1549/He's the one they call Dr. Feelgood

From Radiant Heart MUSH

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He's the one they call Dr. Feelgood
Date of Scene: 16 May 2024
Location: Mitakihara General Hospital
Synopsis: In the aftermath of 1543/Paranoid Android, Bow is visited in his hospital room. Sayaka may have never left his side, but Rashmi shows up with every teen's worst fear (make up work) and Mamoru shows up with (almost) every teen's favorite gift (non-alcoholic) beer. And Ami shows up to get hugs. There are checks over Bow to heal him and make sure he's no longer operating on Hope OS and time for recovery is sped up!
Cast of Characters: Bow, Rashmi Terios, Sayaka Miki, Mamoru Chiba, Ami Mizuno
Tinyplot: Crystal Nope

Bow has posed:
There is one thing on Earth that Bow... has not found enjoyable. On Etheria, hospital rooms were warm and comforting, a place to encourage healing and recovery. The clinical, cold hospital room on Earth was much more, to be honest, kind of depressing.

But at least, he had a room to himself. A TV in the corner is turned off, he just doesn't seem interested in it. Sitting ip in his bed, Bow's chest is wrapped in bandages, with more bandages around his throat and over his lower legs and knees.

Currently in front of him on a tray is his lunch, which seems to be suspected of being a curry, and a jiggly bowl of gelitan with fruit suspended in it with a cup of hot water with a tea bag steeping in it.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
The moment she heard Bow had been hospitalized, Rashmi knew she had to do *something.* Thus, after hunting for Sayaka at lunch, and some quick planning upon finding her, Rashmi set her plan in motion.

Primarily, a quick talk with Bow's homeroom teacher to get his homework to her or Sayaka to take to him, so he wouldn't fall behind. Also, a quick survey of students to see if they have anything they're willing to donate or loan to make his stay less... boring.

Look there's not really much she can *do* about Bow's hospital stay beyond offering magic that is less 'healing' than 'combat patch-up' and while it'll definitely help... returns diminish when the pain is already soothed and the energy already up. This was a frustrating lesson to learn from when *she* had a bed here.

But, she could do the little things, that make sure he doesn't fall behind, and knows that people are pulling for him to get better.

Big gestures are best left to the loved ones it'll mean more to.

And by the look on Sayaka's face as they walked to the hospital... Both of them will likely need at least a pep talk too.

So when the door to Bow's room opens, it's Rashmi that comes in first with a gentle, understanding smile, and a paper bag in each arm. "Heeeeey, Bow-kun," she says, stepping aside to clear the path between him and Sayaka. "I won't ask how you're doing, I've spent enough time in one of those to guess."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka had brought Bow here right after Setsuna and Madoka's emergency cures from him almost drowning. She is a bit frustrated at herself that she actually brought the water bottle, and yet when the occasion presented itself, she wasn't fast enough to act when the situation presented itself and get Oktavia to pin him down, making him almost die were it not for Setsuna's and Madoka's quick intervention.

That's not really what it's at the center of her mind though, because above all she has the confirmation and relief that Bow is completely safe, or at least that he will be soon enough once he is out of here, as doctors here will get him the final check-ups. Besides being there when he first woke up, she has also done quite a few things since then.

She had cooperated with Rashmi to let Bow have his homework and pastimes that worked better than a TV, and on his insistence recovered Crystal Hope and the chip from her Labyrinth to give them to Adora, trusting in the fact that she was the one to oppose and stop Light Hope.

She walks back into the alongside Rashmi when the redhead gets inside, bringing him anything the other girl isn't carrying herself. "Hello, Bow", she smiles at him. "We brought you homework and something less boring than that, to pass the time."

Bow has posed:
It's been a couple of days since the incident - the removal of Crystal Hope - and everything that went sideways. The coverup story of a surfing accident made sense to Bow and when the doctors asked about it, he kept things vague. He had been learning to surf, fell off the board, and then bad things happened.

He had relied on Sayaka to make the arrangements he needed, including letting the Korma know he may not be in for a few days while he recovers.

Hearing the door open to the room, he moves to sit up and grunts with pain as he feels his ribs protest the movement. Right right, use the bed buttons! Grabbing the control, he moves to rise up as first Rashmi appears, followed quickly by, "Sayaka..." he says with relief, his hand held out for the girl so he can pull her into a hug - a light one from him, at least. "You alright?" Not concern for him - it's all for her.

"Hey, Rashmi." he finally manages, his voice raspy as he speaks. "You look well." he offers to her, as he glances towards the homework. "I'm going to fall so far behind." he murmurs in slight frustration.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Oh, no, *this* is just the homework," Rashmi says, setting the bags next to the bed, and pulling out a single file folder. "The rest of that bag is the textbooks, is all. And I mean just ask and I'll *totally* help you with the English and history, but..." A sheepish look crawls over her face, and her cheeks redden. "I'm sorry to say you're on your own with the math. My help would barely be better than just sleeping with the book under your pillow."

Gesturing to what Sayaka's holding, and the other bag she'd brought, her smile returns. "No this is just... Like I said I've been in the hospital for weeks before, it's *awful* if you don't have anything to do. So I talked to the Party Planning Committee, and a few of the others, and pulled together just a *bunch* of stuff for you."

