107/Penguin Akanbe!

From Radiant Heart MUSH

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Penguin Akanbe!
Date of Scene: 17 July 2023
Location: Penguin Park
Synopsis: Lamya menaces Penguin Park and Cure Peace, Cure Wukong, Onihime, and Memoriatrix Tourmaline step in to save the day! (CW: Penguins! Clowns! Clown Penguins!)
Cast of Characters: Mie Kitamura, Tori Morte, Cho Konishi, Kureha Senkenzan, Yayoi Kise

Mie Kitamura has posed:
    Ah, it's a lovely summer day, which brings out all sorts of people to enjoy the park. There are families whose children clamor all over the various equipment, yelling and shouting in glee, and playing all sorts of games, there are couples out on the lawn enjoying picnics, and many people milling about the zoo.

    But wait! What's this? A lone figure hovers over the park, watching with disgust plain on her face. She's a tall dragon-girl, dressed in what looks to be a black leather costume with silver studs adorning it. Her straight green hair floats behind her, held aloft by invisible currents, and horns poke out from her scalp. Great emerald wings keep her aloft, while a matching emerald tail thrashes behind her in irritation.

    The subject of her ire is, specifically, a couple of kids in a sandbox playing pretend. The boy has a Barbie which is positioned up on a mound that's almost sort of shaped like a castle, but not quite. "Oh no!" he squeaks in falsetto. "I have been captured! Who will ever save me?"

    The girl has an army action figure that she has stomping around the perimeter of the 'castle'. "Don't worry," she cries in as deep a voice as she can get, "I, Sir Shoots-A-Lot will save you from that dragon!" The dragon is, of course, a large rubber Godzilla.

Tori Morte has posed:
    Victoria 'Tori' Morte is in her favourite park doing her favourite park activity! ... Reading a fantasy novel while sat on a bench, with the novel places on one thigh so the ghost girl sitting next to her can read it as well.

    Most people, of course, can't actually see the ghost girl, so it just looks like Tori is reading a book in a slightly weird manner.

    She's just dressed in her school uniform today, since she couldn't be bothered to change after class.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi was lounging on a bench. She... was tired. They had a test earlier, and she'd kind of brain frazzled herself on it. Then there was paperwork for the student council. Then she had to take care of some prep for peachs. Then her magicians club needed her to fill out some forms. And, all in all, she was pooped. She wanted to go back to the dorm but... after all she'd been through, she just... wanted a moment to rest. She'd been pushing herself too hard lately, probably. Between this and all of the magical girl things and just...

Just twenty minutes. She just needed a small, tiny nap. That was all. Twenty minutes. Thirty, tops. Then she'd be fine. Her shopping was laying on the bench besides her as she just closed her eyes and let herself relax. "Ahhhhhh..." she mumbled softly. Yes. Just a tiny, itty bitty rest...

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    Now that Kureha Senkenzan is of much better health, her father is suddenly much more comfortable with her going out of doors... in fact, he's just about insistent on it. Her quiet joy at being able to enjoy a walk in the park is tempered by the fact that her father almost certainly wants her out there as little more than a status symbol, so they can see his trophy daughter now that she's actually worth showing off.

    Between that, and the attendant shadowing her steps, the black-haired girl in a Radiant Heart uniform looks positively... well, okay, very slightly grumpy. She's good at controlling her expression. But that stiff-legged gait is unmistakble. She's making her 'minder' fast-walk in the heat. She's also completely oblivious to any impending nefarious deeds.

Yayoi Kise has posed:
Yayoi Kise is back in the park, drawing on her sketchbook, she is very specifically, drawing the conflict of 'Sir Shoots-a-Lot' saving the Princess, but stylized and more realistic than action figures.

She even draws the text lines the boy says in the margins of her sketchpad to remember later when she letters this later. She likes the practice! She is however, keeping the book, tightly to herself and making sure no one peeks in on her this time.

Her pencil dances across the paper as she shades in Sir-Shoots-a-Lots five o clock shadow in. Draw Draw Draw. Rub rub rub eraser. Draw Draw Draw.

Mie Kitamura has posed:
    "Dragon?!?" Lamya cries, incensed at the tragedy playing out before her. There's a blur and she's suddenly standing next to the girl and a boy. "You call //this// a dragon?!?" She snatches the big rubber Godzilla out from the boys hand to inspect it. "This is nothing but an overgrown lizard!"

