103/The Dreaded Paperwork

From Radiant Heart MUSH

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The Dreaded Paperwork
Date of Scene: 17 July 2023
Location: Classroom
Synopsis: A routine physical to have Hannah's government records check out results in her very dubious background crumble in the face of one very mysterious nurse! Hannah and Setsuna reveal their true selves to one another, and true allies are gained!
Cast of Characters: Hannah Steiner, Setsuna Meiou

Hannah Steiner has posed:
There were many threats to a magical girl, particularly one that came from a far-away star. Local customs, language, trying to not fall to the mire of homesickness, the mere day-to-day threats sometimes seem even worse than fighting youma and their attendant Generals. Having a room mate helps, but even so old ghosts and the constant thought of being trapped on Earth eats at you.

Hannah's smile might be a little forced today. She certainly didn't cry in the shower this morning.

Today it's the youma of paperwork she fights, as she still needs to get her paperwork on file with the nurse's office. True, she could have done this at a hospital, but that would invite even more questions. And so with the paltry dregs of her medical history under her armpit, Blauer Greif in hand and Lyra leading the way, she finally taps that golden head firmly to the door of her next opponent in question-dodging. She hopes it goes as well as Kyouka's visit did.

"Guten aben, frau...Meiou I think the directory said? Are you in by chance? Apologies for the suddent hinterhalt, I thought it prudent to see to things in person! The local 'e-mail' is so..." Horrifically low-tech.

"Impersonal und sluggish! Acht, manners! Hannah Steiner and mein dear companion Lyra! Might I come in?" Comes the young woman in her idiosyncratic mix of belkan, Japanese, and that thick accent, already Scouting the faculty member with charm, friendliness, and a voice designed to carry in very large throne rooms. Smile!

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
The infirmary at the Radiant Heart Academy is, as perhaps expected, just as swank as the rest of the school. It's a large, well-supplied room separated with some of those rolling medical divider walls. Fairly nice beds can be seen here and there through gaps, and the main area is set up like a typical waiting room/nurse's station, complete with posters giving info about various adolescent diseases/conditions/problems.

One poster that catches the eye is a small, framed one that looked like it might have been made on a printer with a sheet of A4 paper. It simply reads:

    'Please do not confuse your GOOGLE search with my medical degree.'

At the moment, the place is fairly empty. It's early days at the school yet, and people are managing to NOT get sick/injured/skive as much as will probably happen later when everyone settles in, relaxes, and starts getting sloppy/lazy/reckless. Which means that for now, it's just the Nurse there.

Said Nurse is absently leaning against the counter, reading a book. On the back cover, one can see a picture of what appears to be a tall, slightly scruffy and roughed-up man wearing a trenchcoat and riding what appears to be a zombified T-Rex. She's quite a tall woman, somewhere close to 6 feet (180cm), with green hair that goes down below her waist. Currently all she can be seen wearing is a labcoat whose bottom hem goes down to about her knees, though there's hints of a teal blouse around her collar if one looks. Strangely, in her off hand, the nurse is absently rolling a pen across her knuckles, flipping it between each of her pairs of fingers before rolling it under her palm to start over again.

As Hannah enters her domain, the nurse glances over, stands up to her full height and tilts her head at the introduction. Her face gets an look of one concentrating on something for a moment as the pen disappears from her off hand, is suddenly replaced by a bookmark that she uses to mark her place before snapping the book shut and putting it down on the counter. (a quick eye and the ability to read English will catch the book's title as 'Dead Beat')

Then Nurse Meiou smiles, "My aplogies, Miss Steiner. It's been quite some time since I learned german and I needed to take a moment to remember. Please, come in. What brings you and your companion in today? Also, apologies, but if you could have him sit somewhere near the door or just out of the way? As I recall, at least some of the students here have a minor allergy to pet dander."

Hannah Steiner has posed:
Hannah pauses slightly, taps one heeled boot to the other in a light 'clack', then the young woman does a formal bow with her arm at her middle and cane in her free hand. It's rare for a teenager to be so...well, perhaps noble? Is she a fan of fantasy novels perhaps?

"Certainly! Lyra? As the good frau commands!" That 'dog' seems to be pretty smart, as she takes up the lead Hannah's had clutched into her mouth and settles in without hesitation. Such a large beast too. Its' eyes watch Setsuna warily, but not outright aggressively. There's more intelligence in those eyes than your average woofer though.

"I swear, such a terrible thing, allergies! Everyone should have a companion as sweet as Lyra." Laments the young woman as she gently taps her way closer, stopping a few feet away from Setsuna and shaking her head. "Oh by the Sankt, do not apologize! Color me surprised, more people seem to know more of mein native tongue than I expected." She sounds a little wistful, maybe even a bit sad. Homesickness, definitely.

Then, she's holding out her small folder of medical history. It's...well. A history. Kind of. The details, and especially names of the hospitals and where they're actually located are conveniently left out. In fact, details are so sparse as to nearly be useful, other than 'yes she's blind' and 'yes Lyra is a trained guide animal'.

The issuing body of this information, again, is heavily demured in legal-medicine speak. "Sorry to drop the sledgehammer of work upon your skull, but I do not wish to put our dear faculty through any bureaucratic troubles." Offers Hannah gently, inwardly praying this nurse isn't going to start poking holes in the leaking ship that is her where-from's.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Nurse Meiou takes the offered paperwork and absently starts flipping through it. As she reads through she starts to frown...a frown which quickly deepens as she goes. By the end, she's very nearly scowling. She holds that look for a few moments...then blows out a sigh and shakes her head, never having once turned that expression on the young woman before her. Snapping the folder closed, she idly taps it on her free hand as she gives Hannah a contemplative look for a few moments.

After a quick glance is given over to Lyra to check on the companion, she returns her attention to the young woman, "Well, I'm afraid I have good news and bad news, Miss Steiner. The bad news is that these documents are just shy of useless for my purposes here, as the system will never accept the level of redaction here."

She pauses there for a moment, waiting to see what kind of reaction is forthcoming before going on, "...the GOOD news, however, is that I have the facilities here to run you up a PROPER set of medical records to input into the system so that we won't have to entrust your safety to such incomplete information."

Which WOULD mean there would then be a solid, reliable record to point at to build an identity from if one were in need of such.