Stooping, she digs through her second bag, putting samples up on top of the homework folder. "Books, manga, one guy gave you a handheld and a few games, he said he'd rather it went to someone who'd use it more. Some of it's a loan, I put a sticker with the name for when you get out, but the games are yours."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"Of course I am alright!", Sayaka remarks at Bow question, looking at him surprised that he is asking questions as if he wasn't the one to almost die. She wasn't as worried as she would have been around him, because in an (illegal) exception to protocol, the nurses had made sure to tell her everything about his condition, remembering her as the girl who had visited Kyousuke every single day. There is something to be said about the bad luck that sees everyone she loves romantically land in a hospital, but she is not going to acknowledge that though. At least she is grateful for the nurses remembering her from back then.

She occasionally nods along to Rashmi when she elaborates on everything they have brought. "I am sure you will do well, the teacher will keep in mind that you are supposed to rest and recover ", she reassures Bow over the homework they brought. "And fret not, I am here to help too!" she encourages him, lightly striking her open palm against herself at the same time as the *I*. "So, between the two of us, we got you covered." That, despite math not being her forte either.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
It's later than Rashmi and Sayaka that Mamoru arrives -- rumours in school spread like wildfire, and Mamoru hears so many of them, but this one seemed egregiously unlikely. An accident surfing? He doesn't doubt the severe injury, but he doesn't know what kind of injuries Bow actually has. He's coming in prepared to use up the bulk of his magical energy for the day if necessary.

"Yo--" says the fluffy black haired prince, sticking his head in the door and holding up a four-pack of cloudy-beverage bottles: Jamaican ginger beer, because what's better for hospital food than some liquid kick-in-the-teeth for seasoning? Nothing, that's what.

He sees Rashmi and Sayaka and adjusts his glasses. "Oop, sorry, I can come back. I brought ginger beer and heals if anyone's interested, though."

Ginger beer and heals, in that order. He really is a troll. He steps further into sight but hesitates at the threshold-- not unsure of his welcome, just a little awkward. He does not like hospitals.

Bow has posed:
"Just homework." Bow groans at that idea. "I mean, English I have downpat because when Nurse Meiou was setting me up to be American, she put that in my head as well..." he responds, but when he mentions Setsuna by name, he remembers to ask. "Is she okay? How's Ami...?" His frown grows. Clearly he remembers what happened, all of it. And now that he has the chance to ask, he is. Homework can wait. His concerns are for everyone else.

And unlike Kyosuke, Bow's stay is a short term and she will not need to wish for his recovery. He's more stout than that. And most importantly, he's already acknowledged Sayaka's love for him. And reciprocated it. So Kyosukue can stuff it in his violin and Bow it.

But his attention is back on the gifts (are they really gifts if it's homework? No. Enquivocally no.) but the manga and books and games are noted with a grin. "I'll appreciate them for now - but I will be getting back out into the world and exploring and being physically. Sayaka is still gonna show me how to surf, after all. If we're using that as an excuse, I better learn." A small smirk, as he sets things aside for the now. At the moment, the company is the best medicine.

Then a third person joins and Bow smiles. "Hey Mamoru." the Etherian teen offers. He sounds tired and raspy, but in good spirits as he the other tall boy arrives with ginger beer and the promise of heals. "Only if it doesn't get you in trouble." he points out to him with a small grunt. "Have you heard from Ami? Is she okay?"

Rashmi Terios has posed:
The flurry of questions mostly have to do with the events that landed Bow here, and for that Rashmi has no answers; she wasn't there, and has no idea the *truth* of what happened. So, she looks to Sayaka for answers, and perhaps a capsule summary with a shrug.

She's saved from having to voice her ignorance, however, by Mamoru's entrance, and rises, urning with a delighted look on her face. "Mamo-kun! C'mon in, definitely! He'll need to stay at least another day just so they can come up with a story on their own, but other than that the less time in the hospital the better... Trust me. At least tomorrow I can tell Papi he's cleared for a care package."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"Hello, Mamoru", Sayaka greets when the teen, comes into the room, smiling at him over the gifts he brought. At least, once she notices that very clearly written on the bottle that the ginger beer he brought is the 0,5% one. But besides all the concerns of legality, Mamoru likely knows that alcohol wouldn't be at all good for a patient in recovery, and besides he has promised heals, not disruption.

"Please do, he is stable right now, but he could use it still. Right, Bow?", she turns to him, since the final say is his. "We followed your suggestion and just removed Crystal Hope and the chip from him together with Pluto and Mercury", she shares the good news with him.

When Rashmi looks at her, she stares back surprised. "They are ok, possibly? Last I saw they were fine, but it has been been two days since then."

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"Why would it get me in trouble?" asks Mamoru, laughing. He does come in, then, and grins at Rashmi, something in his shoulders untensing a little bit at her delight. "Thanks! Good to know-- and yes, he'll definitely be ready for a care package," he says of the 'he has to stay another day', then glances to Bow and blinks. "Ami? Why wouldn't-- did something happen to her too? I haven't heard from her since Monday, but that's not unusual for me..."

He sets the ginger beer down on the little dresser not too far away from the bed, then keeps walking until he's on the other side of the bed, out of the way of the girls.

Mamoru nods to Sayaka! And for the record, the ginger beer he brought is a soft drink with no alcohol in it whatsoever. "That's excellent. Is that why all the injuries?" He holds his hand out to Bow. "Whenever you're ready," he says cheerfully. "Ginger beer's for after. I don't want you tensing up from the kick yet."

Bow has posed:
Taking in a breath, Bow motions to make sure the door to the hospital room was closed. Once he's sure of that, his hand first reaches to grab Sayaka's to squeeze it, steadying himself. "Sayaka can fill in what I don't remember. Which is where this really starts. My memories." he explains. "When I first arrived here, I told you all that Crystal... no, Light Hope had agreed to help me and that Adora had disappeared." His hands drop into his lap in thought and he squeezes the blanket.