    The boy cries out, "Hey! Give that back! and starts to reach for his toy as the girl starts to tear up. Lamya just laughs at him and says cruelly, "I'll show you what a //real// dragon can do!" Shen, then proceeds to stomp on the makeshift castle with a heeled boot cackling all the while. "Yes! Yes! The kingdom will //tremble// before my might!"

Tori Morte has posed:
    Tori looks up from her book at the sudden outburst from the sandpit. She stares for a moment at the familiar dragon lady. "<Now that's just mean...>" she mumbles to herself in English.

    Tori swiftly drops her book into her satchel, stands, and climbs over a wall into a patch of bushes.


    "Memento Mori."

    Tori grips the memory stone she wears around one neck, and holds Sayo Hasegawa's hand by the other. The ghost girl twirls, spinning close to Tori in a little dance move, only to lean back in Tori's arms. Both girls look at each other for a moment, then burst out into a fit of giggles.

    A flash of dark violet light erupts from the girls, while salmon-pink ribbons wrap around them. A salmon pink undershirt replaces her t-shirt, to be covered a moment later by a black, white-laced corset, then a short black jacket. Her skirt shifts and transforms into a black pleated skirt and salmon pink petticoats, and her socks becoming long black stockings.

    A salmon pink bow ties up her hair, and her eyes turn red.


    Memoriatrix Tourmaline erupts from the bushes and swoops up into the sky.

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    There's a certain amount of yelling that Kureha has just learned to tune out. People are noisy, and she has spent a long time just having to deal with whatever noise might be in her vicinity. But something about the sound of the yelling children - the angry boy, the crying girl - tugs the young student's attention, and after a side glance, she quickly comes to a stop. And stares.

    And continues to stare.

    Is... is that a dragon-person? Kureha just quietly continues to stare, trying to parse what she's seeing. The maid, meanwhile, finally has a chance to catch her breath. "Milady, what-" She sees the altercation herself at last, and then sniffs haughtily. "Kureha, we don't need to concern ourselves with a strange, cruel person in a costu-" Kureha holds up a hand and lets out a sharp, "Be quiet, Emi."

    Emi shuts up - and it looks like she does so in pure shock at being so curtly ordered.

Yayoi Kise has posed:
Yayoi Kise just suddenly 'eeeeks!' at the sudden swooping down of a figure and then dives over the bench to hide behind it and 'then' peek up. Huh. A girl with a tail and horns and and-- what? Was this about?

She then crawls over the bench. (She could had walked around it at this point, but apparently chose not to.), and then tiptoes over. She frowns a little. "Uhuuhuhum..."

"Why are you. Doing that? That i...i....isn't a----- verynicethingtodo." she says, holding the sketchbook up in front of her as if it was a shield.

So far, she hasn't needed to transform yet, she figures, this is some dumb, cruel joke.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi blinked and sat up, glancing towards the sand box. The playing kids... and the weirdo attacking the sandbox. She then dropped back down, giving the softest whine. She wanted to relaaaaaaax. Whyyyyyy did this crazy lady need to start a fight? Whyyyyyy? Should she interfere? Ehhhhhh. There was a cute girl in yellow and holding a notebook who seemed to be dealing with it. It was probably fine. No... yes. Ugggggggh.

Grouchily, Cho rolled off the bench and got to her feet. "Lady, what are you doing?" she yelled out as she started walking towards her. "Leave the kids alone and go pick on someone your own size. If they wanna call godzilla a dragon, well, let them. Godzilla's awesome and could totally be an honorary dragon," she said, crossing her arms and blearily glaring up at the other girl. Too tired to get too nervous about the crazy lady. At least she wasn't a youma maker thing.

Mie Kitamura has posed:
    Lamya's mistreatings of what's left of the sand castle is interrupted when Memoriatrix Tourmaline bursts into the sky. "You again!?" she cries, surprised. Her great wings spread as she kicks off into the sky. "Why, I'd love rematch!"

    She reaches up into the sky and seems to pull a tube of the Black Paint of Darkness from out of nowhere. In the other hand the Picture Book of Darkness opens and flips through the pages until it lands on a blank page. (Don't question where these came from.)