Nurse Meiou nods to herself, then turns and walks towards one of the partitioned-off areas, "If you'd follow me, please. We can get started." There's a beat, then she speaks up with a slight alteration of her voice...as from someone speaking to 'project' a bit more than normal, "Oh, Niti? Please print me Ministry of Health form...dee zero dash cee emm 3 dash enn tee." A few moments later, the printer can be heard running, "Thank you, Niti." A pleasant (if obviously artificial) voice responds, "Anytime, Nurse Meiou."

Hannah Steiner has posed:
Hannah doesn't need to see in order to get the feeling that a certain Setsuna doesn't like the things in those records. This is what she had been expecting when she'd went to her guidance meeting. And she really can't blame the nurse. You don't exactly put 'I'm a magical space german noble' on your school forms.

She has to admit, though, Setsuna can be intimidating in her presence. Luckily the young woman has a pretty stiff spine, and has found her way into that politely benevolent, slightly arrogant smile of someone used to having authority.

It softs and she hopes she conceals her release of breath and sigh of relief well enough.

"You are a credit to your profession, frau Meiou, I see that the Radiant Heart continues to shine brilliantly with all of its' staff! On my honor, this turn of benevolence shall not be forgotten!" Comes Hannah, sincerely enough as she turns on the thousand-watt smile and Steiner charm with all the subtlety of a boulder falling off a cliff.

Not one to linger and invite more questions, she follows without hesitation, tapping her way over and pausing as the two make their way past the partition. Thinking, she stows her glasses in one pocket. Her interest is piqued. "Hm! How unexpected!" Remarks the young woman with naked curiousity as the artificial voice pipes up. Blauer Greif, though still set to civilian mode, warily keeps her subroutines running. She reaches out gently, the usual subtle ping of a Device to another let linger, though not enough to convey a source or a real destination but rather trying to see if that voice belongs to something truly sentient.

Lyra hasn't moved. But is settled down in a manner that's ready to leap in case anything is off with 'Niti'.

"Tell me more about your most curious assistant, if you do not mind?" Asks Hannah, her attention thoroughly gotten.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
While it may appear futuristic to the eyes of the average student, and routine from someone from a more advanced civilization, an actual Device checking will reveal that 'Niti' wouldn't qualify as even a VI, much less an actual AI.

Nurse Meiou pulls the curtains closed, "Oh Niti? I just got her installed today. I'd love to say she's an advanced AI, but truth be told, she's just a very well tuned Google Assistant that's had a bit of custom work done to make her into a sort of budget Expert System. It can basically just do minor file calls and turn things on and off...but when one is a lone medical professional, being able to have those things done by voice command alone is VERY useful."

And check by Blauer Greif will confirm that's basically the case. Nothing really nefarious, just some high-end though off-the-shelf parts put together with a bit of skill and some simple, but effective code that's been programmed with responses to help sell the image.

She then says, "In order to get your records properly filed, we'll have to do a full if basic physical for you. I can pull a few details from your...records...but having a certified professional sign off on them will make the bureaucrats happy."

She steps over to a slight raised platform, "Now, if you'll take off your shoes and coat and step up onto this platform please?" As she says this, she taps the closest edge of said platform with the heel of her shoe, making an audible =clack= to let the blind girl know where said platform begins.

Hannah Steiner has posed:
There's a shared look of disappointment as the example of potential industry on this little blue stone called Earth is swiftly dashed even if the knowledge that at least she'll only have to look out for other Device Users on that front is a little comforting. It does make her miss home that much more. It's like she's been transported back in time.

"Well, no doubt it has been made with the best one can afford locally." Comes the young woman, damning with faint praise.

Still, off goes the jacket and shoes, and she sets her Device against a nearby table. Stepping up, she makes sure to hold still as she allows herself to be scanned. This part, at least, is somewhat normal even if the tech behind it isn't up to her particular standards.

"Good! An angered beamter is a foe most vicious! Und I would prefer to keep from having to explain to mein room mate why I am getting a flood of wrathful letters from the local government. I much prefer ones of praise and offers of jobs!" Quips Hannah breezily as she awaits her scanning!

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
As the younger woman steps up on the scale, Nurse Meiou reaches forward and puts a small clip over her right index finger, then reaches over to the wall to move an armature out. It slowly rotates from one side of Hannah to the other while a small array of sensors fire up, taking her height, weight, blood pressure, heart rate, O2 concentration, nerve conductivity, and a host of other basic measurements out of the way in pleasantly short order.

The nurse quickly notes down all the readings in a quick, practiced hand on her clipboard...and then hits a button, whereupon a beep from her computer's speakers can be heard as she passes the information back to the computerized form. Nodding to herself, she puts her clipboard down and reaches out to take the sensor off Hannah's finger, then steps over to the nearby exam bed and taps the top of it so it makes a noticably loud sound to indicate where she means, "Now if you could just step over here and sit on the exam bed here, I have a few more tests to run."

Hannah Steiner has posed:
Hannah luxuriates in the gentle hum of being surrounded by technology, even if its' lower than she likes. As it turns out, Hannah's readings are pretty positive. She works out, eats healthier than most teenagers, and has had the advantage of the best healthcare money and magitek can buy. The only real negative, is the nerve endings unsurprisingly at her eyes. A genetic disorder, they never fully developed, sitting uselessly. Some things money can't fix, at least right now. Even the advanced cybernetics of her home easily get rejected by the young woman's body, a double whammy of rejection syndrome and genetics combined.

"I have had far worse medical procedures." Comes Hannah warmly, obediently hopping up and leaving herself to Setsuna's mercy.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
The nurse then quickly runs through a series of reflex tests, bapping joints with the rubber tomahawk-looking mallet so indicitave of the nigh-ubiquitous test. As she does, she asks, "So, how are you finding your time here in Japan? I imagine it's rather quite different from home. The food, if nothing else probably takes a bit of getting used to. How long have you been here?"

Reflex tests done, she gets out the little light and lens combination and does a quick ear inspection, then a test for pupil dilation. Even if the young woman is blind, knowing how her pupils react to light will be useful if it's someday necessary to check for signs of a concussion."

Once more, the responses are noted on her clipboard before she hands you a rubber ball, "Please squeese this."

The response to that is noted, then she puts on a stethoscope, rubs the diaphragm against her palm to warm it up a bit, then places her hand on your shoulder and reaches up under your shirt to lay it on the skin behind your lung, "Deep breath...hold it...let it out. Good." Shift to the other lung, "...deep breath...hold it...let it out...good, good." She shifts over a little more, "...Say Antidisestablishmentarianism..."

Hannah Steiner has posed:
Hannah's limbs do the usual array of flicks and reactions, no problems there even if she raises her brow with every tap. Some things are the same everywhere. She just never has liked that particular test. It's a good distraction.

