41/Odango Tango

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Odango Tango
Date of Scene: 06 July 2023
Location: Plot Room 1
Synopsis: Chiyo meets Usagi and Darien while working at her grandfather's shop, Nounamu Sweets. A friendship forms between her and Usagi, while Darien gets busted on his crush.
Cast of Characters: Mamoru Chiba, Usagi Tsukino, Chiyo Sakai

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Nounamu Sweets was one of those older sweet shops that could have easily faded into obscurity over the years as many others hand. They had adapted to the times however, changing their menu to incorporate the more modern sweets as well as still having a solid traditional menu. It's earned them a quiet reputation of being somewhere that both adults and children could go to easily find something they would enjoy eating. The lack of more than a sign stating 'Wagashi' out front for years had earned them the unofficial name 'Nounamu Sweets' which they embraced with good humor. Now there was always a chalkboard sign out front, the frame decorated with colorful fake confections around a cheerily hand drawn 'Nounamu Sweets' logo.

There was an open service area just under an awning for those simply picking up prepackated snacks, or wanting a quick order while around the corner was access inside the shop itself to view the various treats on display behind glass cases. There were a few cafe style tables, but it wasn't a place one was meant to stay for too long. The shop was just too small for that.

Behind the counter is an older man, easily in his sixties, working on crafting the more traditional wagashi where it could be seen in process. Currently he was making a white and pink chrysanthemum bun. The one tending to customers wanting quick sales is Chiyo herself dressed in neat slacks, and a t-shirt beneath a long apron.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
It's hard work, ducking and dodging the guidance counselor. Usagi isn't sure what she did to get on her radar already, but she's got a good guess: that quiz she bombed in English, not that long ago, and the math quiz she'd failed after, and the biology test she'd just barely failed, a single point under a passing grade - three very good reasons to be avoiding the guidance counselor's office, and three very good reasons to have worked up an appetite. All that disappointment and stress, it worked up an appetite!

And that was without the monster fighting. A goodnight's sleep and detransforming had made sure she didn't even have any bruises after that harrowing fight with the bus driver and his living-but-not-living-but-yes-living bus, but she had *emotional damage*. She had wounds that only an entire plate of sweets and an afternoon away from Luna could cure.

And she'd heard a *lot* about Nounamu Sweets - namely that she could get traditional and modern sweets there. What could be better?

And inside? It looks even better than she thought it would. She heads for the quick stand, eager to get a snack and continue her meandering journey away from the guidance counselor's reach. It's a surprise, to vaguely recognize the girl waiting tables. But where from?

"Hi, hi," she greets energetically. It's probably the other girl's job to greet customers, instead of customer's greeting her, but, hey! "It's my first time here. I know what I like, but what's *your* recommendation?"

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
The problem with teleporting into alleys and then coming around the fronts of buildings to go in the door like a civilized person? Not seeing who went in before you.

Darien Shields is dressed in his school uniform -- like he was for the Dippin Dots incident (and the ring incident, incidentally) -- and he pushes the door open like a normal human being would, not like a huge jerk or a Dark General or anything, and then he stops dead in his tracks because that's definitely twintails and buns.

And then he looks at who she's talking to, and you know what, he already looks like a deer in headlights, how could his eyes possibly get any wider behind those reflective glasses? No one knows, but they do, ohhhh they do.

He hasn't even let the door close yet.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
It was always good to get a friendly greeting. The old man behind the counter glances over hearing Usagi with an eyebrow lifting a bit curiously at the interaction that starts to occur between Usagi, and Chiyo.

Chiyo is just momentarily taken aback at the unexpected greeting but she's quick to put on a smile. Whether or not it was usual for her to greet first it's taken in stride. "Hello!" Comes the easy greeting in return along with a slight forward dip of her head toward Usagi. It's the question which earns a rather proud smile in response.

"Oh! You'll want to try the ichigo daifuku. The strawberries this year are so juicy and plump!" In spite of her excitement the entire exchange is said in a rather quiet voice as if she didn't have a very loud way of speaking to begin with. "Would you like to try some?"

"Chiyo, is this one of your friends from school?" The old man calls out bluntly. It causes Chiyo to look over her shoulder, then back to Usagi uncertainly. The uniform was easy to identify, but it takes her a moment to recognize the hair style... It did look vaguely familiar. "Ah, no, we do go to the same school though?"

