241/Nounamu Sweet: Mochi Mochi Days

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Nounamu Sweet: Mochi Mochi Days
Date of Scene: 15 August 2023
Location: Plot Room 1
Synopsis: Nounamu Sweets holds an in store Wagashi making demo. Ren, Miho and Coco show up to participate!
Cast of Characters: Chiyo Sakai, Ren Morimoto, Miho Aiuchi, Coco Kiumi

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Nounamu Sweets was found in Juuban ward along with many other mom and pop shops that had survived over the years thanks to the frequent visits from students and locals alike. It was a small shop that didn't have the fortune to have a corner location, but had managed thanks to having an open awning store front. There's a display case filled with colorful Wagashi decoraded to look like beautiful flowers of varying sorts, tri-color dango, red bea daifuku, strawberry daifuku and more modern sweets.

To one side of the counter was the door that led inside to the small cafe seating area where one could indulge in the snacks bought as well as get to see the old owner of the shop work behind the counter making the Wagashi. It was a great way to see his skills at work.

Chiyo is in her work outfit currently cleaning off the few tables to free them up for more customers as many were trickling in thanks to a sign out front that declared: 'Wagashi Making Demonstration Today' along with 'Eat what you make!' below.

Ren Morimoto has posed:
    Ren's been meaning to check out Nounamu for a little while now. And he'd also meant to bring the whole baseball club along with, but for now he's alone, though he has a gym bag slung over his shoulder that suggests he's either coming from or going to practice, at some point. Because when it comes to Ren and baseball, there's no such thing as "time off" or "breaks" in his vocabulary.

    "Hi, Chiyo-chan," he calls out as he enters and spots her, hand lifted briefly before it drops back to his side. He immediately scuttles out of the way of the door in case people need to pass through, and then it takes him a moment to actually make it over to Chiyo, so distracted he is by the wonders of sugary confection on display. His eyes are wide, and if he had less manners, he's be drooling.

    He adjusts the strap of his bag as he says, "Everything looks amazing!"

Miho Aiuchi has posed:
    A vile force of darkness draws near! ... Wait, no.

    An androgynous young woman approaches Nounamu Sweets, distractedly fiddling with a jade-green bangle hanging around her wrist. She happens to come in behind Ren, absently holds the door open as the two of them enter, and then lets out a squawk of surprise when the boy calls out to ... someone inside who's wearing a uniform. "Uh ... oh." Her voice is scratchy, and largely on the wrong side of androgynous.

    She blinks, taking stock of the baseball boy as if noticing him for the first time. And then she starts looking around with the air of a newcomer, looking almost as interested as Ren himself, though less like she's openly drooling and more like she's merely indecisive.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco had just been getting away from the school after her music club had a meeting. She was quite pleased with how she went, but now she felt the need to see something other than the usual school premises. That's how she ended up wandering away from the campus, though chance chose for her not to go too far away.

A colourful sign not too far from the campus caught her eye, reading "Wagashi Making Demonstration Today". 'Hey, that actually sounds interesting', Coco thinks, making a turn for the shop that has the sign. 'Nounamu Sweets? It rolls well off the tongue. I wonder if it's the same for their sweets', she chuckles at herself.

"Excuse me", Coco says as she opens the shop's doors. "I would be here for the demonstration", she adds before recognising the figure at the counter. "Hey, nice to meet you again, Chiyo! I didn't know you worked here."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai switches the plastic tub holding the dishes she'd bussed from one hip to another to free up her hand so she can wipe down the table swith a cloth. It's all done neat and tidy. Really, for as old as the interior of the shop may seem, it was *sparkling*. Nothing seemed worn out, the colors were fresh and bright, and well-kept if not modern. The decor at least was updated, and the snacks? Ren's reaction says it all.

Looking up at the chime of the door and his greeting she smiles brightly. "Ren-kun! Welcome! Thank you for stopping by." Her eyes skirt over to Miho as well offering the same welcoming smile in spite of her being a new face. "Welcome to Nounamu Sweets!"

Looking between the pair she starts to talk, quiet but very confident in this. It was not only her job but a family thing after all. This was her place.

"We're offering a little Wagashi making lesson if you'd both like to try it out? Tea or water is free and you get to eat what you make, too." That was always a bonus right? Yummy sweets you had a hand in making!

