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Hinoiri Kirara Hinoiri Kirara was... still learning how this world worked, thanks to Riventon's guidance. In this case, she was sitting in an empty office that wasn't having any meeting today. Papers covered the office table and she... was staring at them. The weirdness was how she was sitting. Elbows up, hands out so the fingers were on the table... a pen *in* her mouth as she leaned over the work. It uhhh, was a bit strange looking.

It only got strange when she held out her right hand and, slowly, carefully, formed a small bit of black flame in her hand. She took a small, deep breath. "Good. Now... to try and make it bigger," she said before glancing back at the papers.

This wasn't so hard. She was MORE than capable of it. As if she'd allow herself to be defeated by such *simple* magic.... though, admittedly, she had to silently agree that this magic was difficult in new ways. She could... almost feel it ready to snap back and bite her, if she let it. Dangerous. In ways her other magic never had been.
Scorn Duskporting into the Obsidian offices was easy thanks to all the ''anchors'' here. But sometimes you came upon the wrong one and that's what happened today when Scorn aimed for the cafeteria and instead smacked into the empty office you we're using.

So she appears in a corner and blinks and turns around. "This isn't the cafeteria!" she demands. "I know this isn't it!".

"This is some lousy food service!" says the crow on her shoulder, Corvus.

"I DEMAND BETTER SERVICE NOW!" she says to no one in particular.

"YOU THERE!" she points at Hinoiri. "Why isn't this the cafeteria!" she demands, like she has answers.

"Yeah where's my birdseed!" demands Corvus, desperately.
Hinoiri Kirara Hinoiri Kirara cocked an eye and leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms. She spat the pen out, narrowing her eyes on the girl. "Does this LOOK like a cafeteria to you? Probably help if you went to the right place, feather brain," she snapped.

She glanced to the bird for a moment before sighing. Not even a phoenix. Rude. "And it's not the cafeteia because there's hardly a need for one on every floor, just so they can make sure to help the... directionally challenged who struggle with simple teleportation spells." She probably shouldn't snark about that, though. Since she was still learning HOW to teleport in this new world.

She closed her fist, the dark flames turning to embers. "As to your birdseed, I don't know. Do I *look* like a falconer to you?"
Scorn Scorn gasps. "ARE you insisting I'm a second rate witch!?" she says. "You are wrong, who, who-ever you are!" she says. "Yeah, you're wrong!" says the crow.

"I can assure you I know exactly what I'm doing at all times!" she says. "I'm Scorn, W-witch of the Phantom Empire!" she crosses her arms. Corvus crosses his wings in mimic.

"Anyways, what are you doing with all those papers. and that pen. Are you doing paper work? I just light my paperwork on fire and then tell Corvus to handle it."

"I wish she'd stop lighting it on fire." says Corvus, gravely.
Hinoiri Kirara Hinoiri Kirara snickered before getting to her feet. "I'm studying, actually. Something I'm sure you're unfamiliar with. My world didn't exactly have some of these things. Hinoiri Kirara, protege to Sovereign Sora herself and the most powerful unicorn in the last century. The pleasure is all yours," she said matter of factly before crossing her arms and cocking her hips to the side in the 'mean girls' pose. She was getting a bit better at standing on two feet, even.

"Never heard of the Phantom Empire, but I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually. So, Scorn, was it? I'm not 'insisting' you're a second rate witch. I was insinuating that you need to learn how to properly harness your abilities. Because if the only one of you who can is your... familiar... you're going to just end up slowing everyone else around you down."

She then sighed. Wait. No, she was supposed to be nice, right? Don't make too many enemies until she knew the lay of the land, as it were. She then glanced back towards her stuff before reaching out and pulling up... "If you're really hungry, though. I've got half a bran muffin if you want it," she offered. It was slightly squashed.
Scorn Scorn scoffs. "Studying!? Studying is for ''nerrrrds''" she says. Corvus face palms and looks apologetic. "Why can't you just suddenly know things!? I know ''everything'', go ahead, ask me and I bet I know it." Corvus continues to look apologetic.

