539/The Magic of Time

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The Magic of Time
Date of Scene: 01 October 2023
Location: Plot Room 1
Synopsis: Naru comes to visit Setsuna at home. Magic is discussed, and cute photos of a certain cat are shared.
Cast of Characters: Naru Osaka, Setsuna Meiou

Naru Osaka has posed:
There's been a lot in the last week or so. Seriously. A lot. A whole lot of sorting out what information they had, and ensuring that people knew what new information is available.

No matter that Naru seems to eternally forget it exists, on this Sunday afternoon, she's sitting down with the communicator that Luna gave to her and trying to figure out exactly how on earth it actually works.

Sorry for the spam, sailor scouts!

Naru frowns a little as she pokes at it again. "Sailor Pluto? I think I've managed to contact just you? I hope?"

So far, every other time she's prodded, it's been silence. Perhaps she's going to win this time.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:

As much as Pluto hates (and loves) them...they DO deserve the capitalization.

Stuck at home, hiding away from truant officers while she is still smol, Setsuna has been a bit at a loss for things to do...a feeling she knows ALL TOO WELL.

But realizing she was having said feeling DID remind her about the Gates...and she had the passing thought that, as she is now VASTLY smaller than she was before, maybe she can get into some of the smaller spaces she couldn't before and at least dig out some of the damaged components she couldn't reach right after the incident.

Thus it is when Naru triggers her communicator back on Earth, in a small built up area not too far from the Gates where Pluto had stashed all the stuff she collected during her long wait, a sound like a massive alert rings out at high volume.

13998 years earlier:
Sailor Pluto looks through some of the things she has in the aftermath of Silence Falling across the system and finds the communicators for herself and the other Outer Senshi. After a long time staring at them, she says, "...one day, the Queen's final Spell will reincarnate the Princess and the other Senshi...I'd better set the alert loud so...whenever it DOES come, I'll be sure to hear it."

Back in the Present:

Thus, when the loud alert sounds, Sailor Pluto is up to her waist in a hatch on the side of the Gates...and hearing it causes her to let out a startled shriek as she tries to stand up...followed immediately by a muffled *clang* and a string of swearing in a few dozen languages...most of them LONG DEAD.

Still, she wriggles herself out of the hatch, then dashes over to where the noise is coming from before silencing the alarm.

Staring at the communicator (because between 14000-odd years and the damage she took during the Gate Crash, she'd honestly forgotten about this thing) for a few moments, she then shakes her head, and the sounds of someone fiddling with something they're unfamilair with comes through, "Uhrm...hello? With whom am I speaking?"

It's a pretty young-sounding voice. Younger than Usagi or Naru, at least.

Naru Osaka has posed:
One cannot spend this much time working with a wide variety of magical children and youth and be all THAT ageist.

"Holy crumbs, it worked!" Naru is almost as surprised as Pluto when she actually gets an answer, not quite fumbling the communicator, but almost. Perhaps not quite the question that she had been asked, but at least a sign of life.

"It's Naru Osaka." Naru does at least answer the question. "Um. A friend of Sailor Moon and Luna's. Is this Sailor Pluto?"

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Back at the Gates of Time, Setsuna blinks a few times. Well, that's certainly another checkmark in the 'Is Naru Osaka important' column. She also thinks for a moment...and the realizes that, by inference, Naru is almost certainly aware that Usagi is Sailor Moon...because if she knows who Luna is and she LIVES with Luna...well...with that clear an arrow, not even Senshi disguise magic could save someone.

Still, that means that Naru is relatively safe to speak candidly with...not that Setsuna was really concerned about that fact, "...yes it is, Miss Osaka. What might I help you with?"

Naru Osaka has posed:
Important? That's a question up for debate. If one asks Naru, she would say no. Aware? Absolutely.

"I have some questions for you about the progress on Midnight Tokyo, a warning about a new threat and a few questions of my own if you are willing or interested. Do you have time, or interest, in meeting with me?" Naru asks politely enough.

Aware, and clearly in at least some loops.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna blinks, then stands up and rubs the back of her head before looking back at the Gates for a long moment, then she sighs and shakes her head before picking up the communicator and replying, "...to be perfectly honest, I'm pretty much done with what I came here to do, anyway. I can meet today if you don't mind leaving campus."

