63/Probably Not A Youma

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Probably Not A Youma
Date of Scene: 11 July 2023
Location: Pikarigaoaka Ward
Synopsis: Kyouka Inai goes looking into trouble, to find Kazuo Saitou already in it. These two have way too much in common for anyone's comfort. Possibly especially theirs.
Cast of Characters: Kyouka Inai, Kazuo Saitou

Kazuo Saitou has posed:
    Late evening to early night, and after the worst of the homecoming commute rush, Pikarigaoaka is largely quiet. This surprises very few people; the technical term for the weather today has been "ridiculously hot," and though the shadier parts of the parks were crowded by people seeking breezes, even the smaller children are exhausted by now. Especially since tomorrow is likely to be even hotter.

    (It might be nice out, later on still. Between, say, three and five in the morning, maybe.)

    That does not mean that Pikarigaoaka is entirely quiet. A trio of teenaged girls come scattering down the end of a tree-lined stretch of path in one of the larger parks, halfway between running their hearts out and frantically checking on the slowest one.

    They're glancing over their shoulders to see if they're followed. At least that means that it's probably not a youma.

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    Kyouka happens to be nearby this park. She's not loitering- she's a self-respecting adult. She's just taking her time going home. Not because her tiny, single-room apartment is depressingly empty, she has no friends her own age, and sitting in it with no company but the TV is existentially horrifying to her. No siree, definitely not that. But regardless of the explanation, she is walking down the sidewalk alongside this park, lit cigarette leaving a faint grey trail behind her, one hand in the pocket of her jeans (clearly she HAS been home at some point already, since she is not wearing her standard 'school uniform' of dress shirt and slacks).

    The running girls catch her attention. Old instincts flare, and she has to keep herself from sprinting down the path towards whatever the problem is. If it were a youma, she has limited options. Her magic is severely curtailed if not being used to defend, and while defense is often needed, its of limited usefulness in actually solving the problem when the problem is a rampaging youma. Still, that doesn't seem to be the case- one of her abilities that is 'always on' is a magic sense, and she doesn't sense any flaring magic nearby.

    She turns down the path the girls exited from anyway. Because she's bored, curious, and more capable than most, and if there is trouble maybe she can do something. Even if 'something' amounts to 'call the police and walk away'.

Kazuo Saitou has posed:
    The people she finds at the end of that path are also not in school uniforms. That might be a point of minor regret, because if they were, she could conceivably do the guidance-counsel thing by counseling their schools' guidance to ... do ... something. Whatever it is that self-respecting adults are supposed to do in the situation.

    For good or for ill, the fun part is already over. (Ill, because fun part. Good, because she's probably technically not supposed to get involved.) One teenaged boy in shorts and newly-ripped dark T-shirt is trying to help up another one, who looks like he's having a hard time with the concept of not doubling over. A third is scrambling away without bothering to get up off the ground quite yet, possibly because he's alternating between spitting blood and groping after dropped keys; he can get them to jangle but apparently his hand doesn't entirely want to close around them, possibly thanks to the oops-I-punched-a-tree bleeding scrapes on his knuckles.

    The fourth is ... lounging. Casually leaned against (possibly the same) tree, arms folded. White dress shirt with open collar, sleeves rolled up a little in a nod to the existence of the heat, black slacks. White hair long, loose, improbably perfect. Eyeing the other three narrowly over utterly unnecessary vintage sunglasses, because sixteen-year-olds have dubious definitions of 'cool.'

    And grinning in a way that suggests if any of the other three make the mistake of putting a foot down an inch closer to him, nobody is ever going to find the body.

    The obscene suggestions the other three are muttering under their breaths, however, are evidently being taken as the sound of surrender.

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    Kyouka happens upon this scene at a quick walk- not a run, but a purposeful walk. She halts just on the edge of the small plaza the confrontation has occurred in, taking stock of the situation, ash-grey eyes running over the boys. Quickly passing over the three struggling to retreat before pausing on the one looking miraculously unruffled and leaning on a tree. Eyes narrow, and she draws a breath in through her nose, as if scenting the air. No magic. And not on school grounds. This is quite definitely not in any of her jurisdictions. But that doesn't mean she isn't going to do anything. She's a born meddler, especially when it comes to kids being ruffians.

