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ID State Owner Title Description
1309 Paused Iona Hikawa
1107 Paused Iona Hikawa The Precards can do that too!?
1037 Finished Iona Hikawa A lazy encounter in a painted sea Cure Fortune and Trager des Blauer Greif investigate some worrying rumours, but their good intentions are quickly put to a stop when Namakelder shows up with a Terribad out of one of the abductees. Despite being able to stop the General of the Phantom Empire, their attacks upset the magic enough to get them kicked out. Better have a plan for a second tentative.
766 Paused Iona Hikawa
751 Finished Iona Hikawa The Rose and the Star Two new RHA students enter RHA at the same time and are left to their own devices when it comes to orientating themselves on the school premises.
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