425/Mahou Rifftrax 1

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Mahou Rifftrax 1
Date of Scene: 15 September 2023
Location: Plot Room 3
Synopsis: Rashmi and Setsuna decide to introduce Chrono to the first of the Lord of the Rings trilogy... it takes hours. But is worth it. He, for the first time ever, chilled a little bit.
Cast of Characters: Setsuna Meiou, Chrono Harlaown, 2

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Once it was realized that Chrono had at least passing interest in finding out about the media the world he was trapped on had to offer, it was inevitable that the two who made the discovery (Setsuna and Rashmi) would do something to rectify his lack of exposure, Given that she didn't want to deal with the grief she know she'd get if her housemates got wind of it (and to spare Chrono the grief they'd give the adorable TSAB agent), she made...other arrangements.

Thus it is that a surreptious note is slipped to Chrono wrapped around a 7-11 gift card noting a place to meet and asking that he and Rashmi stop and get whatever snacks they think appropriate along the way...and not to worry, she'd be bringing drinks.

The directions are 'as the crow flies' directions, meaning they point out directions that work only for flying or roof hopping...and they lead to a recently abandoned office building's roof access.

When tried, the roof door is open, and there's a sheet of bog standard A4 paper with an arrow that points down the stairwell. Only one flight down is another sign indicating the top floor's access...and then there's some obvious lights coming from what appears to be a very large meting room.

Once inside, it's clear that the room was once a top-level executive meeting room, but the massive desk has been pushed over to one corner of the room. A smaller set of desks is placed closer to the center, and Sailor Pluto stands there, absently fiddling with a small box sitting on a table. Off to one side is another table obviously set aside for refreshments, upon which a very large cooler is sitting. Inside are a wide assortment of soft drinks resting in ice, from bottles of most common flavors of pop to several of the more popular flavors of ramune and a clear space next to them for whatever Chrono and Rashmi managed to secure.

She smiles and looks up, "Ah! Excellent. I'm just getting the movie loaded up, grab something to drink and snack on and take a seat."

Said seats are the GOOD executive chairs.

IE, the ones that likely cost at least tens of thousands of yen.

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown had, of course, been preparing for this. In fact, he'd been preparing for this his whole life. And Rashmi would, once again, learn the boy had absolutely. No. Chill. At. All.

He approached this meeting as a mission. Going to this '7-11' first, he'd grabbed some of everything. Especially sweet things. If questioned, he'd get a haunted look in his eyes and just say... "Admiral Lindy and Officer Amy..." and refuse to delve deeper. But damn it there would BE candy here. Enough sugar to give a horse diabetes. Yes. His mother and fiance. Not that Rashmi would know that, yet.

Of course, with her help, he'd be able to pick the best 'movie night' snacks. And lots of sugar things. Once snacks had been procured, he'd asked if she had any other preparations, before asking to assist as well. That determined 'I am ready to fight a war' look on his face... Just what kind of traumatic movie nights had he been through? Why was his jaw set in such a determined, almost grim line? Why was he ensuring there were eight different avenues of escape when they arrived and scouting out the locale? WHO DID THIS?!

Of course, when the time came, he would also help her carry things... and by carry things, that meant store most of it in his device. What did you want from him? He weighted like 80 lbs. He had a carry limit.

Upon arrival, he would... start... arranging things. He didn't just put the candy out. No. He put it out *in order*. By size, bigger ones in the back, titles all displayed, all neat and perfect. Arranged like a man who believed lives were at stake. He even stood AT ATTENTION ONCE. He did, in fact, salute Pluto. Before, after three minutes determining which drink he'd take... he chose orange. "I am prepared," he said with all the strength and determination of a soldier ready and willing to trudge through no-man's-land for a wounded comrade.

He then took a seat, one of the outer ones, his device close at hand in case there was any trouble... or because he was in soldier mode. What in the world HAPPENED in past movie nights?

PBCup (2) has posed:
It is *difficult* to shop for snacks with someone who not only lacks sufficient chill, but seems to have been *purging the very concept of chill from his mind* since he was little-- littler, but, Rashmi does her very best. She silently triples upon the chestnut-flavored KitKats, because seasonally-appropriate snacks are a thing, and the chestnut is just *good,* but beyond that she's happy to enumerate the general taste and texture of the snacks she's had experience with. Then she makes sure Chrno gets *two* packs of the assorted QQ jellies, because they are just that much of an autopilot snack.

