504/What's A Pure Heart

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What's A Pure Heart
Date of Scene: 25 September 2023
Location: Juuban Ward
Synopsis: Eugeal (with Riventon in tow) comes out to test the Heartstealer rifle and the new Daimon. It's up to Coco, Amy, Naru, and Cho to stop them from stealing the heart crystal of this kind older gentleman.
Cast of Characters: Takashi Agera, Naru Osaka, Cho Konishi, Amanda Faust, Coco Kiumi

Takashi Agera has posed:
Screaming down the streets of Tokyo's Juuban ward on this clear day is a white station wagon with a black star emblazoned on the front door of either side. The station wagon is not, at all, driving the way a rational person would - cutting over sidewalk corners and medians, going the wrong way on streets, generally being a disaster waiting to happen. At the wheel is a red-haired woman with a fierce disposition, and in the back seat...

    "Ow! Damnit! What the hell! Is.. OW! With your driving?!" Riventon shouts, tumbling all over the back. "Also why doesn't...OW... your car have seatbelts back here?!"

    "It's not made for passengers or sightseers, Rivvy-kun." the woman up front replies. Tires screeching, the van slides sideways into a stop. "Quit whining, you're the one who wanted to come along. You knew it'd be dangerous."

    "I thought the work would be dangerous NOT YOUR DRIVING." Riventon says.

    The woman rolls down her window and scans the sidewalk. "Ah, there he is. He's the one! I'm sure he has a pure heart crystal." she notes as she rolls down the window and picks up the Heartstealer Rifle that's sitting in the seat beside her. And points it at the man. "Aaaaand..." she pulls the trigger and sphere of dark light rockets out of the barrel, slamming into the man's chest and causing him to topple over. Where he stood, a sparkling sphere starts to take a crystaline shape. "There we go, easy as cake. Works like a charm, Rivvy-kun." she says, opening the door and starting to walk towards the man - and the floating Heart Crystal.

Naru Osaka has posed:
One of these days, Naru is going to stop leaving campus to go get a coffee on a lovely sunny afternoon. Things always seem to go sideways when she is off getting a coffee.

There will be no comment about how often she gets coffee affecting the odds of things happening while she is getting coffee.

There is that moment when you have paused just outside the coffee shop to take that first magical sip. The one that's inevitably too hot, but that you've been waiting for. The car screeched up to not far from where Naru was having her coffee moment, and she watched. As did most of the sidewalk really, a little wary about the whole potential for getting hit by a car on the sidework. She thought she heard a familiar voice, but.. well.. the screaming tires drowned it out really.

Instead she watches some woman shoot a man with dark light. And then there's a floating crystal.

Naru takes another sip of too hot coffee and starts heading that direction. Because one should always run towards the potential and inevitable screaming.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi had not been getting coffee. She had been doing OFFICIAL STUDENT COUNCIL BUSINESS! Getting some office supplies. She was getting office supplies. But it was more impressive sounding if she just said student council business. Because THAT mattered.

Of course, then some lunatic drove by and ALMOST RAN HER OVER! She yelped and leaped across the sidewalk, up against the building, heart pounding and...

And then someone was shot. And a crystal came out. Well, she didn't know WHAT that was about. But deranged driver + weird guns + crystal? It could only mean one thing. It was time... for some Monkey Business.

She quickly dipped behind the buiding, made sure nobody was looking and then... Henshined! Time for Cure Wukong!

And, as the woman came towards the crystal... suddenly... A STICK WOULD LAND IN FRONT OF HER!

... Just a big red stick. Blocking her way. Weird. But--

A few seconds later Cure Wukong landed on it, balancing on one foot!

"Halt, you disastrously deplorable driver! I see that the laws of the road aren't the only thing you're breaking today, don't you know you should keep both hands on the wheel at all times while driving, even when you're as lousy a driver as you?" she asked, pointing a finger at her accusingly. "Also, I don't know what that thing is you knocked out oif that guy, but I'm sure it's important and I am Cure Wukong, it's my job to just put things back where they came from and ask questions never!"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy is walking along, tracking the trail of some Witch or other. She may have started wearing skirts again when school started up, but for this afternoon she's back to a color T-shirt and dark slacks, with a red pullover sweatshirt that she either wears or ties around her waist as the temperature demands, and a desert camo-pattern backpack.

