506/Roommate Break

From Radiant Heart MUSH

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Roommate Break
Date of Scene: 26 September 2023
Location: Korma Chameleon
Synopsis: Adrien decides to finally check out Korma Chameleon! Running into Makoto Kino he invites her to join himself and Naru for dinner which turns into an entire dinner party when Usagi and Darien join in.
Cast of Characters: Adrien Agreste, Makoto Kino, Naru Osaka, Usagi Tsukino, Mamoru Chiba

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste wasn't quite yet the face that many would recognize around here, although in the mall a few posters with his face had been placed to announce the arrival of the Gabriel brand to certain stores. Being the face of that brand meant eventually he would become easily recognizable. For now? He was rather enjoying the ability to go out without having his bodyguard by his side every step of the way.

Though there was a car that parks a bit down the road with a large, burly man sitting behind the wheel watching the restaraunt Adrien goes into.

With phone in his hand he smiles softly to himself shooting off a few texts to his friend Naru. His gaze lifts to the door of Korma as he pushes it open to step within drawing a deep breath to enjoy the scents of the shop.

Makoto Kino has posed:
There's a tall girl standing just inside the entrance of the Korma Chameleon when Adrien opens the door to come in. Just... kind of standing there, breathing in the atmosphere of the place, for a moment oblivious to the fact that she's really blocking traffic.

Belatedly the sound of the opening door behind her registers to her attention and she turns hastily, dipping into an apologetic bow. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to block you--"

Oh no. He's hot.

She's abruptly tongue-tied mid-sentence, cheeks flushing pink. "Um. Sorry! I should get out of the way, huh?" Laughing embarrassedly at herself, she makes a sidestep to clear the entrance. One hand comes up to rub at the back of her neck under the ponytail.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste glances toward the taller brunette that had been standing there. Usually he was a bit more observant when walking around, but his phone had been a bit of a distraction. The apology offered draws a warm, easy smile from him in response. "Ah, no, you're fine! It's my fault. I wasn't paying much attention," he responds with a little lift of his phone to indicate he'd been paying more attention to that.

"The menu here sounds amazing. I can understand needing a moment to consider it." The blonde glances further in taking in the decor and tables breifly. "Have you been here before? I've had their takeout but never eaten in. Anything you could recommend for a newbie like myself?"

Everything in the cozy shop smelled wonderful. While he had a small idea of what he wanted to try it never hurt to ask what others might think was good here. Chrono likely had OPINIONS on the matter, but he'd needed a break from his often times high strung roommate.

Makoto Kino has posed:
His graciousness about the situation does not leave Makoto appreciably less flustered, but at least the embarrassment abates somewhat and her expression brightens. "I wish I could," she confesses, "but it's my first time here, too. I can't believe I haven't found this place before now... it smells amazing, doesn't it?"

Once again, her brain catches up with her mouth, and she shakes her head a little. "Oh - I'm Makoto, by the way. Makoto Kino. Anyway, if you've had their takeout, you're ahead of me. I feel like I have to get some kind of curry, though, just from the aroma."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste risks another quick glance to his phone as a text comes in. A quick, breif response is shot off before he just slips the phone into the pocket of his pants to turn his full attention on Makoto when she introduces herself. "Great to meet you, Kino-san. I'm Adrien Agreste. I'm attending Radiant Heart Academy this year as a 9th year." He dips his head forward in a half-bow. Not totally formal, he was easing up a bit from what he'd been taught, but it was still perhaps a bit formal for meeting a girl around his age.

"Ah well if you'd like to join me, we could try something new together," he offers. "I did invite my friend to meet me here if she finishes up her homework but I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you joined either."

Makoto Kino has posed:
Makoto is oddly thrown by the invitation. Her eyes widen, a moment of sheer 'buh?' apparently bringing her thoughts to a halt. In the next moment, though, she's shaking it off and smiling brightly. "Oh, sure! I'd be happy to meet your friend, too. Food tastes a little better with some good company, right?"

With fresh purpose, she takes a look around the restaurant. "Where would you like to sit? I wonder if maybe they have a sampler or something... then we could try a little of a lot of things, and figure out our favorites."

Naru Osaka has posed:
The door opens not so long after, and Naru steps into the restaurant. She had to finish up some 'homework', although she got here really fast for coming from the dorms. And she looks a little.. rumpled. Not injured, but a little dirty around the edges. As if she fell or something.