The response earns just a simple grunt from the old man who turns to the side. The chrsyanthemum dango he'd just been working on is slid deftly into the display case behind others that looked pristine and identical. He turns away then to work on something else behind the counter.

"I'm sorry. I can get what you'd like right away," she promises trying to quickly fall back into the server role. Which is why when the door opens admitting Darien she quickly turns to dip her head acknowledging him with, "Hello, welcome to Nounamu! What can I---Icecream Theif!"

Sure she'd had that explained away but no one had ever really told her Darien's *name*, at least that she could remember. So she just ends up blurting that out in surprise only to clap her hands over her mouth looking mortified at having done so. "Oops."

"Ah-ah... Welcome?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
What can she says? Usagi's always been the sort who acted first thought third. Of course she greeted the cute girl taking orders, and of course she wanted her suggestions. And it's a good thing, too, because that sounded sooooo good. There was something about daifuku that tickled the back of her mind, but it's dismissed quickly - it's probably just the thought of how utterly delicious it is!

"Yes! Yes, I definitely want to try that. That sounds sooo good," she could drool at the thought. She won't! ?She's a refined lady, of course she won't! But she *could*. Just at the thought. The interruption is a surprise, Usagi jumping a little in place (yes, all bunny hop jokes have been made before) and turning her head. She smiles brightly at the old man and waves energetically. "Hello oji-san! I hope Chiyo-chan and I can be friends!"

Yes, she is boldly declaring that. It's true! Chiyo is super cute, and has good taste in sweets. What else do friends need? In fact, she's just about to ask for Chiyo to surprise her with more daifuku fillings, when -


It can't be.

Usagi turns, slowly, as if the inevitable is in fact, evitable.


Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"I-- it wasn't--" Darien takes a half-step back, hands coming up, which makes the door hit him (which, haha), and he just stands there for another half second before he remembers he has both a mission and a handbook! He holds up a finger. "Hold on! I mean, I was coming in here to buy you a-- no, just, hold on a second--" and he's patting down his jacket, and he reaches in and pulls out Prince of Highschool vol. 7, and he flips through it hurriedly. Glances up briefly, grimaces, looks down again and then swiftly reads the page he'd landed on.

Then! He snaps the volume closed and relaxes. "Me! I'm sorry, Tsu-- ah-- Usagi-san? I did come here to buy you something to make up for the other day, because-Koji-said-it-would-be-better-than-paying-you-back--"

That, no, he doesn't stay relaxed, there.

He clears his throat and straightens up, and bows. "Chiyo?-san, my apologies for throwing you under the conversational bus at Korma Chameleon. I had to get back to work and wasn't thinking clearly."

His weight shifts from one foot to the other and he looks at them both a little anxiously.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai stares at Darien. There's no other way to describe it--She simply stares as Usagi calls him out, and then he starts to verbally trip over himself while walking into the shut door behind him. It was her turn for an eyebrow to lift slightly watching his every action with curiosity. Moreso when the manga comes out.

Oh. Suddenly it all makes sense.

By the time Darien gets around to apologizing to her she's already so lost in thought that it catches her by surprise. "Oh! No, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to accuse you--" she returns while ducking down to bow in turn in response. "I just hadn't learned your name so it was the first thing that popped into my mind--" Were they just going to keep shooting apologies back and forth?

A sudden *DING* of a bell from the counter pulls her attention away sharply. Standing abruptly she looks over her shoulder with a quiet, "Ah?"

The old man stands there behind the counter, hand hovering above the service bell to get attention. Now that he had it he reaches down to pick up a plate loaded with an array of daifuku in various colors all neatly arranged and from the looks of it, freshly prepared. "Chiyo, take a break." He doesn't outright smile, but he does glance at Usagi with one of those knowing half-smiles old folks tend to have. "You can share these with your new friends."

"But Ojii-san, the shop-!"

"Meh. Go, sit, be young!" His attention shifts away from both the girls to shoot a stern look at Darien. "As for you, young man." Shoulders square firmly to regard Darien with a curt up and down glance that takes in every detail. He seems to decide something, and then picks up one of the decorative prepackaged boxes to tap down on the counter. Inside was a mix of chocolates, and sugar candies in the shape of elaborate flowers. "You'll want this."