    As the crazy car approaches, Amy and the people near her gawk, and then back away from the sidewalk. A salaryman holding fresh cups of coffee purchased for himself and a friend comments, "Crazy American...!" as the car comes down the wrong side of the street, prompting Amy to say "We're not all like this, I swear! I mean, we're *mostly* not even all like this!" She corrects herself, and then the car is stopping and HOLY SHIT IS THAT A GUN?! She ducks, and then someone is shot, and--

    "What are you DOING?!" the redheaded teenager shouts at the woman, eyes darting between her and her target, and then running for the victim to check that he's still breathing etc.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Light shines and fades from behind a skip, after which comes the emergence of Yellow Pearl Voice, ready to action, E-Pitch in hand and eyes on the Heart Crystal that got stolen from the man.

Merely 30 seconds earlier Coco was walking down the same street where the car with Riventon and the woman came to a sudden stop, the noise and odd maneuver already enough to get people's attention, nevermind the woman shooting someone with a rifle.

This is how in the 10 seconds that follow, Coco has hidden herself behind a skip and invoked the power of her pearl.

"How hideous!" the mermaid shouts with indignity at the woman. She doesn't know what the crystal is, but the shape and the way it got extracted is clearly indicative of something vital. "It wasn't enough to disrupt everyone's livelihood by stealing their energy, now you are after everyone's hearts too? You can forget it happening! "Legend of Mermaid: Pichi Pichi Voice, Live Start!"

The influence of the song of the seven seas' paradise shines together with the Live Stage that forms around the mermaid princess, repelling the darkness with a purifying melody that heralds rebirth after a storm, invoking the image of a fantasy of a night where stars fall for the shining future.

Answering Coco's call is a Live Stage, which seeks to interfere with the woman's path surrounding her and locking her within its borders.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    There's actually only a little screaming because the poor target goes down like a sack of potatoes. He's still now, breathing, but on the ground having fallen basically in position, clutching his heart. The large red pole comes down and she slowly looks up at it, bewildered, until the monkey business in question comes to land on the top of it. "Oh, you're one of those sparkleskirts." she snarled. "Back off, the adults have work to do." The woman stating this couldn't be more than 25. Probably closer to 22. Amy questions her as well, and she gets a similar response. "I'm doing my job! You know. That thing you don't have." she pauses. "Or if you do have it, it's not as important as mine." When Coco shows up, Riventon in the car can be seen (if anybody but the camera is looking that way) putting earbuds in.

    "Three of you?" she asks from inside the stage where she's been hemmed in newly. "That's just ridiculous. Don't you have clubs or homework or... oh forget this. I came prepared!" And it's not so much Coco showing up that urged Riventon to put in his earbuds because the car starts to produce a siren like a car alarm, the back hatch of the station wagon opens up by itself, revealing a metal box with the same black star on it. "Appear before me, Daimon!" she shouts. A rush of pink smoke follows, and climbing out of the car slowly comes a... purple woman with blue hair... and with one of her arms replaced with a giant needle. "You see, I've prepared a vaccination against sparkles, today! But don't worry. She'll make sure you take your shots."

    The youma wastes zero time, squirting whatever fluid is in the syringe out of it at Cure Wukong and Coco. Given the way it's eating into the terrain where it hits you probably don't want any of it on you. Or in you - which is a more pressing concern for Amy as the creature rushes out and tries to give her the business end of the needle. "You need to take your medicine!" the youma crows.

    While all of this is going on the woman in red throws off her lab coat - it vanishes as she does so - and underneath is wearing a rather eclectic red costume. "I'm Eugeal, of the Witches 5, and taking hearts is my job. Oh. Also beating you. Beating you is my job." she says, and in her hands is also a wooden staff that curls and twines in on itself before ending in a circular top, within which is suspeended a glowing red star. She raises it in both hands and calls out something in some strange foreign language, instead of trying to break through the stage - she just teleports a short distance out of it to the other side, where she begins to walk the rest of the way towards the heart crystal. "Honey, I'm a witch. You're a soggy pop star. Don't even try with me."

    Riventon doesn't get out of the car. He's just an observer, after all. For now, anyways. He leans forward and picks up the spent rifle.

