509/Payment Due

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Payment Due
Date of Scene: 26 September 2023
Location: Naru and Usagi's dorm room
Synopsis: Sunbreaker decides to pay Naru a visit... for actually perfectly good and reasonable reasons. After that, a steady stream of totally unrelated guests pop by to keep her company.
Cast of Characters: Hinoiri Kirara, Naru Osaka, Usagi Tsukino, Adrien Agreste

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker sighed. She didn't know WHY she was doing this. Sure, she told her she would, but well... She really didn't like this. The girl was giving her nothing but trouble and, knowing her luck, the moment she showed her face, that stupid Sailor Moon or, worse, Hematite would show up.

But, she said she would. So she would.

She dusk ported in and knocked on the door. Three. Four. Five times. A folder in her left hand, right hand still covered in that obsidian cast. Three knocks.

She then started to count to ten. Okay, so long as she was quick, nobody would show up and, if they did, she'd be out of here before they did anything.

She knocked once more, it had only been like. Two seconds...

Outside in the hall, a girl came out of her room... saw the strange girl who was literally on fire... and just backed away and closed her door again.

Naru Osaka has posed:
Unexpected visitors are more common than not these days at Usagi and Naru's dorm room.

Naru uncurls from where she's reading in the comfy chair to look over to Usagi. "You expecting anyone?" She asks, although either answer is clearly fine by how she's already moving towards the door.

The second knock prompts a bit of a louder, "One second!" She only moves so fast! Clearly it's something urgent, although traditionally super urgant things literally just appear without warning in their room rather than thoughtfully knocking.

It truly is only a few moments from the first knock, the rooms aren't THAT big before Naru opens the door.

To find Sunbreaker.

It is rare that Naru is rendered flustered, or even momentarily off her game, but finding Sunbreaker at the door.. that is sufficient.

"Sunbreaker!? What are you doing here?" Naru is clearly not quite rendered speechless.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"I'm not expecting anyone!" Usagi says distractedly; she's got her eyes fixed on a manga, watching the unfolding story Reincarnated In A New World As A Magical Veterinarian! with much more interest than she'd given the sad and lonely science homework now abandoned on her desk. Brain breaks are important! Twenty minutes of break to every ten of work!

"But whoever it is, they must be in kind of a worry... weird, no one texted me about anything -" usually if someone was this worried, they at least texted!

And then Naru says the last thing Usagi expects and she bolts upright. Sunbreaker? Here?!

There's a slam inside the dorm as Usagi run into the bathroom to transform.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker sighed and moved a foot out to stop her from slamming the door shut in her face. "Don't get your saddle in a knot," Sunbreaker said dismissively. "I'm here because of this." She then held out the folder. It was... this. There had to be a dozen, maybe two dozen papers in it. "Even if your friends came and ruined everything in the end, I did get information from it in the end and I told you I'd give you what I had. But there's a condition on this."

Her eyes narrowed on Naru. "Nobody connected to Obsidian gets to see this. Ever. They can go buck themselves. Especially Riventon and your little boyfriend. I don't care if you sparkle skirts have it, but every one of those diamond dog bandits can go buck themselves into a cragg." ... Well. Those were certainly... words...

"This is a limited time offer, though. I'm not sticking around long, honestly I'm surprised none of those assholes have come barreling down the hallway yet. Half expected Sailor glowball-with-hair-extensions to open the door or something. So you want this, or not?" She then pulled her foot back, letting Naru close the door if she wanted...

Naru Osaka has posed:
There was no actual sign that Naru was going to slam the door in her face, which Sunbreaker probably didn't even realize as she was quick enough not to find out.

Instead, Naru nods at the stream of words that emerge about Obsidian and.. wait.. whose boyfriend!?

Naru recovers faster from that one than the initial shock of Sunbreaker being at the door and she holds her hand out for the folder. "I don't work for Obsidian and I won't give this information to them." She pauses just a moment, only a heartbeat really, because she knows exactly where Usagi went and she's got an excellent idea on why. "Thank you. For keeping your word to me."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
In the bathroom, Usagi can't hear what's happening. Not even a little; the insulation in these dorms is actually pretty thick! In most cases, that's good. In this case? It's bad. It's not good for her nerves, at all.