At spotting Adrien and Makoto both, her expression brightens and she waves. "Wow, you really did only just get here."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste brightens at the suggestion of a sampler platter. "Oh that's an excellent idea! If there's three of us then that's all the better, too. I always feel a bit bad if I have any leftovers. I try not to waste food," he remarks with a little chuckle at his own habits. The suggestion of where to sit draws his attention away just long enough that it gives Naru time to enter as well.

Looking back he grins. "Great timing, Naru-chan! This is Kino-san, we were just discussing where to sit. Would you ladies prefer a booth or a table? I'm fine with either," he assures. "So which ever is more comfortable for the both of you." Even as he says this he extends an arm in a gesture that clearly reads 'after you' to the pair while suggesting, "Both are available over on the right side of the dining area."

Makoto Kino has posed:
"I know what you mean," Makoto tells Adrien, nodding. "It's fine if I can take some back with me and eat it later, but it just seems disrespectful to let it get thrown out or go bad."

She turns her head automatically to the sound of the door opening again, and recognition flashes across her expression as her eyes settle on Naru. "Oh, hey. It's good to see you again." To Adrien, she explains, "We've actually met once before, though it's been a bit. Are you doing all right, Osaka?" That was, of course, to Naru; a second look at the other girl has her distracted from the question of where to sit. "I don't want to be rude, but you look like you had a bit of a time getting here..."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Booth? Although either is fine." Naru reaches a hand out to lightly touch Adrien's arm. "Hi Makoto." She greets warmly. "It's been a while." She nods easily enough as they take a few steps towards a booth.

"Bit of a detour, but I'm fine." Naru assures, and for once.. she actually looks generally fine. Healers are awesome additions to fight groups. "Little stiff, but hopefully I can stretch that out before the gym tomorrow. How are you both doing?"

Adrien Agreste has posed:
"A booth it is then," Adrien agrees with Naru at the suggestion. The fact that Makoto points out which he himself didn't means he looks Naru over with a worried frown. Just a bit of one. The light touch on his arm earns the instant response of offering her his arm in case she needed the extra help to a table. It's almost instinctive, really.

"You didn't overdo your workout did you? If you're sore I can run to a pharmacy to get you some painkillers real quick while we wait on our order," he offers.

His attention shifts back to the booth they approach as well as Makoto to offer her another smile. "Ah! Naru does seem to meet quite a few people. I'm glad we're not all total strangers, then. This should be a great evening out for us, then. Oh, and order whatever you both would like, I can handle the bill."

Makoto Kino has posed:
Makoto still looks faintly concerned, but she accepts Naru's explanation without further question. "Oh, I've been doing fine," she replies. "I met your roommate's boyfriend the other day... although I guess it sounds weird when I put it like that, doesn't it? Still, it's nice to finally start feeling like I actually know some people at our school, beyond just names in the morning roll call."

She follows Adrien's lead to the booth, letting Naru settle herself first before she slides into a seat as well. "We were just talking about getting a sampler platter, if they have one," she tells Naru. "Though if you already know what you want then don't mind me. I haven't been here before, so it's hard to decide what I want to try the most."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"That'll be tomorrow when its arm day again." Naru wrinkles up her nose at the mention of overdoing it at the gym. "I'll spread the whining around, last week I whined at Darien." She laughs softly as she takes Adrien's arm, more for amusement than necessarity. "Speaking of Usagi's boyfriend, I'll whine at you tomorrow, Adrien."

"But truly, I'm more dirty than anything, and I even paused to wash up a bit on the way. My hands were filthy."

"So what's the food plan. I think you guys were talking samplers? Sounds fantastic. I am starving, but knowing me, I'll eat basically nothing and be stuffed." She rolls her eyes at herself with a soft laugh.

Naru settles into the booth, tucking herself in. "I'm sure you'll get to know people quickly enough, Makoto. Especially if you're willing to come out to eat with us extraverts."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste chuckles warmly as the pair mention Usagi's boyfriend. "I've only breifly met Darien, honestly. He's got the room next to mine. If you need to vent about the 'super cute couple' though," he remarks with a twinkle of amusement in his eyes, "I can listen for awhile."

Once the pair are seated he's faced with the unenviable choice of which lovely lady to sit next to. He did know Naru more, however he didn't want to make Makoto feel as though he were avoiding her, either. After a breif mental battle he opts to slip into the seat beside Naru, to flash a smile at Makoto once again. They did just meet. Maybe it would make her uncomfortable.

