Texts: New experiences

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Texts: New experiences
Date of Scene: 28 October 2023
Location: Texts
Synopsis: Out of the blue, Hinoiri contacts Sayaka. An awkward proposal... Does she want a date?
Cast of Characters: Sayaka Miki, Hinoiri Kirara

(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Uhhhh... you around?
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: Yes, Kirara-senpai, what is it?
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: So... you got a girlfriend/boyfriend or anything?
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: Not really, senpai.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: What brought it up?
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Well, I uhhh. I mean, you kind of saved my life the other day and so, like, uhhh... I figured... wanna go out? Sometime this week?
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: Ah, what? What has saving your life got to do with it?"
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: I mean... I guess, a uhhhh. like... thank you? I guess? Or... do you want to or not? This is awkward enough already. I'm asking you out on a date, okay?
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: I mean, so... Senpai, honestly. I don't think you are doing it for the right reasons. The thing is...
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: I think you are a cool person, but this 'thank you' thing... I would prefer if you did it because of... Like, something you want. I mean, I would agree, I am not refusing you! Just, not with those reason. I don't want this to be like homework.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: I don't know. I'm still figuring out what I want, so it's kind of like research. Learning about like... what I want and stuff. I mean, I only met you the once and I was a little... out of it at the time.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki: A long pause happens, Sayaka doesn't reply
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: Ok, let's do it.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: I, well, I would like to go out with you, Kirara-senpai.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Cool. Uhhhh. Anything you like? Food wise?
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki texts: Why don't we go for some oden?
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Sure. What's a good day for you?
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki: How is next Tuesday?
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Works for me. Pick you up after clubs?
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki: Yes, let's meet in front of the big oak.
(PHONE) Hinoiri Kirara texts: Cool. I'll see you then.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki: Catch you Tuesday