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ID State Owner Title Description
914 Finished Onihime Warming Up An oni and a device mage catch up over lunch.
517 Finished Onihime By the Book Kureha finally learns how to reach out to other people, and all it took was panic. Rashmi guides the team, by the book. Hinata tickets a youkai for eating in a shrine zone. Erika learns that youkai hunting kinda bites. Amy shows an ancient fox the wonders of the modern world... and starts believin' in ghost stories.
475 Finished Onihime Unbearable Kureha can't bear to stand on the sidelines. Hinata bears witness. Rashmi can bearly contain herself. Erika unearths bearied friends. Veronica exercises her right to bear arms.
415 Finished Onihime A Fresh Kappa A Mysterious Figure(tm) sends a youkai after Kureha. Passersby just happen to be magical girls. Erika gets smashed off a nice Kyoto Punch.
193 Finished Onihime Brave New Meal What is this thing you call 'fast food'?
65 Finished Onihime Night Parade Chaos erupts at a museum when someone lets the cat out of the vase.
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