"Mmm." Hums Hannah as she seriously contemplates the question. "Very, how shall I put this? Very quaint und...ah, yes, that was it! Rural!" Which is not a word very often applied to some place like Tokyo. But to her the whole planet is a backwards dirtball. At least it's charming.

While the rubber ball squeeze goes well, Hannah trying to strangle it to death and darn near succeeding - she's a strong girl, her eyes don't even react. It seems any concussions will have to go by the old 'slurred speech' method.

"The people here are very guarded and keep their passions, mmm, shall we say discrete. I wish more of you would relax, life is far too short! Get out there, be reckless, do something stupid before you get old and withered! Humility is for old people! By the sankt kaiser, even the party was positively tame. Not even one honor duel or marriage proposal or spat between mistresses!" Laments the young woman.

"Though at least many are kind and helpful. Mein room mate is a darling. Just need to get her out more. Part of me wants to ask her out on a date, but, I fear that would send her running to the hills. You Tokyo'ians are so sensitive! Und she is, well, it is as endearing as it is frustrating how humble she is! Blind to her own qualities!" Further laments Hannah before it's breathing time. Good lung capacity. It's all the speech training.

Pause. Squint! "That cannot be a word. Truly!? Acht, fine, but only because I like you! Antidises...disestab..." Her accent and only recent powers of Japanese mangle horrifically as she tries to beat the language into submission.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Nurse Meiou keeps noting down information as she goes. At the comment about Tokyo being 'rural', she raises an eyebrow but lets it go. Perhaps she'll have thought you were only referring to the Juuban district, which *IS* far less urban than, say, Akihabara.

At first she goes to take back the stress ball...but upon seeing the death grip you're putting it through, she instead patpats your hand and says, "Just keep it, dear."

A minor frown and another note about lack of pupil response, but no fuss from the woman. It was a coin flip as to which way your blindness would manifest, anyhow. She lets out a soft, 'hmmmm' as you comment about how people are, "...well, yes. As a rule, the Japanese are generally known for their reserve and rather rigid adherence to decorum. I imagine you'll probably get along better with any Americans you might meet...they're generally regarded as much more open and boisterous." She pauses at the comment on a lack of honor duels of marriage proposals or mistress spats, then lets out a chuckle, "...well, given the average age of attendee at that dance was fairly close to fourteen, I think the chances of any marriage proposals or mistress spats were always going to be rather low. Being awkward and unsure around objects of affection is far more common at that hormone-soaked age."

Hannah's comments about her roommate get Setsuna to briefly pause and pull back in thought before she shakes her head and smiles, "Ah, I'm afraid you may have the right of it about Miss Mizuno. She strikes me as the kind to have picked a goal in life but has not really given much thought about the details or things not directly related to said goal. She *IS* a very sweet young woman, though...and reserved. Perhaps best NOT to cause her to blush hard enough to make her hair ignite."

The younger woman's skepticism gets another wry grin, "Oh, I assure you it's a real word. It means opposition to the disestablishment of a State Church." She notes the stumbling over the unfamilair and, frankly deliberately difficult word, then starts asking little questions that are apparently random general knowledge, but are just a tool to test cognitive function, a new one being asked as each is answered, "...what is the square root of two plus e?" "What is the largest city near the Black Forest?" "Where is Vatican City located?" In point of fact, she's judging HOW the answers are given rather than the veracity of any one answer...but that may or may not be apparent dependent on how nervous/on the ball the other young woman is.

Hannah Steiner has posed:
A proper merchant-industrialist-royal absolutely lives by the idea of 'no takesies-backsies' alongside 'Duel-and-or-War Me About It', and so Hannah gives Setsuna a small bow in acceptance of her new gift. She shall endeavor to crush the thing, for the honor of House Steiner! The hand-pat is met with a softer smile, Setsuna finding both a sharp and worldly soul before her, as well as a kind one. She can respect the heck out of it, and finds herself liking this woman.

"Hm! Is that the case! Und then I shall search such find personages out! While a certain level of adherence to protocol is expected for persons of rank." She doesn't even hide the term, she just expects the odd turn of phrase to be common. Definitely a bit slip.

"By the sankt, how hard is it to relax? Acht! Forgive me. No doubt I shall adjust in time. The chase /is/ rather interesting." A small personal grin. Lyra actually rolls her Razorhound eyes. Blauer Greif mentally swats her on the back of her mind.

"Ngh! Too much, perhaps. Acht." She sound rueful. Almost as if she's been caught out.

"I suppose you have a point. I am used to far more mixed company when it comes to parties." She chews down the words 'parties of state' even before Blauer Greif warns her she's starting to open up too much. Setsuna's good. It's so easy to open up. It doesn't help that she wants to, so badly, to tell about her homeland and her troubles and the name of the gutless cur that led her to this lowly, yet blessed planet so far away from the life she's led up until now.

She makes a sound. It's distress and pain all at once. Not physically. She's holding herself back, and her body rebels at secrets. She hates holding her tongue.

But the fact that Setsuna knows Ami, and holds her in both regard as well as confirming her...well, Maus-ness? She lights up. The mere mention of Ami Mizuno makes her both warm and protective all at once.

"I suppose the Warrior of the Library coming to the notice of such an esteemed individual as yourself, Frau Meiou, should not be surprising. ...Right. Student records. That makes sense too." Her smile is just a bit self-depricating as she belatedly makes the logical point.

"Mmm. Yes. The more, mmm, /libertine/ part of mein self wishes to just bull ahead. But that would be selfish and she is too good for that. Und I know nothing of how she might, acht what is the polite term? 'Swings?' I think someone said in English? Well, all folicle-based pyromania aside, I want her to be happy. Und so I think mein first point of business shall be to see to it that she meets people. Someone with a mind as keen as hers aught have opportunity. Und if it is in mein power, I shall do aught to ensure she rises as highly as her skill allows! Should the sankt grant me the honor, I shall offer what I know that she may futher better herself!" Comes Hannah, in a mixture of both concern for her room mate, and sheer passion. This is a young woman who, despite clearly being of a society leagues more open than Japan's, isn't so foolish as to not consider Ami's feelings and the cultural mores that Setsuna's so helpfully offered her. She's a young, loud, passionate fool. But there's a spark of wisdom somewhere in there, and she definitely has nothing but good intentions for Ami Mizuno.

