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ID State Owner Title Description
237 Finished Lana V. Miata Monarchs vs Monarchy Starfall Omen creates a swarm of butterflies to sneakily drain the energy of the people in Penguin Park. When things go wrong, she panics, and uses the butterflies to create a Perfect Bit. Runealy and Loretta are in the area and defeat the youma, claiming a portion of the energy it gathered.
205 Finished Lana V. Miata Starfield Jellyfish Exhibition The Aquarium runs a one-day special event featuring a rare breed of Jellyfish. The problem is that the Jellyfish are part of a youma. A huge mess is made, a doll and a vampire are made sad, magical heroines save the day, and Zoi walks away with bonus intel. RIP Ted, you will be always remembered.
44 Finished Lana V. Miata A Magical Day at the Library Starfall Omen tries to drain energy from a library using an origami monster! Zephyr Windstar, Hanako and Cure Lovely show up to oppose to her schemes.
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