341/Sun vs Moon

From Radiant Heart MUSH

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Sun vs Moon
Date of Scene: 31 August 2023
Location: OSA-P Jewelers
Synopsis: An effort to recover a lost skirt turns into a battle for Usagi and Naru when Sunbreaker enters the scene! The fires of hate can't beat the power of two good friends!
Cast of Characters: Naru Osaka, Usagi Tsukino, Hinoiri Kirara

Naru Osaka has posed:
It is right before the start of second term, and prime time for collecting up things one might want or need for school getting started again. Sure there's actual school supplies, and at least some of those are tucked into the bags that both of the girls carry, but there's also the advantage that those who have family in Tokyo have.

Naru pushes open the door to the family store. "I'm sure that skirt has to be /somewhere/." She comments over her shoulder to Usagi. "It's not in our room, I put away everything looking for it, so it has to still be here. Skirts don't just wander off on their own."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
It's almose the start of the second term of school, and Usagi has been having a category 2 sulk for at least two days now, studying in the library on and off to catch up on all that summer break homnework. A break, to get to Naru's house and found a skirt gone missing? Truly the perfect break from the monotonous hell that is studying.

"I mean, it could have! I think. But it probably didn't. And it's probably in your room, unless your mom left it in the laundry?"

With magic around, maybe clothes could walk off and lose themselves. Maybe that's where all those missing socks went.

Naru Osaka has posed:
There really has been homework progress, and enough that it wasn't just a quick trip to find errand laundry, but /shopping/ as well. A proper break from the books.

"I am going to try not to think too hard about my black circle skirt walking off by itself." Naru comments with a little smirk. "Cause I am not putting it past anything right now. But with those new tights I just got? It'd be perfect."

Naru snorts softly. "My mom doesn't do laundry, there's a service for that. So if it was tangled in the laundry, it'd be back in my room. Unless it's still wiht her things, and then it might be in /her/ room. Not a bad theory, really." Naru starts to head for the stairs at the back of the store, that go up to the apartment upstairs.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"It would look really good with those tights," Usagi agrees, because - she had of course been encouraging Naru to buy them! What's the point of starting school again if you can't have at least one or two new outfit pieces? And even better, old and reliable ones!
Hersnd she snorts too, reminded of how Naru's mom could be. "Okay, true. Your mom is way too sophisticated to ever do laundry. And I bet she wouldn't wear one of your outfits, because she likes her power suits and stuff. So, back to square one: your room!"

Usagi follows Naru through the store, headed for the familiar back entrance stairs, totally relaxed. These are famiiliar grounds, a familiar place. Even with what had happened before, Naru's mom had been quick to fix things up...

In fact, oh, that's a really cute necklace, in that case over there -

And just like that, Usagi is distracted by pretty baubles, and Naru could quite possibly get up to the apartment before she even starts heading up.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara glanced at her watch. Eh. She had time. More than that, though, she needed to get some energy. Her experiments were, for lack of a better word, going poorly. So she'd begun to reach out and offer her 'help' to other divisions. Aiding them with their collections... All in an effort to learn how their 'magic' worked. How they made their youma. So today? She was going to just gather some energy for herself in preparation for upcoming experiments.

She walked out of a nearby alleyway, her hair blowing behind her for a moment and a dark flash behind her... before a grin formed on her lips. Perfect.

Osa-P. Jewelry. Perfect for her. She glanced around before flicking out her right hand. One henshin sequence later... And Sunbreaker was walking into the store, her body wreathed in those black flames she wielded. It took a moment for one of the shopkeepers to approach her... Confused, though they were. "Oh, you know what? I'll take... you," Sunbreaker said. Her right hand moved out to the attendant's chest. She let out a startled shriek before collapsing to the ground, the energy drained swirling into the air before forming a rapidly expanding magical circle.

Sunbreaker had only a moment to notice... a pair of *very familiar* rope hairs. Usagi-chan? ... Before she quickly looked away, instead focusing on others. It wasn't like the magic would kill them. Just drain her. She was only going to be here for a little bit, anyway.