Naru Osaka has posed:
Three of them. Accurate. Mostly accurate. Naru is letting the trio of sparkleskirts capture all of the attention of Eugeal, and of Riventon for that matter as she makes her way over towards the fallen man.

She's just a civillian.. clearly! Going to help another boring mundane who clearly has fallen. Or something.. something.. something.

She listens to the speech from Eugeal and keeps that transformation just on the edge of her vision as she hurries towards the man. And that crystal. Clearly aiming to get there before the witch.

Sometimes being a runner is a feature.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cure Wukong couldn't help but notice that... Amy proooobably had the better idea. Checking the victim to make sure they were okay was liiiiikely the better idea. But she was CURE WUKONG! If she listened to that voice inside her head she wouldn't really be doing anything! Ever! Then her roommate appeared! Yessss! It was time to sing! Or, well, let someone else sing and get the benefits of that!

Then... then there was a shot youma. Cure Wukong just... just stared. Oh crud. Not needles. She did NOT want her shots. She--

Wait, acid! She plucked a few hairs and sent them into the air! With a poof, they became HERS! Landing and--

Getting hit by acid, poofing into hair. Burning hair. That. That smelt great. Probably.

"Oh yeah? Well, your job may be to beat me, but my job is to stop you from beating me, so there! And you know what? I have a lot of things to do it! Like charm, and wit, and a backup singer who's really cute! But you know what else I have?"

She then KICKED her stick to the lady! "A big stick!"

The stick, well... was a stick. IT wouldn't do much. Unless the lady ended up with it actually landing on her/she tried to catch it. Then? Then it'd sudenly weigh as much as a mountain. Good luck getting THAT off.

Meanwhile, syringe...

She landed on the ground and... "Yellow, can you give me some hopping stages? No time to explain!" Because if she explained she might think this through and then she'd be in for a world of trouble. If her comrade gave her the stages, though... she'd leap higher... and higher... and higherandhigherandhigherand--

Amanda Faust has posed:
> I'm doing my job! That thing you don't have.
    Confused feelings well up in Amy as she feels the need to justify her lack of a job and that events that are absolutely *insane* pulled her away from it, but obviously she can't tell someone that, ESPECIALLY a villain, and also she *does* have a job, she's a Magical Girl, but she also can't tell that *either*, ESPECIALLY to a villain!

    Still, externally she's left with her mouth gaping open like a fish for a moment, so Eugeal gets to have a moment of feeling extra superior, if she wishes.

    Now there's a youma. Amy unslings her backpack from her back so she can use it as a shield if needed, but she's not sticking around, she takes off running the moment one of the magical girls here gives her a chance to make a break for it! "Kids, taking your medicine is a good thing when it's not being given by monsters on the street!"

    Of course, in another moment or too, the red-and-white-costumed Puella Magi leaps down onto the street, trusty rocket launcher hefted on her shoulder. "A Witch, huh? Well *my* job is hunting Witches." Fortunately, she *does* have a more pressing target than to follow through on that threat, as she turns, braces herself, and fires a non-explosive kinetic penetrator at the youma, so as not to catch anyone else in the explosion. (There's a backblast this time, but she positioned herself so none would get caught in it.) So, y'know, no explosion to watch out for this time, just getting-a-big-hole-punched-into-it!

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"I can see you are a witch alright, you harpy!" Coco retorts after being called a soggy pop star. "The song of the seven seas doesn't stop just because of 1 person with poor taste", she says. Nevermind the fact she is not alone at this, noticing Cure Wukong and Amy being here too.

The latter not having transformed already admittedly puzzles her (is there something holding her back?, she worries, knowing how dependent she is on that crystal being recharged), mostly because she is putting herself in danger too.

'Not like she is the only one doing that', Coco thinks noticing Naru slowly advancing towards the Heart Crystal. 'Thank you, Naru!', she rejoices on the inside at the other girl having their backs. That only leaves keeping Eugeal distracted. Which is something Cure Wukong is already set out to do, thankfully, and in the meanwhile Amy has come back transformed too. "Sure thing, Cure Wukong!" she says, resuming her song, the melody of the mother of the seas wishing everyone a miracle-filled adventure resounding once more.