The bin is moved to the end of the counter out of sight for later clean up, and she cleans her hands off with an entirely different cloth. Apparently keeping clean and cross contamination was something they took seriouly here. Excellent timing for when Coco enters causing another smile at the familiar face.

"Yes, welcome! This is my Ojiisan's shop," she explains with a gesture to the old man behind the counter with his head down working on pressing some sweets in his hands with a skillful motion. A chopstick is used to dimple each bit of the mochi so that it ends up looking like the petals of a flower. Hearing himself 'introduced' as it were he looks up--

And looks horribly grumpy, but he gives a polite nod and a mutter of, "There's more ingredients for another demo, Chiyo." Then back to work he goes.

Chiyo claps her hands together looking around between the three: Two she knew a bit, and one new face. "Ah, if you're all interested I can get it set up." Looking toward Miho again she smiles. "You're welcome to join too. I'm Chiyo, and this is Ren-kun and Coco-chan," she introduces so Miho isn't left out.

Ren Morimoto has posed:
    This is precisely why Ren moved out of the way, otherwise he would have been blocking Miho! And given his immediate fixation on the sweets, he might have been there for a while, just staring. Still, he flashes her a smile that is a mix of thankful and apologetic, nodding his head to her for the door-opening. He looks back at the display, now a smidgen more controlled, and then he approaches one of the tables.

    "I'd love to try it!" he says, voice rising in a show of his enthusiasm. "I might not be very good, it looks like you have to be really delicate with them..." A frown crosses his face as he looks down at his hands, which are calloused from swinging baseball bats around, and a couple of his fingers are still wrapped from a recent injury.

    When Coco enters as well, Ren turns and his expression breaks out into a beaming smile as he says, "Hey there! You're here for the demonstration too? That's perfect, we can do it all together!"

Miho Aiuchi has posed:
    The last time Coco saw Miho, she was storming away from the site of a Witch's Labyrinth after rejecting Kyubey's offer of a contract. The last time Miho thinks she saw Coco was at the fireworks festival. She looks over, opens her mouth, then closes it when she sees that she's made a beeline for Chiyo. "Um. Good to see you guys again," she says awkwardly. "Yeah, I'm, I'm also here for the d-demonstration. And stuff."

    Her gaze flits to the bandages on Ren's fingers. "Um ... been ... playing baseball particularly hard?" she says, somewhat softly.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Oh, this is your family's shop", Coco says plainly looking at the interior of the shop with more attention. "This is a great place", she tells Chiyo before addressing the old man. "Nice to meet you, sir. I intend to join in the demonstration."

After receiving the man's reply, or maybe not receiving anything of note, Coco goes back to talking to Chiyo. "Yes, joining in would be great", she tells Chiyo gleefully, the excitement showing from her eyes."

She gives a beam of it to the other two too. "Nice to meet again, Miho and Ren. How have you been doing?" While a normal question in the case of Ren, Miho being part of the group gives Coco's tone a shade of worry, after she went away from the scene refusing Kyubey's offer. As much as she doesn't like the white cat, the way Miho left the scene gives Coco apprehension over her wellbeing.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
The grandpa behind the counter finishes off one of the treats to set aside on a peice of wax paper so it can cool before scooping up another handful of mochi from a clay pot that was steaming a bit. His eyes dart up again toward the students to give another quiet nod, and though he may seem grumpy he states, "Student discount," before going back to work.

Chiyo for her part smiles knowingly with eyes twinkling in mischeif. "Okay! Let me get you all set up. It's good to meet you, Miho-chan. Do you also go to Radiant Heart?" she offers a well to the girl who seems, to her at least, to be a bit shy. That was something she understood rather well.

"Don't worry, Ren. It actually requires a firm grip so you should do all right. Let me get gloves for everyone, and set up. Would any of you like tea while you wait? We have hot and iced." A gesture to the two thermos pots set up on a little buffet style table against the wall is pointed out. The cups that were sitting there ready to be filled were clay reusable ones. "Please help yourselves."

One of the tables she had cleaned is pulled to the center of the room for the demonstration, and she starts to load it up with a clay pot filled presumably with mochi, a few chopsticks and other wooden impliments, little bottles of food dye and of course a box of food grade gloves.