"That was a lie, concoted by her. In truth, Adora had destroyed the Sword to end the threat of the Heart of Etheria from destroying the universe. In the aftermath of that... Light Hope chipped me and scrambled my memories." he blows out a breath. "She manipulated me into opening the portal to come here. And then tried to force me to stop... living here... and go after the sword. But when another runestone arrived - she changed her tactics and became more forceful." Lowering his head, he lets out a breath. "I realized she was dangerous, finally, far later than everyone else. But I didn't realize how deeply she had ingrained herself within me."

"I couldn't keep her from taking over. And in the fight that followed..." he gesture over himself. "She burned the branches on my legs, and was ready to attack everyone... but Mercury decided to... she unleashed an attack that drowned me. I don't blame her for it. The only way that Light Hope was going to sever the connection was if I was no longer of use to her. And being dead... well, she couldn't control me anymore. Which allowed Setsuna and the others to remove the chip and Light Hope. I don't blame Mercury for what she did. It allowed me to regain my memory... and the truth. And I'm sorry." he admits quietly, head lowered. "That I caused that pain. And that I may never be..." he stops himself from going further.

When Mamoru offers his hand, for a moment, he's trepedacious. "You healing me early." he murmurs. His jaw was one thing... this is different. But his hand finally does lift to grip Mamoru's firmly as he makes the choice. He needs to get back on his feet and out of this hospital room sooner.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
As Bow tells the story of the night, Rashmi's hands rise to her mouth. Shocked, she listens all the way through, moving around Mamoru to find a spot where she won't crowd the healer. "Bow... I'm sorry all that happened, and I *so wish* it hadn't had to come to that... But you're okay now, right? I mean... not 'okay' okay, but healable?"

Gesturing weakly at Mamoru, the redhead attempts a smile. "Because if so... we can figure the rest out. If Light Hope could do anything at all for you, then it's in you already. That's how it works here, we just need to find a way."

Her gentle smile fades, however, and a touch of sternness colors her voice. "But you don't *ever* need to apologize for it, Bow. Or for worrying us; we *care* about you, and that means we're *gonna* worry even if you've got it handled. And if you don't... that's what we've got friends for anyway."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"Yes, that is why", Sayaka confirms before going further in detail. "She didn't really want to get removed, so she took control of him and started fighting us." Then Bow starts explaining everything, and Sayaka doesn't really have any correction to make.

Though she does have something to say about the part he is despondent about. "Bow, believe me, this is not the end of anything. I am sure your magic is still there, even without Crystal Hope to show you how. You just have to find it without her, and I will help you." And with Rashmi saying the same thing, Sayaka smiles at her, grateful for her showing support to Bow too.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
It's a lot of information to take in, the summary of events, the situation. There's no 'I told you so', there's only anger on Bow's behalf, indignation, and the heartsickness of familiarity.

"I... I know from having a messed up memory, having fake memories put in. I'm so sorry she did that to you," Mamoru says, quiet and firm. "Nobody deserves that, you least of all. And I'll check in on Mercury when you're all set."

He takes a breath. "And listen, I'll heal just about anybody who'll let me, just about any time, anywhere. I'm not going to get in trouble. Besides, it's not my fault if the hospital's methods are too inefficient for my tastes." With that last, he grins crookedly-- teasing.

And with the contact, the hand-clasp, comes the warm relief of pain, first and foremost. There's a hint of the emotions of Mamoru's own that he's clearing away so they're not in the way of healing, and there's that sense of belonging and welcome, of connectedness, that always comes with his power.

The dim gold glow starts, and Mamoru begins with Bow's lungs and throat. He nods to what Rashmi says, attention a little absent now that he's multitasking, and agrees with Rashmi, and Sayaka, "Maybe a Device? You would know better, but I know Hannah is a Meister, at least. My other thought was maybe a Pretty Cure, right? He's certainly pretty enough." He says it with a straight face, still preoccupied.

Once Bow's lungs and throat and sinuses are done, Mamoru hesitates. "You want me to get your ribs, your legs, or your neck next? Ribs'll take the longest, maybe fifteen minutes."

Bow has posed:
"Please do. I'm worried about her." Bow admits as he feels that first caress of Mamoru's powers - both in the healing and the emotional aid as well and he relaxes into it, closing his eyes with a thoughtful sigh. "I know people have said that to me, Rashmi. And I want to believe them - but I know I couldn't open a portal to Etheria like that. That was her final insult to me. That I'll never see Etheria, my fathers, my home again. Or my best friend, the Queen."

"I know someday, I may want to find a way. But with Adora and Catra and a couple of others that are here now, I need to concentrate on that. Something... something has brought us all here. And until we know what that is, home will have to wait." he finally allows.

But as the glow overtakes him and he feels the light tingling warmth in his head and throat, he snorts a laugh at Mamoru's comment about being pretty, blushing. But he adds, "When we arrived, there was a second crystal - Sayaka had it made into a phone with Chrono's help and Ula. I'm worried that Light Hope may have a connection within it - but if it's clean, it could be a start." He doesn't want to give up something that Sayaka put part of herself into, after all. "...I know it can't be a weapon, like a bow." he admits, before he nods to Mamoru. "Ribs, then. I don't want to keep you, if you want me to just let the other injuries heal on their own."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"I can ask," Rashmi says in answer to Mamoru's question, smiling and nodding in return at Sayka. "Hannah's been teaching me Device craft, and I'm nowhere near a Meister yet, but... It's definitely worth looking into. And we can certainly look into that crystal too!"

