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From Radiant Heart MUSH

(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/10/25 |Location=Botanical Gardens |Synopsis=Sayaka goes on her first Witch Hunt, and meets Madoka and Amy, who were also chasing the same Witc...")
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|Date of Scene=2023/10/25
|Date of Scene=2023/10/18
|Location=Botanical Gardens
|Location=Botanical Gardens
|Synopsis=Sayaka goes on her first Witch Hunt, and meets Madoka and Amy, who were also chasing the same Witch. Everything, goes well, and all the Witch-Kissed are safely rescued, but a tiny koi mermaid now also lives with Sayaka.
|Synopsis=Sayaka goes on her first Witch Hunt, and meets Madoka and Amy, who were also chasing the same Witch. Everything, goes well, and all the Witch-Kissed are safely rescued, but a tiny koi mermaid now also lives with Sayaka.

Latest revision as of 19:25, 26 October 2023

Giant Birds and Tiny Mascots
Date of Scene: 18 October 2023
Location: Botanical Gardens
Synopsis: Sayaka goes on her first Witch Hunt, and meets Madoka and Amy, who were also chasing the same Witch. Everything, goes well, and all the Witch-Kissed are safely rescued, but a tiny koi mermaid now also lives with Sayaka.
Cast of Characters: Sayaka Miki, Madoka Kaname, Amanda Faust

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka is walking rather nervously among the cities of Tokyo, Soul Gem in hand. This would be the first witch she is intentionally hunting and she isn't quite sure how she should behave. The Soul Gem in her hand should guide her towards the witch, she knows as much, but all it is doing is shining brightly at certain intervals

She should take that as a good sign, right? And among all the uncertainties of the first day on the job, there are also those weirds rumors that inspired her hunt in Pikarigaoka in the first place: of people muttering in columns about wanting to reach the garden of paradise and rest under the shade of the great bird's wings.

'Ok, Sayaka, you already defeated a witch. Whatever they got in store for you, they can bring it on!" Her steps have brought her in front of Pikarigaoka's Botanical Gardens, the Soul Gem reacting strongly now to the presence of the Witch. With a mental push towards herself, the apprehensive Puella steps through.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Madoka is also on patrol in this area, with Brai hovering over her shoulder. Weird rumors are likely to lead to something magical, whether it's Witches or otherwise, and Madoka doesn't have to be picky about what targets she pursues. Her rooftop hopping has led her to the Botanical Gardens, thanks to Brai's magical senses leading the way.

    "You're sure it's around here?" asks the Chara Bearer, approaching the entrance with trepidation.

    Brai taps a tiny pen against her tiny notepad. "I'm sensing something very similar in form to Gretchen's magic, so it's likely to be a Labyrinth. While it's possible that it's some other kind of pocket dimension, I'm not sure it makes a difference to us. We'd have to investigate either way."

    Madoka nods. She can't argue with the logic. They might not have senses as strong as a Puella, but the vague hint of a magical disturbance combined with the strange rumors surrounding this area is more than reason enough to come.

    As the pinkette gets closer, she notices a certain bluenette and walk-runs up to her. Madoka calls out. "Sayaka-chan? You're here."

    Brai stops in the air to write something down on her notepad, then flies quickly after Madoka in order to keep up.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy is already transformed, leaping rooftop-to-rooftop as she tracks the Witch.

    She reaches the garden just in time to see... "Sayaka-san! Madoka-san!" she leaps down and walks over to them. "You looking for the Witch too, or...?"

Sayaka Miki has posed:
The bluenette does a quick turnaround at hearing Madoka's voice, a grin on her face. "Oh, hey, Madoka-chan. Are you chasing this witch too?" she says, holding her Soul Gem in a grip now. "I see Brai is here with you too." The bluenette gives a wave to the mini Madoka before returning to address the bigger one. "Of course you are, I doubt there is any reason you would have Brai out otherwise. Well, my Soul Gem was saying we are just about there, I think."

Sayaka resumes walking when the magical girl from the battle with Tsagagaglalal jumps down in front of them. "Oh, hey, Red-senpai, awesome to see you again. The Witch is just over there", she replies to Amy's question like that, pointing towards a spot of greenery surrounded by a dark grey metal fence.

In a flash Sayaka transforms and she jumps over there just as quickly, her shoes flattening the Botanical Garden's plants, a group of orange flowers surrounding a man. "Whoops, should have been more careful!", she observes nervously, before looking down at the ground. Plenty of Witch-Kissed here, and a pond with alterted fish.