"Let's get the sampler then. If we really feel up to it we can always order something else. For now I think getting some food into our friend here is in order," he suggests glancing to the side at Naru with a smile. "Got to make sure you're up for arm day. I still intend to give you a good sparring session next time!"

Realizing it sounds odd he looks back to Makoto to explain, "I practice fencing, and Naru has been learning a bit as well as with a staff."

Makoto Kino has posed:
"I'm happy to have been invited," Makoto laughs in reply to Naru's quip about sitting with the extroverts. "It was very nice of you, Agreste-kun..." she fumbles over the pronunciation of his name, flushes, but presses gamely on. "Especially since I was practically blocking your way in."

The smile from Adrien as he sits only makes her blush harder. Ducking her face downward, she studies the menu, never mind that a consensus was already reached with minimal fuss. "The sampler it is, then. And assorted pakora, I think. Oh, and I definitely want to try the sweet lassi."

She listens with interest to the conversation between the two, and Adrien's explanation regarding fencing practice. "Oh? That's really cool. I've done some aikido, but I've never tried anything like fencing. It seems like it must take a lot of skill."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"I'm mostly determining that pretty much all sword work seems to come down to 'pointy end in the other guy'." Naru notes as she just lets the pair of them choose whatever tickles their fancy when it comes to food.

"If you can make sure there's something vegetarian, that's good for me. I'm not picky what." Fortunately curry is generally pretty awesome for vegetarian options. Naru ahs as she remembers and goes digging into her satchel before coming out with a bag of coffee to pass to Adrien. "I want to try some, but you have the better coffee maker."

"The super cute couple are too super cute to be too cranky at." Naru grins and gives a shrug. "Oh! And I finally met your roommate, Adrien. He's absolutely fascinating."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
It's been a busy day for one Usagi Tsukino (though not as busy a day as the one certain others have had!), filled with the greatest dread of teenage life: homework. She had spent her whole afternoon trapped with her studies, Luna digging claws in every time she tried to leave an assignment undone, lecturing her the whole while on the importance of finishing things quickly, when so much seemed to be happening.

She'd had to complete a paper for literature and all of her math homework before Luna was satisfied, the sadist.

But at least now she was free, and free to feast. Korma Chameleon was calling her name, snacks, treats, and meal items singing the blissful song of eat me, eaaaaat me~

And who better to have it with than her ~~boyfriend~~? She whipped out her phone for a few rapid texts, already walking over.

TXT Usagi to Darien= Want to get Korma with me? I need a brain break!
TXT Darien to Usagi= OMG yes
TXT Darien to Usagi= plus i want to eat korma
TXT Usagi to Darien= njdnfjsds never stop being cute
TXT Usagi to Darien= I'll be by the entrance!
TXT Darien to Usagi= Okay! :D

Anyone looking out the windows would see the cheerful, delighted blond girl practically bouncing on her toes as she waited, and in the restaurant the sharp-eared might hear the delighted, "Darikun!" when she catches sight of him. They walk in together, Usagi having grabbed Darien's hand in her own. Yes she's blushing. Shut up.

She's quick to notice Naru in a corner, with a cute blond boy, and a tall, beautiful girl - wait. Isn't that Makoto-chan? Gasp! Naru-chan has made more friends of her own! Who is that cute boy! Do they like him? Can she use this to deflect from any teasing about being stupid cute with Darien?

She hides behind him. No, she can't. No force can save her from the teasing, but she can try. He's much taller than her! She's invisible!

Adrien Agreste has posed:
"Really?" Adrien grins across the booth table toward Makoto again. "Akido is such a graceful art. I'd love to see you practice some time, if you still do. Are you in any clubs?" While he was skilled in many things, physical sports and styles were something he rather enjoyed over all. There were so many options here to experience them, too!

"It's all right to call me Adrien if that's easier for you. I know my last name is difficult. I'm originally from France so I'm aware there's a difference in pronunciation. Please, I don't mind if you use my first name if it's easier."

Naru's remark of vegetarian options actually causes him to suck in a quick breath. "I'm sorry Naru-chan, that completely slipped my mind. I really don't know what's in the sampler platter." Realizing this he reaches for a menu to begin looking it over. "I'm sure there's plenty of vegetarian options we can work with though.

The studious moment is only broken up by the appearance of a bag of coffee beans. Again his eyes light up as he reaches out to accept it with a broad grin. "I'm sure we can make that happen! I hope Chrono wasn't too much of a handful. I think he's even more extroverted than I am at times. Oh, and he got so many letters in his locker this morning! He doesn't know what to do with them so I said I'd help. He's really just focused on his studies right now and doesn't want to upset anyone."