Falling silent for a moment, she digests what Bow says, and lets out a quiet breath. "Bow... I'd need to know a lot more about how magic works in Etheria to be confident, but... Have you ever thought that the only way she *could* do all that is because she had *all that power* at her command on your world? Even if it wasn't enough to hold off the Horde, it's *definitely* a lot more than you can pull out of the air, here. So... really... who's to say she *could* have even opened a portal here? But more importantly, you're not the only one who's fallen in here from somewhere else. Which means however you *do* get here... it's only one-way because of something screwy with the Earth."

Spreading her hands at her sides, Rashmi shrugs. "If we figure that out, who's to say we *can't* get you all back where you belong?"

It's a tall order, to be certain. All they have to do is stop Beryl, reverse the Fade, and banish whatever hyperdimensional static is keeping the Earth isolated from the wider galaxy.


Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka really didn't do anything with it - she suspects Bow is giving her center stage either because she spends the most time with him, or because they are in a relationship. And she doesn't think it's fair either for her to get the credit for something Ula did.

"I don't think it's so impossible for you to find a way back home, Bow", Sayaka moves closer to him putting a hand on his shoulder. "Do you remember when you found that Obsidian is already using First Ones technology and you theorised they had a portal? Either we can try to secure that one or take what they are using to open a portal to Etheria." Yes, it will be a very gruesome and difficult task, but they are already fighting Obsidian, so they can give it their all there too. She certainly isn't going to leave that chance alone.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
A brief lopsided smile at Bow's snorted laugh, and Mamoru nods at the rest. "It's not the time that has me, it's just how much juice I'll have left over for the other stuff," he says, "but I can probably juggle it if I leave them tender. You'll need to be gentle with yourself, after, either way. Even just for a few days. What happened to your legs is-- I don't want to ignore them? I absolutely hate burns."

Given pretty much all history with Sunbreaker, that's probably not a surprise -- given his fight with Hannah, it's even less of a surprise, but that was a while ago.

Mamoru glances to Rashmi again, then nods, albeit slowly. "Everyone who wants to leave," he says, and it's low-voiced and distracted, "It's not in a hurry to kick anyone out."

He doesn't really have anything to add about Obsidian in this case, he's already been out for five months so almost everything he had is out of date. Besides, he's working on a whole lot of cracks and bruising right now. The kind of cracks that are so much better to have than a stilled heart! He's proud of Madoka, and will absolutely text her to say so.

Bow has posed:
"Runestones. The vast majority of magic on Etheria is tied to the runestones. Glimmer and the moonstone, Frosta and the fractal flake, Perfuma with the Heart Blossom, Mermista and the Pearl, Scorpia and the Black Garnet and Adora and the Sword of Protection. The Black Garnet and Sword of Protection are here on Earth." Which also means that Adora and Scorpia are as well.

"There were those that could handle magic without the stones - Netossa could summon nets, for instance. Castaspella and Shadow Weaver." A sigh. "Hinoiri suggested that I try Dark Energy, which... yeah, no. My father's had a runestone shard in the library." Which is also the same thing in Bow's 'phone', he just doesn't know that yet. That's what the 'crystals' were that Light Hope used.

His hand reaches up to cover Sayaka's. Ula is her familiar, so she gets the credit for it. "Like I said, with two runestones already here... it's best to figure out what's happening here first before I consider returning to Etheria." he points out. "And I said that what they were using looked very familiar to it, yeah. When I scanned the Eclipse Zone generator, it was all familiar - and the rune lines in the ground - they are familiar to Etheria's as well. They could be sister planets, really. Especially with what I saw in the Glimpse." he admits. "That Earth reminded me a lot of Etheria." he admits to Mamoru.

"I know. I'll be taking it easy for a bit. At least until I figure out my place here and be helpful to everyone." A small chuckle. "I already know that as far as magic goes, I was more a support type than a lead - I can work with that. Not everyone gets to be the most powerful. And I was used to that back home. And content with it. Still am."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Mamoru's comment on 'it' earns him a startled, curious look... But that's something to press about later. In a more comfortable setting. And probably preceded by a hefty bribe of food. Should Mamoru be focused enough to see that look, he'll know there's probably at least a text in his future.

"I wouldn't say either's more important," she says, finally. "But I agree that finding out what the runestones are doing here'll probably point the way toward an answer for you and the others. It's definitely the kind of homework I'd rather be doing, understanding all that... Also Mamo-kun, if you want to stop at the legs, I can probably get him to where his biggest complaint is soreness."

Bow talks about his place on the power scale, and despite herself, Rashmi can't but smile. "Helping others do better is, honestly, my favorite part. I can hold my own in a fight, but... I really do understand what you mean, Bow-kun."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Honestly what the runestones are doing getting here on Earth is puzzling and potentially concerning, especially since Sayaka knows that there are actually three runestones here, even if she can't reveal that. She promised to keep Glimmer's presence a secret after all, even if she doesn't like at all having to keep it from one of her best friends. "I agree with trying to uncover the mystery of the runestones", she nods towards Rashmi. "At the very least to stop Crystal Hope from being able to use them to cause disasters again, if not more threats aside from her."