From behind Naru there's an outpouring of light inside their dorm as Sailor Moon slams the bathroom door open, bouncing it agains the wall.

These are signs one and two, respectively, that Sunbreaker's going to want to make a break for it.

"Thank you for what, Naru-chan?" Is the third sign, Sailor Moon's familiar voice tight with anger as she walks up right behind Naru. Her tiara isn't on her forehead - it's swinging from her fingers as she glares daggers through the door.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker sighed. "Yeah, I know you don't work for them. None of this would have happened if you worked for them, idiot," Sunbreaker snapped, her anger only rising and the flames growing higher. "But I know you've got friends there and this gets back to none of them, that's the deal."

She then dropped the folder into her hands and... inside... Okay, well. It was definitely notes. A LOT of notes. None of it would likely make much sense. It definitely used a... type... of math. And magic stuff... and there were... things. But it was either in another language, using an entirely different system or... all of the above. And with poor handwriting. But it was... stuff.

"And yeah, breaking your word is just dumb, it's how you... get..." Wait, what was that light? Who--

"Oh by Sora's overly poofed mane, seriously? I CALLED it!" she snapped. "I didn't even WANT a fight today. Ugh!" She then turned and booked it. Yeah. Not with Sailor Moon. Her hand STILL ached when she thought about that moon twilight beam hammer of hand agonizing.

Naru Osaka has posed:
If Sunbreaker figures that things would have gone better if she worked for Obsidian.. well differently sure. Naru accepts the folder, and she has a lot.. a LOT .. of deciphering to do later. Long term project.

"For keeping her word to me." Naru turns her back to the running away Sunbreaker and faces down a very angry Sailor Moon instead. "She was very brave, and perhaps a little bit crazy, to come here and give me this, but she did and now is not the moment to punish that."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"If you didn't want a fight, you shouldn't have come to Naru-chan's dorm!" Sailor Moon shouts down the hall, only not chasing because she'd have to push Naru out of the way, and that seems counterproductive. And maybe a little because it's funny to watch Sunbreaker book it. When the flaming unicorn (still baffling!) is out of sight, Sailor Moon turns back to Naru with a scowl, letting her transformation drop.

"Keeping her word about what? What'd she give you, anyway?"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker did pause for a moment and... gave Sailor Moon the finger.

... The wrong finger.

Listen, hands were hard, okay?!! DON'T JUDGE!

"Go swallow a pineapple! I hope you get sent back to magic kindergarten!" Sunbreaker yelled at her before disappearing in a flash of fire.

Naru Osaka has posed:
"I..." Naru is about to answer Usagi when Sunbreaker's threat emerges behind them. "I don't think that's quite the threat she thinks it is.. I rather like pineapple." Naru muses a moment.

"Anyhow." Naru takes a deep breath as the tension slowly starts to ratchet down. Even just because she lets the door close, so chasing becomes even less an option. "Sunbreaker and I talked, before it all went horribly wrong at the end.. about magical theory and I asked her if she was going to experiment on me, to share her notes." She lifts the folder and looks faintly impressed. "She.. actually did."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"THAT'S THE WRONG FINGER," was Sailor Moon's last shout before Sunbreaker disappeared, and her own transformation was collapsed. She huffs, pouting. "I like pineapple too. But if she thinks it's such a bad thing, I'll show her!"

Just wait Sunbreaker. Pineapple be upon ye!

"Those are her notes? From experimenting on you?!" She is horrified. She is also, unfortunately, very familiar with her best friend. "Naru-chan, I can't believe you're going to study those!"

She can.

Naru Osaka has posed:
Because that's how you show an enemy! With fruit!

"What's the point in experimenting if the results just go to waste?" Naru protests as she comes to settle back down in the comfy chair and open up the folder. Sure, she can't understand of it just yet. A mathmatical system and a language she doesn't speak, but she doesn't even look that disappointed at that reality. "It might take some doing to figure them out, but that's okay."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"She shouldn't have experimented on you at all! Sharing the results just makes it seem like she did you a favor or something!" Huff. She throws herself down on the couch in their dorm, pouting. "I should have thew a tiara at her anyway. Even if it wrecked our hallway."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"So.." Naru starts, aiming to distract Usagi from rampaging destruction over questionable experimentation. "Mamoru told me about him being at the power plant, but not a lot of really good details other than about the youma."

