39/There Are No Televisions In Europe

From Radiant Heart MUSH

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There Are No Televisions In Europe
Date of Scene: 06 July 2023
Location: Mitakihara Ward
Synopsis: Madoka and Runealy have a very confusing but friendly conversation.
Cast of Characters: Madoka Kaname, Runealy Waldia

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    It's early evening in Tokyo. Students from Radiant Heart are starting to trickle out of the school and make their way back to their homes. Madoka Kaname is no exception, walking down the sidewalks of Mitakihara Ward with a school bag draped over her shoulder. A mundane person might think that she was walking home alone, but those with magical eyes can see the small white rabbit cat like creature riding on her shoulder.

    "You really should consider my offer. I think you'd make a great magical girl, if only you made a wish!"

    Madoka's whole face is a display of trepidation at the offer. She doesn't want to tell Kyubey to go away, but the warnings she's heard from multiple sources makes her a bit more wary than she might otherwise be. Plus, she has a reason for believing a certain someone, even if she's pretty sure they just met. Such an emotional display is lost on her alien mascot.

    "It's not that I don't care, but..." starts Madoka, "I just need more time to think about it..."

    "Well, I suppose I can't rush you," says Kyubey, leaping from her shoulder and onto a wall. He turns towards her and sits. "Just keep it in mind. We could always use your help, Madoka Kaname."

    Madoka gives a non-commital nod before Kyubey turns around, leaping down the other side of the wall and vanishing. She's left to consider this for a few moments before she starts walking home again.

Runealy Waldia has posed:
    Rune is among those students streaming out of the school, though she is several moments behind Madoka. Far enough behind that the alien princess completely fails to see the discussion with Kyubey - the cat-rabbit-thing is out of sight by the time Rune's walk lets her catch up to Madoka.

Even then, she spots Madoka from far enough away that they aren't in immediate conversation range. Rune stares at Madoka for a moment, then jogs to close the gap. The princess makes no effort to hide this jog or quiet her movements - it would not be hard to notice her. Rune's expression looks fairly calm, her movements one of simply trying to get close rather than rush Madoka down aggressively.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Madoka doesn't notice Runealy at first, with her eyes on the ground as she walks forward. She's lost in thought, still processing the fact that she lives in a world where magic is real, and still feeling like she doesn't have enough answers. Maybe that's because no one has any answers to give.

    As Runealy draws close, Madoka starts to hear the jog. Her first instinct is to move to the side, to let the jogger pass, but when her curious pink eyes glance behind her she sees someone vaguely familiar. Her mouth opens slightly as she turns to face the other pink haired girl, and she slows down to let her catch up.

    "It's you... from the other day. You were there at the beach, right?"

Runealy Waldia has posed:
    Rune slows down to a regular walk once she overtakes Madoka, then blinks. "You noticed? How odd. Others at the school that I know were there that day have laughed at my 'absurd tales'. Yet you recognized me in an instant. To answer you..."

A single, slow nod. "You have the right of it. Forgive my sprinting after you, I recognized you as well."

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Madoka walks along with Runealy at a leisurely pace, looking at her with a friendly smile before shaking her head. "It's fine. I'm glad to talk."

    Looking ahead she frowns slightly in thought. "Most people can't see or remember those kinds of things, or at least that's what I was told. Actually, I was afraid to even say anything about it. I thought I dreamed it all up! Then I met other people who'd talk about it."

    Turning her head to smile at the pink princess again, she asks, "Have you been fighting for long? I didn't really get a chance to watch you too closely when it happened."

Runealy Waldia has posed:
    The other pink-haired girl keeps pace beside Madoka, tone calm - less friendly, but polite enough. She isn't devoid of expression, merely more subdued than Madoka. "That would explain a great deal, even if it is strange. Though..."

Her voice trails off as Rune considers how to respond. Her brow flickers - there is a tremendous temptation to lie, to hide details from Madoka, to mislead.

