Mitakihara General Hospital

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Revision as of 19:12, 3 November 2023 by Elysia (talk | contribs)

Allied Faction: Civilians
Allied Groups: Civilians
Location Type: Public Space
Grid Locale: Mitakihara, Mitakihara General Hospital
Even in a world where magical heroes and monsters exist, people still get sick and injured. Mitakihara General Hospital is one of many buildings devoted to treating them, but it is virtually unique amongst its peers. A towering skyscraper, much of its interior can be seen through tall glass windows on nearly every floor. Its walls are designed to 'catch' the sunset, such that the evening light makes the building appear somewhat golden.

This grandiose design continues on the inside, as many patients stay in large and well-furnished rooms with colorful carpets and soft beds. The elevators are of some of the most recent designs available, and can even take visitors to the roof.

Said roof offers a wonderful view of the city from up high, safely held back by a metal bar fence around the edge. Several flower beds are arranged in a circle, working to dispel the idea that a hospital should be aesthetically sterile; it need only be medically so.

Associated Logs

Title Date Scene Summary
Medical Magical July 13th, 2023 So, three Puella Magi and an Incubator walk into a hospital...
Medical Magical II: A Second Opinion July 25th, 2023 Sayaka has heard Kyubey's pitch, but she decides to see if the magical healer she met before might be the solution she is looking for instead.
No Rest August 8th, 2023 In which a girl gets princess carried by another girl! Shock! Gasp!
Malleus August 24th, 2023 Strategy session on how to defeat a double-Witch double-Labyrinth double-Feature.
On A No Honorifics Basis August 27th, 2023 Homura Akemi visits Madoka Kaname during her stay in the hospital. Homura learns about the Witches who hurt Madoka, and Madoka learns a bit more about the magical world. They grow closer as friends.
Magda's Theory of Happiness August 31st, 2023 Madoka asks Magda about her experiences as a Puella Magi as the two of them make the rounds in Mitakihara General Hospital.
Resting and Recovering September 29th, 2023 Following her disastrous clash with Sunbreaker, Rashmi is laid up in the hospital, burned in body and spirit. Will Molly and Chrono be able to help her find the strength to pick herself back up and continue moving forward?
Sunset Setsuna -- At The Hospital September 30th, 2023 When Setsuna learns that Rashmi has gotten herself landed in the hospital, there's nothing for it but to visit. With presents! And ideas! And what would have been a boring evening waiting to heal is made so much better!
In the end, you will know, won't you? October 1st, 2023 As Hannah is getting discharged she meets with Sayaka, Kyubey and Kyousuke, getting to know both of them. Her rousing speech also leaves a distinct impression on the young violinist, leaving him to consider new roads. Meanwhile, Sayaka is left pondering what she should actually do going forward.
Pity Stayed Her Hand October 3rd, 2023 Following the events of Culminating Plans, Setsuna visits Rashmi's hospital room to apologize for failing to kill Sunbreaker. Rashmi has some Big Opinions About That, but by the time the conversation is over, perhaps the gaping wound in Setsunas soul hurts a bit less. Also with more Tolkien Quoting!
A Reasonable Argument October 6th, 2023 Rashmi wakes up in the night to find none other than Catra crawling through the window, into her room in the hospital, and with nothing but her wits and calm tone of voice, save the burn ward population from villainous intent.
Which Way Did She Go October 7th, 2023 Thinking Catra was still in Rashmi's hospital room, She-Ra hurries to the rescue! Only to find Catra gone, but Rashmi more than willing to tell her everything about the encounter. Most importantly, of Catra's plan to not have to use the experimental soul-removing rifle anymore! The conversation then ends in reassurance for Adora, and wonder for Rashmi, so, complete success!