"And children watching? Which sounds weird." Naru frowns a little. "What happened from your perspective?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Usagi is definitely thinking thoughts of destruction, only slightly tempered by the memory of Sunbreaker's sobs after their last encounter. The distraction, therefore, is easy bait. "Eh? He told you about that? Good! I almost forgot... it was really weird. The monster was like, something out of Kamen Rider, and he wanted to fight a team of superheroes? And Mamochan wasn't doing too well or... he was having a lot of fun, but in a 'whoops a little extra dark energy was in his Ramune' way?"

She frowns, propping her chin up with one hand and squishing her cheek. "They sent a lot of little monsters out after us, before we could fight the regular sized one."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Why were there children watching?" Naru puzzles with a bit of a frown as she listens. "And why at the power plant? Was this a publicity stutnt for Obsidian or something?"

Naru is still frowning as she gets to her feet, to be able to go set The Folder on her desk.

"Like.. it doesn't make a whole lot of sense." Naru mmms softly. "I mean, tossing little monsters out to distract on the way to the larger one is reasonable tactically, I suppse."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"I think they were hostages," Usagi says, scrunching her face in thought. "But I don't think they knew that? I mean! We knew, because monsters are dangerous, but I think they thought it was a stunt... they didn't mention Obsidian though. Just -" and she jolts up, remembering.

"Naru-chan, did you see my texts from earlier? Mamochan mentioned midnight! And he told me I should tell on him! But - I don't know what a powerplant has to do with the project, not unless it's like, one of the places they're trying to tear open the world?"

This does not make sense! But a lot of things don't make sense to Usagi. It's one reason she and Naru have made a good team - Naru-chan was actually good at puzzles and little fiddlyt hings.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Not very long after an angry and perhaps scared Sunbreaker runs from the dorm, a slightly confused blonde comes up the stairs to the room that she had just vacated. Adrien had come with a purpose as there's a large thermos tucked into the satchel slung over his shoulder. Unaware of the almost-kerfluffle he'd just missed he approaches with all the confidence of someone who has been here before.

Because he had.

A quick little triple knock is bestowed on the door while he glances at his phone frowning. He'd attempted to send a text but something had caused a momentary failure of service. Maybe some dark energy lingering about that had spiked? Either way the text he'd typed out to Naru asking if she were home and up for a coffee drop off had only just now dinged back to his cell informing him 'Message Not Sent.'

Here he was having already knocked. If he'd gotten it a second before he would have held off so as to not arrive unannounced. Now he's left in the lurch with hand raised at the door. Oops.

Naru Osaka has posed:
"I mean.. it's a power plant. Are they getting power from it?" Naru asks with a quirk of her head. "Although I don't know what, exactly, Obsodian needs from actual electrical power that they cant' just get in their own building. Hmm."

And then there's another knock at the door.

Naru's already up, so she's back to answering the door, for their next unexpected visitor.

It better not be Sunbreaker back, that would end poorly all around.

Naru looks legit relieved when she opens the door to the handsome blonde. "Adrien!" She smiles brightly. "What brings you by?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"I mean, don't they have money? Like a lot of it? Why do they have to steal regular energy?" Still, it had to be something, right? She doesn't think Mamoru was just goofing around up there - he would have been in a better mood if he was hamming it up as Hematite for regullar fun and games. This had been... different.

Though that could have been him still being mad after stabbing Sunbreaker...

And then there's another knock at the door, and Usagi hops to her feet, hand on her broach, secret identity ready to be thrown down the drain if it was Sunbreaker again -


"Oh! Adrien-kun, hi!"

Play it normal!

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste looks up abruptly from his phone, a bit wide eyed and possibly sheepish. "Ah, Naru-chan, Usagi-chan. I'm sorry I meant to phone ahead but-" The phone obviously out in hand gets a little wiggle. "I must have lost service for a bit and not realized it. I hope I'm not intruding?"