After a few seconds of awkward silence, Rune opts to give Madoka a real answer. "That was my first time in a real battle... and it should have been against demons, not against other people. I cannot begin to apologize for that,"

A few headshakes follow mid-sentence, hair swishing with the motion as Rune finishes: "yet I can thank you for being among those to tend to your fellow citizens."

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    The other pink haired girl isn't unaware of Runealy's hesitation, but Madoka waits for her to find the words. She doesn't take the silence as anything other than simply trying to find the right words to say. There's no reason to lie here, right?

    "It was the first time for me too, and I only did what was necessarily," says Madoka. That's not completely true, but it is as far as she knows. She forgot the actual first time. "I tried my best, but I can only do much. I don't normally handle that kind of thing, but I didn't know if I had the luxury of waiting for others."

    Madoka thinks back to what happened with the Witch the other day, and shakes her head. "You aren't the only one to fight other people. I think a lot of magical people are fighting against one another, and against others too."

Runealy Waldia has posed:
    "Your very first?" Rune blinks several times, eyes raised and her tone matching it with heightened curiosity, not anger. "I presume you are unable to fight, and yet you provided what aid you could? I should commend your virtues! Though,"

Her tone lowers to something more normal for a few seconds, "Do you know anything about this fighting? It was deliberate, and not the result of panic or random circumstance. The child I fought made very clear that her mother commanded her to attack other people, even with a demon standing before us!" Those last few words are punctuated by a breathy gasp.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Madoka nods at Rune's presumption. She's barely on the edge of understanding anything herself, and most certainly isn't a fighter. Though she gets a bit sheepish at the mentioning of virtues. Who, her? Do those words apply to her? She doesn't think she's that special, but it feels good to hear someone say otherwise.

    At the question, Madoka shakes her head, and even gives Rune a sad look as she explains. "I don't know much of anything about this. I get the feeling that a lot of people don't. I can't imagine my mama commanding me to hurt anyone unless I had to. Though..." she tilts her head pink pigtails swishing with the movement. "... someone mentioned there would be clashes between good and evil. I wish I knew more."

    Madoka considers for a moment, and then adds, "I think I saw that girl elsewhere, too. In a Witch Labyrinth. Her friends seemed..." She frowns as she thinks back to what Riventon's magic looked like. She didn't want to jump to conclusions, but it was hard not to be suspicious of something that looked so evil. "... kinda weird. They seemed to care about each other, but they didn't hesitate to fight others."

    She doesn't mention getting bound by Hotaru. That seemed like an honest mistake at the time.

Runealy Waldia has posed:
    Rune's expression flickers for a split second as Madoka insists Junko would not give orders to fight... a tiny, sharp breath accompanying this shift.

It fades quickly, though. "Good and evil are very real. I have always been taught it would be simple to know who would truly be on which side, with demons pitted against people. It seems to be more complex in this case, for some of us. Though,"

An eyebrow raises, "Might I inquire what a 'Witch Labyrinth' is?"

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Madoka gives Rune a curious look when she says that good and evil are real. She wouldn't want to think of someone as being pure evil, but can't deny what she's seen so far. The repeated mention of 'demons' doesn't escape her, though she doesn't comment on it. Are those demons she sees? Madoka wouldn't be surprised.

    "A Witch Labyrinth?" asks Madoka, as if to say, 'You're asking me?!' She frowns and looks ahead to consider how to respond. "It's like another world, created by a monster called a Witch. They're full of these smaller minions called Familiars, and if you beat the Witch then the labyrinth goes away."

    She shrugs and shakes her head. "I don't know much more than that, sorry."

Runealy Waldia has posed:
    "So there is at least a third...!" Rune cuts her response off with a sharp gasp, forcing her voice to lower afterward. Madoka would have easily seen Rune's eyes widen before that, however. "These Witches, then... are they also a threat to people?"