Ren Morimoto has posed:
    "Oh, I'd love some hot tea, thank you!" Ren says, and he perks up at the offer visibly. Any kind of food or beverage seems to excite Ren, whether it be sugary sweets or in this case, the thought of a nice, hot cup of tea. At Miho's question he looks down at his taped-together fingers and, briefly, thinks back to the punch he'd thrown inexpertly that caused the injury. But then he just smiles and nods his head, saying, "Yeah. Caught a ball a little weirdly. It'll be okay soon, though."

    He feels guilty for lying, but it's better than trying to explain the truth. And anyway, Ren isn't sure anyone would even believe him if he did. Magic stuff like that, and its consequences, just makes his head hurt.

    He realizes that he's supposed to be helping himself to the tea rather than waiting around for someone to fetch it for him, which makes him smile sheepishly, but he goes over to the thermos pots and then looks back over his shoulder, to offer, "Does anyone else want some?" There, that should make up for his mistake. He comes over to the table afterward, with his cup (and others, if they wanted some!) to watch Chiyo set things up. "I'm good. We have so much time to practice that the team is really coming together. I think we're going to do great next year! Just watch us!"

    This kid really does love baseball, doesn't he?

Miho Aiuchi has posed:
    Miho shrugs. These are all mundane acquaintances! No, she didn't nearly drown in an eldritch Witch-dimension, and she absolutely hasn't been trying to delve into the dark secrets of the bangle she's currently wearing around her wrist, why would you ask that? "Just a bit of ... of family stuff." She smiles faintly. "Nothing, um, nothing bad or anything." She shrugs. "Um, Kurumi-imouto is doing fine too."

    She nods to Chiyo. "Oh, um, yep!" she says. "We commute from Pikarigaoka, though, so I just ... haven't been around there over the summer." (To herself, she thinks, 'Please let the upcoming meeting with Inai-sensei about attending school as a girl go well ...') "Uh. Can I just sort of ... watch and stuff, to get a feel for things first?"

    She nods at Ren's answer. Makes sense; probably self-explanatory, really. Again: no weird magic stuff happening.

    (It's possible that the next several months might have gone differently, if she'd had a real conversation with someone in the know.)

    "Oh, sure," she answers, "I'll, I'll have some tea too, please."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"I can't wait to start!", Coco exclaims as Chiyo talks about getting the setup. "Thank you a lot for the tea", Coco says before going to help herself with some.

Or so she intends to do, but Ren decides to offer them some as he goes to take his own. "Thank you a lot, Ren. You are really nice", she says happily as Ren goes to grab their tea.

Coco watches him grabbing the thermos and pouring the various drinks, feeling a bit guilty over having him do that with his fingers as they are.

"Thank you", she repeats as Ren gives her the clay cup with the cold drink awaiting her. "Hmm, so nice", Coco says, expressing delight over the freshness of the tea.

What isn't cause of delight is Miho's faint smile, that does nothing to calm Coco's worries. "I am glad to hear you two are doing well. Just let me say than even if we barely know each other, I can lend you a open ear, whatever it is you might want to talk about."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai smiles gently at Miho's question of just watching. "Of course, that's no problem at all," she assures while donning a pair of the gloves herself. As Ren gets tea for everyone she gives him a quickly flashed grin and nod of thanks at fulfilling that task for her. Usually she would, but with the demonstration it was a bit more 'serve yourself' at the moment.

"I'll demonstrate first, and then feel free to take some gloves and try yourself. I do warn that the mochi is warm but it's no more than some tea might be." Which was good. They didn't need to work with the really hot stuff. This batch had been specifically made to be a bit easier to work with for this reason.

"It's a bit like making a dumpling at first," she explains a she pinches off some of the mochi into her hand to quickly roll into a ball between both palms. "You want to get about a thumbs-length of mochi then roll it quickly, and press to flatten," she starts to explain opening her hands to demonstrate. "Use the thumb of your opposite hand to press in the center and pull out. Push, pull, and turn the mochi until you make it all the way around in a circle."

"Then add your filling. We're just going to use red bean paste for this, but typically it can be anything from fresh fruit, to chocolate paste, or other fillings." A little spoon is scooped out of one of the prep cups and placed into the center. "Then quickly pinch up the sides and roll it again between your hands to smooth. It's here we can start to make it pretty."