Though his gaze moves from girl to girl at the question he doesn't try to do anything untoward like peeking around the room itself. Whatever they were up to was what they were up to. "I have that coffee you wanted me to try brewing for you, Naru. If you're not up for a drink right now, you can just return my thermos when you're done with it," he offers.

Naru Osaka has posed:
"No no.. it's just fine. C'mon in." Naru hurries to reassure Adrien that it's fine.

We're fine. We're all fine here.

Naru steps aside to offer Adrien free entrance into their room. It looks.. very much like it did the last time he was there, save that there's currently an Usagi in it as well.

"I'm hardly going to turn down some of that Peruvian." Naru tsks softly, as if Adrien is crazy for even suggesting it. "How was it grinding? And brewing? Good? Amazing?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Everything's good! If you're going to talk coffee, I'll hop up in my bed so you two can share the couch. I can get back to this manga, I mean, homework."

yes. Homework. She was definitely going to do homework.

The conversation immediately picking up on coffee grinds is a good thing - Usagi clamors up into the top bunk, piled up with stuffed animals, and pulls out her manga, that is to say homework, trying to recapture the calm and peace of before Sunbreaker, now that Adrien was here and they couldn't keep talking about power plants and villainy.

Within a few minutes, they would hear the sounds of soft snoring. Yeah, she's falling asleep up there.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste glances over to Usagi with a small nod at her gracious sacrifice of 'studying.' He caught that though and barely manages to hide a grin until she's turned around. Then the grin is oh-so-obvious to Naru. "Good luck with your homework," he offers though he may have guessed that isn't the case.

Moving inside he reaches back to sling his bag forward to better reach the thermos in question. "It was a bit of a hard grind the first few seconds, but then it went beautifully."

The little bit of snoring that drifts down from the top bunk causes him to pause uncertainly with a glance back to Naru. "... Should we go and let her rest?" His voice has dropped to a bit of a whisper since he didn't know if she was a heavy sleeper or not.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara slowly left her room and... she looked... kind of... not well. Her hair was a bit messy, she had bags under her eyes and... well. She just didn't look her best. Why?

Hand. The hand hurt. The hand hurt a lot more. Also, she may have had to like, chain dusk port around a bit to make sure that Sailor Moon didn't ram that tiara straight up her--

And so she decided to come out as Hinoiri, and after a few moments, there was a knock on the door. "Everything okay? I saw the door was open and heard yelling a bit ago... hello?" she called in. "I'm uhhh... I've seen enough horror movies now to know if I push on the door I'm probably going to see bodies so should I just call the cops or...?"

Naru Osaka has posed:
"As long as we're not yelling, or the world doens't try to end." Naru manages not to augment that comment with extra snark. "She will sleep through us chatting."

Look at the complete lack of suprise that 'homework' was really manga / nap. And that nap won. "I am stunningly jealous of that girl's ability to sleep."

Annnd.. more visitors.. Or a repeat visitor. Sort of.

Naru looks over to the partially open door and Hinoiri peeking in. "No bodies, and just a .. misunderstanding." Naru decides on going with. "C'mon in, if you want Hinoiri.. do you know Adrien?"

Because somehow in the short time between Sunbreaker leaving and Hinoiri returning, Naru and Usagi's room has acquired a cute boy in it.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste glances over his shoulder at the upper bunk where he can just barely make out the blonde head of hair that was currently flopped out on a pillow. Naru's explaination earns a small 'ah' of apparent understanding. "One of those sleepers. She did fall asleep really quickly, too. That's a skill right there," he has to admit with a chuckle.

Since the OK was given, he moves to take a seat at the little table that he'd sat at the last time he visited. Already the thermos is lightly placed down. Just in time for Hinoiri to show up as well!

"Hinoiri?" A little confused he can only nod at knowing her. "Oh yes, we know each other. There was yelling, though? I must have missed that." What he doesn't miss as he looks over Hinoiri is how *awful* she appears. "Are *you* all right, Hinoiri? You don't look well. Do you need some medicine?"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a shrug. "Huh. Well, good to know you all worked it out. And yeah, we've met. He helped me with some things."