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    That question, at least, Madoka can answer. She turns to Rune nodding emphatically. "That's right. If a person have a Witch's Kiss on them, then the Witch can control them and make them do bad things. Normally that leads to death, if someone don't interfere."

    Finally deciding to ask, Madoka states, "So... you keep using the word demons, but everyone else seems to call them youma."

    Something occurs to her, and then she exclaims, "Oh!" With a nervous laugh, she states, "I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Madoka Kaname. Can I ask your name?"

Runealy Waldia has posed:
    Rune winces at a few different things. The first is when Madoka describes how Witches operate... then again when Madoka calls her out on the difference in terminology. "Ah? Yes... forgive me, they are o-one and the same." A partial lie, and Rune's voice wavers as she makes it.

Then it comes time for introductions, and this time the princess responds with a lie by omission, face flush with embarrassment: "You have the right of it! Forgive my rudeness... I am Rune." No last name. "A pleasure to meet you, Madoka."

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    First name only? Well, that's fine. Madoka doesn't think much on it. Runealy's blushes and wavering voice are just taken as shyness, not guilt, and she really has no reason to assume otherwise.

    "Thanks! It's a pleasure to meet you too, Rune," she states with a bright smile. "You must be working really hard to beat all of these..." she chooses to use Rune's word this time, "... demons. That has to be pretty scary."

Runealy Waldia has posed:
    "I..." Rune's pace outright falters - she is still walking, but has obviously skipped a step or two behind Madoka's walk, as the princess cycles through several expressions on her face.

There had been a brief smile as Madoka completed the introduction. Then Madoka offers... is it praise? Sympathy? Rune's eyes go wide, then lower and somewhat lid, all inside of a few seconds. After an awkward silence on her own part, the princess answers: "...I need to redouble my efforts, now that I understand more about who and what threatens people." Another expression flicker - this time, it is sharp, imperious praise from a princess, complete with thrusting an open palm forward to indicate the other pink-haired girl: "You have my gratitude for explaining this, Madoka Kaname!"

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Madoka tilts her head to the side. She was brushing off the signs before, but something seems to be bothering Rune a lot. Was it something she said? Oh no, she hasn't upset her has she? Madoka's eyes dart from side to side nervously.

    When the other pink-haired girl starts to speak, Madoka is almost taken aback. The sudden change in demeanor is almost startling. When she sees the open palm thrusted forward, she misinterprets (?) the gesture and shakes the princess's hand.

    "O-of course!" Madoka is increasingly unable to comprehend this situation. At least nothing bad is happening. "I mean, I still don't know much, but I hope it helps!"

Runealy Waldia has posed:
    Blink. Blink blink blink. Rune stares down at her seized hand, but takes the situation with surprise rather than anger. "You have been of tremendous help," Rune insists, trying to regain the initiative in this conversation.

"It is because of you that I now understand more about who and what we face. In turn, I can share this with my friends - my Knights. And they," A single, sharp nod comes before Rune insists: "Will now also be ready to face these Witches. Now we shall not hesitate, bewildered by the unknown. That lack of hesitation may yet save lives. More to the point,"

Rune finally smiles, and this time it remains instead of quickly vanishing, "Sharing your knowledge may have saved those lives. Their survival shall, at least in part, be on your hands!"

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    With the way things are going, Madoka can't help but feel like she's failing multiple skill checks here. Yet, Rune still seems friendly. She laughs a bit nervously and clutches her bag, for need of something to grasp more than anything else.

    "Oh wow... that sounds... amazing. You have knights? That's kind of cool..."

    In Rune's defense, this is not the weirdest thing that Madoka has seen in the past week, and it's far from the scariest. "Well... thanks? Good luck. I can't fight them myself, or I'd be more helpful."

Runealy Waldia has posed:
    "Knights," Rune affirms. "My sworn friends. Together, we will face these threats on behalf of those who cannot. Those who still share what kindness and bravery they can, tending to their fellow citizens and offering valuable knowledge, all while lamenting they cannot offer even more aid."