He's as yet unaware of the nefarious plottings of the bubbly blonde outside with her paramour.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
Darien's not blushing, right now, but he's got kind of a goofy, lopsided smile on as he glances back and down at Usagi hiding behind him. "You embarrassed to be seen with me, Odango Atama?" he says quietly enough that only she can hear him. He glances back up and waves, grinning, then tugs gently at Usagi to get her moving again, this time towards the table. "Room for two more?" he asks the assembled.

He's wearing a somewhat unfortunate but comfortable-looking green jacket and jeans, a black t-shirt underneath it.

Makoto Kino has posed:
Makoto also checks herself a little when Naru mentions vegetarian options, and then nods quickly. "Sure, we can do that. I bet if we asked, they can swap in more vegetarian dishes. And the pakora seem mostly vegetable too, except for the chicken." Mental note: filed for future reference. It's good to know about people's preferences in things like this.

To Adrien - recovering once more from her bout of flustering - she adds, "Thank you. I'm... not so good with languages, I know. It's kind of cool that Radiant Heart has so many foreign students, though. Means I don't stand out so much." With a lopsided smile, she curls a lock of her hair absently around her finger. "I'm in the Cooking and Gardening clubs. Not any sports clubs, but I got Inai-sensei's permission to join the self-defense class on Wednesdays, so I'll be able to get a workout there."

Somewhere in all of this, the door opens again, letting the pair into the restaurant. Recognition has her straightening up in her seat. "Speaking of super cute couples. Hi again, Darien-kun." Okay that's much easier to say than 'Shields,' thank you.

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Why did Chrono get a ton of letters?" Naru asks Adrien with a little bit of a laugh. "I thought he was great. I'd love to sit and chat with him more." Because of course so.

Naru looks over as the door opens again and her expression is utterly fond for the cute couple in question. "C'mon over guys. Does everyone know everyone else?" She looks around the table, making introductions as needed. "We might need to get more sampler stuff, and then we can for sure have both meaty and vegetarian options." She doens't seem overly concerned about getting enough to eat.

"Oh the self defense class is good." Naru comments to Makoto. "I'm there too.. most of us are, to be honest. Not everyone of course, but a lot of us. I don't find its enough to train just once a week, but it's a good compliment to my other workouts."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Never embarrassed of you, but definitely embarrassed of the teasing that could awaaaait," Usagi laments, but notably, does not resist his leading them over. You know it's likelikelove because she doesn't even mention his Incredibly Unfortunate Green Jacket. Her long-sleeved baby pink shirt and black skirt almost compliment his jacket choice.

Instead, she waves at the table, already putting the thought from her mind. When Naru asks if everyone knows everyone, and then makes introductions, she smiles and says, "I didn't know Adrien-kun, but if you're spending time with Naru-chan and Makoto-chan, you have good taste! I've been here a few times and I haven't found anything I don't like here yet, so I'm happy to taste anything on the sampler menu!"

Yes, she's a bit of a whirlwind of chatty energy, but as she and Darien find seats, she hums at the topic of conversation. "Self-defense class is great; it barely even feels like a class, especially since Inai-sensei doesn't really do homework. Naru-chan has been really good at it; I'm kinda clumsy in that class, but it's fun."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste grins aside at Naru's question with a look of sheer amusement. "Love letters. He's got a certain look that seems to have made him a fan of many people." It's all he gets off before the happy couple they'd mentioned a few times enters. At least he had been introduced to Darien when he was moving into his dorm room.

"Ah, Darien-san, good to see you again. Of course you're welcome to join us. We were just about to place an order for some samplers. And this," he begins looking toward Usagi, "Must be your lovely girlfriend I've heard so many wonderful things about."

"I'm glad to finally get to meet you. I'm Adrien Agreste, grade nine. Naru-chan has told me a lot about you." About them both, really, though maybe not as much as he's letting on. "It's a pleasure to finally get to meet you."

Talk of the self-defense class just draws his interest all the more with a laugh. "It seems I'm missing out on this self-defense class then. I'm sure you'll get the hang of it in no time, Usagi-chan. I am rather glad to hear you're all taking it though. Japan may be safer than Paris, but I'm still glad to hear that you ladies are making sure you can protect yourselves. It's always important to know, don't you agree, Darien-san?"

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"Makoto-san! Naru-san! Agreste-kun-- Usa, Agreste-kun is my and Koji-kun's next door neighbor, along with Harlaown-san, I thiiiink I mentioned him." How Darien manages names like Agreste and Harlaown is anybody's guess, but he's the one using Shields.