"They can't be dead already, right?" the Sharpshong Puella says as she examines the inconscious body of the Witch's victims. In case the other two girls haven't followed her yet, she calls back to them. "Red-senpai, Madoka-chan, it's full of people here, but they seem to be just unconscious.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    "Amy-san..." Madoka sees her approaching and gets a little worried. Two Puella Magi in the area heavily implies the presence of a Witch. Well, this isn't her first time in a Labyrinth, but it'd be her second time actually prepared to fight in one. When Sayaka asks, Madoka nods. "That's right. If you've found it then lead the way."

    Brai hovers over Madoka's shoulder as she writes one last thing on her notepad before making it vanish. "Madoka-chan, considering the circumstances... Chara Change! Turn into a huntress of Witches!"

    Madoka goes through her semi-henshin. Her wooden branch-bow appears in her hands, and her hair changes from pigtails to braids.

    As Sayaka goes ahead, Madoka is a bit more cautious, seeing the people collapsed on the ground. She wears a worried frown as she takes a moment to examine them. For a moment she actually drops to her knees and checks the pulse of one. "Still alive... but... we need to be careful. This is likely the Witch's doing."

    Back on her feet, Madoka follows after Sayaka, making an inhumanly long jump and landing on one tippy toe. She feels bad for the plants she's crushing, but if she super-hops around like this she can at least minimize her footsteps.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy looks at the soul gem in Sayaka's hands, then the pointed-out gate, then back to Sayaka, who transforms. So, she made her wish...

> They can't be dead already, right?
    Red is not sure what to say. Of course they could be. Amy approaches to check, but Sayaka's on it.

    She tries not to walk through bunches of plants.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"I think the entrance to the labyrinth is right here", the bluenette says pointing to the center of the greenery, right above a group of orange flowers. She can do this herself, she can show she has what it takes. With a deep breath, she concentrates her magic to where her feelings are pointing her, and sure enough the entrance to the Labyrinth opens there, awaiting in mid-air for the magical girls to enter.

"Let's go, we have no time to lose!", she jumps through, leaving the other two to make their own entrance. On the side, Sayaka sees a forest of the same orange flowers, towering over her like young but well-grown trees. "This witch has a green thumb", she says to Madoka once the pinkette comes in, brandishing her sword as if she is about to cut the flowers down.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Madoka balances herself on one foot, wobbling for a moment, as she watches where Sayaka vanished. With one more super-jump, she bounds through the barrier and into the Labyrinth. Brai flies in shortly after, floating up higher to get a wider perspective.

    "Are those the same orange flowers?" wonders Madoka out loud. Brai is writing in her notepad again, though the wide strokes of her pencil seem to indicate she's making a sketch rather than writing down letters.

    Madoka draws back on her branch bow, forming a pink arrow between two fingers and holding it. "I wonder if I have any of Homura's RoundUp left."

    Brai shakes her head, "That stuff ran out a while back. Your dad used it up."

    Madoka winces. "Really?! Oh geeze... well, too late to worry about it now."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    The entrance is identified, and Sayaka moves to jump through. "Remember! Never enter a Witch's Labyrinth alone!" Amy makes a couple of super-jumps to get over there and leap into the entrance. "What? Did someone have magical weed killer?"

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"Even if they are, we can just cut our way throught!" Sayaka exclaims, before doing exactly what she suggested and starting to cut a path open with her sword, the blade having no mercy of the unusually tall vegetation.

"Why is your dad on speaking terms with Homura too?" Sayaka asks her friend as she continues cutting her way through the flowers. Seriously, they lose contact for a bit, someone new comes and knows it seems like everyone knows about this girl except her. It doesn't occur to her that Madoka only meant Tomohisa likely just used what he found in his house.

15 of them have already fallen to the ground when a soft breeze passes through them and suddenly filamentous white forms emerge from the ground and start thrashing around wildly with the aim to touch any uncovered skin, the sickly aspect of the white making it clear they are poisonous.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    "It's a long story," answers Madoka. "One of the first monsters who attacked me was a plant youma. Homura-chan gave me a bottle of RoundUp and enchanted it somehow. I'm actually not sure how it worked."