    She takes another pull on her cigarette as she resumes walking nonchalantly into the plaza. She really doesn't look like much, especially to testosterone-flushed teenage boys- pretty short, not that much older than they are, with no particular signs of authority. The observant might notice that the bare arms displayed by her short-sleeve t-shirt are uncommonly fit looking. But one could be forgiven for missing that in the dim evening light and excitement of a newly-finished fight.

    "Alright, kids," She says, her voice ringing out louder than it seems it should, a skill that is not magical but useful to any sort of school employee, "Let's go home, huh? There's people wanna use this park for things like walking and relaxing who don't wanna be treated to the sight of a group of idiots pummeling each other. You wanna do this shit, try finding a dark abandoned alleyway like self-respecting thugs."

Kazuo Saitou has posed:
    There's a moment of quiet at the sound of his voice, and then a couple of suggestions are offered to Kyouka instead, but they're (a) completely and sadly unoriginal and (b) from the one who's still bent over and only half remembering how to breathe, so they lack something of impact. His friend rolls his eyes, and says, "Yes, auntie."

    The boy on the ground apparently has basic observational or survival skills, since what he says is a muttered, "Oh, shit," and forces his hand shut around the keys in order to get to his feet and take off in the same direction the girls went. Unlike them, he does not look back.

    Miraculously Unruffled says aside to Kyouka, turning a briefly warmer smile on her - less bloodthirsty, more conspiratorial - "They might have to learn what self-respect is, first."

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    Quick as can be, Kyouka kicks out her foot, and lands a solid, if definitely pulled, kick on the behind of the one who said 'yes auntie', hopefully sending him stumbling after his friend. Assuming he doesn't make further unwise decisions. "I'll show you 'auntie', you little piece of shit." She snaps, digs about her age apparently a sensitive topic despite 23 being still on the cusp of youth by most people's reckoning. It hits different when you're an ex-mahou.

    She then turns her attention to White-Hair Unruffled Boy, who is a good several yards away from her and leaning against his tree. The warmer smile is eyed with suspicion by eyes which, while still grey, resemble steel more than ash at this point in time. "It's going to take several more years and several dozen more ass-beatings for that lesson to sink in," She says, with something of the ring of experience to the words, "But let's not do it here, alright? Good boys do their maturing where it won't inconvenience innocent passersby."

Kazuo Saitou has posed:
    There's an impact, and a yelp, and Unwise stumbles into his friend, who pitches over onto the ground again. Faced with the prospect of having to help him up a second time, Unwise starts to turn on Kyouka with a fist tightening. Then considers the better view of the muscles in her arm. And probably considers the solidness of that kick. His hand loosens, and he slinks back a grudging step. Maybe helping his friend up isn't so bad after all.

    White-Hair Unruffled pushes off from the tree with an elbow, shaking his head to let a couple of chips of bark untangle from the back of his hair and drop quietly among the roots. His own grey eyes widen, attempting angelic innocence, managing something slightly less convincing than an imp with a loop of vintage American tinsel draped over its horns. "That's what I was just explaining to them."

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    Kyouka gives Unwise a look like 'bring it', without actually raising her fists or indeed shifting her stance to anything other than a casual lean upon one foot. She gives the impression that nothing would please her more than for Unwise to take a swing at her. Maybe she's reliving her nights of five or so years ago. Or perhaps old instincts just die hard. When he thinks better of it, she huffs a sigh which has a faint tinge of disappointment to it.

    She then turns to regard White-Hair as he speaks. "Issat so? Well forgive me for butting in then, but when I see a gaggle of girls fleeing down a public street something in me just compels me to stick my nose in. Bad habit, I guess. But if you're done with your explaining, maybe ya'll can get on home now so I can go get some ramen."

Kazuo Saitou has posed:
    "It sounds like we have something in common, then." Besides being vaguely discontented with not having an excuse to hit the Unwise one again, presumably. Still, White-Hair bows to Kyouka with polite respect. "Thank you, miss. I'll make sure they don't bother anyone else on their way out."