    "This world will be stained with the worst possible conclusion..." she yells, squishing the tube until black paint oozes from between her fingers. "...a Bad End!" She then smears the paint all over the blank page, and the entire park is covered in a miasma of despair and Bad Energy. "The blank slat of your future will be clouded in darkness!"

    The boy and the girl seems to have lost all motivation to play. "Playing pretend is dumb," she moans. "I don't know why I thought this would be fun," groans the boy. All over the park, the visitors are all surrounded by this dark miasma as the Bad Energy they give off rises from them and are sucked into the Picture Book of Darkness.

Tori Morte has posed:
    "Argh, you jerk!" yells Tori as the dragon lady does that weird energy draining thing again! "Stop using your weird black stuff! This is a place of happy memories of simpler times, and we won't let you taint it!" She points at Lamya dramatically. For a moment, her visage is overlaid with a girl with white hair and blank eyes. "Bullies like you make us sick!"

    She then makes a grasping motion as she tries to disarm Lamya psychokinetically.

Yayoi Kise has posed:
Yayoi Kise blinks when a flying girl arrives and then Lamya pulls out items that are familiar to her and she cowers a little. "B..Bad End Kingdom!?" she sputters. Before she can do anything a Bad End is called up and the people around loose all motivation and become energy drained. She sputters and pulls out her compact...

"Pretty Cure, Smile Charge! There's a burst of light, clapping and sparkling involved and then...

"Pika Pika Pikarin! Rock- Paper- Scissors! CURE PEACE!" she says. She threw Paper today, did you beat her? If you did, you're lucky!

Regardless, Yayoi has become Cure Peace! Peace of Courage! Of Bravery! Of! Of!... cowering and crying, okay!?

Still, she tries to put up a brave front.

"Y-you can't just make a Bad End and do what you please!" Cure Peace splutters from the ground with conviction! Shaky conviction! But conviction all the same!

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi blinked a few times when the lady just... flew up into the sky. Welp. Nevermind. Not an outfit. A villain. Gosh. Darn it. ONE afternoon? REALLY?

"You... errr. You seem busy. I'm gonna... bye!" she said before ZOOMING off.

First thing first. Transform! And that meant getting out of sight, pulling out her device and, a few moments later...

Cure Wukong! She leaped into the air and... Huh. No youma. Right. Time to try and work on her landing. "Hey, dragon!" she yelled from... very, very high up. Oh, wait, rock paper scissors? WAIT! THAT WAS IT! THIS WAS WAY SMARTER THAN AN ELBOW DROP THAT HURT HER ELBOW! "Monkey fist! Scissors!" And then... she plummeted down at Lamya.

And tried to scissor kick her.

So hey, her lucky day!

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    It looks like people are confronting the dragon bully... who then chooses to fly up into the sky straight at some other girl who appears to be flying?! "W-what is even..." Her maid, meanwhile, is starting to panic. "Kureha, I-I'm not certain what strange show this is, but we really ought to be going... oh, what's even the use..."

    Kureha rounds on the maid with a very confused expression - then, after a number of glances around the park, she turns to look back up at the dragon... and the magical girls moving to fight her. It's handled. It's totally handled. The smart thing to do would be to take Emi and get out of here. Leave it to the people who know what they're-

    Kureha's walking forward before she can even think about it. A necklace tucked into her top begins to glow. Her eyes turn from a simple crimson to a brighter, orange color as if fire had been lit within them... and then flames dance around her, 'burning' their way up her body, shifting her outfit, growing horns out of her head.

    "I have seen some thoroughly petty behavior, but this... this is utterly ludicrous. If bullying small children is your idea of-"

    Oh. She recognizes that monkey magical girl. "...you. I see." Huff. "Well, whatever. I have some frustration to take out." Onihime's hand snaps over to grab a particularly large, full trashcan - and she whirls around and hurls it straight up towards Lamya, with immense force.

Mie Kitamura has posed:
    Lamya squawks in surprise at the sudden scissors kick out of nowhere, but she manages to block it in time. Clearly her strength is immense as red eyes meet those of Cure Wukong. "Your strength is impressive, but unleashing my full might upon you would raze all you see before you."