He sits next to Usagi and is about to join in the conversation when Adrien asks him direct questions, and he looks startled and then laughs. "Yes." He doesn't actually comment on how smooth Adrien is being, but he's definitely got an amused look on his face. "I mean, yes, as Naru-san said, this is Usagi, and I'm her boyfriend--"

Given the fact that he looks at Usagi when he says that last instead of Adrien, he's also trying to see if he can make her blush again. But then back at Adrien. "It's important for everyone to be able to handle themselves in scary or terrible situations, even if it's just long enough to get help. And I wouldn't say Tokyo is safer than Paris, I'm afraid."

Then someone he doesn't know comes up to take orders. Without any deliberation, he says cheerfully, "I'd like the lamb korma, medium, and a lychee lassi."

Makoto Kino has posed:
"Hi, Usagi-chan!" Makoto greets Usagi cheerfully, once she and Darien join the table. "It's great to see you again. Have you been doing all right?" As the introductions and confirmations of who knows who go around, she takes a moment to look from one face to the other. If anyone happens to be looking at the right moment, they might catch the almost awed expression that comes over her. A little overwhelmed, maybe, but pleasantly so.

Then someone's taking orders, and she focuses again. "We'd like to get two of the sampler platters," she puts in once Darien has placed his order. "And an order of assorted pakora, and I'd like a sweet rose lassi, please."

With that managed, she rejoins the conversation with a smile. "I've been hearing a lot of good things about this class." A hint of laughter bubbles under the surface of her voice. "I'm looking forward to it. Though you're right," a nod to Naru, "once a week isn't really enough of a workout by itself, if you're trying to be serious about it."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"I was grateful that I knew how to fall earlier today, that's for sure." Naru comments absently. "I've never been to Paris, but I think its about the same most places."

Naru snickers softly at Adrien. "Everyone needs to know how to defend themselves, not just us delicate flowers."

Delicate flowers.

Naru nudges her way to get past Adrien, getting up from the booth. "I'm just going to go wash my hands again. They still feel gross." Mostly they feel weird, and it's all in her head, but cleaner hands are never a bad thing, right?

"I'm at the gym every morning I'm not running at o'stupid early. If you want to join me, Makoto, you'd be welcome to." Naru offers, just before she heads to go wash her hands. "Excuse me just a sec."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Darien does get Usagi to blush, her face going as pink as a strawberry. "I can't believe I'm being bullied by my boyfriend! And his friiiiiiiend."

The fates are cruel indeed.

"Can I get a mango lassi, and aloo tikka for the table?" She asks their waiter, sulking mightily (pouting with big eyes). She snorts at Naru's statement, giggling. "Delicate flowers? Naru-chan, I've seen you with a mop, if you're not delicate at all, and neither am I... maybe Mako-chan is though, Mako-chan's such a lady."

Cooking! Cooking such amazing food, so generously! The epitome of a lady!

"I get awful amounts of exercise against my will, but self defense class is fun. I like my sparring partner." Hannah-chan is wonderful, constantly pushing Usagi to be Aggressive! Vicious bunny, instead of cutesy one.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Since the orders are being placed Adrien speaks up himself after the others have. "I'm fine with just the sampler platter. Do you possibly have a passion fruit lassi?" He's a bit uncertain. "If that's a thing. If not I'll take a mango lassi and a glass of water as well, please. Oh, and one check if you don't mind," he adds with a broad grin. "I did offer to cover earlier."

Delicate flowers? Adrien has the good grace to look a bit embarassed by that. "Some of the fiercest fighters I know are women! I think it's a great thing for everyone to know. I suppose I just meant Paris is a bit more dangerous for women, though. It's not a part of my home city that I'm proud of, but it is true."

When Naru moves to get out of the seat he's quick to scoot out and stand so that she has the freedom to do so without being in the way. Sliding back into the booth he finds himself nodding in silent agreement with the conversation. "If any of you are ever interested in fencing I'd be delighted to help out with that. It really is one of my favorite sports," he admits as if it's a guilty pleasure of his.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
DeLiCaTe fLoWeRs, oh my god, Darien is not drinking anything or that would have been a spittake. As it is, his hand's over his mouth and his eyes are sparkling at Naru. Then he nods, though, generalized sort of, and adds, "I get to see people who aren't in my class or at work, in self-defense class, I like it a lot. There are a few people who do it and a sport, and I can't even imagine the amount of time that uses up..."

