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ID State Owner Title Description
1423 Finished Glimmer Brightmoon Snatch and Gab Glimmer and Catra lure Sayaka into a trap to interogate her about... BOW! Unfortunately for Glimmer, she finds out that an old friend is attached to her BEST friend. This calls for drastic action! Like trusting Riventon with this information!
1410 Finished Glimmer Brightmoon I need you for a job... Glimmer needs Catra for a job... a small, tiny job. With a smidge of kidnapping. She also lets slip that a certain somebody who Catra really liked... is in town. This will definitely not cause problems later.
1364 Finished Glimmer Brightmoon BAD FRIENDS SQUAD! Glimmer decides she wants some candy and so she goes about it in the manner she knows best. The fun way! By kidnapping Catra and Phantom and heading to Chiyo's candy shop. Onwards. Towards ADVENTURE!
1354 Finished Glimmer Brightmoon Sleeping on Moonlight Glimmer and Double Trouble have a talk, discussing what this world is like... then set off together to set. A ship. ON FIRE! Or at least rent one.
1348 Finished Glimmer Brightmoon Princess Rescue Operation Takashi takes Double Trouble into the dusk zone to find a lost girl... and oh, they find her. Queen Glimmer has entered the stage, along with her Moonstone... He didn't need that desk anyway, right?
1269 Finished Glimmer Brightmoon A Glimmer in the Distance Glimmer finds herself in a very, very strange place... And Riventon runs into a new resident of the dusk zone. Unfortunately, there is a small breakdown of communication.
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