Her contribution to movie night, however? Begins with a *clang.* Specifically, a purloined metal mixing bowl, drawn from Nicomachea and set firmly on the table. Then, the rattling *THUNK* of a 5-kilo bag of popcorn seeds, a tub of clarified butter, cheap plastic personal bowls... And a battery-powered air popper.

Rashmi does not often do much logistics planning, but she *could* raid her parents' kitchen.

"O-*kay!*" she says cheerfully. "So real butter only, but it's gonna need some tossing. Chrono-kun's *definitely* gonna have some, but how much did you want, sensei?"

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Sailor Pluto watches Chrono arrange and regiment the snacks as if he's running a dispensary...and she smiles and shakes her head when he's not looking. This boy NEEDS to relax.

Still, she'll snag a few snacks and deposit them on a small table that's next to her chair. Each of the three chairs set aside have a little table next to them for snack placment.

As she sees Rashmi thought ahead to procure popcorn, she smiles even wider, "Fantastic."

She then frowns a little, unsure quite how to answer the question asked of her...then she shrugs, "At least one of those little bowls full. Maybe two?"

While the popcorn pops, she fiddles with the little box a bit more, eyeballing a few things.

Then, when everyone is seated and ready, she hits a button...and the little box projects across the room to a big, flat white wall, making a very nice target for the high-end projector...which is appearently tied into a surround stereo system apparently built into the room.

And, as promised, the opening sequence for The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring plays...starting with Galadriel's retelling of the creation of the Rings of Power...the first War of the Ring...Isildur's betrayal...the Ring's Betrayal of Isildur...the creation of Gollum...and Bilbo finding the Ring...

Of course, a quick glance now and then will reveal her mouthing the words right along with Galadriel...and of course Chrono will probably remember several of the key phrases, since Setsuna and Rashmi quoted them the other day...but there's still a LOT of context and background packed into those seven-ish minutes...

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown arranged them as if they were going to war, even. He uhhh... definitely needed some. Rashmi wasn't wrong, he had been slaying 'chill' for years. And the fact a lot of his magic was temperature based likely helped.

Of course, he had been more than pleased to grab some kit kats and a bowl of popcorn... and a small thing of gummies.

And then the movie began. And oh, he stared. He watched it intently. Despite it being only the first time seeing it, as hard as he was staring he likely could have told them where the regiments were weakest, what kind of weapons they used, which of the orcs had an eye patch... okay, not really. But he did watch with an intensity that hinted he expected to be quizzed on it later.

So it likely wasn't that surprising when they could see, in real time, as the realization of where so many of their 'lines' came from. When his eyes narrowed. When he glanced over at the pair of them. He didn't say a word, his face a determined mask as it so often was.

But those slightly narrowed eyes of his spoke many words. In this case? Three. 'You little shits.'

PBCup (2) has posed:
Rashmi does not have stars in her eyes, as the movie unspools. Definitely not. That's special-effects, reflected off her glasses.


Like Setsuna, her lips are moving along with all of her favorite moments, and it's quite clear that for some reason, *Sam* is one of the characters that she dentifies with most.

Then Aragorn is on screen, and... well.

Rashmi remains as wide-eyed and awestruck by him now, as she was when she was six. She has a type, okay?

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Sailor Pluto, for her part, seems to be relaxing a LOT as she watches. Truth be told, this is really the first time she's ever GOTTEN to watch a movie among anything even RESEMBLING friends...and she's finding she quite enjoys the experience.

As noted, the movie progresses apace. The introduction of Frodo, the Shire, Gandalf.

Another one of those moments where Setsuna and Rashmi almost certainly are mouthing words along 'A wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins. Nor is he early. He arrives PRECISELY when he means to.'

Then the reveal of the Ring...and it's ability to turn one invisible...and it's strange hold on Bilbo...and the ominous and unnatural way it impacts the ground when Bilbo finally gives it up.

Sam's appearance...and the departure from the Shire along with Merry and Pippin. The meeting with Aragorn...then the flight from the Ringwraiths and the fight at Weathertop.

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown was, fortunately, enjoying it. It did take a while, but he actually started to relax. He even glanced back and his snacks were still there. Strange. Finally, he began to lean back and watch... actually WASN'T sitting at attention anymore. Scandelous.