He leans forward and picks up an untouched glass of water, claiming it as his own, and sips it-- then shrugs at Adrien. "I would venture to say that that's a problem in all cities, but Tokyo has more women who can put an assailant in the ground, probably." A beat. "I did fencing in middle school. Only for a year and then I had too much unfair reach for anyone to want to face me."

Makoto Kino has posed:
Makoto herself turns an interesting shade of pink at being called a lady. "What, me?" The laugh that escapes her is both pleased and self-deprecating. "Not really. I mean, I try, but..." She trails off, letting the subject get lost in the rest of the conversation.

Adrien's offer seems to pique her interest; brows lifting, she looks his way. "I'd love to watch a practice sometime, if I could. I don't know if learning it would be for me, but I'm definitely curious."

Catching herself fidgeting with her hair again, she makes to stand. "I think Naru-chan had the right idea," she says. "I ought to wash up before our orders get here, too. I'll be back in just a little bit, okay?"

This has absolutely nothing to do with what Darien mentioned previously about Naru, or about how Naru looked just slightly roughed up when she arrived. She just needs to wash her hands. And maybe gossip a little about Adrien while she and Naru are both away from the table.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Usagi is a little tempted to follow after Naru herself, girl code and all, but Makoto hops up first, and so she doesn't, just nodding instead, leaning against Darien casually.

"Tokyo can be dangerous too, but it's good to be thinking like that, you know? Wanting to watch out and stuff." The offer to learn fencing is genuinely nice, but Usagi can't imagine herself and something pokey, pointy, and stabby going well... "I'd be happy to watch. I don't think I'm good for practicing. But watching you and Darikun go at it could be fun!"

Her handsome Darien with a sword, cute blond Adrien with a sword, both of them being super cool... her eyes are stars, that's right. Plus, Darien making more friends was a good idea, right? Friends besides his spooky rock guys, Koji-kun and elephant-san, and Kazuo-kun and his maybe-a-rock-but-maybe-not spirit.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
"Oh, absolutely you're welcome to come watch sometime, Kino-chan. I look forward to it! Maybe we could all go out for snacks after," Adrien suggests before the girl code kicks in with those two, and off they go. Though it's clear the invitation was for everyone at the table the way his gaze sweeps around to ensure that no one feels left out of the conversation at all.

Darien's explanation of his own experience with the sport draws his gaze to regard the taller teen very thoughtfully. "I can see that. But if you're ever interested I'd be up for a match, Darien-san. I'd say you're about the same height as my teacher, Armand D'Argencourt. Your reach would give you an excellent advantage, but I'm familiar with that. I even have my own foils if you need to borrow one."

Another look drifts between the happy cute couple as he remarks, "I'm sorry if I keep going on about it. It's just rare I find anyone interested in the sport outside of my classes, or the club. I'm trying to get out to explore the city more when I'm not studying or practicing. Do you two have a favorite place to go for fun?"

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
Just as casually as Usagi leans, Darien turns his head to kiss the top of hers, and there's a moment where he almost says something else-- but then he nods firmly. "I'd be happy to practice with you," Darien tells Adrien, then grins crookedly. "Though I'll definitely need to borrow a foil. Also, I fenced with a sabre, so pretty much the only advantages I'll have are height and reach." Then he glances at Usagi, then back at Adrien, and he shrugs. "This place? Also Game Center Crown."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Nah, you'd have to talk a lot more to be talking about it too much. You're doing way better than I was when the new Call of Duty game came out," Usagi says with a flap of her hand. She's pink as Darien gives a little kiss to the top of her head.

"Game Center Crown!" Usagi chirps immediately, echoing Darien, "It's an arcade, that also has a cafe, and there are tons of great games to play. And... hm, my friend Rei-chan is the miko of Hikawa Shrine, and it's really beautiful up there."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
"A saber? That's impressive!" Adrien seems to consider that seriously. "I might be able to get ahold of a set. I can look into it later." The arcade sounds familiar as it's mentioned and he snaps his fingers. "Ah! I think I found that once. The school nurse was actually playing DDR there. She was amazing at it, I was really impressed."

Before he can remark more on it the food is delivered. Drinks are doled out for everyone and there's more than enough platters of food.

Adrien offers out his card to the waiter be run in case anyone started to argue about paying later. "This should do us, but if we order anything else I'll cover it too," he assures.

His attention is rather fully on the food at this point though. "This all smells amazing. I can see why Chrono loves this place so much."