As she says that, she hrms and grabs a few things, then absently begins wandering to a spot a bit away from her stuff that she'd set up for slightly easier transitions back and forth to real space.

Naru Osaka has posed:
"I'm glad to come anywhere that you would prefer. Off campus is fine." Naru agrees readily.

Naru might be in her room, but she's already wandering as she talks, collecting up her satchel and notebook. "Can I get you anything from the coffee shop on my way?"

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna opens her mouth to say no, she's got a really good coffee maker at home...but then she pauses and remembers she's run herself out of chocolate sauce, so after she gives an address a 30-ish minute trip down the main rail line in the rather 'swank' part of town, she coughs politely, "...actually, if you might be so kind...an extra large frozen mocha, perhaps?"

Naru Osaka has posed:
"I'd be glad to bring a frozen mocha." Naru's voice has a smile at the request. "I will see you soon."

And based on the timing of her travel, she really does leave pretty much right away. A stop at her favourite coffee shop, for a frozen mocha and a darn good coffee. A few treats, because it's hardly a good meeting without treats, and she's on the train.

She even manages not to eat the treats, nor drink all of her coffee on the train. Winning!

It's perhaps 45 minutes before Naru is coming up to the address given, to knock at the door. She's out of her school uniform, casually in a skirt and sneakers, a t-shirt that reads 'First I drink coffee.. then I do all the things'.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
The address is to a house that is probably best described as a 'mansion'. It's certainly big enough. When the door is knocked upon, it is answered by...well, it looks like someone left Nurse Meiou in the dryer too long...or maybe it's her younger sister. At a glance, she comes up to MAYBE Naru's shoulders.

She's wearing a normal adult-sized t-shirt that, on her tiny frame is effectively a one-piece dress that comes down to about her knees.

Said shirt is a deep green T-shirt which reads: 'It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shakes, the shakes become a warning. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.'

As she sees Naru there, the young girl smiles and opens the door to let her in, "Miss Osaka, come. Enter freely and of your own will."

Naru Osaka has posed:
If the 'dried on hot' version of Setsuna is a surprise to Naru, she gives no visible sign. She bows politely. "Thank you and good evening."

With that only vaguely ominous greeting and welcome, Naru steps into the house. The giant house, which equally does not give her visible pause. "Thank you for the invitation. I brought some cookies to go with our coffee." She offers both the mocha and the pastries over to the smaller girl.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna takes the offered mocha and pastries, "Thank you, Miss Osaka. You are a treasure."

And with that, she leads down the entrance hallway.

Oddly enough, at regular intervals on one wall there are sheets of what appaear to be bog-standard A4 copy paper printed with stylized, curly arrows pointing down the hall. Said arrows are a color that, were it a hair color, would be described as 'dishwater blonde'.

A short way down, she steps into one of the doorways into a large 'entertainment room'. There's a huge flatcreen tv...but more importantly there's a very comfortable-looking couch and some recliners and a coffee table that Setsuna puts the cookies on.

She opens up the straw and starts sipping her mocha while she waits to see whether Naru wants to sit on the couch or one of the recliners, "So you said you had questions?"

Naru Osaka has posed:
Naru manages not to gawk around as she follows Setsuna down the hallway and into the entertainment room. She does smile as she spots comfortable seating and heads for a recliner, making use of the coffee table to set her coffee down on.

"I do have questions, although I feel as though the warning should come first." Naru tips her head a little, in quiet apology to changing the order of topics immediately.

"Obsidian has a new weapon that they are using. A gun that can remove and crystlize souls.. or linker cores.. or essence.. depending on your preferred frame of reference." Naru settles her hands in her lap as she explains. "I wish I could come with a better suggestion to people on how to protect themselves, but I'm afraid that right at the moment, the best advice is 'don't get shot'."

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
As Naru takes a recliner, Setsuna sits down on the couch, curling her legs up under her as she drinks her coffee. However, as Naru gives her warning, the young woman blinks, "...heart crystals?" Because that's the terminology she's familiar with, "...well, as a rule 'don't get shot' is pretty good advice no matter WHAT kind of gun is being used, but...yes...I can imagine having your soul ejected from your body would be rather a bit of a problem."