    The pinkette laughs a little awkwardly. It's kinda strange that Homura showed up after Kyubey started keeping Sayaka and Madoka apart. She doesn't correct the miscommunication because Homura has met her parents before. It just wasn't quite like what Sayaka envisions.

    "I'd introduce you to her, but it's hard to track her down sometimes. She gets pretty busy."

    Madoka starts trying to help Sayaka clear the plants. Releasing a hail of arrows, she turns a few of the oversized plants into mulch. When the white forms appear, Madoka leaps away and starts focusing her fire on them.

    "Careful," says Brai. "Those white things might be poisonous."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy looks around. "Enchanted somehow? So maybe that's something our magic can do, like the stuff Teresia showed us? Or is Homura anti-plant-themed? ...What did the magic weedkiller *do*? " She follows Sayaka as the bluenette cuts down giant flowers. "If the flowers are this big, I just hope we don't run into bees. Or a cat."

    Instead of that, they encounter: Poison ghosts! "I don't know if this is better or worse!" Her weapon appears, as a small one-handed launcher firing little rockets that she hopes will be enough to disrupt the ghosts.

    "Poisonous... how does that even work? Like, a poison is a chemical, right? Or is this some sort of magic spell that *acts* like poison? Gah, stay away, ghosts!"

Sayaka Miki has posed:
The wriggling filaments all fall down under the combined efforts of the rain of Madoka's arrows, Amy's rocket launcher and Sayaka's cutlass. What happens next might or might not answer Amy's question, because the defeated filaments leave out an orange puddle that starts spreading around, any flower that comes into contact with it wizening and dissolving into dust, the liquid too consumed in this act, leaving just the boring ground behind.

"Ok, let's just avoid the puddle", Sayaka comments, before jumping towards safe ground from the liquid advancing in front of them. "Let's go, quick!", the bluenette is fast to break into a run again, when a voice calls out. "Wait, whoever is there, please help!"

Sayaka does stop her chase, looking around confused. "I am not the only one who heard that, right?" At the repeat of the call, she still looks around, noticing some lizard creatures with maws playing a dangerous game of catch the... flying chibi mermaid? (https://ibb.co/cvpPMTx)

Swords appear at the side of the Puella, flying out and impaling the lizard creatures, who cry out with stridulous ringing sounds and try - vainly - to free themselves from the swords keeping them pinned.

"Thank you!", the koi mermaid says, levitating quite fast towards the bluenette and grabbing her wrist. "Where am I, what is this place!?" she asks, looking scared and confused at the the trio of magical girls.

"Oh, uh, we are in a Witch's Labyrinth", Sayaka says. "It's like this dimension created by a monster to hide in. Who are you?" she asks, looking with surprise at the small girl still clinging to her. Surely, she is going to get her arm back soon, right? She can't fight like that!

Unfortunately there is no time for a reply, because the cries of the lizards have attracted 6 of them, who waste no time jumping onto the trio of girls.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Madoka considers Amy's questions. "Well, no, Homura-chan is not anti-plant themed. I sprayed it on a Familiar's rose and it caused it to wither. I think Mami-san can do something similar. Have you tried something like that before?"

    The thought of giant cats makes her shudder. Hopefully they'd be weird Labyrinth cats and not like... normal cute fluffy cats. She'd rather not have to hurt something that cute!

    Brai taps her chin with her pencil and, in response to Amy, says, "Well, Gretchen-chan said that Witch magic is often symbolic in nature. So it follows that if it looks poisonous then it probably is. There's no telling how it would affect you without observation, but..." Well, the horrible puddle speaks for itself. Brai writes down something else, making sure to fly just a bit higher to stay away from the horror happening beneath her.

    Madoka, meanwhile, is focused purely on the fight and keeping herself safe. The lack of magical armor means that she can't really afford to be caught off guard. When she hears a voice, her eyes dart towards the direction of its source. "No, Sayaka-chan. I heard it, too." Following after her friend, Madoka decides to hang back a moment and snipe the lizards as they approach. While jumping and hopping and rolling out of the way of their attacks, Madoka is put under too much pressure to carefully aim, so she fires a few arrows into the air and depends upon their homing abilities to hit the mark after.

    Landing close to Sayaka, Madoka asks, "Is she alright?"

    Brai floats a bit closer to the tiny mermaid and studies her intently. "Are you lost in here?" asks Madoka's tiny Chara.

Amanda Faust has posed:
> Let's just avoid that puddle...

    > Help!