The bluenette lightly shakes her head when Bow mentions Hinoiri's suggestion over dark energy. Even if she says there are ways to control it if not admistered like it was with Adora, that really wasn't her finest moment. Either of the two really, even if one was unintentional "I suggested strongly against it", she speaks up, though she expects the others to be in agreement. "Messing up with it is all too easy, and if I had any chances of success, I would try to stop Hinoiri from using it too."

The fact that Bow thinks that the Earth and Etheria could sort of be sister planets is new to Sayaka though. And the fact that what was on the other side of the portal only corroborated it... "What does this similarity mean for Earth exactly?", she asks, looking at both Bow and Mamoru.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
Still there's the absent listening, but at the moment Mamoru's only strictly paying attention if he's addressed or if Bow thinks about him while saying something, which is nearly the same thing. So it's not until Bow brings up the ancient Earth he visited that Mamoru focuses on something other than Bow's ribs, and when he does, it's with a sharp little stab of weightless, astoundingly dense grief.

Mamoru's taken by surprise, and the golden glow flickers for a second as he reestablishes his equilibrium and puts the grief back to bed until he's ready to deal with it. Not yet.

He says instead, "Etheria sounds absolutely lovely-- if we can ever get a two-way portal going, I do very much want to try visiting."

The prince's attention flickers to Rashmi again, and he looks very relieved. "That would be great. Bones are so dense, and some of these are more than hairline cracks..."

Then he laughs. "Support is what I'm best at, too. I don't like fighting alone, anyway-- I mean I can, but why should I when we all have each other's backs?"

Then Sayaka speaks up, and the part about dark energy registers, first. He shakes his head firmly. "Dark Energy's like... like a drug, it's both addictive and messes you up. Your judgement is suspect because your inhibitions are out, your negative emotions and qualities get enhanced, and bad ideas look great. I can show you what it was like for me sometime, if you ever wonder." Then he shrugs, at the last. "I don't think it means anything. I mean, I imagine there are similarities between ancient Earth and, say, Midchilda as well. Goldilocks planets that evolved people with magic. Earth's is just... kind of tangled, right now."

Is that a flash of guilt? It could be. If it is, Bow can likely put together why, with a flash of an image through the back of Mamoru's head -- a golden key and a rock wall.

Bow has posed:
Feeling that pang of grief, Bow squeezes Mamoru's hand in support, "Right." he agrees with the tall teen, as he adds, "And probably between Earth and wherever Sunbreaker comes from. Which is why things seem familiar while being different."

"But my working theory is that... well, a long time ago, there was the First Ones. They came to Etheria and established colonies, for what we can figure out - was to harvest the magic of our world somehow. And then something happened and they were forced to evacuate. I don't know, maybe they had scoped out anctient Earth for the same thing. Or wherever. I've not had a chance to scan Midchilda magic to see if it's similar to Etheria's. But the fact that Earth seems to be like... a universal receiever for every type of magic.... I dunno. Something about it." he shrugs.

"And Etheria is wonderful... once you get past the fact we've been at war since before I was born. One of my fathers, George, was a warrior in the first Rebellion - the Princess Alliance and watched it failed. So... yeah." A sigh.

"And when I'm free of here, I plan to drag Adora out of her room to find Scorpia and talk to her and figure out what's going on. And where we need to go from there, because if Earth is pulling in the runestones... I don't know what to think on that. But whatever it is, Mamoru, it is not your fault. I am not going to try to out-guilt you."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Bow's attempt at a joke does draw out a chuckle from Rashmi. "I mean... it could be something like that," Rashmi says. "And I'll probably have a better answer for you, once Hannah-chan and I have gone over your crystal. First we have to see if it *can* work as a Device core. And Mamo-kun... Be aware that the best I can do for healing is basically 'If you can fight, get back up and fight' kind of stuff. So it'll probably need a few applications before he has a shot at getting out tomorrow, if there're any bad cracks."

This does not sound like it's any great concern for her, more a setting of expectations than anything else.

Sayaka speaks of Sunbreaker and Dark Energy, and the redhead looses a long, frustrated sigh. "I know *exactly* what you mean, Sayaka-chan... I just wish she'd choose to drink after we led her to-- wait. Is that speciesist? It sounds like it. Anyway."

Ami Mizuno has posed:
While the talk of magic goes on between those already in the room there comes a light, trepidatious knock at the door. There's a figure there lingering just in the little crack created from it swinging open enough to peer inside. A familiar pair of blue eyes, and a shock of blue hair, as Ami stands there nervously hesitant at entering. One hand lingers on the doorknob, the other clutches at the collar of her shirt. At one point it had been a necklace she'd grasp in such a way but it was long since retired to the confines of a jewelry box for safe keeping. The gesture remains now as she waits uncertain of Bow's response to her presence.

"I just... wanted to check on you," comes her voice quietly.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Goldilocks planets whose people evolved in tandem... Could such a thing really be possible? Well, that's what had happened apparently, so she will just have to take it at face value. Though the mention of the First Ones possibly having come here and contributed to shape the Earth too makes her groan lightly in frustration. Can somebody - anybody - leave her home planet for 5 seconds!? "I really hope that's not why we are so similar. Anyone who is responsible for Crystal Hope is nobody I would want to meet."

"I like that plan!", the bluenette says. "With how friendly Scorpia is, I think that's just what Adora needs to feel better. And with Scorpia new to Tokyo, Adora can guide that around. It's two birds with one tomato", Sayaka says, messing up the saying.

"Rashmi-chan, that's great already, you habe to know that! Without you and Mamoru, he would be in here for a lot more than a day, so don't stress over it", Sayaka praises their effort.

