1052/Friends... Maybe

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Friends... Maybe
Date of Scene: 27 January 2024
Location: Plot Room 1
Synopsis: After a fight against a Dark Lover, Coco and Yuuto decide to stop for a friendly chat. Maybe things won't just stop at friends.
Cast of Characters: Coco Kiumi, Yuuto Shiraishi

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Gaito, the king of the deep sea, in his bid to obtain to obtain the power of the goddess of the sea Aqua Regina, has tasked his minions with the duty to abduct her seven mermaid princesses so that he can use the power of their Pearls to achieve their goals. Taking over a concert, the Dark Lover Yuri had brainwashed all the people there with her piano music so that at least one of them would be forced to come out in the open.

That did happen, as Coco was soon there to free the enthralled victims with the power of her purifying music, but before she could utter a word, Yuri was quickly to set the very people she sought to save against her, complete with shouting "I got you now, mermaid princess", leaving her overwhelmed by the civilians she just couldn't hurt. Luckily, a passing ally in the form of Steam Sentinel Propel, had followed the trail of dark energy and heard those words, helping distract Yuri so Yellow Pearl Voice could have enough space to sing and lift the brainwashing. Together, the two heroes overwhelmed Yuri's powers and forced her to retreat.

"Thank you", Coco says to Propel as she ceases singing, sighing as she watches the people who collapsed after the spell had been lifted. "Your arrival was really provvidential. I am Yellow Pearl Voice, nice to meet you." She looks at the fainted victims and reassures Propel. "They aren't in any danger, don't worry. They will wake up soon."

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
Yuuto had tickets for the concert, but had ran late. It seems to be a thing with him, he's late for a lot of things. Fortunately, in this case, being late worked in his favor, because he had missed out on Yuri's initial assault. It was just after he had arrived on the scene and henshined in as Steam Sentinel Propel that Coco had arrive on the scene!

Her song was uplifting and inspiring and even if Propel wasn't under anyone's thrall, he can totally understand how the young heroine can easily break Yuri's hold on the masses.

With the Yellow Pearl in trouble, Propel had ended up in front of her, his blaster being used to keep those she had not reached at bay and to assist her in the at least temporary defeat and retreat of the Dark Lover. Panting a little in the aftermath of the battle, he holsters the ray gun as he spins around on his wheels to turn to the mermaid speaking to him.

"I was glad I could help..." he admits, a nervous smile to Coco as he reaches up to run his fingers through the back of his hair, because he might be slightly flustered. "Your voice is really amazing, Yellow Pearl. Oh... I'm Steam Sentinel Propel. You can just call me Propel if you want!"

Then she mentions that the victims are fine and recover, he gives a sharp little nod of his head, shifting on his skates. "I suppose we better leave before they wake up. So many questions they'll want to ask." he admits with a laugh. "And ah. Did you want to meet later, we can talk some more?"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Thank you, Propel", Coco says with a smile. "Your aim was great", she compliments back, with how the use of his ray gun was enough to force Yuri to defend. And once Coco joined in by tossing her Live Stage onto the Dark Lover, her purifying song and Propel's electricity made a quick work of her.

'Talk some more?' Coco repeats in her mind as she ponders the request. That is probably fair for him to ask, Yuri did just reveal she was a mermaid, and that alone is typically enough to raise questions, before one even considers the failed abduction or her princess status.

And while she was at it, she could consider inviting him in her underwater palace. The risk of people eavesdropping on them there is 0. "That's alright, I actually I have the perfect place for that", Yellow Pearl Voice says, offering him her hand. "I can teleport the two of us to my underwater palace, if you would like the offer. Don't worry about the water, a spell will let you breathe in there."

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
"I should be thanking you, I don't know if I could have handled that on my own. You were really amazing." Yuuto pauses and laughs a little nervously. "I probably said that already." he admits with a glance down towards the ground, before looking back up towards her.

Revealing their identities to each other isn't that big of a step, is it? He's not entirely sure, noone's really bothered to tell him the rules and most of his information has come from the manga he's read on it.

