78/Medical Magical

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Medical Magical
Date of Scene: 13 July 2023
Location: Mitakihara General Hospital
Synopsis: So, three Puella Magi and an Incubator walk into a hospital...
Cast of Characters: Sayaka Miki, Adalinda Blumenkrantz, Teresia Kuefer, Magda Faust

Magda Faust has posed:
    Ah! The hospital! That place that everyone loves to be! Well, okay, not everyone. Maybe just a certain green-haired girl. Okay, no, not even her. She has spent... Far too much time in them. But here she is, in this new hospital, in this new town, in this new country! It's a very pretty hospital, for what it's worth. But just walking the halls is giving Magda shivers of remembrance. But this time... She's not here as a patient. She's here to do the healing.
    "Now to figure out how to get past the front desk..." Magda mutters in German. She is slowly learning Japanese, thanks to help from her friends, but she is not a fluent speaker.
    Turning towards the tallest and oldest among them, Magda gives pleading eyes. "Can you please find out who is in the most trouble and obtain access for me?" Pleeeaaaase, Teresia-san? It doesn't look like there's any emergency cases right now, and it's after school in the late afternoon, so there is a steady flow of foot traffic in and out of the building. Maybe they can, like, ninja their way through the crowd. The green-haired girl in the Radiant Heart Academy uniform could totally blend in with them! ...Except she's not Japanese! Nuts!

Teresia Kuefer has posed:
    The lobby of a hospital isn't where Teresia likes to spend her afternoons, no, but she is the Big Sister and Leader that everyone else has always wanted. She knows how to Make Things Happen. Leaning against a wall with her arms folded, the very tall blonde girl in the same RHA girls' uniform (though with a longer skirt to accommodate her much longer legs) smiles at Magda. "Of course." She pushes off the wall and strides towards the reception desk. Helping people in need has been a recurring group activity during the past two years. If they're able, they do what they can. Magda just happens to have a very useful skillset for helping others.

    Teresia leans on the counter, speaking quietly with the receptionist for a couple minutes. She is given a sheet of paper several minutes later, and then she smiles and quietly says something else before straightening up and gesturing for her two companions to follow her. The receptionist looks a bit... Dazed. Slightly out of it. Maybe she has just had a long day.

    Teresia is looking over the paper she was given while making her way further into the hospital, with the guest pass she was provided. A list of names and rooms. Private medical information that shouldn't be given out to some stranger under any circumstances. Once her friends catch up, she distributes their passes to them as well.

    "Here. A girl with a punctured lung is coming up on our right. Her name is Kana." she says quietly, gesturing to the closed door up ahead.

Adalinda Blumenkrantz has posed:
    Adainda has been quietly scrolling through her smartphone, sounding out words in Japanese in response to some sort of teaching app or something. She brushes her bangs out of her yellow eyes with her freehand before looking up when Teresia moves away to speak with the receptionist. "Remember to be careful. We don't want to draw attention," she says to Magda, also in German. Overzealous heroism can be dangerous in its own way. Once she is summoned with a wave, the black-haired girl hastens to join back up with Teresia, receive her pass, and follow along behind. She may appear to have her face buried in her phone, but she is keenly aware of her surroundings. Especially a particular type of activity that she is specially attuned to.

    No one expects witches to attack a hospital in Japan, right? Like, the broomsticks and pointed hats would kind of stand out, you know?

    But witches attacking hospitals is more likely than you think, and Adalinda plans to intervene before anyone gets hurt by them. Also, broomsticks and pointed hats aren't necessarily involved.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka Miki is no stranger to the hospital, and ever since the accident she's been spending a lot more time here. Today she has a large bouquet of sunflowers with her, and is silently cursing her decision to get so many and such big flowers as she can barely see where she is going as she hurries down the hall. She certainly doesn't want to miss visitor time as they will be taking him in for therapy soon.

Magda Faust has posed:
    Oh, good. Teresia 'convinced' the receptionist that they belong here. It's a handy trick. But now Magda is on her way through the unfamiliar halls, to help out a girl with a punctured lung! "She's not in critical condition, is she? If someone walked in while we're in there..." she trails off, leaving the implication unsaid. Also because people are passing by. Instead, she starts using an... Alternate... Form of communication.
    <<Adalinda, can you hang out in the hallway and watch for anyone who looks like they are going to be coming to this room?>> she asks telepathically. It certainly is convenient that she can do this. And it doesn't even matter what language she can speak, because they're thoughts, not spoken words! Magic is neat!
    Looking up and down the hall, Magda slides open Kana's door and slips inside, closing the door behind her. She'll hopefully be able to make this quick. And hopefully, Kana won't be awake and need an explanation.