Live Stages appear, positioned exactly as Cure Wukong wants them, while Coco makes use of the one Eugeal so helpfully avoided destroying, hurling it towards the demon with syringes.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    o be fair, there's a lot going on. Amy's speech and Cure Wukong being... well... Cure Wukong, plus the sparkle and glamour of the stage? It's no wonder Naru is able to get there just before Eugeal does. "Hey, girl. Are you with them?" she asks. "You don't look like you're with me." she points the staff at her. "Back off, or I'll turn you into a newt." It's unknown if Eugeal can actually carry through with that threat. Because she gets a stick kicked at her. She jumps - quite acrobatically, honestly - and lands on the stick. She does not have Wukong's balance though as she promptly falls off said stick and on her butt. "Ow..." she says, trying to get back to her feet.

    The Puella's rocket with its kinetic payload makes contact - and punts the medical Daimon a good few feet. It's... honestly a testament to some dark magiscience that it doesn't just put a hole in the youma, much less the fact that after a few moments it staggers back to its feet. "Better watch out. This season's illnesses can be particularly stubborn." the Daimnon hisses. Like a magician revealing a card with the flick of their wrist, the Daimon reveals a handfull of smaller syringes which it starts to hurl with impressive accuracy at Amy. After a moment it gets stopped by the collision of a stage upon its back from Coco, though. Again dropped down to one knee, and again raising up. It's Coco, this time, that gets the melee attention of the Daimon, as it dives in with a sweeping slash of its syringe arm and starts trying to poke her with it, weidling it somewhat like a rapier or other thrusting sword.

    Naru reaches the crystal and she can feel its warmth long before she can trust it. Yeah, there's a lot of energy in this one. Don't look directly at it! Of course, it should probably be back inside the other guy's... body? Where it... came from?

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Go ahead and try it." Naru doesn't seem all /that/ worried about the newt suggestion. It might be even more fun than being a youma was! One would hope it's more fun than being a youma. Either way, she doesn't have to find out right now.

Naru is mostly ignoring the medical Daimon as it hacks and slashes at the heros fighting it. She does smile, just a touch, at the stick attack that knocks Eugeal on her butt. Go team stick!

Naru has lost her coffee somewhere in the hullabaloo and she reaches up with both hands to gentle cradle that warm crystal. A ton of energy, even she can feel that, and the warmth. She breaks all the good ideas by looking at its blinding light for a moment before ushering it back towards it's person. Hoping that gentle proximity is all it needs to be reabsorbed and not some sort of drastic action.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Up and up and up and... Cure Wukong was soon so high up even that voice in her head couldn't reach her here. Nothing could. Because this was a REALLY DUMB IDEA! But being a magical girl meant doing the impossible and/or stupid and/or reckless. If you were good enough, all three!

So she leaped, one final time... before turning and diving down!

Rocketing at the ground at... monkey speeds... She plucked some hair.

Further and further she fell, the city far below, coming closer, ever closer, ever faster. Closer closer closer...

Then, finally, she could see them. The world coming at her like a blur and...

She plucked some hairs, throwing them out. Clone time! Because her clones were often... hit or miss. But in this case? She didn't need them to fight. She needed them to be a platform/thing to redirect her path.

She grabbed one of their hands, kicked off another and then the third she used as a falling platform to better align her fall...

"PRECURE MONKEY KING AXE KICK!" she yelled. About half a second before her leg came screeching down at the youma and the poor, poor cement that was beneath her.

Either way... that... that'd cost her a life. Or two. But hey, what good was immortality if you didn't use it to do stupid stuff?

She... she was just going to need to lay here a moment. Regardless.

"O-oh.... hey... red girl..." she said woozily. Just... just need a moment please....

Amanda Faust has posed:
> Better watch out, this season's illnesses can be particularly stubborn.
    Amy leans forward and shouts, exasperated: "Are you the medicine or the disease?! At *least* be consistent to your own bit, come on!"

> I'll turn you into a newt!
    Amy turns the weapon around. "No using TF as punishment!" But before she can say or do more, there's suddenly a barrage of syringes flying at her! She lifts her cloak to block them, but isn't fast enough to stop them. There's a *tink* sound as at least one needle blunts itself on the chestplate part of her costume -- look, cosmetic armor is actually useful here! -- Amy looks down in concern at the needles sticking into her gut and starts pulling them out, but not before they can inject some of their payload, which makes her drop to her knees (also armored!) screaming in pain!