    With a twist of her wings she flies back and pulls out a red ball a little bit larger than her fist. "AKANBE!" she orders, getting ready to throw the ball. "Take care ofAWK!" She barely manages dodge the trash can flying at her and she turns to Onihime. "Hey!" she admonishes. "Watch where you're throwing those things! Ahem. Where was I?. Oh, yes!" She rears back and tosses the ball with all her might at the penguin slide in the middle of the park. "AKANBE! Take care of these nuisances!"

    When the red ball hits the slide, there's a flash of Bad Energy and suddenly before them all stands a 20 foot tall clown faced penguin. "AKANBE!" it squawks and waddles menacingly towards Cure Peace. "AKANBE!"

Tori Morte has posed:
    "WHY ARE THEY CLOWNS?!" Tori demands as she wheels around to face the Akanbe that just appeared.

    Seemingly forgetting about Lamya, Tori zips down to interpose herself between the newly-appeared Akanbe, putting up a wall of invisible psychokinetic energy to prevent it from getting too close to Cure Peace. "Kinetic Shield!"

Yayoi Kise has posed:
Cure Peace 'oh nos' as an Akanbe nose is brought out. What is she going to make a monster? The bench!? That trash can!? No worse, it's the penguin and she rears down, gets ready to punch and leaps! into the other direction and starts running away. "No. Not penguins. please. Anything but that!" she cries as she dives behind the nearest mailbox she can find. Peeking out from it.

Maybe. Maybe it'll go away on it's own. She means. It never does. But.

"I can do this. I can do this. I can do this." she keeps telling herself. "I can do this..." she tries to hype herself up. "I can do this!" she says tearfully as she starts crying. "I CAN'T DO THIS!" she cries. Her crying causing her to viciously spark as a bolt of lighting comes from the sky, directly ontop of where the Akanbe is. (or was. If it misses.). Cure Peace balls her fists up under her chin and snuffles. "Huh?"

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cure Wukong nodded. "Thanks! Yours too, most can't block this as well!" she said with a wide grin. "And sorry, I would have kicked your monster, but you haven't summoned it yet! But yeah, please don't raze the area. I'd probably be fine, but I don't know if it's insured!"

Of course, she was shoved back when the dragon flew away. She flailed for a moment before... wilhelm screams and plummets to the ground. Landing in a comically large crater. "O-ow," she said. "Right. Kicking the generals, not a good idea. It... oh come ON!" she said, looking at the clown penguin. "You couldn't have called that BEFORE my grand entrance? It would have looked WAY cooler!" she yelled at Lamya. "You're like, a dragon! Or something! You should appreciate a proper entrance!" She dusted herself off before sighing. Welp, that was one. "Okay, let's... huh?" She glanced towards Cure Peace before sighing. Another rookie? Well, she seemed nice, at least. She was about to call out some motivation... Before *lightning*. She stared. Then pointed to the lightning. Then the precure. Then back again. Finally...

"Okay, you know what? Cure Peace, right? THAT is AWESOME!" she yelled to her. "Turn that great big penguin into roast duck!" she yelled to her with a grin.

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    As a few stray flickers of flame dance along her throwing arm, Onihime stands up straight again, brushing herself off absently. "I was watching precisely where I was throwing that thing," she observes in a deadpan. "I'm only disappointed you moved." That red ball looks dangerous, though, and the oni girl is prepared for some sort of attack... but she's not prepared for a clown nose to turn a slide into a giant clown monster. For a second time, she gives a stare of utter incredulity. "...stomping sandcastles and turning playground equipment into monsters? I... what."

    But once again, the instinct of an oni wins out over utter human bafflement; before Kureha can even gather her thoughts, she's already moving towards the enemy. "I haven't the faintest clue what utter madhouse I've stepped into, but if it involves bullying children on a playground, even I don't have difficulty discerning who I need to be punching...!"

    Shortly after a bolt of lightning strikes from the sky, a horned girl hurtles towards the Akanbe with the force of a freight train, fist cocked to deliver a positively earth-shattering punch.

Mie Kitamura has posed:
    "AKAaaaAAAaaAAAAaanBE!" jitters the Penguin Akanbe as it's struck by lightning, and then an angry oni plows into it, sending it skidding across the park. "Akanbe!" it shouts in its giant penguiny voice and takes a deep breath. It exhales a stream of breath cold enough to freeze the ground below it as it makes its way to Onihime.

