420/Flower Arrangements and Sweets

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Flower Arrangements and Sweets
Date of Scene: 14 September 2023
Location: Club Building
Synopsis: Chiyo sees a wandering Veronica and offers her some help with the clubs' arrangement. Meanwhile, Veronica helps Chiyo move some flowers vases from a room to another. The two girls then decide to visit Chiyo's shop.
Cast of Characters: Veronica Perenna, Chiyo Sakai

Veronica Perenna has posed:
Veronica had been seeking out the school club. She had finished checking in her stuff just fine. It's kind of lonely not having a companion in her dorm room, but she would get used to it. The brunette is letting curiosity guide her for the time being, walking around the school following anything that catches her eye.

'Whatever is going on over there sounds good', she thinks, pointing to a building with lots of students moving to and fro. 'Oh, awesome, a club building', she says once she peeks at the billboard inside with various club activities. 'I hope they have an embroidery one, I need to keep myself exercised'.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
The list of clubs here was rather ridiculous. There's actually a posted list just inside the entry way of the club building so that people could find their way around to the various rooms. Depending on the day a different club might be using the same room after all. There were a great many clubs to go around from baseball club, to manga club, to cooking club, to... Well, to floral arrangement club.

Chiyo was here to participate in that currently and was preparing to help set up in one of the lower rooms meant for it to be held today. A large bucket filled with varying flowers and greenery is carried in both hands carefully clutched to her chest as she moves in toward the building ending up just behind Veronica.

"Pardon me," she speaks up quietly as she twists to peer around the armful toward the unfamiliar girl with a smile. "I was just heading inside. Are you looking for something specific?"

Veronica Perenna has posed:
Veronica is intent on reading the billboard, absorbing every word on there as it calls out to her. There is lots of interesting information in there. She doesn't see herself be interested in many of the activities reported there, but a lot of what is listed there satisfies her inquisitiveness. 'Oh, so they have a switching system here. I should probably keep track of that', she thinks grabbing a note and a pencil and nimbly moving her hand throughout the paper.

She quickly places the items back into her pocket as Chiyo calls out to her, turning towards the source of the question with a smile. "Oh, you have some pretty flowers there, they must have needed a large sum of work", she tells Chiyo. "Seems like you are switching club rooms, right?" she asks, referring to the information she just read on the billboard. "I am sure I can help with that, would you like it?" Veronica suggests, quite poised and energetic. "As for myself, I am looking to do something just as pretty, in fact, thanks for wanting to lend a hand. Do you know of an embroidery club?"

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai can only give a nod in agreement to switching rooms as that was pretty much the case. "Yes, some of the larger clubs have dedicated rooms but smaller clubs either have to swap rooms around on different days, or make use of empty classrooms. Though," she adds with a vague look around the building in general. "That doesn't happen too often. Only with the newer clubs not yet established."

"I'm currently setting up for Flower Arrangement club," she explains. "We practice traditional Japanese arrangements, like the Samurai and Nobles used to. It's very relaxing." The offer of help is considered only to nod. "If you could at least walk with me and make sure I don't bump into anyone, and open doors, that would be a big help."

"I'm not sure if there's an embroidery club but there is a sewing club. If there isn't one, they might know of one or even offer something similar on certain days."

Veronica Perenna has posed:
"Hmm-hmm", comes out of Veronica's mouth as an affirmation. "That's understandable, Radiant Heart seems rather big, makes sense they would do something like that", she smiles confidently, happy of having gotten the correct information. "There's probably lots of student with niche interests."

"I'd be delighted to do that", Veronica replies at Chiyo's request, standing even straighter. "Dedicating themselves to producing something so beautiful that anyone can enjoy, I really appreciate this hobby of yours." Veronica moves to the side, just 10 centimeters or so ahead so she is in a good position to anticipate any obstacle removal or door opening that might be needed. "How long have you been in the flower arrangement?" Veronica checks eagerly while she looks ahead.