    "Someone's ALIVE in here?!" And then. Tiny mermaid. What. But... Familiars don't communicate, right? While she's trying to figure out how to place her shots to take out the lizards without hitting the... mermaid? "Who... are you?" She asks, as does Sayaka, but

    Ugh, the ringing is attracting trouble.

    Lizards pounce. The suddenly full-size launcher in her hands blows one away, but another pounces her. That could be all KINDS of bad, they could be venemous or corruptive or who knows what!

    The rocket launcher shrinks down to one-handed again as she touches it to the lizard on her point-blank and repeatedly fires lances of heavy metal plasma, hopefully *through* it. (Yes, that's how shaped charges work! It's pretty cool!)

    If she can get free, she fires a normal explosive rocket at the pinned lizards in hopes they'll stop calling more. The fight is probably over by then... "How... how are you a flying mermaid? What are you? Where are you from?"

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka is left using her free arm to swing her sword. It's not even her good one, why couldn't the koi mermaid grab the other one! Thankfully with a bit of assistance from some flying sword strikes and more importantly Madoka and Amy's help the lizards are no more. Even the pinned ones who were still thrashing had withered and disappeared by now.

Sayaka looks down at the mermaid still attached to her wrist. "Hmm, you... It's over now. At least this part." The chibi mermaid looks around and lets go of Sayaka's wrist, still floating around in her proximity. "Sorry about that, and thanks, I was so scared there...", she looks unsure at Sayaka. "I think I am alright", the koi replies to Madoka in Sayaka's place.

"What were you doing here?" Sayaka eyes her. She does seem alright. At least she can't spot any obvious injury.

"I wasn't here because I wanted to!" I was just resting peacefully in that garden's pond when all of a sudden space starts warping and changing around me, and suddenly I have to escape for my life. I shouldn't have flown over those flowers, they were safe!" she regrets loudly, at least for her size.

"I am Eulalia, or Ula for short", she introduces herself before looking at the similarly sized Brai. "I was just resting momentarily out there, and I don't know how to come back! What is going on here!?"

"Ula, calm down", Sayaka intervenes. "You just had to fear for your life, but we are here now. We just need to defeat the witch and we will be out of here." Ula looks at her with doubt before Sayaka insists. "We are all capable here!" the bluenette tries to smile at her reassuringly.

"Uhm, alright..." she replies, before looking at Amy. "I don't think it's wise for me to say, they will be even more mad they are now if they know I revealed our... their home", she replies, a bit teary-eyed over switching those words. "I am just using a spell to fly, it's kind of awkward... but I can do it", Ula explains, averting her eyes.

At that moment a loud screech is heard through the air, whose meaning is probably clear to Amy and Madoka: the Witch just noticed them.


Space warps incredibly fast around them, bringing them to a space where those flowers have started looping around each other forming a net of plants around them and the witch. It feels like a gust of wind is trying to rip them out of themselves, but soon enough is over, and a giant ebony eagle is standing in front them, its wings decorated with those filaments, and its lifeless eyes stare at each of them.

The Witch lifts herself off its inverted, bronze-looking, smashed talons, before sending a rain of those filaments at them with but a swing of its wings.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Madoka feels pity for the tiny koi mermaid. Poor thing got dragged into the Labyrinth against her will, and would've likely ended up as Familiar food if they hadn't shown up. Not only that, but it almost sounds like she's been banished or something. "It'll be okay. Just stay behind us, alright? Brai, will you look out for her?"

    The tiny Chara puts her notepad away and nods. "Will do!" Brai flies over to Ula and says, "Stay close to me and let them do the fighting. All of this will be over once the Witch is defeated."

    As the Witch shrieks, Madoka turns a little pale. This is it. This is the big fight. The white filaments rain upon them, and Madoka tries batting a few away with her bow before leaping back to find a large plant to hide behind. She takes a moment to look at the Witch from behind her hiding spot. These things always look so scary.

    A moment later she's skip-running along the ground, pink arrow drawn and gathering energy. A pink flame lights at the top of her bow, and she drops to one knee. Taking careful aim, she releases the arrow, and then about five smaller ones right after it, each of the smaller ones flying around the Witch to make it difficult for the creature to move without taking damage. As for the large arrow, it flies past the Witch, turns around, and tries to pierce the monster from behind.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy slumps. "I wouldn't want to get you in trouble. I would hope that humans and... pond-mermaids could get along, but..." She looks away. "...I can see why you wouldn't want us to know you exist." Seeing her almost in tears, Amy reaches over to pat the mermaid's head with a couple of fingers.