However, the ring made him... narrow his eyes slightly again. A lost logia. A deadly one. A terrifying one. One that corrupted its bearer and turned them... that. Into monsters.

However, Rashmi's reaction to Aragon did make him glance over and he couldn't help but give the softest *chuckle*. He actually *chuckled.* He looked pretty relaxed... for a time... until the ringwraith's fight. And then he jerked, only for a moment.

"I... see... so they are... Interesting. Incredibly... accurate depictions... these... ringwraiths. To... some things that exist out there. Though their blades, fortunately, don't corrupt like that. They just freeze your linker core and often leave you helpless."

Aaaaaaand then the Frodo waking up with pretty elf girl and uhhhh... okay, he blushed a little bit and looked around, just to make sure his mom wasn't going to appear suddenly to embarrass him.

PBCup (2) has posed:
Chrono's observation is enough to pull Rashmi right out of the movie, an empty QQ Lyche bag hanging from her mouth. "Whuh...?" There's a moment of suspicion, as she tries to figure out whether or not Chrono is being serious. It is, however, just a *joy* to see him sucked into the tale.

"...Hey Setsuna-sensei," she whispers. "D'you think Aragorn was just giving Sam busywork, or was the Kingsfoil really something?"

Apparently this is a topic of some debate.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna looks over at Chrono at his comment and asides to him, "...well, the basis for a lot of stuff Tolkien wrote was bits and stories from various myths and fairy tales from all over the world. It stands to reason that, even despite the way the Veil works, little grains of truth would show up here and there."

She smiles as she sees the young man finally starting to relax and enjoy the story.

It's a very good story, after all.

And if she catches him blushing, she pretends not to notice.

Rashmi's question, however, also inspires an answer from the older woman, "...no, it wasn't busy work. The first name he gives? Athelas? It's Sindarin for 'helpful leaf'."

Then the Council of Elrond begins, prompting Pluto to snark, "...ah, Sean Bean...the walking spoiler."

And, of course, another of those moments of mouthing along, 'You have my sword, and you have my bow...and MY AXE...'

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown gave a small nod. "Fascinating. Absolutely fascinating. This veil of your world's is something truly powerful, albeit terrifying," he mumbled softly.

The council of Elrond and 'walking spoiler' made him pause. "Wait, this spoils something? Is it important?" he asked.

And, of course... THAT moment. He actually stood up a little straighter and while he didn't... his eyes didn't star. He did uhhh... well... Okay. "How... popular... is this movie?"

He was considering if he could get away with stealing it. He was very much stealing it if he could get off this world. That was SO cool. 'You have MY rod!'

PBCup (2) has posed:
"...Really popular," Rashmi murmurs, eyes on the screen as the Free Peoples fight in the reflection of the ring. "It came out before I was born, half the world away, and it's still one of the best movies made."

And when Frodo stands to take up the burden, her eyes are sad... but understanding. After all, did not a tiny bookworm make a similar choice not so long ago, *because* of this story and those like it?

And she *cannot stop snickering* during the 'Speak friend and enter' bit, openly laughing when the punchline lands.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Sailor Pluto hrms and taps her chin, "Well, the book series this was based on has been translated into pretty much every language on the planet and has been consistently popular ever since it was written about eighty years ago..."

She looks over at Rashmi, "...and yes, the three movies in the trilogy are often regarded as some of the best movies ever made."

As the Fellowship enters Moria, Pluto leans back in her chair, absently eating her popcorn as she watches the sheer scope and scale of the Mines and the great Dwarven City of Dwarrowdelf."

And then the lore about drums in the deep, and 'they are coming'...followed by Pippen's mistake...and the payoff of the comment from Bilbo earlier about Sting and when it glows.

And finally, Pluto herself quotes softly along with Boromir as they bar the doors with the line '...they have Cave Troll...'

Just as the fight is about to begin, Pluto leans her head to the side, apparently noticing something for the first time as Gandalf draws his sword, "...huh...they made a mistake...Glamdring should be glowing there."

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown actively DOES snicker at the 'speak friend and enter'. And he really is getting into it. Eating his food, watching the fight. The sword... a cave troll. It was fascinating. The mythos was breathtaking.

However, the biggest reaction? Was the reaction... to the terrible fiery monster. Horrific though it was. Watching the balrog, he leaned forward in his seat a little, clenching his kitkat...