Then she coughs, takes a breath, and tries to calm her heart rate down. Which is going pretty fast after a full-throated endorsement-and-worry for one Ami Mizuno.

Luckily she can grab right onto a nice new word.

"I shall practice such a brilliant word, and commit it to mein tongue!" That's. An interesting reaction, to be sure.

And here's the part where Hannah absolutely sweats. She doesn't know if they're intentionally probing or not, but her knowledge of geography on this planet is, frankly, horrific. She's been so caught up in mahou'ing, meeting people, trying to figure out language and who's good to know and where the halls of government turn and just where that bastard of an Uncle is while trying to study, train, exercise, do clubs, /and/ learn

Hannah Steiner has posed:
She's been so caught up in mahou'ing, meeting people, trying to figure out language and who's good to know and where the halls of government turn and just where that bastard of an Uncle is while trying to study, train, exercise, do clubs, /and/ learn more about her room mate?

Yeah no, she hasn't had time for that. She literally breaks a sweat on her forehead.

Except for the first question. This young woman, for all her clubs of social-tomboyism seem to suggest, doesn't even balk. A Device User is good at math. Really good, in fact, and she's spent way too long training alongside a literal intelligent computer.

"Mmm. To keep to the first four decimals, 4.1324!" She answers suspiciously quickly.

And then smiles brighter, and brighter, with each question. It's as though that smile is a mask or something.

"I do not know." Shrug. That one isn't too bad.

"I...have not heard of such a city, Frau Meiou!" Very odd answer for a young woman who keeps going on about a 'Saint'.

While questions of government workings or math, or generalized social studies are took with ease, specific ones of local knowledge and geography are met with attempts as demuring. Smiiiiile!

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
After several more little inconsequential questions, mostly regarding either math or science...Nurse Meiou hrms to herself and stops, stepping back and scribbling notes on her clipboard. She doesn't say anything in particular, but she lets the silence stretch...which, as any good interrogator will tell you is often a good way to get people to start talking...stretches of silence make many people EXTREMELY uncomfortable. Her silence continues as she walks over to one side of the room and starts scanning in the documents she was writing on.

In a distracted, almost absent tone, she states, "...you can put your jacket back on if you like, Miss Steiner." There are a few moments of typing from her...then she lets out an audible sigh and says in that clear voice, "Niti, please engage silent mode for...hrm...the next ten minutes." "As you wish, Nurse Meiou."

With that command, Blauer Grief will be able to tell that all recording functions of all devices in the infirmary are cut off...and the door to the infirmary itself quietly locks to prevent anyone just walking in.

Once that engages, Setsuna turns your way and crosses her legs, then laces her fingers around her knee and says, "Now then, now that there is no chance of interruption or anyone listening or walking in, Miss 'Steiner'...is there anything ELSE you would like to perhaps tell me? Because while I'm not necessarily AGAINST helping you falsify some documents to improve a background that is, quite frankly, rubbish...I WOULD rather like to know whom I actually AM helping. Especially since they are quite obviously interested in my new student assistant whom I suspect I am going to be rather fond of, but who, nevertheless IS under my care, and thefore whose welfare is at least partially my responsibility."

Hannah Steiner has posed:
One of the reasons a House so tied deeply with the Sankt Kings has survived in so much lavish wealth and even have become a supplier of arms, magitek, and space ships through their industriousness is their willingness to finally shut their loud mouths and realize when they're on the backfoot. Hannah has a good sense of where this whole thing is going, and has too good of a read on people to not recognize that the older, more experienced Setsuna Meiou is socially boxing her into a corner after a time. To her credit she weathers that long silence far better than most. Rather than donning her jacket, she wraps it about her person like a half-cape, because she's sweating enough that she's going to need to wash her entire set of clothes, and womble about in her big fluffy robe after today.

While Hannah is really good at reading people, and has quite enough spine to ward and demure off most other lesser politicians, well, outright lying comes ill to the scions of House Steiner. They blow through most things through industry and a love for people, prefering to deflect soicially rather than to try to outright deceive. It's all good for business, after all.

And then Setsuna engages protocols of privacy, and Blauer Greif approves. Not even begrudgingly. Sometimes simple is best, a lesson she's tried and failed for many generations to try to instill in her charges.

Thankfully Setsuna seems to be willing to hammer the scion of House Steiner directly in the face with her own gaping holes in her background and personage, and then has the gall to call her out for caring about Ami so very, very much. Perhaps an older member of her line, such as her lost Mother, could dare contest such an assault. She would have been more practiced. But alas, Hannah is still young. And sheer shame erupts in her heart, only for Ami's name to be invoked. Under /Setsuna's/ care? Hannah stands up, her entire face clenches with multiple levels of outratge!
Shehe wants to challenge Setsuna to a duel of Honor. Yet right in the middle of pulling out a suspiciously glove-like object from her pocket she so happens to keep, she makes a sound of a teenager caught in a lie.

She lets her 'glove' slip back. And finds herself falling back onto the examination bed hard. She's silent. Until first Lyra is growling with outright viciousness. Hannah thinks for a second, and raises her hand.

"She has us by rights, Lyra.' Offers Hannah in a voice that pride only saves from being outright defeated. Suddenly, she bows. Not the half-bow thing she's offered a moment before, but standing up, and bowing until her head is pointing at the floor.

Her house of cards is flat, and yet she's willing to admit defeat like a proper Royal.

Hannah's smile this time is genuine. Nervous, almost, for one so clearly used to deference and authority. It's so odd. And she finds herself coveting it. Is this how poor Ami Mizuno feels every day?

Suddenly Hannah straightens. Lyra wriggles her talons, and then finally settles down unhappily.

No need to hold back, Hannah raises her hand. Suddenly, the golden-griffin headed cane defies all laws of gravity to regally return to her side. It floats in the air. Hannah runs a hand through her hair, and suddenly the duo of Device and Belkan Knight are floating in the air in an obvious display of magic.

"I offer you no excuses, Frau Meiou, other than I did not wish to invite upon the good souls of this world mein own House's problems. By your honor of House and Name, I ask that you keep mein secrets, that none shall fall ill by the political machinations of a murderer und a traitor!" It's meant to be formal, but Hannah can't help herself. It's all rage, grief, and an open plea for help.