She purses her lips together a bit as she taps them with a finger in thought, "...though I imagine that if one were to put it back quickly enough, no lasting damage would be done...so that's at least a plus."

She sighs and shakes her head, "...I must say 'If you see someone's soul knocked out of their body, be sure to shove it back in as soon as possible' is NOT medical advice I ever expected to have to give."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"And not advice I expected to have to give." Naru agrees, her head nodding at every point. "I am given to understand the timeline is about an hour before the person dies, but I can only confirm that the gentleman appeared to have no ill effects after a few minutes."

"Any thoughts about potential protection for the community is welcome, but I have not yet had much luck in solutions there." Naru considers a moment and then notes. "The evidence points that mahou are likely to be targets, although the test shot with what I think was a prototype was on a mudane bystander. The crystal was a little smaller than my fist, quite spikey and quite dark."

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna takes a long pull from her mocha as cover to think for a moment...but then she stops suddenly and screws her eyes shut tight as she puts a hand to her forehead in obvious pain.

After a moment or two, she wavewaves at Naru and says, "...sorry...brainfreeze."

A short bit later, she's gotten past the minor episode familiar to most drinking really cold things, "...sadly, I can't say as I know of anything that would work. Protections against anything that would interact with one's soul like that would quite likely cause problems with using most magical powers..."

She trails off, frowning, "...I think." She sighs and shrugs.

Naru Osaka has posed:
Naru looks sympathetic on the brain freeze moment. Everyone's been there. Usually more than once in the same drink.

"We're working on some theories based on barriers and other protective wards, but all of them are too active or require too much power to be functional in a passive sense." Naru shakes her head a little. "I did not expect you to have an immediate answer, but keep it in mind if you do come up with something."

Naru takes a deep breath and finally leans forward to collect up her own coffee. "There's little more to be said on that topic, but I'm trying to sort out where we're at with the initial investigations into the Midnight Tokyo project. I am given to understand that you were working on the coded mesages on the plans. I wondered if you'd made any progress, and if you wanted any help that I might be able to offer."

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna sighs and shakes her head, "I've been over that a few times now. While based on the script used, I'm reasonably certain it's in a language I know, it's in a cypher that I can't break. I think one of the Inner Senshi used to have a computer back in the Silver Millenium...if she still has it, that might be able to crack the encryption, but no idea on how long it'll take."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"I suspect that answer is yes." Naru nods in confirmation. "Based on having met an inner senshi with such a computer. Would it be helpful for me to ask her to contact you?"

Her smile is careful. "I suspect that the project is moving foward on the Obsidian side, and I dont want us to get too far behind them and play catch up. Any unusual encounters you've had with Obsidian members of late? Any information is welcome."

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna pauses, arches an eyebrow...then waves at herself as if to indicate 'you mean like 'THIS'?'.

After a moment, however, she sighs, "This was the result of what likely was just intended to be a prank between Obsidian minions that got out."

She then scratches her cheek, thinking, "...other than that...not a lot that's not their generic 'go make a monster and harvest energy in the chaos'...though there was that thing a few weeks ago with that ship that crashed...there was a guy from Obsidian there. I tangled with him a bit, but he managed to get away before I could finish him off."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"I wasn't going to ask." Naru points out with a touch of a smile. "Your story to tell, or not." She sips from her coffee. "Pranks between Obsidian folks tend to be.. dramatic." She gestures easily. "Clearly."

"Do you remember what guy? And what sort of ship?" Because around here, one cannot assume what kind of ship.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna shrugs, "Not really. It wasn't even the whole ship, just a chunk of it. Apparently, according to some people from outside the System I've met, the whole Solar System is kind of a massive space hazard that things disappear into and never return."

She snorts, "...and apparently the stuff they regard as a mind shattering impossibility that violates all known laws of magic is the kind of thing we here on Earth regard as 'Teusday'."

After a moment more, she snags a cookie and eats it, "...and the guy called himself 'Riventon'. About yay high, glasses, ego that walks like a man."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"What's the quote? Sufficiently advanced science is indistinguishable from magic? I suspect the reverse is just as true." Naru points out with a little smile.