Besides... Sunbreaker walked towards the displays, smashing the glass and grabbing one of the ruby necklaces. It really *was* nice to occasionally get herself something nice...

Naru Osaka has posed:
It isn't the first, nor will it be the last time that Usagi gets distracted by something pretty on the way up to the apartment. Naru barely notices as she scampers upstairs, to her room to have a look for just THAT skirt. A new first term outfit is important, darn it!

A little riffling later, and "Ah ha! You were right!" Naru finds her skirt and indeed with the tag from the laundry service still on it. At least its clean. She turns to show Usagi and then rolls her eyes.

No Usagi.

Naru heads back towards the stairs, skirt still in her hand, to go back downstairs and remove Usagi from drooling on whatever pretty thing she spotted.

Clearly that's the only reason she could still be down there, right?

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
One minute, everything's fine - Usagi is examining the new stock of necklaces, chatting casually with another customer about how pretty the selection at Osa-P always was, how Osaka-san has the most best eye for statement jewelry and general accessories, the usual conversations she had when hanging out in Osa-P. The next? Someone is screaming.

Usagi whips around then, along with half the store - the half that's not trying to backpedal away from the girl with flaming hair and on fire.

Literally! On fire! Literally! Flaming hair!

And literally with a an orb of energy swirling in her hand, a woman collapsed at her feet.

Obviously, this was going to be one of those days. Hasn't Osa-P endured enough?

Luckily, there's plenty of people scrambling to get away, plenty of cover for Usagi to blend in with - she drops and crawls, shoves herself behind the register stand, where no one has thought to take shelter, and grabs her broach.

"Moon Prism Power!" The burst of light from her henshin is impossible to hide, but the cry is whispered, an effort prevent anyone familiar with it from recognizing that Usagi Tsukino is the one calling out.

Sailor Moon leaps atop the register stand as the light fades, feet carefully spaced to avoid stomping on the delicate machinery. Osaka-san is going to have to replace so much as it is! Best to not have to get rid of any of this.

"Hey! Don't you know the people in this store are trying to enjoy their lives and spruce up their looks? Who are you to steal from them - or from the family that owns this store?! I won't let you get away with petty theft - or energy theft!"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker had only a few moments to gather energy and pick up the necklace... before... random girl. Just... just suddenly random magical girl. She dropped the neckless and opened her left hand, a small red gem of crystalized energy forming in her palm from the people who she'd drained and were now collapsing.

And then she glanced towards the door. And waited a few seconds. Then glanced back towards Sailor Moon. The stairs? The windows? The... "Wait, is it just you?" she asked. She then sighed, making the gem in her palm disappear. "Is it really JUST one of you this time? And by the stars, that hair. Is it just a style here?" Sunbreaker asked, her hand on her forehead as she shook it.

"And what do you know? Maybe I'm trying to spruce up MY looks, did you ever consider that... miss... lasso hair... lady? Okay, seriously. Who are you even supposed to *be*? No, wait. Let me guess. 'Cure Lasso!' or how about 'White Voice Diamond!' or even 'Girl about to be buried in a crater!'? Oh, wait, sorry, that's going to be your new name."

She was wreathed in dark flames before they scattered... and she was gone. Only for the flames to appear in front of Sailor Moon a moment later, before she materialized and held out her right hand, palm down at her. "Out of my sight, novice." A burst of tiny black fireballs erupting at the poor girl's face.

Naru Osaka has posed:
Because it just can't be easy, Naru hears the crashing and the (in)justice speaches as she comes down the stairs and she hurries down the last of the steps to come into the store itself.

"SERIOUSLY!?" She still has her skirt in one hand and her shopping in the other as she puts both hands on her hips. "AGAIN!? You have /got/ to be kidding me."

"Hey! Cut that they hell out and get out of the store!" Naru clearly has had entirely enough of the store getting smashed up, although it is truly not clear quite how a sternly worded admonishment is going to do a whole lot of good here.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Sailor Moon had been trying not to think about that, so this fiery lady shining a spot light on the fact that she's all alone this time is really not appreciated! Not even a little!