When she hears Ami, Sayaka waves for her to come in, it she needs the encouragement. "Hello, Ami-san", Sayaka bows towards her. "We may be a bit over capacity, but I won't tell the nurses if you won't", she tells her in a joking and complicit tone.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"You can probably out-guilt me," Mamoru says with a quiet laugh at Bow, shaking his head. "I don't feel guilty often, and I can school myself out of this one. Even if it could be the result of actions I took, they were necessary actions, so."

He shifts his grip on Bow's hand a little, and looks to Rashmi again, and then Mamoru nods. "Yeah. I'll finish his ribs, then, you get the burns on his legs and the wound on his neck?"

Here's Ami! Mamoru brightens at the knock -- Bow can feel his awareness of the Senshi of Wisdom blossom quickly before being sorted back out into Mamoru's general sense of everything and specific sense of the cracks in Bow's ribcage. "Ami-chan! He'll be fine, you did good. There's so much less damage this way than there could have been."

A quick smile at Sayaka, and Mamoru says, "If Rashmi-chan is handling the rest after this, I can finish up faster since I'm not saving anything. Maybe five more minutes, on the outside."

Bow has posed:
When Rashmi mentions the crystal, Bow gestures to where his clothes are. "Phone should be in there with my belongings. Make sure there's no trace of Crystal Hope in it. Maybe you can get Ami to scan it, she had a scan of her, might be able to find out. If there is? Give it to Sayaka." He's okay with Sayaka burying it in her labyrinth.

"I don't think that's the case, bluebird," Bow starts, using his pet name for his girlfriend on accident. "But it's one of the theories I have to explain why the magical ley lines all looked so familiar. And yeah. Since you're keeping me busy." A wink at Sayaka, completely unaware she got the saying wrong.

"I don't want to try to out-guilt you, Mamoru." he admits. "I feel guilty enough for not realizing for what everyone was saying. About how bad she was. That I didn't listen and believed her lies. I'm sorry." comes his honest words to the three of them.

And then there's a fourth visitor, and the appearance of Ami catches him off guard, but only for a moment. His hands release from Sayaka and Mamoru, and after a moment of looking over Ami to make sure she's okay, he holds out his arms to the bluenette senshi. "I can't get up so you're going to have to come to me for a hug."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Bow-kun," Rashmi says gently. "You were dropped in a completely new place in the middle of a super-confusing battle, and the moment you catch your breath the one person that got you there tells you you can't get back and they have to make sure you can survive here... of *course* you trusted them! Just because they were lying to you, doesn't mean you should beat yourself up for believing them."

Ami's entrance has Rashmi perking up, looking at the second bluenette with relieved concern, that quickly melts in to pure relief as Bow's first request of her, is for a hug. "It's *so good to see you,* Ami-chan..."

Requests to scan the phone for traces of Crystal Hope are important... but Ami getting the hugs she deserves is *much* more important.

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami Mizuno draws a slow deep breath as she risks stepping inside. Sayaka's remark of being at capacity earns a forced smile along with a murmer of, "What's one more crime?" The remark itself was joking of course, but there's a little sting to it she hadn't quite delt with yet. Logically she knew it was the best, fastest thing to do. Emotionally?

Emotionally she stares at Bow with eyes widening in shock when he releases Mamoru's hand. Guilt aside, her usual instincts kick in. "Bow! Let Mamoru finish healing you first before ... Oh fine," she huffs out with an embarassed flush over her cheeks. At the very least she wasn't *so* upset that she couldn't be shaken out of it.

The first step is slow, but then she just darts in to quickly lean over giving Bow a hug. "I'm so glad you're okay. I'm sorry I had to do that, it was just... I'm sorry." She almost says she's glad he's okay again but the tight hug is probably proof enough of that.

"If I need to scan anything, I absolutely can," she adds when finally letting the poor boy go. Hopefully she didn't make the ribs too much worse.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"That's awesome, thank you Mamoru-san", Sayaka replies, glancing at Bow happily. Just, he is certainly going to feel much better after this. Though the fact that Crystal Hope might be hiding in the phone too makes her emit a sigh of frustration, because it really was a possibility, and if she actually is in there, Sayaka intends to find a way to Witch-Kiss the AI. She will find a way to give Crystal Hope thr honour of her first experience.

And just like Rashmi, Sayaka moves to comfort Bow. "As far as you knew she was perfectly trustworthy. Nobody is blaming you for not uncovering it especially since she had such a tight hold on you. You are fine as is, I promise.""Please, do it Ami-san. Even if I am already in your debt, this is really important. Crystal Hope is as far removed from any sort of trust she can be."

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
Mamoru's startled out of his preoccupation when Bow suddenly lets go his hand, breaking the connection and stopping the healing and anaesthetic. He shakes his hand out and looks exasperated. "Did you forget the part where I'm working on your ribs?" he asks, aggrieved. "Sorry, Ami-chan. Bow-kun, careful! If you crack them again right here while I'm not even done, I'm not fixing them again," he lies mulishly. He's cross enough he absolutely sounds like he's channeling Leonard McCoy for a minute there.

Letting Bow settle down again without the benefit of anaesthetic, Mamoru waits until he's sitting still again before taking his hand and pouring energy in more quickly. The glow is brighter around their hands -- Mamoru's not filtering his own emotions out anymore, or the images of what he's doing. Vexed. Getting tired. Impatient. Relieved. Bone knitting, calcium building; he says, "Drink lots of vitamin D milk. Take some calcium supplements. Drink a ginger beer now, though. It's medicinal and builds character."