But then there was an invitation to her home. "Palace?" He catches on that word and there's an awkward motion. "I feel like I should be bowing, since you're a Princess." he admits with a nervous little smile. His arms settle at his sides, a little fidget as he considers that information. "I mean, sure! I'd like to see it. If you want to show me. There's no pressure there." he tugs at the bracer on his arm for a moment as he weighs it all and then nods, a little more assured. She just helped him out. Or he helped her. Who knows for sure. What's a little underwater adventure between new friends?

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Well, Coco sure isn't asking him to bow. That's just not something she asks friends, whether established ones or ones that are forming. "It's totally fine!" she waves dismissively at the matter. "I mean, there is no need to bow", she clarifies. "We are about to teleport a long bit, my palace is in the waters of the South Pacific Ocean. Though, I haven't warned my attendants to expect a guest, so they may be a little unprepared."

With no further explanations, she takes his hand, and in a yellow light, the two of them disappear, showing up way deep under the ocean, in a completely yellow room, biolumiscenent sea plants decorating the place and at its center, a cushioned yellow shell big enough that three people could comfortably sit in it if they wanted. Coco, at Propel's right side, had taken on her mermaid form, floating in the waters of her home.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
Okay, cool, don't need to bow, that's good! Yuuto laughs as she disarms the idea so easily, the teen's cheeks warm with embarassment for just a moment before she explains the teleporting idea and gives a warning that they are arriving without any warning of his presence, "Wait, don't you think you..."

And his hand is in hers and he holds on as she teleports them away, only to reappear several moments kater inside Coco's palace. Realizing that he's deep in the ocean, his first response was to try to hold his breath, even though she hand clearly explained to him that he didn't - it was a reflex. It takes a few seconds as he drinks it all in before he remembers to breath. Realizing he can normally is a relief, even with his hand still in hers.

His eyes roam over it all, taking it in, the unique decorations, the way it shines in that warm shade of yellow that reminds one of a morning sun, and then -- record scratch -- she really /is/ a mermaid!

His eyes widen inside his goggles, but he swallows that down as he turns to face her and looks her over. "Oh... wow." he manages finally. "You look great!" His hand releases hers so that he can lift his goggles, exposing his green eyes to look her over again. "This is /amazing/."

He's already turning, looking around the place, taking in the architecture, the art student part of him completely geeking out over the design and already trying to figure out how to set it in clay or stone.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Oh, I look, great, huh?" Coco beams widely at the compliment. "Well, thank you! You don't miss any beats yourself", she grins, not one to miss any chance to give back appeciation.

And then she watches him look all over, smiling with a funny reaction over a flashback she is having to when Miya entered her castle. "Do you like the architecture?", she asks, swimming closer to him with a rethorical question. "We rebuilt everything recently, so you are looking at the cutting edge of my kingdom's artisanal works", she states proudly. 'That's just about the only good thing to come out of that, a little silver lining', Coco thinks.

The mermaid princess also begins addressing the huge shell in the center, in front of the big window that shows the sea outside. "This is my throne, and it is also a very special place in our culture of the seven seas, because it's where all mermaid princesses of this kingdom are born, generation after generation."

Though, she doesn't have just that to show to the art student. "I have a finely decorated fountain I can show you later, in another room", she proposes.

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
Coco's return compliment causes Yuuto's cheeks to warm and brighten as he glances aside to her. "Thanks." he manages, but he doesn't have the best retort to offer to her when it comes to being suave about things, he's far more earnest.

"I love art." he explains, "Mainly art done in clay and stone... and this is like something I could only imagine. And be inspired by. It's like seeing a painting of Atlantis only to realize that you're actually there and you just want to find a way to capture it." He turns from her again as she mentions the throne and he moves towards it, remaining close to Coco as she explains things. "Ohh..." he says as he explains the throne. "So this is where you were born as well?" he asks her curiously. "...I assume that it different than how it works for humans?" Because otherwise, that would be weird.