    And then a screech.

    Words pop into Amy's brain unbidden:

                            You startled the Witch!                            

    And the redhead just starts *laughing* for reasons no one else here will understand. But she takes a breath and sobers up fast as the filaments launch. An idea pops into her head. She's wondered if she could do multiple launchers...

    The rocket launcher disappears and a rack of over a dozen little missiles each appears on each arm, which ripple-fire away from her. Then her outfit and the launchers change, slender armored boots and gauntlets supporting an attached missile pack on each limb, and two on the back. With her costume already looking a little scifi, now she's getting downright mecha-musume. Dozens more little missiles launch from her, many of them spreading out to explode amongst the figments. Some of them don't explode, but arc down to come down on top of the Witch.

    Amy just stares up at the fireworks in amazement and kind of pleased with herself. "...Holy crap, I can't believe that WORKED."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka takes a deep breath and at her focusing 20 swords appear behind her, flying around at the rain of filaments together with Madoka's arrows and Amy's mini rocket launchers. The rain of filaments is cut, broken and vaporised so mercilessly that no liquid poison follows, whatever method the filaments used to generate it completely unviable at that level of destruction.

Meanwhile the witch is also shrieking in frustration at how well the arrows from Madoka are preventing it from moving like it wants to, every tentative to swoop down upon the magical girls made fruitless by the intervention of the persistent arrows.

The Witch can't even repeat the filament rain trick for the same reason, and the huge arrows destabilizes its movement, leaving it to fall like a mini meteor.

The giant creature doesn't surrenders, and starts advancing towards the three of them slowly, beak, talons, anything workable is used to drag itself, and it's at this moment both the missiles directed to the witch and Sayaka's swords finish the job Madoka had almost accomplished.

The Botanical Garden reappears around them, the victims of the Witch still unconscious, but safe, the orange flowers no longer present in the greenery.

"Is it over!?" asks Ula nervously, looking around at the familiar place. "Oh, it's over, thanks, you three!" she shouts, her gaze travelling all over the place as if to convince herself.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Brai gives Amy a curious look regarding her sudden laughter, but she doesn't have time to question it. She wants to make sure that none of them get left for dead, after all.

    The fight with the Witch is quick and brutal. Everyone here has fought at least one Witch before, and none of them dragged their feet about it. As Madoka notices the landscape returning to normal, she breathes a sigh of relief and allows her Chara Change to fade. Back to normal, she runs up to the little koi mermaid with a smile and says, "Aww, you're so cute!" Madoka looks behind her, searching for where the Grief Seed ended up, then turns back to Ula with a smile. "That's right. It's over. I'm glad you're alright!"

    Then Madoka looks over to Sayaka and asks, "How about you? Getting the hang of it, Sayaka-chan?"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy lowers her gaze. Madoka's shot the thing down, but it's still crawling towards them in an unsettling way. The missile racks vanish as she readies her trusty launcher, but then the indirect-fired missiles come down, and Sayaka's swords... "...We got it?"

    She nods to Ula and smiles. "Yeah! Once the Witch is gone, the Labyrinth disappears." She walks over to the little mer-koi, and holds out a hand with one finger extended to shake. "It was nice to meet you."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
The Grief Seed has silently landed on the patch of green, and it is there readily available to be picked by anybody.

Ula looks up to Madoka, an incredibly happy "thank you!" being heard around while the koi mermaid shakes the finger Amy gives her. "It was nice to meet you too."

"I think I am doing great!" Sayaka replies confidently. "I didn't know I could get that many blades out at once, it was awesome! And we even did it with casualties!" the bluenette strikes a victory pose.

The koi mermaid looks up at Sayaka, an uncertain question being asked by her. "Sayaka... Right?" "Is it alright if I stay with you from now on? Staying in these rudimentary ponds isn't quite the same thing as home, and I really appreciate how you quickly intervened to stop those lizards, so I would like to repay you. I have a knack for making jewels!" she exclaims, trying to make herself sound as useful as she can.

A surprised expression appears on Sayaka's face. Is that really ok? Yes, it's ok, she realises. If Ula wants her help, then Sayaka will get her that help, reward or no reward. "Sure, you can stay, Ula-san."