    Lamya, meanwhile, floats overhead, watching with satisfaction as the Akanbe goes into action.

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    An absolutely frigid wind blows across the park, the angry playground equipment deciding to focus its attack directly on Onihime. The horned girl brings her arms up on reflex, shielding herself as a torrent of ice and wind blows across her, building up a frozen layer around the girl that rapidly thickens. She's very quickly trapped entirely in a windswept block of ice, horizontal icicles trailing off her from behind.

    It lasts all of about five seconds before a bright orange glow begins to radiate from the block of ice.

    Another second or two later, the ice shatters, heated so rapidly from within that it just cracks apart. Steam pours forth as flames dance, a corona of fire flaring briefly around Onihime. It winks out quickly, and surrounded by a thinning haze of water vapor, she launches herself into another forward charge - only this time, at the last moment, she leaps into the air and turns a flip. "TEYAAH!" Down she comes, swinging her leg around heel-first to deliver a brutal, pavement-shattering axe kick.

Tori Morte has posed:
    Oh. It does have energy attacks.

    Tori drops her shield, holds her breath, and sinks down into the ground. She swiftly flies through the earth, coming out under the Akanbe and aiming an attack directly upwards, letting her breath out with a cry of "Kinetic Blast!"

    A sudden surge of invisible kinetic force slams up under the Penguin Akanbe, at about the same time Orihime's axe kick lands!

Yayoi Kise has posed:
Cure Peace opens an eye and then the other and oh god it has ice attacks and it's going after that... horned girl? And and-- she jumps forward and tries to punch the Penguin Akanbe in the face. this may conflict with all the other actions, but...

She looks over to Cure Wukong and then over to the others. "It's...it's an Akanbe. A red nosed one. We just...just need to weaken it first." she says softly as she mutters and then lands after the flying punch.

"Then.. then I can hit it. Just."

"Keep doing. What you're doing and.. uhm..'

"...sorry." she apologizes for nothing near the end.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cure Wukong cringed when the girl was encased in ice. Yeah, been there, done that. Iiiiiiit sucked. Would not recommend. However, when the other girl broke free, she nodded. An axe kick from above, a punch to the nose and... something lifting the thing up? Eh, she probably missed it. Either way? She smirked and held up her hand, taking the red toothpick from behind her ear. "Okay, then," she said proudly. "Weaken it? How about this, then?"

Wukong leaped into the air, spinning her staff before holding it up. It began to grow and thicken before she brought it crashing BACK down, directly on the youma! Just a few feet wide this time, though, not wanting to risk hitting the oni-girl. "How much do we need to weaken it? Also, let me know if you are going to launch more lightning! Highest thing in a storm and all!" she yelled. Oh, she was so going to get electrocuted, she knew it.

Mie Kitamura has posed:
    Up from the ground, down from the staff, back from a punch to the nose and forward from a axe kick to the back of the head. There's only one way for the Akanbe to go: Inward. It compresses with a horrible *squeak* and pops back into shape, stumbling around its eyes all twirling in a daze.

    "Akanbe!" Shouts Lamya in frustration. "Snap out of it! Do your job!" The Penguin Akanbe shakes its head clearing the stars. It raises its flippers to the sky and shouts, "AKANBE!"

    And then you hear it. At first it's a quiet murmur but as it gets closer you can hear...

    The 'wark wark wark!' of hundreds of clown nosed (regular sized) penguins that roll over the park to attack the magical girls! Individually they're kind of useless but en masse they can be steamroller even the most sturdy of girl.

Tori Morte has posed:
    Tori stares.

    "I... what?"

    Sure, Tristes sometimes have multiple bodies, but never this many. In Tori's experience, anyway. She's starting to realise she doesn't have quite as much experience as she's been pretending.

    Luckily, she can fly, so she just flies up out of reach of the horde of penguins. Unluckily, it appears the other girls can't fly, but... surely they can handle themselves?

    Yeah. Tori will just... focus on the big one. "Kinetic Fist!" Tori shouts as she charges the giant penguin and gives a rather sloppy punch. Of course, that doesn't really matter - it's the ball of psychokinetic energy surrounding her hand that's the real thing to worry about.