The name clearly is meaningful to Naru and she nods at the mention. "He is also involved with the gun." She notes. "Thank you. Information about the ship is valuable. I appreciate you sharing it with me."

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna nods, "We need to get better lines of communication going between all the different groups...it can only help, since our enemies all seem to be working more or less together."

She then leans forward a bit, "...which makes me wonder...how long have YOU been in the 'know'?"

Personally, she's betting on it having been Usagi who let things slip since the two of them room with each other.

She then snorts, "Ah, yes. Clarke's Third Law and it's corollary, 'Any Sufficiently advanced Magic is indistinguishable from Technology'."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"I am doing my best." Naru comments on the lines of communication and lifts her coffee in salute. "It is an uphill battle at best, but I do what I can."

Naru considers a moment. "In terms of remembering unusual activity, approciately early July? Actually getting to start putting pieces together took a little longer, but only a matter of weeks after that." She gives a little shrug. "I have no powers, but I am fully in the know and at this point, am fairly active in my own magical research. With a side order of attempting to keep the various threads of information sorted and passed along to different people."

Naru mms softly. "How long ago was the ship crash? Do you remember?"

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna doesn't even have to pause to think, and absently rattles off a number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds that corresponds to not quite a month ago.

She then smirks, "So who did you figure out first, Luna or Usagi? Because there's no way Luna would have given you a communicator if you weren't in on that secret. Obviously, you know who I am now, but do you know any of the others yet?"

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Excelent. Thank you." Naru considers that a moment, looking curious as to the extreme precision of that time answer. She doesn't ask.

"I learned of magic more generally first." Naru explains. "I'm honestly not certain which of Usagi and Luna I figured out first. Luna, I think, but it was all about the same time." She smiles easily and gives a little shrug. "I know quite a few magical people at this point, but I am going to assume you mean senshi? I've only met Mercury at this point." She pauses a moment and then adds. "They're next on my list of people to hunt down, but there really are only so many hours in a day if I wish to keep my grades up."

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna nods, "Fair enough. I suppose it's like having taken an elective that should really be a central course all by itself."

She finishes her mocha, then sets the empty cup down on the table and sits back, then grins, "Oh, I'll have to remember that. Luna IS a dear, but I think she takes things a bit too seriously at times, so it's good to have something to poke her over a bit."

She frowns, "...I've seen what burnout looks like...it's...not pretty."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"It is hard to take her seriously all of the time when the three of us live together." Naru points out with an impish smile. "It's hard to maintain utter seriousness when you just saw her passed out utterly in an adorable kitty pose."

"It does not entirely feel like the universe really much cares about how busy we all are, so .." Naru opens her hands in a vague guesture of a shrug. "We manage. Mostly. I do not think it is going to get easier for a while yet." She finishes her own coffee, setting the cup back on the table. "I should probably get back to the dorms. Thank you." She stands from the chair. "Please, if you have any information. I would welcome it."

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna snorts, "...please tell me you have pictures. I NEED pictures."

She makes grabby hands at Naru to punctuate her desire.

She then stands as well and waves to indicate herself, "...from what I'm given to understand, this should wear off in a few days or so...once that happens and I can come back to work, feel free to drop by my office anytime you need something...or if you just need a bit of a space to de-stress from all the wackiness that gets on around here."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Oh of /course/ I got photos." Naru digs out her phone and thumbs through her photos until she finds a set of Luna asleep. And she's /adorable/, but there is not even a bit of 'dignified' involved in the sprawl of legs crashed out on Naru's bed. She shows them to Setsuna with a smile. "See? And then there's super kitty!" Because nothing says adorable better than a kitty asleep with her head between her outstretched front legs.

"I wish you luck on your upcoming growth spurt." Naru smiles a little and then nods. "Thank you. I appreciate the offer. I might well stop by the next time I end up drained enough to notice and see what suggestions you might have."

Because at this point, Naru is pretty chill about getting drained.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna awwwwwwws at pictures of adorable Luna...and she spends a good minute alternately giggling and gushing at them.

As she walks with Naru and sees her out, the comment about being 'drained enough to notice' gets her to blink in surprise...then she just shakes her head again and ticks another mark in her mental tally of 'Is Naru the Princess?'