The little bit of food coloring is a paste on a plate. All she does is dab her thumb against it to bring some of the color to her glove which she then pat-pats dabbing ontop of the mochi to give it a pink blossom color.

"Why don't we try to this point and then I can show you how to make the petals? Do you want to try first, Coco-chan?"

Ren Morimoto has posed:
    Three cups of tea, coming up! Ren affects an expression of intense concentration once he's prepared them, because now comes the most dangerous task of actually carrying them over together. He picks them up all together and takes careful, measured steps until he's over by the table. "I commute too, but I'm in the baseball club so I come in most days for training," he says, nodding to where his gym bag (and the baseball glove, attached to it) has been set aside in an out-of-the-way place.

    "You're very welcome," he says to Coco as he slowly lowers the cups down to the table, and then takes his own before gesturing for Coco and Miho to do the same for theirs. Then the focus of his attention shifts, to Chiyo and her demonstration, though he does echo Coco's concerns with a, "Yeah, it's good to have people you can share things with! We can totally chat."

    He falls silent as Chiyo begins, his eyes narrowed with an intense focus that speaks of what he might look like at the home plate, about to swing. At pertinent points he nods along to show that he understands the steps that she's explaining, and then all of a sudden she's done and his mouth forms a "Wow!" said silently, in awe.

Miho Aiuchi has posed:
    Miho is just generally a nervous person! She was kind of like this at the festival, too. At Coco's reassurances, she nods. "Okay, I'll do that if I need to!" she lies.

    When Chiyo begins, she watches intently and listens, with what seems to be an almost catlike curiosity. Miho's actually fairly observant (she's just not that good at putting two and two together), and she takes it all in. She barely half-notices Ren whens he proffers the tea. "Oh, um, thank you, sorry," she mumbles, before turning back to Chiyo.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Sure!" Coco says giving Chiyo an energetic nod. "Ok, first of all hygiene', she starts mentally listing the steps, grabbing the pair of gloves Chiyo has brought for them.

'Next the mochi'. She grabs her thumb-length of mochi and starts rolling it quick. "This dough rolls really smoothly", she comments out loud to noone in particular, proceeding to flatten it.

'Now I have to press into the center and pull out to make a circle', she thinks, proceeding with the action absolutely focused on the accurate movements.

"I like red bean paste, I tried it during the fireworks festival and it was really yummy", she comments, using the little spoon to deposit the paste into the center.

Coco then proceeds rapidly pinching the sides. "So, I have to roll it now... This is gonna be tricky with the paste inside", she ponders, doing the maneuver as Chiyo has shown, and reproducing it well enough.

"This is fun", she tells Chiyo smiling fully as she transfers the food coloring onto the mochi with her thumb.

Ren Morimoto has posed:
    "You're welcome," Ren tells Miho, with a smile. And for a while, he seems perfectly content to sip his tea and just watch. It's nice, seeing someone who is passionate about what they're doing, teaching other people their craft. He's appreciative of Chiyo sharing her skills, even though he doubts his own ability to replicate the delicate work.

    But eventually he does dive in and give it a go himself! It's not perfect, of course... maybe the way he flattens the mochi isn't perfectly even, and maybe he stuffs a little too much red bean paste inside, but in the end it's at least recognizable as a flower. So that's a success! He'll happily continue on following Chiyo's directions, quiet in his intense focus to get it right.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai smiles reassuringly as she watchees Coco work along the steps she had laid out with a nod of approval. Especially at the gloves, that was always important. "You're doing great! It is a bit tricky to roll it, but red bean paste is one of the more solid fillings. Even if it pops out, though, it'll still taste delicious."

While Coco works she looks back toward Ren and Miho watching the pair interact. It seemed like Miho might know more about baseball than she did, at least, so it seemed they had something to chat about while waiting. And as Ren starts to try it out too she gives an occasional suggestion here or there as necessary.

"Okay, Coco-chan, time for the petals!" A chopstick is picked up and flipped around so the thicker end is pointed toward the mochi. "This is just a quick little press and pull. You're not trying to pull the mochi away, just drag the indentation out so it's longer." She dips the end into the top of the mochi... and then moves it beside the first impression to do the same with the next. "You can just press it in if you're not very confident in the motion. Each little indent is still going to give the 'flower' form. Just continue it all the way around to the other side, and then... Ta-da!"