He floods in a little extra energy for Rashmi to work with if she can-- if she can't, it won't do any harm, at least. Then the prince lets go himself, and leans back against the wall for a second, as if catching his breath. "I used to be so much better at this. I'd say I need more practice but I don't want people to get hurt just so I can get better at fixing it."

A sigh, and Mamoru gets up, finally. "Very welcome, Sayaka-san," he says, inclining his head slightly, then carefully picking his way around people and around the bed, toward the door. "I'm going to go back to school, though, and have a rest before I go anywhere else. See you in school on Monday, Bow-kun, everybody."

Bow has posed:
Yes, letting go of Mamoru hurt, but you know what would have hurt Bow more? Not comforting Ami. Which he does with that hug, which hurts his ribs a little and he wheezes a breath, but he'll be fine. "It's okay, Ami. I'm not mad. You helped. And I needed it. Thank you. And if you even ask, I've already forgiven you." he promises, "Because there's nothing to forgive." He releases her, even as Mamoru is forcing him back into healing mode. "Sorry, sorry!" he yelps.

Especially more so as Mamoru makes it clear that he's cross at him, and Bow ducks his head a little sheepishly. "She needed the hug more!" he protests, but doesn't fight much more than that. But his attention turns to Rashmi and Sayaka. "Yeah, but I only thought that because she overrode my memories. I remember it all now, and I remember what she was doing with the real heart of Etheria... which, yeah, I'll need a new henshin phase." A sigh at that.

"At least Glimmer isn't here. She would totally give me the 'I told you so' speech." he murmurs. "And for once, she'd been right."

With that, he takes one of the ginger beers as Mamoru rises to leave. "Get plenty of rest and eat lots of red meat!" He offers as he nods. "See you Monday!"

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Thanks, Mamo-kun!" Rashmi calls after Mamoru, lifting a hand to wave at the departing teen, before turning her attention back to Bow. "So yeah... Bow-kun, if you could tell Ami-chan where in your stuff your crystal is? Probably best to get that worry out of the way as quickly as possible. Ami-chan, we need to know if there're any traces of Crystal Hope in it, and if there's not... Then Hannah-chan and I get to see if it's at all usable as a Device core, *that'll* be educational."

Plucking her starburst charm from its cord around her neck, she looks down at the gem in its center. "Nico-kun? Set Up, let's put a bow on what Mamo-kun did."

<< *BONG!* >> << COMMAND INPUT EXECUTE, >> the starburst charm chirps.

    << SET UP. >>

A bubble of golden light surrounds Rashmi, and a heartbeat later shatters into self-disintegrating shards of holography. Standing in her Barrier Jacket, she holds her hand out, allowing a place from which to allow her large, armored book to float, falling open and ruffling randomly through pages as an intricate magical circle spreads out underneath Bow's bed.

    << *BONG!* >> << SOLAR HEAL >>

The circle emits a warm, sunlike light up to the ceiling, and the sensation is... very different, from Mamoru's healing. It's much like laying back in the tall grass, under the summer sun; warm and soothing, the pain ebbing into dull soreness, muscles relaxing under phantom heat that no one else can feel.

It's also going to take a bit, if the way the circle remains after she lowers her book says anything.

"There," she says. "Once that's run its course, try and do some movements so we know how much farther there is to go."

Ami Mizuno has posed:
"I'm not sure if I forgive myself yet. There could have been another way." There wasn't though, was there, Ami? At least she releases Bow from the hug careful of his ribs while flashing an apologetic look toward Mamoru as well for interrupting the healing. Even if Bow had started it.

Her hands fall to the side of Bow's bed resting there a moment as she watches him get healed by the cranky and quickly-tired healer. "Thank you." The thanks could be to both of them, really. At least she's feeling a bit better now that Bow was for-sure okay.

As the talk of scanning things comes up she just nods a moment. "I can do that." A few steps are taken away to give the others room as she watches Rashmi begin her own healing methods. Her path leads over to the items Bow had said were his though.

Interested, she keeps a good eye on Rashmi's healing methods with Nicomacea while pulling out the Mercury Computer from it's little subspace pocket to begin scanning his posessions.
"I'm not seeing any signs of Light Hope in the devices he has," she finally determines after a bit.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka examines Mamoru when he started reproaching Bow. If it is that bad that bad that he feels the need to extort Bow, he has to give his hand back asap. "Bow, please give him your hand", she tells Bow.

Though Bow is also still blaming himself. "If you were convinced of letting her go despite how extensively she tampered with you, but is only credit for you. Don't blame yourself, the blame doesn't fall on you." The mention of Glimmer not being here makes Sayaka shut up. It takes all of herself not to let the guilt show up on her face, despite Bow considering her absence a good thing.

It's for the better that she has the opportunity to focus on healing magic. They really are amazing both of them. They have been able to help him just despite it being probably having had to make do with the time and prep they had. And then the good news that Crystal Hope hasn't manipolated Bow's phone. "Awesome! Thank you lots, Ami-san."

"I really appreciate your help, Mamoru-san, take care", Sayaka waves at him before he goes away.

Bow has posed:
"I am, I am." Bow is mullified by his girlfriend's rebuttal and reaches to give Sayaka's hand a squeeze if she allows, before he hears Rashmi's release of the solar heal and he kind of sinks into his bed as he feels the warmth and the feeling of the heal washing over him as it takes effect. "This feels really nice... but you won't blame me if I don't want to do this again?" he asks with a small mote of amusement.