She hasn't fought alone in ages - usually there's always someone around to help out! But not today.

She gulps.

"There are better ways to spruce up your look than robbery! There's you know, regular shopping and - hey!"

Lasso hair lady? Come on! That's not even clever! Why did everyone always take a dig at the hair?

"It's Sailor Moon, you big j- eh? Where'd she -"

Novice isn't totally inaccurate. Someone with more experience might have predicted what was coming next - the Fire Lady appearing in front of her in a burst of flame, shower of fireballs erupting in Sailor Moon's face.

Sailor Moon goes flying, equal parts the effort of the blast and Sailor Moon's own shrieking panic, her hands flying to bat at her face and put out the flame - miraculously, her face isn't a mass of burns, but her hair is singed, an ember still clinging to one of her curls.

"Wah!!!" And yeah, she's kind of wailing about it, because what the heck, that was fire in her face! "That was so mean!!"

Naru's interruption is much appreciated.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker blinked as suddenly... Naru. She, actually, paused. As suddenly Naru was in her face. "What in Tartarus?" she muttered. She crossed her arms and just stared at Naru as the other girl... proceeded... to... yell at her. She looked around for a moment before sighing. "You're... not even magical, are you? Can you comprehend just how stupid you look right now? How pathetic and weak?" she asked, before holding up a single finger. On it, a single tiny ball of black fire appeared, which she flicked out... and it stopped before touching Naru's face, in front of her eyes. A warning, one that just hovered there.

"Go away before you get hurt," Sunbreaker said before turning back towards Sailor Moon.

"Right, where were we?" she asked. "You're Sailor... Moon? Oh, isn't this just *precious*?" she asked, walking towards her and then... kneeling down to look her in the eye. "Since it's *just* a duel between you and me? I'll give you the *honor* of knowing exactly who I am. Sunbreaker, she who will conquer the sun itself." She then reached out a hand to lightly tap her on the forehead. "And the sun is a tiny, itty bit, teeeeeensy bit more impressive than the moon, little one. But you know what? I'm *nice*." She'd then get to her feet and walk away. Her right hand moved up, forming a spear of dark flame. "Get up... and run. You have until the count of three." She was already gloating, lightly giggling like an excited school girl. There was no possible way a SINGLE magical girl could oppose her! It was finally her chance to show how much better she was than all of them! "One. Two. Three~," And then launch the spear, intending to launch many more at the 'scout'.

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Oh yes, yes. I'm /just/ a mundane. Yes, I've heard." Naru's clearly heard it all before, and by the way that she is not backing away, not running away, she has clearly had just about /enough/ of that attitude as well.

Even if she is most assuredly going to get hurt. Clearly someone doesn't care so much about that right this second.

The shopping and the clean skirt get dropped right where she is as she grabs the mop right out of the bucket. It's kinda like a staff, it's certainly a stick. And she's got some clue on how to make sticks work these days.

Naru is hardly about to let some uppity Sun-chick give her Moon a hard time. "There is no amazing poetry written about the sun, I'll have you know! It's all about the magic of the moon!" She rushes Sunbreaker, giving a snap of that mop to whack it across the other girl's back, the strings flopping all over the place.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Naru is honestly the bravest person Usagi knows, and Usagi will be telling her that as soon as they're safely out of this. To just yell at a scary lady who was on fire! And to -

"Hey! What are you even talking about, she doesn't look stupid! You think it's weak to stand up to a big jerk bully like you?!"

No one talked about her best friend like that! Especially not when she was in the right and they were in the wrong! Naru-chan didn't have any powers or special magic, but that was what made her even braver for it, because Usagi was kind of shaking in her boots, dealing with this scary lady who was on fire.

Who was still making fun of her! Sure, bad guys were criminals and evil and whatever, but did they have to be rude? Sailor Moon scrapes for every bit of her courage, and also all of her irrepressible teen spirit. "Aren't you a little far from the sun? You're not going to conquer a great big gas ball from Earth."