    Sure he will. That is totally what he's going to be doing. He takes a step after the slower escapees. Unhurried, but then, with the length of his stride, he doesn't have to hurry. Possibly the universe specifically designed him to annoy the muscles in Kyouka's neck.

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    Kyouka tries hard not to roll her eyes out of her skull at the 'something in common' quip, despite the fact that any outside observer would no doubt agree given half the chance. The bow is again met with something like suspicion rather than appreciation. When White-Hair goes to walk past her and pursue the escapees, hurried or not, Kyouka's hand snaps out and catches the back of his collar. She has to reach up to do this, which somewhat lessens the impact. The strength of the grip perhaps makes up for it.

    "Whoa, hold on there bucko." She says, her tone sardonic. "How about we let the very-thoroughly beaten boys make their own way." Without starting another fight with kids who are obviously incapable of fighting back effectively, she means. After a moment, she adds, "I'll buy you a bowl of ramen." Kindness? Maybe. Maybe a couple of bucks is a small price to pay for peacekeeping duties. Maybe she just really doesn't want to go eat ramen by herself.

Kazuo Saitou has posed:
    Maybe all the observational skills in the park went to him, because when she catches the back of White-Hair's collar, he stops without being snapchoked into doing it by his shirt. The eyebrow twitch is implied by the little tilt of his head; after a moment, he reaches up, takes off the sunglasses, and slides them out of sight. "How can I say no to that kind of offer?" Especially when he's essentially being scruffed.

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    The scruffing can only go so far when the dude is like a foot taller than her, but Kyouka gives it her best effort regardless. At least the other boys have managed to escape without further harm, so she can feel like she's accomplished something. If it costs her the price of an extra bowel of ramen, so be it.

    Once she is sure White-Hair is not about to break free and rampage after the retreating boys, she releases his collar. Her other hand still holds her cigarette, but it is nearly finished now so while the free hand is stuffed into a jeans pocket, she crosses to a public ashtray and stubs the smoke out, dropping the butt into the disposal before heading out towards the street. She gives a casual wave of her hand, indicating the boy should follow her.

    "Come on, then. What's your name, kid?" A glance cast over her shoulders. Eyes returned to the soft color of ash, the steel put away. For now.

Kazuo Saitou has posed:
    Releasing the collar does not result in his making a break for it, and the teenager falls in at the gesture, matching Kyouka's pace without turning stride-length into an attempt at a power game. His own eyes have gone from silver-pale to the gray of the now-otherwise-missing smoke; shadows play tricks with both of them. "Saitou Kazuo," he answers.

    There's a file with that name on it in Kyouka's office, left by the previous occupant. It is probably unsurprising that the contents could be summed up by "wail of frustrated despair."

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    If Kyouka recognizes the name, there's no sign of it on her face. Chances are she hasn't been reading files that she has no urgent reason to read- but she'll certainly recognize the name when she comes across it again, as she certainly will before too long. "Kyouka Inai," She introduces herself, sticking to at least the basics of decorum even in this situation. She continues down the path to the main street, into the better lighting of streetlamps, buildings and passing cars.

    The ramen stand, a yatai, is only a block or so distant. There are several other customers but the counterspace available means Kyouka is able to slide onto a stool with several empty places between her and the next group over, providing a modicum of conversational privacy amidst the noisy street atmosphere. "Gimme a large tonkotsu, extra chashu." She tells the clerk, who merely nods and gets to work, "And whatever this guy wants." She jerks a thumb at Kazuo. Once he has assumedly seated himself as well and the orders are placed, she casts a sideways glance at him.

    "So, this always how you spend your evenings? Beating up kids clearly beneath your pay grade?"

Kazuo Saitou has posed:
    "Same," Kazuo says as he claims the seat beside Kyouka. The clerk eyes him for a moment, but does not dispute his presence, especially with an actual adult having implicitly vouched for payment.