"Mein name is Countess Palatine-Apparent Hannah Emilia-Lina Araki-Steiner! Rightful heir to the planet of Tharkad, und mein companions are Lyra, faithful Razorhound, and by ancient rights and fair companionship, Blaur Greif, attendant und council und Holy Relic of the line of Olivie Sagebrecht's Noble lineage!" Declares Hannah

Hannah Steiner has posed:
"Mein name is Countess Palatine-Apparent Hannah Emilia-Lina Araki-Steiner! Rightful heir to the planet of Tharkad, und mein companions are Lyra, faithful Razorhound, and by ancient rights and fair companionship, Blaur Greif, attendant und council und Holy Relic of the line of Olivie Sagebrecht's Noble lineage!" Declares Hannah. Both the Device near her, and her good Guide Lizard shudder at the outbreak.

Hannah is a few seconds late, but she is suddenly gawping. For all her social skill, she's still just a passionate, stupid teenager. At least her Device says Setsuna isn't lying.

"Well." Pause. Oh gods this is awkard.

Cough. Oh heck. "Wait. You are offering your skills to Frau Mizuno!?" Her awkwardness suddenly dies by the cane-sword, and she's gripping Blauer Greif tightly.

Well, she can't un-open-up, time to bulldozer for the sake of her roomie.

"Und then I must declare her..." A ward? A friend? Someone she's absolutely in love with, but can't quite sort exactly how just yet? It's complicated. She's just as lost and hormonal as all other teenagers, despite her royal bluster.

"She helped in a lost fool of Great House Steiner in, without hesitation. Kindness. Brilliance. Sincerity. If we are being frank, you strike me as a noble sort, Frau Meiou. Und yet, Honor und Rank compels me to state thus: the Lady is precious to me. Should /either/ of us fail to lift her und to her utmost talent, may we wallow in naught but dishonor, and suffer keenly for being less than such a brilliant girl deserves! I know naught the Rank of her House, but ever shall it be known as an ally and compatriot upon mein! Und if you shall attend such an oath, so too shall I call the House of Meiou in such royal esteem as well as mutual-holdings-to-account!" Blauer Greif shudders under how hard Hannah grips her. But the Device notes down the sudden accords of state, as is her duty.

Hannah looks...somehow both extremely tired, and relieved at getting all of that off her chest. Her magic fades, and she's suddenly just a very troubled space-german with a love for her very first, dear friend.

Then she laughs. "By the tsankt kaiser, am I truly so in love with mein own windpipe!?" She says as her many, many formal words bleed back on herself.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
The only sign Nurse Meiou gives that she is in any way surprised by the rather shocking transformation and passionate declaration is a slight raising of both her eyebrows. She simply doesn't really obviously react...as if this the kind of thing she'd expect to see on an idle afternoon.

To be fair, she's got a few mental tricks that she uses to keep a good poker face. Being able to fiddle with one's perception of time can serve to give plenty of opportunity to think things through.

Having spent countless hours finding ways to kill time at the Gates didn't hurt...since a fair few of those were spent practicing speaking and expressing in a mirror just for something to do. Thus, at least on the surface, she gives the impression of someone utterly in control of things.

HOWEVER, Blaur Greif, if it's sensors are sharp enough, may detect as it displays it's power a VERY subtle spatial warp right behind Nurse Meiou's right hand...as if one accessing a personal spatial pocket...and just after that, a very faint magical signature can be detected...as if from an inactive magical catalyst of some sort. And then, as you settle, there's a very faint twitch of that same hand and the signature goes away along with the spatial warp.

She sits there in silence for a few moments more, then stands up to her full height of very nearly 6 feet (180cm), "Of course she is my charge. So are you. ALL students here are my charges. As the Nurse here, the welfare of you all is MY responsibilty. Primarily physical, but mental and emotional where I can swing it." She then gives a knowing little grin, "...and I get the feeling that you've been wanting to get that off your chest for quite some time now."

Nurse Meiou's expression goes a bit wry at the declarations of oaths and loyalty...and she seems...wistful, "...and I must say, it's been QUITE some time since I last heard anyone make what could be considered a Royal Declaration of Alliance..."

The words are audibly capitalized.

She stares at you for a good few seconds, weighing options, then she gives a little nod, "Well, I knew that you weren't from around here. For one, nobody from an industrialized nation on this planet wouldn't know about America or the stereotypes surrounding them, as they're quite very close to being the cultural hegemon of the planet. For two, nobody from a German speaking country wouldn't know where the Black Forest is, as it's got a lot of deep cultural and/or mythological roots to the region. I'd call you on the math skills, as most people your age wouldn't be able to casually parse the constant 'e', but given whom your roommate is and the fact I'm reasonably sure she'd not be slowed by such, I imagine most would give you a pass there. And given that the only religion on this planet that refers to 'Saints' is BASED in Vatican City, which, for your further edification is contained completely within the city of Rome in Italy, you may want to at least brush up a little on Catholcism as I'm quite certain that there are at least a few Catholics in the student body."

She moves over to lean against the counter and says, "Before we go on, did you have any questions?"

Hannah Steiner has posed:
There's a /very/ big migraine on the way, not something Hannah is used to after a social outing. Particularly one with a nurse of all people. Sure, she had her guard up after the absurdity of Kyouka's meeting, but this just takes the cake. Her attempts at Scouting this woman with her charm and flood of words has been rebuffed and thwarted, and finally the good Countess-Palatine has no choice but to break under such an assault. Experience, local knowledge, and talent pound that social armor to dust.

Oh yeah, she's looking extremely happy despite her 'loss', such as it is.

Blauer Greif floats just a few seconds longer than necessary, as Hannah is too busy rubbing her cheeks in laughter to notice. The old Device bobs, a pantomimed bow of respect to the power displayed. And, notably, does not a thing to communicate that to her wielder. There's a ping that may just ring in Setsuna's head. An old thing, this Device, and offering a pact all her own away from her far, far younger charges. Two old souls with similar purpose.

Hannah is remarkably silent for a time, for such an open and loud little Countess. "Oh, well, just kick me in mein face, why not? The truth is often a horrid bludgeon! I miss home. I miss..." her entire body goes tense. She considers the rest of Setsuna's words, and finally just allows herself to let out a sob. It's quick, she sucks it down pridefully, and then is wiping up tears.

"I. Thank you. This might be a rural backward of a planet, but so many are lovely." Offers Hannah in earnest praise. She nods to her own foolhardy offer of Alliance, but doesn't take it back. There's a gut feeling in her, and Setsuna's words only cement that very same thing. Setsuna is someone special as well as wise and dangerous.

Her sightless eyes narrow and she grins with mirth.

