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ID State Owner Title Description
1069 Finished Kyouko Sakura Learning things.. Learning things like Kyouko enjoys singing, and Kyouka enjoys teaching (mostly) and both of them seem to need to learn things the hard way. At least there's snacks for this (entirely unsurprising) revelation.
995 Paused Kyouko Sakura
958 Finished Kyouko Sakura Happy New Year Monsters dont' take holidays, and neither does Kyouko. She runs into Kyouka while patrolling and conversation (and snacks!) ensure.
847 Paused Kyouko Sakura
727 Finished Kyouko Sakura Late for Fite Nite Kyouko stops by to magical fite nite, late and clawed up. She spends her time there chatting with Kyouka rather than participating.
720 Finished Kyouko Sakura Rooftop meetings Kyouko and Mami have a conversation that does not devolve into name calling, fighting or bloodshed. Progress!
651 Finished Kyouko Sakura Melonpan olive branches. A conversation on the street between Kyouko, Wako, Takuto, Chiyo with a Kyouka cameo. Kyouko is bad at friends and classes and tact. No one is surprised.
43 Finished Kyouko Sakura Bad Wisdom Kyouko's tracking a familiar that she's hoping will become a witch soon. Unfortunately for her, other magical girls don't have a habit of just letting monsters wander free.
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