"Thank you, Sayaka-san, it will be awesome!", the koi mermaid starts floating around the bluenette in sparks of joy.

Sayaka pets a bit Ula's head with a smile when she can, before taking the Grief Seed and tossing it at Amy after purifying her own Soul Gem.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Madoka listens to Sayaka's confidence while nodding emphatically. "You did pretty well, Sayaka-chan! You should be happy about that."

    The tiny mermaid wants to stay with Sayaka? Well, she could do a lot worse, Madoka thinks. She giggles as she thinks about how cute it would be for her friend to have a little mermaid following her around. Brai, ever curious, has to ask, "What kind of jewelry do you make?" Then, after a moment, Brai realizes that they haven't actually introduced themselves at all. "Oh, I'm sorry. We didn't really have a chance to give our names. My name is Brai, and my Chara Bearer is Madoka Kaname."

    Madoka waves at the tiny mermaid, and then turns to look between Amy and Sayaka. "You two are okay, right? I don't think I saw either of you get hurt, but I want to ask to make sure." The pinkette actually takes a moment to look down at her own arms and legs, to make sure that nothing managed to hit her. "I think I'm alright."

    Then she looks around at the people who are still passed out, and asks out loud, "Do you think they'll get up soon? I wonder what they'll think, waking up here."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Sayaka just got a mermaid friend. Which isn't that weird when put that way, it's not like Amy doesn't already know a mermaid! But like. Coco is not a fairy-size mermaid that swims through the air. Coco is a princess from a sea kingdom, hiding on land to keep away from her evil uncle-- wait no that's Hannah, Coco's nemesis isn't related, right?

    Amy holds a hand to her head. This is life now.

    Lost in thoughts, the grief seed hits her in the chest lightly and drops to the grass. "Oh..."

    She dismisses her launcher, picks up the seed and looks at her soul gem. It's nearly a fourth dark after that stunt with the missiles. Once it's pure and red again, she walks over to Sayaka, holding out the now half-depleted grief seed. "This was your first, right? You should hold onto it for now. When it's empty, Kyubey will collect it."

    Amy then turns to Madoka, "Thank you, for your help." She bows slightly, and then turns back to stares at Ula for a moment.

    "...Life is weird, now."

    Madoka walks over and Brai reminds they forgot to introduce themselves. "Oh, I'm Amy Faust." She jumps in at the same time as Brai is talking, so Sayaka might not be able to hear her clearly.

    Amy pretends to dust herself off as she dismisses the slightly adjusted outfit, returning to her default. "I got tackled by a lizard-thing, but it didn't get teeth or claws into me. Shaped charges finally put *holes* in something."

    She looks at the sleepers and shrugs. "Who knows. ...I guess that they were tireder than they thought. And then the veil will make them think... whatever. What matters is they get to wake up at all, right?"

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"Thanks, Madoka-chan!" She brings her sword down on the ground to strike a pose with it. "You did splendidly too!"

Ula wastes no time in replying to Brai's question, listing everything she can do as if her life were on the line. "Many things: beaded rings, earrings, necklaces, keychains..." she keeps listing.

Sayaka gives Madoka an affirmative thumbs up! "Yes, I am ok. You got out all right too, correct?" She checked the pinkette was alright too, but if she can hear Madoka say it, that's actually even better!

The other Puella wants her to keep the Grief Seed? Ok. "Thank you a lot, Red-senpai, I will use what's left well." She tries to avoid thinking she will have to give it over to Kyubey for now.

"I think they will be alright. I think I will stay behind, and then Ula and I can go home together. Does that work for you?"

Ula isn't actually quite that keen to keep staying here (what if it happens all over again), but her answer is affirmative. "Yes, we can stay until we are sure they are all right." And that's done. Hopefully it's sooner rather than later.

Madoka Kaname has posed:
    Brai nods in response to Ula, flipping to a new page before writing things down in her notepad. "So... what do you accept in payment?" she asks. Having a tiny jewelry maker she could do business with might be useful.

    Madoka looks over the sleeping people and considers for a moment. "I should probably check on them, too. At least once before leaving," she says. She kneels beside one, checks their breath, checks their pulse, makes sure that they aren't laying in an awkward position that would restrict their breathing or something. "Brai-chan, keep track of which ones we've checked, okay?"

    "Will do!" affirms the tiny Chara, following her Bearer around. This kind of checking will probably take a while.