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Setsuna Meiou As the meeting about the MTP broke up, Sailor Pluto leaned over to Sailor Mercury and quietly asked, "Hey, you have some time this afternoon? I have some errands to run for some of our future operations and could use an extra set of well as someone else with a dimensional pocket."
Ami Mizuno Sailor Mercury HAD asked that no one bother her. To be fair that had been most of the meeting, and she was done taking what notes she could on the session. Both what was said, what was suggested, and other potential things that she may want to look into at some point. The sandwich that she'd left untouched for so long is reached for blindly feeling the edge of the napkin so that she can walk her fingers up to it and snag it--

Just in time for Sailor Pluto to lean over tearing her gaze away and up. "Oh. Oh, sure. I can do that,' she agrees with a faint smile. The sandwich is tucked into with two quick bites as she stands and rubs at her eyes with the heel of her opposite palm. Too much blue screen light for awhile. A trip out would be ideal.

"Lead the way, Pluto."
Setsuna Meiou Pluto leads Mercury outside, "Okay, this trip's gonna be in two legs. One is to a little shop not TOO far away where we'll get a bit of an assortment of stuff, then we've got a short trip down to Yokosuka to get some supplies for Hematite and any of his friends when they make a break for it."

Looking around at the wooded area, "We should probably de-henshin here...but since the trip to Yokosuka is about an hour by train, if you want, we can speed that up by doing some roof running. We can shortcut that trip on the way back by dropping our stuff at the Gates, so it shouldn't take TOO long."

She then smiles, "And if you get hungry later, we can stop and grab a bite somewhere."

With that said, she takes a breath...and with a burst of what one wag called 'cosmic nonsense' and the impression of ribbons, Sailor Pluto transforms back into Setsuna Meiou.

For her part, Setsuna is dressed for the moderately chilly weather with a pair of jeans and a matching longsleeved chambray button-up blouse.

And three inch heels.

How she manages to walk in those on soft earth is perhaps a mystery for the ages.
Ami Mizuno "An hour? Why do we have to go so far away?" Mercury isn't saying 'no' but she is a bit curious what was so important out that far to begin with. She watchees as Setsuna turns back to her civilian identity before doing the same herself. Though, somehow, Mercury manages to do it in as no-nonsense a way as possible to end up being the short teen she was.

There's no heels here, but she *was* dressed rather fashionably for someone that usually had her nose stuck in a book. White slacks with a pair of ankle boots with only a slight heel, more fashionably chunky than 'I'm trying to gain height by this', a light yellow blouse, and over it all a very warm, sensible-yet-fashionable peacoat style jacket buttoned up nice and snug on her so that she can stay warm.

Dipping her hands into her pockets she withdraws a cable knit white hat that she tugs on over her blue hair all to be more comfy and cozy.

"It's okay if we have to go that far. I'm just wondering if it's something special or if we could find somewhere nearby that would suit as well. It's a good idea to get things for them once they are free of their current situation. I know I'd be out of sorts if I ended up somewhere else without any resources or a change of clean underwear."
Setsuna Meiou Setsuna leads Ami off the campus and down some pedestrian streets. Fortunately, the first place seems to be an easy walk away, "Well, the place our 'guests' are going to be doesn't have any power or running water...which means if they're going to be there for a few days, food is going to be either HORRIBLY dull or a real challenge."

She waves a hand, "...fortunately, the Americans solved such a problem a LONG time ago for their military."

A smile and a wink, " it just so happens, I happen to have a contact down at Flet Activities Yokosuka who has a weakness for anpan from a shop just over here in Ginza. Apparently, his grandmother used to work at Ginza Kimuraya, which is where she and his grandfather met. Apparently, the ones from there remind him of her, but his job doesn't let him get to go there from Yokosuka very I've got a deal where I go and grab an order and trade them to him for various things that are much easier for a career Master Chief Petty Officer to acquire. So today I'm gonna trade him for a few cases of MREs he has that he doesn't really need."
Ami Mizuno Ami Mizuno listens intently as they walk. Somewhere along the time they started out she'd also fished out a pair of gloves she put on. Even in Henshin, this was going to be a long trip and she spared no expense in making sure she could endure it comfortably. Besides, getting sick right now would be *terrible* with everything going on.

"Oh, that's a good idea. Though if they need something to cook with we could also look into some of the portable gas-powered stovetops. I've used them before to make hotpot or ramen. A hot meal can really help especially with the chilly weather."

