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ID State Owner Title Description
1505 Finished Double Trouble Break a Leg Double Trouble goes out as Sunbreaker to try and make some enemies and get her in trouble so that she'll maybe pay more attention to the important things in life: them. They come across Ginga Kingu having just defeated a youma, and see the perfect opportunity, biting off more than they can chew. Their performance is a crushing success.
1391 Finished Double Trouble Critical Failure at the Waterworks Dianora darkens Ami's dorm-step with a simple request: get one question wrong on one test so that Hinoiri can be better than her just once. Unfortunately, Ami has boundaries and is good at enforcing them. Dianora tries to deploy the waterworks, but she's no match for the water senshi.
1272 Finished Double Trouble A Break For Reptiles In their guise as Shiori, Double Trouble drags Hinoiri off on a date to the zoo to get her away from her obsessive studying. There's daydreaming about the future, daydreaming about each other, and daydreaming about chameleons. And then they go looking for bugs.
980 Finished Double Trouble Three Dog Moon Posing as Shadow Weaver, Double Trouble summons a giant dusk zone cerberus above the pond in Penguin Park and lets it rampage toward the playground full of children. Then, when the magical girls inevitably show up to save the day, they pose as Dianora and let them rescue her, plan a sleep over, and start a search for her missing roommate. It's really nice when a plan works out perfectly.
770 Finished Double Trouble Unpause the Sneeze Double Trouble has been a little too busy to notice that their roommate got a girlfriend. So when they find out, well, they freak out in the most adorable way that only Dianora could. There is screaming. There is (pillow) fighting. And so. Many. Feelings.
672 Finished Double Trouble Dianora Needs Rescuing Episode 672: Stop, Drop, and Take a Ride Shadow Weaver mysteriously appears in the woods to harass Adora on her way to the bus. But the bus was turned into a youma, and the youma has captured Dianora! She-Ra and Swift Wind save the day, leaving their trademark pile of rubble behind, and take Dianora home to the Academy.
553 Finished Double Trouble You Come Here Often? Dianora is lost in a not-so-savory part of Tokyo and happens upon a food stall where an oddly familiar American girl is eating her chicken donburi. It doesn't take them all that long to recognize one another, and make more plans for mischief. Watch out Adora!
452 Finished Double Trouble Us Foreigners Need To Stick Together Dianora spots Adora in the cafeteria at dinnertime and introduces herself, quickly making friends with our fair heroine and setting the stage for future mischief. Double Trouble really does love messing around with Adora and Catra.
402 Finished Double Trouble Definitely Not Naru Double Trouble shows up at Naru's & Usagi's room for their debut performance as Naru Osaka. It does not go well. What kind of girl has a pre-determined test for if their roommate is an impostor?!
393 Finished Double Trouble Preparing to Take the Stage Double Trouble arrives at the secret mountain cabin where Hinoiri has Naru stashed. They've got one conversation to learn enough about Naru to pretend to be her, so they're honest and appeal to Naru's better nature. They find her to be surprisingly cooperative with the plan. It almost makes them feel _bad_ about how they have to leave her at the end.
369 Finished Double Trouble Chameleon meets Cat
334 Finished Double Trouble 2 Cute 4 U
316 Finished Double Trouble Trouble on the Double
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