And when Gandorf fell... His eyes twitched and he actually snapped his kitkat in half in his clenched hand, staring at the movie so intently it could almost light the wall behind it alight... So very... very intently. Fist shaking slightly. That moment... stuck with him, it seemed.

He wasn't a crier, at least. He hadn't in years. If he had been, there would have been mist in his eyes at it, but alas, he buried those things down.

PBCup (2) has posed:
"Well I mean, they never said in any of the movies his sword was even magical," Rashmi notes to Setsuna, regarding Glamdring. "Probably because it's *Gandalf.* ...Oh yeah, Chrono-kun, also there are entire academic scholars *dedicated* to the study of Tolkien's writings. It's entirely possible to make a whole career out of knowing a lot about Middle-Earth."

But this is when Chrono might get a surprise; during the chase, Rashmi actually grabs hold of Chrono's forearm, eyes wide behind her glasses. Though that tension could be because she *knows* what's coming...

...And she can't help but sniffle either. The Heroic Last Stand, the Narrow Victory, the Evil Demon Screwing Things Up For Everyone Out Of Spite, and then just that unflinching hold on how Gandalf's death has *shattered* everyone.

*That* bit is just hitting a little too close, these days, and the redhead can't help but think of Hannah.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Another line that Pluto has been waiting for comes up at the Bridge of Khazad-dum...and a sharp ear can JUST hear her underneath the voice of Sir Ian McKellen as he screams, "YOU! SHALL NOT! PASS!!" Truly, one of the grandest stands agsinst the darkness on film.

When the next part comes, however, it is proven that Sailor Pluto too is one who cried out all her tears a long, long time ago...but she similarly gets a bit chokey when Gandalf utters the words '...FLY, you fools..'

She relaxes back once more...but only because she too knows what's coming next.

The comment from the elves about how 'the dwarf breathes so loud, we could have shot him in the dark' gets a soft chuckle from her...and then later when Galadriel and Frodo have their conversation at her Mirror, Pluto once more murmurs the quote along with Galadriel, 'In place of a Dark Lord, you would have a QUEEN! Not Dark, but Beautiful and Terrible as the Dawn! Treacherous as the Seas! Stronger than the Foundations of the Earth! All shall Love me...and DESPAIR! ... ... I did it...I passed the test...I will diminish and go into the West...and remain Galadriel...'

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown glanced over at Rashmi when she grabbed his arm. Was she... frightened? His cheeks had gotten red then and he tried to uhhh... not get too flustered. She was just excited, just nervous, and uhhhh... Okay, he was definitely not TRYING to squirm or squeak or shudder or get so embarrassed that he detracted from the scene. He kept his cool throughout it... just a lil bit more tense.

He did also snicker at the 'shot in the dark' comment. "You know, we had to do that in basic training. Just using our magic to detect people."

He then blinked when they got to the quote from Galadriel.

Then he snickered. "Oh, I know a *lot* of people like that," he admitted.

... Wait, who would like that scene, were bombtastic... or could go on a rant about how evil they could be? Or all of the above?

And then 'Even the smallest person'. Oh, the MOMENT he heard that his eyes narrowed and he glanced at the other two to see if they were staring at him.

PBCup (2) has posed:
"...How many of them did you arrest...?" Rashmi asks, by this point settled back against her chair, two strawberry pocky sticks in her mouth.

And no. No, she would *not* look at Chrono during the 'smallest person' line. She's too busy mouthing along with it, because it's probably one of the reasons she comes back to this movie when she's feeling in over her head.

Eyes are rolling, though, when Gimli goes on at length about Galadriel's gift to him, because while yes, it *is* amuing and adorable... also? Liiittle bit creepy.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Sailor Pluto is very pointedly NOT looking at Chrono at that line. In point of fact, she's finishing off a bottle of Ramune.

Then the Fellowship is being chased as they boat down the river.

And finally, the events at Amon Hen...where Boromir tries to take the Ring...and then the Uruk Hai attack...leading to the epic, chaotic fight that results in Boromir's heroic last stand trying to save Merry and Pippen...and the Fellowship breaking...and that's where the movie ends...three hours after it started.

As Pluto raises the lights up again, she looks over at Chrono, "...well? What did you think?"

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown chuckled softly. "Well, none of them. Most of them I worked with," he admitted. "The... admiral was a rather casual commander, as commanders went. Likely too casual at times. She had a firm belief that a 'ship should be like family'. Probably because we spent so much time off world and so we had a lot of time to get to know each other," he mumbled.