Wait. Ami looks toward Setsuna looking more than a little concerned. "Ah--But if there's no electricity either, then how are we going to make sure they're warm?"

"I'm glad you have such resources though. I'm sure it'll be a huge help."
Setsuna Meiou Setsuna shakes her head, "When one is functionally immortal, if they're poor, they've been doing something WRONG."

She snorts, "As it is, I've had a LONG time to build up resources over the years."

At about that time, the two senshi arrive at the large, bustling, open-fronted bakery that is Ginza Kimuraya.

As she walks in, one of the workers spots her and waves.

Setsuna leans over and asides to Ami, "Pick out a few things for later. They're very good."

She then winks, "I bet you could even bribe Usagi with them if you want."

With that, she steps aside to meet the worker who waved...apparently she had called her order in ahead.
Ami Mizuno "If only the bribery worked for more than a few seconds," Ami quietly bemoans with a sigh. "Though she has brought her grades up recently. She deserves a treat." A quick glance over the baked goods as her point out some of the redbean AND cream buns, and one of the steak sandwiches. That was for herself though. Those were best eaten warm.

With the few items pointed out she returns to Setsuna's side to offer to help carry the order. "You can just give it to me, I'll carry it," she assures with arms holding out ready to take it. What they did with it once out of sight would be dealt with then. For now? It was a matter of getting it out of the bakery.
Setsuna Meiou Setsuna smiles and allows Ami to take the boxes, then picks up a few things and pays for Ami's orders. A healthy tip is left for the employees and gets a lot of smiles and waves as the two leave, laden with boxes.

Once outside and covered by the anonymity of a chill winter's day, Setsuna quietly asks, "So which would you prefer? A trip on the train, or speed things up and get some roof-running practice in?"

After the question, she ducks just into an alley and out of sight...and with a twisting of her hands, the boxes in her hands disappear into her dimensional pocket.
Ami Mizuno Ami Mizuno follows into the alleyway only to watch with mild curiosity as Setsuna puts the objects into the spacial pocket. That little flourish she did it with was much more elegant than her own way which is to just kind of tip it to the side where it 'falls' into it out of sight. It was all safe no doubt, of course, she wasn't clumsy. There was just no real elegance to how she did it.

"The train would give me time to catch up on some of my assignments," Ami reasons quietly thoughtful. "As well as let us speak a bit." It's here she smiles again up at Setsuna. "I'm trying to work on the 'having more fun' part though. A bit of excersize isn't a bad idea, either."
Setsuna Meiou Setsuna rolls her eyes, but it's clear from her expression that it's more from amusement than anything, "Well, let's take the train, then. If we need, we can do a bit of running back, but we'll probably shortcut."

That said, she walks down the way to the nearby train terminal.

She stops and grabs a pair of tickets for the Limited Express Misakiguichi, then leads Ami through the terminal towards the train...which pulls up and discharges MOMENTS before she reaches the door, allowing her to enter without even breaking stride.

Fortunately, things aren't too busy this time of day, which allows the two to take a pair of seats fairly secluded from others, "So...did you have anything you wished to discuss, Miss Mizuno?"
Ami Mizuno "You seem to time things just perfectly, Meiou-sensei," Ami remarks watching how she so smoothly gets onto the train without skipping a beat. How the train managed to empty out just as they arrived was rather impressive in itself. It's the small things that she sometimes noticed, though.

Once they're on the train and seated she takes a moment to pull her gloves off to tuck back into the pocket of her jacket for now. It gives her a moment to gather her thoughts.

"I'm still getting used to this situation in general. I was one of the last to awaken, after all. You though," she reasons looking up to Setsuna with a steady gaze. "I get the impression you've been at this far longer."

Hesitantly she considers. "I... Occasionally feel like I get glimpses of insight into things. They're breif and usually only when I'm transformed. Is that typical?"
Setsuna Meiou Setsuna smiles at Ami and winks at her as the younger woman voices her noticing how easily the train boarding went, "I'm the Senshi of Time, Ami-chan. That alone should be at least part of the hint. As for the rest? Well, I long ago memorized the train schedules...and they're usually pretty good about keeping to time on these routes."

The taller woman takes a few moments to settle into her seat and get comfortable, then goes on, " could say that, I suppose."

Her expression is mometarily...weary...but the moment passes quickly, "In point of fact, as far as I know I'm the only survivor. I was bound to guard the Gates of Time by the Queen...and so I had to watch everything happen. The final battle, the Queen's counterstroke which sent all of you hurtling forward to be reborn...and then the final Failsafe as Silence was unleashed to wipe the system clean."