Chiyo just stands there uncertainly a moment. "I... guess... let's have a seat?" Gesturing to one of the empty cafe tables. "I can get us some coffee too if you want. We've also got water and sodas."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Usagi is all set to go in on him, to huff and puff and protect the sweets with her very body if she must, to keep him from snatching something precious away again, but - well. He doesn't smirk or smile or even look smug. No, if anything, he looks *anxious*, and a little hunted, as if he were the tiny rabbit at the mercy of a hungry cat. As she watches, he dives for a *manga* of all things (Prince of Highschool, she can't help but note approvingly, a good series, pretty okay spin off series) and starts leafing through it as if it contains the secrets of the universe. It's the most bewildering, funny, and a little sad, thing she's ever seen.

It's... kind of hard to be mad at him. For the moment. Especially when he's fumbling over his words, totally discombobulated in a way that she can fully appreciate.

"You want to apologize?" She asks, squinting a little, open to it but a little suspicious. "Because Koji-senpai talked to you about it?"

And Koji was clearly right, because she's as comfortable and casual with using his name as if they'd known each other for years, not had a single conversation.

And she might have doubted him, if he didn't just as awkwardly offer an apology for Chiyo. It's a good sign.

The sweets from Oji-san are an ever better one, and Usagi grins brightly at the old man, barely resisting the urge to grab Chiyo's arm and pull her into a one-armed hug. They're not close friends yet! She's not like Naru, used to Usagi's bursts of affection!

"Yay! You're getting a break, Chiyo-chan! This is great! We can get to know each other better. What year are you? I know we must have seen each other at Dippin Dots, but I don't really remember most of the people I saw there, on account of the everything that happened..." chaos! people fainting! dragging a cute girl away without even the benefit of transformation to strengthen her noodle arms! "I'm Usagi Tsukino, grade 9! I'm new to Radiant Heart Academy, and I love food, naps, and cute things! And that ice cream thief is Darien; his roommate Koji-senpai is nice, and voluntarily does the cleaning in the dorm, can you believe it?"

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
The ridiculously tall boy shakes his head quickly at Usagi, holding his hands up again. "I mean, yes, I want to apologize, but not because of Koji, he just told me different ways to do it, I had just been going to pay you back and get you replacement ice cream, because I also probably cost you allowance, right? But Koji handed me this manga and said it was research material, because I couldn't remem--" And then he flinches at the ding, his stance shifting and almost defensive for a half second before he realizes what the sudden alert sound actually is. Then he blinks at Chiyo's grandfather and basically ... waits his turn, really.

Chiyo's grandpa gets a bow as well, and an incredibly sheepish, "Thank you very much, sir," as Darien hurries out his wallet. He pays as quickly as he can, because apparently Dark Generals have zero dignity when it comes to-- oh god Koji would despair of him and Takashi would... and the other Shitennou would... they will never. find. out. Ever. Not that he apologized, not that he lost his cool, not that he... none of it. Nephrite doesn't buy his lies about Usagi already.

Who cares. Even if he has to steal something else from her some time, he can have today maybe.

Darien comes over to the table awkwardly, carrying the box he just bought, and just-- watches as Usagi spills sunshine everywhere.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Thankfully Chiyo had picked up the tray of treats from the counter *before* Usagi grapples onto her in that one-armed hug. At least it seems her balance is good as she manages not to drop the tray at all while dealing with Usagi's exuberance. "Yes, let's get to know one another better. That's what friends do." It's all said as if she were reminding HERSELF of this fact. It had been awhile since she made new friends. Usually she was just a bit too quiet to go noticed, unless she brought snacks in to share.

A glance is cast over her shoulder at Darien while he's distracted paying her grandfather. It gives her time to set the tray of snacks on the table, and tug out a seat. "Ah, Usagi-chan. I'm sorry if I'm out of line saying this, but from what I've seen..." It was good her voice was so soft to begin with. Even so it drops a bit quieter leaning toward Usagi to whisper in, "I *think* he might have a crush on you. Boys in my manga always pick on girls they like, then start to soften up and buy them presents."

It's all said super quick, and hopefully before Darien comes over to join them. A sheepish smile is flashed as she sits up properly again looking uncertain. "Oh, right, the white one is the strawberry daifuku. The others are sesame daifuku, red bean daifuku, and then there's the dorayaki of course." Which looked soft, spongy, and delectable. Only then does she think to introduce HERSELF properly. "I'm Chiyo Sakai, tenth year, and this is my grandfather's shop. I help him here when I'm not busy with school."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Chiyo-chan is pretty good at getting hugs, Usagi notes, smiling delightedly to herself. This afternoon is turning out great. The guidance counselor has been dodged, sweets have been obtained, a new friend has been made, jerk Darien might actually not be such a jerk, everything is turning up Usagi!