Yayoi Kise has posed:
Cure Peace.... backs up as hundreds of regular sized penguins invade and she jumps into a nearby tree's branch, nearly falls backwards but throws herself forward just in time to avoid falling into the mess of hundreds of penguin akanbes. "I bet..if..if we take care of the big one, the little ones...go away. Maybe. I mean hopefully. I mean maybe not but we can't spend all night attacking these tinier things!" she says as she attempts to leap to another tree---

---and another tree and another tree trying to get closer to the bigger Akanbe before she points a finger gun. "Um. I hope this works! Peaaaaaaace Taser!" she calls out. Her fingertip sparkling before firing out a shocking volt of electricity at the bigger Akanbe!

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    In the aftermath of her attack, Onihime turns through the air once more and touches down, skidding slightly before coming to a halt. She stands up, watching the Akanbe warily; she's just about to lodge a complaint for the thing's durability when the cacophony of clownguins begins to overrun the park. She turns with an incredulous look for the dozenth time, not even flinching when one, two, three of the things slam into her. But as more and more of them begin to assault, the oni girl grits her teeth. "This is just the most ludicrous-" She's already moving to solve the problem, though.

    With inhuman strength, even compared to most magical girls, the oni begins shouldering her way through the Penguin Tide. Perhaps inspired by Cure Wukong, perhaps just working with what's available, the fiery magical girl steamrolls her way over to a tall lightpole, and with a forceful heave, pulls it right over. Then, she picks it up... and starts swinging. And swinging. And SWINGING. Clearing out swathes of pengclowns, carving out some breathing room for herself - and, by SHEER COINCIDENCE, everyone else as well.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cure Wukong landed on the ground. Ha! Was that all it had? Did it really think that--

... What was that rumbling sound? Why did it sound like it was getting-- Cure Wukong had only a few moments to stare before she was buried under so many penquins. Soooooo many penquins. Just. Just all the penguins. Onihime, fortunately, came smashing through and Wukong gave a groan. Welp, there goes another one. She shook her head before smiling up at Onihime. "Nice staff!" she said, before glancing towards the space the oni had made... then the youma... then Cure Peace. A grin slowly formed on her face. Twirling her staff, she leaped towards the youma! Skidding to a stop in front of them, she twirled it once and then bowed. "I give up," she said.

Wait, what?

Then dug the staff into the ground. "As if~" she said before the staff began to grow! Intention? She was planning to throw the youma high into the air! And, well...

"Hey, kimono girl!" she called out. "Batter's up!" she called, before the staff would pull back. "Peace, airball!" Lightning and metal poles and flying youma, what could go wrong?

Granted, there was the... other girl, too. But ummmm... she wasn't... entirely sure WHAT she was doing. Kinetic... things? She was punching them?

Mie Kitamura has posed:
    Pengclowns go flying all over the place as Onihime swings the lamppost this way and that as she makes her way to the master Akanbe. Tori's awkward hit lands true, but all it does is stun the youma long enough for Cure Peace to shock it.

    Before it can recover, however, the Akanbe looks down at the surrendering Cure Wukong and manages to get out a confused "Akanbe?" before it goes sailing into the air.

Tori Morte has posed:
    Unfortunately for Tori, she chose to deliver a melee attack to look cool while someone else was using a ranged lightning attack on the same enemy.

    A stunned Tori floats down to the ground, spirals in her eyes. Weirdly, she doesn't just plummet, and actually stops before hitting the ground.

    She's low enough to be accosted by mini-penguins though. That might be a problem.

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    While Onihime sweeps and swings, she's managing to keep an eye on the battle. She catches when Cure Wukong pulls the setup, and even hears the callout - which, in fact, results in an angry huff. "I have a name, it's-" Only halfway through the sentence does it occur to her that, just maybe, she shouldn't give it out freely. "...n-nevermind! But 'kimono girl' is unacceptable!" Even as she's complaining, though, Kureha sweeps herself a clear space, a few quick spins that give her enough room that penguins won't interrupt her next swing.

    Because her next swing is gonna be big.