"Und while formal papers und lines of potential arranged marriages with cadet houses are...messy as of right now. I suppose I should puzzle out /you/ first before I say aught else, Frau Meiou." There is, in fact, some sense rolling around in her head aside from vengeance and hormones and bluster.

Hands go behind her head. And Hannah is gifted with a full takedown of her many failures. Hannah has enough grace to not respond, merely gripping Blauer Greif again and tapping her. A minor projection, and Setsuna's critique and information is being recorded and then directly shoved into her braincase partially-visibly for her new sensei. She nods politely with every point, sinking in the information gratefully.

Even then, she groans a bit. The interface between Device and User is always a strain, even when done instinctually or with full accord. With a third occupying her head in nebulous connection? It's overwhelming.

"I have more questions than your time ensuring the mysteriously transferred blind girl und her companions are not charlatans allows me to address, Frau Meiou, fair ally und Advisor of Great House Steiner! You've mein number, yes? Text me. If you should be so kind, I shall...ask of your advice. Of Ami. Of this world. Of...acht. What I'm trying to spit out, is that I owe you. For what little I may offer, I intend to see this debt in full." Comes Hannah in a voice that is tired, and soft, and genuine. She's touched. She gives a heavy bow.

She, just in case, slips one of her 'business cards' with her name and number in that fancy cardstock towards Setsuna's desk. She takes up Lyra's lead. And then she pauses just before the door.

"If you encounter someone else whom claims the name of Great House Steiner of Tharkad? Please. Tell me immediately. They are a cold blooded killer und a gutless cur besides. But don't mention me. I don't want you or Ami-chan getting caught up in this." Her now tear-stained eyes regards Setsuna as she walks out, at once both relieved and worried in equal measure. A smile lingers, as she knows in her heart she has an ally true.

Hannah Steiner has posed:
There's a /very/ big migraine on the way, not something Hannah is used to after a social outing. Particularly one with a nurse of all people. Sure, she had her guard up after the absurdity of Kyouka's meeting, but this just takes the cake. Her attempts at Scouting this woman with her charm and flood of words has been rebuffed and thwarted, and finally the good Countess-Palatine has no choice but to break under such an assault. Experience, local knowledge, and talent pound that social armor to dust.

Oh yeah, she's looking extremely happy despite her 'loss', such as it is.

Blauer Greif floats just a few seconds longer than necessary, as Hannah is too busy rubbing her cheeks in laughter to notice. The old Device bobs, a pantomimed bow of respect to the power displayed. And, notably, does not a thing to communicate that to her wielder. There's a ping that may just ring in Setsuna's head. An old thing, this Device, and offering a pact all her own away from her far, far younger charges. Two old souls with similar purpose.

Hannah is remarkably silent for a time, for such an open and loud little Countess. "Oh, well, just kick me in mein face, why not? The truth is often a horrid bludgeon! I miss home. I miss..." her entire body goes tense. She considers the rest of Setsuna's words, and finally just allows herself to let out a sob. It's quick, she sucks it down pridefully, and then is wiping up tears.

"I. Thank you. This might be a rural backward of a planet, but so many are lovely." Offers Hannah in earnest praise. She nods to her own foolhardy offer of Alliance, but doesn't take it back. There's a gut feeling in her, and Setsuna's words only cement that very same thing. Setsuna is someone special as well as wise and dangerous.

Her sightless eyes narrow and she grins with mirth.

Und while formal papers und lines of potential arranged marriages with cadet houses are...messy as of right now. I suppose I should puzzle out /you/ first before I say aught else, Frau Meiou." There is, in fact, some sense rolling around in her head aside from vengeance and hormones and bluster.

Hands go behind her head. And Hannah is gifted with a full takedown of her many failures. Hannah has enough grace to not respond, merely gripping Blauer Greif again and tapping her. A minor projection, and Setsuna's critique and information is being recorded and then directly shoved into her braincase partially-visibly for her new sensei. She nods politely with every point, sinking in the information gratefully.

Even then, she groans a bit. The interface between Device and User is always a strain, even when done instinctually or with full accord. With a third occupying her head in nebulous connection? It's overwhelming.

I have more questions than your time ensuring the mysteriously transferred blind girl und her companions are not charlatans allows me to address, Frau Meiou, fair ally und Advisor of Great House Steiner! You've mein number, yes? Text me. If you should be so kind, I shall...ask of your advice. Of Ami. Of this world. Of...acht. What I'm trying to spit out, is that I owe you. For what little I may offer, I intend to see this debt in full." Comes Hannah in a voice that is tired, and soft, and genuine. She's touched. She gives a heavy bow.

She, just in case, slips one of her 'business cards' with her name and number in that fancy cardstock towards Setsuna's desk. She doesn't yet leave, however.

"If you encounter someone else whom claims the name of Great House Steiner of Tharkad? Please. Tell me immediately. They are a cold blooded killer und a gutless cur besides. But don't mention me. I don't want you or Ami-chan getting caught up in this." She says with a mixture of emotions. She does have one question she needs to ask.

"What can you tell me of yourself? I realize we've all good reason to keep secrets. If we are to be allies? I wish to help you as well. You implied you have been in a royal court before?" Questions Hannah.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
At feeling the mental poke from Blauer Grief, Nurse Meiou blinks, then nods in acceptance to the Device, doing her best to send back an acknowledgement. Truth be told, her abilities in this form are HIGHLY limited, and she only barely has access to magic at all. Senshi are bound to THINGS and CONCEPTS, after all...and the term 'binding' is true on several levels.

When Hannah lets out a sob, however, there are two VERY quick steps, and then arms are wrapping around the younger woman in a consoling hug and a gentle hand rubs her back while she lets the feelings out. Apparently Nurse Meiou was VERY serious when she said Hannah too was under her care. Once Hannah gets herself back under control, Nurse Meiou steps back, allowing her to regain her composure. Said nurse tilts her head and smiles a mischevious little smile, "Puzzle ME out? Now what would there be to puzzle? I'm the school Nurse. What would *I* know of Royal Courts indeed?"

The green haired Nurse turns and takes a few steps away, then faces Hannah once more, tapping her lips, "...hrm...well, well...that IS a question, isn't it. What CAN I tell you? What SHOULD I tell you?"

As she says this, she starts idly twirling a pen through her fingers once more...but this time, the pen is quite different. It has a large ball at the top and some little golden ornament atop that...and it registers as having magical power of it's own. Nurse Meiou narrows her eyes, giving Hannah a long, HARD look...then she smiles a bit, "...well, I suppose fair is fair. After all, you showed me yours...I suppose it's only fair I show you mine."