    But Amy can see Coco under attack! And one injection from that much bigger syringe would be very, very bad! She has to do something!

    The rocket launcher turns into a smaller form that can be wielded like an SMG and she lifts it-- "Agh!" The parts of her burned by acid are small, but they hurt so much as the flesh around them moves.

    *Coco is in danger!*

    It hurts so much, and then it hurts but it doesn't.

                       {|||||||||||||||||||||||||||     }                      

    Amy fires, smaller rockets zipping by or, if she's lucky, into the youma as Amy's aim lags behind its movements as she stands up and begins to approach it...

Coco Kiumi has posed:
The neat thing about syringes is that unlike blades the only really dangerous part is the tip, so when the youma directs its attention towards her and thrusts the syringe-arm towards her, the mermaid princess makes use of the recently enhanced physical skills, and grabs the syringe by the needle, holding it tight to keep the youma close to her.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Yellow Pearl Voice says, "That's so kind of you to want a close-up to my songs" she smiles at the youma as she resumes singing. "Splash Dream: Pichi Pichi Voice, Live Start!" The mermaid princess begins singing a celebration of the continuous melody that roars in the sea, full of overwhelming feelings that spur her to close her eyes tightly... The enchanted notes talk of wondrous messages drawn with stardust: she is going to engrave them in her heart.

Her magical melody is fully set on purification, working on the close contact between her and the youma as she sings of a splash dream, in which prayers are like an arrow shooting through the transparent love that surrounds the 7 seas, the splash dream lying inside of her eyes motivating her to devote everything to the love she wants to protect.

When she hears Cure Wukong falling in a kick towards her, she is quick to let go of the youma, pushing it back and jumping away from it herself, leaving ample space for the Monkey King to execute her attack without collateral damage for Coco. Meanwhile, she she has a Live Stage ready to envelope Cure Wukong once she has executed her kick, protecting her from any fallback the rockets striking there may have on her."

Takashi Agera has posed:
    By the time Eugeal gets her footing back from under her, Naru's started to press the Heart Crystal back towards the fallen man's chest - where it does automatically start to turn back into what are described as little sparkly twinkles of light, and the man slowly gets color back in his cheeks - he wasn't super pale, but the difference is now noticable as it returns. Eugeal stomps her foot. "I shot that out of him for a reason runt!" she says. She's not much taller than Naru. She points her staff at Naru. If she was hoping for a newt she's going to be sorely dissapointed, and perhaps just sore, since it's a plain old regular pulse of Dark Energy (as much as there is such a thing) that tries to knock her back with its severe concussive force. Hopefully (in Eugeal's eyes) into something heavy. Unless someone stops it, anyways.

    Rinventon's rolled down the window, now. "You let them put it BACK IN?! How am I supposed to research it now?"

    "Screw you! There's three of them and you're just sitting in the car!" she yells back. Coco's newly enhanced strength allows her to grab the midpoint of the needle and safely swing the youma around so that its back was to Amy Faust. The Mermaid Idol starts singing, and the youma starts whining like a sort of injured animal, the purifiying power of the song working against it.

    "You're the one who was worried I'd steal your glory." he replies. "I thought you had it all under control."

    "BEFORE they showed up." she exclaimed. As if on cue, several rockets soar through the air and slam into the youma as Pearl Voice lets go of it, while a shadow grows closer.

    "Well if you've only got it under control at that point it's pretty unimpressive." he retorts. "Anyways, it's not a talisman and it's back in his body anyways, why are we still here?"

    She pauses. "Good point." She raises her staff again and says the same words as before, calling on Dark Energy, fading out and then back in over by her car. "Yeah, actually. Forget this. Daimon! Take care of these girls!" She says, and it's at this point that the Daimon, already purified and rocketed in the back, is laid out from the most heavily gravity-assisted dropkick that had been done by anyone in... maybe ever. "...All you girls have fun~!" she says in a singsong voice as she gets into the car anyways. "I'll show you bad driving you little punk..." she mutters under her breath as she absolutely floors the accelerator, the tires screeching and rubber burning as she in fact, leaves in a less controlled manner than she came in, Riventon thudding around in the back seat. Somehow the car ends up tipping sideways on two wheels as it drives out of sight. Thanks to the rolled-down window the girls can hear him curse with each turn until the car is out of sight.