    Around, around, one-two-three, a trio of quick spins as the Akanbe comes down, and then the fourth brings that lightpost up like a massive baseball bat, with a fierce "ORYAAA-!"

Yayoi Kise has posed:
Cure Peace watches the Akanbe Fly into the air. A..Airball!? Right...! She nods with a 'hrmph!' before she raises a peace sign to the air! "PRETTY CURE!---"

Lighting strikes her and she shrieks in surprise as she then charges up with energy, before spinning around and throwing forth two peace signs. "PEACE. THUNDER!" she calls out. Throwing out a powerful wave of purifying lightning towards the Akanbe in the air from her branch position!

Hopefully, that's a home run!

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cure Wukong was actually shocked. Her... her plan was working. Oh my gosh it was working. She--

Ack, she was buried under penguins. And dragged away, flailing for the moment. Nooooo! That'll teach her to be distracted by the battle.

Mie Kitamura has posed:
    Cure Peace knocks it out of the park. With the tremendous effort of all the magical girls, the Akanbe lets out one last pitiful, "Akanbeeeeeee..." as it's shocked back into being a regular penguin slide. The red nose is peeled away leaving behind a small enamel pin of a rose, which drops out of the sky into Cure Peace's waiting hands. When the Akanbe is gone, so to disappear the hoard of clown nosed penguins, giving the breathing room they need.

    "Curse you all!" Lamya shouts, snapping the book closed, stopping the absorption of Bad Energy. "Still. I've gotten enough Bad Energy to get us one step closer to resurrecting Emperor Pierrot!" Somewhere, in the distance, an ominous *thunk* of a giant clock ticking can be heard. Lamya glares at the magical girls, "Next time you won't be so lucky!" There's a slight blurring as the Bad End commander returns from whence she came.

    As she leaves, the miasma lifts from the park, and people's murmurs turn from despair to confusion as they try to remember what it was that they were doing. The landscape is repaired, too. The lamppost is back where it belongs. The craters and divots that were created by the magical girls have been repaired. For all intents and purposes its as if the battle never took place.

Tori Morte has posed:
    Tori floats upright, shaking her head to clear it. "What happened..." she mumbles to herself. She looks around, noticing that everything seems back to normal. "...Oh! Uh, well done... um... whoever finished it off... ow, my head."

    She takes a deep breath... and then sinks down into the floor. Seems she's shy. Or she wants to go have a lay down after getting shocked~

Yayoi Kise has posed:
Cure Peace catches the Rose Decor and ahs. "A..aah... What's this..." asks Yayoi. Yayoi has a small sheep doll land on her head. From nowhere. She shrieks and falls out of the tree. "O..Oh it's just you, Candy." she says as she lands on her butt. "Oooowwww."

"It's a Cure Decor! Let's take it home and put it in the Decor Decor!" she says. "We need all of them to save Marchenland..."

She stands up with a huff and clasps the important item. "Um. Thank you all. S..sorry about this but... uh... SUPERHERO AWAY!" and then she starts running away. She's GOOD at this part.

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    Slammed back up into the sky, then shocked... back to normal? Kureha is still trying to process that when the lightpost in her hands disappears. Blink. Blink blink. Everything's back to normal. All the damage is repaired. Only the fact that she's transformed - that they all are - gives away that they even did all that. Frown.

    There's a quick glance around at the others. Cure Wukong, having been dragged off by penguins that no longer exist. The floating girl, no longer floating. The lightning girl... running?

    Blink. Blink blink.

    "Did... she just call herself a superhero?"

    The oni girl shakes her head, and then huffs, turning to walk away. Oni has no patience for your tomfoolery and/or shenanigans.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cure Wukong was laying there on the ground, giving a light groan. Well. Today was fun. She... just laid there. Before, very grudgingly, got to her feet. She spun her staff before turning it back to toothpick size and tucking it behind her ear.

"So then! That... was fun. You, kimono girl! Rules of being a magical... whatever we are! If you do not give a name, one will be assigned for you. Do not think I won't call you Strawberry horns!" she warned.

... She... she was joking, right? Actually, considering Cherry spear... that... that might not be... the worst worry to have...

Then she looked around and frowned. "Awwww... where'd Cure Peace go? I needed to talk with her. Ehhhhh... I'll meet her later. Seriously, lightning powers. That's awesome."