Her hand lowers to hold out showing off what looks like a mum flower with pink tipped petals.

Miho Aiuchi has posed:
    Miho nods. "Red bean paste is indeed, yummy, yes," she says almost gravely, and then giggles. Well, she still has a functioning sense of humor, at least.

    For a moment, she just watches Coco and Ren as they work, sipping her tea. She chuckles. "Man, I'm almost kind of nervous," she says, in an act of gigantic understatement. "Like, I've got some standards to meet that you're setting, kind of thing." Beat. "I mean I'm always nervous, but, uh, yeah."

    She finishes off the tea and steps forward. First gloves, then mochi ... She sets to work -- visibly more slowly than Coco and Chiyo, gingerly and carefully. The food coloring nevertheless splashes across the mochi in a way she didn't intend. "Ah!"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Don't worry, you can do it, Miho", Coco reassures the other girl as she begins making her own mochi.

With the next step of the instructions, the mermaid watches with rapt attention as Chiyo demonstrates the final step to prepare a mochi, following each and every movement with her eyes. "That's so pretty, Chiyo", she cheers, admiring the final result on her palm with shining eyes.

"Ok, here I come then!" she declares once she has mentally repeated the steps and is sure enough to proceed. She grabs a chopstick by the thinner end and proceeds to use the thick head in the manner illustrated. She is, of course, quite a bit slower than Chiyo with all the pressing and dragging, but in the end the indentations are done and the completed mochi of a beginner rests on her palm.

"I am done", she says, eagerly showing the result to Chiyo. "What do you think?" she says, smiling happily at her mentor.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"I've had years of experience doing this, and even so I'm still not where Ojiisan is at it. That's why I like making the flower Wagashi," Chiyo explains when Miho seems nervous about her try at it. When the food coloring goes awry she chuckles. "That happens a lot, too. It's okay, I know a trick." Her own Wagashi is set down on a plate freeing her hands up so she can pinch off a smaller bit of mochi from the pot. It's held between thumb and forefinger gently and her opposite hand reaches out to cup beneath Miho's. "Usually mochi is very sticky and will stick to other bits of mochi, but the food coloring is a little bit oily. So we can just--" The little ball is dabbed a time or two so that it soaks up the excess leaving a far lighter shade behind.

"There. No harm done. Every flower is unique, this one just took a bit more time than the others to blossom. Do you want to try the petals now?"

Coco's own flower is looked toward when she finishes giving a thumbs up to her in turn. "That's wonderful! You'll be a pro in no time!"

Miho Aiuchi has posed:
    Miho practically wilts when Chiyo comes over to her. When Chiyo shows her technique for dealing with the food coloring, she practically boggles for a moment as she watches her. "That's awesome," she says, smiling faintly. "Uhh, yeah. I mean, yes, I will, I-I-I will try the petals now! Just ... gimme a sec."

    She looks over at Coco, smiling nervously. Yeah, it looks good to her eye, but said eye is not as experienced as Chiyo's, let alone her grandfather, so she just nods along with Chiyo's praise. "... And then you eat the, the piece of art ... that you just made," she says irreverently.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco really admires when Chiyo shows her expertise offering Miho a solution for the extra food coloring. 'She Is so good', she thinks, watching her show the neat trick with an extra bit of mochi dough.

"Congratulations on completing the first step, Miho, it looks great already", Coco tells the brown-haired girl as she sets to completing the indentations. "Yes, that's half of the point", she smiles fiercely at Miho's comment, a burning aura delineating itself around Coco.

"Getting to either enjoy or watch other enjoy something you put your all into is the best reward. The mochi might be transient, but the feeling you get from the experience is eternal."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"Exactly. Making it is so much fun, and it's beautiful, but then you get to enjoy it in another way, too." Chiyo smiles at the pair giving a brilliant smile toward the pair. "It's a little bit of cooking magic that you're making yourselves right now. It's unique and just yours."

"If you'd like, we can take pictures of them before you eat them so you can always remember, too," Chiyo offers as well. Photos were always a good way to remember things, especially when they didn't last like these would.