She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath...then shakes her head, "...and then it was just a matter of getting to the present. You and the rest of the girls got ushered here by the Queen's Spell. I, sadly, had to make the trip the long way around."

She taps her chin, "Memory is a funny thing when one is dealing with a past life. Some are better at processing it than others. I'm not sure whom among the Inners is good at it, but I know that Neptune remembers a fair bit."

Setsuna smirks a bit, "...but she's a Seer, so she cheats a lot. Uranus...doesn't seem to remember much...but I think that might just be a thing with her."

She sighs, "As for myself? Well, between Fourteen Thousand-odd years and the rather brutal discharge I took when the Failsafe on the Gates memory of the Silver Millenium is, from what I am able to ascertain, about on par with Luna's."
Ami Mizuno Ami Mizuno considers the explanation for several long moments while sitting calmly staring down at her hands in her lap. There was so much she could say. So much she could ask. The first remark that comes has her glancing back toward Setsuna with a sad expression.

"That must have been terribly lonely. I remember how lonely I felt just before I met Usagi-chan. I still had my family, but I had so few friends. Everyone at my old school thought I was a snob only interested in getting good grades to prove I was better than others." A slight smile is flashed. "If I was lonely then, I can only imagine how lonely living that long may have been."

As if deciding something to herself she nods a single time, drawing a quick breath. "I'm glad we're here with you now though. Even if we may not recall everything from our past lives."
Setsuna Meiou Setsuna gets a sad look on her face once again, " does the phrase go..." She then shakes her head and says, "...'would not reccomend.'"

Then after a moment, she huffs out a deep breath and gets a somewhat more amused expression on her face, "It got a bit better later. Every so often the Gates would have to go down for maintenance, and I'd get a chance to step away and check out how things were happening on Earth in person, rather than just watching from a distance. So I've been a few places and seen a few things along the way."

She waves a hand to kind of indicate Tokyo in general, " be honest, I wasn't really expecting things to come to a head here. I'd been playing the odds and had figured that you girls would wake up in America, given they're practically the cultural hegemon of the planet."

After a moment, she shrugs, "...even still...the contacts I made are useful enough...and they let me position myself to be much more accessible to you girls than I'd probably otherwise have been."
Ami Mizuno "Perhaps there's something here that drew us. The Leylines, maybe?" Ami speculates with a small shake of her head as she knew it was just that: Speculation. "I don't know what the intensity of them in the Americas is like. For all we know it could just be the position the planet and moon were in when things were, as you say, 'reset' so that our landing point brought us here."

"I am rather glad for that fact though. I've heard the American educaiton system is severely lacking." A little tut and shake of her head is what *that* thought earns. "A poor education wouldn't help any of us!"
Setsuna Meiou Setsuna raises a hand to cover a giggle at Ami's focus on getting a good school, "I think it's the density. America is, for good or ill, very big. Very spread out. They have places that are as steeped in history and legend and power as the ones here in Tokyo..."

She frowns a bit, then shrugs, "...but offhand, I can't think of any that can match Tokyo for the sheer DENSITY of places with magical, historical or divine significance in such a small area."

Looking back to Ami, she smiles a litte, "...that all being said, while I'd say the primary and secondary education in America tends to be rather hit or miss, the HIGHER education offerings are quite good."

She tilts her head, "...that being said, do you have any fields you'd like to focus on when you get that far along...or are you waiting to see how things develop more before making plans along those lines?"
Ami Mizuno A question about the future? There was a lot of possibilities there. As if she'd had it listed out for a long time she rattles off, "I've interest in computer sciences, both programming and security related issues pertaining to such, health and medicine as well though I believe I'd be better suited toward data management in those particular fields than as a doctor. Political scienes, sociology, psychology--" Ami pauses as if about to say more when she realizes there really was a LOT of possibilities there. She'd studied many different things yet not focused down on what she really wanted to do just yet.

"Um. Maybe I should wait and see."

A little frown and fidget comes picking a bit of lint off the edge of her coat. Just an absent gesture, really, but it gave her something to do while gathering her thoughts. "There's so many areas of interest on things I'd like to learn. I just know how to learn things really well. I sometimes wonder if that's my only real skill. I should learn to actually stop and enjoy things, too."