There's not a chance she can run. All these people are here! Naru-chan is here! And - oh boy, that's an awfully long spear of ah, fire, she's got there - and Sailor Moon doesn't run, but she does kind of jot from side to side, trying to figure out how to get away - and -

Naru to the rescue! The aim is off on that throw, with Naru's interference, Sailor Moon ducking away from the launch.

"Ha! That's what you get for underestimating the power of a beautiful girl!

She's not letting more people know Naru is her friend. One threat from Jadeite was more than enough!

She's on the ground, groping for something she can throw. This no Tiara life is really a bummer, when she's not prepared! There's got to be something - oh! Broken jewelry case! Perfect! With gloves protecting her hands, Sailor Moon carefully picks up a shard of broken glass and a bit of broken jewelry stand.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker let out a startled shriek when suddenly she was struck in the back. She took a step forward, her head turning narrow her eyes on Naru. She'd... missed. Again. Thanks to *this* girl. The dark energy flowed into her eyes, turning them black. "Oh. Trust me. Where I'm from *all* the poetry is about the *sun*," she said viciously.

She then glanced towards Sailor Moon. "Right. In your world the sun is just a great, annoying ball of flame, isn't it?" she asked.

But then... Sailor Moon said something that kind of... made her eye twitch.

Under... estimating... her? They were underestimating her power? No. Naru's. Underestimating Naru's power. They thought that Naru's power could compare with HERS?!

The mop hit her a second time and she let out a furious roar. "ENOUGH!" she yelled. She turned around and when the mop came a third time, she caught it and then THREW it away, her other hand grabbing Naru by the front of her jacket.

She then turned to where Sailor Moon was... and held out her right hand, the left still holding Naru off the ground a little. A dark, telekinetic wave of energy flowed out from her hand, intending to throw Sailor Moon and anything not nailed down there against the opposite wall. *Hard.*

She then turned her gaze towards Naru. "I will not allow *anyone* to look down on me *ever again.*"

A spear of flame formed in her right hand and she pulled it back...



Hinoiri froze, her horn still glowing. The spears of fire had stopped, though, still surrounding the cowering, older student. A moment later the flames were snuffed out and she turned to her mentor, bowing her head. "Mentor, I was--"

"I could see what you were doing," Sora said, her voice colder than she'd ever heard it. "What I want to know is why?"

"He challenged me," Hinoiri said, keeping her head down. "Said I didn't deserve to be your student. That I couldn't even break his shield, let alone compare with him. I--"

"You broke his shield," Sora said. "Then what? Did you intend to maim him? Kill him?" Sora asked before glancing to the other student. "Go," she ordered. He left faster than anyone likely ever had.

Hinoiri gulped and kept her eyes lowered. "No, of course not. I just... I got a little carried away. He said... that... I... he underestimated me. Sovereign, I..."

"Oh Hinoiri," Sora said, the coldness in her tone fading away. "You have great power. You must learn to control it. Whatever anyone else says, you are my precious student. Not them."

Hinoiri nodded, sinking a little lower. "I... I know. Are you... mad?"

"No, Hinoiri," Sora said. "I'm just... disappointed. You have so much potential. But you must be better. Perhaps if you'd try and..." And Hinoiri just sighed and tuned her out. Another talk about friendship and getting to know the other students, blah blah blah. She wasn't going to really hurt the other student, so why did Sora care so much? Why didn't she believe her? Believe in her? She was Hinoiri. She had everything under total control.


Sunbreaker stared at Naru, the spear raised behind her... frozen in place. The darkness in her eyes pulling back a little bit to show the confusion and alarm behind them. If she... did this... she'd kill the girl. The spear wasn't...

While Naru could see her hesitating, though, to Sailor Moon it likely didn't quite look that way. Holding Naru, her hand back, the deadly spear of dark energy clasped. Poised to strike... at point blank range.

Naru Osaka has posed:
*WHACK* *WHACK* *WHACK* Naru is happy to use her mop to smack at Sunbreaker a few more times. At least until that option is forcably removed from her.

"Ack!" Naru is grabbed, and while this time its by her clothes and not her neck, she is none too pleased by this change of situation. Her hands come up to start prying Sunbreaker's fingers off her, her legs swinging out to kick.

