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Adora Rainbowfist Once a month, on a Sunday, the Equestrian Club heads to the huge park in Shinjuku. They go there more often on their own to tend to their adopted horses and whatnot, but once a month they do a group ride. Adora's club is really coming along! The ride was good, and now the other girl's have headed back to the school or off on their own, leaving Adora by herself. Well, not counting Swiftwind. He has mixed feelings about the whole Club thing, which he has voiced non-stop all day! Even when tiny he has a big personality.

So, a bit dirty from the time in the stables, the blonde has shrugged back into her flannel and started the slow walk back through the park towards the bus terminal on the far side. Swiftwind, unseen by the normies, flutters about above her, enjoying a day out.
Double Trouble Double Trouble has been feeling a bit rudderless lately. In their life before they came here they were always ''up to something'', but here it's mostly been going to classes and trying to make friends. They'd almost forgotten how much they delighted in absolutely and utterly messing with people. So, when they saw the emotional journey they put Adora through as Dark Energy Glimmer, well, an ''entire plan'' hatched in their mind. There was an entire ''cast'' of characters they could play, if they kept to a particular audience.

Which is why they followed Adora to the park. It's why they're hiding in the shadows amongst the trees and using their sorcery to really ''sell'' the performance. If they do it just right, they'll surely set Adora's mind to racing. Double Trouble has always been an ''actor'', but they do so love writing and directing, too.

As Adora walks down the path, shadows start to creep up on her from all sides. It's subtle at first, but it very quickly surrounds her, blotting out the sun and leaving her in murky darkness. Then an entirely too familiar speaks her name.

She can hear Shadow Weaver, but it sounds like she's all around her, when she disapprovingly says, "Adora!"
Adora Rainbowfist She nearly jumps out of her skin! Adora whirls about, eyeing the gathering shadows as she narrows her big blue eyes. One hand falls to clutch the golden bracelet on her arm.

"Shadow Weaver?? You're dead!" She falters, then, and winces. "...Unless you're from earlier, too, like Catra. Dang it! What do -you- want?," the blonde teen demands. Honestly, this is the last thing she needs! She was still all broken up about Dark Glimmer, not to mention her usual thoughts about Catra!
Double Trouble Shadow Weaver emerges from the shadows a couple meters in front of Adora. It's almost like the shadows coalesced into her body. Her robes seem wispy and almost like shadows surrounding and obscuring her feet. Her hands are both clutched to her chest. "That hurts, Adora. I thought you'd be happier to see me, a familiar face in this magic-forsaken world," she says with that dark, raspy voice. She lets out a dramatic sigh and shakes her head, "You never did appreciate me."

There's a wave of her gloved hand and she goes on. "Catra and Glimmer told me you were here," she says. "I just had to see for myself."

While they're talking, an inky black serpent slithers out of the shadows behind Adora and starts to try and wind its way up and around her legs, attempting to bind her up.
Adora Rainbowfist Adora scowls at that and glances about the park, taking a step back. "Never apopreciated you? You can't be serious right now..."

And then the shadows begin to wind up and bind her legs, and she cries out. The bracelet on her hand transforms into the Sword and she raises it high as the darkness climbs. "FOR THE HONOR OF GREYSKULL!"

There is an explosion of light and color, and She-Re replaces the smaller blonde, cape wiping and hair fluttering. She swings the blade down to slice at the shadows.

"Back to your old tricks again?"
Double Trouble The serpent's attempt to entrap Adora is not foiled by her sword, but rather by her henshin. When she changes the burst of energy blows it off, and it dissipates into an almost shadowlike vapor that dissipates into the darkness. All the sword does is thunk down into the dark, shadowed dirt.

"Not at all. This world may be practically unmagical, but ''Dark Energy'' can do so many things. I have ''much better'' tricks now," Shadow Weaver says with an evil cackle. As she laughs she steps back and seems to turn into shadows and disappear. Her voice echoes through the woods. "Don't want to miss your bus now."