As she explains that there are other things, to see, he nods, "I'd like that." he agrees with her easily, accepting her proposal. "I mean, if I didn't think it would cause issues, I would love to capture how you look in stone." he admits to her.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
'How cute, he is blushing!' Coco reacts over how he takes her compliment. Well, at least she knows that he has been receptive to her compliment, that's always nice to confirm.

She listens intently to his explanation, correcting her own first impression from earlier since he is more into the aesthetic side of things unlike Miya's interest in masonry. "I guess it's true that we don't let ourselves get discovered in any official measure, but we have our reasons for that."

Mainly, the fact that is would be a huge diplomatic mess if people above found out that sapient ocean species exist, and furthermore it would only cause a repeat of the war of the Panthalassa, but with the land involved.

"But feel free to take as much inspiration as you want, and if you ever need to come back to recall some details, I am currently a student at RHA. My number is XXXXXXXXXX."

Coco nods in understanding as Propel has some question about the workings of her birth. "Well, it's more than us mermaid princesses are outliers even among mermaids." She opens her shell locket and takes out the yellow pearl. "This is the source of my powers, and what lets mermaid princesses of the South Pacific be born. There are pink, blue, green, purple, indigo and orange variants for the other six kingdoms." She then puts the pearl back. "When a princess dies, the corresponding pearl starts generating her successor by magic, a task that takes about a week. Each pearl has its own assigned day, Tuesday in my case."

"Sure, we can arrange that!", Coco exclaims at his proposal. "What pose should I have, and do you want to capture me in my true form, or as a human?"

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
His hands fold in front of him as Yuuto continues to explore the aesthetic, his eyes returning to the pretty blonde mermaid on more than one occassion. "I promise I won't let anyone know about here. I mean, who would believe me if I told them?" There's amusement in his voice, because to be honest, he could scarcely believe it himself.

With her sharing her contact information, Yuuto pulls out his phone - one of the few non-Steampunk things about him and makes sure to enter her information on the phone. "I'm a student there as well." he explains with a little laugh. "Small world, right? If you want, I could transform back so you could see what I look like in case you see me in the halls or something and want to say hi?"

Her explanation of her birth brings him back over to stand to next to her, looking down at the small pearl that she presents. He doesn't reach out to touch it, instead, he listens to her explanation. "So Tuesdays are a reason to celebrate." A half-teasing comment made with a smile as she moves to set the pearl back. "Though I would be in no hurry to see someone new on a Tuesday." It doesn't make sense, but he's a teen and awkward flirting is totally in his wheelhouse.

When she agrees to pose for him, he ohs! He hadn't actually expected her to say yes. "You're beautiful either way, so I suppose it is the way you want to be captured first? I could start with one, and do the other?" He mulls over the ideas in his head. "Or I could just take a picture and work off that if you don't want to hang around."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Yes, people do tend to be pretty incredulous about our existence", she confirms. One could say they have done their job way too well. And that's before one considers the veil. "And don't worry, you are fine. You already proved yourself trustworthy when you overheard Yuri." If he had acted shifty, she certainly wouldn't have led him here.

When Yuuto reveals he too is from RHA, Coco giggles limpidly. "You know, that's surprisingly common. It seems like the school really attracts students from both sides. And she definitely wants to take him up on his offer. "Oh, I would be delighted to know the real you", she comments. "Unfortunately, I can't reciprocate here, too much water, but my real name is Coco."

"Yes, it is considered a day blessed by Aqua Regina here", she nods. "I assume the other kingdoms do the same. My birthday is on the 7th of August though." And Coco doesn't really understand what the comment about being in no hurry is supposed to mean, but she can guess at its intent from the context.

"On the other hand, I wouldn't mind seeing you more", she flirts back. Though that will almost definitely happen anyway since they frequent the same school. "My birthday is on the 7th of August, though", she informs him grinning. "So what about you? When is your birthday?"

She definitely ponders his question a bit, though giving him cheerful thanks for his compliment. She knows a bit about what sculptures entail, just the basic knowledge a random person off the streets would know, so she would probably need to be a mermaid on land to let him do his job. "I think as a mermaid first", she decides, though the reason is more pragmatical. "I don"t think a photo would let you do your job well enough, and I want to get that done first to finish it as early as possible, before anyone on land notices something."