"Well, don't you just know how to sweet talk a lady?" she asked, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "And no, I'm fine. Just hand keeps hurting is all. Unless you got medicine that can mend this up, I don't think it'll help. And if you do? Why didn't you give it to me yesterday?" she asked, glaring at him... before smiling and giving a light chuckle. "Do I really look that bad, though? Cause oof. I..." Then she paused and looked between Naru and Adrien. "Oh. OH! So you're the girl?" she asked, grinning to Naru.

Then a rather mischievous grin formed on her lips. "Ohhhhhhh. Are you two the reason you disappeared a while back, Osaka-san? You really had Usagi-chan worried, you know. You should give your roommate a bit more warning when you disappear like that. Usagi-chan's definitely the soft, panicky type. Huh... Usagi... bunny... I guess that actually tracks now that I think about it..."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Mmm. Just before you got here." Naru comments absently to Adrien on the subject of the yelling. What can she say, it's a busy place!

"What happened to your hand?" Naru asks with a little frown. "I mean, I've got pain killers if you haven't taken any. It won't make it heal any faster, but it will take a little of the ache away.. probably. Every person reacts a little differently to them." Naru doesn't even sit down, she just heads to one of the decorative baskets on the shelves to retrieve out a couple of pill bottle options. "Acetaminophen is probably the most common."

Because of course the youma bait would keep a small pharmacy in her room.

Naru pauses, glancing over to Hinoiri and then to Adrien and then she starts to giggle softly. "While it's very astute of you to notice that I am /a/ girl, I am not /the/ girl.. whoever that is."

Naru gestures with a pill bottle between herself and Adrien. "There is no 'us two' beyond friends, and no, I didn't run away on some romantic getway with Adrien."

"My time away was unexpected and unplanned and I'm sad that it worried Usagi terribly." Naru replies evenly, carefully even.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste looks a bit abashed at the response. "I just meant you don't look well, not that..." His breath is let out in a sigh. So much for not sticking his foot in his mouth! Two nights in a row now. It doesn't stop him from offering an apologetic smile. Clearly she was in pain and that tended to make people crankier than usual. "Sorry, there's no such healing pill. If you're in pain though-"

He was going to make the same suggestion Naru does of taking some painkillers. He *was*, before Hinoiri makes a very uncouth suggestion! "Ah! N-no we're not... We're just friends. She's not the one that I mentioned." The last comes out a bit quiet as his voice just gets a bit smaller in the process. Apparently he'd mentioned someone to Hinoiri that he might like.

Better to fix his attention on the thermos of coffee in front of him. While Naru gets some meds out for the injured girl he unscrews the cap of the thermos. In no time at all the heady scent of a rich coffee starts to fill the room with a pleasant aroma. "I was just bringing by some coffee for Naru-chan."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a sigh before glancing to Naru. "Someone's stupid guard dog bit the hell out of my hand because they just let it roam free. Still hurts like tartarus sometimes and, wonder of wonders, I'm right handed. So that's been fun. And... actually... yeah. Pain killers sound wonderful. I should probably try and grab some of those later. How'd you say it? Acetemeopen?" she asked, utterly butchering the name and... well, okay, that one at least made sense. "So, like, how many am I supposed to have? And can I double it?" she asked.

She then gave Adrien a small smile. "Hey... Adrien. Chill. I was just kidding. I know you didn't mean it like that. I mean, I hope you didn't mean it like that. If you did, I'd... probably be annoyed, but possibly a bit more impressed because you really don't seem the type to insult someone like that." On account of him being so soft and sweet. "So I'd probably ask what crawled into your socks and died this morning."

She then sniffed the air. "Oh... that sounds wonderful. So, decided to give up on the coffee shop and just get it delivered straight to your room now, Osaka-san?" she asked in a teasing tone. 'Though I thought you were a model, since when do you do delivery?" she asked Adrien.

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Here." Naru passes Hinoiri the pill bottle. "Start with two, see how it feels. I wouldn't go more than four, cause kidneys are important."