    And by some dark miracle the Youma is still moving - still able to get to its feet, albeit slowly. But it's not looking at the three girls. It's turned around looking at the car. Watching it leave. A sad look on its exhausted face. The non-syringe hand reaching out as though for help that will not come...

Naru Osaka has posed:
As the Heart Crystal settles back into its human, Naru turns back towards Eugeal and aims to lunge towards the staff. She is fond of staves as well, and hey, better that one than none at all.

Instead, she gets slammed with a very familiar sensation. More Dark Energy to add to her collection, and to slam into Naru and launch her back into the shop front just behind them.

Thank goodness for self defense lessons, she has some ability to land with some degree of agility, but that's gonna leave a mark and absolutely knocks the wind right out of her.

As she lays there, considering her life choices right here and now she listens to Riventon and Eugeal argue. That is absolutely a voice that Naru recognizes as Riventon yells from the car about research. A point of interest that Naru tucks into the back of her thoughts amonst the 'ow'.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cure Wukong admittedly couldn't even try to chase the car. Didn't even want to move right now. An atmospheric monkey king axe kick was not, as one might expect, easy on the body. She just... she was going to lay there for a moment. But she did give Yellow Pearl Voice a thumbs up. Then paused. She grabbed her stick...

And chucked it on the youma while it was despairing. "T-there, Yellow Pearl Voice! Finish it off! You got this!"

Yessss. The mermaid got this. Her lil Tripitaka. She got a stick but Yellow got the motion of the ocean in her voice...on.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "Coco... I mean, Yellow Pearl Voice... you're alright?" Amy looks at the youma. "What do we do with it? Wukong, can't you purify it? Uh, her?"

    Her rocket launcher poofs away as she stumbles towards Naru, dropping to her knees again by the civilian's side. "Are you alright? Does it hurt anywhere?

Naru Osaka has posed:
At the question, Naru moans softly but lifts a hand to give Amy a thumbs up. She's fine. For some various values of fine at least.

Naru takes a moment or two before she manages to wheeze out an answer. "I'm great. No problems here." She slowly starts to untangle herself from the wall and then tangle of her own limbs. The wincing as she moves speaks to the value of fine that she is working with is not actally all that fine. "Is the guy alright?"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
And it's over quite fast, way fasted than she would have thought possible. Naru has successfully put the heart crystal back, Eugeal and Riventon have disappeared way faster than they came (most probably to the latter's displeasure), and the youma is defeated, looking... back sadly at the people that abandoned it here.

The mermaid grimaces at the way too human reaction of the youma, but she knows how it is with youma made of dark energy. They are not going to change. "I will put it out of his misery with a surgical strike", she replies to Cho's exhortation to finish it off and Amy's uncertainty about how to deal with it.

The mermaid princess raises her arm, the bracelet on her wrist shining with white light as a halo of yellow light moves downwards from the mermaid princess's head: her clothes become more elaborate as it does so, gaining a flowing bow on her back and parallel frills on her blouse. "The Tale of the Seven Seas ~Pearls of Mermaid~: Pichi Pichi Voice, Live Start." Coco sings of embracing a dream: the journey to find the story that leads all lives to paradise, a treasure that is surely shimmering beyond the seven seas.

The magical song spreads its splendor with sorrowful intensity, repelling evil and purifying the darkness.

The words of the mermaid princess call back to a lute, whose melody that resounded at dawn was similar to a sweet lullaby from her hometown.

The enchanted melody shows everyone present the peace the mermaid princesses wish to protect with their songs, a beautiful paradise when nobody has to hurt, the melodious vision coloured by the sadness Coco is currently feeling for being unable to do just that.

"There, it's done", she says, looking at her companions. She approaches them, checking how everyone is doing, paying particular attention to any sign of injury Naru and Cho might have. "How are you all feeling?"

Takashi Agera has posed:
    The station wagon with the black star on it has faded away. Naru is... mostly alright. The man on the ground is breathing heavily - just unconscious from the trauma of having his magical quasi-heart forcibly blasted out of his torso.