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
He can't help it, there's anotheer blush. Yuuto is apparently a little weak to flirting and Coco seems to be really good at it. "Thank you." he offers to her in response and then there's an amused smile, "I'm really glad that I got the chance to visit this place, your home." he explains. And trust is reciprocated as he lets out a breath. Tapping the bracer on his wrist, he henshin forms back into his student form and reaches up to brush his fingers through his sandy brown hair. "Nothin' special, I know." he admits.

"And there's no worry, I just assume someday you'll tug on my sleeve and I'll just know it's you." That comes with a little smile. "It is nice to meet you, Coco. I am Yuuto Shirashi." he offers in way of greetings. "And my birthdate is two weeks after yours, on the 22nd of August. So, we're birthmonth sharers." That seems to amuse him as he folds his hands behind his back.

Then when she admits she would like to see him more, he automatically assumes that it would be in the sense of her posing for his art and not in the romantic way. He seems to be really good with selling himself short on things.

"Would you be comfortable in your mermaid form on land?" he asks in confusion, puzzling over the idea and the logistics of it as he moves to be near Coco again. "Otherwise, I'd need to find something that isn't water soluible to use as a medium to work on down here."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"And I am glad you appreciated it so much", she replies earnestly. She knows that the people she hired gave it their all for her, and even it feels good to have someone appreciate the effort she too is glad for.

And then he lets her see his true form, which is immediately followed by a self-depreciating comment. She doesn't know if he is fishing for compliments or if he is really thinking that, but she isn't really shy about giving them in the former case, and in the latter, he needs to start liking himself more, she thinks.

"No, I think you look good", Coco contradicts the boy. "I find your hair and eye colour go quite well together, for one", implying to him she could actually say more.

Coco smacks her hands together as she reveals that neat fact about their birth months. "No way, that's awesome. That means we are both Lions." Tbh, human zodiacal signs are only a thing she recently learnt, so that's really novel for her.

Coco can't do anything about things Yuuto is only thinking, but if she knew, she would waste no time in correcting that impression about himself.

Being comfortable in her mermaid form on land... The immobility isn't really a concern for her, since she can just switch back whenever unless it's due to water touching her shell locket that would cause a reaction with her pearl, but if somebody walked in on them... "Yes, I can do that, it's not an issue", Coco tells Yuuto, "but we could do it in a place I am not at risk to be noticed, like my dorm room. My roommate already knows anyway."

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
He seems to be a bit of a wallflower and unsure if Coco is being nice or honestly flirting. When she compliments him, he smiles a bit. "Thank you. I appreciate it." comes his honest response to Coco as he reaches and touches her hand for a moment before his attention turns back to the conversation.

"Yep! I'm more of a fading Leo though." he admits with a small chuckle as he considers her again, and chews on his lip in thought.

Going to her dorm room presents it's own challenges. "It'd have to be common time, but we could do that." he offers to her after considering the idea. "I mean, I wouldn't want to get there and then curfew comes up and then people get the wrong idea!" There's a small chuckle - but hey, it was an attempt at a flirt.

"But when we're not working on that, we can meet in the art room, or go out for a bite to eat or something?" he suggests to her. "Which, I guess, brings up another question. I'll do the preliminary stuff in your dorm, sure. But what size do you want it to be? Small, like something on your desk? Or larger, like a display piece?"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
On her part, Coco is interpreting the positive responses, as well as the gesture of reaching for her hand, that he definitely is interested and it would be very worth it to go on a few dates to see if they actually click.

And she is quite a bit amused when he comments about the curfew and offers her a response on a silver plate. "Would it really be the wrong idea though?" she winks at him. "Common time sounds good though, I will just send my roommate a few texts about us." Yep, phrasing fully intended.