How the recommended dosage deals with not only magical but alien physiology? Who knows, but Naru's trying at least.

"Let me open it for you, the bottle is kinda annoying, and even more so when you only have one hand to work with." Naru takes the bottle back before opening it and offering a pair of tablets on her palm.

The rich scent makes Naru pause a moment and close her eyes, inhaling deeply. "Oh that /is/ nice. It's supposed to be a little heavier and richer than the Hawaiian and good for espresso. So the little label at the coffee shop told me." Naru opens her eyes again, to turn and look at Adrien. "I'd say they aren't wrong, based on the smell."

"I am capable of supporting a wide selection fo coffee options, not limited to just the coffee shop, nor Adrien's magic with beans." Naru grins brightly, delighted at the coffee prospect ahead.

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste relaxes marginally at the apology of sorts from Hinoiri. Maybe he was a bit on edge lately. It had been awhile since he'd gotten the chance to run out on the rooftops, or fight alongside Ladybug. Was there such a thing as Miraculous withdrawal? His thoughts start to turn to changing that fact very soon even as he focuses on the coffee in front of him, pausing to glance to where he saw Naru get the teacups the other day when they had it. "Sorry, Hinoiri. I think I stuck my foot in my mouth the other day so I'm trying to be a bit more aware of what I say, and how I say it," comes his explanation as Naru doles out the pills.

"Two first is probably a good idea, and then one every four or six hours after. Just so you don't upset your stomach too."

The way Naru spaces out enjoying the scent causes his grin to broaden once more. Apparently this was something he enjoyed as much as his favored sport. "I *am* a model, this is just a friendly visit since I've got an espresso machine in my dorm. Besides I'm not always needed at photo shoots. Though I think I'm probably going to have some coming up soon since it's Autumn now." Fashions had seasons just like many other things.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara was given a bottle of pills... and then has it taken from her. She cocks an eye, about to say something... then understood why. "Oh, um, thanks," she said. She then started to lean forward... before reaching out with her left hand and taking them from her hand... maybe... pinched the hand a little on the way. "Sorry," Hinoiri said. "Right handed, you know." She really did have just awful hand/eye coordination.

She then tossed the pills in her mouth and chewed. Then cringed. "Right... Gonna... feel like an idiot now, but those were supposed to be taken with water, right?" she asked. Yes. They did have pain meds in Kirakirafantastica. She'd even taken them. She didn't know human ones, but she understood the concept of them.

This was, in fact, her being OFF her game. Terribly off it.

And those pain meds tasted like ass. Just... so much ass. "Could I... trouble you for one?" oh... oh wow that was certainly a face.

Once, uhhhh, that was taken care of she glanced towards Adrien. "Hmmm? Oh yeah. The whole season shift thing, right? I guess this is gonna be a pretty busy time then. Running of the leaves, nightmare night, whatever other holidays are added to the mix in this area." Yup. Water. Water was muuuuuch better than chewed up tylenol.

Naru Osaka has posed:
"You're going to want.." Naru starts as she watches those pills get popped in and CRUNCH.

Naru gets up to go and get a glass and pour some water into it, to return with it for Hinoiri. "I should have warned you, I'm sorry about that." And she actually does look regretful that she didn't give Hinoiri a warning about chewing them.

"I mean, if they expect you to be at school, they can't also expect you to be working all the time." Naru points out practically as she returns to her seat, where there is, hopefully soon, a coffee going to be for her to do more than sniff. She tucks her legs up under her, curling up into a compact package on the chair. "So many people I know are fond of Halloween.. it's never really been a favourite holiday for me."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
"Ah, don't--" Adrien tried to warn as well when she crunched down on them. There were chewable ones. Those were not it. A shudder runs through him knowing exactly how awful those things can taste himself. Even if you took them the proper way, you got a bit of that awful acidic bitterness in your mouth so he knew rather well exactly what she was going through. Uck.

"That... should at least let them take effect a bit quicker even if it's not the best way to take them." The thought is shaken off with another shudder.