"I'm the person that almost eliminated three magical girls! WELL TWO MAGICAL GIRLS AND BOY but why be specific." she says bluntly. "But I dunno, some girl ruined everything with a rocket launcher." she says as she wilts. "-and then I don't remember anything except Queen Mirage was really angry at me when I woke back up, and that I really, really Hate Cure Tide for. Something." she says.

Scorn helped takes the half a bran muffin and shares half of it with Corvus, nibble, nibble nibble. "That's a little better." she says.

"Unicorn?" she asks with a blink.
Hinoiri Kirara Hinoiri Kirara stared at her before sighing. "Okay, then. Considering Hoshi No Uzumaki's third law of dimensional travel and the chaotic magic theorum, how long would it take an apple to turn into a lemon marrange pie if it was transferred into a grade 7 chaotic realm, and how many transformations would it undergo?" Three hours, 8 minute, 43 seconds. It would stay that way for about 25 seconds. 62 transformations.

"... Almost isn't good enough, Scorn," she said before flicking a hair back. "Do you know what we called 'almost' back home? A B. Sometimes even a C. I may be a nerd, that's fine. But I also don't *almost* anything. Because..." She put a finger down on one of the papers. "I learn how to properly use my abilities. So I don't fail the test. And yes, unicorn. When I came to this world, I was transformed into... this," she said, shuddering slightly. "Form. It is... slightly... uncomfortable at times. But it requires me to learn how this world works so I can properly harness its power for my own." She held up her right hand again and black flame appeared in her palm, her eyes flashing dark. "But that shouldn't take long at all."
Scorn Scorn answers, brimming with confidence. "Five Eggs! Hard Boiled!" she says. This is hilariously wrong to whatever question Hinoiri was asking. Like answering 'ten thousand hiccups' to what's 2+2. She places her hands to her hips and Coevus starts counting on his wing, before face palming again.

"Oh, this isn't your final form?" Scorn asks confusingly. "What was your original form like?"

"I bet it was something better than this. We're you a.. a like. A pony unicorn of we're you like a ... horsie?" she says.

"C...could I--"

Corvus shoves his wing against Scorn's mouth before she could finish that. "Manners!"
Hinoiri Kirara Hinoiri Kirara sighed. "That... that wasn't even close. That was so wrong I don't think it could have been wronger. Impressive, for all the wrong reasons," she said before giving Corvus a 'I pity you for what you must put up with' look.

"I was a unicorn, and... I guess pony? We were more colorful, though. Everyone here seems to just be the same... few shades of colors. We were more like your fairy tales, all kinds of colors. I was a beautiful fiery orange, and well, my mane was like this," she said, flicking her head to the side. "Not... like this world's ponies, though. Those thinks look... kind of weird. Not gonna lie. Your horses look okay, but the ponies just... weird. Lots of things are weird. And no, I can't turn into my unicorn form right now. But, if I could, no. You couldn't touch the horn. That's... just weird. Also, a lot of the stories this world has about unicorns is just *weird*. We were awesome, but... really? And don't even get me started on how often they mix up a pegasus and an alicorn. Ugh. The mythology in this world is just plain awful sometimes."
Scorn Corvus looks back appreciatorily. Scorn doesn't and huffs a little. "I'm totally right!" she says. "I'm right about... whatever you asked me, because I'm always right!" she says as she huffs. She keeps her hands on her hips as she listens.

"Alright, So there's a difference between a unicorn and a pegasus and a alicorn? Is it the corn?" she asks curiously. "Where do you keep the corn?" she asks. "I could go for some corn right now!" she says as she rubs her hands together.

There's another facepalm from Corvus. "There's no corn involved!" he says.

"Awww.." she says. "Not even popcorn?"

"NO!" says Corvus.
Hinoiri Kirara Hinoiri Kirara just stared at Scorn. Finally, she shook her head. "Ah. I see. You're..." She trailed off. Just stared at Scorn now. Finally, she looked to the bird. Definitely a look of pity. Just. That poor bird. "Your suffering must be tremendous," she said.

"A pegasus is a pony with wings, a unicorn is a pony with a horn and actual magic. An alicorn is a pony with both horns and wings, along with tremendous power."