However, he is holding his breath until Ami comes back with the all-clear on his devices. "Oh great." he says as he lets out the breath and sighs. "Then at least that's over, for now." He leans back into the bed and closes his eyes for a moment. "Sayaka, I want to make sure you go home and get some rest. I don't know how long you've been up here, but please make sure to take care of yourself."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Ami-chan," Rashmi says gently, circling back around the bed as she joins the bluenette Senshi at Bow's pile of things. "If there's one thing I've learned after almost a year of figuring this stuff out as I go? Sometimes you don't figure out a better way until after it's over. But you do the best you can, and you just do *better* next time, if you can. 'Fall down seven times, get up eight,'" she says, quoting a positively *decrepit* Japanese saying about perserverance with a smile.

Then, she starts patting down Bow's belongings, looking for the *shape* of a phone before actually digging to *get* it because, hey, gotta be polite.

"He's right, Sayaka-chan," she says over her shoulder. "Now that there's nothing to worry about, now's a good time to relax. It doesn't have to be at home, but... He's gonna be worn out from all the healing, you're gonna be worn out from all the stress... It'll be okay. Take a break and let us handle things *for* you for a little."

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami Mizuno tucks the Mercury Computer away again. It's not even in a 'real' pocket so much as that little subdimensional one that she somehow instinctively had access to. It wasn't large, but she could keep a few items safely in it and within easy 'reach' whenever needed.

A smile is flashed over toward Bow and Sayaka at the thanks. For now it at least made her feel useful again. It was her usual 'thing' and not at all the act she had to perform the other night.

Rashmi's approach and gentle words cause the smile to slip just a bit. A ghost of it remains as she nods a single time. "I know. Logically, I know. It's just... hard." Her hands grip at the strap to her purse over her shoulder. "I want to be a doctor some day. I know right now I'm more than just a student with a goal for my future, but it's hard thinking I'm capable of that when my goal all along has been to save lives."

A deep shuddering breath is drawn as she puts the smile on once again. "In this case though I suppose no one actually died. It was just to get rid of Crystal Hope." Light Hope. Whatever it was called.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka is unsure why she is called to rest, it's not like she really did that much here. There was the homework and gifts thing, full stop. And even that was shared with Rashmi. She has not really brought up anything relevant here. "I am taking care of myself, I promise. That's a lesson I have learnt." Even if she had to learn it the hard way, with everything she stood for on the cusp of ruin. "And I would be more worried about your nonstop use of magic, Rashmi-chan, with you and Mamoru doing all the work."

Mercury, I hope your dream comes true, I am sure it's the right choice. If you want to get your minds off things, let's go out for tea one of these days." And with that she is off.

Bow has posed:
Bow gives a little sigh as he slumps down on the bed. "Thanks for coming, both of you." he offers to Rashmi and Ami as they gather up his tech items. There's the phone that Chrono and Ula both worked on, a pair of goggles and an alien looking pad. Apparently the last two items are Etherian gear.

"Sorry, I'm not gonna be great company here soon." he admits as he sets down the half-drank ginger beer next to the meal he didn't even touch.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Oh trust me," Rashmi chuckles. "I don't do this as often as all that, and the more I use a spell, the more efficient it gets. But I'm glad you're taking care of yourself, Sayaka-chan, and I'll see you tomorrow!"

As Sayaka leaves and Bow apologizes for his potential company, Rashmi turns, shaking her head. "It's okay... At least now you've got stuff to do, and you'll be out before you can get *really* bored.

The spell fades away, taking thegreater part of the lingering pain with it, and Rashmi looks down at her book, then over Bow again. "Mercury-chan? Could you do me a favor and give him one last scan? I just need to know if there's need for one more spell, before I gotta go, and Devices kinda default to caring more about magic than biology. Nicomachea can't really give me more than a rough status I could translate as 'pretty okay.'"

The gear is tapped against Nicomachea's cover, disappearing into its own pocket dimension, and the redhead smiles at Bow. "You did great. All of you. The rest of it, we can figure out."

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami Mizuno drops her hand so once again the Mercury Computer emerges. A step toward the foot of Bow's bed is taken while offering him a smile. "You just need to rest. You went through trauma, and rest and recouperation is your biggest goal right now. I'm sure you'll be up again in no time. You've always appeared to be in very good shape after all." The abs. It was the abs.

While this reassurance is given the scan is running only to give a small tinkling chime when finished. A nod is given as she remarks, "He's healed, and just needs some rest. Probably protein too. Magic can heal but I think it still uses the body's own energy to do that, so you should make sure you eat a big meal."

Bow has posed:
Grabbing his phone for a moment to send Sayaka a text, Bow turns his attention back to the others. "Even if I could get up and walk out of here - I doubt they'd let me any way. Observation and all." He sets the phone to the side once that's done.

"I'll use tomorrow to do homework catch up an all." he promises, before closing his eyes, settling in hands on his lap as he starts to drift off.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Rashmi bobs her head, smiling at Ami as she confirms that the work is more or less done. "Yeah, *definitely* gonna make sure Mami and Papi know you need proper food," she says, side-eyeing the hospital curry in a way that very clearly states that her rice cooker could do a better job. "Meantime, Bow, let us know if there's anything at all you need, okay?"

As the patient begins to drift off, Rashmi looks to Ami, and nods toward the door. "For what it's worth?" she murmurs, keeping her voice down, "I think you're gonna be a *great* doctor."