    The youma was missing things now, but when Wukong threw the stick, it turned and snarled with a feral anger, proving Yellow Pearl likely right. And the semblance of sentience whatever arcanoscientific process went on within the Witches 5's labs granted this otherwise mundane object, it was very much still able to feel hostility. For a few more moments, at least. Yellow Pearl Voice's song washes over it, and midsnarl it starts to look, oddly sleepy. The last word it speaks are "Lovely song..." but said in a way that it was practically spitting the words angrily out of its mouth, before the body of the creature dissolved away - leaving just a syringe behind, from which a strange white egg popped out. Then the egg cracked and what looked like an evil spirit flowed out of the cracked egg with a high pitched cackle.

    The man in question slowly starts to come to, as well. "What? Where?" he asks, confusedly, whether any Magical Girls or Mundanical Girl Narus are around to answer or not.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy finally has a moment when she can just watch Yellow Pearl Voice, and see her friend's new power.

    Her sweet song of the search for paradise brings tears to Amy's eyes, even as the youma, too, is moved, and its spirit freed.

    She wipes her eyes with her cloak. "Coco-- I mean--" F---, why is it suddenly harder to stop misspeaking?! "...Co-ool... what a wonderful song... That was beautiful, truly..."

    She takes a breath, and answers Yellow: "I'm fine." *Am* I, though? "...We'll talk later. Actually, wait, do you have healing magic now? I did get stabbed with those syringes earlier..." She doesn't stop and wait just yet, though. She moves over to check the guy who got shot, but he seems to be fine. She helps him to his feet, and then looks between the others.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cure Wukong was... was gonna have to get up, wasn't she? Oh, that wasn't going to... well... at least the song helped. "Yellow? Next time I try to do that... okay, don't try and stop me. If you do, I'll probably just do something dumber."

"That was amazing, I couldn't be prouder!" Wuwu called from the distance.

"Yup, I'd definitely do something dumber. Dang it. Ow. But hey, victory! We did it!" Aaaand then she TACKLE hugged Yellow. "You were AMAZING! Eeeee!" she said happily before looking to Amy and... "Oh... you got stabbed? That... sounds painful. I ummmm, sadly, am not good at those things. If you ever need someone to do something really dumb, though, I'm your girl. But really, uhhh... Yellow, you got like. Song of healing, right?" When in doubt, use the bard.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"It's ok, Red", Coco smiles at the Puella Magi. "Everyone here knows all three of my identities", she explains.

She looks at Naru, who insists she is well despite not looking like it. "Oh, that?", she looks at Amy surprised. "That was something I could always do, same goes for healing. The neat new stuff is how I can manipulate the Live Stage", she explains.

A breath exudes from Coco's lungs as she gets tackled by Cho, whom she goes on to hug back once she has taken a few seconds seconds to recover. "I will be there to catch you when you do", the mermaid princess smiles at her friend, looking at her with all the fondness she has for her reckless roommate. After Cure Wukong checks on what her song is capable of, she nods. "It's not as potent as it would be on someone who dedicated their magic to it, but it can do its job, especially when I am in my advanced Idol form like now."

Explanations done, Coco resumes singing the song of the seven seas, filling the atmosphere with the melodious voice of a mermaid princess, its beneficial effects starting to work right away and providing the healing that was requested.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Three? Oh right, secretly a mermaid princess. ...He's in the same boat with an extra secret identity too, isn't he? Although, he won't turn to seafoam from admitting it...

    In any case, Amy listens to the song of healing, closing her eyes and listening with a musical ear.

    It hurts but it doesn't.

    It hurts, a little, but it doesn't.

                       {|||||||||||||||||||||||||||     }                      

    It doesn't hurt.

    Amy lets out a breath and relaxes, smiling in relief and at the song's beauty. "Thank you... and for the performance, too."

    She looks at Naru but... ah, if she's healed, Naru must be too.

    Just to check, Amy presses her finger where the syringes were, tensing from the expectation of being sore... but there's nothing, she feels fine. Healing magic really is a miracle!

    She looks up at Naru again. "So, you know about magical girl stuff? Does this happen to you a lot?"

    The red puella furrows her brow in thought. "...Didn't they make a coffee monster from you...?"