Just moments later there's loud sounds from down the path toward the bus stop: clanging metal, shattering glass, and screaming people.
Adora Rainbowfist She-Ra narrows her eyes at the mention of Dark Energy. "Great. So now you AND GLimmer are hopped up on that stuff. At least Catra is just mean by nature..."

And then Shadow Weaver vanishes and the sounds come from down the way. She crouches and then bounds off, soaring through the air with a huge long-jump. She covers hundreds of feet before she comes down with a thump at the bus stop, blade held tight as she looks about.
Double Trouble The scene before her when Adora arrives is nothing short of absolute mayhem. The center roof of the bus stop shelter has been absolutely crushed as if something was brought down on it hard from above. It's pretty obvious what: the twenty foot tall bipedal mechanical monster, which looks like it maybe used to be a bus. It could have easily stomped on the bus stop and done that.

There are people scrambling in every direction, many of them uncertain just what to do. One familiar black-haired girl in pink is screaming loudly as the huge monster seems to be chasing her, shouting loudly, "Join the public transit revolution!"

Dianora does not escape. The monster is just so big, and she's so small, she's simply not fast enough. It reaches down and grabs hold of her with it's massive, metal mitt, and then starts to lift her up to the bus-door maw near it' part. "Get on board with public transit," it bellows, as Dianora screams.
Adora Rainbowfist The Princess of Power surveys the scene with a frown, and she takes a deep breath.

"Everyone! Move quickly and orderly! I've got this, and you're going to be fine!" Her tone and stature is commanding, and she's an expert at dealing with a scared crowd. She moves towards the enormous monstrosity, helping people move away with one free hand, while wielding her blade in the other. Soon enough the area directly around the havok is cleared...except for Dianora and the monster!

"Swift Wind!," she calls out to the sky. In an instant there is a flutter of rainbow feathers, and the alicorn swoops down. She leaps upon his back in a smooth motion, his words about DIDSOMEONESAYSWIFTWIND? lost in the crash of chaos and the woosh of air.

They launch into the air, and she swings the Sword, running the blade along the ctreature's metallic forearm to drop Dianora before she gets too high.
Double Trouble A glowing blonde with a sword and long flowing blonde hair appears out of nowhere and tells the people to move quickly and orderly. They do not listen. At least, they don't listen to the orderly part. They were already entirely convinced of the quickly part. So, while it is a bit chaotic, in the end the stage is cleared of all the extras, and only the main cast remains for the little play that is to unfold.

Adora and Swift Wind slice through the air, her sword not just gouging but slicing an entire shaving of metal off of the arm. This sort of attack would normally sever the muscles and tendons that control the grip, but this monster is magical and made out of metal. It doesn't ''have'' muscles and tendons that control its grip. Unfortunately, with nearly half the material removed from it's arm, it also doesn't have the structural integrity to hold it up.

What remains of the arm with a grip on Dianora starts to creak under the strain and suddenly bends away from the bus. The hand goes plummeting down toward the ground from nearly twenty feet up. Dianora screams some more.
Adora Rainbowfist Swift Wind acts quickly, of course. He swoops down and Adora reaches out, swiping quickly to remove the 'thumb' as Dianora plummets. Mid-fall, the skilled hero reaches into the closed fist to pull the small girl from it, unceremoniously tossing her over one shoulder like she were a fireman. Well, that's the plan, anyways!

If she manages that she flies away about twenty feet and the alicorn clatters to the ground. "You need to get to safety!," the blonde says in a serious tone.
Double Trouble The bus-monster is confused and kind of stuck as it's heavy fist is on the ground and its arm won't lift it up. Adora has no trouble retrieving Dianora, who keeps screaming until Adora sets her down. She looks up at the giant blonde girl on the magnificent alicorn and her eyes get so wide. Anime wide. Puss'n'Boots wide.

"Thank you!! Who ''are'' you?!" She just stares up at the pretty princess who saved her with this utter adoration on her face. And then that amazon of justice tells her to get to safety, and so she does! She's a good girl. She can follow life-saving instructions! She turns and scurries away into the woods, only to turn around and watch from a safer distance.