Teresia Kuefer has posed:
    Yes. Quite the handy trick. And it uses a negligible amount of magic. Teresia honestly makes a better look-out, for certain reasons, but she also stands out. From behind her curtain of long blonde hair that hangs over one eye, the tall German woman looks up and down the hallway. She sees or sense something that catches her attention, and mutters to Adalinda. "Step back, 'Linda. Someone's coming through." There's no one in sight yet, but she just knows that a girl hidden behind a boquet of flowers is running headlong towards the corner, unable to see where she's going. Having someone with her eyes glued to her phone screen standing in the way is an accident waiting to happen.

    A fuzzy, fluffy white tail waves about in Teresia's peripheral vision and there is a light impact on her shoulder as a four-legged creature lands there. He looks cat-like at first glance, but is most definitely not a cat. Probably. He settles down as Teresia glances towards Kyuubey. <<Something interesting in this hospital, Kyuubey?>> she asks of the mysterious contract-making creature who has accompanied them all the way from Germany.

    Kyuubey's gleaming red eyes peer towards the same corner that Teresia was just looking at. Without any change in his expression, he answers in the same manner. <<Do I need to have a reason to see you girls?>> he asks in response. Then he looks back to Teresia. <<Well, there might be something. We'll see.>>

Adalinda Blumenkrantz has posed:
    The quietest thus far of the trio of girls wordlessly moves out of the way and plants herself next to Kana's door when she is bade to. <<Of course. I know the routine, Maggie.>> she sends back. The sudden arrival of Kyuubey draws her eyes off her screen long enough to glance towards him curiously. His presence is comfortingly familiar in this foreign country, surrounded by strangers. But that he decided to show up just now is somewhat peculiar. He hasn't made an appearance since the five German Puella Magi arrived in Japan. He certainly has some curious timing.

    Well, that's Kyuubey for you. Full of mysteries and questions.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
As luck would have it, Sayaka just happens to be headed in the general direction of the girls. She nearly bumps into them but catches herself at the last minute, pushing the flowers out of her way and screeching to a halt? "Woah, that was close!"

And then she sees Kyubey and pauses, "Oh hey, it's you..Guess you figured out what's on my mind too, huh?"

Magda Faust has posed:
    <<R-right... I knew that! Ha! Hahahaaa...>> Magda replies sheepishly as she turns a bit red. Then she looks up and finds the patient she is here for is awake, alert, and looking right at her. "...."
    The girl looks back at her. "...."
    Magda looks back. "...Hello!" she says in heavily-accented English.
    Kana stares back. "...H-herroo?" she replies with her own accent, with the mechanical hissing of the air pump taking over for her damaged lung continuing to run in the background.
    Well, this is turning out just great. Magda tries to ad-lib something about being a foreign exchange student who is here to observe how medical workers do their jobs and to meet with patients and help improve their moods and poor Kana just looks more and more lost. The frequent swaps between German and English aren't helping.

Teresia Kuefer has posed:
    Teresia reacts quickly when the bluenette speaks openly to Kyuubey. Though accented, she speaks in clear Japanese. "Hold on one moment." she says while holding up her index finger with one hand and opening the door to Kana's patient room behind her. <<This is a conversation best had where those who can't see Kyuubey won't come across us.>> the older Puella Magi transmits to Sayaka, Adalinda, and Kyuubey.

    Unless there is resistance to the idea, she shoos the other girls into the patient room, with Kyuubey hopping down and padding over to Kana's bed where he then jumps up onto it. <<It's good to see you again, Sayaka Miki. These are some other Puella Magi who have arrived recently. Perhaps you will have something in common?>> Something that might help persuade Sayaka towards making a wish, perhaps.

    Teresia looks skeptically at Kana in her bed as three more strange girls and also a Kyuubey all invade her room. The blonde just shrugs sympathetically. "Sorry about this."

    Kana seems to be looking at and reacting to Kyuubey too. So, she can see and hear all this. Bonus!

Adalinda Blumenkrantz has posed:
    Attention returns quickly to the mundane world when Adalinda hears a girl she hasn't met before speaking towards them. Hm? What? Then she follows the gaze of the stranger girl to Kyuubey. Ah. So there are Puella Magi here in Japan too. Makes sense, she supposes... "Yes, let's--" she starts but is quickly ushered into the patient's room. Right. They don't want a nurse or someone to walk by and see them talking to something that isn't there. Once inside, she bows her head slightly to Kana in apology. "Sorry about this. We'll be out of here shortly." she says in her broken Japanese.

