Texting with Naru-chan 2

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Texting with Naru-chan 2
Date of Scene: 04 September 2023
Location: Texts
Synopsis: Following Scenes 366 and 373, Usagi texts Naru for advice on complicated thoughts of murder and revenge.
Cast of Characters: Usagi Tsukino, Naru Osaka

TXT Usagi to Naru: what do you think you should do if you think someone is going to make a huuuge mistake but you don't know?

TXT Naru to Usagi: Well. There's a lot of 'it depends'. If you dont know, it's hard to stop things.

TXT Usagi to Naru: one of my friends in the uh ... Game Club, she's got a mission too.

TXT Usagi to Naru: but it's like, I think revenge missions aren't a good idea!

TXT Naru to Usagi: Do I need to come home so I can translate that? Revenge missions, especially if you don't know about the first mistake, seem like a second mistake waiting to happen.

TXT Usagi to Naru: probably!!!!

TXT Usagi to Naru: the revenge is what i think is the mistake. I think going for the [three dots cycling] kill? in the game? would not be good for her.

TXT Naru to Usagi: I'm not much of a revenge sort of person. It rarely goes as well as people think its going to go and it doesn't actually feel /that/ good after the fact.

TXT Usagi to Naru: that's what I think!!!! I don't think it will feel good at all!!

TXT Usagi to Naru: but everyone else seems on board

TXT Naru to Usagi: Well. Yes. I'm sure they are. It's a lot easier to go along wiht revenge than say 'hey, let's not'. I'm not wholly sure I could say 'no, this is a bad idea' to a group who were hell bent on revenge. it's intimidating to go against the pack. Even when you think it's a good idea.

TXT Usagi to Naru: I don't really know the others too well

TXT Usagi to Naru: But I think going for Jail is better! Could killing make you feel better??

TXT Naru to Usagi: I dont' think so? No. I mean.. I get /saying/ it, but not /literally/. The guilt would eat me forever.

TXT Usagi to Naru: I know!!! I think I'd just - feel bad! But no one ever hurt me like she got hurt, so maybe I'm just wrong and dumb.

TXT Naru to Usagi: I don't think you're wrong and dumb. I.. yeah. I don't know if I could. I.. think I'm okay with being that kind of wrong and dumb.

TXT Usagi to Naru: This whole thing is so hard and scary already. And there's fighting and killing monsters! But... but I don't know if killing people is good too.

TXT Naru to Usagi: it's hard, and its scary and it's a lot. Like it's a /lot/. But I think killing people like.. on purpose is a step too far.

TXT Usagi to Naru: Me too!!! Like - it's bad enough if it happens, but to plan it out? Isn't that just... Murder?

TXT Usagi to Naru: the Game Club should try to be better!

TXT Naru to Usagi: I think the murder question is a big one.

TXT Usagi to Naru: I just don't think I should ever be the person in the room with big convictions.

TXT Naru to Usagi: You have big convictions. They're just full of love.

TXT Usagi to Naru: I'm the laziest person we know T_T i should never be the most anything in the room!