Because issues of fairness aside...Nurse Meiou DOES need allies in there here and now. Resources she has, but only of the mundane sort...she's CRITICALLY short of contacts or allies on the magical side as of yet...and she not only has the daughter of her Queen to find...but the mystery of what broke the Gates is also something to solve...and she's got a VERY VERY strong hunch that whatever caused the damage to the Gates has something to do with the explosion of mahou that has happened of late.

Thus Nurse Meiou takes a slight shift of step, then holds up the strange rod in her hands and calls in a voice that is suddenly thrumming with magical power, "PLUTO PLANET POWER, MAKE...UP!"

To the outside observer, her entire body becomes a glowing outline as she spins once, erecting a wall of energy that conceals her for several moments before collapsing down, revealing what MUST be Nurse Meiou...except dressed VERY different.

In point of fact, her outfit isn't entirely dissimilar to the average seifuku...or at least is an homage to it. The main body is white fabric with the 'over the shoulders, down the back' collar the uniforms around here have, with hers in black. Black that matches both the pleated microskirt she's wearing AND her knee high boots. Which also have 3in heels. (it probably explains why she's so comfortable in them) A brown bow with a garnet gem covers her chest and there are hints of a matching one at her lower back. Finally, a golden tiara can be seen peeking out from beneath her bangs.

In her hands is an ornate staff that has protrusions not unlike a key to one side, and is topped by a large heart-shaped ring with a giant garnet within.

Transformation done, she strikes an elegant pose and taps her staff on the floor once.

"Now, then...I am the one known as Sailor Pluto, Guardian of Time."

Hannah Steiner has posed:
It's the first real connection she's had with someone older since she got here. Just, being able to be young and scared and homesick and letting a little of that locked up trauma and grief out is a balm to her soul. Hannah might be posessed of a stiff spine, but she's still a young woman. It's been too much all at once.

And so by the time her voice no longer cracks and the tears dry up, she rubs her now reddened face to try to regain a little dignity.

"Thank you, Frau Meiou. I. Needed that badly." Comes the young woman, warm, but not quite able to work up to her usual bluster and volume after an output of those particular emotions.

Hannah is happy to let Setsuna ponder the situation. She can't blame her!

And frankly when the woman transforms and reveals herself as the Guardian of Time, as a Sailor Senshi?

Hannah laughs in delight. New forms of magic are exciting for the young woman. She, of course, transforms. The magic seal beneath her is that of Great House Steiner, leaving the young woman in an elegant armored dress. Blauer Greif floats into her hand, magitek LED lights running down her surface.

"By the sankt's slippers! You are like...what is her name? 'Sailor V'? Und that other girl, the one from the beach...acht. With the tiara!" The name's escaping her, that whole thing was very chaotic.

She rubs her chin. "I assume then that what Blauer Greif is nattering to me upon is not exactly a Device, Mid-Childan nor Belkan in origin? Is it alive? How does one guard a fundamentle of physics? I have so many questions! Acht, no, no, do not answer the fighty ones!" Then she clears her throat.

"Sailor Pluto, mein appelation such as it is while beside mein companions, is Tragar of Blauer Greif. ...Awful, I know, but I asked for suggestions." Siiigh. Honestly hse's just as bad.

"Right. At your convenience, Sailor Pluto, I would offer you a contest of arms! Not for insult of honor, but of mutual appreciation of the martial spirit! I should like to know what mein ally is capable of. No doubt you wish the same? No better way than to dance blade to blade!" Comes the hot-headed Steiner noble formally and with sheer joy at the prospect!

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Pluto sighs, then stretches a little, "I think, Miss Steiner, that, should you wish to keep your activities secret as is apparently the custom of late, you should assume a nom-de-gurre or 'callsign' as the local military calls it."

Once more a finger is tapped to her lips (though at some point in her transformation, she apparently applied some garnet-red lipstick), "...I'd suggest avoiding any names or titles you actually possess, if only to keep you separate in the minds of others. The magic inherent in a Senshi's binding has a component that conceals her identity after all. I'm unsure if yours has anything similar, as from what little I can tell, your and our traditions of magic developed along VASTLY different lines."

She sighs, "A very, very, very long time ago, this system was home to a civilization that was very close to being a Type II on the Kardeshev scale. We were learning to harness our thaumosphere, and every major celestial body had either settlements either on or orbiting them...and each major body had a Guardian bound to it by the leylines passing through them, giving them powers associated with the ancient mythological concepts tied to them. To make a long story very short, we were betrayed from within and our civilization was lost...but our Queen was a VASTLY powerful magic user who, in her final stroke managed to seal our enemy AND use the power of those bindings to save the souls of her daughter and the court and cast them forward to be reborn again someday."

There's a pause, then a sigh before she goes on, "Well, except for me. *I* had been charged by my Queen to guard an artefact kept hidden outside the normal flow of spacetime. Normally, I'd have been able to use that and my memories to help my Queen's daughter and her court...but, well, between the extremely long time I spent waiting and a recent event that has destroyed the artifact, my memories are...unreliable. I'm in the dark at the moment and, like you, I could use some allies."

One detail left unsaid about the story but which should be readily apparent is that...any civilization like what Pluto is describing would have to long predate recorded history...and it's fairly well known that recorded history on this planet goes back AT LEAST 5000 years. Meaning she's been standing a watch for at least THAT long if not longer.

Little surprise her memory is swiss cheese.

Pluto then takes a deep breath and steels her resolve, "While I am unable to make commitments for my new Queen, I am STILL the Princess of Pluto, for what little THAT is worth. And thus, unless and until I am ordered otherwise by my Queen, I, as the Guardian of Pluto accept your offer of alliance. Bound by my magic and my will, so mote it be."

Official declaration made, she taps her staff on the ground...and proper senses can feel a pulse of magic that lays a binding on the Senshi.

That done and said, Pluto takes a little step back...and with a cascade of light, she's no longer Sailor Pluto, and stands before you once more as Nurse Meiou. Walking over to a jar in the corner, she rummages around a little, "Sailor V? No, all the Senshi should be named after celestial bodies here in this solar system. This Sailor V is either someone using a similar motif, or a Senshi trying to keep herself at least partially hidden." There's a brief beat as another thought occurs to her, "...or perhaps one whose reincarnation has only partially touched their power..."

She turns around and gently lobs a package at the young blonde...a package that turns out to be a full-sized Snickers candy bar. If Blauer Grief does a visual scan for her, it's to be noted that all the packaging is in English, rather than Japanese.