Though Chiyo was soft spoken overall her words carry with it a pride on this topic. She really did love this, and getting to share her knowledge with them was a truly happy experience for her. Getting to *watch* them enjoy it themselves was just as wonderful.

One of the chopsticks is picked up to hold out for Miho with a bright smile. "Whenever you're ready, Miho-chan. You can do it," she assures.

Miho Aiuchi has posed:
    Miho smiles back at Coco, her cheeks warming up. Okay, a cute girl is complimenting me, just roll with it, just roll with it ... "Um, thanks! It's, I mean ..."

    She accepts the chopsticks, regarding the half-completed wagashi. "The, uh ... this is just an ... interesting thing to, to think about," she says. "We're, we're creating something beautiful, just to, to, to d-d-d-destroy it, in a sense. You can, uh, you can call transience a fact of like. Life. But. The, it's, w-w-we're ... active participants in that. We're the ... the ones doing the transience. You, uh, you can't ... separate that from, from the equation, kind of thing."

    And then she starts to deflate slightly. "I-I just think ... that's neat." Blushing a bit more, this time for a different reason, she starts working on the petals. She's even more careful this time. "Just a quick little press and a pull," she mumbles, repeating what Chiyo had said earlier.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"That's a great idea", Coco replies when Chiyo suggests to take a photo of their creations. She takes off the gloves and snaps a picture of her mochi. A flash of inspiration hits her, and no, the one from the camera isn't involved. "You know what we could do as well? We could take a picture of us together in front of our mochi."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
That was a lot to unpack from Miho's thoughts on eating the treats. Still, she seemed to be enjoying it, so Chiyo just nods knowingly. When she starts working on the petals she encourages, "Yes, just like that."

Coco's camera is out then to snap the pictures. With her own done Chiyo just steps back so that there's no accidental shadow from her falling over the Wagashi. The suggestion though earns a quick, "Oh, right! I can take the picture for you both when you're ready."

Before she can say or do more, her grandfather steps out from behind the counter. He says nothing but deposits two little white bags near the girls. A little awkward clearing of his throat comes. "Extras, for the event." With that done he turns to retreat back behind the counter leaving both Coco and Miho with a little mystery treat box in a bag for each of them.

Miho Aiuchi has posed:
    Miho goes from waxing philosophical about creation and destruction to looking slightly alarmed at the prospect of being photographed. But she does smile in the end. "Oh! Um. I ... don't ... have objections to that, no!" She tries to keep up her smile, because she doesn't want to seem to seem like she's just agreeing for the sake of being agreeable. "Um. One sec ... Oh! Um, thank you!" she adds when she gets the bag.

    She carefully finishes up the petals on her wagashi, then looks up, smiling and doing the peace sign for the camera.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"That's not necessary", Coco shakes her head at Chiyo's offer. "I can set my phone to take a photo with a delay. Placing it down on that elevated drawer will allow us all to be in the photo. That wouldn't just be complete without you, who taught us so well", she points out.

"I'm glad you agree, Miho", she flashes the other girl as Coco completes the preparations she outlined, supposedly getting a photo of all three and their mochi once Chiyo gets into position too.

"That's done", she says, admiring the photo. When Chiyo's grandpa passes by with his gift, Coco expresses a thank you towards the man for his kindness.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai actually looks a little embarassed when Coco mentions adding her to the picture. Not nervous though, just... surprised. Her smile broadens significantly as she steps into the picture so her photo is taken with the girls as well, and she smiles proudly over their creations.

She's not terribly surprised when her grandfather comes over to offer the extra snacks--That was pretty normal for him though it may not eeem so. After the photo she claps her hands together, "You both did great! I hope you enjoy them!"

Miho Aiuchi has posed:
    Miho smiles at Chiyo, nodding. "Ah, thank you!" she says. "I definitely will enjoy it! I-I enjoyed making it, too, I'll, I'll have to catch it when you're doing something like this again!"

    Well. This break she took from trying to acquire whatever dark power was in the bangle was quite fun and productive!

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Thank you a lot for the demonstration", Coco tells Chiyo. "It was really fun. If there is going to be a redo, count me in for that", she smiles. "Though I going to come in again anyway as a client next time", she adds.

"See you both at school", she gives her goodbye, as she exits the shop with her treats.