All she can do here is shrug slightly. "For as much as I lean on Usagi-chan to pay more attention to her studies, she's also reminded me that I shouldn't spend *all* my time on studying. There might be something I could learn from her in that regard so that I can figure out what I want to do with my future."

"Of course, I *am* attending university. That goes without saying."
Setsuna Meiou Setsuna gives a bit of a wry look, "Living life at the extremes is rather a bad thing. One need to learn to appreciate many things to be a whole individual...but by the same token, I can understand the urge to hyperfocus on what one does well. From what I have seen, you're very good at academics...Usagi..."

She chuckles a bit, "...Usagi-chan very much is NOT."

She trails off for a moment as she ponders the young blonde woman...and as she does, she makes a little gesture with her hand, and she's suddenly holding a pen that she absently begins spinning through her fingers, "...she is, however, VERY VERY good with PEOPLE."

She gets a thoughtful look and taps her chin for a moment, " might even say that that's the vector for her brilliance."

After a few more moments, she shrugs, glancing absently out the window and noting which station is coming up, "...still a bit early for THAT decision."

Sha pauses, "...well, the WHERE of that decision. The WHAT of it is, yes, mostly a given these days."
Ami Mizuno "She is at that. Usagi-chan is a wonderful friend. Really," Ami has to agree with a softened expression. It was at once thoughtful, and ... Happy. Really, genuinely happy. "If it weren't for her bringing us all together, I wouldn't have as many friends as I do now. It's been dangerous at times of course. We've managed to come out all right by working together, though."

A deep breath is drawn, and she straightens her posture a bit. Just out of habit. "Every now and then, those memories that come up. It just feels so familiar standing by their side when we're facing some challenge. I may not have complete memories," comes her quiet admission, "The feeling though is just-- Just right. I know we can overcome so much if we work together."

Her head ducks with a wistful grin. "I imagine that may be how Hematite feels about his own fellows that we're working to help rescue." A light pat to her lap is given as if she were indicating the many boxes of treats they were hauling to get the MRE's from Setsuna's contact. "Setting up this safehouse will help in that. I'm glad I can assist in it."
Setsuna Meiou Setsuna smiles, "That feeling is one of the reasons I do what I can to help. We've got a chance to do things RIGHT this time...and this time, you girls will have us Outer Senshi at hand to help, rather than having us scattered across the Outer Solar System or stuck guarding the Gates."

Without a further look, she stands up, takes a few moments to brush off her skirt and allow Ami to stand as well...and then she's walking back down the car slightly to the doors as the train pulls into the station...and once more, she gets to them JUST as they open so she doesn't even have to break stride doing so.

A quick glance is given to the rather sparse crowds, then she heads off towards the station's front entrance, "Alright, we just need to meet Chief Hendricks over at a parking garage nearby where we'll make the trade."

She shakes her head and gives a grin, "...I think he asked to do it so he could pretend on some level that we're having some kind of secret trade-off and not something that we've been doing every other week for months now."

She rolls her eyes a bit, "...I'm pretty sure that the US O.N.I. probably spent a good few weeks going nuts over these before they finally figured out he's just getting a casual acquaintance to run errands for him."
Ami Mizuno Ami Mizuno rises to her feet as well moving after Setsuna. It was easy enough to follow her lead without really questioning. She knew where they were going, and she was trusting her not to lead her into some bizarre situation. Not too bizarre at least.

"I guess everyone wants to have a little excitement in their lives now and then. I can understand that." Out of habit she looks each way while departing from the train to ensure she doesn't walk into anyone. It's like crossing the street. That, too, would get an automatic reaction to ensure safety as was grilled into her at a young age.

"Even I like to read the occasional science fiction or fantasy novel for a change of pace. Sometimes even romance. Sometimes." At least the others weren't around to tease her about that right now. With how quickly she could read though, for all they knew, it was just more homework she was flipping through when she did read them.
Setsuna Meiou Setsuna rolls her eyes and makes a sound that best literates to 'eugh', "I never really got the point of romance novels. They're all the *same*. And there was a long streak of time where all of them had bizaarely clean-shaven and strangely shirtless scotsmen on the covers..."

She shakes her head, "I've BEEN to the Scottish Highlands around then...and let me tell you, not only does it get bloody COLD there, no Scotsman worth his kilt would be caught DEAD clean shaven."

As she leads the way, she waves a hand dismissively, "Science Fiction and Fantasy are AMAZING tools for people who like to learn. They help you think about things in new an interesting ways, which is always to the good when you're trying to learn to solve problems."