"They usually work with my schedule these days. When I was home schooled and tutored I had more flexibility to adjust my schedule, but my father was always still very strict in that I have to have dedicated time to my studies. Routines are important." Or at least that's what he's often told. "It'll either be after school or on the weekend when we have more free time." You know, those half-day classes.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara really should learn to listen to other people before blindly doing things. Wait, no, that was sparkleskirt thinking. But ohhhh that sucked. Ohhhh that sucked a LOT. She downed that water real quick. "I hope you're right, because I'd hate to have had to go through that for nothing. Sorry. Force of habit, my mentor tended to prefer the uhhhh, chewable ones. I sometimes forget they aren't all like that." She shuddered. "Oh that's a regret, yup. Ugh..."

She glanced back to Adrien at his commentary on school. "So long as you don't start falling behind. You don't wanna end up being one of those people who spend all day sleeping and working rather than studying. Education is important if you want to... actually if you want to grow up and be a model, this would count as studying in a way."

Naru Osaka has posed:
Naru leans over to retrieve herself a tea cup of coffee. The ability of teens (and some others) to drink coffee at night and still sleep. Other adults would be jealous.

"I'm a routine based human myself." Naru has to admit with a bit of a sheepish tone. "I know it's cool and trendy to be all free and spontaneous, but left to my own devices, my weeks look much the same."

"Do you want to be a model when you graduate, Adrien?" Naru asks then. "And you, Hinoiri, what do you want to do when you graduate?"

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste takes up his own cup of coffee to sample the aromatic brew with a polite sip, and sigh of appreciation. Even he could handle coffee at night--Which was nice, really. "I don't think I want to be a model as an adult. I'm just mostly a model right now because it's my father's company and he wanted me to be the face of it. I may have to look at taking over managing the company itself," he explains.

"I once considered becoming an actor like my mother." He grows quiet, thoughtful, and then shakes his head. "I'm sorry. I should be on my way. I didn't mean to stay for very long," he explains flashing a grin at Naru and Hinoiri. It had nothing to do with the topic he'd stumbled on. Nope.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
"Always been into routine's myself. Study, classes, study, tr--" Stopped herself. Right. Maybe... don't mention all of that. "Nothing wrong with perfecting your craft, as it were." She obviously assumed the routine was meant to better herself in some way.

But, unfortunately... Naru asked what she wanted to do when she graduated. And Hinoiri just blinked a few times. What she wanted... "I... guess... well... that's a while off. I've got a few ideas, but nothing I want to jinx yet."

However, when Adrien mentions his mother, well... Hinoiri almost says something. But... maybe it was the look on his face. But she did pause. Biting her tongue, as it were. "Well, if you want to manage it, be the best... manager... you can be I guess. I should probably get going too. I've got plenty of studying to do myself, A's won't earn themselves after all," she joked. "Happy to see you're doing better, Osaka-san. When you see Usagi-chan, tell her I told her that 'spell' would work." Pause. "But she's still sworn to secrecy on it so actually forget I said that at all. Make sure you close the door this time, though. Cause... well... Seriously. You never know what kind of weirdo's are out there, wandering the halls. Like... drama students," she said, with mock horror.

Her roommate was a drama student. Which Adrien knew and Naru... probably didn't. She, though, escaped as well!

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Parents and guardians and mentors.." Naru shakes her head a little. "Their plans and our plans..not always wholly the same." She cradles her coffee as the pair of them make their excuses.

"Thank you for the coffee, Adrien. And I will be sure to not know anything about any 'spells', Hinoiri." Naru quirks a half smile. "Most of the time we /are/ the weirdos, but I do appreciate the sentiment nonetheless."

Adrien Agreste has posed:
Adrien Agreste gathers his things up as he stands. The bag is slung back over his shoulder, and he tips his head in the direction of the still mostly full thermos. "That should keep until morning if you want to finish it off then," he suggests. Since it was sealed and not still kept with the grinds, it wouldn't get that 'over developed' flavor that tended to occur. "I can grab the thermos off of you later."

With that decided he starts for the door only to pause at Hinoiri's cryptic message that she asks Naru to deliver. A look is slowly drawn between the two until his gaze settles on Naru. Clearly she's the more sane of the two, so he just mouths questioningly 'spell?' at her with an eyebrow raising.