"Far, far too casual. But it resulted in a lot of people who enjoyed being... hammy, as it were." Him. In a casual environment on a military ship. THAT likely brought some amusing thoughts to mind.

He didn't get the hair thing, but he could at least understand the sense of honor? And all of the fights, making up for mistakes made...

When the movie drew to a close, he let out a sigh of relief and stretched, his snacks and drinks now gone. "That... was impressive..." he mumbled. "Longer than I expected. So, that was the first book, then?" he asked. "So there's two more movies? The others aren't as long, I take it? Because that was... I don't think I've sat that long since I was injured. I practically left an imprint on the seat..."

PBCup (2) has posed:
"Oh no the other movies are *just as long each,*" Rashmi says around a grin. "But a real marathon is for when you don't have the time and inclination to do *absolutely anything else with your day,* but, that's probably not this. Still though... this was fun! And *definitely* the most comfortable seat I've ever had watching a movie, thank you sensei," she says to Setsuna.

Her eyes move back to the wall where the projection had been placed, a much more contemplative light in her eyes. When she was growing up, they were always works of fiction. Nothing in them could ever happen like that.

After Clover Mall, and after the Arthras, though? Fiction... doesn't have the same comforting unreality it used to, anymore.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Chrono's question about the length of the next two movies causes Pluto to snort a little...and she gives him an amused look for a good moment before she says, "...actually, they're both LONGER. In point of fact, each of them pushed or broke records for longest theatrical release when they came out."

She then waves a hand dismissively, "...and don't worry about the seat. They're DESIGNED to do that. They'll shape back to normal after they sit unused for a bit."

Rashmi's comment makes her smile again, ...oh, we'll HAVE to do this all again."

She pauses and gets a slightly contemplative look, "...after we do Towers and Return, I'll have to look through my library and figure out what else to show."

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown gave a small nod. "They're... that long. I see," he said solemnly. And he was back. "So make sure I keep in mind that I will require a free afternoon when I do it. But this was... oddly fun. I didn't expect I'd enjoy it. Err, no offense," he said sheepishly. "Movie nights are usually not this... enjoyable. I'd like to do this again."

He then glanced towards the movie screen and, slowly, a grin formed on his lips. "Perhaps aftere we finish this series, I'll bring a series from outside this system. One I often enjoyed. It follows the exploits of a--" Then stopped, his cheeks going a little red and he coughed into his hand. "Ahhhh... I won't... spoil anything. But I think you two would enjoy it. Maybe. If not, we could... skip it. If it's... weird..." Wait. Was... was he opening up? Just a little tiny bit?

PBCup (2) has posed:
".....Setsuna-sensei *can we please do space people movies after Return.*" Rashmi does not so much ask as plead declaratively, eyes wide. "I really really *really really want to see what **literally science fiction** looks like.*"

Blinking, she clears her throat, shaking her head. "...Sorry, I... I just *have to see what it looks like* when special effects are probably illusion magic, y'know? But um... yeah don't worry, Chrono-kun, most Earth movies made in the last fifty years usually aren't anywhere near three hours long. So when we come back to Setsuna-sensei's library, it won't be nearly so long a stretch unless we want to do two in one sitting."

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Sailor Pluto smiles, then covers her mouth to conceal a giggle before responding to Rashmi starting to do puppy dog eyes at her, "Well, if Chrono wants to share, I certainly don't mind seeing something new."

She absently moves over to the cooler, grabs a last Ramune, then starts cleaning up before moving on to policing the occasional bit of mess...dropped bits of popcorn, wrappers that fell out of sight in the dark, etc.

A nod is given, "I'd be glad to make this a more or less regular thing."

She absently gestures around, "This place is going to be available for at least the next few months from what I could see...right now there's some kind of legal kerfluffle between the previous and current owners and they're having to take it to courts to figure out who owes what to whom. In the meantime, they have to keep the building hooked up and on the grid until they get it worked out...so we have power, a place to sit, and plenty of room and it doesn't put anyone out."

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown gave a light chuckle. "Yes, illusion magic often, sometimes normal magic. In fact, there's some movies the TSAB has a been a part of. I've even been in a few. For some reason apparently I had 'appeal'? I didn't get it, but they liked to have me do... well... this," he said before... dehenshioning.

