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ID State Owner Title Description
364 Finished Precia Testarossa AAR- After Action Reporting '''CW: Child Assault.''''. Fate reports to Precia after the events of the piece of the Artha crashing out of dimensional space and Hanzo trying to sneak in to gain info about her and Riventon. There are. Corrections.
127 Finished Precia Testarossa Food Court Chaos! Runealy Waldia and Edelise Albrecht fight Hosshiwa off in a Food Court, also Hinote Kagari is pretty sure it's the world that's insane and not him.
99 Finished Precia Testarossa Disappointed for the First Time. Takashi Agera and Precia Testarossa meet. The discussion becomes tabled.
86 Finished Precia Testarossa Lost Logia: Digital Chaos A Jewel Seed crashes into an important data center and causes severe chaos before Precia Testarossa sends Fate, Riventon, Firefly and Starfall Omen after it. They encounter Nanoha, Guardian Sukiyaki and The Red Princess as opponents! Riventon seals the Jewel Seed (Number IX - 9!) and gets some alone time with it before it gets into Precia's clutches.
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