    Of course Kyuubey is here when there's a potential Puella Magi. He has a knack for finding candidates. And here's someone who has already made Kyuubey's acquaintance. Smiling lightly, Adalinda steps back and sends, <<Adalinda Blumenkrantz.>> Then she extends her hand towards the blue-haired girl. <<Nice to meet another friend of Kyuubey's.>>

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka Miki blinks, feeling the familiar buzz of other Puella Magi and Kyubey in her head. And she doesn't even seem surprised as they usher her into the room. <Aha, so you three are Puella Magi too, but..What are you doing here? Are you tracking down a witch..?> she frowns, suddenly looking worried.

Magda Faust has posed:
    Magda looks almost as startled as Kana does when three more people and an Incubator shuffle their way into the room. <<Eh? Eeeeehhh...!?>> she lets out, giving a 'oh my gosh what' look. Things are cleared up somewhat quickly, even if the green-haired girl is rather flustered. She just hurries over to Kana's bed side and reflexively starts using telepathy on the poor girl, forgetting that she's not a Puella Magi. <<R-Right, so, I'm just going to see if I can do anything for your injury...>> she starts to explain.
    "Nani!?" Kana asks in surprise, her hands going to her head, uncertain of what she's hearing. She hunches over a bit to cough from the sudden excitation and movement.
    Magda takes the opportunity to place her hand on the patient's back, close her eyes, and hold a green jewel in other hand that pulses with light, like a little heartbeat. After a few seconds, Kana's breathing is noticeably easier and she sits up again, with a hand to her chest, in surprise.
    <<Ah... It's magic. Don't worry about it. You'll probably remember this like our meeting took place in a dream.>> Magda says with a smile. Then adds on lamely, <<...Or something>> Or at least that's how it has been for them so far.
    She trusts the others will explain to the newcomer while she helps Kana.
    Kana, of course, has many questions, and is looking around wide eyes and a wonder-struck expression at the magical girls in her room and the little white whatsit that is flicking its tail back and forth while it watches her and Magda.

Teresia Kuefer has posed:
    Kyuubey gives an audible sigh at the mess this is generating. He holds one conversation telepathically while holding the other in spoken words. "Hello, Kana. My name is Kyuubey. These three are Magical Girls. Because they have made a contract with me, they were able to make a wish. Magda here is able to heal people because of the wish she made. She came here today to help people like you with her magic. This is probably a lot to take in all at once, but it appears that you also have the potential to become a Magical Girl."

    Simultaneously, he is sending, <<No witches here today, Sayaka. They do tend to appear around hospitals though. The negative emotions of the sick and suffering draw their attention, and those already struggling with their health or the health of family are especially susceptible to a Witch's influence.>>

    Teresia nods her head to Kana. "Teresia Kuefer. The one who healed you is Magda Faust, my friend next to me is Adalinda Blumenkrantz, and I've not caught the name of this young lady here..." Her head tilts towards Sayaka. <<Magda likes to use her magic to help normal people who are sick or injured. We have visited many hospitals before. Her Soul Gem uses magic very efficiently for healing, so she can attend to many more people than someone like I could. It's a pleasure to meet you, by the way.>> Teresia smiles her Big Sister smile to the bluenette.

    A veteran Magical Girl! And she's blonde too! How fortunate for Sayaka! Maybe Teresia can show her the ropes!

Adalinda Blumenkrantz has posed:
    She... Already introduced herself... But that was probably for the benefit of Kana, not the other girl. Apparently her name is 'Sayaka' according to Kyuubey. Well, whatever. The hand she held out to Sayaka is also ignored, so she lowers it. Maybe shaking hands isn't a thing the Japanese do. They have all that... Bowing instead. <<I came along because I'm really good at finding Witches before they start hurting people. Given what Kyuubey said about hospitals... I thought it would be best if I was nearby.>> She isn't sure what else to say in this awkward situation where half of them are just standing around passing messages through nothing but eye contact. Are they all that close with each other...!? And they're all girls! This cannot beeeee...! Etc.

    Adalinda goes back to checking for the telltale scent of Witches, Familiars, and Witch Eggs. She wants to be there Before the bad stuff happens.

    <<Oh, and we just moved here from Germany. We'll be attending Radiant Heart Academy.>> she adds on.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka Miki seems rather stunned as she watches Magda heal the other girl somehow..Maybe that's why she was briefly distracted from shaking hands, and catches herself at the last moment, offering he4 hand belatedly. "Hi, nice to meet you all! Wait, so you're all Puella Magi?mAnd you can heal too? But maybe.."

And then her phone rings and she blinks at the number, reaching for her flowers again, "Oh no, I don't have much time to see Kyousuke-kun , maybe we'll meet again, Seeya!" and she hurries out the door.