And his card device just appeared in the air and he snagged it out of the air like the smoothest, most majestic of operators in existence, then flashed a smile. His hair actually swaying.

Then chuckled, shaking his head. "Yeah... Kind of... dumb, right?" He then started to help them clean up. "But it was an interesting experience, traveling to different worlds and doing things on set. I even served as a spell-assistant for some actors. That's where you go in as them, cast the spells, then they pause and replace you with the actor after."

He uhhhh... has apparently done quite a bit.

"I think this could be a delightful exchange of cultures and I look forward to learning more about your world's entertainment. As it is, though, we should probably return as it is... late... I do hope your parents won't worry, Terios-san."

PBCup (2) has posed:
Amazingly, Rashmi keeps a straight face throughout all the posing. "Aheheheheh... yeah... weird..."

Look sometimes when you find out you are magic, you henshin in the bathroom and try out cute poses. That is a *perfectly normal part of mahou development and nothing at all to be embarrassed about.* "...It sounds like TSAB space does a few things like Japan does, actually... a lot of our idol celebrities do cool poses like that, so... Makes sense, I guess?"

Likewise helping sweep and clear, Rashmi then puts the popcorn gear back into Nicomachea's space, for later cleaning. "I think this would be wonderful to do more often too. Maybe, later on -- like, *later* later, not soon -- we could invite other people and make a watch party out of it?"

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Sailor Pluto nods, "I don't have any problems with that. We need to be sure to take the occasional bit of time to relax. Nothing is helped by us turning ourselves into emotionless machines that 'live only for the mission' or some nonsense."

She sighs, "...I've seen where that kind of thinking leads...and it's not pretty."

Then she grins a bit, and absently summons her staff, the Garnet Rod to lean on a little, "...would you believe that I toyed for a while with setting up a Sentai Appreciation Club so that people could practice their posing whenever and be able to easily explain it if someone sees them?"

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown gave a light sigh. "Yeah... It was kind of fun at first. But then my mom kept making me do it and it got reallll old fast," he muttered, shaking his head. "Yeah, idols could be a big thing at times. I think the TSAB wanted to try and appear hip so they could have a lot of recruits. Not many people who could pass the bar, as it was due to the dangers involved and the chances of being both out numbered and the number of TSAB operatives who died from out of control Lost Logia."

He glanced towards Pluto and gave a nod. "Oh, trust me. That I get. when one only lives for the mission... one forgets how to live. I've seen more than a few soldiers like that." As if he wasn't one. "Still. There are worse things."

"Other people might be fun as well." He started once again device storing things before giving another yawn and wobbling a little bit, then shaking his head. "Speaking of things other than the mission... really should go home to sleep... Pluto-san, would you... like a lift? Okay, I realize now that's... probably... a silly idea since you can jump-fly. Nevermind."

PBCup (2) has posed:
"So not just an important Enforcer," Rashmi chuckles, "but a movie star too! We'll... have to keep that part secret, I don't know if you could possibly stand to be any cooler as far as the girls in your grade are concerned, Chrono-kun." A light nudge of the elbow and a grin.

"I-- a Sentai Appreciation Club? I mean that.. would probably work because the school already has an insane amount of clubs and some of them are even more niche than that," she says, finishing the thought with a resigned sigh. "But yeah, we really need to be getting home. So... this time next week for the Two Towers?"

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Pluto smiles at Chrono as he VERY NEARLY gets it...but she lets things go for now. She figures they'll break through his shell more thoroughly with time. For now, she counts seeing him unwind enough to enjoy the movie a win.

The offer he makes gets her to blink, "Well, yeah...I CAN jump pretty silly distances by normal standards, but flying..."

She trails off as a tiny bit of memory is sparked, and she absently goes on, "...come to think of it...I vaguely recall that they figured out that our Senshi bindings should theoretically allow us to fly..."

She then sighs and shrugs her shoulders, "...nobody ever figured out how to implement it, and I'm not entirely sure they weren't just spitballing anyhow."

She then smiles and retrieves her little projector and absently makes it disappear since it's small enough for her to stash in the rather small pocket she has for henshin rods and the like, then says, "...that said, if you're still offering, I wouldn't mind being flown at least partway home...so lead on, you two."

Sometime later, in the distance, Sailor Pluto lets out a delighted, "WHEEEEEEEEEEEE!"