Her free hand clasps atop Madoka's at the end of that description, smile remaining. "Even if you think it inadequate, your contributions make it plain... you care about keeping people safe, Madoka Kaname." She places a very specific emphasis on 'safe', as if saying an important and approving holy word.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Sworn friends? Madoka has to admit, something about that sounds nice. Like having a best friend promise. She wonders if they have friendship bracelets, though at this point she's almost afraid to ask.

    A lot of what Runealy says feels really flattering, and it's the kind of thing that Madoka wants to hear even if it makes her feel a bit awkward.

    At the mention of the word safe, she notes the emphasis, even if she doesn't quite know the significance. She frowns in thought for a moment, and then nods. "That's true. I do. I think the world is better if we all help one another. And I'm grateful to you too, for helping."

    This conversation is so weird, but Rune doesn't seem like a bad person.

Runealy Waldia has posed:
    "Thank you," Rune pulls her hands away - gently and normally, not with sudden force. The smile diminishes. It is still there, but nowhere near as pronounced as it was moments ago. "Though, that is preemptive praise. I have done precious little to protect anyone, as yet. If we are tracking who has achieved what, it sounds as though you have accomplished far more than I."

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    More than her? Madoka isn't sure she agrees. "You keep saying that, but I mostly feel like a tagalong sometimes. There are a lot of really amazing people around here, and..." she hesitates for a moment before drawing her hand to her mouth, "... some scary ones."

    She shakes her head after a moment and says, "B-but that doesn't matter! I'm sure you'll do a lot of great things, Rune!"

    A lot more than Madoka feels like she could, probably. As much as Rune seems to disagree...

Runealy Waldia has posed:
    "I intend to do great deeds and then some. For now, however... that is so much talk, with no accomplishment. We shall see if my achievements match my speeches. Though..."

Rune's eyes lid once more, but it is accompanied by a slight head-tilt. This is curiosity, rather than her earlier display. "Would you tell me more of these wonderful people? And the frightening ones?"

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Huh? Rune is asking more questions? Madoka tries to think, "Well... the one they call Riventon seems to use some weird magic. He was with two girls last time I saw him. One of them..." Madoka remembers having a weird feeling about Hotaru for a second, though she can't place why. "... seemed a little frail. She fought for a little bit but then it was like she collapsed. I went to go get help, but I guess she and Riventon left before I could come back. I don't know where they went. I think her name was Firefly."

    "That one girl we were talking about earlier... they called her Deathscythe. I think she was with them. Apparently that's the name of a robot from anime?"

Runealy Waldia has posed:
    Rune can be heard whisper-repeating some of these names and details... then Madoka says something that the princess can only answer with wide eyes, head tilting once more to the side. "Deathscythe is the name of a what, from the who? ...No, I believe I understand."

The princess calms down and offers what she thinks she understands: "Their name is Robot, hailing from the Anime District of Tokyo?"

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Madoka is getting even more confused. She holds up her hands and waves then in front of her in a 'No that's wrong!' gesture. "N-no! You know what an anime is, right? It's like... a show? On television?"

    It's at this point that Madoka really starts to question reality again. Does Rune really not know what a Robot is? Oh geeze, Madoka wouldn't want to give her the wrong idea...

    "And robot isn't a name!" she tries to clarify. This conversation is making increasingly less sense to her.

    She shakes her head. "Look, there's a Guidance Counselor in Radiant Heart. Her name is Inai-sensei. She might be who you want to talk to about this. She seems to know a lot. Way more than I do."

Runealy Waldia has posed:
    Each thing Madoka lists simply - and visibly - bewilders Rune even more. 'Anime' is met with a blink. 'Television' with several more. 'Robot' not being a name causes the princess to look very embarrassed: "Forgive me. Robot is their title, then? The Robot of Anime, much as one would refer to the Queen of Tokyo? I... shall seek out this Counselor Inai in any event, but I meant no offense by mistaking an individual's rank for their name."

