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Erika Shimizu     School is starting soon! That means that it's about time to gear up, settle in and move into the dorms!
    The door swings open and ERIKA SHIMIZU immediately drops a suitcase of clothes to the floor.
    "Woo~! Dorm room! Dorm room! This one's mine!"
    She crows excitedly. "Ah man, do I want the top bed or the bottom?!"
    Yeah someone is excited.
Hinata Muramasa     Not far behind Erika, the more demure HINATA MURAMASA gently eases past. Without saying anything she sets her own suitcase down and places a mysterious looking plushie on the bottom bunk. it's a tengu, but it looks a bit 'off'. "You've always been slow on the small descisions, Erika-chan." she muses softly, looking sidelong at the blonde with the ghost of a smile on her lips.
Erika Shimizu     "Well it's not like it's a huge lifechanging thing!" Erika replies as she kicks open her suitcase like a treasure chest and starts unpacking. "Okay okay." She decides after a beat.
    "Dibs on the top bed!" She calls while stuffing her clothes into a nearby drawer, pausing to eye the plushie.
    She scoots closer to it.
    She pokes it in the tummy.
Hinata Muramasa     Hinata shifts from having claimed the bottom bunk and starts unpacking her own things. She does keep an eye on Erika and the 'plush' as the blonde pokes at it.

    Turns out it isn't a plush! The tiny tengu squeaks at the poke, and manifests a tiny staff to bap at the finger with.
Erika Shimizu     "Heeeeeh... Thought so!" Erika says as she battles the little staff swatting her finger. "So what's this little guy's name?"
    That curiosity aside she pauses to eye the room before rubbing her chin.
    "I'll have to find a spot for Davy's tank, but that can wait until another day~."
Hinata Muramasa     Hinata drops back onto her haunches and looks over her shoulder at Erika, an odd expression on her face. "You forgot Yo-Jim-Bo's name already?" she asks. The tengu looks crestfallen, holding up a sign with a sad face printed on it.
Erika Shimizu     "Eheh heh!" Looks like Erika forgot the tengu's name. But when it holds up the unsmiley sign, she pats it gently on the head. "Aw don't take it so rough little guy. I took a few hits on the head fighting that last nasty." She points out.
    "So excuse me for being a little out of it!"
    That said though, she flashes a big ol' grin as she climbs up to the top bunk and peers down from on above.
    "Things have been pretty hectic lately. They probably won't get any easier with school starting up. We should totally stick together, like usual."
Hinata Muramasa     Yo-Jim-Bo seems to perk up at the headpat, standing then floating up to sit atop Erika's head, giving it some gentle pats, like it can heal the damage.

    Hinata herself stands, walks over and looks up at her friends face. "Just like always." she affirms, giving another ghost of a smile before she sits on her own bunk and lays out. "..."

    She lets out a soft sigh. "Four pieces... that's all I've found so far."
Erika Shimizu     "Eheh heh~."
    And this prooves that Yo-Jim-Bo is a good mascot. Erika reaches up to gently ruffle the tengu while it pats her on the head, but listens, focused on Hina.
    Like always.
    But something else is what makes Erika frown slightly.
    "How many pieces do you think there are?"
Hinata Muramasa     Hinata gives a noncommital sound. "Anywhere between five and fifty thousand." she remarks in a dry joke that has just a tiny dash of bitterness to it. "How about you... you need to recollect all that treasure, right? How much have you gotten back so far?"
Erika Shimizu     THe joke sails clean over Erika's head, a large bead of sweat forming on the side of her brow at first.
    "Oh. OH you were kidding." She realizes a beat later.
    But then she rolls onto her back and flumphs on her mattress.
    "Blehhhh. I got back like three coins." She huffs. "There was a whole chest of them." She grumps. "I'm getting really sick of not being able to taste a THING, you know."
Hinata Muramasa     "At least you still have most of your emotions." remarks Hinata with a wry sound. "Not like I've lost them but they... slip away quickly."

    Yo-Jim-Bo floats up and looks down at the pair when Erika's position shifts. He then drops back down to sit beside Hinata and resumes his very poor act of being just a plushie. "It feels a little bit easier, now... but..." she sighs again. "I only feel alive, when fighting."
Erika Shimizu     "That's what I'm here for." Erika points out. "Even if I'm technically not alive anymore, I wanna help you so you can feel alive for more than that. Life's about more than just fighting and I don't think I'd be able to bear it pretty well if you only felt that way in battle." She says pretty seriously.
    That's when she hands something down from the top bunk.
    It's a bottle of Jan Ken Pop.
    "Root Beer~. Enjoy it for me, ne~?" She says flashing a big grin.
    "These curses on us... We ''are'' gonna break them, one day. I know it."
Hinata Muramasa     Hinata takes the bottle, and offers a smile. Again it's ghostly, but genuine. "Yeah... We'll beat these curses. Together. Like we always do." she affirms, cracking the top and taking a sip. "... No wonder they say it's better cold."