She then paused for another moment before sighing. "Buck it... now I want some popcorn..." she grumbled. "At no point are we composed of... corn. Of any kind."
Scorn If you could see the thought bubbles in Scorn's head right now it would be hilarious because it's 'horse + rhino = Unicorn' and 'Unicorn + crow = Alicorn' and 'Crow + Pony = Pegasus' and she head tilts at these and looks down to you. "But how does the rhino..." pause. "You know what, forget it. I don't get it." she says bluntly.

"Corvus go get us popcorn." Corvus rolls his eyes and DUSKPORTS away in a puff of feathers.

Scorn continues. "So like. You know fire magic? I prefer wind. and feathers." she says softly.

Corvus returns with two tubs of popcorn with some movie theater logo on the side. He may have robbed them. He passes the rubs over.

"There." he says.
Hinoiri Kirara Hinoiri Kirara blinked for a moment, taking the popcorn and staring. "Huh. So this world does have movie theatres. Thank you, Corvus, you are a very useful familiar." Yes. Corvus would get some praise from her. As a mage herself she can understand and appreciate a COMPETENT familiar.

"And don't worry... Scorn, was it? You don't need to understand it. All you need to understand is that, one day, I will return home with the power I require to take what is rightfully my destiny."

She snapped her fingers, the smallest spark of dark energy sparking from it. "Once I figure out how this dark energy works and master it. And yes, fire magic is my preference. Of course, as an incredibly talented mage, I could use all types of magic." She wasn't afraid to brag, at least. She popped a few pieces of popcorn in her mouth before pausing. "Huh. Good popcorn."
Scorn "Thanks, I stole it fresh." says Corvus about the popcorn, giving a little salute quickly with a wing.

Scorn shoves an entire fistful into her mouth and swallows after chewing. "You need to figure it out? I just kinda use it. I dunno how I just do." she shrugs a little softly. She doesn't dwell too much on it.

"So I can't help you there too much except. Hate. a lot. Just hate hate, hate everything." she says with all her heart. "It seems to help me!" she says as she eats more popcorn.

Corvus facefaults. "Scorn is, at least right. With that much. Usually." he says. While Scorn is busy shoving popcorn into her mouth.
Hinoiri Kirara Hinoiri Kirara nodded, not putting much thought into the 'stole'. She was a future ruler, so what did it matter if they stole it? She popped another piece into her mouth. "I'm not quite like you. I like to understand exactly what I'm doing, to really get my hooves, err, hands dirty and feel the magic. I didn't become one of the greatest mages in existence back home by just 'using' it." She held out her hand and thought about it...

Hate, huh. That didn't seem... too hard. She definitely hated Sora, right? She snapped her fingers... then nothing. She sighed... and then a frown formed on her lips. Instead, she focused on a different hate.

All those mumbling sycophants. The ones who told her how amazing she was, then back talked her the moment they didn't think she could hear.... Who refused to acknowledge her accomplishments, giving them all to Sora...

She blasted a hole in the wall across the room. "Hm. Hate seems... useful. I can use that," she said. "It seems even a broken clock can be right twice a day, as they say."
Scorn Scorn says. "See it's in the name. 'Scorn'. So hate, right!?" she says. "huhhhhh. Huhhhh!?" she goes, motioning a little. Corvus facepalms again and one wonders if his face is OK from all the face palming anyways. "Like I really hate this Cure Tide. And this other red magical girl who ruined everything, ever." she says with a nod.

"Yeah, see." she says to the blasted hole in the wall. "But I'm not paying for that hole, you outta get someone else to fix it."

Corvus nods matter of factly, here, agreeing with Scorn.


"I really hate Sailor V. She's too obnoxiously justicey."
Hinoiri Kirara Hinoiri Kirara nodded. "Cure Tide, hm?" she asked. "Red girl, Sailor V. You lot have mages cropping out of the woodwork, don't you?"

She then flicked her wrist forward, forming a small sputtering of flame. For a moment, she was enveloped in darkness, the outline of a black horn on her forehead, before it flickered out.

"Hatred... that..." She picked up the pen and started writing again... the way she held the pen, at least, was strange. More like a chisel than a writing element. And the letters were even weirder.

"If you dislike her justice, just become powerful enough that you determine what constitutes as justice," Hinoiri said. "Also, follow the guidance of your bird. It seems to certainly be more competent than... some people I've met here. Like Ted."

And Scorn. She met Scorn. She definitely meant Scorn.