She does see the hesitation, the fear, the.. something in Sunbreaker's eyes. "You know you don't have to do this." It's spoken quietly, almost just between the two of them. A lull in the protests to match that little /something/ she caught in Sunbreaker.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Broken glass. Bits of jewelery stand. Useless garbage on their own, but in Sailor Moon's hands, they'd be powerful -

A sense of danger washes over her. A sense of something is wrong. Beyond the terrifying enemy sweeping the floor with her, that was.

"I don't know about annoying, it is pretty useful, after all!"

Bouncing to her feet, trying to keep up banter, to not - wait. She's - hey! Don't look at Naru -

The words don't get a chance to leave her throat. There's a wave of force, that shoves Sailor Moon against the wall, and her head cracks against the wall. Stars bounce in her vision, and for a moment, she's disoriented, slumped against the wall.

The sound of conversation filters to her, distorted by the ringing in her ears from the collision.

But two words stand out.

Ever again.

Not words anyone ever wanted to hear from a villain. Especially with their best friend in danger! Sailor Moon opens her eyes, blinking back the stars, and sees -

Naru, dangling from Sunbreaker's grasp. A spear of flame, raised to strike her down.

Sailor Moon sees red.


Miraculously, she'd maintained her grip on the bits and pieces she'd found, the only weapons she had. Now, those pieces, glowing with cosmic power, fly straight for Hinoiri - aimed to strike at the shoulder of the arm gripping that spear, and the dead center of her back. The pieces will detonate on impact - too much magical force to ever be contained by mundane objects.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker stared up at the other girl. Then lowered her just a hint. "You could never begin to comprehend what I have to do," she muttered. She did seem to be wavering a bit, lowering Naru with one hand, readying the spear with the other. As if she couldn't decide which route to take. Because... well. She was Hinoiri. Hurting, taking, all of that was one thing...


It struck her shoulder and she shrieked. Her left hand released Naru, letting her go...

And the spear was thrown. Not at Naru. Just thrown. It hit one of the display mannequins, vaporizing it... The necklace little more than ashen, charred remains. The tiara on it bouncing off, rolling towards Sailor Moon... A stark display of what could have happened to Naru, if not for the timely rescue of Sailor Moon.

Sunbreaker growled, turning towards Sailor Moon, clutching her aching shoulder. "Fine, then. If you want to play that game I think your phase is at an end! NEW MOON BREAKER!" she yelled, holding out her right hand and a small, concentrated blast of fire erupting out of it, intending to incinerate, or at least incredibly burn, the magical girl.

Naru Osaka has posed:
A moment.. just a moment... and that moment is shattered with a helluva throw from Sailor Moon. Naru is dropped and she lands, not the most graceful of landings, but she keeps her feet. Mostly.

She scrambles to her feet, it's almost like she keeps her feet. She is not going to think too hard about what that spear would have done to her, it's enough that there is YET MORE property damage at the OSA-P. At least there's not a huge chunk of stock going missing at the same time?

Naru is only a few steps away from Sunbreaker, who is back to throwing things at Sailor Moon again. Which is uncool. They almost had something! She doesn't even think, she just launches herself to tackle the other girl, aiming to knock her off course and again, ruin her aim.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Naru falls to the ground. The spear goes flying, vaporizing an innocent mannequin and necklace, and sending a rush of cold fear through Sailor Moon's body - if that's what it could do to a mannequin, what would it have done to Naru?!

And Sunbreaker may have cried out when the attack struck, but she's still very much standing right there, even angrier, and Sailor Moon's rage driven, very much impulsive attack had taken both of her scavenged weapons, leaving her with nothing else on hand to fight with.

But at least Naru-chan is out of the way!

"You're the one playing games - with people's lives!"

Of course, maybe she should save the witty banter for when she isn't dodging - because oh boy, is she scrambling to get out of the way of that fire blast, clumsily diving out of the way. Fire blankets the wall behind her, charring a mark into what had been a perfectly lovely wall.