"I can probably use sewing similarly", she ponders as she walking alongside Chiyo. "The club could have the time to dedicate to the creation of designs to embroider their cloths. I will have to make a note to ask", she concludes with a nod.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"Oh this is my first year in the club. Usually they don't have cultural clubs like this until highschool," Chiyo explains while starting down the hall and trusting her to keep her from bumping into anyone. It really was difficult to look overtop the bucket filled with greenery, and the slight sloshing of water inside made it obvious this was likely a bit heavy as well. It's handled without issue even if she did have some bandages around her hands.

"My grandparents taught me how, though. Grandpa and I still do it together at times. During festivals, or ceremonies. We like to keep a fresh arrangement on grandma's shrine so her spirit can enjoy it too."

The coast is clear for the most part except when some younger students come out of a room babbling together over a current hot debate topic. They weren't exactly watching where they were going.

The thought of embroidery and sewing club causes her to grow breifly silent. "I know knitting is usually a favorite hobby when Winter starts, too. At the very least you might find a group to work alongside, even if you all have different projects."

Veronica Perenna has posed:
"By the way, if you ever get tired and want to switch positions, you only have to ask", Veronica comments with levity, waving at Chiyo's hands. "It can't be easy with those burns you got, if I am guessing correctly." The brunette tosses Chiyo a side glance, not wanting to get distracted from looking on ahead. "Are you in the cooking club too? Or a chemistry club maybe?" she tries guessing.

"So it's like a family tradition", she smiles softly. "That sounds really nice, I would be enthusiast at seeing your compositions during one of these festivals." Veronica notes at Chiyo to move slightly to the left, avoiding the upcoming careless students. "And it's really thoughtful of you to regard your grandmother like that."

"Oh, that's quite fortuitous then, how it's almost the season", the brunette's eyes glint at the almost perfect timing of her arrival. "And I don't mind taking part in others' projects. There is always something to learn from those occasions, if only just the fact I can get along with my fellow club goers or not."

As swifly as she sees it, Veronica pushes a box out of Chiyo's way, soon being back at her side. "But I don't think that will be a problem. Radiant Heart's reputation lives up to its name from what I have seen in the past few days."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai almost turns a particular shade of beet red when the burns are pointed out. There really was no hiding the bandages though. As they wrapped around her handsd that usually meant one of two things: Burns, or she was preparing to go box with someone. She didn't really seem the boxing type.

"Ah, no, I..." It's around this point she realises she hadn't even introduced herself. She allows herself to be led to the side safely out of the other students path. Then the box, and she findsd her train of thought again.

"I work with my grandfather at his shop. Nounamu Sweets. We make candies, confections and traditional Japanese sweets."

Here she pauses to give a sheepish sort of smile. "Sugar can get pretty hot."

The offer to take over does cause her to pause considering. "Would you mind? It's not far from here, just another three rooms down. I could use a break."

"Oh! I'm sorry, too, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Chiyo Sakai."

Veronica Perenna has posed:
"Oh, a sweets shop?", she laughs. "You are quite the multitalented girls, fire mishap nonwithstanding." She picks up the flowers from Chiyo, practicing care in keeping them balanced.

"I would love to visit your shop one of these days, it's exactly the same kind of talent as your flower arrangement one, creating beautiful things for everyone's enjoyment." She smile at the other girl.

"Right, sorry for forgetting my manners too. I am Veronica Perenna, nice to meet you." Once they are at the room Chiyo leads them to, Veronica deposits the flowers where Chiyo tells her to. "Thanks for guiding me so flawlessly, Sakai-san."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai allows herself a little sigh of relief when the flowers are taken out of her care for now. It does give her a moment to flex her fingers and allow them to relax just a bit from their task. "Thank you," she lets out as well, quietly.

Talk of the shop does bring a rather proud twinkle to her eye. It was something she was very fond of. Enough so that after the flowers are delivered she suggests, "If you're free now, we could go see the shop. It's not far, just outside of campus."

Veronica Perenna has posed:
"That sounds great, I would love that." Veronica smiles and nods at Chiyo. "If you could lead the way, please."