    Sideways glance shows much the same as before: a casual lack of concern for his situation, an interest simultaneously keen and half-bored in the clerk's work, in their neighbors, in the comings and goings on the street, as much as in Kyouka's attention and suspicion. Tracking everything at once.

    "Only when they're threatening kids clearly beneath their own pay grade. And no." He flashes another grin, more parallel to Kyouka than at her. "Sometimes I do homework."

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    Kyouka is not exactly the epitome of 'reliable source of payment' but she's been to this yatai often enough that the clerk probably recognizes her and knows she is most likely good for it. The food is delivered relatively quickly, and appears if not gourmet, then at least tasty. "I'll have a beer, too." Kyouka tells the clerk after the food is delivered, and a glass and bottle are supplied to her promptly.

    Kyouka considers his response as she claps her hands together over her bowl in the most perfunctory of 'itadakimasu' before digging in with a pair of disposable chopsticks. After slurping down a mouthful of noodles, she gives her shoulders a brief shrug. "You're gonna get yourself in trouble, doing that kind of thing. Threats are threats, and words are usually empty. Throwing punches is likely to lead to consequences for you as much as for them." Spoken with the ring of experience, if delivered in a casual tone, as if speaking about yesterday's assignment in class.

    "Still," A heavy sigh, followed by a swig of the beer. "I'm feeling less bad about buying you food." She hadn't seen any threatening going on, but there's no reason for her to doubt his word. She knows how things go.

Kazuo Saitou has posed:
    There is zero attempt at 'same' for the beer. There is also zero attempt at stealing it. Whether this represents a lack of temptation or an intelligent desire to retain his hand is still a question. Kyouka's shrug, however, gets a shrug back. "What happens, happens," he says. "At least the girls are more likely to keep an eye on what's around them from now on. Unless they're also idiots, but they took off fast enough that's not too likely." And he bends his attention to noodles for a moment. Not the best grade on yesterday's assignment, apparently, but not enough to prompt a slink of shame.

    ... the 'feeling less bad' comment does not prompt a response out loud. It does prompt a turn upward at the corner of his mouth. It's not a smirk if he's not looking at her. Right?

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    Kyouka scowls. This isn't directed at Kazuo, but instead seems to be an expression shot off into the ether. Perhaps she is angry at the fact that in this city, chock-full of magical girls and boys running around to fight monsters, normal girls can still get hassled by normal boys and the only one willing to intervene is this pretty-boy thug sitting beside her. Intervention is intervention, but she wonders at the definition of 'hero' when protecting people only applies when a non-human monster is involved. This is no doubt an exaggeration, and not even magical girls can be everywhere at once. But it makes the loss and subsequent limitation of her own powers felt all the more keenly. Not Kazuo's fault. But he must endure her scowl regardless.

    It is stifled by more noodles, and then more beer. It takes more than a few sips of one beer to get you drunk, but perhaps it is at least helping to take the edge off the anger a bit. "I still can't condone you starting fights in the middle of the public park." She finally says, in a tone that says she actually can condone it under the right circumstances but needs to keep up appearances. "If the cops show up they're not gonna care who started it. The see you throwing punches you're getting taken in right alongside the guys who started it. Stuff like that sticks with you, no matter your intentions."

Kazuo Saitou has posed:
    "And then I will never be able to get a good job," Kazuo agrees, "and never be able to work fourteen-hour days while catching naps standing up in a closet, and never be able to support a family that I wouldn't be able to support with the good job either, and never be able to marry a good spouse - when if I had the good job, I wouldn't be able to see them more than a few minutes out of the week anyhow. Such terrible consequences. The only surprise is that more people aren't starting fights in the middle of the public park." His voice is never angry, never bitter, only casually amused. "If there were an actually interesting outcome, I might worry about stuff sticking with me. But there isn't. So why worry about it?"

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    Kyouka finds this hard to dispute. It's not like she can say 'just go be a magical warrior instead', because A) this kid doesn't have a whiff of magic about him and B) it's not like that's much better. Just horrifying in a more exciting way. Which is preferable to some, to be sure, but still not exactly a ticket to a happy carefree life. "Careful," She says between mouthfuls, rueful amusement coloring her own tone, "you're starting to sound more jaded than I am, and trust me, you're about a decade too young for that." More like 7 years, but she's rounding up.

