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ID State Owner Title Description
1454 Finished Takuto Tsunashi Dimension Past: Riventon Helps Desperate for help and apparently being owed a favor, Mamoru asks Riventon for help getting everybody back from the hell portal Beryl opened.
1351 Paused Takuto Tsunashi You Said You Missed the Onsen
1040 Finished Takuto Tsunashi Swords at Yawn Adrien, Naru, Ryoko, and Takuto all show up at the sports pavilion in the morning to play with pointy sticks.
968 Finished Takuto Tsunashi Ojiisan in Peril! Mamoru comes to Nounamu Sweets for a refill on his candy stores after the flood, and discovers that all is not well! Chiyo explains the situation and he does his best to help. Hiking by yourself is dangerous!
885 Paused Takuto Tsunashi At lunch with the T-Radiance
763 Finished Takuto Tsunashi Everything is Meh Naru finds Takuto on the bleachers a day and a half after having his Pure Heart stolen.
253 Finished Takuto Tsunashi Calling Cards Talking about Kyouka, magic, and giant robots on the side of mahou fite club.
148 Finished Takuto Tsunashi He Wanted Wawna Wako comes back from two fights almost in a row and Takuto helps a little with some of the damage. Also snacks. And Vice President.
132 Finished Takuto Tsunashi Real Friends Help You Move Wako called Kyouka in as Takuto got to the mulchy remains of the plant youma, examinations of unconscious students and theorizing about the attack and the eyes claiming credit followed.
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