And then Chiyo leans in, her soft voice even softer, barely audible, gentle and Usagi can't possibly imagine what such a nice girl would say that's out of line, not until she says - that.

Usagi's whole face turns pink and then red and her eyes are huge and her mouth opens and she doesn't manage to say. Anything.

She just stares and stares and then cranes her head around with all the jerkiness of a toy soldier and stares at Darien as he walks over and thinks -

Nice to everyone except me. But. He wants to apologize to me. Not even because Koji-senpai said. Came to buy me a treat. Bought a ring out from under me -

"A c-c-crush?!?!"

On her?!?!?!

Oh what do you know, she said part of that out loud. Usagi's face is still bright, bright, bright red, and there's literally only one thing to do - stuff an entire ichigo daifuku into her mouth and ramble out, "Yes, yes, I do have a crush on these sweets, they're the bestest, you were really right about the ichigo ones being so sweet and juicy and plump and, and, and, wow, you guys are in the same grade, do you have classes togehter -"

C R U S H ?

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
Oh Chiyo manages to say it before Darien comes over, for absolutely sure.

And Usagi manages to say it with Darien standing uncertainly right behind her.

He doesn't drop the sweets but oh, it's a near thing indeed. His mouth opens, then shuts, and after a half second he leans in between Usagi and Chiyo and places the little box on the table between Usagi and the tray of treats that Chiyo has already put there.

He takes a deep breath as he straightens up again, and he says, looking between the two of them, "I'm Ma-- Darien Shields, also grade ten. At school."

Why did he say that.

"Should I just-- go? I think I should go." Before he goes, he takes a sesame daifuku though. He's very good at the long arm of the lawful evil and also snaking things right out of place. "I should probably definitely just go, thank you for the treat, Chiyo-san--"

He's slide-stepping toward the door out of the blast radius.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Oh no. Ooooh no. Usagi was one of those girls that just blurted things out and very loudly too. This new tidbit of information is something Chiyo would have to keep in mind. For now she was caught with two very, very emotional people who clearly had issues they needed to resolve but weren't yet prepared to do so.

Darien was attempting to escape. This would not do.

Her hands slap down on the table while Usagi's mouth is stuffed full of daifuku looking as if she'd suddenly become a bit determined. "I-it's okay, Usagi-chan, you don't need to cover for me." The words just flow without thinking about it. It was just like in that episode of Heartbeat Overflow when the secret of who had a crush on who had to be kept.

"I was just telling Usagi-chan that I had a crush on--" On who? WHO did she know she could even blurt out about this that would make sense? Frantically her mind searches for any name that might spring to mind that would make sense while her expression turns a bit more panic ridden. Maybe it would be mistaken for embarassment.

"Y-your friend, Koji-san!"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Usagi is absolutely one of those girls who blurts things out loudly and without thinking clearly, a girl flustered and embarrassed and thoroughly plussed rather than nonplussed at the thought of Darien having a crush on her. And yet. And yet. What if he did? What if he *did*? His behavior could make sense, couldn't it? Picking on her, stealing things out from under her, feeling bad about it and wanting to make up for it, what if -

Ichigo daifuku, you're the only thing stopping her from making more of a mess of things!

And then.

And then Chiyo throws herself on the situation like a sacrificing goddess, an angel of salvation and Usagi can only stare in awe and wonderment.

Well, that hurried throw her on the bomb she's willing jumped on.

"Th-that's right! I was telling Chiyo-chan that Koji-senpai is very sweet and responsible and nice, and you're the best person to talk more about him so you should s-stay -"

And she grabs his sleeve. To keep him from leaving. That's all. Her face is still beet red. Maybe. Maybe she *should* have gone to that appointment after all.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
Darien just stares at the two girls. What is he even doing here? He really should leave. He has work. If Pyrite comes looking for him, it's possible everyone here will die. He should leave before he gets Koji in more trou--

"But I was going to ask him--" he blurts as Usagi's grabbing his sleeve, and then his face goes white. "To see. If. He wanted to, uh. Study group. We should all form a study group! He's very nice and responsible and sweet, and a study group is fantastic because there's no dating involved and nobody has to ask anyone anything except for the assignments Usagi-chan you'd have three upperclassmen to help you wouldn't it be great?"