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Madoka looks at Rune with wide eyes. She's exasperated at this point. If this was a prank, Rune's very good at keeping up the joke. She hasn't betrayed even the slightest hint of a smirk at Madoka's expense. She tilts her head, still with that wide eyed stare, then closes her eyes, shakes her head, and lets out a deep breath.

    "No, it's okay. I'm not offended." Madoka tries to smooth things over, but she needs a moment to let things click into place. "By any chance, are you... from somewhere else? Like... is Japanese your first language?"

    After a second, she holds up her hands, "N-not that it's bad or anything! Your accent is perfect! It's just that most people around here would know what a television is."

Runealy Waldia has posed:
    This question is met with an immediate lie from Rune, one she has learned by confirming guesses from random people on the streets of Tokyo. "I am from Europe." Absolutely no mention of what languages she speaks, though the alien princess has been using very archaic language the entire time. Understandable, but very different from how people actually talk in modern Tokyo.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Europe? Okay, that makes a lot of sense. Madoka isn't well traveled enough to be able to spot the lie there.

    It would also explain some of Rune's word choices. Not everyone who learns the language gets to learn it from a reliable source. Madoka gets an idea and reaches into her bag, rifling around for a smartphone. She pushes buttons on it until she finds an episode of some random Gundam show. "See? This is an anime. And that thing shooting the lasers is a robot!"

    Surely this will explain everything and not simply lead to further questions.

Runealy Waldia has posed:
    Questions, and bewilderment anew. Rune's eyes remain very wide as Madoka retrieves a phone. "I have seen that before. Many people in Tokyo seem to heed this tiny glass very, very often. It..."

She coils a step away from the phone's display, cautious and interrupted mid-sentence by Madoka using it to show anime. When the strange device fails to instantly vaporize the princess, she gains enough courage to instead lean in and look at it. "So it is not a district in Tokyo, nor a rank... but more to the point, how did you...?"

She holds up a hand to stall a reply from Madoka, trying to phrase the question better. "How is it possible to fit your glass towers inside there?" She points at the phone's screen, as the battle scene progresses through a well-developed city.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Okay. That is weird. That was not the response, or the question, that Madoka expected. She thought that she did not understand the word television, because maybe she hadn't memorized it yet, but...

    No, that's not it at all. Rune does not understand the concept of television.

    Is this real? Is Madoka really seeing this? Is technology just as foreign a concept to Rune as magic is to Madoka?

    "I-I..." Madoka tries to explain. "It's just a picture. Like... it's made up of a whole bunch of little lights, and by turning those lights off and on it makes a picture... You... really haven't seen something like this before? Ever?"

Runealy Waldia has posed:
    "Forgive me, I... simply do not understand. I can hear what you are describing." Rune holds up a hand to once again try to get a moment to elaborate: "I am being told that extinguishing and re-lighting your glass candles creates the image we are witnessing! However..."

Rune leans around the cell phone at various angles, head tilting several different ways, trying to get new perspectives on it. "...I am afraid that makes scant little sense to me. I cannot even begin to imagine how that would work. We..."

The princess makes an uncomfortable confession: "...We do not have your glass candles. There are no televisions in Europe."

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Oh right. Europe. Madoka totally believes that now. Her face goes from disappointed, to commiseration, to resignation. She's never been to Europe before, but she's pretty sure places like London or Paris would have a TV.

    Well, she's sure that Rune didn't mean any harm by lying. Maybe that's why she needed information.

    "My house is right up here. I need to go, and... I think you need more help than I can give you. You should go see Kyouka Inai-sensei, and... if you tell her that you're from Europe, she might not believe you."

    Madoka isn't going to press. If Rune wanted her to know the truth, she would have told it. She turns towards her house, but waves back to Rune. "I'll see you tomorrow, maybe? Stay safe until then!"

    The pink haired girl starts towards her house, mind still processing... whatever it is that just happened.