And Sailor Moon rolls across the floor, landing on her stomach, with the fallen tiara in front of her.

It's even made of gold.

Stealing is wrong - but surely Osaka-san would prefer her daughter safe and sound to another piece of jewelry, right? These are the thoughts running through Sailor Moon's mind when she snatches up the tiara, jumping to her feet -

Only to feel... warm. Like receiving a hug, when you most need it and least expect it. The frantic edge of her fear, dampened by the reassuring rush that floods her body. Instead of throwing, as she'd planned, Sailor Moon finds herself putting the tiara on her forehead -

Where it glows, it's golden form shifting and changing. The gold brightens as the metal transforms from simple gold to something stronger, something more pure. A pair of delicate moons appear, their backs framing the center, where from a crown-like molding of the gold appears a red jewel appears, reminiscent of her original tiara. A single delicate pearl rests atop it - seven more border the bottom.

For a moment, it's almost like everything is right in the world.

Of course, then she opens her eyes, and sees NARU HAS TACKLED THE FLAMING ENEMY.

Key word, flaming.

"Naru-chan, get away from her before you burn up!!"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker once again has her aim thrown off by being tackled. AGAIN! What was WRONG with this girl?! Did she WANT to die? Yes. Apparently. She growled and then looked back at the girl wrapped around her waist. The flames had to hurt. Yet, still... she was TRYING to TACKLE her?!

Luckily they were just dark energy flames. So they'd just... corrupt her soul a little.

But she reached out and grabbed Naru's face, cupping each cheek. "Fine. You want to play that game? Let's play."

Before she sent dark energy into the other girl. Not much. Just a hint. But letting it flow through her, around her. Let her feel every drop of that dark, awful energy flowing through her system. Tainting her in a way only the foulest of magics could. Letting her feel that shame, that pain. That agony at being turned aside. At giving everything and STILL not being enough. At being told she was never, ever enough. That she should be, had to be better. That she was nothing more than a disappointment. That she was a failure. That feeling of only trying as hard as possible... only to have the one person in the world you trust finally joining everyone else and saying that you weren't good enough. That you'd NEVER be good enough.

For just a moment, the black flames would envelop Naru, a silhouette of a black horn on her forehead...

Naru Osaka has posed:
When Naru launched herself at Sunbreaker, and the flames, she expected it was going to hurt.

Like fire hurt. Physical pain.

This was not what she was expecting.

Naru reaches her hands up as the dark energy brings the psychological pain, landing them on top of Sunbreaker's. To pull them away? To just grab? It's hard to tell. Possibly even to lean into it. Taking some of that sense of abandonment, of shame, of being not enough and trying to push back at it with her sense of self. With confidence. With...

Naru tries to push those hands away from her, to step back from the onslaught of darkness. Themes that are wholly too familiar.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Naru doesn't burn. Instead - instead Sunbreaker grabs her face, and does - something. Sailor Moon doesn't know what she's seeing, not entirely. It's not the burns she expected, or fire devouring her friend. Instead, there's fury on Sunbreaker's face, and darkness pouring from her to Naru, connected by the hand gripping Naru's face.

And the look on Naru's face - it's her usual determination. Her courage and strength. And yet there's something all too fragile there, something that sparks fierce love - and fierce anger in Sailor Moon.

The actions come to her without her knowledge - the hand that lifts to her tiara, the glow that turns that washes the red jewel the pale white of the Moon. The words that come to her lips are foreign and yet obviously, inherently correct. "Moon Twilight Flash!"

Her previous attack channeled her power directly in the object she held, transforming into pure cosmic energy, the essence of Love and Hope wielded against her enemies. This, is the shining light of the moon, blasted at well - the speed of light.