She is actually caught off guard when he mentions gifting the resulting statue to her. She blinks before replying "You mean you actually want to give it to me?" She doesn't quite know what to say to that. "I thought it was for an art project of yours! Thank you, that's really sweet if you, I would really like having it. And sure, we can totally go on dates between meetups."

As for the size of her statue, she says "I am good with whatever you are more comfortable with, especially since you'd be doing it as a gift, but I would go for something like half a meter if I had to choose."

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
They at least both seem to be working in the same direction? Yuuto is interested in the pretty blonde, and had a feeling she might have been into him as well. He just needed to find that little bit of confidence that shows more in costume than when in not in it.

Though her response catches him flat-footed and lights his cheeks up with bright warmth. "Maybe not." he offers back to her, clearly responding in the affirmative to her flirt. "Sounds like a plan, I mean, letting your roommate know." he adds quickly enough.

Though as she expresses her confusion about his plans for the statue, he ohs and chuckles. "I wouldn't want to submit what you look like for a grade without your approval!" he says with a light chuckle, his lips pulled into a small smile as he bites on his lower lip. "I'll take a few pictures to put in my portfolio, but otherwise, it would be yours." he explains.

The offer of the size of it draws a small nod as he takes a mental note of the arrangement and then he remembers. "Oh, my phone number is..." and he rattles off the digits for it.

And it's about that time that a small fairy made of clockwork appears on his shoulder. "Hey Yuuto!" he comments. "How much longer you going to wait to ask her out? I'm getting hungry!"

Well, now Coco knows where that encouragment is coming from. Yuuto blushes and offers. "Coco, this is Tinker. Tinker, this is Princess Coco, the Yellow Pearl."

Tinker bows, "Yer highness." he offers. And then back to Yuuto. "Just don't forget to eat!" he reminds the teen before slipping back into his coat.

That was awkward and his attention turns back to Coco. "It is a little late, I guess, it was just... I was enjoying talking to you."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
She smiles, pleased at the direction this is taking, now he has confirmed they are on the same wavelength. It sure sounds like they they are going to enjoy each other's presence, so regardless of the outcome, she can be sure she won't regret the dates.

"Ok, I will be sure to send her a fex text messages later", she confirms after Yuuto expresses his opinion over informing Cho. "This will be really nice, I can already tell."

Though, well, Coco has clearly thought she had been giving that consent all this time, guess not though. But nevermind that, because more introductions are being made as what's clearly Yuuto's mahou mascot pops out onto his shoulder. And he certainly gives a voracious first impression, which is really curious given he is made of clockwork. But well, it would be hypocritical of her to question magic.

She playfully boops Tinker over the head. "We were having a moment, you know? Some things just can't be sped up."

She should complete the introductions, though. "Anyway, nice to meet you, Tinker. You don't need to bow, you are among friends, for now at least." That may get an upgrade.

"I was really enjoying it too, but time is a big traitor", she smiles. "I can send us back, and then grab a bite then. Do you like the idea?"

Yuuto Shiraishi has posed:
Yuuto is frankly surprised by it, but has no complaints in the direction that things have gone. At worse, they become good friends if they find out there's no romantic spark.

"I'll do my best to meet your expectations." he says with a little chuckle that shows his excitement but at the same time small case of nerves. First date? Totally first date vibes.

Tinker is booped on the head and he mutters before disappearing. "Better be lucky he thinks you're cute."

'TINKER!' Yuuto feels his cheeks flare again as he nods. "Totally were having a moment. Guess there's no way we could get it back, hmm?" A little bravery on his part, before he nods as he steps closer to her.

"I like that idea." he agrees. His hand is offered to hers, and if she takes it, instead of just a light touch, he takes a more confident grip, his fingers nearly laced with hers.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco certainly didn't expect a fight against a Dark Lover to be turned into this, but it might be the best accidental gift Yuri has given her. Yuri Best Wingwoman 2024.

After Tinker goes back and Yuuto offers his hand to her, Coco doesn't hesitate at taking it, and she grips it just as tightly as he does. "I am sure we can work out a way to get it back, between the two of us", she quips back at him.

And then, they teleport back to the surface. They have a date, all for them.