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai reaches slowly for a doriyaki from the plate. There were still other things Usagi could eat, or even Darien if he wished (though he did grab one of the daifuku she saw). The little filled pancake goodness has a nibble taken out of it as she watches the exchange getting worse, and worse. Only, at least she hopefully spared them some embarassment?

When Darien blurts out about a study group she lets out a small sigh of relief. Already starting to smile she's nodding quickly deciding that sounded far less troublesome. "Oh yes study groups are always good, and you're right, no one needs to date then--Oh."

It takes a few moments for where they were to properly click in Chiyo's mind. So used to this place, so comfortable here, so *within grandpas earshot.*

It was her turn to sit beet red while the conversations swim around her. "Ah. Yes that. That's not a bad idea."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
A study group is one of the worst things that Usagi could voluntarily do with her time because she hates studying and school and homework, but in this moment it is a lifeline through which to save her skin, because this is perhaps the single most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to her. In the entire world.

"A study group sounds great," she says through a mouthful of daifuku, swallowing with difficulty. She has not released Darien's sleeve. "You should - I'm not in any classes with you, but, if you had any of my classes, we could study together. And! My friend Naru could come! And you could all invite your friends! And it would be a great big study group that had nothing to do with anything but studying!!"

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"Good excellent," says Darien, breathing normally again, the red leaving his ears. He takes out his phone hurriedly and pulls up a QR code, then turns his phone around. "Here's my contact-- no wait," he says, eyes widening. "Not that, that's for work. Hang on." He fusses with his phone some more, and puts the sesame daifuku in his mouth while he types with earnest determination.

Then he turns his phone around again and there's just his number. He takes a proper bite and then holds his hand in front of his mouth so he's at least not doing the worst part of talking with one's mouth full, and he says, "Koji and I are in room 225 in building C, and we're pretty near the first common area on the second floor. I mean, at the academy, we're both boarding. Text me and I'll save your numbers, then text you back when I talk to him about scheduling."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai tries to relax as much as she can even though she knows that the more awkward situation (for her at least) would come after these two had finally figured out what they were or weren't doing and headed on their way. The phone coming out with the number was a decent distraction. Her phone is taken out, the little ancient flip phone with a dangling Bao Bun charm on it, to type in the number on her own.

"Ah, got it." Though she's more certain Darien was waiting on Usagi's response to giving the number than her own.

"Chiyo! Are you still using that old phone? Use the one your mother bought you! It's more modern!"

The somewhat embarassed, quiet girl, suddenly goes stone-faced at this mention. Embarassment gone. Cheeriness gone. The phone is clicked shut, and the half-eaten doriyaki raised up to bite while squeezing it a bit TOO hard so that the filling squishes out the sides unpleasantly.

"I like this one grandpa. It doesn't break when I drop it."

"The other one isn't broken!"

Chiyo mutters beneath her breath, "I didn't drop it hard enough."

There's a ding of a bell at the side counter pulling Chiyo's grandfather away to deal with someone buying a quick pick-and-run item. She lets her shoulders finally droop from the tense posture to offer the pair of her fellow students a sheepish little smile. "So. I guess. Study group soon, then?"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Usagi bravely lifts a doriyaki to her mouth, finally releasing Darien, finally feeling the rush of humiliation leaving her face. This wasn't so bad! Chiyo-chan is probably wrong! Dumb Darien probably doesn't have a crush on her -

Oh, no. She... she kind of feels bad, thinking of him as a jerk, or being mean about him in her head, even a little, because she was obviously just some *guy* (some kind of cute -NO, NO, NO) who was in over his head and didn't know how to do social situations and got flustered and embarrassed. He was...

She digs out her phone as she nibbles on the doriyaki, enjoying the soft sponge and the rich flavor of the filling, thinking. There's a packet of treats for her, an apology, but -

"I texted you," she tells Darien, because she's decided. "Chiyo-chan, can I have your phone number? I think your phone charm is cute, by the way!"

There's an obvious tension, but even she isn't shameless enough to ask, not right now, not when Chiyo-chan saved her *life*. Her own phone is shoved at Chiyo - it's a smart phone, but a bit of an older model, in a clear otterbox decorated with layers and layers of stickers of anime characters and cartoon foods and little repeating Z's, chaotic and casual and clearly well used over the years.