    Leaning back after her latest bite, she gestures with her chopsticks, which is considered rude but she has never cared. "I know how it looks from your perspective. But there's other ways to go. 'Specially for a guy who can throw punches like you can. So it seems anyway." She didn't actually witness the fight but the fact that Kazuo is largely untouched speaks for itself. "Don't limit your possibilities because you can't be bothered to change the venue."

    Is she.. telling him to just beat them up someplace less public next time so he won't get caught?

Kazuo Saitou has posed:
    At least she's not stabbing him with them, by implicit gesture or by literal ow ow ow. Also, it's not like he has high moral ground to stand on on the impolite front. Bowing or no bowing. "Other ways which are only slightly less boring. But slightly's an improvement." Kazuo glances sidelong her way in turn, and the lights of the cart silver his laughing eyes again as well as his hair. "So I suppose you have a point. Better venues when possible." Alas that it's not necessarily easy for Baby Hoodlum One to lure Baby Hoodlums Two through Four off from Those Being Picked On at a whim, but there are always other Those Being Picked On. Aren't there?

    ... which Kyouka was just thinking was the problem.

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    Kyouka isn't sure if this counts as guidance counseling, but it's advice from the heart so if the Powers that Be object they can get bent. That's the way she sees it. On a whim, she pauses her eating (the bowl is almost empty anyway) to dig around in the pocket of her jeans. A moment later, she's produced a business card. It's one of hers, with the RHA logo embossed on the front, her name, position and office phone number scripted overtop.

    Kazuo isn't magical, and therefore is technically not who she's supposed to be focusing on. But she can't help but see echoes of herself in this kid, and knows how easy it is for someone walking the line between good intentions and evil deeds to stray too far. This sort of helping is a lot more satisfying to her than the kind which takes place across a desk in an air-conditioned, carpeted office.

    She produces a pen and scribbles something on the back of the card, before holding it out to him between two fingers. "Take this. If you ever need a hand, feel free to ask. No strings attached."

    On the back of the card she's written a pair of kanji. The characters for 'sincerity' and 'respect'.

Kazuo Saitou has posed:
    Chopsticks are set down (how has her food managed to vanish so much faster than his? only he is confused by this), and Kazuo turns toward the offer of the card, half-bowing from his seated position and accepting it with both hands. Glancing down is a less well-trained afterthought.

    He regards the two characters silently for a moment, then studies Kyouka in a way that has nothing to do with their shared qualities (athleticism, changing grey eyes, taste in shirts). Or possibly quite a lot to do with them.

    "I won't use that for anything stupid," he says in a matter-of-fact way that is both very sixteen and very not. And then he flicks the card over and glances again.

    The slight widening of eyes and slighter still blanching of his face are... much more straightforwardly Very Sixteen. Apparently he recognizes that phone number.

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    "I know you won't." Kyouka says, with unfounded certainty, as she returns to her bowl, draining the last of the broth by lifting it and tipping it towards her face. If she recognizes the signs of trepidation in his expression upon seeing the front of the card, she hides her own reaction in the uplifted bowl, and by the time it has been placed down on the counter again, her face is devoid of revelation.

    She picks up the beer and drains the rest of it, before digging in her pocket and producing a crumpled wad of bills and a few coins. She pays the clerk for both her meal and Kazuo's, before standing. "Alright, it's been a blast, but I got places to be." She doesn't, she's just pretending for appearances' sake. "Remember." She taps the card with an extended forefinger. "Call me if you need help." Then she's turning away from the cart. A pause a few steps into the relative darkness away from the yatai's seats as she produces a cigarette from... somewhere. Then a flare of flickering orange light as it is lit with a shiny silver zippo lighter that 'pings' musically as it is opened, then shut.

    "And Saitou-kun," Spoken over her shoulder as a fresh wisp of grey smoke makes its way past her face, "Enjoy the ramen." Then she's walking away down the sidewalk, free hand slipping back into the pocket of her jeans.