Finally, she turns into a parking garage, then walks over to the elevator in the back corner.

Sadly, this time the door doesn't open before she gets there...but once it does, she steps inside, waits for Ami to enter, then gestures her over to the wall.

Once she has enough clearance, she makes a gesture with her hands...and then she's holding a small device that, after a few moments examining, is one of those foldable hand trucks that, if one shifts things a slightly different way, unfolds to a reasonably sized luggage cart.

Setsuna then smiles and starts stacking boxes of the sweets acquired earlier, "Go ahead and get out the ones that weren't for you and put them on here. We'll use this to move things until we're out of sight after the trade."
Ami Mizuno "Oh, well, not that kind of romance, usually." Ami fidgets a little bit as talk of shirtless Scottsmen draws a faint blush. Oh no she wouldn't be caught dead reading those. "I just kind of enjoy it when it's worked into a good story, too. Or... Or slice of life comics." Why did she even bring this topic up?

Thankfully there's a distraction as they step into the parking garage.

Ami's attention shifts to look around though really there's not much here that wasn't just 'normal garage.' It's not until they're in the elevator that her interest is really piqued by the appearance of the hand cart.

"Oh! Oh that does make it seem more realistic that we carried it all here. Right."

Her hands clap together only for a box to emerge from the space she uses to start stacking them ontop as well. It really doesn't take long to fill it up leaving aside the few items she'd picked out.

The handcart is regarded skeptically still. "I may have to start carrying one of those around. Some straps as well in case it's anything top heavy that needs to be kept from falling. How many other things do you keep on hand, Meiou-sensei?" It still felt right to call her that. Even if she wasn't JUST that person to her anymore.
Setsuna Meiou Setsuna reaches out and is suddenly holding a bungee cord with a j hook on each end, "Yeah, I have those, too." She hrms, then absently strings a few of said cords along the length of the cart, "A little of this and a little of that. Mostly small knicknacks, though I keep a few larger things like the Garnet Rod in there."

She reaches over and hits one of the buttons, getting the elevator to start moving, "Yours is probably a bit larger than the ones the other Inners have, since you have your computer...but you can learn to expand your pocket with time and practice."

She gives a bit of a wry look, "I've had a LOT of Time and practice."

After a moment, the taller woman shrugs, "Frankly, the biggest challenge is keeping it sorted. Since proper visualization helps when retrieving things, it's not hard to pocket some little thingamabob and forget about it only to run into it a long time later when you're looking for something else you'd forgotten about and you're having to 'rummage' because you've forgotten exactly what it looked like."

After a few minutes, the doors to the elevator open and Setsuna lifts up a little to get the wheels over the gap, then rolls into the mostly empty garage. Only a few cars are parked here and there...but it's fairly obvious where she is going when the door to an ancient 3/4 ton pickup truck (it's got to be older than might even be from the 90s!) opens and a rather large American steps out.

Despite his height (very nearly 2 meters), the best word to describe him is probably 'stocky', as he seems to be about one average width from shoulders down.

He waves and calls out in English, "<Afternoon, Miss Setsuna.>"
Ami Mizuno "Oh, that's a good point. My computer. I wonder if I could write a program to automatically update a spreadsheet with what's stored in my space," Ami muses already begining to consider how she may want to handle and organize this herself. Getting items lost would really be a pain.

"It would be very useful. I'll have to look into it--Ah, later though," she hastens to add once the elevator starts moving again. This wasn't a topic to really be discussing around mundanes, even if The Veil was great at covering tracks. Why push things? Who knew when someone was listening that might be able to understand after all.

When the elevator arrives, she allows Setsuna to step out first and follows behind at a somewhat timid distance. Now that there was to be another they'd meet she was falling back trying not to be noticed out of habit. The large truck driven by the large American earns a simple, "Oh, my," breathed out with some bit of amazement.
Setsuna Meiou Setsuna easily and automatically responds to the American in English, "<Afternoon, Mister Hendricks. How's the Navy treating you?>"

"<Oh, you know, they can't get by without me. And just how many times do I have to tell you you don't need to call me 'Mister Hendricks'?>"

Setsuna smirks, "<Oh, at least once more, I imagine.>"

The two share a bit if a laugh, then the old American (given how close-cropped he keeps it, it was harder to tell further away...but up closer, it's obvious his hair is more silver than brown at this point) leans over and looks at Ami, "<Who's the sprog?>"

Setsuna glances over, "That's Miss Mizuno. She's does the occasional intern work in the Infirmary and she volunteered to serve as some extra hands, so I'm showing her how the 'Great Material Continuum' works.>"

The two glance at each other for a few moments, then they both share another laugh before Setsuna goes on, "<Sadly, while I'd love to hang around and chitchat, we're on a bit of a schedule I suppose we out to get down to business.>"

The Chief makes a bit of a mock sad face, then shrugs, "<Yeah, I know how that goes.>"

He steps over, gives a quick glance at the boxes...but doesn't bother inspecting them. Apparently, he and Setsuna have devloped a certain level of trust.