She's not ready to forgive Darien, not entirely. Oh, for the test, which she can admit was her own fault, and for the ring, which she *guesses* he could buy on his own, but for the ice cream? The Dippin' Dots? The admittedly dangerous treat that nonetheless would have beat the heat? She wants an explanation for that one.

But not here, in front of poor Chiyo-chan. She has Darien's number now! She can just text him. For an explanation. When she doesn't have to risk seeing his face.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
If Darien was waiting for Usagi's answer more than Chiyo's, he doesn't show it-- he seems to have gone completely into businesslike school nerd mode. And Chiyo's dealing with some awkward of her own, which he very politely ignores. Then when she addresses them again, he gives her a warm smile and nods, brief and quick and decisive. "Soon. I'll text about it this evening so we can work out the schedule. Please give Osaka-san my number as well, Usagi-chan, if you're going to bring her too--"

And she lets go his sleeve and he belatedly notices that she was still holding on to it, which is impressive because he's been eating and phone-using with only one hand available to be near his face for the past minute and a half. He blinks down at his sleeve, then looks at her again and gives her such a wry, honest, open grin that it wholly transforms his face. And then he shakes his head and laughs, looking away and reddening slightly.

"I see," he says to 'I texted you', looking at his phone and saving her contact information, too.

Then he looks up and says apologetically, "I do have to go to work. Text you later." That smile's for both of them, and he pockets his phone and starts for the door.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai starts to hesitantly lift her hand to wave to Darien as he turns to leave. He's already turned though so it seemed rather pointless at this point. Her hand drops back down to fiddle with her slightly mangled doriyaki carefully using a napkin to clean up any mess she might have caused.

"I guess I should get back to work." The thought trails off even though she was the one that suggested it. Right now she wasn't sure *what* had just happened. It was a whirlwind of so much at once it was taking a bit to process for the usually quiet girl.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Usagi watches Darien leave with wide eyes. He has her *number* now. He might like her, and he has her number! They're going to be in a study group together. Is he going to expect her to actually study? Did she agree to actually study? She did, didn't she?! Why did she do that?!

"Chiyo-chan," she grasps her new friend's hand pleadingly, looking at her in a panic as soon as Darien is out the door. "You can't abandon me now! Please? I have so many questions. Like! Do you think he actually likes me?! And do you -"

She glances around the shop, remembering tact, and leaning in close, "Do you actually like Koji-senpai, or was that just to distract Darien, because Koji-senpai is really nice and I bet he'd be happy to talk to you at study group, *are you actually going to come to the study group, because you can't leave me alone with them*, and oh, were you okay after the ice cream? I know people got sick after eating it -"

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"Wha..." Chiyo blinks rapidly at Usagi when the pleading starts to come, and it slowly starts to sink in that they did kind of agree to a study group. "O-oh no it's okay, Usagi-chan, I'll go. It won't hurt to join in and..." And she was commited now. This budding romance was something she had invested time and energy into. She HAD TO SEE IT TO COMPLETION!

"I'll be there, I promise!" She blurts out with a sudden burst of energy herself. A squeeze to Usagi's hand is given back perhaps a bit too hard, unintentionally, but she lets go quickly. No one needed to know she was buff as heck under this slightly oversized shirt.

The questions start to veer toward her remark about Koji though. Instantly she reddens with a quick shake of her head. "Ah, I'm sure he's very nice, but no I was just trying to distract him. I'm sorry," she adds with a tiny smile. "It was just the first name that popped to mind with him here." The icecream. The dippin dots. The... Oh no.

"I was fine, I only had a bite. I didn't really like the way it tasted. Just a bit of a stomach ache," she assures Usagi in turn a bit quickly. "I was fine by the next day. Were you okay?" Come to think of it, she hadn't seen what happened to Usagi after she had to slip off to change. How odd.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
A sigh of relief and a release of new tension, as Usagi slumps into her seat. At least she will have a friend in Chiyo-chan, at this study group she's now volunteered herself and Naru for, this study group with two boys. Older boys. Cute, older boys! One of whom might *like her*. Nope, she's definitely not normal yet. Still in the midst of heart pounding shockers.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," she says eagerly, barely noticing the strength of that squeezing hand. "I know studying is no fun at all, but you'll be really saving my life!"