Naru Osaka has posed:
Up to her feet, Naru has to pause a moment to catch her breath again. Because everything hurts. But she's fine. Close enough to fine. Certainly she feels better once the healing magic kicks in.

Naru moves back over to the gentleman who is waking up. "Hello sir, sorry you took a bit of a spell. How are you feeling?" She glances over to the other three girls and then back to the mundane who hopefully is also benefiting from the healing magic.

Naru looks to Amy at the question, stepping away from the mundane gentleman who hopefully has stumbled off. Or something. "Yes, I'm Aware of magical stuff." She pauses a moment and then she rather has to nod ruefully. "Does what happen to me a lot? Pissing off people who toss around dark energy? Surprisingly so, yes." She quirks her head at the last question and she looks blank. "A coffee monster? That one I don't remember.." The mirrored coffin really didn't provide a good view to the fight for Naru.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    "I'm alright now. Yeah, I guess... maybe I should make an appointment to have another doctor look at me!" he says, chuckling. "Oh dear, now I'm later. Thank you so much." he says to Naru before running off downtown.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cure Wukong blinked and looked between Amy, Naru, the running guy and... Yellow. "So ummmm... I'm really... much.... better at the punching things and collateral damage. Not so much the.... post... things. But ummm, I think you guys all got it handled. So, ummmm... Should... I go get back to work? Orrr...? Because unlike what she said, I do have some work I'm doing..."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "It was awhile ago. That was, like, the third youma I ever fought." Red makes conversation. "It was uh..." she snaps her fingers, "Phantom Empire, that's it! Trapping people in mirrors and unleashing angry monsters. ...Maybe you couldn't see anything from your side of the mirror."

    She turns to Wukong curiously. "You do? What is it? Need any help? I was following a Witch's trail, but it's pretty faint and cold."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Oh, so it wasn't the first time." Coco says, looking at Naru with a bit of apprehension. She is glad it probably wasn't close to each other, but she isn't sure what repeated exposure would be, especially with how last time's repeated exposure impacted her.

"All that I knew of is that you are prone to helping in cases like today..." Really it makes her want to try and setup some singing method for long distances like she had thought to do with Hannah after the Belkan almost got assassinated.

"It's alright, Red", Coco speaks up when the magical girl offers to help her nervous roommate. "It's just boring mundane stuff, she got everything under control." The mermaid looks at Cho, checking with uncertainty if her intervention was helpful to the Precure.ù

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Oh! The mirror." Naru manages to not give too much of a shudder at the memory. Clearly that was a particularly memorable experience. "That was awful. No, I was just being drained to power that youma, as best as I can determine. Yeah, I wasn't super coherent in there."

Naru turns her attention to Wukong and nods. "Thank you for being an excellent distraction. I'm not sure we've met as this flavour of you.. I'm Naru Osaka. Thank you again. If you want to head off, I think we're good."

Naru smiles gently at Yellow Pearl. "Not the first time I've been in a magical battle, not the first time I've fought youma, not the first time I've been smacked into a wall. Comes with the territory, really." She smiles to all of them. "Thank you all, in fact. I'm glad we managed to save him."

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cure Wukong nodded. "Oh, just student council work. And... ummmm... we've probably met. OH! Yes! We have! I think. Maybe? Ummm. Cho. From the student council. Uhhhh... yeah. I guess actually everyone here knows who I am, eh heh. But uhhh, yeah. It's basically just a resource run. Paperclips, things like that. Nothing major. So don't worry about it, just get everyone back safely and ummm... don't... do anything too reckless or dangerous. Also, if there's a witch, please call for backup, Red," she said, giving Amy the side eye. Because she didn't want her friend getting hurt!

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Apparently she was worrying over nothing, Coco realises as her roommate is quite comfortable revealing her normal identity, despite the nervousness she was demonstrating earlier.

She looks at the group. "Who would like a lift on my Live Stage?"

Amanda Faust has posed:
"'Who wants to go flying'?" Red restates Yellow's question. She smiles. "Sure, count me in! Just lemme grab my backpack, I ditched it behind that fence."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"I'm good, but thank you." Naru gives a little shake of her head as she turns to go back to the coffee shop, and get a fresh coffee. Her coffees never seem to last through a whole fight.