The fight is not over yet.

The bus-monster reaches across it's body with it's other hand and grabs ahold of it's upper arm, and then lets out a loud, mechanical scream. It sounds like a thousand engines roaring at too many RPMs and all at a different pitch. It rips the entire other arm clean off and then wields it like a weapon. It says, "Grab the best ride in town!"

Then it starts to swing the arm around like a flail and starts to bound toward Adora. Just a few long strides and it'll close in on her. The fist comes swinging around toward her and the monster says, "Hop on a journey with a bus ride!"
Adora Rainbowfist She-Ra is about to reply to Dianora when the thing roars, and then the girl is scampering off like she told her too. She takes a deep breath and turns her full attention back to the behemoth of metal and magic, and she twirls the Sword once to get her head back in the game.

Swift Wind acts without command, as they'd had a few years of training together back on Etheria during the War. He loops and rolls as he moves towards the charging beast, meeting it head-on. Well, not quite...

The alicorn ducks to one side, and She-Ra swings again, trying to cut the other wrist as hard as she can, before another swift slash is directed at the creature's face as she vaults passed! Stupid Shadow Weaver with her new magic!
Double Trouble The youma is big, not fast, so it is easy for She-Ra and Swift Wind to dodge its attack. Her blade is magically sharp and slices right thru the monster's wrist, sending its hand and wielded arm-weapon flying to the ground. This is nothing compared to fighting horde drones, and She-Ra's next slash goes right thru its face.

Most monsters that would be a killing blow, and this one is no exception. It's just that rather than suffering some wound and bleeding out like a creature might, or turning to ash like some youma, this one just collapses to the ground like a pile of, well, bus remains. When it makes the last creak, the mess of former youma honestly looks more or less like a bus that got severely wrecked, with it's side peeled off. Somehow.

Cheers erupt from the woods and a flash of pink comes running out toward She-Ra and Swift Wind. It's Dianora. "You saved us!!"
Adora Rainbowfist The alicorn circles a few times so she can survey the battlefield to make sure it is actually over. Only then does she descend. She pets Swift Wind and then glances over at the approaching girl.

"I hope you're safe, fair miden!," says Swift Wind, posing heroically as She-Ra rolls her eyes. The large blonde climbs off and offers the girl a smile. "Thanks for listening. You'd be surprised how many people don't. You asked for my name earlier, right?"

"This is She-Ra, the Princess of Power! And I am her faithful steed, Swift Wind!"

"...Yeah, that."
Double Trouble There's a murmur of ''She-Ra'' through the crowd as they start to emerge from the woods after Dianora. Most of them won't remember the giant bus monster or the magical blonde sword girl, but they'll remember that name for some reason.

Dianora leaps at She-Ra to give her a hug, and ends up hugging her shin. Dianora's smol and She-Ra is not. "Thank you so much, She-Ra! You're my new hero!"

The little girl lets go and then looks back and forth, a little perplexed. The bus is heap of scrap. The bus ''station'' is a heap of scrap. The pavement is all torn up. It's a disaster area.

Her finger comes up and taps her lips. "Well, how am I going to get back to the Academy now?" She asks no-one in particular.
Adora Rainbowfist SHe-Ra chuckles softly. "Feel like giving her a ride, Swifty?"

Swift Wind strikes another pose and whips his mane back. "Of course! Come on, kiddo! Let's fly! Want me to do some loop-de-loops?," the alicorn asks hopefully.

The Princess reaches down to pick the girl up and lifts her, placing her on the back of the alicorn before she climbs on behind her, making sure she's safe and in place. She raises a hand to wave to the people who will forget, and he kicks into the air, heading back towards the School!
Double Trouble Dianora's eyes go big. "''Loop-de-loops''?! Yes, please! I love roller coasters!" Pretty and pink and loves roller coasters. She's obviously a chaos demon, even if she ''is'' perfectly innocent and beyond all reproach.

She's hoisted up onto Swift Wind's back and then they take off. She lets out a gleeful, "Wheeee!"

This was a much better way to get back to the Academy than the bus.