Even as poor, brave Chiyo consigns herself to a terrible fate... studying...

"That's okay, it just makes it braver. I mean! You told Darien that, just to cover up my goof,,, thanks for that, really! I just - do you *really* think he likes me?"

The idea is bewildering. A little flattering. (A lot flattering.)

"Oh, I was okay! I didn't even get to eat any of it because of Darien," she rolls her eyes a little. "But I saw these two girls get sick, and things got pretty weird, so I dragged them away. It turns out they went to our school, so I made sure they got home." A creative way of getting around admitting that Sailor Moon had shown up to the fight late because Usagi Tsukino has weak noodly arms. She *had* gotten the two girls home though - both the blue and pink haired girls had been safely delivered back to school. Admittedly, passed out cold, but, well, it wasn't like she could have woken them up!

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"Oh, no." The thought suddenly strikes Chiyo about what situation she'd just put herself into with the whole fib about having a crush on Koji. Or more importantly what might happen should Darien pass that little tidbit of information along to Koji before the study group.

A look of impending panic creeps over her. It was her turn to grasp Usagi's hand giving a pleading look. "Oh no, oh no, Usagi-chan what if he tells Koji-san that I like him though? And then we're all in there! Together!"

"I'm pretty sure Darien likes you, he only seems to not know what to say when he's around you. Plus that's the second time I've seen him reading that same issue of Prince of Highschool. I checked, that's the one where the school bully didn't know how to tell his crush that he liked her so he just kept annoying her until the male lead came along to help him learn the errors of his ways and teach him how to properly express his interest." Oh she could go on about that manga. So much.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
They are trapped together in a hell of their own making! Only it's worse, because they aren't yet trapped! What will they do? With Chiyo's lie in the air, things could get bad for her, but - but.

"I don't think Darien will tell Koji-senpai," Usagi says firmly, squeezing Chiyo's hands reassuringly. "Because then he'd have to tell him the rest of the conversation. Koji-senpai is really smart and gets people, I could tell! He totally got me to tell him about Darien being a jerk when we first met. So if he heard that Darien knew you liked him, he'd want to know how Darien knew, and Darien would have to admit that he had to consult manga just to talk to girls, and I think he'd die."

There's no way! It's totally fine. She can't possibly be wrong about this.

"But, I really am going to bring Naru-chan! Naru-chan is sensible and calm, the total opposite of me," Usagi shouldn't be so shameless about admitting that, "So if she's there, things will be fine!"

Which is important. Because. *Oh no.*

"It's *that* volume? Oh no, you might be right. He really *might* like me. What do I do? What do I do if he does like me?!"

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"Really? You think so?" Chiyo looks hopeful when Usagi reassures her, at least until she remembers that Darien had said Koji gave him the manga. That brought about a whole new set of questions. She's tempted to voice them but Usagi's own issue was taking priority. It was likely a good thing too given she might just make things worse if she kept talking about her own observations.

"Well that part is actually easy, Usagi-chan." It was time for Chiyo's one-year-older wisdom to come into play in this instance. Sitting back in her chair she nods solemnly and calmly. "Ultimately it doesn't matter if he likes you or not," she intones while lifting a finger to highlight the point about to be made. "The question is, do *you* like *him*? If you don't you can always turn him down." A sympathetic smile comes as she gently pats Usagi's shoulder. "Take some time to decide how you feel before we meet up with them, and then we can figure out what you'll do from there. Okay? Maybe talk it out with Naru-chan? She's known you longer so might have a better idea how to deal with this."

"Or we could all meet up beforehand and figure it out together. You're not in this alone!"

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"I do! I do think so."

She is confident in at least one of their problems having a solution...

But Usagi is surprised, then, because Chiyo sits up confidently, her face as poised as an ancient elder, rich with wisdom. Everything she says, Usagi's read in manga and light novels and seen play out in games, and yet - there's something calming and reassuring about getting that advice now, in the flesh. She breathes in and out, nodding slowly. "You're right. You're right! I can do this - we can do this - it's going to be okay!"

She doesn't know how she feels about Darien. Today was a total shift in her thinking, opening up new doors and pathways. Figuring out how she feels is a good ide a- and talking to Naru-chan is an even better one. Usagi's only managed to keep one secret from Naru in her whole life, and it hasn't even been a full month of secret keeping. Talking to Naru is better than talking to herself any day.

"You're a really good friend, Chiyo-chan."