Setsuna reaches down, grabs the stack of boxes, then nods towards the truck, "<Passenger Door open?>"

The cheif immediately goes to the bed of the truck and starts grabbing boxes that all say in large block English Letters 'MEAL, READY TO EAT, INDIVIDUAL' 'DO NOT ROUGH HANDLE WHEN FROZEN' and stacking them on Setsuna's cart.

Setsuna nods at the passenger door as she switches back to Japanese, "Miss Mizuno...if you wouldn't mind getting the door for me, I would much appreciate it."
Ami Mizuno Ami Mizuno remains quiet for most of the conversation. Not the entire duration though, as she steps forward when the pair indicate her. She dips her head forward, hands folded politely in front of her as she does. "<Pleased to meet you, sir.>" It wasn't often that she got to practice English so her accent is a bit heavy but it's still perfectly understandable.

As they start swapping boxes, she steps forward to reach for the door that Setsuna requests be open. It's pulled open as she steps backwards ensuring she's not in the way when Setsuna moves to place the boxes inside. Curious, she peeks inside the truck as well. "I haven't seen an old truck like this up close before. Usually it's just more modern cars where I grew up." It's just a mild curiosity though. Machines, like computers, were of interest even if she didn't really need to know how it worked.

The boxes being loaded up were of interest too though. She looks over regarding the stack thoughtfully. "This will really be of help. Is there anything else we need to get for our 'camping trip'?" Best to use that phrase just in case her friend knows Japanese too.
Setsuna Meiou The interior of the truck makes it obvious that it's fairly the way the console is arranged, if nothing else...but it's obviously fairly well cared for.

Hearing Ami's question, the Chief grunts a bit and responds in rather fluent if accented Japanese, "Eh, the old girl there's been passed down from Chief to Chief over at the base for a good long while now. The boys over at the motor pool like the challenge of keeping her working well, and since getting her back to the States would cost more than it's worth, it's pretty common for an outgoing Chief to sell her for cost to the guy coming in to replace him."

He then steps over to the driver's side door and looks over, "Camping trip?"

He chuckles, "<Oh, THAT's going to be a fun trip.>"

Setsuna closes the door after securing the boxes, then walks around to move her cart (which has even been helpfully strapped with the bungee cords) out of the way while the American buckles up. Glancing over at the two women, he looks into the small storage space behind his seats, then reaches back before handing a very rugged-looking plastic pouch to Ami, "<I found a spare when I was getting these. Have an extra. See you later, Miss Setsuna.>"

Setsuna rolls her eyes, then leans over and gives the old man a chaste peck on the cheek before mock slapping his arm and stepping back, "<Get out of here, you incorrigable old bilge rat.>"

Waves are exchanged as the old man backs up, then shifts and turns to head down to the lower levels.

Setsuna shakes her head, "I'm pretty sure I remind him of his oldest daughter."

She then waves over at the elevator, "In any event, let's get inside and I'll take us straight to the Gates."
Ami Mizuno Ami Mizuno looks up when the Chief explains about the truck. It brings a smile to her though, as she regards the truck with a solemn nod. "That sounds like a rather nice tradition to keep up with. It looks in very good shape," she has to admit of the truck while taking a step back.

When the extra MRE is offered out to her it's taken in both hands with a look of surprise. "Ah! Thank you!" A little forward dip of her head comes. Not quite a bow, but the 'modern' equivalent of it that the kids these days did in informal situations. It's another to add to the stack if she didn't decide to simpy test it herself.

When he heads out however she turns to place the extra pack ontop of the stack of others. Or at least the motion was there, it vanishes just out of sight into her own little pocket.

"Yes, let's. It is getting a bit late. While my mother is busy at the hospital most nights I still do try to keep to a curfew. Mostly." Though her real interest was, "I'm rather curious about these Gates to be honest."