Nurse Meiou then makes a slight 'grasping' gesture with her left hand...and her staff reappears there as she looks at it, "This? No, the Garnet Rod isn't a Device such as yours. It's more of a focus, amplifier, and keystone, as it were." Another gesture, and the rod disappears. Apparently she's quite adept at accessing a small spatial pocke

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Nurse Meiou then makes a slight 'grasping' gesture with her left hand...and her staff reappears there as she looks at it, "This? No, the Garnet Rod isn't a Device such as yours. It's more of a focus, amplifier, and keystone, as it were." Another gesture, and the rod disappears. Apparently she's quite adept at accessing a small spatial pocket that's tied to her somehow, "And while I agree a sparring match is a good idea...we'll probably have to wait until I can find us a suitably large space to do so." She frowns, "...and remember how to adjust the power on my ley bindings...it's been a while since I had to set them down to levels that would be safe for sparring, as my main attack is based on the concept of Death."

Hannah Steiner has posed:
Hannah ponders a bit! "By all accounts, it does. While we descendants of the Sankt und remnants of the Belkan Empire are built for conflict, it seems the vageries of this world has given us its' protection. On Tharkad, Blauer Greif is both symbol of office und holy relic of one whom ended a most violent age. We only have need for this stifling secrecy here." She doesn't hold back. Not proclaiming herself grates on the girl hard. But she also seems savvy enough to know why she has to, and nods to the wisdom of the time guardian.

Hannah stands up straight as she quickly realizes its' an old tale of regret being passed on, and the mouthy Steiner is silent. She even lowers her head as the enormity of the events hit her right in the chest. She goes from bowed to her knees shaking a bit.

A lovely place and lives ruined by the actions of jealous, petty, ignoble souls ruining things and killing good people. Hannah doesn't know the actors. But it takes very little for her to imagine a joyous day in court ruined by warriors storming in and cutting down others treacherously.

Empathy shines in the young woman even if it opens up a still-fresh wound.

"...At least your magnificent Queen managed to salvage some of it. I shall pray in the Sankt Kaiser's name that they all land gently in this world. 'Reincarnation'. Part of me wants to name you mad for such a thing! But I've seen enough strange magics already that conform naught to Device or technology in its' workings to give pause. Und frankly I feel I'm a decent read on people. You are no deceiver." She offers out loud.

Hannah's talent with math like so many of her kin hits her in the rump as she swiftly realizes just how old Setsuna is. Her House is old, Blauer Greif is even older, but the Device floats up a bit and gives a 'nod' in deference to one even more ancient.

Blauer Greif knows what it is to feel the pain of the ages.

"There is wisdom that comes with age, und yet, I find such long confinement to duty both impressive as well as worrying. How you have managed to remain sane is...frankly, terrifying Sailor Pluto." All of her bluster is just gone. The better part of her Steiner lineage shows, suddenly finding herself want more than dull duty and catastrophy for Setsuna.

She snaps her fingers. "Your terms are accepted wholesale!" Blauer Greif is equally as solid in binding magics, an ancient thing of state, and responds with old subroutines and official documentation to be added to the massive repository at Tharkad. If they ever get back, that is.

"With one addition. I hereby demand that the good Guardian of Time, honored in her duty and steadfast, does remember that one of Station und Rank should be an aspiration to all whom look upon them! Duty, honor, is important! But She or They or Him must also remind those born beneath that they must take joy in life, to be a scion of passion as well!" Ah, yes, there's that theatricality that's made Tharkad both an industrial and entertainment hub!

"Have enough fun to outweight your lonely years without counting. Please?" Her formality falls like a thud into a personal plea. By how hard she's gripping her Device, it's like she wants to beat such despair back into the dark by force!

"I look forward to meeting your Queen that grander pacts of industry, alliance, und mutual wealth may be formed." She finally concurs, with the easy whiplash of one used to mixing government business and pleasure.

SUDDENLY SNICKERS! Lyra growf-hiss's, and she fumbles it slightly. Ranged attacks are not her strong point. But she snaps it up. Sorry, Pluto, you've put a snack before a Device User. Part of her impeccable physique is a life led expending magic, and she eats that candy like a wood chipper. Tossing was a good idea.

"Well, someone to investigate either way. I shall happily Scout these..." Pause. "Sailor Scouts is the English terms? Und bring you back what intelligence I can!" The emphasis on 'Scout' is possibly a worry, but at least she's sounding enthusiastic.

She looks openly sad at th

Hannah Steiner has posed:
She looks openly sad at the Garnet Rod not being a living thing, much like Niti. But both brows rise, and then she's grinning!

"Oh give me a bit more credit, mein dear freund und ally! ...As a Noble I consider Death something to be struggled against. If it is 'privacy' you need, any Device User of any stripe experienced und trained can offer you that. Belkan or Mid-Childan. Still. Mein practical experience outside of honor duels and the occasional assassination attempt is somewhat minimal. Judge us as you will, mein mentor und ally. Any slight shall just be that much more to experiment und sharpen upon your ken!" Why. why does she sound so excited to be dueling someone with the concept of Death in their back pocket? There's plenty of noble arrogance here, but also it sounds like she has some kind of grudge against that word.

Sorry Puu, Hannah might be attempting to work out some trauma and hurt feelings on you.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
The sad little chuckle that Nurse Meiou gives doesn't have the edge of madness about it, but she does shake her head, "Oh, I'm quite certain that I went mad at least once or twice there, but my magics eventually healed me...and I quickly enough learned ways to occupy my time."

As she says this, she almost reflexively begins rolling a pen across her fingers once more...which may give one a clue as to at least one thing she did to pass her time. She then shakes her head, "In any case, I can suggest never taking magic for granted. We were able to do things with it that...well, some of them defy easy description..."

She then frowns a little, "...however, do be on your guard. There is at least one other being around who has the ability to directly manipulate the flow of time. I mainly know this because, since I am tied to the concept, I'm apparently immune to the effect."

She absently and reflexively rubs her nose, as if rubbing a wound, "...in any event, you need to be getting on. And yes, in English it'd be Sailor Scouts, though the Japanese of 'Beautiful Soldiers' is, I feel, more eloquent."

She gives one last sigh, "We'll talk later, try to get some time to compare notes and the like." She then gives a soft smile, "...and yes, I'm doing what I can to take time for myself to enjoy life now that it's an option for me."

She wavewaves you towards the exit, "Now go on and see how Ami is doing. I'll talk to you later."