Movie Night 2: The Two Towers October 9th, 2023 Chrono, Nanoha, and Setsuna surprise Rashmi in the hospital room with cake! And the Two Towers! And cake! And *Nicomachea!* And *even more cake!* Good times are had by all, and of course Chrono can't leave without being an awful troll about his own recent events.
Inner Conflict: Build Limbs October 14th, 2023 CW: Horror, Body Horror, Monster Guts. A doctor from afar comes to show off some medical advancements in prosthetics at Mitakihara Hospital. Another Dark Energy Impact site is the result.
Questions October 15th, 2023 Amy Faust has questions for Hematite and Sailor Moon.
The Aftermath November 11th, 2023 Hannah awakens after the attempt on her life, and reaffirms her love for one Amy Faust.
Puella ER Episode 748: Trauma Center November 12th, 2023 CW: PTSD Mami stops by Mitakihara Hospital to see if Magda is available to heal a wound she sustained fighting a witch. Magda heals Mami's physical wounds, but Mami pokes at Magda's psychological ones, bringing up Walpurgisnacht. In the end, Mami stays to help Magda with her homework.
Mistaken Identities Righted and Pacts Made by Odango-light! November 13th, 2023 Usagi brings along one Mamoru Chiba to introduce the boyfriend otherwise known as Hematite to the wounded Hannah Steiner. She is not, in fact, Sailor V. Pacts are made for the future!
Royal Polycule! November 15th, 2023 In which Hannah officially introduces her girlfriends to each other!
Threats and Blades November 18th, 2023 Norie arrives to try to get Hannah's story. She leaves unconvinced of the Steiner's sincerity.
The Secret of the Soul Gem November 21st, 2023 One of the secrets hidden within the Soul Gem is finally revealed in a terrible way.
How Many Times Can I Break November 28th, 2023 In the aftermath of scene 798, Magda Faust checks in on Lulu Adelstein at the hospital.
He's the one they call Dr. Feelgood May 16th, 2024 In the aftermath of 1543/Paranoid Android, Bow is visited in his hospital room. Sayaka may have never left his side, but Rashmi shows up with every teen's worst fear (make up work) and Mamoru shows up with (almost) every teen's favorite gift (non-alcoholic) beer. And Ami shows up to get hugs. There are checks over Bow to heal him and make sure he's no longer operating on Hope OS and time for recovery is sped up!
A Responsible Adult May 18th, 2024 Kazuo lets Kyouka know about Mamoru's injuries. And gives her something productive to do. Miraculously, she does not strangle him on the spot.
You're Here With Us May 20th, 2024 In the hospital, Mamoru wakes up. Poor Zoisite. Poor Usagi. But at least he's awake.
Beacons May 21st, 2024 Naru's keeping Mamoru company, and Rashmi comes to visit! She does some diagnosing of Mamoru's problem and some relieving of his stress-- both physical and mental-- and leaves with some Ideas.
Snax May 21st, 2024 Friends visit Mamoru in the hospital! Bow brought soothing music, Chiyo brought healing foods, and Koji brought enough snax to calm a wild Usagi...
We Have to Stop Meeting Like This May 21st, 2024 Takashi comes to see his brother in the hospital, and his brother is mostly there.
Greenery in the Hospital May 22nd, 2024 Cure Suzhen comes to heal the guy with the burns, and there is marked improvement.
Social Filters May 23rd, 2024 Kyouka comes to check in on Mamoru, and gives a belief/pep talk, and gets Ideas. Mamoru's just like, oh man, Kyouka's ideas are terrifying.
No Platitudes for Amy Faust May 23rd, 2024 Amy comes to visit Mamoru and Kazuo, and Amy and Kazuo end up having a really good conversation on Sunbreakers's problems and motivations.
Appreciate the Art May 23rd, 2024 Kyouka Inai is Fyuko Yuuhi's emergency contact, a fact which comes in handy when the hospital comes calling. Information is exchanged, and the beginnings of a plan are formed.
Guardian Knight of Mixed Metaphors and Also Great Hugs May 25th, 2024 Kazuo and Usagi share a quiet moment at the hospital, discussing the problem of Sunbreaker.
Burned, Not Broken. May 26th, 2024 As Ikuto recovers in the hospital from a horrific attack, two of his closest friends visit the burnt-out catboy.
Mochi to Ease the Pain. May 27th, 2024 Guardian Daifuku drops by Ikuto's hospital room after hearing a commotion, and turns out to be someone he knows!
The Prince's Parting Words May 30th, 2024 A visit, and a farewell for the time being.