Directly at Sunbreaker, of course. It's not purification - it's just the power of the moon itself, blasting straight through darkness.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker glared at the other girl, feeling so much anger rising at the fact the girl wasn't even struggling. Wasn't--

Ahhhh, there it was. The tugging the trying to escape. It drew a cold smile to her face. "What's wrong? I thought you wanted to--"

Huh? The other girl was yelling something. Bah. She'd deal with it in a moment. As if some stupid Twilight flash attack--

OW! FUCKING OW! She was *propelled* off Naru, slamming into the wall across the room, then crumbling upside down on the ground. She laid there for a moment, the darkness falling off Naru and the little spell circle she'd made disappearing. Sunbreaker just laid there for a moment, trying to process what the HELL just happened. The... moon girl. The third rate little magical girl had... done something? Anything? O-okay. No. Ow. OW. Everything hurt. "F-fine. Whatever. This was... two on one, anyway. Not... a proper duel. Damn it," she said, before wrapping herself in dark flames again and... disappearing.

Reappearing in her dorm room. Collapsing to the ground. And she was NOT crying because *ow.* You were. Not her. She was too tough to cry. Wayyyy too tough.

Ow ow wo ow owwwwwww...

She didn't know how or what, but that Naru girl did SOMETHING. That Sailor Moon was NOWHERE near that strong a moment ago.


Naru Osaka has posed:
Naru was just about to say something, to reply to that cold smile when KABOOM.. not so much with the conversation anymore.

The falling away of the darkness around her makes Naru stumble a bit, it was A Lot. Suddenly gone, and damn that is a headache that it leaves in its wake.

She reaches out, grabbing for a not too badly smashed display case to steady herself with.

"That was a helluva throw." She comments to Usagi, closing her eyes to try and let the ringing in her brain settle.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Sailor Moon stares at Sunbreaker as she flies away - and continues staring after she's vanished, mouth open in shock. That - that was not like her previous attack. This... this was something new.

"Wasn't a throw that time," she squeaks, and then, shakes her head, and runs over to Naru, her henshin vanishing as she went. It's not like anyone was awake to see her anyway -


Naru Osaka has posed:
"Not a throw?" Naru opens her eyes, and blinks a couple of times as Usagi runs up to her, not Sailor Moon.

"Whatever it was, it literally knocked her off her feet. It was amazing." Naru reaches her hands out to Usagi. "Are you alright?"

A little look around at the mess and Naru sighs softly. "Mom's going to be so pissed." She winces a little, moving her head is clearly not amongst her top 5 things to do right now.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Sailor Moon says, "I'm okay. I just - are you okay? Naru, you tackled a fiery girl!" Tears are starting to well up in her eyes, the stress of the situation hitting. "Which was really cool, but you could have burned up! And she - what was she doing to you?"

Chatting about her attack upgrade could wait! Naru-chan! And then a wince, as Usagi rubs at her eyes. "Yeah, I tried not to break anything too bad, but... Do you want me to call an ambulance, or something? You - I don't know what she did?""

Naru Osaka has posed:
"I have a brutal headache.. but I'm fine. It'll go away, I'm sure." Naru sounds so confident on that point, as if she is infused with large amounts of dark energy on the regular.

"It was.. something mental, I guess? The flames didn't hurt, like physically.. they hurt psychologically." She gives a little shiver, recalling just /how much/. All at once. "I was prepared for physical pain. Not for it being in my head."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Being in your head?" Usagi shivers, scrubbing at her face. "That's... scary. There are so many ways people can hurt us, like... man."

She does not like the fact that there are so many ways for her and her friends to get hurt, and this is - this is definitely going to fuel more fighting lessons, because she can't just let things happen like this!

But... To Naru, she says, "You were really good with that stick. Fighting lessons are going great, I can tell."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"It was .. yeah.. it was a thing." Naru has to agree.

A little stretch and trying to work out tension and perhaps, just a little bit of that headache. "I expect we should probably phone in a robbery, but I dont really want to have to explain it to the police. So we should head back to the dorms."

Naru smiles at the compliment. "Thank you. You were amazing with your powers. You're so awesome!" She beams, as much as she can right now, at her bestie.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"I don't think anyone will remember that we were here... or what happened... you didn't come down until everyone was knocked out, and I was being you know who so... yeah, let's get out of here. Your mom can handle it!"

She's sure Osaka-san can handle it. She handled everything to do with the store, after all!