamy. A middling student in most everything, Stern is only a true standout in her computer related classes. Largely an introvert who exudes a cool exterior to almost everyone, inside, she is a passionate individual with a heart that burns for justice, though sometimes it burns too hot. A prodigy in computer programming, Stern is developing her own video game based on the exploits of the various Magical Girls and Boys that abound. The biggest (non) secret is that she is one as well. Wielding the Intelligent Device Lucifron, Stern transforms into a magical warrior of Justice from the heavens, her heart blazing like the Morning Star. Though, the Morning Star fell in his hubris, will she manage to subvert her pride and stay shining, or will she fall into the abyss?


Computer Nerd, L33t H4x0r, Burninating, Hard Shell Outside, Soft Squishy Inside, Aspiring Cat Lady, Burning Heart, Crouching Turret, Hidden Gremlin, Falling Star(?)

Vital Trivia

Height: 4'11"
Blood Type: AB
Birthday: May 4
Likes: Cats, Snacks, Programming, Lucifron
Dislikes: Writing, Sleep, Being Mistaken For Someone Else
Favorite Food: Tonkatsu Curry
Least Favorite Food: Natto
Favorite Subject: Coding
Least Favorite Subject: Composition


Title Date Scene Summary
Second Lunch July 18th, 2023 Four girls have lunch on the roof! ... People talk too much.
Summer Dance July 15th, 2023 It's the event of the summer, Radiant Heart Academy's summer dance!
Green With Envy July 1st, 2023 The chaos that comes from the first fight on a warm Saturday morning.


Title Date Scene Summary
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